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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Did I Blink and Miss Sweeps?

I'm late !! It's I missed part of the show. Not sure it matters? I see twitter says it's mostly all Nell and not a lot of JaSam. 

Sam is in active labor at the bottom of the ravine. Sam says something's wrong with the baby, she can tell.  The ambulance is taking an age. Jason has to deliver the baby--head is out. She's yelling, he's low talking (seriously had no clue what he was saying). She pushes.  Baby is out, baby's not breathing. Jason gives her mouth to mouth. Baby is breathing. Sam passes out. 

Carly's all upset in Nell's apartment. Sonny comes in just as she's leaving. She says "Let's talk" She says stuff then "you are screwing Nell". 

Bobbie and Nell.. Bobbie knows she's from Florida. And Bobbie tells her she knows she had an affair with Sonny.  Bobbie just yelled at her-- and Nell cried.  Nell leaves and goes to find Michael at GH 

Boardroom stuff, Tracy's trying to stall with paperwork stuff.  Hammy Finn sold his drug patent to get the money for the hospital. He saved the hospital! 

Julian is still handcuffed to the radiator-- yawn..Olivia is yapping away.  She finds out that the hospital didn't sell. Will she kill Julian? YAWN.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Key Under Mat

So I guess on Friday, Olivia took Sam's cell phone and put it in Alexis' purse when I wasn't looking LOL. 

Julian is handcuffed/hooded in Olivia's room until she can "find out if the hospital is sold to her". She tells him that Sam fell off the bridge after she attacked her-- he doesn't believe Sam attacked OJ. 

Jason shows a pic of Olivia to Alexis. He tells her that her "sponsor" is really Olivia Jerome. 

Sonny wants to renew their vows and have Griffin do it. OPEN MOUTHED SNORING. 
Later, Sonny asks Griffin to officiate and Griff says "is it because you feel guilty about sleeping with that woman when you were broken up"? 

Nell deletes the Sonny audio file in the computer, now has to get the zip drive she sent to Carly. .  She shows up in Carly's office looking for the envelope but finds out that Bobbie took the mail home to organize it for Carly.  

Board meeting: Still waiting for Laura. Tracy's stalling. Dr. O walks in, she's a proxy voter in case of a tie. Dr. O voted in favor to sell the hospital. (see below) 

Hayden and Finn talk about his addiction. Again. Zzzzzzzz. 
Finn leaves and goes to meet the company rep about the cure-he doesn't want to sell it to a greedy pharm out to fleece money from 3rd would countries. Tells them to go to hell. Guy offers a TON of money. I think Finn will sell the cure to get money to buy the hospital. 

Felicia meets Bobbie at the coffee shop. She tells Bobbie off camera what she found out. Next time, Bobbie's sitting with Carly telling her the "S" on the card of Nell's flowers stands for "Sonny". OMG Is this all for the Sonny crap to come out and not the Nell backstory? I will be so mad.
NOPE! It's all about the Sonny affair. YAWN. Bobbie said Felicia found out in Atlanta from one of Nell's friends she was having an affair with 'the bosses hubby".
BUT! Carly doesn't believe it and she's off to prove Her wrong!! 

At the end, Carly goes into Nell's apt (finds the key under the MAT for F sake) and sees on Nell's computer that "Sonny's audio file has been deleted" -- just when Nell finds the envelope at the Metro.  Carly finds the zip drive in the wastebasket and plays it and hears Sonny say they slept together. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday Surgery: A Bridge Too Far

WELP. Here we are-- what has the Olivia Jerome story boiled down to? A damsel in distress laying at the bottom of a ravine, waiting for her hero to arrive. You'd think that in 2017 someone could have come up with something more exciting and detailed. 

I'm back for this week anyway--and I'm not holding back!! So let's go . Breakfast needs to be hearty because it might be awhile. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Baby Clothes

Sam.."if we get through the night, we'll be ok"... She tries to climb up the ravine. Falls back down

Jason and Curtis breaking into Olivia's giant ass'd above ground crypt.  Grave is empty.

