So, a bit of a different week in that Carly was only on ONE day and there were other stories on the move with little twists and turns. I was entertained and happy. Can't get much more than that! SO much character interaction between stories and I love a good soapy tapestry.
Hang on to your lipstick and lets get going!
CORPORATE PARTY OF THE WEEK: I don't know about you but the Deception party just snuck right up o us?? One day Lucy is talking about "entertainment" ...Brook is writing a song and then BAM!! They are back from NYC and the party is in full force at The Savoy. While I appreciated all the ladies (Felicia, Anna, Lucy, Maxie, Brook...) and the twist: WU IS A STOCK HOLDER!! I was really stumped on this one. Wasn't Amy going to sing Brook's song?? Wasn't Chase going to agree to do it last minute and look longingly into Brook Lynn's eyes? Didn't Lucy say there was going to be 'acts' like the Nurses Ball? What happened?? Sonny was also seen saying he was going to on a suit then was back at the same set (gym) net show. Something got cut. Very strange indeed. There was also NO social media on this. NONE. Lynn Herring did a better job on IG with still photos than the show. :eyeroll:

HOUSE PARTY OF THE WEEK: In an abrupt sequence, Curtis is all of a sudden plopped at his house with Portia and throwing a house warming do for 'close fam and friends". Drew shows up; Aunt Stella is there and of course, Marshall drops by. Seems TJ thought he should be invited. Stella and Marshall talk on the patio and she tells him to keep lying, it's too much to tell the truth. Must be bad? Anyway, Stella then has a big old panic attack and is taken to GH. I really liked Trina and Marshall's talk. Good stuff.
PITY PARTY OF THE WEEK: Esme isn't pregnant. Sad. But Glad...but sad. Not sure how I feel about this one. No, we don't need another baby on GH but come on--SO SOAPY. A Cassadine Heir to boot!! Nelle on Steroids because Ryan's the grandfather. But alas, Negative. Now we wait to see if Spencer's brain heals from his stupidity.

DREAM OF THE WEEK: In a great fake out...Liz says good bye to Laura and finds someone in her house. SHE's DREAMING!! It was actually done very well and I was surprised. The other little twist is that he wrote "Don't Forget Me" on a paper in the living room where she was sleeping. Fresh paint. WHO could have gotten in there? Liz was dumb enough to disarm the alarm because the "boys kept forgetting" and Dante tells her no one on the police detail assigned to her house saw anything. It's also obvious no one thought to set up a nanny-cam in the house because well, that would be too easy. Liz freaks out, wants to send her kids to Laura's and stay in her house alone as to not put anyone in danger. Huh? Is that a plan? Still hoping for a juicy DID story for Becky!

JOB OF THE WEEK: Poor Brad. He finally finds a decent position (Patient advocate) through Britt and Terry (rightfully so) shoots it down. Given Brad's history, it does make sense. He says he'll even take an orderly job to get back into GH. They agree. While he's leaving the office, Amy stops him and screams for security. LOL. He has a ways to go PLUS defying his aunt.

EMPRESS WU OF THE WEEK: First off: Who doesn't love a good blackmail on a soap?!! Seems 'ol Selina knew Faison (squee!) and that Britt was out doing evil deeds with him for a few years. :Twiriing: She's going to use it to make Britt do her bidding with Brad!!! We also learn she's got stock in Deception and hey, I'm all for her being in Deception's face. OR BEING The Face of Deception!! :Giggle: Maybe she'll launch a perfume or a pallet and do some Tik Toks. Skin Car line perhaps?? Then, she goes to Sonny and basically convinces him to let her run a gaming empire in Port Charles sadly gone "since Luke Spencer left town". Yes, please. Gamble away!! FINALLY (yes, there's more) at the end of Friday's show, Curtis calls her to say he's going to be interested in the deal to have the games held at The Savoy!! He wants her to get that file because no one else will.

QUEEN AVA OF THE WEEK: Spectacular. Simply. The. Best. Why?? Well, while ding and dong Nikolas and Spencer are all falling for Esme's Soapy 101 Vixen tears, she knows the score.
KING VICTOR OF THE WEEK: So handsome and charming. Such an accent. Trying to convince Laura he wants to save the world. I really think this will come down to some sort of Climate-Change Fix. It keeps with the "weather" theme of the Cassadines and could be noble. So what if he had to kill Luke Spencer to do it? Luke was in Amsterdam so long I don't care. Plus, it gives Laura airtime. Yes please.

