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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Half and Half


I did watch 1/2 the week! I was so interested in why Cyrus would cut his hair I had to tune in. Not really sure that came in the form of a concrete answer other than his desire to "transform" (literally and figuratively) into the leader of the band. 

Not going to be long or painful this week so have a seat and let me ramble! 

BIG REVEAL OF THE WEEK:  So, it appears that Cyrus Renault, Bible Boy of Western New York, is at least one of the bosses behind "Pikeman". Pikeman is a company so...I'm not convinced he's THE head honcho. That's not to say he couldn't be but something is off. Maybe that's because of the writer's strike and maybe it's because "HE" was always a "SHE" until recently. Oh those pesky pronouns!!! LOL. Anyway, Austin had a big speech about his childhood and how Cyrus would come around and make his mom "smile" (hmmm... interesting). THEN there's the thing about those two having the same damn haircut. Um.. are they SUPPOSED to look alike? Did Jimmy Lee Holt's wife step out on him? Was that first DNA test a fake?? Add into the mix that Mason was going to go 'meet' with someone and was never shown again. We shall see. 

BIGGER REVEAL OF THE WEEK: OH HOLY MOLY! I started watching again on the right day or what!!?? AUSTIN SAVED NIKOLAS and he knows he's alive??? Finally Austin gets interesting!! 

PASTA OF THE WEEK: I think I missed the whole Robert and Anna sequence but I did like the Sonny-Italian meal thing. Mo and Finola have a natural charm to them and it shows. They talk so much about the shooting and arson it could get boring but it didn't. Plus that pasta looked great. 

SPRINA OF THE WEEK:  Hey, these two got together and spent some time chatting in the Gallery. Then Spencer got a call from Esme the Albatross to about dinner. :eyeroll: He left. Portia then took his place and cried about Curtis---again. She had JUST cried about Curtis to Ava. I don't think she gets much doctoring done at GH given the way she's talking and then visiting Curtis 24-7.

DESPERATION OF THE WEEK: Gladys needs money for Wu and for Dr Mean. She has to get her Deception stock and sell some. But..... guess what!? The company is being sued for patent stealing (or something like that) and their assets are frozen. Whoopsie. 

COO-COO OF THE WEEK:  Cody, trying to act all nutty to get in to 'save' Sasha. Mac is like: Give it up..not happening. Then Cody brow-beats Sam (who's trapped in that smelly house with him) into gaining power of attorney so he can be committed. Which is a little baffling because I have NO idea how someone can  just say "Oh, yeah, commit him". But, it's a soap so I'll shut up. 

WU OF THE WEEK: In a surprisingly entertaining scene of the week, Marshall tells Wu she's outta Da Club. Selina reacts with a chilling smile and a promise to find some dirt on Hat Daddy. Here's hoping Wu sets up her own gambling/bar empire. I think they missed a step here because her running The Savoy would have been perfect. Oh well, we can't have nice things! 

CINEMATOGRAPHY OF THE WEEK: Come on.. who can't see this?? LOL. It's so poetic. 

UGH OF THE WEEK: That's all.. just.. ugh. Go protect your immune system off camera. Thanks. 


Felicia files for a new job; patient advocate at GH 

Cyrus gets Sonny's fake computer information from Austin

Austin knows Nikolas is alive 

Cody convinces Sam to let him be "crazy" and get into Shadybrook

Tracey is giddy that Deception might tank

Gladys is desperate for money and Deception's assets are frozen

Marshall tells Wu to clear out of The Savoy

Anna is suspicious of Valentin

Nina gets a necklace from Sonny and sets a winter wedding date

Carly's blazer visits Drew in jail. 

Carly sees Dex in jail visiting Book. 

Jordan visits Curtis in rehab; hottie new PT guy notices her. 

Greg tells Elizabeth about his ALS. Still hasn't told Chase 

Molly chooses their surrogate. Krissy is angry it's not her

Brook Lynn lays into Tracey. Tracey just laughs 

They spent more money on this set (and on extras) than I've seen in a long time!! I guess it has to be like this because it's visitors central lately!! So, that's a wrap. I left a lot out but you'll get the idea of what the show was last week. They are moving way slow on the Shooting/Fire thing (all talk no action) and I'm already sick of Curtis in the wheelchair. Some scenes are still awkward and the dialog can be spot on or all over the place. This writer's strike has lasted longer than the last one and I'm wondering where this will all lead. 