Laura's on.  The British guy put something in her stop her from voting in the GH thing.  She's in the GH parking lot and passes out in the car.

Tracy and Lucy...yabbin about the hospital closing.

Finn and his addiction. yada yada... Finn told Hayden he loves her...she says unless you go to rehab we are done.

Val tells Nina he doesn't want Anna charged. He tells Nina he loves HER and only HER. He doesn't love Anna.

Robin and Anna.  YEAH~~~ Robin tells Anna she's pregnant!! Oh how I love that these 2 grew together on canvas!!

Alexis and OJ meet-- Alexis tells her all about the key Julian gave her and the letter in the safety deposit box.  Olivia is mad-- she wants Alexis to promise that she'll let her come to the bank with her if she wants to read it.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I'm Gonna Get Off the Junk, Roxie

Finn used the jet to go get illegal pharmaceuticals which he bring to the hotel room.  Griffin tells Hayden he thinks Silas is an addict. 

Curtis and Nina 'Catch Up" at the Metro. Remember when they were friends.  They are just using exposition to let everyone know about Nina's wedding. Yada yada. I guess they needed filler. 

Olivia still has Sam on the bridge. She wants to stash her until she hears from Jules about the hospital. Sam figures out that OJ planted the bomb in Julian's car and killed Morgan. Really basic writing, imo. Just not compelling. Sam fakes a labor pain then they struggle for the gun.Struggle Struggle. Sam punches Olivia. Olivia lunges. Sam falls over the side...slides down the bank. 

Jason and Robin talk in GH-- and she tells him about Anna.  He asks her about Olivia Jerome. She says she hates her mother because of Duke and hates Julian because he killed him. Jason looks worried.  He figures out that Olivia is alive. 

Anna is wobbly. Val comes in "Can I catch you again"?? She said she was told that SHE ordered Valentin's assassination at the WSB but she doesn't remember it at all. She wants him to tell her.  Anna says "I think it was so horrible I blocked it out".  They of course, don't talk about it. He leaves. Robin and Griffin tell her that she can't really return to work as a police person or spy because she can't risk getting hurt with her condition. Anna's pissed. 

Jules is in the bar. A guy from the GH board comes in. Says there's a snag in selling the hospital to Jules' client. He threatens the guy to make sure that the sale goes through. 

NOTE: Nina calls the cops on Anna to report that she broke in to Wyndemere last night. Some cops arrests her. 

Also-- Robin said "OH BROTHER" to Griffin in a weird tone-- and the rumor has it Anna blocked out his birth?? 
Who knows. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Baby Blanket

Mickey and Noodle are still stuck in the cabin... zzzzzzz. They didn't kiss. Maybe they are related. I wish this story would hurry the F up.  Nelle is trying to "keep people away so she doesn't get hurt". 

In the car with Sam and Olivia J... Sam sees the "reincarnation" symbol that is on the mirror. Asian talk.  Sam gets wary.  She asks to get out to use the bathroom the bridge (?) where her "Friend" supposedly lives. She tries to call Jason. Olivia comes up behind her and takes her phone.  Then, she pulls out a gun. 

Monica gives Jason a blanket Lila knitted for him when he was a toddler. "Lila always knew you belonged in this family". That was such a good story! Monica and Susan both PG--AJ and Jason born. Susan killed. WOW. 

Hayden, Tracy and Monica -- looks like Hayden may have saved things by getting people to buy into it. That's why the whole Q family is trying to buy it up. 

Ava and Julian. Ava's been in prison like 4 times. Great--this is so boring.  He's going to tell her the Truth...BUTTTTT BUT.... Get this. Olivia send him a pic of she and Sam in the car.  SO he doesn't. Ava gets mad and says "You're dead to me". 

Jason and Sonny figure out Olivia J could still be alive.  They are going to check it out. 

