Kin Shriner and Susan Brown circa 1979
Long time GH actress, Susan Brown passed away today at the age of 86. Susan played Gail Baldwin, mother of Scott and wife of Lee from 1979-2004 and was also on Port Charles from 1997-2000. She also appeared on Santa Barbara and many tv shows in the 60's, 70's and 80's.
Photo posted by Kin on Twitter 8/31/18. Do you have any Gail memories? I always think of her as the one with the level head (and hormones) in the crazy world of Monica and Leslie!
Friday, August 31, 2018
Susan Brown Passes Away
It's the Jet Lag, Baby!
So, we all know air travel isn't what it used to be-- I even remember my parents making us "dress up" for a flight! No more. People were wearin' straight up jammies! I have to say Quantas is the best airline I've flown since the old days of British Airways. It was a treat. We even got a free drink with dinner--FOUR snacks during the 17 hour flight and breakfast! It was a shock to the system.
That said, I started for the US at noon on August 26th...traveled a total of 30 hours and it was STILL August 26th when we landed in Toronto. (if I've said this before I'm sorry--my brain is still mush). I've had jet lag before--usually when I go to England but this is something else all together!
I'm starting work up again next week...summer vacation is OVER and it's partly why I'm just not 'all here". Nine new therapy kids and scheduling can be a nightmare. Yesterday I actually went to the office for a half day and then came home and slept. Oh boyy...and I had NO time for GH repeats, that's for darn sure. Why ABC would do this---and choose to do it all in a row with Monday being Labor Day is beyond me. If You HAVE to show repeats because of some scheduling thing, spread them out. put one on extra around the holidays or something. Four days of repeats isn't doing the show any favors. If you're not online, you have no idea what's going on-- I've had people text and ask if the show was still going!
My Sunday Surgery is going to be based on what I've seen that I've managed to watch since I'v been back. Could be Wacky!!
Tillie is happy we are home and I'm happy to see her too. My new schedule looks like long Monday and Wed--and shorter Tues/Thurs/Fridays. Not sure if this is good or bad for my GH viewing. I'll be home just in time for it to start 2 days and I'll have to take Tillie out first. May be on a little delay.
OK! That's why I didn't put a post up yesterday. I prob wouldn't get one up today other than this so, fire away!
Our airline food on Quantas going over to Australia:
Baked Chicken and mushroom rice (so good) Cocktail of choice (even scotch!)
dessert was raspberry tart.
At this point in the flight all the lights went out and people couldn't even hear a peep from any kids or snoring or anything! The stewards came around with little lights on their vests to see if you were awake...if you were you got:
Snack one: Ice cream bars (YES!!)
Snack Two: Warm chocolate chip cookies
Snack Three: Cheese and Crackers or Fruit
Snack Four: BAKED MAC AND CHEESE.---which. was. AMAAAAAAAZING (Oprah voice)
Now, of the above I only got the mac and cheese. I did get an ice cream bar on the way back to the USA and it was delicious.
The lights came on slowly and the breakfast got rolled out:
Eggs, sausage, bacon, warm muffin
or the MOST GIANT glorious fresh fruit plate you've ever seen. (and a muffin)
Holy Toledo!! ;) So good. So needed after our cramped "AIRBUS" ride to LA that jammed us in for five hours and you got one little soda or water. Thanks, AMERICAN AIRLINES--I'm looking at you. Wub Hub, who's 5' 9" had to switch seats with me from the middle because he was so smooshed up!
Anyway..I am writing this at 1:48 am because....JET LAG, BABY!! I did sleep like the dead for 2 hours then woke up. PING!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Well, Faison's hair looks RESPLENDENT today--or maybe it's due to humidity like we are suffering from at the moment. Good Gravy--I'm swimming in it.
So...I'll try to answer some of the ?? from the comments. I do think they'll go into the abuse story with Ryan/Kevin or mention it because Kevin said he had been working with abuse victims and made some breakthroughs...(One of which is Franco).
Speaking of Franco, I CAN ONLY HOPE that Ryan has a session with Franco and--well, it could be hilarious.
Today's show: Faison/Anna flashbacks-- Nathan gets Shot-- yada yada.
Here are some old timey "Faces of the Week" to laugh at !! :) Remember these??
So...I'll try to answer some of the ?? from the comments. I do think they'll go into the abuse story with Ryan/Kevin or mention it because Kevin said he had been working with abuse victims and made some breakthroughs...(One of which is Franco).
Speaking of Franco, I CAN ONLY HOPE that Ryan has a session with Franco and--well, it could be hilarious.
Today's show: Faison/Anna flashbacks-- Nathan gets Shot-- yada yada.
Here are some old timey "Faces of the Week" to laugh at !! :) Remember these??
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Flyin' Blind People!
I'm just jumping in!! I haven't seen the show since August 10th. Haven't had time to catch up but I thought what the hey, I'll just-- DO IT!!
I am NOT liking these new cameras... looks weird on my TV. Probably on the new fancy pants one they it's just great. It's very--like..delayed a tiny bit and VERY bright.
So, 3 blondes in the park, discussing 25th anniversary of RYAN Chamberlain murders! What a co-wink-ee-dink, no?
