Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Alert: Brenda is STILL in her hotel room. *sigh*
I love how OLTL puts "Tahiti" in caption when it's trying to show us where the fake place is...unlike GH who just puts stuff around evoking "Roma". Gelato Cart!! Who saw those Ford Boyz all shirtless in the steam bath? WOOT! GH, we could use some of that!! Really like Clint becoming a Palmer-Asa-Adam-Edward corporate meanie. :)
Mac you tell Robin about not notifying him! Geesh. If she would have they'd have proof she is trying to get her!! Dr. Matt was on today..talking to someone other than Maxie! Lisa was giving him such a snow job. heh
Adrienne Leon was good during the Lulu/Carly scenes. Liked her tone and her edge of being mad/almost crying.
Watching Claire in the courtroom gave me all sorts of rancid deja vu. Why the hell would Dante be allowed to testify if he's HIS OWN SON?! WTF.
The cabin shooting was SO STUPID. No one even coughed with all that smoke!! LOL.. whatever. Is that whole stupid seg supposed to be exciting? Shootouts and stuff are usually only exciting when you see them ALL IN ONE CONTINUOUS SCENE. It's been like 3 days and chopped up. Jason jumping through the wood, dodging bullets was just ...just...ahahahahhaaa!! I so wanted Zombies to walk out of those trees just to chomp on some flesh, give us a surprise. LOL
Brenda is in the hotel room day 345. Notice that she was questioned there, instead of say, going somewhere else. Saving a ton of money on this whole "comeback" aren't they?? And 'THE BALKIN"!! uh...okay. He has no face..he has no place...he's mysterious. You can tell because they are playing spookay music when that detective mentions him. Well, at least Sonny's on a plane and S&Bers got to see a flashback of wall sex.
Who watched RHoNJ last night? GOOD LORD!! It took Teresa about 10min to get on Danielle's case. Which, of course, I LOVED. Why? Don't know...probably because I come from WASP "cold shoulder" land, which RARELY involves yelling of ANY kind. We just don't talk to each other for years. LOL. When I would visit my girlfriend on Long Island I'd just sit in awe watching all their fights. Of course, I was in MORE awe they could be hugging 3 minutes later!!
Bravo Andy got served. I'm sure he saw giant dollar signs in his head when he got shoved back on the chair. He tweeted that Danielle's dress didn't come in, so that's why she had on that rather casual get up. (in case you were wondering). Does anyone else feel like Jackie sits with her neck really extended?? Bugged me. Caroline looked fab for losing some pounds. Can't wait until next week and Kim G comes on!! Everyone was defending and throwing everything last night. I also think Perez is right on calling Danielle "Jafar" She does look just like him!
BTW, here's the dish on Teresa's "nephew" it's fun as hell if true:
According to reports, the nephew danielle was referring to during the reunion show is teresa giudice's husband love child that why she flew into a angry rage. Danielle was being snarky. The baby boy is said to be 6 months and danielle knows the baby mother well.
WOWZA!! @@ Now, in all fairness, Teresa explains her story on her BRAVO Blog. Not as juicy as Danielle's take!
Monday, August 30, 2010
New Brenda/Sonny Promo:
Putting into question the date she and he meet up. It was first reported as Sept 3rd....then I got Sept 6th. I'm trying to pin it down. Enjoy (although I think it looks pretty fake/hilarious)!
General Hospital: There's A Lisa In the Road!!
Oh, she made that look GOOD!! Nice one Crazy-Lisa!! BTW, that stuffed doggie in the backseat of Robin's car is going to end up in a beaker in GH, boiling away. Heh. Robin tries to tell the police Lisa jumped in front of her car...they are looking at her like she might be drunk. HURRY Call Uncle MAC!! He was at the hospital...I love my Uncle Mac.
Brooke Lyn and Carly...zzzzzzzz. I'm so tired of them.
Sonny should have told Bernie he wanted to visit George Clooney in Lake Como. heh...I am so over the Brender stuff. So, so..soooooooooooo boring. We still have another week to go until Sonny lays eyeballs on her. Go to Wubs Net to see the supposed date she's back to Port Charles. Hopefully Guza will buy a clue and get her back sooner. Loved how Brenda and Sterling went from one hotel room to another. wow...don't excite us too much.
Lucky finding JaSam in that cabin was hysterical. Oh, I was tracking Santos (although we JUST saw him at the PCPD) and found this cabin...and BY THE WAY....Sonny's in trouble. HAhahahhaa. VERY weird scene. I was waiting for Lucky to go all James Cagney. "MA! I'm on TOP OF THE WORLD, MA"!!
Lulu and Brooke Lyn...wow, Brooke tells Lulu the truth! Lulu won't believe her-- I actually enjoyed this scene.
Olivia, Dante and Sonny...Olivia says "How about not shooting ANYBODY"??!! Sonny talks to Dante about Brender...ugh, just get it over with already. Michael comes in to talk to Sonny...right in the PCPD! D'OH! Michael...people can SEE YOU THERE...just sayin'.
Well, I sure enjoyed myself. From the hilarious opening "Glee inspired" number (with Kate Gosslin making fun of herself no less!!) to George Clooney surprising the hey out of me in the Modern Family send up, I was just grinning. Jon Hamm in the opening was just priceless. I told my brother someone from "30 Rock" or "SNL" had to have a hand in writing this year. The show was cool..and as we know, awards shows are rarely cool.
Jimmy Fallon did such a great job with his musical mimicry. Backstreet Boys? Elton John? Loved it!! I had forgotten what a funny guy he was when being 'someone else'. Horray for Mad Men, I do love that show-- and yeah for Modern Family. There certainly was enough stuff from HBO and Showtime that I'm too cheap to watch. LOL...I was like, hmmmm, maybe we should get those channels. Time Warner gets enough moolah out of me as it is.
One of my best Dressed:
One thing I learned from tweeting with other Wubbers is that I need to start watching "The Good Wife". People seem to really love it.
My Mad Men review should be up on PopConfidential later. I will blog GH today AND live tweet during the SCARY FUN "RHoNJ Reunion Show"!! eek!! that's some wacky stuff right there. Join in!
PS. Thanks to Frank for alerting me to my "Daytime Emmy" mistake! Old habits!!
Poor January Jones, she so needs a new stylist. I hate the hair more than the dress, actually!
One of my best Dressed:
I loved this dress. I also liked the dress Jewel arrived in, which I couldn't find online. It was a pink Grace Kelly number. While the dresses were all beautiful, I do wish people would get a bit funkier.
Low points of the night? Al Pacino. Good lord, I hope he was just really tired and it wasn't age or booze. The endless awards for stuff I didn't know about-- which I guess are a lot less than they could have been since they do "The Creative Arts Awards" at another time. Kyra Sedgwick went on and on, and her dress was as bad as her giant hair extentions, imo.
It was nice how they had the directors, producers and writers answer a question and do a short before their noms. What a great way to get to know behind the scenes peeps. I was happy the Daily Show won but really wanted Conan to get it just to thumb his nose at NBC.
One thing I learned from tweeting with other Wubbers is that I need to start watching "The Good Wife". People seem to really love it.
My Mad Men review should be up on PopConfidential later. I will blog GH today AND live tweet during the SCARY FUN "RHoNJ Reunion Show"!! eek!! that's some wacky stuff right there. Join in!
PS. Thanks to Frank for alerting me to my "Daytime Emmy" mistake! Old habits!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday Surgery: Scrubbin' In...
What was the best part of GH last week? Guns, bullets...comebacks?? Nah...just an old fashioned soapy script with two fine actors playing the heck out of it. Of course, I'm talking about Jason Thompson and Kim McCollough doing their "break up" scenes. I hardly cared about the rest of the show--Sam and Jason trapped under fire (again)... Brenda talking to the newbies--- Dante and Lulu angst #3,400. Nope, didn't matter. All that really touched me were two people, in a room with raw, honest emotions tumbling from their mouths and tears from their eyes. BRAVO. Lisa hurling herself infront of Robin's car isn't too shabby either. Kudos to Brianna Brown. She makes an awesome crazy-lady!!
By the way, there are rumors out there that Kim or Jason or both will be leaving by November. The only thing I can say about that is I did hear Kim was talking about taking time off to concentrate on her behind the scenes career. Not leaving for good, but taking a break. Not sure if this is what everyone is buzzing about or not. I haven't heard a thing about JT. You know what happened to me LAST time KM came back...and I scooped it. Not getting into THAT MESS again. We shall see. I do know that for November sweeps we are supposed to have major Lisa-Dramas coming to a head. If she starts turning a lamp on and off, you know where it's headed!!