NOTE: The envelope that Nell sent to Carly is sitting on top of her desk at the Metro. Bobbie was in there snooping. Carly came in and left without looking at her mail. Bobbie is talking to Felicia on the phone show seems to have found out something about Nell. not sure what yet. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blizzard Warning

So... Ned meets with Dante and tells him Olivia  said no and ran. Olivia is in Floating Jake's with Jules. Jules is basically telling everyone 'goodbye' one way or another. 

Mikey and Noodle are in the cabin stuck--in the blizzard. Welp. This should be exciting. Right? They'll braid each other's hair... do their nails..... have marshmallows. Riveting. OMG there is an old deep copper tub at the place. Ugh. 

Curtis is trying to make Jordan jelly with Grace. He and Jordan gab about Maddox. They really just don't write well for them, imo. They are just so isolated as a couple. 

Sam is in the parking garage know nothing happens that's GOOD in a parking garage, right? Olivia Jerome is there too. Robin stops to talk to Sam--

 and OMG a great flashback of Robin and  Olivia!! WOW..Robin has to be..about 9?? Cheryl was in the shower-- so it had to be the 80's. COOL!! 

So, Sam goes into GH..talks to Lucas, sees her doc off camera, comes back to the car. Olivia knocks on her window just as she's about to leave.  Sam has 'car trouble' . Olivia says she'll drive her. Since Sam thinks she's Alexis' sponsor she says ok. 

Sonny and Jason...just talking -- blah blah... Then Robin appears and it's ok!  Jason leaves to go find Sam. Robin tells Sonny about Anna having cancer.  Then they talk about Morgan. Robin mentions Olivia Jerome. 

Later at Floating Rib, Ned comes in and he and Olivia talk about getting married.  Ned finally leaves and says "I'll just go work on myself for awhile until you say yes"....

Monday, February 20, 2017

Cabin In the Woods

I see Sonny's outta the house. Of course he's off the hook! Now they can concentrate ALL their time on the Morgan bomb (yeah, not).

Sam and Alexis--Loved Sam's sweater. 

Good old fashioned soapy soap stuff right here but for me? The actress/writing just doesn't cut it. The vixen needs to be smoldering, simmering and a spitfire. That or a low-burner of pent up seduction. Nelle is neither. Bland, blah...ugh. It was a slow start, and the entire kidney thing is lost in all of this mess.
Cabin in the woods-- what's going to happen there? Hmmmm. Last time Michael went into a cabin he bashed Claudia's head in. 

 Oh..Ava's been arrested for the bombing. Got it. Didn't see how that happened, but I learned today that she's in jail! 

The whole hospital thing. I do like the fact the Q's are having family meetings and that Ned might buy it with L&B Records money.  I had wondered if we'd ever see Olivia F and Nedly again. So yeah! 

Finn's on going addiction is such a weak link. Isn't there enough stuff going on-- ??  Is Sonny just going to get him Vicodin? Thought Sonny didn't deal drugs? 

Hospitals can't just not staff-- you'd have to call in the troops. I do believe it's a state law not to have X number of registered nurses on duty. BUT! What do I know?  Hayden doing everything is pretty funny as well. She just just started there, she was a major suspect in her Dad's thing but--let her save the hospital! 

ROBIN!  I do accept her popping in because it's organic and could happen. She comes in and doesn't linger and there's no "ROBIN'S BACK" fake notices going around. If KM wants to just visit, I'm ok with it.  I wish they'd make her pregnant on the show tho. She has the best bet of having a joyful birth since they live in CA. LOL. 

Anna's illness. Oh why. WHY WHY---the Val story was going along just fine. Now this. By the way, her cancer is a real kind. My childhood neighbor had something like that-- she had to have full transfusions for years. When she finally stopped, she passed ;( .  I tell you what though, on soaps, there is usually a reason for it. DNA testing -- you know finding out long lost relatives. See: Webber Sisters. 
Oh, just saw some gossip that it may be Olivia gaslighting Anna? Hmmmmm, that would be something. Hmmm.. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Tripped Up

So.. I was supposed to fly to England today but have had the flu so badly it's just not to be. This is so sad in so many ways! I was surprising my nieces for their birthday, going on a great 5 day trip ALONE to have a blast AND...getting out of the country for a bit. 
Oh I'm bitter. Plus, it's so cheap right now compared to after March 31st, it's not even funny.