BLONDES ARE: Felicia, Maxie and Lulu. Felicia is having Texas flashbacks. Poor Flea. There is a ton of info in the flashbacks. Too much to spill--so watch them. Kristina Wagner is still so stunning. She's shaken by the anniversary. I would be too.

Ryan/Kevin is shown in the mental hospital. I'm sticking with that's Kevin in the straight jacket because if it's Ryan--what's the big whoop? He's saying he's Kevin. Gordon the nurse, leaves his straight jacket a little loose. Ok, so a guy shows up in a suit...who we think is Kevin--and the guy on the bed says: Hi KEVIN. it Ryan tied up or Kevin?
Good Gravy--right now I do. not. care. Kevin says to Ryan (guy on the bed) "I found you alive and could have turned you in but I still think you can be saved".
So, they are going to switch them now, right? Ryan's straight jacket is loose and Kevin walked in and... it's going to be Fluke all over again.
They show the 'death' of Ryan and the fun house explosion. Kevin thinks he can 'cure' Ryan now-- with cognitive therapy?
Um..that's never worked on serial killers before and Kevin hasn't told Felicia he's alive!! ugh...
Carly and Jason having a nice breakfast together? Oh, wait, there's Sonny. LOL. (Carly and Jason are SOOOOOOOO Jarly). Sonny is going to visit long term care facilities. Carly is going with him. BUT! Oscar shows up to do a video of the school dance (the one where they were trapped in the freezer?? Umm..ok) and Jason agrees to stay with him while CarSon leaves. Neither he or Oscar looked pleased.
Oscar tries to talk about Joss and her being all pissy towards him. Jason gives advice.
Then says he can ride on his motorcycle and Oscar just about jumps for joy "Don't tell my mother" LOL
Julian is helping Brad with the Baby Drama Mama... Not sure what he did to threaten the mom? Alexis is with Lucas and Michael is lurking because of course he is.
Julian and Brad talk, Brad panics and wants to run with the baby. They are interrupted by Alexis and Lucas. Lucas knows something's up.
Kim tells Michael she's heard from Nelle. Nelle wanted her to say it was her hormones that made her do what she did. Kim said no.
Nina and Curtis are cute and interrupted by Valentin. Who wants to talk to her about Donna Mills but Nina is NOT havin' it. Oh, Curtis and Valentin are working together? Okay then. Later, Nina gets a phone call that her mother is dead! DONNA MILLS IS DEAD? Then Val hugs her and he gives a creepy grin.
Sonny sees a care facility. He's conflicted about putting Mike in one even though they are good. Maurice does a great job talking about wanting time with his dad. Sniff.
END: Ryan knocks out Kevin and takes his place. Could see THAT comin'!!
OMG!!!!!! OH..Oscar has a seizure right when he's leaving with Jason??!! WHAT?? WOW... that shocked me.
Tomorrow Obrect is on-- and Faison????? Whaaaaaaaaa? Remember that GH is on Repeat Wed- Friday and then on Labor Day.
But I saw Faison's wild hair. ;) Repeats with Dr. O and Faison..yep
I am NOT liking these new cameras... looks weird on my TV. Probably on the new fancy pants one they it's just great. It's very--like..delayed a tiny bit and VERY bright.
So, 3 blondes in the park, discussing 25th anniversary of RYAN Chamberlain murders! What a co-wink-ee-dink, no?
BLONDES ARE: Felicia, Maxie and Lulu. Felicia is having Texas flashbacks. Poor Flea. There is a ton of info in the flashbacks. Too much to spill--so watch them. Kristina Wagner is still so stunning. She's shaken by the anniversary. I would be too.
Ryan/Kevin is shown in the mental hospital. I'm sticking with that's Kevin in the straight jacket because if it's Ryan--what's the big whoop? He's saying he's Kevin. Gordon the nurse, leaves his straight jacket a little loose. Ok, so a guy shows up in a suit...who we think is Kevin--and the guy on the bed says: Hi KEVIN. it Ryan tied up or Kevin?
Good Gravy--right now I do. not. care. Kevin says to Ryan (guy on the bed) "I found you alive and could have turned you in but I still think you can be saved".
So, they are going to switch them now, right? Ryan's straight jacket is loose and Kevin walked in and... it's going to be Fluke all over again.
They show the 'death' of Ryan and the fun house explosion. Kevin thinks he can 'cure' Ryan now-- with cognitive therapy?
Um..that's never worked on serial killers before and Kevin hasn't told Felicia he's alive!! ugh...
Carly and Jason having a nice breakfast together? Oh, wait, there's Sonny. LOL. (Carly and Jason are SOOOOOOOO Jarly). Sonny is going to visit long term care facilities. Carly is going with him. BUT! Oscar shows up to do a video of the school dance (the one where they were trapped in the freezer?? Umm..ok) and Jason agrees to stay with him while CarSon leaves. Neither he or Oscar looked pleased.
Oscar tries to talk about Joss and her being all pissy towards him. Jason gives advice.
