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Friday, August 30, 2024


So as some of you remember, I'm watching The Australian Soap: Neighbours. I started with this year's reboot on FreeVee and then have gone back to 2019 to binge. That year was WILD. I can't tell you how amazing it is-- so fun to see the big differences in USA soaps.  I just saw the Christmas show from that year and they had a pscyho on the loose, someone dying that needed a kidney and a baby being born all in about 2-3 days. Only 22 min long too! 
Just saying if you want to try something different, give it a go! 


Kristina is being taken down to lock up by Dex. Alexis comes in "Where is she going"!!?? Jagger says holding cell, then state prison. Alexis yells and then Anna comes in: WTH is going  on? Anna says a storm is coming and they can't hold Kristina with her medical issues. Jagger wants to get going to get Sonny so he agrees to let her go home tonight. 

At Alexis: She takes a call and Krissy sneaks out with the car. She goes to Sonny's to get a gun that's in his safe. 

Ava is in a car with the FBI lady and going to another safe house. The lady is actually taking her to the Pine Barrens tho. 

Drew and Willow still in the office. They talk about how time is fleeting. Talk about Alan Q. He wants him to be proud of him. Willow is SO PROUD of him. He INSPIRES HER. HE SAVED HER. He's great. OMG He thinks SHE'S GREAT!! 

Michael and Sasha are at the Qs he wonders where Willow is... guess she didn't text. He tries calling. Nothing. Nina comes out and he says she was with Drew at the event and never came back. Nina's like: DUN DUN DUN

Carly apologizes to Brook for paying her so long ago to sleep with Dante. Then Dante and Brook share a moment and it seems like they have a secret?? Then Sonny comes in to talk to Dante. Says he's sad about Lulu. Then Dante leaves and Lois comes in and Sonny talks to her about keeping an eye out for Michael, Ameila and Wiley. 

Sonny apologizes to Michael. Everything is ok. Carly is happy.

Maxie and Felicia are sitting at Lulu's bed. Filler. PSA on organ donation.

Lucky's dumb story-- he's now being yelled at by an English Bad Guy and the doctor escaped. Lucky's still trying to get the baldy to hire him. They play cards. GOD I WISH they had just had Lucky COME HOME to get tested.  UGH

Doctor guy is IN PORT CHARLES hahahaaha. I mean.. ok, he landed at the airport. They don't even TRY. 


Jagger meets Sonny at the BOATHOUSE ALONE. It's pouring rain. Sonny pulls a gun "it's over" . Sonny shoots him in the chest, then a kill shot in the head! WELP! Jagger is dead

Ava and FBI Linda hit Doctor Isaiah who's walking across the highway. 

Oh, yeah, Drew and Willow are going to make ze wub. UGH 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Q For You


Watched yesterday's show and I'M DYING that Kevlar are going to SOMALIA :EYEROLL: Good lord. And poor Tracey 

Kristina is in handcuffs at the PCPD. Jagger is adding the manslaughter of Irene to her charges. Dex is all @@ !!  Alexis comes in. Tells Kristina to NOT TALK. Alexis says that this has nothing to do with Kristina and everything to do with Sonny. She says she has to go do something. Has Dex go into the room with Krissy and tells her not to talk. Of course, Kristina blabs her face off once Jagger tells Dex to leave LOL. 

Drew "A Q FOR YOU" is doing some stumping for office. He thanks Willow. Crowd claps. Drew comes down to talk to people. Michael walks away and Willow is left gazing up at him. UGH. Drew gets a call that the congressman died. He's so upset. Willow's so upset and they have to go 'somewhere else to talk". They go to his office and talk about how great "Larry" was.  Drew tells Willow to go to the Quartermaine dinner without him but she won't leave him alone. 

Portia phones the hospital to see if Heather's labs are back. Curtis wants to know why. Portia can't tell him about that but does tell him that Ric is Heathers' new attorney. Curtis tries to call Drew but it goes to voicemail. 

Brook and Chase are worried about Violet. She's mopey. Violet wants to know when her dad is coming home. They can't tell her that but they love having her live with them. Violet wants to know when Brook is having a baby. They say they want children at some point. 

Carly and Sonny talk about his meds being ok now and he's sorry for being such a meanie. He should have listened to people. Carly tells him Lulu needs a liver. He's concerned. She wonders why Dante didn't tell her. He's like: Um, we're not talking much. Carly leaves. 

Alexis storms into Sonny's and asks if he's clear headed and if his meds are ok. She wants him to give Cates what he wants to save Kristina. Sonny's like: MEH. Jury won't convict her. Alexis pleads with him to go and turn himself in and go to jail so Krissy can go home. Sonny says no. 

Olivia and Dante talk about his PTSD just like he talked to Tracey before. :eyeroll: It's the same old story.  Carly comes in. Dante's pissed at her. Carly's like what's up? Dante says: since when do you care about Lulu? Carly's aghast. He says um, you PAID SOMEONE TO BREAK US UP! Remember? YOU PAID BROOK LYN? Carly says it was years ago and she's sorry. Dante says it really hurt Brook Lyn. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Celebrating Sam

While the quest to keep Kelly on the show is an ongoing one, Dave and I thought it would be fitting to show some of her photos from years past. She came on as a con woman and evolved through 21 years on the air. What's your fave Sam moment? Mine has to be when she and Liz burned Jason's stuff in the oil drum!  

I will be out today so please also use this space to comment on the show. Thank  YOU!! 

Perhaps the fans will sway TPTB to have Kelly remain. She is the last original "Davis" Girl! Although the stories for Sam have really gone away in the past few years, she remains a fan favorite. I thought with Danny being a teen, things would pick up on that front plus Lulu is waking up. Dave thinks maybe they'll have Sam donate part of her liver to her and not make it through the operation. Now, that would be SOAPY. 

If you want to help keep Kelly on the show, fans have put together this to  get you going: 
I'm a big believer in good old Snail Mail btw!! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Well, the Kelly Monaco news rocked the soap world for sure. Fans of hers are mobilizing as we speak. It's a strange thing the entertainment business. 


Laura visits Nikolas in Flatland Prison. They cry and hug. She shows him pics of Ace. She tells him Lulu needs him. If his blood test is ok they can go back to PC and he will be taken to Pentonville. His tests come back saying he can't donate. Laura is devastated. Nikolas tells her to 'find Lucky'. 

Carly and Joss ask about Lulu and Portia fills them in. Joss wants to be a donor. DUH..she got a kidney so not possible LOL Then Carly wants to be tested. Liz comes over. They talk about Joss' donation and then RIC walks out of the elevator. If you know THEIR HISTORY, then you know! WOOT! All 3 of them. Damn. Carly makes a crack about chaining her to a wall. PFffffft. Wants to know why he's in GH. HE says none of your business.

