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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jonathan Jackson Interview

TonyGearyDotNet spoke to Jonathan Jackson after the show on Thursday. He answered questions about filming the Intervention episode. Find it on Facebook.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Cake

I happened to find photos of the Wedding indulge me while I put it up! I know my Mom wanted to see it.
The project has left cake-maker Fiona Cairns exhausted but elated after working for five weeks on it  which has tested her skills and those of her team to the limit.
The new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are fans of her fruit cakes, while Paul McCartney orders one for Christmas every year, and she has also baked creations for bands Pink Floyd and Simply Red in the past.
Ms Cairns, 56, whose confections are sold in Harrods, Selfridges and Waitrose, was contacted by St James's Palace in February and asked if she would make William and Kate's wedding cake.
Speaking at Buckingham Palace after she had put the final touches to the cake, she said: ‘The picture gallery has high ceilings and is an imposing room so I wanted the cake to have presence but not to be imposing and I think it worked.
‘Catherine did not want it to be seven feet tall, she didn't want it to be towering and thin, and I think we succeeded.

PS. BRITISH Fruitcakes are NOT like American ones at all, they are delicious!

One Life To Live KICKS BOOTAY in Ratings!!!!!!!!

That's right....tied for 2nd in House Hold Ratings!! Read it on SON!!! It came in 3rd ahead of GH for TOTAL viewers!!
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,704,000 (+228,000/-293,000)
2. B&B 2,849,000 (+157,000/-458,000)
3. OLTL 2,762,000 (+263,000/+507,000)
4. GH 2,547,000 (+10,000/-61,000)
5. AMC 2,521,000 (+177,000/+53,000)
6. DAYS 2,403,000 (+49,000/-103,000)

So, suck it FRONS.... so much for "GH equaling YR's numbers"... OLTL has made it UP THE RATINGS on word of mouth and awesome writing!! I don't want GH canceled but OLTL sure doesn't deserve it, based on numbers. AND THE DANG SHOW IS UNDER Budget!! UNDER!! I can only hope that the producer and headwriter go on to primetime greatness together. I want their kind of storytelling.

Today started out so joyful with beautiful Catherine and Wills!! Loved it. She's just so perfect for that "role" and they are such great kids. Ok, "young adults" know what I mean. Not running around like banshees. Classy. *sigh*

OLTL: Giant secret is coming out and TODD is awake!! eeeeeeeeeeeee!

NEW SPOILERS ARE UP!! OMG, Carly is going on the Lucian hunt. WHY? Who knows. :throwinguphands:

General Hospital: 
"the file I have on you doesn't begin to do you justice" ahahha. AZ to Lisa. Bruce Weitz doing Anthony is like the only reason to watch GH lately! LOL 

Krissy waiting for Yale...I like that story-- as I have a senior.  Don't like the drugging part. 

OF COURSE they didn't show any Intervention aftermath..that was a one-shot deal. They put it on a Thursday so we'd watch today. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 

I HATE THE BRANDON STORY! Not only is it boring as sheeze, it was put right in on the coat tails of the Jake death-- making it doubly stupid. I don't care about Brandon, I don't care about Abner-- and I don't care about the mob in this. 

Maxie...oy. I love her and hate her all at the same time! LOL... she did look fab today. Too bad we didn't really SEE the whole M&M relationship unfold, huh? Happened all off camera. GH style.
Coleman was on!! He mentions Kate. Mentions her. 

You know the rumor about Lucian being Nikolas' kid?? Didn't he and Claudia sleep together? Oh, I would love a Zacchara-Cassadine bambino! 

Wow, what a let down after yesterday's show. Yeah, Lucian is missing and Krissy is asleep but still. Oy.

Ronnie Marmo and Joe Mantegna, Ronnie just tweeted this...

Tea and Crumpets!! Horray!!

Designer: Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen
Oh, it was brilliant!! The dresses are gorge..I love that the ladies wear suit-dresses instead of gowns, just so understated. I LOVE those types of dresses and fun hats!! whoot!! I suspect that sleeves make a comeback to wedding dresses. 

We are flying our Union Jack today in celebration-- yeah!! 

I so wish Diana were alive for all of this, she would be so proud -- Elton John had quite a good seat, didn't he? That church was so beautiful, loved that they put the trees in. 

HELLOooooooooooooooooooooo! The queen looked resplendent in her canary yellow!! Love the purse! I really love the Lord Bishop of London. Very good sermon. 

 Bea and Eugenie were so mad that Fergie couldn't come, they wore the most nasty hats they could find! LOL...Good Gravy!!

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire - St. Catherine of Siena

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Luke's INTERVENTION!! What YOU Drinkin??

Poor Luke, drugged and duct taped for his own intervention. I really wish that Bobbie would have been there-- because CARLY shouldn't have been.
They did this just like A&E...which is good. Like the letter part.
They shot it like "Our Town" the play. Didn't they?? Who's seen it?? They also inserted flashbacks of Lulu's abortion. Wow. Usually shows like to bury that sheeze. Julie was fabulous again.

AND we got a News Break for the Tornado News. So sad for everyone involved. Please think about donating to The Red Cross. Missed Ethan's speech, which I guess was ok. 

They flashed to the Camping TRIP!!! One of my fave episodes!! I loved that show.

I really wish Carly wasn't there, she has nothing to do with Luke in this show because they don't write it that way. Alexis should have been in her spot. I know they are related but they never have interacted until this year. 

JANE ELLIOT is just awesome, awesome. She blows me away!!! I so love her. Thank God she's still on the show. I am a die hard L&L fan but I so love Luke and Tracy too!! They are a mature love story and it's priceless. Did you know she held Alberta WUBS?? She did!!! SHE DID!! 

"I won't change...not even for you" Luke to Tracy 

" you are my hero"
says Lucky to Luke... wow. I did cry, yes I did. Damn, I am so grateful that JJ was here to do this. I like GV but JJ is history. They were able to show a great flashback with them and Lucky was joking about being so short. LOL. 

"I need my father--your wisdom and clarity and strength".... "I don't want a fake diminished version of you" Lucky

Oh hell no..Shadybrook? What about Passages in Malibu!! Shadybrook--

BRAVO do so WELL for "events" really do. Stand alone episodes are awesome.

HAPPY Birthday To Nancy Lee Grahn!