Then says he can ride on his motorcycle and Oscar just about jumps for joy "Don't tell my mother" LOL
Julian is helping Brad with the Baby Drama Mama... Not sure what he did to threaten the mom? Alexis is with Lucas and Michael is lurking because of course he is.
Julian and Brad talk, Brad panics and wants to run with the baby. They are interrupted by Alexis and Lucas. Lucas knows something's up.
Kim tells Michael she's heard from Nelle. Nelle wanted her to say it was her hormones that made her do what she did. Kim said no.
Nina and Curtis are cute and interrupted by Valentin. Who wants to talk to her about Donna Mills but Nina is NOT havin' it. Oh, Curtis and Valentin are working together? Okay then. Later, Nina gets a phone call that her mother is dead! DONNA MILLS IS DEAD? Then Val hugs her and he gives a creepy grin.
Sonny sees a care facility. He's conflicted about putting Mike in one even though they are good. Maurice does a great job talking about wanting time with his dad. Sniff.
END: Ryan knocks out Kevin and takes his place. Could see THAT comin'!!
OMG!!!!!! OH..Oscar has a seizure right when he's leaving with Jason??!! WHAT?? WOW... that shocked me.
Tomorrow Obrect is on-- and Faison????? Whaaaaaaaaa? Remember that GH is on Repeat Wed- Friday and then on Labor Day.
But I saw Faison's wild hair. ;) Repeats with Dr. O and Faison..yep
Monday, August 27, 2018
HELLO!! I'm back!! I want to thank Dave SO MUCH for all his work!! I have only skimmed his posts but will read them in earnest within the next day or two. Even I can't wait to look at the Wub Tub Time Machines!! WOOT!!
I had the best time Down Under!! What a great country... very eco-friendly and clean. People are happy-- and we went in the winter meaning it was "only" in the 70s and 80s with NO humidity! WOW!! I was in heaven. Beautiful beaches and clear clear water. Good food and I was with family for a week so that was extra special
I will catch up on GH when the re-runs air Wed-Friday this week (it's not on Monday/Labor Day) as much as I can. I may have to FF the Margo scenes and Peter scenes. (LOL)
I have a bazillion loads of laundry to do and of course, catching up on sleep.
Kudos again to Dave--- made my vacation more stress free by keeping this blog going.
I had the best time Down Under!! What a great country... very eco-friendly and clean. People are happy-- and we went in the winter meaning it was "only" in the 70s and 80s with NO humidity! WOW!! I was in heaven. Beautiful beaches and clear clear water. Good food and I was with family for a week so that was extra special
I will catch up on GH when the re-runs air Wed-Friday this week (it's not on Monday/Labor Day) as much as I can. I may have to FF the Margo scenes and Peter scenes. (LOL)
I have a bazillion loads of laundry to do and of course, catching up on sleep.
Kudos again to Dave--- made my vacation more stress free by keeping this blog going.
All Good Things...
Must Come to an End.
Thanks for putting up with me for 2 weeks. Karen is back and will be retaking her rightful place as the WubQueen. Give her time to catch up. She has 2 weeks of blogs to sift through along with 10 hours of GH. Since the show is pre-empted later this week, that might give her time.
I'll see all of you in the comments section!
PS. Yesterday was national dog day. So, here is a pic of you-know-who.
This is the official "portal" for Monday's blog.
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today.
Have a great Monday everyone!
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Sunday Surgery
Well wubbers, you got me for one more day. Our wubqueen returns tomorrow with her suitcases filled with jars of Vegemite. Today, like last week, I will give my silly observations of the past week. I'll still be commenting, only now back in the comments section. And who knows? Maybe Karen and I can collaborate on a future Wub Tub Time Machine together.
- I still think GH is due for a new opening.
- This is my prediction: Lulu will get a "Dear John" text from Dante (Or is it Dear Jane?). She will find comfort and solace on Chase' shoulder. (Along with his other body parts)
- Nora Buchanan mention. You know what that means...
- Why doesnt Brad and Lucas go to Sonny and have him "take care" of the birth mother? Send her to a casino in PR with a white dress or something.
- Billy Miller is showing signs of life when acting with Margeux. Hmmm... wonder why.
- This is just the designer in me, but... I would have taken some still photos from GH in the 60s and 70s and hung them in Charles' bar.
- Nina mentions she misses her daughter every day. Hmm... What are the odds they are going to switch to Madeline talking about said daughter.... Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
- GH drinking game. Everyone ready to play? Every time Valentin mentions the name "Nora Buchanan" we do a shot. I'm at 2. I drink Tequila with 6 drops of tobasco.
- Madeline admits it. Now the guessing game (and the fallout) begins
- Brad confesses to Julian because... because... because... I got nothin'.
- Chase and Michael are becoming besties. How cute.
- Drew and Curtis are already besties. How cute #2.
- Maybe it is me, but I think the groundskeepers at the cemetary are definitely slacking off.
- Ok, there is a mention of baby Lila. You know what that means. They are going to rewrite history and somehow she will be alive and appear in Port Charles soon. Because... you know... GH. (I'm starting to enjoy saying that. Thanks Karen!)