Elizabeth goes into Heather's room to talk to her.  Heather is having tests. Wants Jello. Tells Elizabeth she might be going free soon. Tells Liz about Scott and the court case getting her out. Liz says: Scotty is gone. She freaks out. Liz says he left town for a 'big case" (which I didn't hear). Portia pops in and says: Oh well, too bad about your PLANS, Heather.  Portia is happy Scott's gone because now Heather will never get out of jail. ENTER: RIC LANSING!! Scotty called him to be Heather's new lawyer!! Portia is PISSED. Heather is elated!! 

Dante and Tracey sit in the chapel and talk about Lulu. Tracey still blames Dante for Lulu becoming dependent and not as confident after she was with him. Tracey says if Lulu dies without getting her spark back that, she'll never forgive Dante. Dante's like: Meh. You said you'd do the best by Lulu and pay for her care and look what's happened.  Dante talks more about his PTSD and being afraid to stay. They make a truce to both be there for Lulu. 

Dex sees Molly in the park and she says she's not doing well.  They talk about family arguments. Molly says she doesn't want to apologize to her sister or mother. It's a weird thing. WHY THEM? 

Then Dex is all of a sudden in The Metro Court lounge looking at "MOM" on his phone. Joss comes along. They talk about stuff. 

Ric comes by to see Alexis at her house. He tells Alexis to put Molly first for once. Says she's taking care of Sonny's offspring and not his.  He says that Molly was crying for hours and Aleis never called her. Alexis says she's busy taking care of Kristina and he says "CALL A NURSE". Ric says that Molly doesn't know that Alexis cares about her. Alexis says she cant' be in 2 places at once. Molly comes to the door. Ric leaves. Molly says she wants to talk to Alexis, not Kristina. S

Molly says Kristina is a lost cause and wants honesty from her mother. If Irene had lived was Alexis going to help Krissy take her away from them? ALexis says that Kristina brought her the papers and she said that if she went to court, she'd probably win but she's staying out of it. Alexis couldn't bear to lose any of her daughters...(don't tell Frank!!) 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Kelly Monaco Out


In shocking developments, Soap Opera Network has reported that Kelly Monaco is out at General Hospital. They are also reporting that her character, Sam McCall is being killed off. SOD and Daytime Confidential have also picked up the story. 

Twitter is losing its mind right now! 

Lucky Monday


New Guy on today: Sawandi Wilson as Isaiah. 

So here we are!! Spoilers show Laura going to see Nikolas in prison and Lucky in some jail somewhere. I always get nervous at these stages; will things go well--or be exciting? Remember Brenda's return when she was in that Paris hotel for like a month? UGH.  


Lucky broke into the jail thing where he is for a 'job interview' to impress the boss. I think he's a mercenary. The boss says he's getting the doctor to look at Lucky. He brings in the new guy up there and says "Kill Him" and hands him a gun. Lucky is like OK! Pulls the trigger, it's empty (he probably figured that). He's hired. Then the other guys leave and the doctor guy punches Lucky in the mouth. Lucky is actually there to get him out of that place. Doctor treats his wound. Lucky doesn't really have a plan to break the guy out but will think of something. Doctor's name is Isaiah. They plot to escape together. 

ROBERT IS ON!! Anna wants help finding Valentin. They can't let Brennan know they are looking. He says he'll try to do what he can. Then Carly comes in and wants to know what Jack Brennan wants with Jason. She afraid he'll use HER to get to Jason like Jagger did. 

Brennan gets Carly to get Jason in to talk to him. Swank digital office. He likes Jason and thinks they have the same idea on justice. Wants to work with him. He basically says it's off the books and an enforcer type deal. Jason says NOPE. Brennan says but look at all I did for Carly; erasing that tape. 

Gio is playing his violin. Lois asks if her accent bothers him. Um, didn't that kid grow up in Bensonhurst?? The scene is basically a Gio-Lois love fest. She STILL wants to lose her accent. They talk but Lois decides to hire a dialect coach. 

Tracey and Brook find out that LULU is in GH. Tracey leaves the room, upset. Brook tells her that Tracey was around for Lulu when Laura was away from PC and ill. Brook also tells Chase that Lulu had an abortion. She got PG with Tracey's son Dillon in high school and got one. Then she says she and Lulu never got along and Carly paid her to break up her and Dante. Chase is like Um, this is all weird. LOL Brook says she's done terrible things in her past and then Yuri interrupts them because Violet wants milk. 

Lulu needs a new liver. Liz is in with her holding her hand as Portia explains it with some specialist. Laura's mad that the doctors didn't catch it but Portia says it's because she was in a coma and couldn't tell everyone the symptoms. 

Dante is talking to Lulu bedside. Sam walks in (old face same..KeMo) He tells her about Lulu's liver.  Then Laura and Liz meet up with them and say Lulu needs a new liver.  Nikolas is being tested in his "Flatlands" Jail. 

Tracey goes in to See Lulu. Loves her and says she'll survive "You're Luke Spencer's Daughter" 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Grave Desires


It was a week !!! WOW... our soap got soapy again!! The fallout from the "fall" was magnificent. I had trouble keeping up when I was live tweeting for sure.  Ric is back, Lucky's here and what's going on with Lulu??!! Squee!! 

You're going to need a lot of what you like to get through this!! Let's GO GO 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Letchworth DAY


I'm going to Letchworth today so ... sorry I won't be here. I guess I'm going to miss a BIG DAY with Molly vs Krissy and LUCKY!! I'm also busy all weekend because it's the Music Fest here. I hope I find time to squeeze Sunday Surgery in!! I've been really liking the show (sans the stupid filler stuff)-- and am sad to miss today. 

PS: Fun Fact-- this location was used on both OLTL and GH.  Tina going over the falls there and then Luke and Laura's return in 1993. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Funeral Stuff


Here we are!! 

Cody and James were on...saying not much. Not sure why they were. 