One of my fave GH actors!! I had the pleasure of meeting Nancy in NYC and she was just awesome. Honest and down to earth, she spent a lot of time at each of our tables and really connected with every fan there. Her daughter Kate came as well--they make a great pair! 

Nancy joined GH in 1996, playing Alexis Davis who was found out to be the half-sister of Stefan Cassadine. Helena hated her. heh... Before that, she played Julia Capwell on Santa Barbara. 
Nancy is active in politics and community service projects. 

Nancy met Alberta Wubs at the NYC event and at her Haiti Relief rally in California.
Recently Nancy appeared on Hell's Kitchen!
Visit her awesome website

James Franco News Fan Page on Facebook

There are 5 million fans all over Twitter in different Franco, James Franco News is launching a Facebook Page to combine them all. There's a giveaway that's sponsored by James' cousin for free T-shirts--all you pay is shipping!! Follow @JamesFrancoNews on twitter or hit link for FB page.
I thought we could use some fun stuff to start the day off!
PS. Alberta hopes they have lobster size shirts!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Great Joe Kelly Video!!

You MUST watch's awesome!!

HOW FABULOUS is it that OLTL honored Erika Slezak this way with a giant show with all her alters?? Unlike SOME OTHER show I know...*cough.. It was a great show!! Vicki even said "I have ONE LIFE TO LIVE"!! ahahahaa.

General Hospital:  I was happy Tracy was's all leading up to tomorrow. I really wish that Robin would have brought over Emma to play with Lucian. 

Luke talking to Liz. HE wasn't helping telling her about "feeling the impact"! eesh.

I love Jane Elliot. The Lulu/Tracy talk was brilliant. I love JMB too. 

SEE you tomorrow for the BIG Intervention!!

Soaps: A New Ray of Hope??

While we've been beating our heads on the floor, trying to get ABC and Disney and Oprah herself to listen to our pleas of woe. Right now, doesn't look too good. Even though Hoover has joined our efforts, and we've gotten some mainstream attention going, truth is the new shows are ready to roll on out. Couple that with the whole Katie Couric news and all I can say is: bummer. I wrote in a previous blog that we'd better start yelling to save GH while it's still on the air.  As a point of reference let's not forget Hoover's statement and Oprah's forced response to soap fans are victories.  Oprah had to take time from her busy schedule in her last month of shows to respond to the growing fan cry.  If we didn't have traction, she made it for us-- advertisers listen to this kind of noise.

That said, a column posted by Silas Kain  had some interesting ideas about banding together for a great cause, mainly to try to get soaps on the air in another fashion. Even though there's been an extension, Soap Net will leave the air as well sometime in 2012. This does leave a big hole for the genre. With the success of telenovelas, it's surely a viable medium. Throwing our numbers behind it will only increase awareness that we do watch and we do DVR. Just yesterday, Daytime Confidential  posted an article about NBC Universal looking at the soap ratings bonanza that could hit soon.

What's next? Well, one more idea is floating around. Call or write your local cable or satellite provider and tell them you would support a Network that catered to Soap Operas. Something devoted to dramas like we've loved for years. There are Golf Channels, Style Channels and even a Gamer Channel. There has to be a place for us. What about Soap Net you say? Well, that bird has flown. Frons never really did cultivate it. They tried a few soap-centric talk/documentary shows but then tried to put in their own entertainment that no one really wanted to watch. Let's give this a shot. It's more about looking at the big picture than the smaller one for the moment. The only way to prove to the decision makers that we're actually looking at the big picture is by banding together as a cohesive block of reasonable, informed viewers.

Get whatever group you are a part of to do this-- just one letter or phone call. I know there are thousands of fringe and fan groups all doing their own thing. Get your friends of B&B, Y&R and DOOL as well. We need to think about all soaps.

FULL list of Cable Providers Who's yours?? We have Time Warner here. I've been begging for the WE Network forever!! Now they'll hear from me about

News Gets Worse for General Hospital

Not only is it under the microscope for being the "Last ABC Soap Standing", it's being sued for big bucks by the daughters of creators, Frank and Doris Hursley. All the Details on TMZ. 
Wonder if they want a cut of that Spinelli book! LOL 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

IT's Tuesday: Wet Wet Wet!

We've had rain for so long, there's moss growing instead of tulips! booooo

Here's a nice tweet from Jason Thompson (Patrick) today: 
Thank you, everyone of you! For the support of not just P&R but all you do for GH, soaps and daytime TV. We all really appreciate it. X
Like I said, the actors know. 

GH Today: Blah, blah...blah..I really hate they are taking my fun Luke and putting him in a blender and mixing him up with pathos. 
I want Abby to be Something TO ANTHONY!! Like ex-Mistress?? Relative?? what?  
Today was boring beyond compare. Sorry but man.... oh man. Lucky and Sonny talking are at least a bright spot!!  

SPOILERS ARE UP! PLEASE hit a sponsor!! Wubsnet donated to MAXwell's JDRF walk today!! He's a great kid!!

Brianna Brown's (Lisa)  film project "The Encounter" will have it's Santa Monica, CA debut at the Edgemar Center Film Fest

OMG, I did the "Royal Name Generator" on E! Online and got this:

Earl Karen Griff Wubqueencock of Port Charleston
You have to love this!! 

Is General Hospital -- On The Bubble??

Cat Hickland of OLTL out protesting in LA today!!

While we're busy rallying to save #AMC and #OLTL, we'd better pony up and start yelling a bit about General Hospital. Ratings last week were a mere thousand away from OLTL--in Head of Household AND Demos. We all know Frons was saying that GH had the numbers that The Young and the Restless does--which is a blatant lie.

Ravenbeauty has been saying that GH is done, and she's the one that lead the charge on the OLTL  and AMC news, along with the Rebecca Herbst firing before it hit the airwaves. Soap stars have been sounding rather dismal in interviews, especially when asked about GHs' security. I reported about a month ago that Maurice Benard gave GH "3-5 years tops" when he talked with Terry Morrow of Knoxville's Tinseltown Tales.    I think he was being generous.
I'm not one to tell stories outside of school, but I know at least two people that work at the soap that are nervous. (*not actors, btw).  Frons said GH is safe, but rumors persist it's done by Sept 2012. 
Now Daytime Confidential is reporting that Katie Couric might be dealing with ABC for a talk show. Since most ABC affiliates are going to more news at the 4-5pm timeslot, that leaves the 3pm slice for Couric.