On the Brenda front, she tells Sonny to go back to Port Charles to turn himself in, and Jason comes out to protect her from the big-bad thugs. I'm wondering when the hell she'll EVER get back to town. If Jax takes over Crimson, that could open up a whole other avenue for our Face of Fashion.
Ratings for last week were up--after a disaster of a downturn for VMG's giant "comeback". People must have been waiting to see what the hooplah was all about. Given the boring week we had in that area, I have to see ratings for the past week to make a judgement. Of cousre, I'm not one to hang on the ratings--I know when it's good TV. It's the head brass that need to see the numbers.
Another little piece of info? I hear Brooke Lyn will be going on "tour" with her singing career. Will Nikolas fund it? We'll get to see she and TC and NLG try to get her Diction correct..something like Eliza Doolittle. @@
Did you see I'm going to be in Toronto Sept 11th for the Brunch N' Ball with DZ, LLC and Ronnie M? Should be a fun time. It's for chartiy and held during the Toronto Film Fest. What more could you want? Alberta's coming back from California this next week and she'll be spiffed up for the affair.
I snagged this from Twitter, posted by Melissa Archer-- she and Kris were at the Circus in NYC. Isn't it cute!! Talk about rumors last week. With a big meeting Thursday, many thought OLTL would be canned. It's still hanging in there--!! Rumors that Roger Howarth may be back to either reprise his TODD character OR...as a guy pretending to be TODD with TODD's old face. LOL!! Either way, if they keep Trevor St. John, I'll be happy.
EMMY NIGHT!! You watching?? You know I will...just for the dresses. I'm hoping Mad Men cleans up. I'll be rooting for Modern Family as well. I think that Jimmy Fallon will be a good host and they are using Tweets for jokes (??) hmmmm. I also wish Kathy Griffin's category was on tonight instead of the creative arts night. Her speech is always a riot.
Thanks again for being such great Wub Fans... I love your comments (I know some of you have trouble..so thanks for sticking with the blog), emails, tweets and of course, the visting my sponsors on the Wubs Net. Gedstern works hard finding the hidden scoops, I'm on the phone and stalking people to get info--it's not easy!! LOL. Especially now, with the Brenda Lock-down. It's easy to do because she's filming in basic isolation. Not that anything is really happening with her character if you ask me.
Have a good week. I should be live tweeting/blogging during the shows.
Friday, August 27, 2010
General Hospital: Letters For Leslie
It was announced that Leslie Charleson was bumped to recurring this month. While not surprising, it is the end of an era in a way. The "pre-Luke&Laura" era, (not to mention another nail in the Q coffin). I thought it would be nice if we took the time to write a personal note to Leslie, thanking her for her years of entertainment and hoping to see her from time to time on our screen. It will also send a message to TPTB that we the fans DO care what's going on. I know from my experience with Connie Towers how important snail mail can be-- and that they do take note of handwritten letters. In the age of cyberspace, it does show that you took the time to compose/write something because it was important. Here's the address:
Leslie Charleson
c/o General Hospital @ABC Studios
4151 Prospect Ave
Hollywood, CA 90027
Even a postcard is great!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Soap Opera Thursday: Interrupted GH
More great Scrubs Stills at Scrubs New Heart.org
OLTL..the Clint reveal was AWESOME, especially if you are spoiler free!! WOWZA. I so hope Dorian finds out it was Clint in a timely fashion but with TW going back to DH for the season, it might be awhile. She'll tear Clint's EYEBALLS out. I also swore I heard Cole say "That sick F**K" when talking about Eli...LOL. I even rewound it. Did you hear that??! Other people said it was "freak"..I don't know, it sure sounded like the other. LOL
Evil Clint was great--heh. Kimmy and the Money!!
GENERAL HOSPITAL: Those ABC promos KILL me "For Jason and Sam, bullets are a turn-on"...brahahhaaah.
Michael is pretty much in the Jon McBain 'I know all' -- school of detectives.
WE have breaking news here...some hydrogen explosion at our county airport refueling station. Which is bad--although 2 people were hurt but ok. The news guys just stand there saying "this WAS bad"...but it's ok now. I mean...really. ;/
FINALLY it's back on. It's Olivia's bedside vigil scenes. JaSam shoot out scene (boring) . Diane's yelling at Sonny.
Nikolas' thing about Liz not being happy at Wyndemere comes out of nowhere. I guess they need to get Becky off for her maternity leave. Liz' sister Sarah calls her. I wonder how many people don't even KNOW she has a sister! The excuse is... Sarah is lonely in her new digs in Northern CA. Well, okay then. Wasn't Franco in Washington State? IS this a good idea? hmmmm.
I liked Olivia mentioning that Johnny plays the piano.
Scrubs totally reminded me of Leslie and Rick back in the day. Leslie used to lose it all the time in the hospital over he and Monica!!
Lisa goes to Lucky to tell him that Robin threatened her.
Another banner day at GH (NOT!!) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Toronto General Hospital Event. One MORE Reason to GO!
DOM and Alberta at the Remote Shoot on the set of GH!
Looks like yours truly and Alberta Wubs will be heading on up to Toronto for the BRUNCH AND BALL! Dominic Zamprogna, Lisa LoCiciero and Ronnie Marmo will headline a meet and greet plus a brunch and baseball game with the Blue Jays to benefit Children's Wish. There are already a lot of people that I've seen on twitter that are attending. Hey, this is also the Toronto FILM FEST-- meaning all the stars will be out and around town!
Think about going, tickets are still available...but are also going fast!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
GH: Robin gets all Scorpio on Lisa!!
I really was hoping for some good GH news--you know, new writer-- new Quartermaine resurgence for my big day. Oh well, a girl can dream, can't she!!?
Perez Hilton is saying there's OSCAR Buzz for James Franco and 127 hours. If he gets a nom, he'd better bring a FRONKEY with him in homage to his GH days!!! He did say his GH script memorization helped him get the part because he could basically do the entire scene in one take!
Poor Robin. I am glad Maxie came over...she needs someone there. Liked their little talk. Maxie's dress is gorge. I don't even remember Patrick and Lisa's night of "passion". That's how chopped up this show is. They haven't exactly had a flow of this story. Hard to care. All the actors involved are doing a bang up job though...they always do!
Thanks for all the bday wishes!! Love ya all! I made a new Alberta Wubs collage for the WubsNet, check it out!!
Perez Hilton is saying there's OSCAR Buzz for James Franco and 127 hours. If he gets a nom, he'd better bring a FRONKEY with him in homage to his GH days!!! He did say his GH script memorization helped him get the part because he could basically do the entire scene in one take!
Berta, celebrating for me!!
Today's GH: If you happened to see OLTL, it totally looks like David's in Helena's dungeon! LOL. Who has David in prison?? I hear it's a stunner (if you are spoiler free, it did shock me!). Notice Dorian/Vicky??? Still around..still getting great stories (instead of standing around). Makes me sick when I think of GH. They could have Monica/Leslie/Bobbie...we got nothin'. Ok, Tracy but only part of the time.
Those coffee cups were so empty that Lulu was carrying, they were jiggling all over! LOL Stupid Brooke Lyn comes up and says she's just as much a victim as Dante is! What an idiot. Lante says the same sheeze over and over and over again. The writers are really REALLY messing it up putting them on every damn second.
Poor Robin. I am glad Maxie came over...she needs someone there. Liked their little talk. Maxie's dress is gorge. I don't even remember Patrick and Lisa's night of "passion". That's how chopped up this show is. They haven't exactly had a flow of this story. Hard to care. All the actors involved are doing a bang up job though...they always do!
Wyndemere...all those boys! It's hilarious. Fencing as well. Nice, give them all swords!
Lucky and Ethan's talk. I guess it was all about Lucky's desire to be big/bad/Spencer. Then, Ethan goes to talk to Kristina who's waiting outside Johnny's room. awww.
JaSam:Found a nice little cabin. Usually in the summer, they are being used, but maybe it's a hunting cabin.
BEST PART OF THE SHOW? Robin telling Lisa she'll kill her if she goes near Emma again. She got all Devane/Scorpio on her! woot!! Now, why doesn't Robin tell her UNCLE MAC about all this?! Is he still in the hospital recouping from the gunshots from Keifer's Dad?
FULL MOON tonight! I shall bless the charms on the deck in full light. That way I will have a happy year. Or..well, it can't hurt!
Thanks for all the bday wishes!! Love ya all! I made a new Alberta Wubs collage for the WubsNet, check it out!!