Deception stuff at Heart and Home. Mama LaRue and Lucy are walking around. Lois overhears the make up artist say her Brooklyn Accent is HORRIBLE AND ANNOYING. LOL...Now Lois is scared to go on. She breaks a nail and freezes on camera. Then she does it without her accent and does pretty well. Stuff with Natalia being the CFO and all that. BLAH 

Sonny tells Ava Jagger is trying to kill her, not him. Jagger wants her statement to stand so he'll kill her and frame Sonny for the murder. Ava says no, Sonny's probably going to take her away and kill her. HE says he's staying away from the funeral to come and "save" her. I think he's bluffing, but it's good! Ava says nope. He says YEP. She says she's not buying what he's selling. Jagger comes in and tells Sonny to stay away from her. Jagger seems REALLY unhinged. He brings in another agent who takes Ava to the car. Sonny's like: Damn. I really WANTED HER NOT TO GO ugh

Funeral: Sam is being played by that other actress, Lindsey Hartley-- RIC comes in and he and Molly hug. Kristina says that SHE wanted to name her daughter Adella after Sonny's mother. Everyone is there but Sonny. He's staying away since Molly lost it on him. The Priest comes over. Thinks Kristina is the mother WHOOPS. Then during the funeral when he says "Irene Marie" Kristina winces. Then Jordan is supposed to do a reading but Krissy pops up and says: I have something to say. She gives a beautiful speech about carrying Irene (and she calls her Irene) and what she liked (peanutbutter, walks in the park, music) and how she kicked. She'll always be a memory. Molly is sobbing --she didn't carry her so she didn't have that experience.  Stella talks. Then it's time to go to the gravesite. Willow is too upset to go (because of her baby dying). Kristina BURSTS OUT CRYING hysterically and TJ and Molly are like @@!! WTH! She just sits an SOBS. Graveyard. Everyone puts roses down. Kristina goes last says "goodbye Adella" and Molly says "What did you call my daughter"????? Kristina says "you'll never know but she was a part of me and I was a part of her"...Then Molly says that it's all HER FAULT the baby died. "You chose to protect your father, not my daughter". 
Oh I think there will be a wrongful death suit coming.

I think we see Lucky's feet? 

Also, Dante got a text from Laura to go to NYC to see Lulu

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Layers Upon Layers


It's Hump DAYYYYYYYYYY! Again, I keep saying this but the summer is just flying by!! It will be September soon.  I'm hopeful now that the show is a bit more back on track? This summer was so jumbled up it's hard to even remember all the weird things that happened. 

Ava is giving her deposition. Tells Anna that Kristina kept saying she'd kill her over and over. Ava looks a Jagger, he smiles. Anna notices Ava looking at Jagger. Wonders why she never said that before. Ava says she was in shock. Anna wonders why her lawyer thinks. Ava says if she can find Scott, she can ask him. She and Jagger basically say they think Jason Morgan killed him. Anna doesn't buy it. She leaves. Jagger tells Ava she did things perfectly and he is now going to go look for leverage on Sonny. 

Jason tells Sonny the pharmacist is on the island, safe. Sonny says they can't lure Valentin out using Anna as bait. Jason doesn't like it. Anna comes into Sonny's office. She tells him Ava's statement. They both think Jagger told her to say that. THEN!! Sonny tells Anna this is all her fault because she let "her boy Valentin go".and Anna says it's HIS FAULT because he got Karen Wexler up on that stage! WOWWWWWW. Then Anna and Jason leave because she has to question him about Scotty's disappearance. 

Anna and Jason talk and in the end, Anna tells Jason to choose sides: Her or Sonny. WHOA. "aren't you tired of taking orders from him? You could when you were young and damaged but now you know it's wrong". Jason says that she's one to talk...especially all the compromising SHE did with the WSB, Faison and now Valentin. Anna gets all teary. 

Molly and TJ are getting ready for the funeral. Molly wants to give the baby a name. Curtis, Marshall, Stella and Jordan come to the apartment. They are early but want to settle in and have coffee. Molly says she has something to do before the funeral...alone. Leaves. TJ tells the family the name is Irene Marie. Stella was talking about her sister Irene and they decided they love the name.  Crying ensues. Stella has to go out into the hall and sobs. Curtis hugs her. 

Alexis is ready for the funeral too. She talks to Kristina. Krissy says that she wonders if TJ and Molly would still consider her family if they knew she wanted to keep "her" daughter. Alexis says that Molly and TJ hurt enough and they can never know they drew up something saying Krissy wanted custody. Molly comes in and tells Kristina they named the baby. Krissy is mad "Without ME"? Molly says yep, we are burying her and we are her parents. Kristina says she gave birth to her. Molly says; It's Irene Marie after TJ's grandmother. Kristina says: I wouldn't have named her that! Then John Jagger is at the door!! He says he's taking Kristina in. They say no. HE says if she doesn't go, he's taking them ALL IN and NO ONE will be there to bury the baby! Alexis tells Molly to go look in her briefcase for the trial agreement. She says he can't do it. He leaves. 

Looks like Joss and Trina are going to the funeral too. They are in The Gallery. Joss thinks Ava is going to prison. Trina says "don't count her out just yet". They argue about Ava's guilt and Trina wants to wait until the court date. Good stuff. Trina basically tells Joss SHE looks the other way a lot with people in her life, so back off. Ava walks in. Joss tells Ava if it was her in that hotel room instead of Kristina, Ava would have gone through the window. Trina tells Joss she's getting an uber to the funeral. Joss leaves. Then Trina asks Ava if it's true she told the police Kristina tried to kill her. She says that Ava never said that to her, so is she lying? Ava says she's in trouble and if she doesn't do what the FBI says, she'll be dead. Trina tells her she will stand by her but she'd better tell the truth. 


Sonny comes in to The Gallery. Ava thinks he's going to kill her. He says he's there to save her

MOLLY SEES THE CUSTODY AGREEMENT that Alexis drew up for Kristina! 

Anna tells Jason she will take down Sonny and hopes he's not standing next to him when she does. 

OMG WATCH TODAY. SO many layers and details. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ric and Nina


Just a note. When Ric was on the show last, he was married to Nina (Michelle Stafford). He was having an affair with her mother, Donna Mills and wanted to steal Nina's fortune. This might be who Nina is calling?? Not sure but just wanted to put that out there. 

Coma Time


Laura sees Cyrus in Lulu's room. She is like Why are YOU HERE? HE says he visits Lulu a lot. He knows Laura is busy with Ace and stuff. He says he visits Lulu about 3x a week and hopes that's ok. Laura says she just wants to talk to the doctor and find out what's happening. Kevin comes in. Cyrus leaves. Doctor has to run more tests. Laura and Kevin talk at Lulu's bedside. Laura says she was hoping they were calling to say Lulu was waking up. Cries on Kevin's shoulder. 

Molly visits TJ, tells him she was in trouble for visiting Ava in jail. She also says she's sorry. She says it's all a slo-motion nightmare. She says that maybe Ava wasn't the aggressor, that it was Krissy. She's not really sure. TJ says he went to see Ava and what she's saying matches up with Ava's story. Molly says if Krissy didn't go see Ava in the first place, their baby would be alive. They tell each other they love each other, they are sorry. Then Molly heads to the courthouse. 

