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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Turkey Day


I have a feeling we may not get a Thanksgiving episode this year, so here's a vintage photo just for you. Hope you and yours have a great feast and much pi. Remember, no new episodes until Monday. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Hold on to ya Hats

Thanksgiving Eve and we have to ask ourselves: Will GH even CELEBRATE the holiday this year? I'm leaning to: NOPE!! Oh well, I hope they do Christmas? 

Ric gets Kristina to say it was HER BABY she was carrying. He says she was reckless with HER SISTER's baby. You did this. Alexis jumps up and says to stop it. The judge throws her out. Ric stops questioning Krissy. Molly is sad about everything and apologizes to Kristina. 

Natalia LaRue testifies about the accident they got into. Ric plays the 911 call. Then asks who caused the accident. Natalia lies and says SHE DID.  Says she got a text. Then Ric calls Molly. (BY the way, it HAS to be at least 9pm by now given what Lucky said earlier). Molly admits that Kristina was angry when she went to confront Ava and she warned her not to go. 

Ava's on the stand next. Explains what happens. Says she did close the drapes and switch the bag out. She regrets everything getting out of hand and the baby dying. The prosecution didn't even cross her--just closing arguments. 

Lucky is pissed Cyrus was volunteering at the facility. Doc says he's her uncle and talks on behalf of the family. Some orderly guy there calls Cyrus who's BUSSING TABLES AT THE PORT CHARLES GRILLE and tells him Lulu is missing. 

Lucky wants the security footage. Dr. says tomorrow. Lucky says he's calling the cops. The doctor says: Oh we are searching the whole grounds. Liz says: LET THEM LOOK! THIS IS ABSURD! 

THEN Liz and Lucky somehow know Cyrus is working at the PC Grille and ask him where Lulu is.  Tells Cy t stay away from Lulu. Cyrus says you've been gone for a decade, don't tell me about family. 

At the Qs, Brook and Chase run in to have sex and Olivia, Lois and Gio laugh.  After, Lois and Olivia talk about babies. 

Chase and Brook do it multiple times. Brook Lyn has so many clothes on it's LAUGHABLE. Then Chase says "we are going to have a baby for the first time together" or something like that. Brook looks guilty. I think she had Gio, gave him up for adoption and Lois knew where he went. She kept an eye out. Brook has no clue that he's her kid. 

OH! LULU is in the Q yard while GIO plays the VIOLIN!! YES, he's playing the STAR SPANGLED BANNER. OUTSIDE--at like 11pm. AHAHAHAHA.  She asks who he is. He says he lives there and mentions Lois has lived there for awhile. Lulu is confused. Then she wanders away and Gio watches her go. 

Sasha is shocked she's pregnant.

Lulu goes into the house, is confused. James asks who she is. She says: WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE? She stands here and James finally yells 'MOM! STRANGER DANGER" Maxie and Sasha come out. James says he's not lying. Maxie finds the spare key gone.  Spinelli has an app to the camera on the porch and they see a hoodie lady out there. James says she's blonde. Spin wants to tell the police. 


Lucky sees Lulu walking out of the facility on the security footage. 

James sees Lulu's face in a PHOTO ALBUM and says it was "the lady" LOL!! 

Ric gives his closing, it's great as usual. 

Rocco sees Lulu in the Q living room. Lulu can't believe it's Rocco

Jury deliberates. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Blow Them Pops


Ric decides to call Kristina at a later time during the trial.  Dante is up. Ric tries to establish that Dante doesn't like Ava and wants Sonny to get custody of Avery. Talk about the curtains being open, then closed and her tripping on the bag which Ava said were shoes. Then the prosecution rests. They take a recess. Then Ric recalls Kristina. Tries to get her to admit going to Ava's to confront her even though she was almost ready to give birth. Then Kristina lists Ava's crimes like "Killing Morgan". Goes on to describe what Kristina said at the restaurant. He has 4 witness statements about her threatening Ava. Ric is hitting hard. 

Cody picks Lulu up on the side of the road.  She says her boyfriend threw her out of the car and she doesn't have a coat or a phone. She can't remember anyone's number. Then, she eats a blow pop because Cody has a bunch in his divider in the truck. I am not kidding. Is Watermelon good? Nah she wants Cherry.  They giggle. GOOD LORD. They talk about families, and horses and...then Cody lets her out somewhere. Gives her money and a grape lollipop. OH! And his information in case she has to call him. 

Liz tells Lucky she's a target of Sam's autopsy investigation now. She tells him about the digitalis and they think it could have gotten mixed up but Lucky doesn't think so. He wants to help 'figure out' what happened. 
PHONE CALL: The place tells Lucky that Lulu is missing. 
Liz and Lucky go to the facility. They learn about the fire alarm. Lucky isn't happy. 

Sasha tells Maxie she might be pregnant. She tells her it's not Cody-- she met some guy in a bar. She's scared because she lost her other baby and she's alone now. Maxie says she has family and friends including WILLOW ahahahaa. 


Sasha is pregnant

Lulu finds the hidden key for her old house, puts it in the lock

Ric is making Kristina lose it on the stand. "Why would you go confront someone you feel is a murderer when you're that pregnant"? 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Contains Week Spoilers


MONDAY! Here I am. I saw the previews and I'll tell you this: YES, Lulu "Escapes" the Lakeside CARE CENTER--:EYEROLL: and wanders around Port Charles. I think James sees her. I have no idea how I'm going to react to those scenes! I think Curtis tapes Michael about the Drew deal and Ava/court. That's it so far.

I am expecting Lulu to be riding a horse at the Qs soon 


Michael is meeting with Drew and recording him. Drew says they need to be honest about 'the kiss' and they need to move forward and yada yada. Drew only cops to the one kiss and it will never happen again. Drew tells him he will make good by making him CEO. Curtis isn't as experienced as Michael. "I was never going to choose Curtis" 

Curtis is still at the gym trying to call Drew but Drew doesn't pick up. Jordan walks in and he confides in her what Michael told him about Drew betraying him with the CEO stuff.  They talk about Drew and if he's trustworthy. 