Budget cuts have come already in the form of 'across the board' pay cuts. More are on the way. Don't think because OLTL and AMC are canceled, GH can somehow slide in that area.

Geary's quote about daytime Soaps: 
"It's about these people, these characters; it's not about flesh and glitter; it's about hearts and characters that the audience has invested in".

What can you do? WRITE your fave actor at the studio... keep watching, even though it can be painful and boring.(You know how I feel about that!! LOL). Call your local ABC station and ask what's going to be put in the daytime line up for 2011... tell them you watch (or DVR or whatever) your soaps!! 

Address: General Hosptial @ABC TV 4151 Prospect Ave. Hollywood, CA 90027 

UPDATE:  this was just posted by Nancy Lee Grahn on twitter. Hmmmm, you read between those lines!!
twitter research question; How many of you would pay $10 a month to watch a new daily serial with Daytime A-listers?

Save Soap Rally Around the US Today!!

This was posted by @xanderdash on Twitter at 10:15am this morning! Rally at NYC ABC affiliate!! There are ones scheduled all over the country!! If you are going or have gone, please let me know and I'll put it up. LA's will happen at 1pm/est 10pacific time. If you can't attend, CALL your local station and say you want your soaps!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dixie's Back to AMC-- it's the ol' "History Before the Ax"

Cady McCain is set to return to AMC -- as ghost Dixie or real Dixie? Not sure yet. SID is now saying she's JUST IN TALKS, btw but it's on Facebook (SOD) and all the big sites.
Hell, just have her be alive, whatever. Since they are going that route, please have Jenny come back too.  Glammorama-- Nina, Cliff. Everyone. 

Of course, I'd love a nice Mona, Kate, Phoebe-- Palmer montage.  I'd like if they'd show "best of" reruns for a month. Why not!!? That's what SoapNet should have done, restarted all the soaps from their beginnings. 

OLTL: magnificent as usual!! LOVED it!! Tension.. tension. THEN Natalie rips up the damn DNA paper!! LOL..woo!! The Llandview PD is also great. Brave, gives Shane hope and usually they catch their man. 

GH: please read my "Exit Blog" below. 
Luke can't understand Siobhan either, you know it's making him drink more! He thinks he's stuck in a Guy Richie movie!!
Abner is arrested by Ronnie. Way to go PCPD-- now we know she didn't do it. Michael throws paper, not barware? WHAT!!
I hate Sonny and Dante's stupid arguments. 
Just get Sam PG already, this is torture! LOL..
I did like Maxie/Lucky talk. Liked him saying he didn't usually understand what she was talking about but she made him smile. 

Luke calling Jason a "glorified sperm donor"! Whahahhaaaa. I wish Spinelli was there. Oh, Luke!
I love Krissy talking about Brenda to Sonny! yeah... "You kids are my heart"...uh-- no comment. It's not written that way. 
Luke trying to kill himself, perfect time for Helena to show up to push him ' over the edge' F*KyeahGH said that on Twitter!! 

Now, Michael decks a cop AT THE POLICE STATION and I so bet he doesn't even get arrested. Hell.

Here's a great page @SpinsVixenella put up with advertisers, addresses and also some tips on contacting people, what to say: Live Journal. 

And a nice article about local ABC protests happening tomorrow in Orlando! 

My Idea for General Hospital: With a Grain of Marinara Sauce

Ok, so...I'm going to resign myself to the fact that Guza is going to be writing GH until it's off the air. I'm also going to assume we will NOT be getting anything BUT the mob at the front.  Ergo, with that in mind, I am going to just offer it up. Let's write GH Mobular in MY style. Just do it.  Bloodier, the better. Here's to the last year of GH. 

First of all, quit the stupid sheeze with the PCPD..just get Ronnie right on the Zaccarah payrol. He's just a dirty cop. He'll end up trying to kill Dante. Sonny comes in, and shoots him in the head, right in full HBO glory. They wrap them in a plastic  bag and store him in Kelly's freezer, which all along has been the "secret hub" for mob activity. 

Next to be killed, Mac. Mac is actually the Aussie connection for Sonny's operation and has been smuggling guns for years. (this harkens back to his history on the show). He wakes up with a dead hooker (Abby)  and commits suicide because of the implications. 
Robin finds out about him and devistated, and she and Patrick move to Buffalo to work at The Children's Hospital. Lisa gets run over by their bus as she tries to stop it as it leaves.  We see her body dragged all the way down the Main Street of PC. 

Jax gets really pissed at Sonny, enough to blow up his house with Max,  Diane  and Milo in it. This enrages Sonny who has Jason Shoot down Jax's helicopter, which crashes right into the Hospital. Monica's killed because it happened, ironically on her one day at the set. The hospital burns to the ground. We get a nice back shot of Bobbie and Audrey hugging in the ruins. 

Siobhan is really working for some fringe IRA group, straps on a bomb and blows herself, Liz, Lucky and all the kids up. I think I'll have it happen on the docks, sick of that set anyway. Oh, and while we are at it, Nik is coming over on the ferry and tries in vain to save his brother. He decides to drown himself in the harbor.

Edward Q has a heart attack and dies,  Tracy sells the Q mansion because Monica left it to her and leaves town. Maya's in the closet but no one notices.  Ethan wanders around and then is finally cast in Dillon Q's new Pirate movie. He moves to Hollywood.

Because nothing can happen to Sonny or Jason or Luke, the three of them move in together and start a more concentrated "import/export" business with Castro, newly stepped down from  Cuba. I'm sure he'd love to guest on the soap.  The show can revolve around these 4 characters while they endlessly fight Anthony Z and Johnny for "turf"..Dante joins his father and grandfather. He is initiated by having to kill off Carly in a sword fight. Carly actually does well before dying, Dante's arm is cut off in the battle. He gets a robot one like Luke Skywalker. Michael accepts the fact his mother had to die for the 'cause'.  

The Davis girls get their own reality show on VH1 and we don't see them unless they are on to hawk a product like, SlimQuick or Gator Aid.

Oh, and who's the Commodore? That's Mike...he's been running it all  out of Kelly's all these years and isn't in "rehab"--he's giving arms to Libyan rebels. 
Sam and Brenda continue to be the Mobular Wives, but are only shown when they are barefoot and tending children out in the woods hide out. Or the island, whichever season it is.

There, enough for ya? Enough for Guza?? I'd throw in some woman-beatings but you know they'll  come in time. 

Fade to Black: Journey plays.