Ava tries to call Scott and can't find him. Throws her phone. Nina walks in. Ava tells her everything that's happened to her and says "I bet you're happy". Nina says wow, that IS a lot. Ava mentions all of it but Sonny's meds. She's afraid she's going to jail and it was an accident what happened to Krissy. She explains it and hopes Nina believes her. Nina says she believes most of it. They both apologize to each other before Nina leaves. Jagger comes in and tells Ava about Kristina being arrested. Nina's like: WTF! Where's Scotty? He says he's probably busy and all Ava needs is him anyway. 

Sam is at home. Dante tells her Kristina was arrested. Sam can't believe it. He also tells her that Laura went to see Lulu after getting a phone call. Sam is sad wonders what they'll tell Rocco. Then Diane calls Sam and tells her to go to the courthouse for the hearing. Sam leaves. Rocco is walking around asking for Pizza. Dante wants to talk to him about Lulu. He says they are running tests to find out what's going on with her. 

PCPD: Alexis still yells at Jagger. Sonny sees Krissy and tells her he'll take care of everything. Alexis says they got the arraignment early. They'll be taking Kristina soon. When Sonny leaves, Kristina remembers that Ava did NOT grab her, she just put her hand out but says to herself: Ava GRABBED ME...

Courtroom: Alexis tells Sonny to behave himself in there and not make a scene. He says Jagger will hate it if he's in there but he will not stir things up. The hearing starts and Alexis tells the judge Kristina just had an emergency C-section and needs to get home. Judge asks FBI lawyer guy where their evidence is and he says Um.. we've been really busy and John Cates hasn't written it up then. Judge gets mad, says Kristina can go. Jagger jumps up and yells: NO!! THIS IS A MISTAKE!! He says Sonny will take her out of the country. Judge says he has 48 hours to produce his report and evidence or He'll BE IN JAIL! The lawyer says it was a dumb case and if he doesn't get it together, he'll take Jagger's badge. Kristina, Sonny and Alexis all smile at each other. 


Jagger tells Ava they have to do her statement and she has to say EXACTLY WHAT HE TELLS HER TO! 

The doctor says Lulu's liver is failing... I bet boots Lucky has to donate part of his to her. 

Nina calls someone and wants to call in a favor. I bet it's RIC. 

Monday, August 19, 2024



So, it looks like BRAD will be showing up sometime soon!! That's right, Parry Shen will be on GH for?? Who knows... but that's what Soap Opera News is reporting. Too bad we won't see Britt!!  I think RIC will be back this week as well. 

OMG HE'S ON TODAY!!!!!!!!!! BRAD IS APPLYING FOR A JOB!! Terry is on TOOO! OMG I'm so happy. She pulls out a GIANT folder on him and goes through all his sins. "You even helped steal Lulu's embryo" LOL.. he's like Britt was going to give me another chance before she was murdered, can't you??? They talk about Britt's birthday part before she died and Terry finally relents. She's giving him a recommendation. He still has to be hired by the lab manager. 

Cody and Sasha finally make ze Wub. Tracey brings Violet to the stables and they are going to ride but can't find Cody. Ut OH. Tracey goes upstairs and Sasha hears her. They aren't in bed yet so Cody runs down. HE says he forgot. Then they talk about James being found. Sasha walks downstairs and Violet wonders if "She took a nap with Cody". Violet goes back to the house to get carrots for the horses so Tracey can talk to Cody. He tells her Mac told James he was his son and Mac may have forgiven him. 

Laura has to go to see Lulu's doctors at the long term care place. She tells Anna to step up the search for Charlotte and Val so she can see her mother before it's too late. 

Datne is at the PCPD. He and Jason talk about Danny's baseball team. Dante gets a call. He goes to see Laura who tells him Lulu's had a setback in her health.

Jason meets with Anna. Tells her it was Valentin that messed with Sonny's meds. She doesn't believe it until Jason tells her he talked to the pharmacist. He wants to know where Val is. She doesn't know. Also tells Jason not to tell Sonny that it was Valentin until she finds Charlotte. Jason says nope. She pleads with him and tells him about Laura's convo about Lulu. She has to find Charlotte first. 

Jagger arrests Kristina. Everyone is like: WHY!!? Alexis says she's her lawyer and wants to know the charges. He says assault and attempted murder of Ava Jerome. There's a LOT of back and forth and he finally read her her rights and they wheel her away!! Alexis and Sonny go to the PCPD and yell at Jagger. "You're off the rails"!  
Kristina is wheeled out to the lobby again. Sonny's sending Frank to get her meds from GH. Kristina gets soup from Dante in the 'lounge' lol. Alexis is getting a bail hearing scheduled. 

Molly and Jordan meet. Jordan yells at her for seeing Ava Jerome and abusing her ADA status. Robert thought it would be better if Jordan talked to her because of her grief. She also says Molly has been 'absent' from the family lately. Molly says she wants justice and is angry.They talk about the Kristina/Ava fight. Molly says that Krissy has hated Ava since Morgan died and could have aggrivated her. 


Jason tells Sonny it was Valentin that switched his meds!!!!!! WHOOT! 

Laura walks into Lulu's room and says: What are YOU doing here? (we don't see the who)

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Surgery: James and the Giant Beach


Well, Friday was just heck of show, wasn't it?? Great pacing, snappy dialog and things just kept popping up and switching around! My kind of soap!! We also had a lot of Tracey this week and a sprinkle of Stella--not too shabby!! 

Ok, grab them snacks Scotty got and let's GO GO!

NOTE: This may take awhile because there's a lot of ground to cover and many details that do matter. If I could send you coffee money on Venmo, I would! 

Friday, August 16, 2024


Kristina is getting out of the hospital and going to Alexis' house. The OBGYN tells them that Kristina is healing nicely and can have kids again. Then Alexis suggests that they have a Davis' Girls night but Krissy says no. She tells her about showing Molly the photos. Later, Alexis sees Molly and says they should all get together. Molly is like: Um... not a great idea. 

TJ, Curtis and Stella are doing the paperwork to bury the baby...Molly is MIA and TJ is pissed. Curtis asks if there's a name. TJ says nothing certain. Then Molly comes in and TJ is mad she's late. Stella gives them a pep talk and talks a lot about Irene (her sister) and she and Curtis leave. Molly and TJ talk about her seeing Ava and how nothing is going to make this right. 