Lulu's pretending to be in a damn coma and the nurse doesn't even notice. Lulu's hooked to the monitor but I don't see an IV. She gets up, rubs her legs, stands. GETS to the COUCH. Then hears Cyrus in the hall telling the doctor HE'S going to have her transferred to South Carolina. The doctor says her mother has to sign off. By the time Cyrus is back in the room, Lulu's BACK IN BED--pretending. Then nurses come in to turn her like 1" and they talk about how busy they are going to be, getting 30 new patients that night. Then, they do to get coffee and Lulu gets up, WALKS IN THE HALL. Then she overhears the doctor tell the nurse that Lulu will be moving to SC tomorrow. SHE PULLS THE FIRE ALARM. Goes to the front desk, steals a gym bag and a hoodie. AHAHAHAHA this is so dumb. LULU goes into the woods to change. AHAHAHA. OMG. 

Courthouse: Everyone but Trina sits on Kristina's side. ALL the witnesses are there: IN THE COURTROOM, listening to everything. Illegal AF but you know, SOAP.  Opening statements by the prosecution and Ric. They even have a jury there! WOW... Ric basically says it's Kristina's fault. LaRue, Joss and Gio talk about Kristina's fall and how bad it looked. Trina gets on the stand too. Says she saw Ava up in the window and close the blinds. The doctors get up next. They admit they know the fall killed the baby but they don't know HOW Krissy fell. 
Kristina is up! 

She talks about wanting to be a surrogate and how easy her pregnancy was. She wanted to do everything right..yada yada. Then she is going to tell about the accident. She tells them Ava was furious when she visited her and that she pushed her out the window. (LIES) 


Curtis hears the Drew tape

Kristina is on the stand and Ric asks her why she's lying

Lulu STOPS SOMEONE in the ROAD and asks for a ride. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Rude Awakening


Such a frustrating week for me!! GH can be so good, then so uneven and just plain plodding along that it baffles the mind. I felt like Thursday and Friday were just "oh, let's do some narrative fillers for now". 

I think we should have some of Dante's breakfast, don't you? Let's give it a go! 

warning: I'm pretty scathing in this review. If you'd rather just have a nice, relaxing read you can skip it! 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Chad is leaving GH


I'm assuming there will be a recast because Michael is in the thick of things now!! 

Friday, November 22, 2024

This was a MEGA Filler Show


Welp, here's hoping there's more going on today than yesterday!!!! It was tough to get through. 

Michael and Curtis are in the gym. Michael tells him he might not be CEO of Aurora much longer. He tells Curtis that Drew tried to buy his silence by offering him Curtis' job. He wants to team up to get Drew out. 

Trina is in her apartment and Gio scares her by walking in. They talk about how Trina is doing. Boring. Dumb. They are both testifying at Ava's trial later. Trial talk. Violin talk. 

Sasha is having breakfast with Mac and Felicia. Mac has a letter from Robert for her. She says it's ok he left, she understands. They talk about family. Mac says Cody is taking it hard. Sasha thinks she should steer clear of him for awhile. 

Dante makes breakfast for the kids at the Q's. They say he did a good job. Jason walks in. The kids go to play a video game. Jason wants to talk to Dante about Danny. Jason wants to let Danny decide where to live. 

Scout drops a bunch of stuff in the foyer like paint to make decorations. The kids are upset they may be in trouble. The kids all work together to get it picked up aww, Jason and Dante look on and think how great they are. 

Stella sees TJ at GH and asks why he's not at the trial today. He says nope it's too much. Molly is at the trial and Stella is like "She's there by herself"?? She tells TJ he's not very savvy for not realizing he should be there. 

Ava and Ric are outside of Bobbie's. He says she'll win. She's anxious. He says don't worry, it will be fine. She's not so sure. They blab about the trial. Her odds. They walk on to get to the courthouse. 

Kristina and Molly are waiting in the courtroom. Kristina is cocky and says they'll get justice for their daughter. Molly tells her she's testifying for the DEFENSE. Krissy is not happy. Molly tells her the types of things she might have to attest to. Krissy says; WELL LIE! LOL.

TJ shows up at the courthouse. Then Ava and Ric walk in.

Today was probably one of the most boring shows in awhile. AND IT IS A FRIDAY!! SO much filler. No follow up on anything for 2 days. No Liz, no Lulu.  


Jason is moving into the Q house too. 

Sasha has a pregnancy test in her purse. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Filler Day


Well, let's see if Lulu is riding a bike today!  NOTE: Even tho they left us with the cliffhanger of Lulu hanging on the edge of the bed yesterday, she was NO WHERE TO BE SEEN TODAY!! That's GH for ya!!

Michael talks to Sasha in the Q kitchen. He says he can't go home. He's sad. He and Sasha have coffee. He tells her he knows Drew and Willow had Zex but can't tell them because he'd have to tell her he had zex with Sasha. 

Dante is packing up his Penthouse to move to the Qs. Chase comes over. Dante says he wants to stay at the PH with the memories but has to go to the Qs for the kids. 

Kristina and Sonny have dinner so she can whine about the trial tomorrow. She wants justice for ADELA.  She's never felt so badly because she lost Adela and Sam. So, Sonny offers her a job at the Coffee Warehouse. I guess Charlie's and the LGBTQ place have evaporated. 

Dex and Kai are at the gym talking about Trina. OMG so boring. They are going to spar. They spar. Kai gives Dex free tickets to Llanview game.

Trina and Joss are in Bobbie's talking about Kai and how much Trina doesn't like him. Like REALLY DOESN'T LIKE HIM. Kai comes in 10 minutes late. He did get the books they need to reference tho. 

OMG STUPID Kristina goes to Bobbie's after Sonny's dinner to get a Chai and runs into Joss. They talk about Krissy's sorrow and ADELA and Sam's funerals. She wants to apologize to Joss. Joss is going to testify for the prosecution. They want JUSTICE for Adela and Morgan. 

Alexis has Drew and Jason in the office to tell them about Sam's Will. Jason isn't happy about the Will and thinks the date is too early.  Jason says Danny should decide. Drew says that Danny likes living at the Qs. Alexis figures out they got into a fist fight and tells them to cut it out and start talking. They won't say why they fought. Jason goes to leave and says he'll fight for Danny to make up his own mind about who he's going to live with. 