- I dont buy anything that Curtis found on Margeux. She is after Sonny hardcore and nothing that is listed in her background gives any indication as to a reason why.
- Port Charles - where it's not every day that a pregnant homeless woman gives birth and then hands her baby over to a stranger walking down the street. Oh wait...
- Monica at a funeral? Now, there's something you don't see everyday. Oh wait... Edward, Lila, Alan, AJ, Dawn (yes, Dawn...) Jason (temporary), Emily, Annabelle, Page, Baby Lila, Rick...
- No one is touching the food.
- Watching Michael at Morgan's grave, I was expecting Morgan to put his hand on Michael's shoulder. You know, the way that Georgie always does to Maxie when she is talking about her. That was the perfect opportunity. Oh wait... that means Morgan would have to be dead, so... scratch that.
- Why is the DA kissing Drew in public worthy of the front page on a trash rag? How is this big news for Port Charles? Silly. (I know, I know... storyline.)
- Diane needs more scenes and more air time.
- Ok, so we have Elevator Thug and the bartender at the Floating Rib all in one week. All is not lost.
- I dont think we will see the birth mother. At least not this time (this will probably be revisited in several years when they are running low on stories). I think Julian will pay birth mom visit, convince her (bribe or threat) to change her mind about taking the baby and have custody remain with Brad and Lucas. Of course, Julian will know Brad's big secret. He will get back together with Alexis and then when "it" hits the fan, Alexis will find out he knew the entire time. And, well... soap opera happens.
- Oh look... Billy and Chloe from Y&R. (wait, I did that last week...)
- Is it possible that Drew knew Margeux in the past when Drew had a different life and memories? Is this why Kim thought she recognizes her?
- They really arent giving Tamara Braun anything to do, are they?
- Isn't Nina's daughter supposed to be 20 years old? People are speculating Kiki, but she is 25. And Margeux is well over 20. So, who in PC is around 20 years old? Will one of Kristina's friends come visit from college?
- Hey! Ryan/Kevin are back. Has it been 2 weeks already?
- Who are these children with Franco? Have we ever seen them before? (that one was for you, Karen!)
- Lucy looks stunning in that dress.
- "He's like a puppy who hasn't been trained". I can think of a whole slew of people who would volunteer to rub his belly.
- The pails on the tables with plastic squirt bottles are so Famous Dave's
- I think the same groundskeepers from the cemetary are also working at the park.
- Yup. It's a Cassadine alright. Any speculation? How about a Stephen Nichols surprise return?
Well, that's it. I survived another Sunday. And so did you.
Here is another link for you all.
It is a clip from Wednesday's show. I think you'll like it.
It is a clip from Wednesday's show. I think you'll like it.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
General Hospi-tale
GH Cast 1980 |
It's Saturday and Saturday night is Karaoke night. So I decided to give you all a song to sing at the bar. I'm sorry for doing this, but you must click the link below, play the video and have the song stuck in your head for the rest of the day. (If you don't already) This is the final Wub Tub Time Machine and I thought I would end it with a little bit of cheesiness and tackiness. Let me hear you, sing it loud and proud!
Good Girls Dont.
And Annie Won't.
And You All Know What I Mean.
Sunday Surgery tomorrow, I will say goodbye on Monday
and then welcome back Karen!
This is the official "portal" for Saturday's blog.
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today.
Have a great Saturday everyone!
Friday, August 24, 2018
The Nurses' Ball
The Wub Tub Time Machine
I knew I wanted to do something about the Nurse's Ball. I know that all of you have opinions, positive and negative about the Ball, especially in recent years. I have my own vision for the ball. I think since ABC is owned by Disney, they should have it at the Disney Concert Hall in LA one Satuday night. A live, actual performing fundraiser. Fans can attend (high priced tickets) and there can be a section for signing autographs and books and a place where costumes and props can be displayed. (who wouldnt want to see the actual ice princess? or Lucy's Red wedding dress?) Performers from current and past casts of GH can perform and it will be taped and edited into a montage throughout the Nurse's Ball week on TV. By doing this, the proceeds can actually go to AIDS relief centers in LA and around the country. Tshirts and memorabilia can be on sale at the venue as well as online. Maybe some props up for auction? Televisions in the lobby playing scenes from previous Nurse's Balls. This can be a huge fan event, and also raise money for the cause. Because that is why the ball was started, right? To raise money and awareness? Remember that?
There have been some great acts through the years at the ball, but one stands out above the rest for me. I am putting that one in a link below, but I am not saying what it is. You'll have to click and be surprised!
I know that the performances were all done in character. But there was one number that I really wish they performed. It was a missed opportunity, in my opinion. Constance Towers was on broadway in The King and I with Yul Brenner. She was brilliant, as she is in everything she does. Here is the clip of her at the MDA telethon. Take a look:
Wouldnt it have been awesome if she did this number at the ball with Luke? (Or anything really) I know it would have been out of character to have Helena singing and dancing at the ball, but I would have overlooked the logistics. What an elegant woman and what an incredible talent.