Sonny wants to kill Jagger. Jason is: Um...he's FBI. Sonny says he'll be careful and then Brick calls. Jason is going to go find Scotty and Sonny's going to the hospital. 

Sonny sees Kristina and she wants to know what's happening with Ava. 

SNACKS !!!!!!!!!

Scotty goes to the pharmacist and tells him Sonny is going to kill him unless he comes with him now. Scott leaves to get a boat. And Donuts. LOL . Jason knocks on the door and Scotty sees him Drops all the snacks and runs. Pharmacist opens up for Jason. Jason tells him he's there on Sonny's behalf. Pharmacist says he'll tell him anything. Jason wants the truth

Jagger tells Ava she needs to be state's witness. Then they can take the photos and say Kristina was threatening a "state's witness' and tried to stop her from testifying against Sonny and it would be attempted murder. He gets the call from Sonny that Jason has the pharmacist. He tells Ava to stay there and leaves. 

Anna, Brennan and Laura meet in the mayor's office. Laura is delighted Anna and Jack worked together way back when and wants them to find Valentin. LOL Anna's like @@~~!! Laura has to step out. Anna and Jack yell at each other. Then Laura comes back in "you ok"?? Jack ends up leaving. 

James is rescued and he thanks Cody. Mac looks on. Everyone finds them. Mac apologizes for saying he couldn't see Cody. He tells James that Cody is his son. They all hug and get teary about "family".  James leaves to go home then Cody and Mac hug. No Spinelli in those scenes. Weird. 


Pharmacist tells Jason that Ava is the one that ordered him to take Sonny's dosage to ZERO!! Then he says it was Valentin that hired him in the first place

TJ goes to see Ava and wants her side of the story... thinks Krissy was reckless. Molly says about the same to Alexis because she saw the photos.  

Laura gets a call about LULU!! 

JAGGER ARRESTS KRISTINA IN THE HOSPITAL as she's being taken out!!!!! WHAT!! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Into the Drink


It's a gorgeous day here! Gotta love deep summer. 

Everyone is looking all over for James. He throws a frisbee into the lake then hides in the boathouse. Willow is walking around talking on the phone. Nina comes up. Says she felt bad Willow was trapped in the elevator with Drew. Willow says that she is quitting the charity and bursts into tears because she's so guilty for kissing Drew. James HEARS ALL OF IT! AHAHHAHA! Then Willow tells Nina why she's attracted to Drew. Nina's like *sigh* I hear you. James is still listening LOL Thank GOD they finally leave.

James leans over to get the frisbee and falls into the lake.  He's yelling for help, treading water. 

Mac and Felicia talk about Cody and how he needs to forgive Cody.

Lois is at Sonny's saying his money is tainted and she shouldn't trust him to invest. Jason comes in. Sonny tries to convince Lois the money is 'clean'. Jason assures her. She believes Jason and goes back to Deception.  Sonny asks Jason about the pharmacist. They have to find him and question him. Brick sees him on the GH footage being led out by Jagger. 

Deception: Tracey says NO WAY to Sonny putting money into the company. Lucy is all for it. Tracey calls Natalia out for being a homophobic big-mouth and Natalia's like: I learned a lot plus I'm behind the scenes. I can't believe they are doing this without Maxie LOL --Lucy tries to convince Tracey they need the money. 

Ava's in the Gallery and Jagger comes in. Thanks her for giving him the ammo to put Sonny away. Scotty walks in Ava's like: TELL HIM your plan! He hates Sonny too! Ava's hoping he will talk Jagger out  of it but he's like: HOW CAN I HELP!  They have a plan and talk about Justice for Karen. 


They vote Natalia in as new CFO 

Scotty is taking the pharmacist to Wyndmere to hide him

James fishes James out of the water. HE's ok. Mac sees James and Cody hug

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


IF you didn't see it...Jackie Lopez is leaving GH as Blaze. She posted on IG about it and I was surprised. I know the character was 'going on tour'-- and I thought she'd go for awhile and come back when it was 'cancelled". Maybe there will be a recast? I say that because; Gay Couple and I don't think Mama LaRue is going anywhere. 

In the park, Mac and Spinelli play with James but James is sad. Missing Cody. Fe and Maxie look on. James is bored and wants to go riding with Cody. Mac says he'll like the other ranch. Fe and Maxie are mad at him for interfering. 

Nina runs into Maxie at the park. Maxie realizes that Nina and Drew slept together. 

James is on the run!! He's going to go see Cody... GO JAMES GO JAMES! 

Cody is in the barn Tracey comes in and is 'taking him for a ride". She's going to teach him how to play backgammon. Lordy, they don't know what to do with Jane Elliot right now! She talks about her brain worm she had and was in the hospital with and that's where she learned how to play backgammon. Talks about Finn and how they became friends and played backgammon. She feels badly that Finn was mad at her when he left. 

Nina tries to get Drew not to leave for his meeting by kissing him in bed. He stayed the night. He leaves. 

Sasha is in the kitchen waiting go talk to Drew and get on a catering fundraiser call. Willow is keeping her company. Sasha wants her to call Drew. She doesn't think he'll answer her call. Sasha says they don't see each other that much (but flashes back to the elevator) and won't for awhile. Michael comes in and asks why. Then Drew walks in and Willow has to tell everyone she's resigning from the charity. Everyone understands but Drew is suspect. 

Willow is in the boathouse and Drew finds her. She wants to rush out but he says wait. Wants to talk about her leaving the job. 

Gio, Brook and Lois eat on the boathouse deck. He says he's afraid he won't get many concerts because the Gallery opening won't be attended because the owner is a murderer. :eyeroll: Lois says people love murderers! Says he should be doing better shows than Gallery openings. He says he only cares what Sonny thinks of him.  He leaves for Work. 

Mama LaRue comes by to say good bye to Sonny. She's going back to PR. Tells Sonny about Kristina and ALison breaking up. HE didn't know. He wants her to stay.  Says he has an idea. Calls Brook Lyn to come over to the PH.  Brook AND Lois show up. The record label is a bust but Sonny now wants to invest in...DECEPTION??????? 


Blaze Leaves GH


Jacqueline Grace Lopez posted a goodbye to GH today. I really just figured that they would have the tour cancelled in say, September and she'd be back!! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

IT's Tuesday Time!


Brennan and Anna talk about him erasing the voice memo that got Carly off. She wonders what he's up to. He says he likes being around Carly. She thinks there's more, especially if they opened an office in Port Charles. They banter a bit more, drink wine and Anna leaves. 