Drew and Alexis talk about Jason and he says he's not stable. Look what he did to my face! Alexis says having the kids stay with her is an alternative. 

Sonny and Jason talk abou Sam's Will. Sonny says it's old. Call Diane. 

Jordan and TJ have dinner in his office and he tells her about Sam's funeral. He talks about missing Molly's birthday. 


Sonny vows to help Jason fight for Danny 

Drew says Danny and Scout are living with HIM!! 

Michael cries. 

NOTE: Nothing about Lulu today and it doesn't look like she's on tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Humpus Dayus


Yes, a Gallbladder Stuffy ~~

Before we begin, thank you for all the gallbladder advice! I've had inflammation for years but never an "attack" where I could barely breathe and the pain was that intense. I of course thought it had to be gallstones or a bile duct issue but an ultrasound ruled those out. ERGO... not much to do unless they become more frequent and then I'll get a contrast dye study. I want it out. There's 'thickening' but that's about it. My bloodwork was excellent. So thank you to all for your concern and I guess I'll just stick with hardly any fun food lol. 

To the person with a surgeon friend, you're very lucky !! 


Liz and Lucky talk MORE about him staying or going. Liz sees Lucas inside of Bobbie's. They go in. Lucas says he didn't go to the funeral because he'd be a distraction. 

Brennan comes into Bobbie's and Liz leaves for GH . 

Dante and Krissy are in the PH. Kristina is packing up Sam's stuff to 'go through" GEESH! woman! Give people a minute. Dante is sad. They talk about life. Dante blames himself. Doesn't think Sam would have done it without him being involved. 

Alexis is frantic and looking for Sam's will. She and Molly are at her office. Molly mentions that Ava's trial starts tomorrow. Molly says Ric called her as a witness for AVA's defense!! yippee

OMG Alexis finds Sam's Will and it names DREW as legal guardian for Scout and Danny! ahahaahhaaha. It's an old Will, not updated since Jason was found alive. 

Danny and Jason are in the cemetery. Danny puts a flower on "Baby Girl McCall" grave. Danny wonders if there's a heaven. He thinks he hurt Lucas earlier today and his mom loved him. He tells Jason what he said in anger. They talk  about emotions. 

Lulu wakes up...sees the room, looks at her PRISTINE SCAR AHAHAHAHA!! OMG. Okay. Oh, we are going to have to tell ourselves this is a show SO MUCH during this story!! I mean, coma patients are hooked up to a LOT OF shit!! AHAHAHA. So, she reaches for the call bell. I think she's in a facility again????? Cyrus is there, talking to a doctor in the hall-- and he says he's representing the family at her bedside. THEN THEY SHOW a fake flashback of NuLulu talking to Cyrus about a newspaper article like 3 years ago? I'm gonna drink'. =

LULU fools the nurse and pretends she's in a coma still. Then she sits up, gets up, puts her foot down, then falls. 

Cyrus tells the doctor HE WILL tell Laura that Lulu's improving so she doesn't get her hopes up. Lulu's faking being asleep I guess. 

Lucas gets called into Portia's office for the Corners' report. No surgical error caused her heart attack. Lucas asked what did. Portia shows him the report. Then the next time, Lucas sees Liz and is going to tell her something but Portia grabs her first. 


Sam was given digitalis and Elizabeth should get a union rep, there's going to be an investigation. 

Lulu gets off the floor, gets back on the bed, rubs her legs. 

AND I'M DYING ahahahhaa. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024



Here we are! Funeral Day!! I need some uplifting stuff dang it lol. I also watch Neighbours and I'm in a spot in 2022 where someone is dying and I CAN'T!!  Maybe I have to rewatch Schitt's Creek again. 

TODAY'S SHOW: Get them hankies!! 

Lucas is in the graveyard visiting his Dad's grave. Kiki is bringing him flowers. They talk about Julian and him loving his kids. She wonders why he's not at the funeral.  He tells her Danny stopped at the church and thinks he killed his mom. Ava says: DID YOU? lol He says he's still trying to work it out. Ava says she knows something about guilt. "maybe it runs in the family". She says jokingly he could change his last name to "Jerome". Also says she's always there for him. 

The church. Molly gets up to talk about Sam. Thanks everyone for being there. She goes on to say that the Davis sisters are a force and now only 3 sets of arms to hug instead of four. She knows Sam will always be there with them. Kristina talks about how much Sam helped her out of jams with no judgement. Then Spinelli gets up and tells everyone how Sam helped him get in shape for Maxie and how cool she was to a dork like him. Carly talks, there is a flashback of Sam slapping her. Then Liz is up. Another flashback of Liz calling Sam out for the fake kidnapping of Jake. OMG THEIR HAIR!! WOW. Giant. 

Lucky talks about what a hero Sam was and how she saved Lulu. He didn't wash his hair. NOPE. Dante is talking, very sad. Flashback to them deciding to move in together. He talks about mashing their families together and how strong Sam was. 
Rocco gets up and talks about Sam not being DNA related but how she accepted him and they were family. He will always think of Scout and Danny as his siblings. Then Jason talks and then Danny. Sad. 

Alexis is really sad too and it's long.  "She was my anchor".  Talks about not raising her but them becoming mother and daughter and friends. Flashback-- when Sam went into labor. Alexis gives a good speech but I'm not typing it all up!  "Thank you for choosing me, my angel". 


TONS of flashbacks. My fave was Liz and her burning St. Jaysas Clothes! 

LULU's eyes open. 

TOMORROW: Cyrus is in Lulu's room saying he's going to 'take care of her" 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Monday MM


Ever have one of those months? Goodness, it's been something. I get to go have a look see at my gallbladder later today. I'm kind of hoping they just rip it out right then and there lol. Hope YOU are all doing well and ready for another adventurous week on GH. I think the funeral is tomorrow and today is th lead up but we shall see. I feel like we've been through the wringer already with the Sam stuff!! 


Getting ready for the funeral. Maxie is looking at the flowers in the church and think they are too much. Lucas walks in. He says this is all his fault. Maxie says it's not. They go back and forth about his guilt and the surgery. Sam wouldn't want you to feel like this says Maxie. 