That's the main reason I've been MIA--illness. I took 2 days off to get well... which obviously didn't work enough. Did you know that steroids can really stop swelling in your nasal passages? Wow-- the 'more aggressive' treatments are certainly awesome. Just too little too late! 

My GH watching was confined to yesterday-- and I did think the strike stuff was cute. I am also intrigued by Anna and Val-- I guess because of the actors involved. 

I wasn't going to do Sunday Surgery for 2 weeks (obviously) but maybe I will just miss this week and pick it up next. 

Have a great Friday. 

Monday, February 13, 2017


The nurses are going on one-- why not me? I'm getting ready for my week off and have way too much to do. 

BUT!! I have a great little show for you to binge if you want some soapy goodness that will make your toes curl!! It's called Dr. Foster and it's on Netflix now. It's a British prime time show (and they show skin lol) that's 5 episodes long. SO soapy..and so good. It even had me guessing and you know I know most soap plots! 

I'm also watching the Young Pope with Jude Law. What a bizarre ride THAT show is! Geesh-- it's very different and I really like it so far.  Law is really amazing.  This is running on HBO. 

And..that's that! I'll write a bit more at the end of the week before I leave for my adventure. 

Have a great Valentine's Day tomorrow

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Stand Off

Oh weary readers, there comes a time when it just all seems to fade away. Not sure if it's the state of the world lately or just my own lack of wonderment. GH this week was duller than most. A couple of good scenes with The Davis Girls couldn't even save it for me. When it came time for the great "Sonny and Ava Standoff 4,0" I just had to give up. I mean, seriously. It's bad enough when stories are repeated within 5-10 years but every year? Over and over? Nope.'s a recreation of Ava, Sonny and Jason in the gallery.  Watch all of it because you'll see Sonny's reaction at the very end. He ain't givin' up without da fight! 

I thought Olivia Jerome coming back would be good, but yet again it's drawn out and snooze worthy. Having her be Alexis' sponsor was ok, but you know she's gonna be all over Sam's baby. Just what we need..peril with a newborn.   Lulu was at it again with Charlotte-- until Charlotte told her to get lost. Lulu then went and cried to Mama at the Metro.  

Next week the nurses plan a strike because Hayden has to lay off people to save the hospital which is going to be taken over by Olivia Jerome.  Maybe they are the #Resistance ? Protests protests everywhere!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Curtis and Jordan sparing again in the police office. He says he can't be "just friends" and walks out...and then Maddox is standing there. 

Alexis and Sam at the lakehouse. Alexis is going to tell the girls (Molly/Krissy) the whole truth.  They come in ready to celebrate. Bring champagne and cider. They chatter, not letting Alexis talk. Finally she tells them she's an alcoholic.  Krissy gets a little angry. Alexis explains her drinking history.  Kristina refuses to tell Alexis she forgives her. She thinks all the stuff she did was selfish. Broke up her and Parker. She storms out. Sam tells Alexis to call her sponsor. 

Jason and Julian at GH. Olivia J walks out of the elevator right past Jason. Then Olivia and Jules talk in a room about him killing people and her getting GH.  She finally tells Julian she hates him because he killed the 'only man she ever loved' (Duke) Which is ancient history and she's deluded. 

Carly comes home to find Dante looking for Sonny. Jason arrives and figures out that Sonny is at Ava's. 

"Cops can't help ya one can help ya now" says Sonny to Ava.  She thinks he's taking about her switching his meds, so she starts saying she didn't mean for it to 'get that far' and HE says" THE BOMB. Meaning she stops herself.  He yells at her, gets her gun from her purse and points it. Yada yada, usually Sonny crap and Jason walks in. 