Jason and Sonny try to figure out who switched his meds if it wasn't Ava.  They are going to check the pharmacist at GH. They then talk about revenge on Ava for Kristina. Sonny said Alexis told him not to kill Ava and Krissy will feel guilty in awhile. Sonny says he doesn't want Ava to get off on a trial. Then Anna comes in and tells Sonny if anything happens to Ava while she's out on bail, she will come down on him SO HARD. Sonny's like: I'm not touching her!! Anna says you better not and leaves.  Sonny tells Jason the photos of Ava with her hands on Kristina will put Ava in jail and in jail "Bad things happen to people". 

Ava, Scott and Jagger go to The Metro to celebrate her freedom. Carly's pissed. She says it's not time to celebrate, even bail since a baby died. Ava just wants her stuff. Cary says her room is a crime scene and she cant' go in or get anything. She'll have to find another place to stay. They celebrate and Carly comes by to tell Jagger how stupid and mean he is to go after Sonny. Also says he never sees his son. He says to shut up about his son. Scotty leaves. Carly leaves. Then Ava tells Jagger that Jason saw her in prison and she's afraid for her life. She asks about the pharmacist and Jagger says he got him away from Sonny. He asks who paid him to change the pills. She says she doesn't know. Then Brennan walks out of the elevator LOL. GET IT? She asks who that is. Jagger says someone that needs to be in jail. Ava's intrigued. Then Brennan and Cary have a drink at the bar together. He tells her he could have gone to Bali or PC and he picked PC because of her. 

Kristina wants Blaze to go o the tour and Blaze says NOPE! I love you and you're my everything. I'm staying. Kristina says "you really do love me..which is why you have to leave". Kristina basically tells her to go because she'll resent her in the end and has no room to love anyone after losing her daughter. They go on and on. Good dialog. Kristina convinces Blaze to go--but Blaze is very upset about it. Kristina wants to see her 'soar'. Blaze leaves. Krissy sobs. Molly comes in. Says she and TJ were at the cemetery and she saw Ava. Wants to get justice. Krissy says Ava will pay. Show's Molly the photos. Krissy goes on and on about Ava but Molly looks closely and sees Kristina in Ava's face. She's not happy. Wow, that was different. She sees that Krissy was out of control. 

Blaze goes to the airport with her mother. Tells her she got what she wanted and she broke up with Krissy and now she's breaking up with HER. "You're fired".  No business manager "I'm done". 

Tracey is having a cute tea party with Violet and some stuffies and is using Lila's beautiful tea set. They talk about Lila and the difference between Elegant and Tacky. Cute scenes. Kinda inserted but...cute. 


Sonny says to Jason that the last words Ava will hear are "This is for Kristina and her baby"

Brennan wants to use the pharmacist as bait to lure Sonny out and have Sonny hurt him and then arrest him.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Hong Kong


Is it MONDAY already? It is MID-AUGUST ALREADY? Just flying by!! Of course, in PC the only way I know it's summer is that the pool is open lol. 

TJ and Jordan are in the cemetery picking out a gravesite. He's upset because Molly is MIA.  Molly does show up but he's angry with her. Jordan leaves. He says he's grieving alone. They HAVE TO get a gravesite.. a headstone, coffin, service... yada yada and NAME HER. He needs his church service and minister and gravestone. She says she needs to make sure Ava pays to the fullest extent of the law. 

Blaze is in the hospital all mad that she hasn't been able to see Krissy and "She's her partner"!!! Brook tells her there's a big tour that wants her but she has to leave for Hong Kong tonight. Blaze tells Brook to say no. Then Mama LaRue runs in and is SO HAPPY Blaze is going and has the luggage packed yada yada. Blaze went to see Kristina so Brook has to tell her the bad news. 

Willow goes to visit Kristina. Kristina doesn't want to sleep because she dreams of her daughter. They talk (a lot) about losing a baby. A LOT. She leaves. Blaze comes in. Doesn't go well at all. She tries to talk to Krissy and she's not having it. Finally, Kristina tells her she's tired.  Then, Mama LARUE barges in and tells Kristina about the tour and begs her to let Alison go. 

Blaze comes back in and Kristina tells her she knows about the tour and she should go. 

LaRue then finds Brook at the Metro Bar and says not to call the tour people yet. 

Maxie visits Nina and realizes she set up wine for Drew. Maxie's like: Um... what? THEN OMG Nina tells her Willow and Drew kissed. She's going to give Drew a 'distraction" so he stops thinking about Willow and thinks about HER! ahahhaa. Maxie is like: Ok, you're adults! BUT she says that if Willow finds out, she'll be angry. Drew comes and Maxie leaves. Nina and Drew make out on the couch. 

Brennan ordered wine and Carly drops it off. He wants her to have a glass with him. Oh! He ordered dinner for them too. Chem test to the max. Anna knocks on the door and wonders what's happening. She got a text that upset her and ran from the Metro restaurant to his room. Jack has a posting in Port Charles for a WSB Field Office. Anna's pissed. Carly's like: I'm outta here. Anna wants to know what he's up to. He says nothing. This is a demotion for him but he's happy to be in Port Charles. 

Carly tells Felicia about Anna talking to Brennan and that he's staying in Port Charles. 

Willow wants to come back to GH as a nurse. She talks to Liz about it but it's really so she doesn't have to be around Drew a the charity. 

Molly wants revenge on Ava but finally hugs TJ and says that that plot is a nice place for their daughter. 

Anna figures out it was Brennan that erased the Carly RICO tape

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Stomach Pump


This will be short and sour, much like my viewing this week!! At a time when several stories were reaching a peak, things just got thrown together like a Jumble sale. Garage sale? Rummage sale? What do you call it in your area?!

I'm having Heather's uneaten hospital tray for breakfast. 5 cups of LET'S GO GO! 

Friday, August 9, 2024



I did see Wed-Thurs and my goodness, things are just MOVING ALL OVER the place!! GEESH. It's like they want it all done before the vets all come parading back. 

Liz gets Heather another lunch tray (being nice) and Laura is in GH --is surprised Heather is there. Liz says Heather is 'kinda down' and Laura is going to go cheer her up. She tells her she's not going to looking into changing the sentence because Heather told her she wanted to serve out her sentence. Heather seems sad. Laura leaves. Then Liz comes in and Heather goes on and on about the hip company and she should get justice and money. Yada yada. Wants to talk to Scotty. 

Portia finds out from Laura that Heather wanted her to drop the hip case (WELL--ummm) Then Laura goes to Kevin and says much the same. They don't know yet that Heather changed her mind. 

Alexis leaves messages for Sam and Molly. Kevin checks on her later, tells her to take care of herself. 