WILEY OF THE WEEK: OH. MY. GAWD. (Janice; Friends) . I've said it before, I'll say it again, let Nina take that kid out for some fries and call it a day. But Noooooooooooooooo, let's talk about him NON-stop until I'm ready to punch someone. Nina's going for Grandparent's visits and Michael is trying to have a shady Smaltz guy write a hit-piece on her to sway public opinion. She did after all, steal a baby fresh outta the womb. (BUT! Who's counting!!). I hope there comes a point where I don't hear this kid's name for years. SO redux of Edward "My Great- Grandson" Quartermaine. That wasn't my favorite either.

SURPRISE OF THE WEEK: Anna tries to call Valentin about The Ice Princess and he's going to voice mail. We next see a Tropical Jennifer Smith sitting bar side talking to someone on the phone about taking over the "East Coast"soon. A dashing "French" Sea Captain walks up and starts charming her. YEP, it's Val. AND.. OMG Felicia and Anna are there too and Valentin puts the diamond in Jennifer's safe. He's working WITH VICTOR to set her up for the murder of Luke!! OH delicious because I love a great Cassadine caper/twist.

NO SURPRISE-SURPRISE OF THE WEEK: Did ANYONE not see this coming?? It's been a rumor on twitter for literal years. Nina actually had twins and they were Nelle and Willow. One was sold on the black market ...and one given to Harmony. Will this make Willow any more interesting? I'm saying NOPE. It will however, get Harmony into a situation with Neil's brother where she may have to kill him too. I really hope Nelle comes back because good-evil sister just make me want to watch. BTW, Harmony was awesome in her scenes. Just superb.
OUT OF THE BLUE OF THE WEEK: Who's this?? Gregory?? WHY? So, Finn and Chases' dad shows up for a visit after how long and no mention? I don't even remember when he left but I think it was the height of Chases' poisoning? Just random. Was it to bash Brook Lynn so Chase could defend her? Um, okay?
DIMPLES OF THE WEEK: Just had to recognize NinSon here because I do like Sonny. Now. I like his softer side. Sure they have flaws but after watching CarSon for decades, it's refreshing to have another tale to watch. He was also flashin' those dimps at Ms Wu. Awesome-sauce!
CHEAP SET OF THE WEEK: I had to laugh because the "Tropical" Set was EXACTLY like the Greece set and the bar the same. Same place and everything. Less "Grecian Tiles" and plate smashing and more steel-guitar. Not to take away from Felicia and Anna however!!
Chase defends Brook Lynn to his father
Deception Party goes off at The Savoy; Sasha does drugs but nothing comes of that...
Ms. Wu is a surprise shareholder in Deception
Harmony is blackmailed by Neil's brother, Brenden because Willow is Nina's daughter
Michael gets Smaltz (no idea the spelling) to drop charges in exchange for a 5 part story
Marshall triggers a panic attack in Stella
Curtis agrees to Wu's terms to get the classified sealed file on his father
Sonny agrees to Wu's terms about gaming in PC
Felicia and Anna go to the tropics to bid on the Ice Princess but the WSB arrests Jennifer Smith for possession of said diamond and the murder of Luke Spencer.
Valentin is revealed to have set Jennifer up on behalf of Daddy Victor
Victor thinks he and Laura can be a great big happy family
Esme is not pregnant
Ava leaves, then moves back into Wyndemere to stake her place
Elizabeth dreams of an intruder but then finds a note written to her while she was asleep
Brad gets a job as an orderly at PC; His aunt gives Britt an ultimatum however: DON'T hire my nephew or your Fiason-Evil Doings will be exposed!!
NEWS OF THE WEEK: Finola Hughes celebrates 37 years on GH!! Yes, she took some time away but still, such an icon. Love her and her British ways!
SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK: Things move along in the GrandMa Nina case, Jordan and Curtis see each other on the docks, Stella remembers a bit more about not mailing the divorce papers and Laura helps a stressed out Aiden.

WUBS LECTURE OF THE WEEK: I'm ending this blog on a personal soap-box of my own and I hope you'll indulge me. I am so tired of people commenting (not here, mostly FB and Twitter) about how they hate/dislike/won't watch the show because their faves aren't together anymore. OR they want so and so to realize something that's obvious. IT'S A SOAP and yes, I hate it when people say that BUT IT'S A SOAP DAMN IT!! lol.. If people were together and happy, IT WOULD BE SO DULL!! I love really weird things happening and twists and lovers apart. Ava and Nikolas sparring is so much more everything than them being happy. Esme coming between Trina and Spencer? Um.. CLASSIC!! Anyway, that's all I have to say. Watching anything for one couple or pairing is just setting yourself up for frustration. If you don't like the story, that's one thing. But not watching because your faves aren't all happy and sunshine? Um.. why? Do what you want but I'm really hoping that we have our soap for a long time to come. That's all!
Thanks for reading and Cheers!!