Birthday Card
Soap Dude on Twitter posted this to me... it's made by Starrgirlfish. GH "How the Years Go By". I did have a tear in my eye while watching. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
General Hospital Today "One"
If you saw today's show, you know what the ONE is for. If not-- then you must watch on SoapNet at 11 tonight or on DVR because Robin says it quite poignantly during her fight with Patrick. Yes, Patrick finally spill ze beans about he and Lisa. Robin reacts with shock, sadness and finally anger. Not a happy camper--at all. Both Jason and Kimberly give wonderful performances, and it hits home how much they've been wasted in the background for months. Here's hoping their working together to bring Lisa to "sanity" or at least Shady Brook is interesting and front burner.
Brenda continues to languish in "Rome" with Murphy-- zzzzzzzzz. It has to be one of the most boring things ever written. WE DON'T CARE. :throwing up hands: Maybe Just MAYBE if she was back in Port Charles already seeing this guy, it would have worked. Watching the two of them doing much of nothing doesn't really matter.
Sonny in the PCPD, facing Claire with the tapes she made. I felt like yelling "Yeah, you big dummy" SHE'S ON THE OTHER SIDE!! LOL. Ronnie's face was priceless when he heard the evidence. Too bad he knows THIS time, they are wrong. Sonny did shoot Johnny in self-defense. It will come down to whomever the witness turns out to be that was lurking in the shadows.
SOAPS IN DEPTH broke the news this afternoon that our beloved Leslie Charleson (Monica) has been bumped to recurring status. You might not have known it, but she still was on contract. No more. Idiots. One more nail in the Q coffin. I also told you cuts were coming in the fall...more are on the way! Who's next?
Brenda continues to languish in "Rome" with Murphy-- zzzzzzzzz. It has to be one of the most boring things ever written. WE DON'T CARE. :throwing up hands: Maybe Just MAYBE if she was back in Port Charles already seeing this guy, it would have worked. Watching the two of them doing much of nothing doesn't really matter.
Sonny in the PCPD, facing Claire with the tapes she made. I felt like yelling "Yeah, you big dummy" SHE'S ON THE OTHER SIDE!! LOL. Ronnie's face was priceless when he heard the evidence. Too bad he knows THIS time, they are wrong. Sonny did shoot Johnny in self-defense. It will come down to whomever the witness turns out to be that was lurking in the shadows.
SOAPS IN DEPTH broke the news this afternoon that our beloved Leslie Charleson (Monica) has been bumped to recurring status. You might not have known it, but she still was on contract. No more. Idiots. One more nail in the Q coffin. I also told you cuts were coming in the fall...more are on the way! Who's next?
Monday, August 23, 2010
"I Shot The Johnny, But I Swear it was in Self-Defense"
I watched OLTL and realized I must have missed a bunch of stuff. LOL. Not sure what's going on. Dorian's wedding dress was...rather...er...interesting. uck! I just hope David isn't killed off. :?!
Thought you might like to see Nathan Parsons in all his glory for the play "NeverWonderLand" -- which ended it's five week run this Sunday at the Boom Kat Theater.
GENERAL HOSPITAL TODAY: The whole Franco thing with Brenda is just ridiculous. I DON'T CARE!! Everyone's going to see her but anyone we care about. Good Lord.
Lisa taking Emma was a least fun. And her nanny lets her go out for ice cream AT NIGHT? I love how she just acted like it was ok when Patrick found her. "you know, incase anything happens to Robin"....
Jax/Claire. Snooze.
Johnny being taking in the hospital. Maya hops to it! Guess she's over all that squeemish stuff. Ethan looks a bit concerned I guess. That was kind awkward. He's talking to Lucky at the PCPD and his eyeliner is running, swear to god! LOL
Sonny says he had a "Peace Plan" in place. Did I miss that sheeze? Uh...ok. Dante tells him to turn himself in when Ronnie knocks on the door. There goes that opportunity.
Sam in the Lopez camp was hysterical. Jason got there in record time because of her GPS. Nice work, FourSquare! The whole shoot out with JaSam was just so...Dollar Store. The pop-flashes of the guns crack me up. I don't know, I'm so over scenes like that.
Ronnie throws Sonny's gun into the water...because we have to have a crooked cop in Port Charles. He reminds me of Taggert, without the bite. I miss Taggert!!
Did you know Adrienne Barbeau is an author? Read about her newest novel, "Love Bites" on Suite 101. Also, she says this about her character, Suzanne: It was totally unexpected. I got a call from my agent on a Friday night, saying I had an offer to do a 4 or 5 week arc on GH. He described the character and I said yes. Then, once I got on the set, the producers said they'd like to keep me around for awhile. And I said yes! Ergo, the rumor about her "Suzanne" coming to Port Charles looks to be happening. (Lord only knows when that will be though!!)
My Mad Men take should be on Daytime Confidential and Pop Confidential soon. I LOVED it. The Betty/Sally parts were brilliant. I hope they show Sally's therapy sessions. Heh.
Big Brother: I read the feeds and I'm NOT happy at how the tide is turning in the house. BOO AND all the fish have died. Kathy should have been allowed to take them with her.
Real Housewives of NJ: It's Carolyn's bday today ..and the finale is airing? How fun is that! I am waiting to see the "reunion" show.
Jersey Shore: Why do I watch? Ah...why the heck not. Reminds me of my days going out with college friends on Long Island. Total escapism.
Animal Hoarders: eek, scary show (Animal Planet) sad and scary
Nathan Parsons (Jim Warren Photo)
GENERAL HOSPITAL TODAY: The whole Franco thing with Brenda is just ridiculous. I DON'T CARE!! Everyone's going to see her but anyone we care about. Good Lord.
Lisa taking Emma was a least fun. And her nanny lets her go out for ice cream AT NIGHT? I love how she just acted like it was ok when Patrick found her. "you know, incase anything happens to Robin"....
Jax/Claire. Snooze.
Johnny being taking in the hospital. Maya hops to it! Guess she's over all that squeemish stuff. Ethan looks a bit concerned I guess. That was kind awkward. He's talking to Lucky at the PCPD and his eyeliner is running, swear to god! LOL
Sonny says he had a "Peace Plan" in place. Did I miss that sheeze? Uh...ok. Dante tells him to turn himself in when Ronnie knocks on the door. There goes that opportunity.
Sam in the Lopez camp was hysterical. Jason got there in record time because of her GPS. Nice work, FourSquare! The whole shoot out with JaSam was just so...Dollar Store. The pop-flashes of the guns crack me up. I don't know, I'm so over scenes like that.
Ronnie throws Sonny's gun into the water...because we have to have a crooked cop in Port Charles. He reminds me of Taggert, without the bite. I miss Taggert!!
Did you know Adrienne Barbeau is an author? Read about her newest novel, "Love Bites" on Suite 101. Also, she says this about her character, Suzanne: It was totally unexpected. I got a call from my agent on a Friday night, saying I had an offer to do a 4 or 5 week arc on GH. He described the character and I said yes. Then, once I got on the set, the producers said they'd like to keep me around for awhile. And I said yes! Ergo, the rumor about her "Suzanne" coming to Port Charles looks to be happening. (Lord only knows when that will be though!!)
My Mad Men take should be on Daytime Confidential and Pop Confidential soon. I LOVED it. The Betty/Sally parts were brilliant. I hope they show Sally's therapy sessions. Heh.
Big Brother: I read the feeds and I'm NOT happy at how the tide is turning in the house. BOO AND all the fish have died. Kathy should have been allowed to take them with her.
Real Housewives of NJ: It's Carolyn's bday today ..and the finale is airing? How fun is that! I am waiting to see the "reunion" show.
Jersey Shore: Why do I watch? Ah...why the heck not. Reminds me of my days going out with college friends on Long Island. Total escapism.
Animal Hoarders: eek, scary show (Animal Planet) sad and scary
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday Surgery: General Hospital and The Silence of the Ratings...
Brandon, Lisa and Ronnie on San Diego Cruise for Leukemia Saturday
GHers are some of the biggest hearts out there! These three had a cruise for Leukemia research that was held in San Diego. Lisa LoCicero tweeted she's the 'luckiest woman in San Diego'!!
In prep for doing this week's Sunday Surgery I looked around my vast array of GH info and found... things really really lacking. LOL. Not a lot to be had folks. I did talk to one actor who shall remain unnamed that said when the ratings news 'hits the fan' they don't want to be anywhere near the set. Of course, the brass already knows. There were big hopes pinned on this comeback and the numbers just weren't there ESPECIALLY when it was so hyped and had an unheard of 'nostaligia' day was planned just for it. I've seen some fans say now they are waiting until Sonny and Brenda finally meet to watch, and others that just don't care. Of course, there are also a large group of fans that never did live through the S&B years. J&Bers are upset because there's NO mention of Jax at all in this little Roma scenerio.