Alec Barrett: The REAL Deal?

Not sure who the hell poor Lucian is....maybe some baby they found at a shelter somewhere? Russia? Italy?? That's why he doesn't talk??

Go over to Soap Opera Network to get the whole story on the new kid. He's also a cutie. Seems Suzy was keeping him at her friend's house.  Quinn Friedman is his name. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Extreme Mental Exhaustion

NOTE: YES, THIS Blog is up early due to the holiday tomorrow...I shall be donning my bonnet and eating Jelly Beans!! 

Woo. What a wild week,  eh?? The Hoover news knocked us all into gear...then Oprah brought us back down to Earth by "gently" reminding us, it's all about the money, honey. 
There are rallies scheduled for Tuesday the 26th...petitions to sign, groups to join. Some people are angry--some people are active, some people are coming to grips with what looks like the reality of it all. I do love the notion we are making noise--it's just hard to keep it up when even the actors shout it down.  

I've written two of my fave blogs this week: 5 Stages of Soapy Grief and So, How Crazy ARE Soap Fans?? They say it all. I've put up Addresses to write to for both sponsors and studio heads. Joined in discussions, brainstorming ideas and letter writing hoopla. There are other things coming next week to help with the efforts as well. 

How are you feeling about all of this? I'm pretty sad and tired lately. It makes it double hard that GH is just so badly written right now I can't see anything worth praising it for. I know Tony Geary's performance for the "intervention" will be fab the 28th-- I get that, but when it's over, then what?? May Sweeps will be about: "The Real Lucian", "Mabby Murder" and "Krissy is Drugged". Uh, nothing that makes my heart stir. You know I'm loving OLTL, so it is hard to watch that show rock, and the ratings finally rise up, only to know it's going to be canceled. 

I did have a brilliant idea earlier in the week, I really want HBO or Showtime to pick up OLTL and show some naked Ford Brother action. Hee hee. Do you realize that AMC only has 5 more months to air and OLTL 8?? Wow. 

I do want to mention a few things about GH (how could I not, right?!). First of all, who knew Crazy Lisa would STILL be around by this time?? What the hell? I mean, keep her for Johnny and to have another doc on staff but to still mess with Scrubs ?? zzzzz. Drugging Krissy? Come on.  Makes me wonder how many times we'll see ol' Terrell around. heh. I also have to laugh about the whole "Where's Maya" stuff going on. Johnny said she "stayed in Vegas". Geesh, don't spend too much on that story exit.  Carly is driving me insane. Please, just Shut up for one day. Her pushing Sam's womb was pretty funny. And rather odd, given their history. Siobhan? Well, I guess the INS is being kind with it's extensions. Liz and the Aiden reveal? zzzzz another snoozer, although I am happy Maxie and she are talking.  Poor Jax-- sorry but this Shawn thing is just inserted very awkwardly and makes little sense. I guess it gives more time to put Jax in the path of Brenda, right?? 
Mabner..Mabby--Michael and Abby and the murder NO ONE cares about. This story is so bad, so boring and so utterly stupid I can't even remark on it. The scenes in the PCPD have been done to death. Then, we'll get Michael "confessing" to save Abby. :eyeroll: One saving grace? Anthony Z is back, talking to plants like they are his dead daughter: SCORE!! 

Please don't get all in my face for criticizing GH right now, when I should be on the bandwagon. GH is safe for at least a year, and if the writing is crummy, I'm going to say so. I'm a big cheerleader for the show but also an unforgiving critic. GH in my book, is wasting it's last legs in mindless stories that hold little interest. 

Hope you have a wonderful Easter if you so celebrate-- find lots of eggs and chocolate bunnies. I was thinking about poor Morgan, you think he's still at camp or what!? LOL NOTE: People told me he was at Sonny's Birthday Party, which I missed. Whoops. Bad day to miss GH--when more than 2 people were in the room!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Kristen Alderson Says Don't Cry!

This was just tweeted by Kristen (Starr Manning, OLTL)

I want to thank everyone for trying their best to Keep the Soaps..but I'm afraid nothing will work. As upsetting as it is..we should be as positive as possible. =) Instead of wasting time boycotting,yelling,crying, etc...let's please just ENJOY the last 7months we have together! I love all of you so much & none of us (the actors&crew;) want to see you all in pain. I know that AMC & OLTL will do our ABSOLUTE BEST to put on a great show until the very end. "Don't cry because it's over, SMILE because it happened" XOXO 

Hmmmm. Okay. Well, thanks. I actually just talked to several people on twitter about the actors moving on. I guess it's the case here. Maybe she's got something in the works with Disney? Who knows.

Earth Day: Support Recycling: Watch GH


OLTL was fun today..Marty is so crazy!! Heh...."Tell me what you did Marty"!! She screwed up multiple tests. Heh. WHAT a great show today!! Loved it as per usual. Not sure what the hell  is going on with Old NuTodd so I'm just ignoring it right now. heh --I think TSJ and RH will bring it. Now that OLTL is canned,  they can go nuts. :) OLTL was 3rd again in ratings,  and is kicking some ass. Too bad Frons doesn't watch it.

GH: Let's see... PCPD is just stupid. And if I have to sit through this again, I shall say ENOUGH! 

Sam and Carly hell did freeze over? I liked the daffodils on the table.

JoLu-- I did like them. They broke them up, then they never saw each other for about a year. 

Jax/Carly/Brenda: Sigh...look at the blue bin up there. Sonny said he "let Brenda be friends with Jax". Oh, thanks. God, is he thinking it's "Happy Days'!!? LOL. And not for nothing but both Jax and Sonny are on my last nerve.

Sonny and Anthony were pretty fun.  AZ comparing his plant to Claudia! LOL

On Sunday Megan Ward (Kate) will be LIVE on WGN Radio-- listen at : !!

Happy Birthday to: Ingo Rademacher!

The Rademachers

Happy Day to Ingo, who came to General Hospital in 1996. Brought on as a corporate-raider back in the day when that was in the news. His character of Jasper Jacks also served as a rival for Sonny Corinthos, mobular boss. We all know the Brenda-Sonny-Jax story!! 

An avid Surfer, he lives in both LA and Hawaii. Born in Germany and raised in Australia, he's a world traveler. Did you know he spent one year on the primetime soap "Titans" from 2000-01?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oprah To Soap Fans: Sorry, Kids, Soaps are Dead.