Someday I would love to do a blog (with Karen?) of clips of GH stars before they were GH stars. (Leslie Charleston was in Happy Days, Stuart Damon as Cinderella, Maurice in Lucy and Desi: Before the Laughter, Constance as noted above, Finola in Stayin' Alive, etc.)
And my favorite act at the ball is: (no photos or description. you have to watch and be surprised)
This is the official "portal" for Friday's blog.
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today.
Have a great Friday everyone!
Have a great Friday everyone!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Wubs Down Under
First We Sing...
The Wub Tub Time Machine
If there is one thing GH does really well, it is honor the memory of the actors who have passed on. We got a great clip package for both Steve Bernardino and Anna Lee (Anna's was very classy, as they included 2 of the 3 Edwards, David Lewis and John Ingle) But it was the send off for John Ingle that had me bawling like a baby. I was expecting a title card at the end of the episode stating "In Loving Memory", but wasnt prepared for the waterworks that preceded it.
I knew there would be Quartermaine mayhem, and I expected the pizza fiasco.
There were a lot of memories, Jane's usual brilliant performance, clips of John Ingle, Skye's return... Ned's return... even Heather (I love Robin Matson!).
It was a very "Q"-centric episode.
But when I saw the back of Edward's head and the voice started, I got teary-eyed and emotional. Then there was Lila's hair bun. Man, this big bear just cried. It was so loving - and fitting - to have Lila stand up and escort Edward up the stairs into the light. Even today, when I think about that scene I get choked up. I cant watch it with a dry eye. I am reduced to a puddle.
I hope that for me, and for all of us, when our time comes we will have our loved one(s) take our hand and escort us the way Lila did for Edward. This has to be one of my favorite scenes from all 55 years.
PS Did we ever find out definitely what Heather knew that the Qs didnt? What was the big surprise in the will?
PS Did we ever find out definitely what Heather knew that the Qs didnt? What was the big surprise in the will?
This is the official "portal" for Thursday's blog.
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today.
Have a great Thursday everyone!
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The Balcony
The Wub Tub Time Machine
People often ask if you remember watching certain television historical events such as the last episode of MASH, Who Shot JR? or Luke and Laura's wedding...
I was a freshman in college. In between classes, I went to the student union where there was a console television. Scores of people were sitting on the floor, eyes glued to the television watching the wedding. I was there both days that it was on. Still somewhat new to the show, I didnt know all the characters but I do remember watching with a large group of strangers.
For many, this is "the" Luke and Laura moment. The one they remember above all others. But not for me. No, this isnt the scene I most remember of the two of them. For me it is the balcony.
Laura was presumed dead. (what Spencer isnt on this show, right? The Cassadines have kidnapped Laura, Lesley, Lulu and Lucky) Luke was just sworn in as Mayor and he is looking off the balcony to see the area where he danced with Laura on their wedding day. (nice touch, writers). He looks off in the distance and there is a blonde woman, with her back to him and naturally, he thinks it is Laura. (Spencer this time, not Templeton)
This next part of the scene is what did it for me. While reminiscing about their wedding day at the mayor's house, Laura knows that she can never return to the life of happiness she once knew. You see it in her face. If Luke, or anyone sees her, she puts her entire family in danger with the Cassadines. She looks on at the life she once had, unsure of the future, but knowing that she can't go back again. Then Luke yells for her and she is momentarily shocked. Once she does go to Luke you see the struggle within her. She played this perfectly. (As she always does)
I adore Genie. Watching this episode again, it's easy to see why.
Part One:
Part Two:
There are times when a show brings back a character from the dead and the reasoning is implausible. (It was all a dream... a horrible, horrible dream...) But with this storyline, it was not only believable but paved the way for future storylines. This backstory the writers created led to Stefan being on the show and most importantly, the character of Nikolas. With Nikolas being Laura's son, it laid the groundwork for some really great dramatic scenes by Tony Geary and Jonathan Jackson when they found out about him. It is really great when the writers can take a storyline and then expand it into something greater and still maintain the quality.
I was a freshman in college. In between classes, I went to the student union where there was a console television. Scores of people were sitting on the floor, eyes glued to the television watching the wedding. I was there both days that it was on. Still somewhat new to the show, I didnt know all the characters but I do remember watching with a large group of strangers.
For many, this is "the" Luke and Laura moment. The one they remember above all others. But not for me. No, this isnt the scene I most remember of the two of them. For me it is the balcony.
Laura was presumed dead. (what Spencer isnt on this show, right? The Cassadines have kidnapped Laura, Lesley, Lulu and Lucky) Luke was just sworn in as Mayor and he is looking off the balcony to see the area where he danced with Laura on their wedding day. (nice touch, writers). He looks off in the distance and there is a blonde woman, with her back to him and naturally, he thinks it is Laura. (Spencer this time, not Templeton)
This next part of the scene is what did it for me. While reminiscing about their wedding day at the mayor's house, Laura knows that she can never return to the life of happiness she once knew. You see it in her face. If Luke, or anyone sees her, she puts her entire family in danger with the Cassadines. She looks on at the life she once had, unsure of the future, but knowing that she can't go back again. Then Luke yells for her and she is momentarily shocked. Once she does go to Luke you see the struggle within her. She played this perfectly. (As she always does)
I adore Genie. Watching this episode again, it's easy to see why.