For me...it's bittersweet. I am so invested in this show it's maddening. LOL. The site, the fans, the events, the actors. If this can't shake viewers out of the shadows, what can? I really was hoping the writing would be there. Instead, it's almost like everyone took a vacation and penned the laziest thing they could think of. Production budget for the block shoot of Vanny, Adrienne and Brad Rowe was probably in the neighborhood of $44.50. Fresh flowers and champagne not counted. It will be exactly 18 working days between BB's comeback and her seeing anyone from Port Charles. You know how I feel about this. You've read it every day. You're probably sick of it!! LOL. Sorry. It just floors me that this opportunity was wasted.
SO, what's coming up in spoilers? Lisa will destroy a stuffed animal of Emma's-- she'll also make sure people know Robin's out to get her. Of course the big reveal that Patrick slept with her is coming too. Sonny tries to convince Dante he shot Johnny because he had to. Claire's got a nice tape with Sonny saying he wants to kill Johnny on it. Brooke Lyn's going to get in more trouble and end up with Nikolas --who needs an escort to some event. :eyeroll: Her days are numbered people. Sonny will eventually run to Rome where he'll run into, The Face of Fashion. I think some nice Olivia/Johnny scenes are coming when she's by his bedside at the hospital. Oh, a dime for every bedside gunshot-wound "monologue"!! JaSam is all in the woods, in a cabin, fleeing a fire. Catch all the spoilers on the WUBS NET. SCROLL down. I put the scoops up as I get them. Some of the ones down 'below' came awhile ago and are starting to happen now.
I am LOVING all your blog comments. Thank you for taking the time to post. I also like to see the banter and posts to each other. :) Makes me all warm inside. We fans need to do SOMETHING to stay with this show!! Even arguing about our fave couples/characters is a start. Right?!
HA! Carolyn Hennesy was talking about Lady Gaga and our opinions on her having the Vanity Fair cover and most followers on Twitter. She retweeted my take: "Rule the Dancefloor, Rule the World"... I think I'll copyrite that!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
A Bullet and A Target "Citizen Cope"
TV.com speculates about Nancy Lee Grahn going to Dancing with the Stars for Season 11. I have NO idea if this is true or not, but it's fun to read.
The reason I put that pic up is because Sarah's 'comeback' actually bumped the ratings more than ol' VMG's did! LOL. So much for the PR monster.
PopEater is reporting that Megan Fox is wearing "stepson's" tshirt. Oh, you know Vanny HATES that!!! hah. Hopefully SHE didn't buy it for him. LOL!!
The Sonny/Johnny "war" commerical is running. When is Guza going to buy a damn clue? WHEN?? How many mobular craptastics can we take? Between that and watching Jason get are arrested and re-arrested every other day, I may as well just forget the show!! If it wasn't for the site, you know I'd be a go-go.
There is mucho housecleaning coming to GH from what I'm hearing. Besides the person I mentioned before, I think the fall will see a lot of fringe characters leaving the soap. I will NOT name names because I really think it's not fair unless I know 100%. These are people's jobs. It's not my duty to announce their leaving. I'll give that up to TV Guide or SOD. That's why they get the big bucks.
Kristina looked so cute on today's GH and she knows all about Brenda from the fashion mags and press!! how cute. Having her talk to Sonny and be a Brenda fan is cute. '
Today, Brenda sat on the couch and thumbed through The New York Post!! wow....excitement mounts!! LOOK HOW SHE ...SHE SITS THERE!! ahahahhaahaaa. We did get our flashback to Puerto Rico-- I wonder if TIIC realize people watch them on You Tube all the time.
Steve Burton looked so bored and miserable today it was painful. If this was a Cop Show they'd call it "PCPD Snooze" instead of "PCPD Blues"...
Johnny is shot, left bleeding on the sidewalk. Now, the Poor Sonny stuff can start. All to get him to run to Rome to see Brenda. :thud:
I hate Brooke Lyn's giant fish-scale earrings. RIP THEM off Olivia.
Sarah Joy Brown!!
PopEater is reporting that Megan Fox is wearing "stepson's" tshirt. Oh, you know Vanny HATES that!!! hah. Hopefully SHE didn't buy it for him. LOL!!
The Sonny/Johnny "war" commerical is running. When is Guza going to buy a damn clue? WHEN?? How many mobular craptastics can we take? Between that and watching Jason get are arrested and re-arrested every other day, I may as well just forget the show!! If it wasn't for the site, you know I'd be a go-go.
There is mucho housecleaning coming to GH from what I'm hearing. Besides the person I mentioned before, I think the fall will see a lot of fringe characters leaving the soap. I will NOT name names because I really think it's not fair unless I know 100%. These are people's jobs. It's not my duty to announce their leaving. I'll give that up to TV Guide or SOD. That's why they get the big bucks.
Kristina looked so cute on today's GH and she knows all about Brenda from the fashion mags and press!! how cute. Having her talk to Sonny and be a Brenda fan is cute. '
Today, Brenda sat on the couch and thumbed through The New York Post!! wow....excitement mounts!! LOOK HOW SHE ...SHE SITS THERE!! ahahahhaahaaa. We did get our flashback to Puerto Rico-- I wonder if TIIC realize people watch them on You Tube all the time.
Steve Burton looked so bored and miserable today it was painful. If this was a Cop Show they'd call it "PCPD Snooze" instead of "PCPD Blues"...
Johnny is shot, left bleeding on the sidewalk. Now, the Poor Sonny stuff can start. All to get him to run to Rome to see Brenda. :thud:
I hate Brooke Lyn's giant fish-scale earrings. RIP THEM off Olivia.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Thursday: Sonny Can't Use Google??
Look who People picked to be on their "dream cast" DWTS!!
LOL..although he'd probably do it for ART!!
The Nurses' Station has a HILARIOUS blog up mocking the whole Ethan/Maya "dance" yesterday. Don't read while drinking. LOL
I had NO clue that was VMG walking in first scene!! I thought it was Kristina in glasses!! She's tiny! wow... LOL. geesh. I'm telling you..watching she and "Suzanne" in the same room day after day is just...just...zzzzzzz.
Yeah for Sonny and Robin. Just wish we could have seen Anna. Far as I know Finola isn't doing anything right now!! A day or two on GH would have been nice.
Sonny wants a media search on Brenda WHAT..he never uses the computer? GOOGLE?? Spinelli made him a slide show of Brenda--how fun. Spin thinks she looks like a heroine on his video game!!
Maxies hair is just too white for me. Her dish with Brooke Lyn was pretty fun. Loved Maxie being all loyal to Lulu.
OMG, Ronnie and Jason...back and forth between PCPD ---it's SO STUPID!! SO BORING!! Diane has the same damn lines every time she's on!!
Dante brings Lulu red velvet cupcakes. Two days in a row there are cupcakes on the show. hmmm.
Laura Wright is having lunch with Lisa LoCicero today, then getting highlights. Just thought you'd like to know the skivvy. LOL Twitter's great.
Read it and WEEP: Vanessa's Return? Ratings go DOWN...
The Magic is Past?
Wowza and a SNAP!! Repeats of Brenda's love life, and Brenda back herself did zip for the ratings. In fact, they went down some. OUCH. Not even a bump. I totally thought there would be a big bump for that week.
Ratings for the week August 9-13, 2010 FROM Soap Opera Network
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 5,035,000 (+167,000/+151,000)
2. B&B 3,304,000 (+130,000/-140,000)
3. GH 2,548,000 (-13,000/+24,000)
4. DAYS 2,494,000 (+85,000/-75,000)
5. AMC 2,458,000 (+81,000/+139,000)
6. ATWT 2,452,000 (+148,000/+153,000)
7. OLTL 2,247,000 (-118,000/-132,000
1. Y&R 3.5/11 (same/same)
2. B&B 2.3/7 (+.1/-.2)
3. DAYS 1.8/6 (same/-.1) <- ties low rating (6th straight week)
3. AMC 1.8/6 (same/same)
3. GH 1.8/5 (-.1/-.1)
6. OLTL 1.7/5 (same/-.1)
6. ATWT 1.7/5 (+.1/same)
Guess some viewers are gone for good, eh?? It's the writing people. All the guest stars, all the hugeness and the 'comebacks' mean nothing if people left and feel like their show is done. It is a bit scary this news. After all, I run a site based on GH--- and these numbers are killer.
Read my blog on Sunday about The Comeback. They so messed this up.
General Hospital Fan Weekend in Orlando Florida!!
Look out, Orlando …. Here we come!!
We were looking for a great new place for our annual Fall Getaway Weekend, and we believe you’re gonna love it!! We're heading to Orlando, FL for the weekend of November 13 and 14, 2010, and we want you to come along for all of the fun!! Airfares are very reasonable right now, so come on and join us as we head into this wonder “Southern Playground” with your friends and family!!