Look. Listen Weep. Oh well, at least she answered us:

The Soap Train Keeps Rollin'!!

Rosie O'Donnell took calls about Soaps being canceled yesterday and today! Talked to @firefrons from Twitter about the situation. (she loved the name)-- and said she wouldn't watch "The Chew"!! Not too shabby. 
Reports continue to say Hershey Candy is thisclose to pulling ads. 

The New York Post is wondering about Frons' job and his supposed directive to "The View" and Kelly Ripa to stop yapping about them on their shows or Twitter. (he denies this HA!!)
Daytime Confidential reports that Frons is on shaky ground job-wise, but just might be a scapegoat. He's not the only head honcho that wanted soaps gone. 

Alberta gets her Redvines on!! She's all for them--loves the color and the fact they are helping us with #savesoaps hashtags on Twitter!

There's a Petition to Fire Frons out that has almost 10,000 signatures on there. That's no small potatoes!! 

SID has news about the April 26th protest at ABC studios.  

GH TODAY:  Starts with Carly bitching at Passive aggressive Brenda! LOL...

Sam's going to get that baby thing done.  I mean, quick enough??

Dante has stopped wearing his big, giant police badge--notice that?? I did. Dante did the weekly "news rundown" with Lulu. Heh.

Ethan actually says "Maya's gone,  I don't know when she's coming back" spent a LONG TIME on that exit story, didn't you??! ahahahaaa. Oh, how pathetic!!

Abby and Michael ....good gravy. Abner needs to just take over Kelly's ...she's there enough.

Shawn needs to STFU when it comes to Jax--he's JOSS' father!! Geesh. He's the new fave of the man-bunch, that's for sure.

Brenda, Sonny's Guards???????? REALLY????????

Sudzy Meliora wrote: Sam's baby shower registry: bullet proof stretchable bubble. Protects her from Liason v JaSam and Mob wars...

New Scoops are UP...

And there's not a lot going on. Luke's going to try to make Jason take him out because he feels so badly about himself--we know the intervention is coming up next week. AZ is back-- Bruce Weitz has a crazy-fun interview up on TV GUIDE.  
They are still going to drag out this idiot Brandon murder, btw. Go see them all on Wubs Net

An Excerpt:
TV Guide Magazine: How does it feel to be playing all this mob-lite stuff? The godfathers of Port Chuck have nothing on Don Corleone or Tony Soprano.Weitz: It's true. There's no real threat on our show because the true soap-opera fans know Maurice Benard [Sonny] is not going to get killed off. So the threat is imaginary. In The Godfather you don't expect Brando to get shot a quarter of the way through the movie, or that James Caan's character will die. That's the real danger of living in the world of mobsters and hoodlums. So you can't really equate the two. At GH, we're just having fun.

Ya think? LOL  Fun tidbit:  Anthony Maria Zaccaria is a Patron Saint of Italy. Who named this guy?? They know their stuff!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So, How Crazy ARE Soap Opera Fans??

Most of you know in "real life" I'm a speech pathologist. I went from full to part time work about 11 years ago when my son started school. I am now in private practice and see people on a "my schedule" basis. When I run into folks I haven't seen in awhile the conversation goes something like this:

Them: So! What are you doing??
Me: Oh, Private work..and I run a website (or wubhub says I run one and I kick him under the table)
Them: You do?? Wow...what is it about? Speech? 
Me:  Uh, no...General Hospital
Them: Rochester General? How cool!
Me (or WubHub): No...the know..General Hospital
Them: (big pause) HA! (Brenda laugh) uh... the SOAP OPERA? You? You mean like Luke and Laura?
Me: Yeah...heh... (then, trying to dazzle them,  I go into a big explanation of learning HTML, meeting great fans, running an actors website, yada yada...)
Them: Oh. Wow. Huh. (crickets chirp)  

Yep... you all know it, especially those of you that are closet fanatics. You might go to events and actually tell people. ("You're going to see WHO?? Where??!!Why would you want to do that!?" ) -- or talk about it on your Facebook page ("OMG, you still watch soaps!!?? I think my grandmother still watches those things").
BUT..who do they call if they want spoilers?? ("Not that I watch, but come on, tell me are Sonny and Brenda really getting married this time??!") When the soaps were canceled, a LOT of people called and texted me to see if it was true. Ergo, I have to believe there are an awful lot of people that still tune in now and then and just don't say anything. 

This brings me to the latest press-spree about ABC canceling the Soaps and all the crap that inevitability written about us fans. Most of the time we're fat and lazy housewives-- or old people trapped in nursing homes. Perez Hilton (who I refuse to link to anymore) even went so far as to say we didn't know how to use a computer. Really?? Really? Has he not seen the millions of fans sites and soap sites out there??! Soap fans come in both genders, all ethnic groups, and you'd better believe all age groups! When I went to NLG's event in NYC I can't tell you how many Moms and Daughters were there..some 3 generations. Husbands and wives...and yes, a few smart people that even knew how to use a Blackberry!! My readers range from teens to 80 year olds...and I'm so proud of the fact I've met people based on FUN not on their age. 

Not for nothing but ALL things have fans. Sports fans?? They usually make the most fun of me. Those that sit with their faces painted mulit-colored and watch football like obsessed maniacs. But hey, that's sports...!! Like that's  somehow better than watching a story unfold over the years?? How about sci-fi fans? They dress up when they go to their events. Yet the media loves them... Comic con is like the uber-geek fest everyone wants to go to. Last I looked comic books were just as "campy" as any soap is. NASCAR fans spend millions on tickets and merchandising and go live at racetracks on the weekends. Gamers wait in line for midnight releases of their product. Not to mention the MAC people that camp out whenever a new iPad comes out.

So why are WE crazy? Why are WE looked on with such disdain?? If half the lower-rated TV shows had a loyal base like us, they'd be groveling at their feet! If you watch Mad Men and throw theme parties, buy the merchandise and start a fan page, you're somehow "cool"... us, not so much.

This whole canceling of AMC and OLTL just brought it all up again. I'm through apologizing for loving my shows. If the networks dared to count all the online watching and DVRing of soaps, I think they'd be shocked.

Just had to get that off my chest. We've poured a LOT of money into this industry over the years and have usually gotten crapped on for doing it.  Our actors take sheeze for even acting on soaps when we know how hard they work and what amazing talents they are. It's time people woke the hell up. Oh, and out there?? I don't know any "lazy" housewives. Usually, they run things.