Part One:
Part Two:
There are times when a show brings back a character from the dead and the reasoning is implausible. (It was all a dream... a horrible, horrible dream...) But with this storyline, it was not only believable but paved the way for future storylines. This backstory the writers created led to Stefan being on the show and most importantly, the character of Nikolas. With Nikolas being Laura's son, it laid the groundwork for some really great dramatic scenes by Tony Geary and Jonathan Jackson when they found out about him. It is really great when the writers can take a storyline and then expand it into something greater and still maintain the quality.
This is the official "portal" for Wednesday's blog.
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today.
Have a great Wednesday everyone!
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Happy Birthday
The Wub Tub Time Machine
If someone said to me “what is your all-time favorite GH scene?” the answer, of course, would be Sean and Tiffany’s wedding. If someone asked what my second favorite scene would be, well… that’s coming later this week. (stay tuned!) But this is definitely in my “top 5”. And I am willing to bet, if you had a favorites list, this would be somewhere on there too.
I always believed that Wally Kurth and Rena Sofer had incredible chemistry. And apparently, so did they since they got married in real life and had a daughter named Rosalind (after Rosalind Cash, who played Mary Mae Ward on the show). What I never bought was Wally as Eddie Maine. Wally to me has always been clean cut and corporate with a suit and tie. And I really like him as the mayor. That was inspired. Lois was such a breath of fresh air for the Quartermaines. Rena was perfect in this role and being from the east coast, I related to her all the way. She brought so much to the show when she was on it. (She is now on B&B with Scott Clifton, who played Dillon.)
The next time they decide to start bloating the cast again, why not bring back Brooke Lynn in some capacity instead of a newbie?
The next time they decide to start bloating the cast again, why not bring back Brooke Lynn in some capacity instead of a newbie?
Im going to try to remember this without looking up, but Lois marries Eddie Maine (Ned Ashton) After that, he is blackmailed into marrying Katherine. Lois finds out that Ned is a bigamist and, instead of confronting him she decides to let the cat out of the bag in a more “celebratory” way. As Brenda put it, “it is the end of the world as we know it”
Happy Birthday Mrs. Ned Ashton!
This is the official "portal" for Tuesday's blog.
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Monday, August 20, 2018
Day One
The Wub Tub Time Machine
This is it everyone! This is where it all began for me. 2/13/1981. I was in the 8th grade and on the school bus. My friend Joy was sitting in front of me and she turned around and said “you have to watch General today”. Of course, as a 13-yr-old boy, the only thing I wanted to watch after school was Bugs Bunny cartoons. But she said “today is the day that Diana is going to get killed. You have to watch it so we can talk about it tomorrow.” I said OK and when I got home, I asked my mother what General was. (She was a Guiding Light fan) She said she would watch it with me, and we did. Looking back, I know I had no idea what was going on, but Joy and I did talk about it the next day and she rattled off the list of characters and I couldn't care less, nor was I really paying attention.
Fast forward 37 years later and here I am filling in on a blog on the internet about the show. Thanks alot, Joy!!! 😜
This is the official "portal" for Monday's blog.
Jump right in and post and comment when you can today.
Have a great Monday everyone!
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Sunday First Aid Kit
I'm still interning with Karen so, no surgery for me yet! (But I'm practicing.) These are my observations from the show this week.
Being in Vegas, I will hit a Brunch Buffet at one of the casinos. Sunday brunches have unlimited mimosas and well, you know... Vegas.
It is really weird to see Robert and Jason working together, but I guess Robert realizes that Jason cares about Anna because she is Robin’s mother.
The new Cameron kinda reminds me of Adam Rich from Eight is Enough. The guy can act. I hope they utilize that. How old is Cameron? The character was born in 2004, which makes him 14. Is he 14 on the show or SORAS?
What kind of earbuds cost $165? Go to $2. plus shipping.
It’s awkward seeing Liz be a parent. I mean, she has only been in the same room with her children what, 3 or 4 times tops?
Why is Oscar wearing a tie? Is this the new “look” for his generation? Weird.
The WSB needs to update their logo. It’s dated.
I like Alexis and Scotty going up against each other in court. They play off each other well. Over the past few years, court cases on the show have been minimal. Its nice to see something with some actual dialogue and substance.
Maura kicked butt on Monday railing into Griffin. Good for her. She is such a phenominal actress. Then with Kiki. Wow. Great scene and great acting. It should be another Emmy nomination year for her. Hell, for both of them.
Is that Elevator Thug guarding Anna? Is there any way they can have him strip with Magic Milo at the next Nurse's Ball? Maybe once the bad guys lose, Sonny can hire him as a permanent guard. Does anyone have the actors name?
I'm calling it... right now... Ava is going to shoot Dr. Creepy and kill him.
You know, with the new high definition you can really see all the makeup that is used on the actors. There is a lot. A lot.
Isnt a jury supposed to be 12 people? Not 6?
I see Griffin and I cant help but think of Ross from friends when he was yelling "We...were on...a break!!"