We’ve chosen the Courtyard Lake Buena Vista, Florida Hotel, 8623 Vineland Avenue, Orlando, FL, which features a variety of unique amenities combined with an exceptional location. Situated only 1 mile from Walt Disney World® Resort and in close proximity to other top Orlando attractions, this hotel in Lake Buena Vista, FL boasts the ease of purchasing attraction tickets in the lobby and a convenient shuttle service, which is perfect for families. Or, relax in the refreshing indoor/outdoor pool. There’s lots to do … including enjoying a great line up of your favorites!
Kick off your morning with incomparable Brandon Barash! What better way to start a fun filled weekend than waking up to Brandon? This event is on Saturday morning, November 13, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light breakfast.
Then, get ready from the amazing Bradford Anderson! He’s wanted to get back to Florida since Super Soap Weekends ended a couple of years ago, and can’t wait to see all of you there! This event is on Saturday afternoon, November 13, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light lunch.
Finally, we hope you’re ready for a rockin’ evening with Kelly Monaco! It’s been a while since she’s had a chance to visit with all of you on the road, so get ready to spend the evening dishing with this incredible lady! This event is on Saturday evening, November 13, from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light dinner
But pace yourself because …. then we’ve got Sunday!!
Finish up this fun filled weekend with the unbelievable Carolyn Hennesy! This busy lady is packing her bags and heading to Orlando to party with you Sunday morning, November 14, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light breakfast.
And who better to finish up this incredible weekend of events? The one, the only … Lisa LoCicero!! What a way to end a perfect weekend of events!! Sign up now and be a part of all of the fun! This event is on Sunday afternoon, November 14, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light lunch.
To purchase tickets, send two self-addressed, stamped envelopes, along with your money order made payable to Debby O'Connor, to: Debby O'Connor, P.O. Box 16212, Irvine, CA 92623. You may also purchase by going to our website at www.YourNumberOneFan.com to purchase using PayPal. Note: Add an additional $5.00 per ticket for use of PayPal. Write to debbyoconnor@aol.com with questions. Be sure to include the name(s) of all of your guests with your purchasing information to ensure you are seated together. All tickets are nonrefundable.
We were looking for a great new place for our annual Fall Getaway Weekend, and we believe you’re gonna love it!! We're heading to Orlando, FL for the weekend of November 13 and 14, 2010, and we want you to come along for all of the fun!! Airfares are very reasonable right now, so come on and join us as we head into this wonder “Southern Playground” with your friends and family!!
We’ve chosen the Courtyard Lake Buena Vista, Florida Hotel, 8623 Vineland Avenue, Orlando, FL, which features a variety of unique amenities combined with an exceptional location. Situated only 1 mile from Walt Disney World® Resort and in close proximity to other top Orlando attractions, this hotel in Lake Buena Vista, FL boasts the ease of purchasing attraction tickets in the lobby and a convenient shuttle service, which is perfect for families. Or, relax in the refreshing indoor/outdoor pool. There’s lots to do … including enjoying a great line up of your favorites!
Kick off your morning with incomparable Brandon Barash! What better way to start a fun filled weekend than waking up to Brandon? This event is on Saturday morning, November 13, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light breakfast.
Then, get ready from the amazing Bradford Anderson! He’s wanted to get back to Florida since Super Soap Weekends ended a couple of years ago, and can’t wait to see all of you there! This event is on Saturday afternoon, November 13, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light lunch.
Finally, we hope you’re ready for a rockin’ evening with Kelly Monaco! It’s been a while since she’s had a chance to visit with all of you on the road, so get ready to spend the evening dishing with this incredible lady! This event is on Saturday evening, November 13, from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light dinner
But pace yourself because …. then we’ve got Sunday!!
Finish up this fun filled weekend with the unbelievable Carolyn Hennesy! This busy lady is packing her bags and heading to Orlando to party with you Sunday morning, November 14, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light breakfast.
And who better to finish up this incredible weekend of events? The one, the only … Lisa LoCicero!! What a way to end a perfect weekend of events!! Sign up now and be a part of all of the fun! This event is on Sunday afternoon, November 14, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person and includes your reserved seat at a comfortable table, as well as a light lunch.
To purchase tickets, send two self-addressed, stamped envelopes, along with your money order made payable to Debby O'Connor, to: Debby O'Connor, P.O. Box 16212, Irvine, CA 92623. You may also purchase by going to our website at www.YourNumberOneFan.com to purchase using PayPal. Note: Add an additional $5.00 per ticket for use of PayPal. Write to debbyoconnor@aol.com with questions. Be sure to include the name(s) of all of your guests with your purchasing information to ensure you are seated together. All tickets are nonrefundable.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Today's GH brought to you by Warm Milk and Turkey Legs....
Carly and Sonny are on my LAST NERVE. Then Brooke Lyn goes to Sonny for pity? Uh, ok. I guess there's no point showing the Q's. Right?!!
Those smacks JMB and AL gave each other sounded REALzzz!! LOL I love JMB's acting, I really do. Someone on twitter said they read that Adrienne got hurt when Lulu threw her off Dante!! Nicole wrote: yea JMB threw a shoe at her and it landed on her foot and tore something on the top of her foot, ouchh!
Carly was at least giddy about the whole thing. Pays off Brooke-- Lulu says "I was drugged once, he'll be ok"... GEESSSzh
Maya calling up Johnny because she's all concerned about Ethan. GOD, GUZA! Get a new line for the women on this show!! She sounded like LULU. @@ Their slow dance was really weird. LOL. Slo-mo.
Wyndemere...all those boys and those GIANT CUPCAKES!! lol....orange and green piled high frosting. Four boys under one roof should be fun, if they actually show them. Supposedly, Becky (Liz') last day is around August 30th btw. ALFRED MENTION today!
Michael to Jason "Seems like I'm always interrupting people wanting sex".... I guess Michael is going to keep dishing about 'that which will not be named' until when?? zzzzzz
Lisa needs to go REALLY crazy and shave her head into a pink mohawk and wear a nose ring. Show up at the hospital all decked out in Dock Martins!!
Lisa LoCicero tweeted she was having lunch with Carolyn Hennesy and Dahila Salem! I'd love to be a fly at that table. Good GH dish I bet.
GH cast member will be leaving in the fall. UBER DIVA has run her course!!
You heard it here first!!!
Wubber Help!! if anyone has been to any of the Port Chuck concerts or is planning to go in the fall, please leave me a message in the comments...or tweet @kindafunny on twitter. They need help with a cool project !!
Those smacks JMB and AL gave each other sounded REALzzz!! LOL I love JMB's acting, I really do. Someone on twitter said they read that Adrienne got hurt when Lulu threw her off Dante!! Nicole wrote: yea JMB threw a shoe at her and it landed on her foot and tore something on the top of her foot, ouchh!
Carly was at least giddy about the whole thing. Pays off Brooke-- Lulu says "I was drugged once, he'll be ok"... GEESSSzh
Maya calling up Johnny because she's all concerned about Ethan. GOD, GUZA! Get a new line for the women on this show!! She sounded like LULU. @@ Their slow dance was really weird. LOL. Slo-mo.
Wyndemere...all those boys and those GIANT CUPCAKES!! lol....orange and green piled high frosting. Four boys under one roof should be fun, if they actually show them. Supposedly, Becky (Liz') last day is around August 30th btw. ALFRED MENTION today!
Michael to Jason "Seems like I'm always interrupting people wanting sex".... I guess Michael is going to keep dishing about 'that which will not be named' until when?? zzzzzz
Lisa needs to go REALLY crazy and shave her head into a pink mohawk and wear a nose ring. Show up at the hospital all decked out in Dock Martins!!
Lisa LoCicero tweeted she was having lunch with Carolyn Hennesy and Dahila Salem! I'd love to be a fly at that table. Good GH dish I bet.
GH cast member will be leaving in the fall. UBER DIVA has run her course!!
You heard it here first!!!
Wubber Help!! if anyone has been to any of the Port Chuck concerts or is planning to go in the fall, please leave me a message in the comments...or tweet @kindafunny on twitter. They need help with a cool project !!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Erin Chambers: New Love For Lucky!?
Erin Chambers joins the GH cast this September as an Irish lass named Siobhan, a new lady for our Lucky. No real details on the story yet other than Lucky might be undercover when they meet. Will he be her Leprechaun?? (sorry, had to do that!!)
New Scoops and A Cast of Thousands coming to General Hospital
New Icon on Twitter (@wubsnet) thx to Dustin!
Ok, maybe not THOUSANDS, but check the spoiler page and note all the newbies coming. Most are just fillers-- not sure about Sioban (involved with Lucky). Guess there's no money shortage. I think Brooke Lyn won't be here forever, so maybe they need some more characters to just stumble around.