Genie Francis First Y&R photo!!

This was tweeted today by CBS:

You know she's going to have a blast with this!!! 
I don't think Laura ever got to look real "chic" on GH-- she looks like a lady on a mission...time to tune into Y&R soon!!

"All Roads Lead to Port Charles"

Thursday July 21st!! 
A great Fan Lunch is being planned by other fans of General Hospital to meet/greet with other people before the official weekend starts. If you are in the area and want to go check  it out go to the  All Roads Lead to Port Charles website.  NO Stars will be at this lunch...just other great fans getting together to celebrate the weekend. If I go, I'll try to get there myself!! I've met some of the people organizing this when I was in Toronto and they are awesome.  Sometimes, it's more fun to meet each other than the stars of the show!! Deadline for tickets is approaching so click the link above to get all the deets!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Target, Red Vines and Hoover Support Soaps!!

Target just announced a HOTLINE for soapfans to call: 1-800-440-0680

Red Vines are supporting soaps by using #savesoap hashtags and getting their #TeamRedVine on Twitter to spread the word.

Of course,  Hoover kicked this off with their boycott of ABC starting April 22nd!! This Saturday is HOOVER some Hoover bags or if you're rich, buy a dang new Hoover!!

Look down the page to find more sponsors to contact. We are hearing that Hershey is THISCLOSE to joining!! That would be major!!

PROTEST ABC ACROSS AMERICA has a TON of info-- check it out!!

Wubs Net on Facebok has all the addresses you need as well!! 

Jamey Giddens: "Soaps give the voiceless a voice, first the housewife, then the minority, the gay, the lesbian, the nerd, the misfit". 

Soaps Today: Tuesday April 19th

OLTL: Rocked, loved Dorian standing over Clint!! Niki Smith is priceless.  LOVED her outfit. So festive. Heh

 Redvines are supporting SAVE OUR SOAPS!!

GH: Anthony Z is back!! "He beds a lunatic doctor"... gotta love BW!!!
Liz "I've always loved lucky, I've never really stopped'....and then doesn't show  Nik the DNA test RESULTS. boooooooo
Don't care about Oyrish Siobhan. 
Carly blesses the JaSam baby and Sam LEAVES because she won't shut up! Good Lord.
The only thing I liked today was Maxie/Robin!!  
All Carly does is she lays into Johnny-- 

! HOOVER is backing us for an ABC Boycott! Remember we are only watching THE THREE SOAPS and Castle on ABC. That's it! This story has been picked up by the AP!!

Kashi is a great company here's their contact form!! you can email or call or snail mail! I told them I loved their cereal (true) and thank you for supporting Soaps all these years. Told them about Hoover ad boycott and hoped they'd help in our cause. :) 

NOTE: There is a fantastic interview with #OLTL's head writer, Ron Carlivati on POPDOSE! It really shows how the writing process is run!! 

Dancing With the Stars Boycott Working??

Last night Soap Fans launched a campaign to boycott the popular ABC show,  Dancing With the Stars to show ABC just what we can do. WHY? Well, soap stars have been on DWTS since the start and it was the daytime fans that tuned in during the beginning. Last night, we watched Chuck instead because GH actress Lisa LoCicero was on. Or something else.

Guess what? TV By the Numbers reports that DWTS was down 13% it's lowest Spring performance ever. Hoover says: SUCK IT!

Tonight we are not watching DWTS results either!! Find out some other way who won!!  

Hey ABC! Listen UP it's US SOAP FANS!!

Oh, poor ABC, still NOT GETTING IT!! Here's their response to Hoover's boycott of their network  because they canceled the soaps:

An ABC executive, requesting anonymity, contacted TV Guide Magazine to offer the network's POV. "Usually advertisers stop advertising when they want to cancel a show, not the other way around," states the suit. "We've said that the cancellation of AMC and OLTL was about money and ratings, so [the Hoover boycott] is just counterintuitive. You don't save something by taking money away."

Ever watch Seinfeld?? I know it was on another network but there was a character named George who had HAD it with everything. He decided to do everything the OPPOSITE of what he thought would work.
Guess WHAT---we are going Opposite. We asked for YEARS for our soaps to be revamped to help save sagging ratings. You did: nothing. We asked for fresh writing teams: Again, nothing. You took off fan faves, let vets get away to rival networks, moved a whole soap from NYC to LA. How'd that work for you? 

Here's the deal: HOOVER didn't just pull their ads from soaps...they are pulling them from YOUR OTHER SHOWS TOO--and your NEW SHOWS. D'uhhhhhhhhhhh. We get enough sponsors to do that? We get all of the soap fan base to NOT WATCH ABC other than for our soaps and Castle (Great soap supporter) will we make a dent? How about when the same sponsors pour ads in when you SAVE the soaps!!?  We don't know..but we're doing the OPPOSITE of what you'd expect. Next opposite move? Get those friends of yours, Nielsen Ratings to finally come into the digital age. I bet our numbers might surprise you. 

We're not just numbers, we are a UNITED FAN BASE. You can't buy that kind of audience. Take a look at Daytime's charity events. We rival  anyone with those. We can mobilize in a minute. Wake up.

By the way when HOOVER announced on FB it was boycotting ABC it went from aprox. 1200 fans to over 9,000 in HOURS. Twitter lit up like a Christmas Parade..we trended Hoover for awhile.

The BIG Picture?? HOOVER will forever be known as the kindly company that took a risk and came forward to help a "lowly fanbase" save their history. What will YOU be known for? Killing Erica,  Vicky and Dorian?? You bet'cha.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Email List of Products to Help with ABC Boycott!

Save Soaps! Now that Hoover has joined our cause, it gives us hope that others will follow. I've just emailed Hanes and Hershey. These email links will give you a CONTACT FORM to fill out. Subject can be: Promotion or whatever you choose.  Remember to mention that HOOVER has already agreed to pull ads Starting April 22nd. FOLLOW @hooverclean on Twitter!!
The Soap Community will also show appreciation by buying HOOVER Products...even if it's BAGS this weekend! Go get a filter! If you need a new vacuum, go for it!