Alexis is getting ready and says to her girls she doesn't think she can do this today. She broke a bracelet Sam gave her for mother's day. Molly goes and tries to fix it. She's upset with Kristina. Kristina says "it's so sad, you were just getting ready to bury Adela" OMG!! Molly heard that too. Fking Kristina. Molly goes outside for air. Ric is there! yeah! 

Ric gives Molly a birthday gift to see 12 Angry Men. They are going together. They hug. TJ walks up. 

Alexis is inside talking to Krissy. She realizes she forgot Molly's birthday. Then she sees Ric outside and is mad he's there. TJ and Molly go inside. Ric says at least he remembered her birthday. Alexis says he's heartless and to get off her lawn. 

Scout sees Drew's face and asked what happened. They are all ready for the funeral. Drew says HE WALKED INTO A DOOR in the kitchen LOL. DERP. Rocco and Danny don't buy that. Scout wants Drew to promise he won't leave her. He does. Nina then comes in and puts some make up on Drew's face. She asks if Jason is in jail. He says no, Danny needs him. She says "is this just all about ONE kiss"?? Drew says yes it's just the one kiss. 

Nice scene with Danny and Rocco. Rocco says "no matter what anyone says we are brothers".

Liz wants to talk to Aiden. He knows it's about his Dad. Aiden says he figured out that Lucky would probably leave again. He feels good because his Dad is at least alive and he can see him now and then. 

Lucky is in Bobbie's looking at the iPad at an article about a flooded village somewhere in the world. Brennan comes in and says He's the guy that saved him. They talk about Bobbie's and PC. Brennan offers him a job "boots on the ground" with the WSB. Not sure where--but it pays good and he wants Lucky with the WSB. Lucky says the WSB always comes with strings and I'm not a puppet. It's a job with refugees and some political group forming they need intel on. He could get Lucky on a plane in 24 hours. Liz walks into Bobbie's. 

Dante and Cody are looking at family photos of Sam. Dante doesn't think there's much of a family without Sam. They aren't ready for the funeral but EVERYONE else is...this is weird. They keep talking. Olivia walks in (not dressed) and they talk about memories of Sam playing baseball. Dante leaves to "check on the kids"... Pfft. They are dressed and Danny is at the damn church!! 

Joss opens the door to their apartment and Kai is there. Trina comes up and shuts the door in his face. Joss talks her into hearing him out. Joss leaves for Sam's funeral. Kai wants another chance with Tri. He says his advisor thought Art history would be easy. He realizes it's not. Trina says she's busy. He says she wouldn't turn someone away from The Gallery that wanted to learn about Art, would she? He pleads his case and tries to dazzle her with some memorized Art History stuff. 


Trina gives Kai another chance

Lucky tells Liz about the job offer

Rocco overhears Nina telling Drew about Jason punching him

Danny yells at Lucas to get out of the church because he killed his mother. 


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Sunday Surgery: One Punch Man


If you know that manga One Punch, then you know why I picked this. Across the soapy-verse EVERYONE seemed happy for Drew to get a nice smackdown by Jason.  Other stuff happened too and a lot of it was filler but at least it was an escape, right? 

Sorry I was out 2 days. Watching on Hulu was great because it goes so fast. This will also be fast because due to technical difficulties, I'll be brief. 

Dig into what you got and let's GO GO 

Friday, November 15, 2024

On Contract?


Terry calls Dr. Gannon into her office. She offers him a job to stay at GH. He takes the paperwork and leaves. Liz comes in and wants to know if she offered Isaiah a job. Terry says yes and Lucky should be happy. Liz says well, he's probably not staying. 

Jordan asks Liz how Lulu is...says Laura is devastated that Sam died. They both talk about how great and dreamy Dr. Gannon is. Then Isaiah walks down stairs and tells Jordan about the job. He says he might not stay. Jordan looks sad. She says he's really needed in PC and can do a lot of good in the OR. 

Lucky is at the gym with Sonny to ask him advice. He wants to know if he should stay or go. GOD he's such a baby. How much validation does he need?? Sonny says his mother needs him and yada yada. Lucky doesn't know what he's going to do in PC. He can't be a cop again, that was a mistake. Sonny says well, I can give you a legit job. 

Anna tells Felicia that Robert left and probably with Holly. She sounds pretty jealous. Felicia says Robert is going to help his 'daughter's mother" . She's worried about Sasha. Anna thinks he'll be back to build a relationship with Sasha at some point. 

Carly stomps into Jason's apartment asking him why he looks like he does. He says he got in a fight with Drew and that's all she needs to know. He says he went into the Qs and hit Drew. End of story. She's angry he did that with Scout and Danny there. Jason says it had to happen. Carly freaks out says that Drew will get the police on him. Jason says: NOPE won't happen. Carly is all mouthy and then says she's going to go 'clean up his mess'. Leaves. 

Ric shows up at the Qs, Drew called him. Ric hope Drew presses charges. Drew says Jason knows he kissed Willow (HAHHAA more than that buddy) and he wants Jason to keep his mouth shut. He needs Ric to broker a deal. Ric won't do it if he doesn't know the whole truth. Drew finally tells him he slept with Willow. Ric looks disgusted. LOL. If RIC IS DISGUSTED, you messed up! Ric takes a photo of Drew's face. Drew is saying that no one knows but Willow about them sleeping together. Ric finally says he'll go talk to Jason but he thinks it will make him more angry. 

Carly knocks on the door so hard at the Qs, I think everyone is going to wake up. Drew says she's just there to help and protect Jason.  Drew says Carly always takes Jason's side and that's why they broke up. This was a dumb scene. 

Ric goes to Jason's. Says he should sign an NDA and Drew won't press charges. Jason says NOPE. Ric says Drew is thinking about Danny. Jason says he'd better shut up about Danny. Ric says he wishes he could put Jason away. Good scenes. 


NOTHING happens on today's show. LOL ... I can't believe it was a Friday show. 

MONDAY is the start of the day until Sam's funeral. I don't think they'll get to it Monday. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Last Years Predictions

 NOTE: I am having my hair done (AGAIN) and I'll miss Jason punching Drew...damn it! But enjoy this blog that explores our predictions for this year from last yea!! I think David came out on side of winning....not so much me. 
Use the comment section for today's show! Thank you! 