Max Gail should get nominated for Guest Star Emmy. He is really good in this role.
Seeing Carly playing with her hair... if they ever make a Jamie Lee Curtis biopic... I could see LW doing it. The resemblance was there (for me anyway)
Margeux was a little too obvious with Julian and Kim. We get it, you are interested in Sonny. Could it be because you are related to someone Sonny knows and you are out for revenge? I have a feeling that Dawson isnt really her last name. Could it be... Lansing? As in Trevor?
Speaking of which, I really dont see Julian and Kim as a couple. Does anyone?
The Stella/Michael scene was kind of awkward and unnecessary.
Everything is brown in Port Charles. Inside Sonny's house, Inside Alexis' house, inside bars, inside restaurants... Did sage green and tan go out of style and nobody told me?
Liz' transgender friend is Mike Webber.
(ok, it's not. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention and read this far.)
Kevin/Ryan spoilered a week ago Friday. They havent been seen since, have they? They forgot about them already? As Karen would say, "well... you know... GH"
Oh look... it's Billy and Chloe from Y&R
A few weeks ago Nina was saying how much she loved kids. In fact, other people were saying how much she loved kids. Now her mother Madeline is back on the show. Gee... what are the odds that Nina finds out her daughter isn't dead and is very much alive? Maybe even in Port Charles?
Donna Mills looks good. And very believable as Nina's mom.
Looking through the episodes this week, I noticed there were more conversations involving family and things that families talk about. Parenting, alzheimers, friendships. Limited mob stuff. And scenes with more than 2 people. And extras in the bar. (Karen would have picked up on this, so I thought I would too). The writing was good. It was about relationships and there was realistic dialogue. And people. There was people. It was a good week. It figures, the one week Karen decides to go on vacation...
Even I thought the party for the baby was stupid. But then... plot point so I get it.
I didn't see any Disney stuffed animals with the baby. Shame on ABC for missing an opportunity for a shameless plug.
Sam is the godmother? I'm surprised. I thought we would get a guest appearance by Britt Westbourne for that role.
Julian hates Sonny but "proudly serves Corinthos Coffee" in his bar?
Ok, it is time to speculate. Who is the birth mom? Will this be done off camera or will we see her? Is it someone we know (from the past?) Are they hiring someone for this role? Is it Lila Rae, SORAS from 12 to 21?
I hope everyone had a good week, and I will see you all tomorrow. PS. I did a web search for a First Aid Kit from Australia in honor of the wubqueen. This is the photo that came up. Kinda dark, isnt it? No red?
My father had early alzheimers/dementia. I was his care giver for 5 yrs. Towards the end, we needed him in a care facility. The storyline with Mike and Sonny is so very well done and very believable. (and well acted)
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Binge Worthy
I know Karen has a separate section on the blog for her Binge worthy shows. I thought I would do the same, as I enjoy a good binge now and then. I read hers and there are a good 2-3 we share thoughts on. The rest? Well, I guess we all have different tastes. Take a glance at my list of “required viewing”. Laugh, cry, comment. It’s Saturday. No show today and no Sunday Surgery, so that makes it a good binge day indeed!
I cant pick which show is better or more brilliant right now. It has been a very long time (Lost, Sons of Anarchy, Dynasty) since I sat on the edge of my couch and counted the days until the next episode of a show was on. CLAWS is just fun. Most of it is unforeseen craziness that you dont see coming, but that you sit with a “WTH?” look on your face following by a “you go girl”. All the cast is spot-on in their roles. I only knew Neicy Nash from Reno911 and knew her for her comedy, but she nails (pun intended) this character so fiercely. As for ANIMAL KINGDOM. Well, this is great drama. How Ellen Barkin has not been nominated for an Emmy for this role is beyond me. What an oversight from an inspired performance. Week by week I follow the storyline, waiting for the next shoe to drop. There is always a cliffhanger making you want more. Both shows have such great acting, which always carries a show. I cant believe I have to wait until 2019 for their return.
Now, in absolutely no order:
I remember seeing the previews. It looked stupid. I’m being honest. It looked like a LOST ripoff and that it would be silly and cancelled within weeks. I was wrong. It is cute. I know, that isnt a word to describe a show, but it is. The writing isnt dumb at all. Maybe I can call this a “fluff” show without being too offensive? I normally watch this on a Saturday when I am laying on the couch hungover, (I live in Vegas, remember) or when I am cleaning the house and need something entertaining in the background I can listen to and catch with one eye open. This is that show. Mindless fun, but fun nonetheless.
There are so many shows on Cable that I never heard of before. This is one that I am glad I stumbled across. Really good writing on this show, like a classic sitcom without the slapstick or laughtrack. Plus, the actors. Sam Elliott and Debra Winger are Gold. I love when shows bring back actors from previous shows who havent been on TV for awhile. Wendy Mallick? I worship her. I could watch her read a phone book. She needs her own show. She is brilliant in everything. Kathy Baker and Sharon Lawrence also had guest spots. Another 2 actresses who are TV gold. And Ashton Kutcher has had guest stars from both Two and and Half Men and The 70s Show appear. Overall well done and well acted.