Later, Curtis and Hayden meet up in Jake's by accident. They talk about Jordan. Remember when they used to be friends? they were you know.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Little Buzz

Sorry, I had a meeting yesterday at 2...came home with a migraine which was obviously weather related..


Laura has a nightmare while sleeping with Kevin.  She dreamed that she shot Valentin before he could shoot Nikolas.

Anna's trying to find the file on Ivan/Val.  Griffin comes in. Exposition.  She feels like she led Val on. She also has a migraine. 

JaSam are at Dr. Kelly' has irregular heartbeat. She said it's just something to keep an eye on. 

Curtis goes to the art gallery to talk to Ava. Tells her he's a private eye. BUT he's only there to buy art. He came in because "he has an inheritance" . He talks art with Ava. She thinks he really DOES know his art and is going to buy something. Oh, they sizzle.  He thinks Jason is off track about the blonde lady. 

Sonny has the ESPN guy doing stuff because he thinks Jason isn't telling him the whole truth. (to protect him from going after Julian I guess).  He sees a blonde walking into the shop.  Sonny's going to think the blonde was Ava...? He heard Julian say "I'm tired of living in fear of my own sister". So, Sonny leaves the house and goes to Ava's gallery because? He's gonna kill her. *SIGH*  AGAIN he's going to kill her. 
Good Gravy. 

Maxie called Lulu to Crimson while Charlotte was alone in Nina's office.  The kid hates her. LOL that little girl plays such a great brat. She screams "Shut up" to Lulu. Nina comes back and Chalotte tells her to get rid of Lulu.  After Lulu leaves, Nina figures out Maxie told her Charlotte was there and she FIRES HER!! 

Jordan is talking to Dante about going to Baltimore to find Buzz...and Buzz walks through the door!! 
Ironically, Sonny breaks house arrest when Buzz' statement is going to save him

Monday, February 6, 2017

Pink Gift Bag Bra Holder

This is Aiden, btw...

Friz are in the afterglow. Liz wants to get to work, Franco is all shy about letting people know they are together. She says she wants people to know. Same convo as last 2 times. Aiden runs in and says Grandma dropped them off. He sees Franco in bed. Asks if he's hurt. Then goes to get Waffles. 

Carly runs into Finn and he flashbacks to when they talk about Sonny getting drugs for him (the cure).  He's all crampy--needs Vicodin. Only has 5 left.  Later, he takes some and Brad catches him. brad is trying to get his money when LUCAS walks up behind him! BRUCAS SCENE! 

Felicia goes to see Nell to help her redecorate.  She asks about her past..and about her boyfriend that sent the flowers. When Nell goes into the bedroom, Felicia snoops and finds Nell's lacy bra in a pink bag.  Carly ends up calling her and telling her to get to Sonny's-- she notices the bag turned over. 

Jason goes to Sonny's..Sam has to go to the safe!  Danny's "asleep' upstairs. Geesh, GH certainly doesn't pay anything to have the kids on.  Sam doesn't want to go, she wants to stay at Sonny's. 

Hayden wants Michael to help her with the 'hospital transition".  She has to get the hospital's budget balanced.  She got Michael on the board.  Hayden says the only way to save it is to cut staff across the board, including nurses. 

Curtis follows Julian, Julian goes to see Olivia at a..Chinese Medicine shop. He can't see them in there though, blinds are drawn. She tells Jules that she wants to make him suffer for "murdering" her so long ago. (He did, I saw it). She also wants to buy GH to build Condos. 
Curtis calls Jason to get down there! 
They sit in the car and wait. 

Much later, Carly invites Nelle over to Sonny's to do some foundation stuff with her. Sonny's not happy. He thinks Diane should do it. Carly says no.  Nelle goes upstairs and is going to leave her bra (the lacy one Flea found) in there. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Snow Patrol

No I don't have any boots but I can't feel my feet anymore so it doesn't matter. 

One set got giant use this seemed they wanted people to walk out into the snow and just chit-chat about everything! 