So, how did we do?

Every year we do our predictions and sometimes we nail it, and sometimes we don't. These were from last year. Before we go into next year's predictions (in another blog), let's take a look back and see how we did.



Some serious, some fun..some fanciful! Will ANY come true?? 

After Bobbie is gone, Carly throws herself into Kelly's, remodeling it and also renaming it Bobbie's Cafe. 

NAILED IT! Of course we did. This was kinda a no brainer. 

Ryan Carnes, Sam Behrens and Rick Springfield will all cameo for a day or two for Bobbie's Memorial. Bonus: Look for Brad Maule, in a beard disguise in the back row.

PARTLY. Well, we got one. But it was an important one and a great surprise. 

Maxie's heart begins to fail. Another transplant will be needed. We wait in anticipation to see who on the GH canvas will eventually die and become a donor. 

We missed this one. Although Lulu needed a transplant. Maybe 1/2 point on this one? 

BROOK LYNN MARRIES ...and in grand Q tradition has a giant wedding at the mansion. Chaos and love ensue! Lois (who returned to Bensonhurst for a little while) is back as mother of the bride. Tracey and Lois clash on just about everything from the caterer to the music to the cake! This leaves Brook out in the cold as the bride to be! BUT she has bigger things on her mind.. mainly--is she pregnant? 

Most of this. We missed the pregnant part - for now. 

We are wondering along with everyone else if Roger Howarth is REALLY gone!! know Frank!! You think he'll be back?? Playing who?  Karen is guessing Houston Holt... Austin's twin brother! 

John York's health will prevent him from returning until at least the summer. This draws out the Cody reveal. Felicia decides to take matters into her own hands and does a DNA test. When she enters it in 123 and Me, she finds that Sasha is an exact twin match to Cody. 

CLOSE. But like above, this was a no brainer. 

LULU returns!! Question is: Old Old Lulu (Julie Berman) or Old Lulu Lulu (Emme Rylan) OR a NULULU!!??? I think Emme Rylan, Dave's going with a new cast. Either way, Laura needs at least one of her kids around! 


Maurice takes a 3-4 month vacation. Coincides with a breakup with Nina, and Sonny will go to the casino in Puerto Rico for that time. Dave predicts Maurice will take a vacation period like Genie Francis and Finola do. 

Not even close. But there is always next year.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Too Good for this Earth


Here I am!! So, Robert took off with Holly? I hear they are back after Christmas for a visit. Also, Lulu wakes up Nov 18th if the timeline stays the same. 

TOMORROW I AM OUT again for my... HAIR! Yes, that time again!! 

BUT I'm here TODAY: 

Kristina tells Alexis she was in a minor car accident. She says Sonny knew and told her to tell her mother. 

Maxie is at Deception with Sonny signing some things and LaRue walks in. Maxie leaves. Natalia asks Sonny about Krissy she says she has lost it crying behind the wheel too. She wishes she did better by her children. They talk about stuff and Sonny says (don't laugh) Kristina is like his mother Adela, TOO GOOD FOR THIS EARTH. AHAHAHA.  

Jason is drinking at the Brown Dog, watching Drew's victory party and Michael walks in and tells the bartender to turn it off. He tells Jason Drew and Willow kissed...then he slept with Sasha...then Drew and Willow slept together. HE SHOWS JASON THE VIDEO ahahaha! OMG anyway, he's afraid Wills is in love with Drew. Michael leaves. 
Spin comes in and Jason says Brennan might know where he is so monitor his communications. Spin misses Sam because she'd help with this. Then Jason talks about Danny and how best to help him forward. Danny wants to live with him but also live with Scout and Rocco too. Jason says he has to protect those he loves. 

Nina is at Drew's victory party and Carly walks in. Carly introduces him to Brennan. Then Drew talks to Jordan.

Curtis is at the party, tells Portia now that Drew won, he'll be perm CEO of Aurora. 

Willow is in the bathroom. Nina is happy that Drew will be in DC soon. They leave Maxie asks Nina if she told Willow she was sleeping with Drew. Nina says no need now. He'll be gone. 

Willow walks out and sees Drew. Smiles. She wishes him luck and then goes to find Michael. 

Oh, and in all of his Brennan tells Carly he doesn't trust Drew. 

Michael goes to the victory party. Drew says hello to him. He thinks Michael should be CEO of Aurora (poor Curtis). Michael says he'll talk to him later. Tells Willow to meet him at home. 

Sasha opens a package thinking it's a cook book but it's a "New Daddy" book for Chase. He thinks they are putting a lot of pressure on themselves to make a baby. Sasha says Robert left but he said she could call. 

Lois is bugging Ned to tell her about the drama that went down because no one is telling her. (about the video of Drew/Cody) . He says No. She asks Brook and Brook says no, you have too big of a mouth. She says how so. Ned says you told Sonny about the SEC. He says YOU CAN'T KEEP A SECRET, right GIO"? when GIO walks in and then Lois looks at GIO and GIO looks at LOIS. Ned tells her to drop it and Lois leaves. 

Nina and Drew walk into the Q house and Jason is standing there, ready to punch Drew

Michael stares at Willow in the Gatehouse

Curtis wants to start a music program at the community center with some of the money he'll be making as CEO. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Out of the Office


Well, I'm out of THIS office but not my OTHER office. Sorry I can't be with you today but duty calls. 

Hope you are having an ok day. 

Monday, November 11, 2024


HERE I AM... and I think I'll never get rid of this cold. SERIOUSLY!! UGH  


So, apparently I hit my head AGAIN because Natalia and Kristina were in a car accident and they hit each other??????????? DID I MISS THIS? They get out of the cars and Kristina says she swerved because her life is a mess. Sam!! Wahhhhhh! Nat says she's sorry about that. Kristina cries. Then Natalia calls Sonny to come and help with her. Krissy sits and cries about losing Sam and her baby. I swear it sounded like Sam's funeral was already over? Maybe not, but it was STRANGE. Then, Sonny shows up. They hug.