Sonny tells Kristina Ava will pay. She lists all of Ava's sins...gets a bit crazed. Says DO SOMETHING!! He shows her the photos Brick took. She gets mad and says even if Ava is in jail for the rest of her life, she'll still be breathing so ....and Sonny is like "I'll take care of her". Alexis walks in. 

Alexis and Sonny go to the chapel. She tells Sonny not to act on what Kristina said to do. She says Kristina is traumatized and if he kills Ava it will forever be on her soul. 

Nina and Michael out for lunch and talking about Crimson.. like nothing has happened? They talk about Drew and Willow. Wait for the elevator. Michael FINALLY SAYS 'I'll take the stairs and check on Kristina at GH"..geesh. SO WEIRD

Michael and Kristina. She wants those pictures SENT TO HER. She looks at them and says that's the last time her baby was with her and safe. She wishes she never went there. Wants to turn back time. 

OH! Willow and Drew in the elevator. OH! The elevator stops.  Willow doesn't want to even LOOK at Drew. HE takes off his jacket. He says the charity wants them (Drew and her) to go to LA together for a charity event. Celebs will be there, a mansion and some interviews. She says she can't go.. Family trip, Wiley in school. He says he hopes it's not because of what happened July 4th. She says NOPE and it's never happening again!! HE says YOU got to LA and I'll stay behind. Then the doors open and Nina sees them. Willow basically runs. Nina: WHAT DID YOU DO NOW? (to Drew) 

Heather tells Liz to leave a message for Scotty: "I'm in" 

Thursday, August 8, 2024



Although I was off yesterday, I did receive a flurry of messages telling me that Chris Van Etten has resumed co-head writer role along with Elizabeth Korte. This accounts for some of the bigger shifts we've seen in recent weeks, including the abrupt ending of the whole Pikeman story. I have no idea why Patrick was let go in the first place but I'll speculate that his vision for the show was so vastly different from Frank (EP) that it just didn't work out. There's also a curious "associate writer" addition to all this which I don't think I've seen before. Her name is Cathy LePard. 

SO! Take that as you will. I've been nothing but brutal on the show for weeks and now that the names have "changed" in the opening, let's see if it makes a bit of difference. With all the cast members coming back, things better improve like a LOT. 

I'm out again today but I heard GH time jumped a bit... like Sonny was getting a ride home, the baby had been autopsied and FINALLY TJ's family was on. OH! And Donna took Sonny's pills? Um... kay.  

The beat goes on. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


I will be out today --finally good weather to go to my brother's house, so enjoy: 


When I was a kid, we would clutch our report cards and take them to Roseland Park where they'd give us free tickets for every "A" that we earned. Not sure what happens today but let's pretend that GH had to attend summer school and is getting graded. Yes, the summer isn't over but after that dive we can take a fun moment.

PS from Dave: I grew up in NJ. We had an ice cream store called Carvel (Was it national? Did anyone else?) and we would bring our report cards there and for every "A" we earned, they would stamp our report card and give us a coupon for a one-scoop ice cream cone. 


Top stories on GH are graded on the following: Creativity, Execution, and Day to Day dialog 


You are receiving this grade because of the sheer length of time it took to complete your assignment. Not only that, it's changed so much since the beginning there is no way to timeline it without giving your professors a migraine. We will give you an extra 1/2 point for introducing the character of Brennan to our screen but again, you messed around with motives so... not that impressive. 

SURROGACY | GRADE C (see below) 

While it is an interesting concept, this story has been done so many times before you could basically copy and paste most of it, especially since we've moved past the using the bio egg from the same surrogate. TJ and Molly were not featured enough to get an in-depth character study so your newly found TJ rage seems over the top. Given what happened after the fall, the C went to an F (see below) 

BTW, Dave gets a C- for using an old picture of Molly--but who can blame him when we've had so many! 


You are lucky nostalgia played into this assignment! We were so worried about John J York that having him back just masked anything regarding the true story behind this. While Cody has grown on me, you may have gotten an A if boring Sasha wasn't around him. We are waiting to give a final grade on this whole thing because again, you got it going and now it's been on a shelf. 


Again, you're lucky in one way with this story and it's in the form of Maura West. She elevates everything to at LEAST average because of her stellar delivery. Even if Dialog is at an F, she'll pop it up to a B. My fellow professors and I were stunned that you went in this direction again after submitting it so many other times. Repeating yourself doesn't work well in literature unless you're a poet. You were also docked points because Ava is messing with Sonny's meds which is also another repeat of a story with his son. 


The kid did a great job at the wedding. He seemed like a passable actor and had a bit of promise. Then you just had to grind on and on about the violin and how wonderful he is. Is there ANY edge to him? Please refer to your 'character development' course work when you were a freshman. 


You got your points for actually having a gay couple on the show after ditching your last few. While Blaze and Kristina didn't really 'work' for me chemistry wise, they did have a decent vibe going. Blaze had some intrigue with her music career and introduction of her mama, Natalia. We are not sure what happened but the department got together and wants to censure you for SO MANY blatant missteps in this story we need to call a meeting. 


Well, you pulled one out of the hat!! For those of us that are spoiler free, it was a jaw-dropping moment.  We won't talk about the fact that the hotel WINDOW breaking was a stretch because for a soap, it can be overlooked. Ava's face, the cheesy crowd reactions and a Baywatch Style rescue? You outdid yourselves. This also gives a little layer of something extra for the surrogacy story which, up until now was pretty stale.  

UPDATE: You are all getting a failing GRADE FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER!! What was that story leading to? The destruction of Ava? Sonny Trauma?? You had YEARS ahead of you with that baby story. You kill it off for what? THEN you put in the Jex sex scene and Blaze and her mother in the middle of it all? 
You also left out all of the hospital characters: Portia, Terry (who's an OBGYN), Liz, Stella. Not even Amy or Deanna were there! 



You get nothing! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Aftermath


Let's see I remain calm during the show today!! Yesterday was just .... unacceptable lol. I was NOT very happy, could you tell? 

So.......this was on Twitter

Laura brings Kevin a cupcake in his office. It's his birthday.

Scotty finally makes it to the PCPD. Ava tells him it was all a terrible mistake. Ava talks to him in the little room. 
Anna informs Chase the baby didn't make it. Then they go in and say they found Jagger's bag in Ava's room. 

Carly is telling Jason she's not happy with Sonny not seeing Donna when he said he was. They are in the Corinthos' kitchen. Jason gets a phone call from Dante about the situation. Carly's mad no one called her from the hotel. Jason leaves for the hospital. 

Jason talks to Dante who fills him in on Molly laying into Sonny and Sonny leaving.  Then when Carly is alone, Donna comes down and can't sleep. She's upset that her dad didn't come to the playdate. She thinks it's because Mom and Dad are mad at each other. 