TODAY'S SHOW: Dante was all roofie'd up. LOL... droppin' stuff. Coleman was sitting with them and wouldn't leave. LOL it was actually very uncomfortable listening to Dante all drugged up talking to her. "Lisa LaFazio developed early" he says. LOL.
Carly needs to listen to Jason about the whole Dante crap. I'm so sick of it all. ugh. It's so beneath Carly at this point I think. Especially the Lulu angle.
Morgan and Sonny... "you're not gonna go to prison"!! Famous last words Sonny. Aw, Morgan thought Sonny would be lonely because Kristina hates him and Michael can't see him. Carly's being a pill about this too!!
They are trying SO HARD to get us to like Maxie/Matt. It would help if they had a story.
Lisa's so fun!! Creepy face is on. Love that she just uses her key to get into the house. Didn't Patrick change the locks?!
Does Lucky know that Liz and the boys are moving to Wyndemere??! Loved that Robin talked with Liz--I love it when they use the friendships on this show. Which is like NEVER, so I was giddy.
Sam let out a scream when she saw Jason and scared me! LOL..goodness. The stripper outfit came out again!!
I was discussing on twitter with someone that GH so should have Maxie and Spin be PG. Can you imagine them as new parents? It would be so fun. They could move in with Mac. LOL.
Why doesn't anyone care about Franco anymore? It's like, oh...found the baby--move on!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Stone Cates Is Back and Lisa LoCicero's New Official Site!
Stone Cates may have died from complications of AIDS back in 1995, but his portrayer, Michael Sutton, is returning to GENERAL HOSPITAL starting on Sept. 28 for a two-episode guest stint. Stone will appear to a delirious Robin (Kimberly McCullough) in a moment of peril and offer her the strength to live, according to a report at TVGuide.com.
I'm just hoping to hell it's more airtime than Lindze Letherman got when "Georgie" came back to Maxie in the hospital. Boy, am I jaded or what!? LOL...
On another note, Lisa LoCicero's Official Site has changed hands and can now be found at the URL http://www.lisa-locicero.net/ (Lisa LoCicero Online)
Find all your pics, clips, event info and interviews all in one place.
Sorry I didn't watch GH today-- I was in the car on the way home from a glamorous daytime gig in PA. Hhahahahaa. What happened??!
Stone Cates may have died from complications of AIDS back in 1995, but his portrayer, Michael Sutton, is returning to GENERAL HOSPITAL starting on Sept. 28 for a two-episode guest stint. Stone will appear to a delirious Robin (Kimberly McCullough) in a moment of peril and offer her the strength to live, according to a report at TVGuide.com.
I'm just hoping to hell it's more airtime than Lindze Letherman got when "Georgie" came back to Maxie in the hospital. Boy, am I jaded or what!? LOL...
On another note, Lisa LoCicero's Official Site has changed hands and can now be found at the URL http://www.lisa-locicero.net/ (Lisa LoCicero Online)
Find all your pics, clips, event info and interviews all in one place.
Sorry I didn't watch GH today-- I was in the car on the way home from a glamorous daytime gig in PA. Hhahahahaa. What happened??!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sunday Surgery: Dissecting a Comeback
Well, it happened. After all these years, all the speculation--she's "back". BUT, they tricked us, didn't they? Brenda's not REALLY back. Not yet. Not back where it matters. NO, she's stuck in some other country, interacting with some newbie characters--longing for a lost love. In the meantime, Sonny's in America thinking about her. Wow, how fun is that to watch?? Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. To top it all off, they certainly didn't go anywhere over budget to make Brenda's European adventure anything but the back of a stage and a hotel room. We did get to hear about a glitzy party..but didn't see it. Later in the week, Brenda and Sonny will actually try to call each other but can't "connect" because they call each other at the same time!!! (texting?) I guess neither one has a Facebook page.
I still don't understand the reasoning behind the ever-lasting "reveals"on soaps. Every single one of them does it. Back in the day of little spoilers, it made more sense. You weren't quite sure when the person would stumble out of the shadows. Now, with all the PR and tweets and sites screaming "Brenda's Back" waiting weeks for her to come face to face with the residents of PC seems stupid. Waste of our time. If they haven't noticed, this is the age of instant gratification. We expect things to move faster. Just get her in there-- storming in with all her glory following behind. Like I said before, Perfect opportunity for Crimson usage.
And so we wait... will Brenda say yes to Monty's proposal? Does it matter? Will her face get slashed? Whatever. Guess what matters to us?? HER ACTUALLY interacting with the people IN PORT CHARLES. D'uh.
The other story that is moving along nicely is Crazy-Lisa-- Scrubs angst and some good old-fashioned soapy drama. Of course, Johnny gets shot (can't not have bullets flying around, right?) by Sonny. The cops will be the dirty guys yet again as Ronnie tosses away evidence that Sonny was indeed, protecting himself from Johnny. *sigh* I can't even talk about the Claire story because it is just too idiotic to try to sort out. There were Maya and Ethan and Tracy and Q scenes cut this month--I guess to make room for more of Claire's "I want your sperm"chit chat. @@
When Becky takes maternity leave, her character, Liz will go visit her sister Sarah. Nikolas will be involved with Brooke Lyn who's got no where else to go. Is that crickets chirping I hear?? . I shall save judgement on that idea until I actually see it in action. Lord knows when Tony Geary will saunter back into town. I guess he'll be involved with trying to get Tracy back. Here's hoping he ends up living with Lucky and Ethan together. Although I have a feeling we'll see the empty Haunted Star set again.
I am trying hard to be positive, and it was fun to live tweet during "Brenda Bonanza" with everyone. The S&B fanbase is understanably giddy--but I have to wonder how long they are going to last if this drags out much longer. I'm also wondering how the rest of the canvas is going to evolve during the transition of Ms. Barrett coming back to town for good. I guess we'll see. Let's keep each other awake while we wait, ok?
Friday, August 13, 2010
General Hospital Today: STEPHEN COLBERT Mention!!
WOOT! Brenda said "I love Stephen Colbert"...which you know was a reference to when he dished about GH on his show. I love it when things like that happen. That was about the most exciting thing today.
Claire got Jason out of jail pretty damn quick. Love how she's using her "feminine wiles" to get SONNY!! Good God, I feel like I'm watching Bonanza sometimes.
Brenda and Sinclair...I could care less. And we get to see them on the couch talking about a big party they went to-- and not the actual party. wow. Whatever. GELATO Mention!! Those of you that know me, know what that means!! We didn't really get to SEE the gelato cart-- but it was mentioned!!
OMG, I so hope you DVR'd today because it was borrrrrrrring.
Maurice Benard Celebrates 17 Years on General Hospital Today!
That's right...seventeen years ago today, Maurice Benard burst forth on our screen as the mobular wonder known as Sonny Corinthos.
Here's a clip of Sonny meeting Mac and Felicia at the Paradise Lounge in 1993!!! There's Foreigner in the background..back when it didn't cost an arm and a leg to put them in!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
General Hospital: Brenda Day Two
Adrienne Babboooooooo! I loves her. I so wish this was all taking place in Port Charles. This charity thing is going to go on forever and ever... She's the FACE OF CARTOLLO or however you spell it. LOL. This whole thing so begs for an Erica-crossover.
Michael talking to Jason about "that which won't be named". Then, Carly goes to visit Jason. @@ THEN SAM GOES!! AHAHAAHA.
Carly and Mike talking in the diner and she finally changed her napkin shirt. Lisa sits down and Carly sees Patrick lurking. heh.
Ethan and Johnny going on and on about TOMAS and SANTOS. zzzzz. I don't care-o's! Eat some Fritos instead!!
Olivia interrupts Dante and Lulu. At least she didn't just walk in. She wants to talk "Marriage" to Dante --as in Dante marrying Lulu? Okay
LOVE Crazy Lisa!!
Matt and Maxie--what do you think??? I don't know, they aren't giving them much to do storywise. LOVED when Maya mocked Ethan's accent!!
Anna mention! Robin's visiting her in NYC...and took Emma. I would have loved to have seen that.
Oh, and one more pet peeve. Those ball-sack things that are popping up on the bottom of trucks and motorcycles? Are you serious?? What are guys...11 years old?? They are beyond stupid, imo. I want to get under there and fill them up with lighter fluid. Then light a match.
Spoilers are Rollin' IN!
Ingo's wife Twitpic last night...he found this in their driveway!! LOL
Looks like Lisa will stage an accident after Robin threatens to kill her. Lisa will take Emma for ice cream--Robin flips out on her. Later, Robin melts down at the hospital and Lisa goes to the PCPD to file a complaint. SPOILERS
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Lisa LoCicero guests on BONES "Jersey Shore" eppy!!