Who knows if I'll make more shows next week! SO hard to believe it's the last week before school starts up again. My schedule is pretty tight and I'm going into a UPK as well. OH! And..I'm going to England at the end of September. I'd love to just buy a place over there!! 


  1. Obviously, Jeff Coburn wanted to cut his hair so they had to work it into the story line.

    1. And, I bet Cyrus is going to be Austin's Dad

    2. Finola does have chemistry with everyone, and when Mo is not boring me, he sometimes does show that "old charm" that used to get me with his good looks and dimples.

    3. Not Kolber either, zazu... Jeff Kober

    4. Sorry I couldn't remember the actors last name

    5. No sorry. I just love him but guess my finger wanted an "L" in there. LOL

  2. Could Tracy be working with Skye to bring down Deception? Skye was on All My Children with Jackson Montgomery?

  3. Great Sunday Surgery, Karen. Loved "The albatross" comment. It will definitely be my name for her from now on. lol

    I know Tracy hates Lucy but everyone seems to have forgotten that ruining Deception will also bankrupt Maxie and destroy her business.

    I would definitely like to see MS Wu in charge of her own place, be it The Savoy or another club. We need more of her spark on the screen and less of the whiny ones.

    P.S. Given what Krissy told Willow about Molly I can see why Molly wants to keep her out of all of her private conversations. YIKES!

  4. Great SS! Thanks. Half a good week is better than none.
    Somehow Sam should be committed. At least she knows what she's doing. Cody is just a hot head.
    Good stuff with Cyrus/Austin. He's had that long hair for a long time. I really hope that MC will be Nikolas but probably not. He and KS have a great thing going. If you haven't seen any "2 Dicks" videos I do recommend.
    Worst story is the surrogate squeaking. And it will go long. With the boo-hoo Curtis story coming in a close second.
    Enjoy the weekend. Summer is almost gone. YAY!

  5. -----I don't mind they changed the boss from she to he cause it's Cyrus who has a connection with Austin BUT Ned DID have the DNA test to prove Austin was Jimmy Lee's kid, so IF Cyrus is his dad, then they better have a flashback of Brad or someone changing the DNA results.......................maybe Cyrus is his uncle??
    --------I don't even acknowledge Molly, Kristina, TJ + everyone in that stupid storyline HATE IT!
    -------I need a REALLY good reason for Tracy to want to destroy Deception, like REALLY good-------------make it interesting and fun - lots of Luke mentioning this week
    ------still think Lulu wakes up by Christmas....too much mentioning of her
    ------Sam is an idiot ---------and to repeat my earlier comments - WHERE IS SPINELLI and why isn't Sam acting like a PI?
    -----I love Felicia so I am not even mad about her storyline - must mean something down the road for patients but you can't complete an application and boom hired without the degree.....
    ------I agree with others -I am not sure Gregory is gonna die down the road
    -------WHO will Ava get with down the road????? when Austin is gone, cause he will have to eventually leave the show right? Now that Cyrus is involved = can't just kill Mason
    ------I am SO ready for Nina's world to come crashing down ---------
    ---------SO much potential for good things coming up --------------------if the writers don't screw it up.

  6. "I was so interested in why Cyrus would cut his hair I had to tune in."

    Yeah I'm not sure why he cut his hair.

    "Not really sure that came in the form of a concrete answer other than his desire to "transform" (literally and figuratively) into the leader of the band."

    Leader of the band! Hahahahahaha! Actually he does look good with his hair short. I wonder if he will grow his hair long again eventually.

    "Did Jimmy Lee Holt's wife step out on him? Was that first DNA test a fake??"

    Great questions! I want to know more!!!

    "Add into the mix that Mason was going to go 'meet' with someone and was never shown again. We shall see."

    Yeah who the heck was that he was meeting?!

    "CINEMATOGRAPHY OF THE WEEK: Come on.. who can't see this?? LOL. It's so poetic."

    Hahahahaha I never noticed that! Hysterical!!!! :D

    "UGH OF THE WEEK: That's all.. just.. ugh. Go protect your immune system off camera." Thanks.

    Yeah tell me about it!

    "Felicia files for a new job; patient advocate at GH"

    Meh I rather have her go on adventures!

  7. Stupid that Felicia is working at the hospital. All because Mac said she can't work at the police station and should "volunteer" at the hospital. Sexist and stupid IMO

  8. Walt Willey’s Jackson Montgomery will be returning to “General Hospital” in episodes airing Tuesday, Aug. 29, and Wednesday, Aug. 30.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...