Sasha's in GH to get her shoulder looked at and Felicia walks in. Felicia says she's a Scorpio and they are all family. Felicia says she left her girls and regrets it. Life is short. 

Holly goes to Brennan to "Get what she's owed". She was freelancing for the WSB and she's probably going to be killed. So Holly was working for them. She could keep the diamonds as payment but now has nothing.  Brennan sends her to Lisbon on an assignment. Oh! OK!! WELP! 

Mac goes to talk to Robert about Holly. Says he knows Holly was a part of the explosion and she's trouble. Robert says that Felicia has been trouble too. "you've always forgiven her" says Robert. 

Anna asks Jason if he wants to help her clean up the bombing "mess". She wonders if he was lying to her and working with Holly. He's like: NOPE! Do you know where Sidwell is? NOPE--she cries a bit about him being more loyal to Sonny than anything else. She asks if he'll still help her with Valentin. He says yes, hopes they can be friends. THIS was SO CONFUSING. The whole conversation.

Stupid Stalker Drew goes to Willow's...and basically says Let me in. Jerk. He give her the earring she dropped. They talk. Dre says she's the most honest person he knows and he can tell because of how she blushes when she lies.  She says to stay away. He gets THISCLOSE and tells her "I know you're blushing" . She says they can't be friends and wants to not lie to Michael but they have to. 

Michael talks to Sonny. He thinks his marriage is an illusion. Sonny gets called by Natalia LaRue and leaves to see Krissy. 

Sonny goes home with Krissy. She was crying when a song came on and went into the other lane. She doesn't want her mom to know.

Diane and Alexis in their new Law Offices. Alexis wants to work, Diane understands. Alexis says she has to be there to control things because she can't control anything at home. Diane tells her to take care of herself. 

Alexis is going over Sam's Will 

Michael sees Drew and Willow and calls Diane 'about his marriage'

Brennan tells Jason not to help Anna find Valentin, it won't end well with her. 
Holly goes to ask Anna a favor. 

Sasha needs a scan on her arm and the doctor asks if she could be pregnant before going ahead. Sasha thinks back to sex with Michael. Skips the scan. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Sunday Surgery: The Glory of Love


Can you believe that it's Sunday again? Although last week seemed like it dragged on and on, here we are again!! 

Grab whatever you have because Sasha certainly didn't have time to cook!  Let's GO GO

Friday, November 8, 2024



I think today is the day of the explosion! Feels like 00's around here!! 

Ok, try to figure out what day/night it is! We left LAST NIGHT (Halloween) looks like the same night but Holly says it's been 24 hours since Sasha was kidnapped.  WEIRD..but I think we skipped a day and it's the next night. Timeline is very important to me which is dumb if you want to 'believe' a soap! 


Tracey goes to find Cody in the barn and asks where Sasha is. He says he has no idea. He tells her about Robert/Holly/Sasha. She laughs and says WOW, you dodged a bullet. Cody says he's con just like Sasha and Tracey says not any more!! 

Robert and Holly are waiting for Brennan and Jason who are delivering the diamonds to Sidwell. Brennan is with the swat team. Jason goes to meet Sidwell outside the warehouse. Sid is mad that Holly isn't there. 

Sasha tries to pry open the vent. 

Sidwell tells Jason he wants the diamonds. Jason gives him half. He wants all. Jason is like NO. Then Sidwell shows Jason Sasha prying open the vent. He says she doesn't have time. There's a bomb and if he doesn't get the diamonds, Jason won't be able to get to her. Jason tosses the bag and Sid opens the door. Jason runs in to find Sasha before it blows. He finds her pretty quick, kicks in the door and they run. Brennan is up on the stairwell and we see him get blown backwards from the blast. 

Everyone gets phone calls about the blast. Anna runs out while talking to Ric. Holly runs out when Robert's on the phone. 

In the most boring rescue shoot in history, we see Brennan being blown backward and IN THE NEXT SCENE....he, Sasha and Jason are running into the office. YEP. They have a bit of soot on them. THEN, Holly and Robert come back in!! AHAHAHAHAHA. SO bad. Like--why did you even HAVE an explosion? 

Alexis comes into the Q house and says she's there to see Scout who's in bed. Olivia and her talk and Alexis blurts out: I think Scout and Danny should stay with me. Tells her that Drew might be elected and Jason isn't great to watch Scout alone. Sam wouldn't want thTat. They cry. Alexis shows Olivia the ring. Olivia says Dante ran home to show her when he bought it. Olivia is glad Alexis was with Sam in the end. 

Dante is at the Q house and Brook talks to him on the patio. He says he's numb. Brook and he go to the kitchen. He's not sure how he can raise the kids alone. She says he can livee in the Q house as long as he wants. Chase comes home and when Dante watches them as a couple, he's sad. Brook Lyn also finds out Sam and Dante were engaged. They go off to make a baby. 
Dante goes out to talk to Alexis and she gives him Sam's engagement ring.


Tracey tells Cody they can get dirt on Drew together

Holly tells Sasha the diamonds she gave Sidwell are her love for Sasha (barf)

Dante says he wants everyone to stay at the Qs for now and Alexis says that's fine. VERY good scene. 

Anna calls Jason from the bomb site and wants to talk to him. She knows he's involved somehow. 

Ric and Anna. Ric says the photos aren't admissible because she wont' say where they came from. He thinks Jason Morgan gave them to her. She is nervous...says no, Sonny had a PI take them as part of a custody case.  He says they never should have taken her in. She says he just hates Sonny and is doing this to hurt him. He has her rattled for sure!! BIG TIME. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024



Do you realize that Sasha and Michael slept together...then Michael and Willow slept together...then Willow and Drew did it all within like 24 HOURS! AAHAHAAHA. I'm dying. All that has to happen is Sasha and Drew now!! PFFFFT. 


Alexis and Sonny. He makes her tea. She wants to talk about how he got through losing Morgan. She talks about Molly, Krissy and the grandkids. She also says she never should have let Sam go when she was a baby.  Talks about the bad childhood Sam had and how she went to school and had a great career. She never would do it again. Talk about choices and life and yada yada. Good scenes. 