Think Victoria Gotti meets Real Housewives Of New Jersey,”
a source says of LoCicero’s character.
Can't wait!! Word is she could play MOM to Jersey Shore's "The Situation" (I kid you not) who might guest as the "deceased" in the show. This will be the third episode next season and is titled: "The Maggots in the Meathead" . They must have heard her accent on GH!
General Hospital Into The Brenda Blue Yonder!
Opening shot credit: BexYoungArtist
There she was...right in the opening credits between Ingo and Dom! On her first day...just think, Sarah Brown was there 2 years and nothin!! John Ingle seemed to be missing..hmmm
LOL... I thought the subtitles gave it a bit of an OLD "ITALIANO" feel. Wasn't it suspensful how they didn't show her at first? Spooky Music? ? hahahhaa She had some salad by her and shaking hands. It was THRILLING!!!!!! Then she walked (back to us) to the stage and some guy has a knife, tries to slash her face...and she's saved!! She then walks out to the stage, mole shining in the spotlight!!
People on Twitter wonder why I call Brenda "Brender"...I so forget about people not knowing the Wubs History! I call her that because of Aussie-Boy Jax's accent :) and when I'd write the wubs, it would just come out that way. (yes, I do hear them talk to me)
Claire and Sonny...ugh. I keep seeing Claire and thinking, oh...don't bother. She's just a little fly taking up space. That whole scene was so stupid. "Who do you love better? Carly or Brenda"?? :eyeroll:
I loved Kristina's shirt. I also like Taylor. Although the name "Taylor" is so obviously '2010's"!! Is he a werewolf? Oh, that would be a hoot. Someone on Twitter was saying maybe THAT'S Brender's kid. I personally don't know what's going on with her "secret". Whatever. Do you like Taylor??
Here's a hint at how today went: The MOST exciting part of today was Carly's daydream about pulling Lulu's hair and screaming like a banshee! LOL
ALMOST FORGOT! New Spoilers are UP!!! Go, hit a sponsor for the charity of the month! Thanks.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Becky Herbst Has Baby Yesterday, Here's the NAME!
A Wubber actually left the message in comments yesterday that a baby boy was born to Becky Herbst (Liz) . Well, as of right now, her hubby, Michael Saucedo has tweeted that the baby boy's name is Emerson Truett Saucedo. He joins sister Ella and brother Ethan. Congrats to them!!
If you'd like to leave a message for the family, please hop on over to the Port Charles Wishing Well.
Waxing Nostalgic: Today's General Hospital Broke my Heart a Little
Holy crap. Starting with Jax/Brender's wedding at the Q's...it was just SO wonderful to see my old GH on screen. I miss so many of the characters, so much of the character interaction...it's just beyond words. I even had trouble tweeting about it all. Little Amber Tamblyn was hysterical!! So young. Dara, Mike..Nedly!! Then, MIRANDAHhhhhhhh walks in with Sonny. "Mrs.Jasper Jacks"-- thud. They even had the old spots in between the show before the commercials!! The Q mansion looked like a mansion. Kat Bell and Mac Daddy!! WIRE MENTION!! RUBY...Ruby, Ruby. Wow. And not only that, sitting next to Lucy.
Venus!! Venus!! Jason is still taking care of Brenda too. LOL. The time he left her at the altar. Tons of Flashbacks. The whole Puerto Rican NON-CGI real life location shoot. Brenda and the shattering glass shower-scene. AND THE WIRE scene!! Second best GH scene ever in my lifetime.
Kat Bell at a really spooky looking Wyndemere--and NLG walks in. LOL I miss that Wyndemere. All we get now is that dang office/den thing. NLG and SN were so good together. I forgot all about Kat Bell maybe being his sister!!
Loved the back of the limo with Sonny and Jason... such fantastical stuff. Jason: "She hates me too"... Sonny: "I don't care"...
Episode Three: Jason/Brender Vegas sheeze. Lila's face. heh-- Reggie!! Love Brenda and the Q's
Tam Braun is on!! And Jax has the most blonde hair ever..and there's Skye. Courtney-- ah. Daisy the Stripper.
This whole eppy was mostly comedy... Judy Tenuta. Cute..and I guess fun. I still liked the first 2 best.
Wow... I didn't think i'd get this upset over watching the show I used to love. My stomach even hurts a little! LOL. Now you know I'm a REAL SOAP lover. I'm mental. The writing was so wonderful. I didn't even mind they cut them down for the Maurice/Vanny interviews or the "What If" stuff. This was GH back when stories had a beginning, a middle and an ending. Back when the families were the focus. Back before block taping. sniff.
The glaring thing about all this?? Both AMC and OLTL could do a history/character show and still have most of it's infrastructure in place. GH is a SHELL of it's former self. A DAMN SHELL. Today proved it. I so miss the show I loved.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Mad Men... Season 4, Episode 3-- "The Good News"
Did you know I write recaps for Mad Men for Pop Confidential? Well, I do, Blanche, I do! You know it's my fave show so go and read what I have to say. I hope you watch too--because it's the best dang thing on TV right now.
One Day Until Brenda-Bration! Today's Editing: BIZZARO
I'm trying not to mention it so much, but it's hard not to start the clock. Especially tomorrow with the Marathon. How many are watching? It's running 3 to 1 on twitter for NOT watching! LOL. I want to see the other stuff happening on those episodes as well...it won't be 100% Brenda. That alone will be worth some watching!!
OLTL today..that actress playing Ford's Mama is terrible. I don't say that often, but she totally ruined the scene today with telling her kids about their past. Wowza. Wooden and just evoked no emotion from me. What a shame-- OLTL usually does well with casting. In contrast, Tea/Blair scenes were perfection. sniffle. The montoage at the end was so cool... the fights! The hugs! The tears! The Todd! LOL. Ratings be damned, OLTL is the best written show on ABC Daytime.
I snagged this fine photo from Lisa LoCicero Fan Space. They have the best daily snappies and media nets of your fave Olivia. Looks like she'll be dishing with Mike!
TODAY'S SHOW: Shirley's daughter, Marty was so bitchy and good acting on her part. You hated her as soon as she opened her mouth. She looks a lot like Megan Ward to me. Don't really get the whole point of that scene but whatever. Someone on twitter mentioned that they should have gotten the chick that played Elizabeth Walton to play the part! LMAO. Perfect!!
Carly's shirt is bugging the hell out of me. The timeline is all off too. Hell, Lucky flew out to Oregon, it's night so in Port Charles it would be about 3am if it were still the same day. Ugh.
Question this: Why was it so easy for Lucky to find Franco's Mama and the baby?? hmmmm. Plot point? Setting the stage? Meant to be? Did he put a chip in the kid? CRAPTASTIC EDITING ALERT: Lucky was on the couch talking to Karen, the next second he's on the plane with the baby! whahahahahaa. Commercial jump, and he's already gathered the baby and is flying home? Oh, how stupid. Someone HAS to get continuity right on this show. THEN Aiden is HOME in his mama's arms the SAME 'NIGHT"!! Good God. I'm sorry, I know you need to rush all this because of Brenda but ughhhhhh. that's bad.
Sonny on the docks in the fog-- looking for Brenda but finding Claire. Ah, that tricky mist!! It's the same fog that made Luke think Laura Templeton was his angel. Sonny chats up Claire with stories about Brenda. Nice way to flirt. Guess we have to catch the audience up.
Last scene with Brenda and Sonny...they look so cute. And young.
PS. Michael Saucedo is tweeting that Becky (Elizabeth) is in the hospital, getting ready to deliver the baby!!!
OLTL today..that actress playing Ford's Mama is terrible. I don't say that often, but she totally ruined the scene today with telling her kids about their past. Wowza. Wooden and just evoked no emotion from me. What a shame-- OLTL usually does well with casting. In contrast, Tea/Blair scenes were perfection. sniffle. The montoage at the end was so cool... the fights! The hugs! The tears! The Todd! LOL. Ratings be damned, OLTL is the best written show on ABC Daytime.
I snagged this fine photo from Lisa LoCicero Fan Space. They have the best daily snappies and media nets of your fave Olivia. Looks like she'll be dishing with Mike!
TODAY'S SHOW: Shirley's daughter, Marty was so bitchy and good acting on her part. You hated her as soon as she opened her mouth. She looks a lot like Megan Ward to me. Don't really get the whole point of that scene but whatever. Someone on twitter mentioned that they should have gotten the chick that played Elizabeth Walton to play the part! LMAO. Perfect!!