Hey, happy Super Bowl Day. My sole purpose for watching are having some snacks.  So I think for breakfast I will grab some oatmeal. Being good. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Sponsor, My Sponsor

Franco wants to take their relationship public ..Liz says ok. He's worried how people will react She says she can take whatever the dish out.  Boring. Sorry if you're a Friz fan. 

Joss still looking for more photos. 

Bobbie called Felicia yesterday as the one to take a look into Nelle's background. She shows up to the Metro and Nelle is delivered flowers.  Felicia goes fishing on Nelle and gives her info. She tells Nelle how 'bad' Bobbie is. LOL and Nelle is eating it up.  Felicia then says that she's an interior decorator and wants to do Nelle's apt for free. Nelle says SURE! 

Alexis sees Olivia J and wonders what's going on. She doesn't know Olivia. That was way before. BUT! Get this!! Olivia is Alexis' sponsor from AA! Oh my gosh, how hysterical.  Alexis has opened up to her about her life. 

Sonny and Jason and Curtis mobular crap is SO BORING!!!!!! so boring!!!!! 

Ok, I had to go at 2:37 because I'm just too tired for this. I'll finish it later. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Snail Mail Day

Maddox and Jordan. She was going to tell him about kissing Curtis but Curtis launches in on how he shouldn't have been jelly she was going and that he loves her..yada yada. She says "I choose you".

Carly's all mad that Jason/Sam and Sonny left her out of their plan! You can see it on her face. She questions them up and down about it.  They tell her about the PLAN.
BTW-- Sam looks like she's going to be giving birth any second. 

Julian tells Alexis he's leaving. He said he wanted to get her sober and she is. He's also never bringing up her hitting him with the car.  Alexis leaves. Julian goes to get out the door and Olivia Jerome is standing there. 

Alexis goes to see Franco-- she tells him she "owes him" because he didn't turn her in.  She runs into Sam. Sam tells her Sonny and Jason "broke up" and she is going away on 'vacation' (to the safe house) and to be careful around Julian. 

Ned asks Olivia to move in--she hesitates. She and Carly talk about it later, standing in the snow in their high heels, I kid you not. Carly thinks Ned wants to marry Olivia.  Then, Dillon tells Ned he should marry Olivia. 

END: Alexis walks in on Olivia and Julian 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Nelle is crying in the park, talking to her baby rattle. Michael comes up and tries to talk with her about the guy she's dating. "He might be married".  She says that's how she wants it. Then she goes to pick up the photos from Sonny's that Carly was working on.  (see below)

Bobbie comes with Carly to Sonny's house. He's being handcuffed. Sonny says he's being transported to GH for some 'tests'. We know he's going to meet up with Jason. 
Carly and Bobbie talk about the past and Carly's adoptive parents. They laugh about Carly 'ruining Bobbie's life" so long ago. 
So, Nelle comes in and reacts to Carly talking about Frank Benson, Carly's adoptive father. Her eyes get really big. Bobbie sees her reaction.  Nelle looks at a photo of Carly as a baby and she's holding the rattle that Nelle has.
Bobbie compares Nelle to a cat. 

Julian has his PT. Sam comes out and yells at him. Sonny shows up and asks Griff if he can wait in Jason's room. "Jason is afaid of hospitals". DERP. Oh, they are making up a convo for Julian to "Overhear" in the hallway. Jason says "I'm done investigating the bombing". (Fake)  They are trying to make Julian think they are in a fight and Jason's not working with him anymore. 

Nina is bitching at Anna at Anna's house. "You're obsessed with Valentin"...NO! Anna says, "he's obsessed with ME"! Neener Neener. Nina makes Anna feel guilty when she sees Val's old grotesque photo on her computer. Says Anna is shallow and a bad person. Anna cries. Nina leaves.

Lulu is metting Val in the bar to talk about custody arrangements  Valentin says he is not giving joint custody and he won't go to therapy.  I bet he won't go because of his past, btw. Lulu flips out and yells--yada yada..You'll never win this fight!!
Great...a custody battle.

Yeah, said no one ever. 


  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...