Ok, I admit I didnt have high hopes. The whole reboot and remake craze is getting out of hand. (although Murphy Brown and Facts of Life have both caught my eye. And Designing Women will if it is done the right way) I cringed when I heard about this because I grew up loving the original. It turns out, the only thing the same was the set design and the premise. The writing is spot-on and the new cast is perfect. (Just give Rita Moreno another Emmy already. What a legend). In the first season finale, Elena couldnt get everyone’s attention so Rita yells “Hey. You. Guys”. Just like she did on the Electric Company. What a great reference and nostalgia for the older viewers. Oh, and in season 2 there was a quick reference to West Side Story. I love stuff like that. Nostalgia. Easter Eggs. I want more. Norman Lear still has the midas touch and picked good writers and actors for this one.
Sheer brilliance. There is a reason why William Macy keeps getting nominated for awards. This is the perfect example of a bingeworthy show. Once you start you cant stop. Episode to episode, season to season, you just keep hitting the play button and watching it go. And you are along for the ride and have to see what happens without turning off the tv. It just goes and goes and gets better with every episode. Very gritty and "real" it doesnt shy away from any topic. And the heroes dont always win.
Catherine O'Hara. Enough said.
Elizabeth Hurley was born to play the Queen of England. This show has all the family drama like Dallas and Dynasty did in their prime. Very good storylines. It shows what "could" go on behind the scenes at the palace. It is not all pomp and circumstance and tea and crumpets. A lot of drama, well written and definitely well acted. Elizabeth is fantastic as the Queen and William Moseley (who was in Narnia) does an exceptional job at the prince.
I couldnt tell if this was a parody or not when I first heard about it. It is shot like a mockumentary, but it seems a little more like there is a seriousness involved. The premise? Someone at a high school is drawing penises on cars in the parking lot with paint. I know, right? WTH? Anyway, this goes through the suspicions of who done it, to the arrest, to the doubts if he really did it, etc. Amateur teen sleuths use their computer skills to find the answer. There are twists along the way. Interviewing everyone with the phone camera. Its a sendup of the crime shows out there, but done in a really entertaining way with twists and turns. It really does make you want to keep watching until the end to see who really did it. This was a surprise find.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Aunt Ruby
The Wub Tub Time Machine
This scene is where Ruby met Lucky for the first time. (link below) Lucky was on the run from Frank Smith and took refuge in the diner. What I took from this scene is that after Ruby (Norma Connolly) met Lucky and realized he wasnt with his parents, she immediately went into a protective "mama bear" mode. She never talked down to lucky or treated him like a kid. She had a very calming presence to let Lucky know he was safe and she would protect him. I dont know if it was meant to come off that way, but that is how I saw it.
What a great lady she was! She was such a rock for so many people. When Ruby liked you, she would treat you like family and would give you the last penny in her pocket. (and a free cup of coffee). But if she didnt like you, boy, she let you know it. (She slapped Kevin once. Hard!) And she was big on finding the good in people, like Jagger and Liz after a bad first impression. She had a built-in "bs" detector and could see right through most people. She was gruff, but with a heart of gold.
Ruby was at home at the diner dispensing advice in her no-nonsense way. She lent a ear if you needed it (and sometimes if you didnt). She had a colorful background, coming from Florida with Bobbie and Luke, first as a prostitute and then as a madam. In PC, she worked at GH and then took over Kelly's.
Karen has often mentioned that Aunt Stella would be great as the new proprietor of Kelly's, and I always thought that would be a great idea. The show needs someone to dispense advice, handle exposition and move stories along smoothly. And Aunt Stella, though not a replacement, would be great at talking to everyone who came into the diner and giving people her opinion. (and boy does she have one)
Most of us have an Aunt Ruby in our lives. Someone who is not a blood relative, but we love like a family member. Who we look up to for advice and who love us unconditionally. The world needs more Aunt Rubys.
What a great lady she was! She was such a rock for so many people. When Ruby liked you, she would treat you like family and would give you the last penny in her pocket. (and a free cup of coffee). But if she didnt like you, boy, she let you know it. (She slapped Kevin once. Hard!) And she was big on finding the good in people, like Jagger and Liz after a bad first impression. She had a built-in "bs" detector and could see right through most people. She was gruff, but with a heart of gold.
Ruby was at home at the diner dispensing advice in her no-nonsense way. She lent a ear if you needed it (and sometimes if you didnt). She had a colorful background, coming from Florida with Bobbie and Luke, first as a prostitute and then as a madam. In PC, she worked at GH and then took over Kelly's.
Karen has often mentioned that Aunt Stella would be great as the new proprietor of Kelly's, and I always thought that would be a great idea. The show needs someone to dispense advice, handle exposition and move stories along smoothly. And Aunt Stella, though not a replacement, would be great at talking to everyone who came into the diner and giving people her opinion. (and boy does she have one)
Most of us have an Aunt Ruby in our lives. Someone who is not a blood relative, but we love like a family member. Who we look up to for advice and who love us unconditionally. The world needs more Aunt Rubys.
PS. And since it is Friday, that means it is time for another "Daytime Dilemma"!!!
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