Jason gives Brick a call who's getting his suit fitted. He can't find Sonny but does have photos from the hotel room. He sends them to Jason. Jason NOW goes to the PCPD. Shows Anna the photos. Anna goes in and asks if Ava wants to change her statement about not touching Kristina.

Morgan is standing on the roof with Sonny. Sonny says "you're not here, you're not real". Morgan says he's always with him and his family loves him. Sonny says no, Molly is right all he brings is pain. He says he's full of darkness. Talks about Kristina seeing him beat up Dex. Morgan says he also has 'light" in him. "There's good in there, Dad"!!  More stuff about what Sonny's done wrong but Morgan does blame Ava for his death because of his pills. More Sonny blames himself and thinks his kids are better off without him. 

Kristina is rushed into surgery.  Sam arrives. Everyone is wondering where Sonny went.  Nurse comes out and says that Kristina probably needs a hysterectomy.  

TJ and Molly talk about naming the baby.  Sam says Ava is a human wrecking ball. Everyone stands around as the doctor comes out.  They avoided a hysterectomy.  Sam and Dante talk about when she lost her baby long ago. Alexis doesn't know how they'll put the family together again. 


Ava is shown the photos with her and Kristina. She's arrested for assault and manslaughter. She finds out the baby died. 

Sonny goes to Kevin to ask for help. "Something is wrong with me". 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Vacay Delay


Well, it's storming at my brother's house badly today and tomorrow so I'll be going Wed-Thurs! 

GH: Molly arrives. Is all upset. "She's in labor, she's not due yet". TJ says Kristina had an accident. I guess he didn't tell Molly on the phone. Alexis tells Molly about Ava falling from the "north tower". She was in Ava's room. Molly says she knows why she was there and looks right at Sonny. 

In the room, Kristina wakes up. Doctor tells her the baby didn't make it. She wants Molly. He goes out to the hallways and tells Molly to go see Kristina. Then TJ asks about the baby.  Dorctor says the baby died. It was a girl. 

Kristina tells Molly the baby was a girl and she died. They cry. 

Sonny sees Dante. He asks if Ava had anything to do with it. He says Jagger and her were trying to get Avery away from him and now Kristina. THEY WILL PAY. 

Molly comes out. Alexis goes in. Krissy and she cry. Molly won't let Sonny go in the room.  She says it's all his fault because he beat up Dex and Ava wanted Krissy to testify and it's HIS FAULT he's a violent THUG. 

Natalia tells Blaze they are leaving because it's only Kristina's 'blood' relatives there and they've only gone out for 6 months. Blaze lets her drag her out of GH. That is dumb. They go to a restaurant and Mom makes her eat chicken soup because her 'blood sugar dropped'.  OMG then Blaze tells the ENTIRE STORY of meeting Kristina!! WHAT? TODAY?  JFC. Get back to the damn story. Natalia 'accepts' the gay thing..and I can't write anymore because it was terrible dialog. 

PCPD: Ava's getting questioned by Dante but Anna makes him go to GH and replaces him with Chase. Ava tells the story again, with flashbacks. Yada yada. 

Anna interviews Trina. Trina is telling Anna she looked up and saw Ava standing at the broken window. Then saw Ava draw the curtains closed. 

Then they are done and Trina tells Ava she saw her at the window. Ava says she'll buy her coffee but Anna says she can't go. 

Joss goes to Dex's house, all upset. She talks about her trauma saving Kristina. OH! She wants to have sex, because why not! He doesn't want to take advantage of her trauma. Then they have sex. 


Sonny's on the roof of GH thinking and flashing back to when everyone was yelling at him. Joss, Krissy, Dante--Molly ..Anna. 

ALexis is in with Kristina and she codes. Bleep Bleep Bleep 

TOMORROW: Looks like Brick turns in the photos to the PCPD ...Sonny's up on the roof ledge. 

So this whole baby story seems to be about destroying Ava's character, Giving Sonny painful terrible angst and... TJ and Molly's anger. Wow. Okay. Talk about wasting YEARS of material. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Anatomy of a Fall


The show was just so meh all week then BOOM!! This happens!! Not much else to discuss other than the epic fall from a obviously defective window into that tiny pool!  All of this while I was switching on and off to the gymnastics portion of the Olympics! How fitting. 

Let's talk about it, shall we? Grab it and let's go! 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Splish Splash


THE DAY AFTER THE GIANT SOAPY DAY!! This is from the GH Twitter account "behind the scenes" at the studio! 

They show the whole fall again. Joss finally jumps in to 'save' Kristina. Ava freaks out. Blaze freaks out and yells: KRISSSSSSSTAAAAAAAINNNNNNAA. Joss and Gio get her on a board to get out of the water. The EMTs come. Trina tells Gio to call Kristina's parents. Dante and Chase show up. Dante learns it was Krissy that fell.  Trina goes up to them to tell them what she saw in the window. Oh! But then they don't show that!! They jump to her talking to Gio about how brave he was :eyeroll: 

Krissy goes in the ambulance with Joss and the EMTs. She wakes up and asks about the baby. Joss tells her what happened. Krissy is scared and wants her parents. Then I think...she codes? 

Ava calls Scotty "I need you"! She talks to herself and replays the fall over and over in her head. She tells herself that she has to convince people it was an accident. She hides the bag. Throws stuff all over the room. Dante comes to the door.  She says that Kristina was irate and lunged at her and tripped over her shoes and fell out the window. Or crashed through it. Dante says someone saw the curtains were open so she's lying. 

Sonny and Lois. Lois talks Sonny into showing her that the money he's putting into the record label is clean. He says his accountant will call her. She leaves. Sonny gets a call from Gio to tell him what happened at the pool.

TJ and Alexis. He says that courts usually give rights to the bio mom. He's mad because Alexis isn't on "their side". Alexis is WAY to calm for this. She told them all this would happen. OH wow, TJ tells her she's a coward for not choosing to help him and Molly. She's like "the law is the law'.  He says Kristina wouldn't BE pregnant if it wasn't for them. She's just like her father, this is theft!  He keeps on saying Molly will never forgive Alexis if she doesn't talk to Kristina. 

Kristina is in the hospital. The placenta separated from the wall and Krissy is hemorrhaging. Alexis and TJ flip out. Joss tells them what happened. Then Sonny comes. TJ has to call Molly. Blaze goes with him. Sonny and Alexis hug... Doctor comes out. 


Dante arrests Ava

Kristina is going in for an emergency C-Section 


  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...