Proctor and Gamble ((Always Infinity/Bounty/Crest/):

Angel Soft:

Breathe Right:

Burlington Coat Factory:






Garnier Fructis:


Betty Crocker/General Mills (Hamburger Helper):


Hershey's Chocolate:

This is getting GOOD people!! WE DO COUNT!! We are trying to get the media to pick this up so write your local ABC affiliates to get them to  spread the news. 
We are also BOYCOTTING ABC shows, especially Dancing with the Stars because they were built using soap stars to start out!! IF you are on twitter and are not watching, put #BOYCOTT #DWTS #SAVESOAPS in your tweets. 

Make sure you check out all the other soap sites out there including:
Daytime Confidential
Soap Opera Network
Soap Opera Source
SoapTown USA 

There are a LOT of Facebook pages up too. Search: Save our Soaps

Hoover Pulls ads from ABC in Soap Opera Protest!!

This is their message on Facebook!!

To all the loyal ABC soap fans,

I want you to know from me personally that we hear you loud and clear. My wife and mother are both passionate viewers of All My Children and One Life to Live, as are many of my colleagues here at Hoover. We were and are as disappointed with this news as you are.

In fact, we will discontinue our advertising with ABC this Friday, 4/22. We're making every attempt to pull our spots from these programs sooner.

Because we feel that’s not enough, we also want to help get your voice heard with ABC. So, we’ve set up a special email address,, to help pull together the mass emotional outpouring of support for our beloved ABC soaps and get it to our contacts at ABC. Please, send your emails to us at, and we’ll get every, single last one of them to ABC.

We’re 150% committed to doing what matters most to you – so if there’s anything else we can do to help or you have any ideas, please email this address, and we will respond to you personally.

Thank you for standing up for what matters to you! We need more of that in this world.

Brian Kirkendall
Vice President of Marketing

Send those emails and buy a dang HOOVER!! 

Monday, Monday--Here We Are! Soap on a Rope!

Maurice Benard (@mauricebenardMB) on twitter:
It's a shame how it went down with AMC and OLTL. I'm very sad because I have a lot of friends on both shows.

OLTL today was AWESOME...almost every character was on in the first 20 minutes! LOL.. I love LOVE "Access Llandview"!! Show was so good today! Destiny was great. Clint and Vicky both looking like they are having heart attacks! CLINT IS DOWN and Nikki Smith is UP!!

Ugh, now on to GH..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. VM and  KeMo looked a  LOT alike sitting on the couches today!! It was SO BORING! Liz never told Lucky-- Suzanne makes no sense. Whatever. After OLTL, GH is like sitting through my voice teachers lectures.  I used to poke myself with a pin to stay awake. What I do in the name of this site! LOL
Nikolas talking to Aiden didn't  even move me..I felt like someone should have been in the room with the. weird. Guess it was cheaper. Nikolas was at Lucky's then Liz', then Wyndemere then Liz' again. WTF.

Read "Soap Fans Flip Out on The Chew" Read it on Eater. Heh.

Barbara Walters Says Brian Frons "Near Tears" ...

Oh for God sakes, someone needs to inform the ladies on The View that Fron's video was leaked to Daytime Confidential and WE SAW Frons "Announcement" To the employees. Near tears? hahahahahhaa. Yeah, right. 

Today on The View, they discussed the soaps being canceled. Is this the first day they've talked about it? I don't watch, so I don't know. Here's the transcript: *from Live Dash

00:02:06Anyway, did you know that thursday it was announced that, "all my children" and "one life to live" are being canceled?
00:02:16It was news to us.
00:02:17It really blew us away because both shows are our neighbors.
00:02:22They're right across the hall from us.
00:02:24>> It's the only s,oap opera i ever knew as a shiled.
00:02:29It started when zsa zsa gabor was a toddler.
00:02:32>> Susan lucci has been on for 41 years.
00:02:35But people have asked why and it's because we have all these reality shows.
00:02:39Whatever you can possibly put in a soap opera now,, you know, birth, death, jail, sex.

>> brian frantz (sic ) , the head of daytime, when he announced it, although it's a terrible shock, , he was almost in tears himself because these are not just soap operas.

Either she saw something way different than I did or one of us is smokin' it. I think he even laughed at a little joke he told about Ol'Agnes Nixon!!

5 Stages of SOAPY Grief

With nods to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross:

1. Denial: Wait..what Did I just SEE THAT TWEET?? What!! Someone told me their local affiliate said AMC and OLTL is cancelled?? (scramble to look at Daytime Confidential, SOS, EW, a million other tweets...) No, wait they CAN'T CANCEL BOTH at the same time? What!!?  

2. Anger:  Hell NO! No..they can't do this. Shady idiots.  They just SAID THEY weren't going to cancel the shows! They moved AMC to LA!!
  :calls ABC voicemail and leaves screaming outbursts: I'm going to  write to every PERSON I can find associated with DISNEY until they listen to me!! Bastards. I hate this. Greed. I'm fighting to the bitter end!! I'm selling off my Disney stock! Boycott! :throwing bars of soap:

3.  Bargaining: HEY Oprah...please put our soaps on your OWN station, please!! I know, maybe if we call the hotline enough, they'll listen...we'll tell them we'll watch the soaps and not the new shows!! I won't yell. I won't scream. Maybe someone will buy them. Maybe they can cut staff. Something, anything to save the shows.

4. Depression: Well, hell. That sucks. I love my soaps. I really hate everyone at ABC they suck. :crying: --Calls Mom...gets out old soap books. Watches You Tube clips of old shows. Does a blog about vintage AMC characters. I'm just not going to watch any soaps period. 

5. Acceptance:  We knew it was coming..*Sigh* the ratings were in the crapper for years.  Whatever. 

Happy Birthday To Lisa LoCicero!!

A big shout out to one of my fave actors on GH--the lovely Lisa LoCicero. Lisa has the distinct honor of meeting Alberta Wubs the most times...and in 3 countries!! Mexico, USA and Canada! I had the pleasure of meeting her when she was in Toronto last year with Dom and Ronnie for a great charity event. The three of them are like fun siblings and were just awesome. Lisa's hubby, Michael Jann has directed one of my fave shows, Reno 911! and she has appeared on that as well. 

One of the things that surprised me about her is that she's not a native New Yorker, she's actually from Michigan. Her accent is so spot-on, even this speech therapist couldn't tell!! 
So, happy Bday to Lisa, a great addition to GH --and here's hoping Olivia gets way more airtime. 

Lisa is on CHUCK tonight playing a wedding planner!! Tune in and show some GH Fan Love!! 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wubqueen Interviews: Frian Brons!