Carly and Brennan, he says he'll take it from here and asks her to leave. She's like: ME?? LEAVE? He says YEP. Then he says she's in danger. OH!! YOU care about me!!! :eyeroll: Then she finally leaves. He calls his guys to keep an eye on her. 

Brad and Lucas talk in the locker room. Lucas thinks it's his fault Sam died. Brad says no, you were the best man. Lucas is still upset. Brad tries to talk him down. Lucas can still hear the alarms going off. They hug. STUPID CARLY stomps in: GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!! BACK OFF! OMG she's yelling at Brad!! Brad leaves, doesn't want trouble. Carly tells Lucas that Brad is using the situation to get back with him. Carly and Lucas talk about his operating on Sam. 

Portia is upset and home with shirtless Curtis. They talk about Sam's death and how hard it was. She realizes that Sam and Curtis were close. They get cozy with wine. Portia says she never should have let Lucas operate on Sam. 

Anna's trying to get the PCPD involved. Robert says NO, Holly has to get the diamonds back. Anna's afraid she'll just take off. She thinks Holly knows Robert will just rescue Sasha and she won't have to pay. 

Holly pleads with Jason for the diamonds. He gives them to her and says he's going with her to Sidwell's. 

LATER:  Anna, Robert and Brennan are in his office. Holly comes in and hands him the diamonds. "Get my daughter back"... Jason is there too. Staring LOL  Anna figures out that Holly went to Sonny to fence them. Anyway, Brennan asks Anna to leave. She's like why me? He says she is PCPD and has to follow procedure. He doesn't. Holly and Robert ask her to go too. 

Sidwell has Sasha in a room somewhere. She's banging on the door to get out. "just like her mother" he says. Sasha says her mother won't pay a dime for her. Sidwell says he doesn't want money, he wants his "things" back. Sasha says her mother's biggest con was pretending to be a mother. She was never there even when her baby and husband died. She's trying to convince him to let her go get the diamonds from Holly. He sees right through her and says she learned from her mother but no deal. 


Portia and Curtis zex 

Holly gets a call from Sidwell. They can't trace the call

TOMORROW: Alexis says she thinks Scout and Danny should live with her!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

What Went Wrong?


For those of you that follow me on Twitter, I'm taking a bit of a much needed break from there. So, park yourself here because I intend to make this a safe spot with as much soapy joy as I can bring. I need this blog to keep me sane!! I need ya'll to keep me sane!! Poor Scout up there had her playroom floor defiled by Willow and Drew!! EEWW.  


Holly tells Robert about Sidwell's diamonds. She thinks Sidwell is after her. Holly wants to finish her business in Port Charles before she leaves. 

Carly tells Brennan that Sasha was kidnapped and the guy that took her said "Tell her mother I want the diamonds back" . He shows her a pic of Sidwell. She says YEP that's the guy.  Anna comes in and Carly tells her Sidwell has Sasha. Carly doesn't know that Holly is her mother. She's like: WHAT.  Anna says they have to get Sasha ot safely. 

Lucas is on today. He wants to know about the autopsy. Portia talks to him, Brad peeks from around the corner. Brad wants to know how Lucas is doing. She says that she needs to see the autopsy report asap. Dr. Gannon walks in, Portia wants to talk to him. She tells Isaiah that Sam died. He had no idea that her donor died. She wants to know if Dr. Jones made any mistakes. Isaiah says that Dr. Jones performed the operation perfectly. 

Lucas looks up Sam's chart in his office. He finds something and looks it up in a text book. A BOOK. Then tosses the book.  He goes to the shower and then his locker. Sees a pic of him and Sam. 

Alexis is on the couch. She wakes up and remembers Sam is gone. Looks at a photo album. Knock Knock. Curtis is there. He wants to check on her and make sure she's not drinking. It's too hard to go to a meeting. Curtis says her sobriety matters. Alexis says she wants to numb the pain but she says she will not drink. She says that Finn did it with when his father died. She wants Sam to be proud of her. 

Brook Lyn hugs Michael at the Q house. She asks how he's doing. He wants to know about where Willow might be. Kind of banal and not really engaging imo. Then Scout comes in and says that "Daddy is gone, just like Mommy'

WELP.... MOMMY is on the floor with your DADDY!! Willow is crying. Willow says this has to be a one time thing. Can never happen again. She leaves but her earring? is on the floor. I think it's her earring. 

Willow comes in the  front door of the Q house-- she went out the back stairs. Michael looks at her. She looks at him.  He says where were you-- ?? She says she was at the Gatehouse. (He knows she wasn't, he went there). DREW comes downstairs. Willow acts like it's the first time she's seen him. Michael apologizes to Drew for being snarky earlier.  Scout wants to watch a movie. Willow says she'll get it. 

Michael has some app on his phone from the Q playroom and sees Drew and Willow having ZEX! I guess it's on there for Amelia. 

Scout comes out and says she couldn't find him. 

Dante goes home to an empty PH.  Sonny comes in, Dante thought it was Sam coming in. Dante gets angry with Sonny for trying to talk to him about things being ok. Sam did everything. Kids to school. Decorated for Halloween, Christmas, etc. Sonny says he'll help him. "you feel like the whole world is going dark"... Good stuff from Maurice. FINALLY Olivia comes in. "What the hell went wrong" she asks Sonny.  Dante talks to her and wants to stay at the PH but maybe the kids could stay with her at the Qs. (Of course!) 

NOTE: They bungled the kidnapping aftermath-- it was so NOTHING. 


Anna comes in and tells Holly and Robert about Sasha

Brad comes in to see Lucas. They look at each other

Alexis is making funeral arrangements for Sam online when Sonny comes in. She wants his help. Alexis is obsessing over the arrangements to keep busy. 

Dante walks alone in the penthouse. Opens the closet and sees Sam's leather coat he just gave her. Smells it. 

Michael is losing it watching Drew and Willow. Then Willow takes Scout up to tuck in "with Daddy". Michael says: Take your Time. DUN DUN DUN. He keeps watching the VIDEO lol 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024



My head cold has gotten SO BAD!! Yikes. UGH.. I hate them too and I seem to get them a lot. Not as much as when I was younger but... dang. Still awful. At least I'm only thinking about that and not what day this is!! 