Carly's shirt is bugging the hell out of me. The timeline is all off too. Hell, Lucky flew out to Oregon, it's night so in Port Charles it would be about 3am if it were still the same day. Ugh.
Question this: Why was it so easy for Lucky to find Franco's Mama and the baby?? hmmmm. Plot point? Setting the stage? Meant to be? Did he put a chip in the kid? CRAPTASTIC EDITING ALERT: Lucky was on the couch talking to Karen, the next second he's on the plane with the baby! whahahahahaa. Commercial jump, and he's already gathered the baby and is flying home? Oh, how stupid. Someone HAS to get continuity right on this show. THEN Aiden is HOME in his mama's arms the SAME 'NIGHT"!! Good God. I'm sorry, I know you need to rush all this because of Brenda but ughhhhhh. that's bad.
Sonny on the docks in the fog-- looking for Brenda but finding Claire. Ah, that tricky mist!! It's the same fog that made Luke think Laura Templeton was his angel. Sonny chats up Claire with stories about Brenda. Nice way to flirt. Guess we have to catch the audience up.
Last scene with Brenda and Sonny...they look so cute. And young.
PS. Michael Saucedo is tweeting that Becky (Elizabeth) is in the hospital, getting ready to deliver the baby!!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday Surgery: Brender 3.0 Begins.
I will say there's been 3 incarnations of Brender that I can remember, so I'm going with that-- Purists be damned. There's the first Brenda--fresh faced--starting the entire Jax/Sonny war, Brenda the Crazy like her Mama, and now...I guess Brenda the Angelina Jolie of the Fashion World. You know, part of a charity, saving youngin's from Sex Trafficking. Timely yes...I'm just surprised as heck they don't have her with 2-3 adopted foreign kids. Brenda has always been trendy. Heck, when she first came on the show, "90210" was hugely popular and even her name was a pop reference. I totally rolled my eyes at the name Brenda because, let's face it, before Shannon Daugherty, it hadn't been heard in eons.
As always, when something "huge" happens on GH, we see a slow down or stoppage in all other stories and focus shift almost entirely to Guza's newest vision. It won't be as telling watching Brenda's story as it will be all the others that also make up the show. Or, as it were, don't make up the show.
How would have have written her return? Big and Bold..which doesn't include having her be in Europe for weeks, not interacting with anyone from Port Charles . Have Kate call up Jax after reading about Brenda's ties to this charity, and propose that Crimson run a huge feature on her. She's storms into town, bringing with her the paparazzi and all her fame, knocking PC for a loop. Maxie following her around as her temp assistant-- Jax and Sonny and the rest all a flutter. Why the hell waste weeks leaving her to block tape with new characters we don't care about. We get that sheeze enough when characters come back from the dead. You know, skulking in the shadows on the fringe until they finally, FINALLY make their "appearance" to a shocked town. All I can say is the way the Internet, reality shows and other dramas move now a days, waiting for even 3-4 days for the 'payoff' is ridiculous.
I will be so interested to read your comments and twitter feeds while this starts happening. Watching Brender with "Sterling" the movie star and Suzanne the charity administrator. You know I'll be giddy with excitement to see the "European Sets" they use. Heh. Of course, there's Sonny dreaming of The Most Beautiful Girl -- *Sigh*. Poor Claire the Seat Warmer will be another thing to watch. By the way, on a side note...Laura Wright just tweeted last Tues or Wed she hadn't worked with Vanessa at all yet, but hoped to in the future. There ya go. Which means, Carly won't be seen with Brenda for at LEAST 5-6 weeks from now? And there it is.
Pinning your hopes to a comeback (I don't care WHO it is) means playing with fire. I am so afraid that this will languish for so long, even people that are Brenda lovers might be bored. Guess we'll see together, won't we!!? Remember that the 10th, ABC is running a 3 hour Brenda-Thon. Then, she'll be on the screen for real on the 11th. Get your boots on.
Tweeted by the ever-candid Nancy Lee Grahn last night:
Saw a promo for Vanessa..Thought Jesus was coming to GH. I may b half Jewish but if Vanessa can raise the ratings..Im in!!!"
Friday, August 6, 2010
An Alexis Helena Scene: Thank YOU GH
OH, be still my heart. I got an Alexis/Hells scene today!! And Helena called Alexis: Number One Bastard! WOOT! I know how much Nancy and Connie love to work together ...it's so much fun to watch. Alexis "He hates you... we all do"....heh. Helena dances around the truth with Nikolas. Nikolas should not have mad her angry! She sure got some good digs in at Elizabeth.
Johnny getting arrested..zzzzzzzzzz. BLah, BLah...we know it's leading up to the big SHOOT OUT. Time to give Sonny a gun and a target. Then, they put Johnny and Jason in the 'waiting room' of PCPD together. Sam sat outside like she was watching Monkeys at the Zoo!! LOL
Lucky being a census taker...with nasty glasses to boot. Actually, James Franco's from HOWL?! And I think I saw a monkey being given to baby Pablo!! BTW, I still think I could act better than Franco's mom. For realz.
Spin told Lulu off and made the BIGGEST EYE ROLL face!! hahahaha. I wanted to too. She was so damn annoying today. @@ I'm still gobsmacked she showed up at that MOCA shoot and had nothing to do there. NOTHING.
Robin and Sonny talk about Brender. Awww, Sonny flashed his dimples. :) SCRUBS...something to talk about besides crazy ol' Lisa. Pat doesn't know that Sonny/Brenda existed! LOL
One of the spoilers today was that Ethan gets hovered over by Tracy. CUT?? You bet'cha. NO fun Tracy scenes for us!!
Words of note used in today's script: Gravitas (Robin) Myriad and Mayhem (Nikolas)
Brenda/Sonny first meeting flashback. Maurice of the '90's swoon!! Vanny looks about the same, gotta say it!!
General Hospital Casting: "Sophia" beings Sept 3rd.
Andrea Marcovicci has been cast in the recurring role of Sophia, according to SOD. Andrea began on the daytime television series Love Is A Many Splendored Thing. She has appeared in many TV shows, movies and is a star on Broadway. Shock upon shock, she will be involved in the Sonny/Brenda storyline.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Thursday ABC Soap News, and Shows..
Who saw Vanny on The View?? Someone told me Lorraine Bracco's time ate into her's?? I didn't watch as I was actually giving therapy. (another of my many talents) What did she wear?? I will watch on You Tube when it's up. Speaking of VANNY, she's on Wendy Williams tomorrow too. That's syndicated, so look for it in your area.
I watched The Real World New Orleans instead of AMC today, I do admit it. AMC is just not doing it for me lately and I'm not wasting my time. I am watching TV right now because it's BROILING out and I'm not doing anything but chillin' in the AC. Ok, The Real World. Let's dish a bit. OMG, what babies these idiots are! Calling the police over a toothbrush incident? Like the poor New Orleans Police dont' have enough sheeze to do. WTF. What a douche. AND the kid took Preston's hat and cut it up. Good Lawd. You are at the prime of your life-- how sad. LOL. They should have a middle-aged "Real World" because we'd just have a blast.
Amanda Setton, my fave KIMMY from OLTL is going to Gossip Girl. Read Go Fug Yourself for deets.
GENERAL HOSPTIAL: Rick Springfield's autobiography is due out this fall and he has some book signing dates up on his Facebook page. I saw Rochester and got all excited but saw it's MINNESOTA! do'h!!
RONNIE Line of the week: "That's why I worry about you Dante--IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT SONNY"!!
Meathook mention by Ethan. Guess he knows about AJ through osmosis.
They'd better show Ethan's Sponge Bath by Epiphany!! It's about the only thing that's even remotely exciting right now. Tracy shows up to take Ethan home.
Bernie was on today, doing the mobular thing. IT's so...sooooooo, stereotypical. I feel like Mr. Pink should walk out soon.
Diane was on with Spinelli-- I'm so glad Cougar Town is on hiatus. MORE CAROLYN FOR US! woot!!
Lucky is in Astoria..sitting on a park bench. I guess it COULD be Astoria, but it looks a lot like PC park! LOL.
Hells is thinking of telling Nikolas about the baby-but he'll piss her off. Dang it. I so want this OVER. Baby switches are SO OVER DONE ON SOAPS! Paternity switches, sperm switches, DNA switches, baby born switches. I'm TIRED of it..writers, please for the love of all Soap Goddesses, THINK OF SOMETHING NEW!!
The whole PCPD scenes were so boring, such a waste of freekin' time-- ugh.. blah, blah...blah.
Claire reminds me of seat filler at the Oscars..she'll be gone when the big guns come.
PROP notice: on the "transfer papers" for Jason Morgan. It stated that Jason is 175 pounds and 5' 11" tall. Hmmm. 175?? okayyyyy.
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