NOTE! **due to copyrite issues, wubsnet is forced to conceal the identity of this high powered studio exec. If you think you know, don't tell anyone, don't want the Wubqueen in jail, right? This meeting took place at Tender Greens in Culver City. He wore a pink hat and google-glasses for a disguise. I of course, wore my lobster dress. 

Wubsnet: Wow, this place looks great...what do you usually order? 

FBrons: Come on, I can't tell you that...then you'd know who I am. Plus, it's trademarked.  Let's make this snappy, I have money to make.

Wubsnet: Okay...well, you've been taking a lot of heat lately for the decision you made to cancel some of the most beloved television shows in history...

FBrons: Allegedly...

Wubsnet: Excuse me?

FBrons: Allegedly beloved...because where I live,  sweetheart, they aren't cuttin' the mustard.  Kappesh? 

Wubsnet: You have to admit there is a huge history there and a giant fanbase of all diverse types that follow those shows...

FBrons: I admit to nothing. Pass the breadsticks. Sweetheart, look, I know all of you and your little friends are really upset about this but there's nothing I can do. It's done. We're bringing in the full line of Glad Bags, Prego sauces and Gatoraid to piggy-back on our shows. Product placement, that's where it's at. Plus the fact Tim Gunn costs about one 10th of what one of those divas cost. 

Wubsnet: Why did you choose to save General Hospital over the other shows ??

FBrons: Two words: Clink BOOM. everytime. I need some spikes in the ratings? Click BOOM. Press from Extra? Click BOOM. And someone's dimples don't hurt matters either. heh. Got anything else? 

Wubsnet: Did you know that the First Lady watches One Life?  And Snoop Dogg...and Carol Burnett is a huge AMC fan? 

FBrons: So? Your point is? Look,  I don't care if the Pope himself watches. I have a cooking show to  produce.  Mario Batali and his crocks are waiting. Now, if I can only get Franco on that show too? I'd be in heaven. 

Wubsnet: So, what you're saying is there's no hope.

FBrons: Not in my book. You can always throw yourselves into the ocean to make a statement-- go on hunger strikes... maybe you can drum up press for the new stuff, but as for this? Nah So, write your blogs-- get all crazy. Whatever. Hey, are you gonna eat the rest of that shrimp?? 

Wubsnet: No, lost my appetite. 

FBrons: Waiter! I'll have a to-go baggie!! Every penny helps, sister.

Sunday Surgery: Soap Operas--Heart Transplant

How do you measure a year? A lifetime? thought I might sing that song, right? No, but I was thinking back on my life as a soap watcher and  realized I could tell you which soap stories were on during different times of my life:

Just a kid: Nurses in starched white uniforms, Karen taking the stand on OLTL... Phil and Tara, Secret Storm, that Globe turning around...Dark Shadows-- 
High School: Nina and Cliff...Jessie and Angie.. Luke and Laura-- the dramaz of lovers on the run..
College: The spy years-- Scorpios, WSB-- twins  AIDS storyline
Married/Mom: Luke and Laura come back in dramatic fashion, Erica's on her 77th husband...and so on and so on... 
Now in the age of the full fledged mob and guest stars popping-up left and right on GH.  AMC and OLTL, revisiting their rich histories by bringing back Angie and Jessie-- and remarrying Bo and Nora. Be still my aching heart. 

Most people talk  about watching the soaps with their mothers and that's true in my case although when I was in HS she thought they were getting a bit "risque" (which for the time, they were!!). When I was away, we'd talk about what Erica Kane was up to since we both watched AMC. We saw Nina and Cliff's wedding together.  Both of us loved Myrtle and Langly Wallingford. She really liked Julia Barr-- and it's hard to think her character of Brooke arrived as such a bratty young teen. I had to call her to let her know Brooke was back when they were writing Adam out and she couldn't wait to watch. We always tuned in for the Nurses' Ball.  

Now they say that soaps are obsolete-- they'll give us 'more of what we want' during the day. You and I both know they'll never rival the fan base they have right now:  the ones that love their soaps. The ones that show up for events year and after year and sell them out. The ones that care about stars' charities and the causes the shows champion themselves.  Cheaper and faster. There's where it's at.  I guess we should be grateful for 40+ years of fun and tears.

This was on my friend's Facebook wall yesterday:
Grammy and I use to cuddle up and watch GH all the time and my mom would come and pick me up and yell at her for letting me watch the show!!
Those are memories you can't replace with a disposable cooking or talk show.

Here's to the start-up web soaps: "Venice", "Imaginary Bitches"...and all the rest. We're a damn loyal bunch and many of us will follow our faves to the net and wherever they land. It looks like Susan Lucci will get a primetime gig and I'm sure many talented actors will end up elsewhere on our TVs or in the movies. I just can't imagine being one of the cast members of AMC that uprooted my whole life to move to LA only to be told "hey, you're done".

Meantime, on General Hospital, it's business as usual-- Michael will confess to a murder he didn't commit,  Sonny and Brenda angst, Luke's  intervention. Then TG will go on vacation, Lucian will go missing and... whatever. More Mob.  It's difficult to feel enthusiasm right now, isn't it? If GH was smoking hot, I'd be all over it. 
I'm worried about even more actors being cut and it's putting me to sleep. Take a look at the Spoilers !

A lot of you have asked what we can do to save soaps. As a blogger, I can keep bringing up the subject and you can comment on every site you find that talks about this. There are a lot of groups on Facebook, Save our Soaps is one. Some people are suggesting to write to advertisers and local  affiliate stations pleading our case. Daytime Confidential usually has some ideas up as well. In the coming days, more things will be added for "the cause".  We also should see if we are having any impact and if the mainstream press picks it up. There's a great google doc below in the last post  that has a shell of a letter for you to  use for major advertisers of the shows. It also explains how to find addresses on the net. It's a nice letter, positive and you can tailor it to your own story. 

NOTE: If you couldn't get through to Robin Strasser's hotline, We Love Soaps has her new message up. It's heartfelt and powerful. Her hotline crashed because so many people called!! 

There is a new folder at the top called "Vintage Soaps"..I'm putting up old photos of AMC nnd OLTL to rejoice in our history!!  

SCENE of the WEEK: Tracy talking to Lucky, trying to get him to help save his father

Last but not least, PLEASE watch the T-Mobile Royal Wedding commercial on You Tube. It's just so fun!! It will cheer you up, swear!


  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...