Diane walks in on Holly and Robert. Holly leaves. Diane says she's dropping off papers to drop the Baldwin case. 

Jason goes to Diane's office (she has an office!!?) and tells her about Sam. She can't believe it. 

Holly goes back to her Metro room. It's trashed and a knife is in her dress. 

Drew and Carly talk. Michael comes in, he doesn't know yet. Drew leaves and Carly tells him about Sam. He doesn't believe it.  Not much going on emotionally there. 

Willow walks in and yells at Sasha: I know what you did!! Sasha thinks it's sleeping with Michael. Willow says that she never should have told Drew and Michael found out in the worst way and blahblah. THEN Sasha tells Willow that Holly and Robert are her parents. Willow is like: Your mother is dead!! Sasha says: NO. Willow freaks and is like: DO I EVEN KNOW YOU! They argue and Sasha finally says it's all Willow's fault anyway, she kissed Drew not once, but twice. LOOK in the MIRROR!! Sasha says that Willow fits right into the Snake Pit of the Qs. She's going to quit. Then Carly walks in. DUN DUN DUN

Molly, Krissy and Alexis are in with TJ. He gives Alexis her engagement ring because she's having an autopsy. Krissy freaks out "THEY CAN'T CUT INTO MY SISTER"! OMG Molly has to explain why they do. Alexis is like: Girls STFU. TJ goes to get a patient advocate to tell them about the next details. 

Felicia talks to Alexis about the body and funeral home. Krissy can't handle it and walks away. Molly says she'll call Irene's funeral home. Felicia and Alexis hug. 

TJ asks Molly how she really is and she says she has to be strong for her mother. Then they go back to Alexis who tells her to grieve like she needs to and not be strong just for her. 

Kristina calls Michael from GH. Needs him there.. Then she goes on a tirade in the chapel about how unfair God has been to HER...HER baby..HER Sister.. :eyeroll: Michael comes in. Kristina talks about her big sister and she can't be the big sister now. Willow calls Michael and he doesn't answer. She leaves a message. 

Nina and Ava talk about their friendship. They decide to rebuild. YIPPEE! Nina tells Ava about the bar fight and Cody telling everyone that Drew kissed Willow. Ava's like: WHAT~~THEN Nina tells her she slept with Drew "more than once'! Ava tells her to tell Willow and not have a man come between them. She knows that from experience. 

Willow goes up to see Drewe when Michael doesn't answer. They end up having ZEX on the floor of one of the upstairs rooms at the Qs. Looks like the kids!! AHAHAHA. On the floor. Um, okay. 

Carly and Sasha are talking in the kitchen and men break in and nab Sasha. Sidwell tells Carly to tell Holly to give him back his diamonds. 

Monday, November 4, 2024

"My Fair Samantha'


MONDAY Already!!!!!

Holly and Robert. Pointless. Yada yada. She thought he'd hate her- yada yada. 

Maxie and Spin are home. Mac took the kids out. Jason comes to the door. Oh boy. He tells them what happens. Spin's face is so sad. Jason tells them he told her goodbye. They talk about Sam and how she had faith in Spinelli. 

Laura and Rocco. Rocco said that during the surgery he was thinking if only one could live, let it be his mom. Laura said that was natural. He cries.  He says Sam treated him like her own kids--they even had a secret handshake. Laura says Sam would not want him to blame himself. 

Dante and Sonny. They talk about how Sam helped him out of his PTSD and was there for him. He says he has to be strong for the kids. He tells Sonny he asked Sam to marry him. He didn't do it before because they had it all. He didn't want to rock the boat but then he wanted more. Maurice and Dom were great in these scenes. 

Then Alexis and the girls...she jumps up from the couch. Can't breathe...can't comfort them. It's painful to watch yet so true to life. Wow. She sobs that it wasn't supposed to happen. They all hug. Then Molly realizes that she and Krissy were fighting the last time they saw Sam and made everything about themselves. They talk some more and Alexis wants to go to the hospital to see if she can find out anything else. Molly realizes she got a meal service for Sam for when she got home. 

Carly is on the Q couch while Danny sorts Scout's Halloween candy. He's trying to be a good big brother and take care of her. He says he knew something was wrong when Jason told him to go to Bobbie's with Scout. He talks about how he loved Halloween and hopes he gave Scout some good memories. 

Drew is in Scout's room at the Qs ..she draws a picture of her, Danny, Rocco and Sam. He tells her that she has a big family around her to help her through this. 


Nice prayer said by Laura while they show the whole cast hugging in their own scenes. Then a dumb ending with Holly and Robert and a flashback and kissing. Just a weird insertion. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Time of Death 5:48pm


Well, writing this blog is certainly going to be interesting. I was an emotional week for sure and I was a mess on Thursday. ALL THE FEELS-- yikes. Some of the dialog was perfection and the acting? Up there in Emmy territory. And yet...yes, I have some complaints because that is what I do!! 

ARE you ready? Grab that leftover candy and wish Maxie a Happy Birthday since no one else does!! 
Let's GO GO 

Friday, November 1, 2024

What Has Lulu Missed?

what has she missed in Port Charles 
(just the highlights) 

The Entire Nixon Falls Saga. Sonny as Mike.

Brando's Death 

Jason and Carly's  wedding 

Two New Uncles!! Cyrus and Martin come to town!! 

Peter August Death 

Franco is shot and killed

Brook Lyn-Maxie Baby shenanigans. Baily Lu's Birth 

Elizabeth's parents return--Jeff and Carolyn Webber 

Epiphany's death 

Bobbie's Death 

Spencer's Death

The Entire Ace Cassadine story, including birth; didn't even know Esme! 

Amelia is born to Michael and Willow 

Curtis and Portia Wedding 

Maxie and Spinelli reuniting 

Britt Westborne's death 

Dante and Sam as a couple 

Jason back 

Ned -Eddie Maine Saga/Lois is back in town 

Bobbie's Remodel 

New Restaurants: PC Grille and Surf Lodge. 

Cody finding out Mac is his dad

Holly and Sasha are mother/daughter

Sam's death..

I will be out today so please use the comments to tell us whatever we've missed (too much to include!!) and also about today's show. Thank you! 


  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...