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Monday, August 31, 2020

Talk Talk

 Valerie questions Carly about the Nelle incident.  Carly lies.  You know what, Carly would GIVE NO Fks about Nelle dying or going over the cliff. She'd lie at the drop of a hat too. 

Sonny seeing his Dad. Mike just lays there. He tells him he knows time is short and is glad Mike was his Dad. 

Sam is on the phone with Jason.  He tells her he got side tracked finding Wiley.  She says meet her at home. 

Nina and Valentin talk. Then Sam comes out and yells at Valentin for Cyrus taking over the hospital. She also tells Nina that Michael knew about Sasha being fake. 

Willow and Michael discuss how he found Wiley.  Yada yada, ice pack on Michael's head...then the COVID KISS.

Neil and Alexis. Boring as ever. She wants to be more than friends with him. They COVID kiss.  They sleep together and they show Alexis fully clothed and Neil is naked in bed. WEIRD. They also talk about her wrist. Which is ok but... you know, still hurts. 

END: I don't want to tell you. If you've seen it you know. If not. well WATCH --very end. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Hang On !


Well, I'd rather give him a sitz bath but....

Well, I'd rather be giving him a sitz bath but... ok 

Well, the week ended in a bang and I have to say, I enjoyed it!! It seemed like the pace was going faster and things came together. There were also many scenes that were just powerful. Never fear tho, I still have some changes I would have made. You know me, Can't keep quiet all the time. 

Friday, August 28, 2020


 Oh I watched yesterday and  it was a GOODIE!! I tell you what --if you have HULU, it's so much faster paced and better watching with no commercials. It's 38 min long!! That's it!! 

Jax hugs Carly after Nelle falls. He tells her the cops might not think she tried to save her. 

Sonny and Michael at the cabin.  Sonny drove there in fast fashion.  VALERIE comes to the cabin. I guess she's still on-- ?????? 

Jason and Jordan. He says: Taggert! 

Curtis and Portia. Having coffee at Kelly's. Um, why? 

Dante is dreaming about Lulu... he wakes up.

Lulu goes to Willow's. Michael can't call her, no cell coverage. Only Jax's giant phone does. Valerie calls her on the satellite phone. 

WELP. Interrupted by ABC and March on Washington-- sooooooo. welp. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020



So I will be having a joyful lunch today and won't be able to catch GH until tonight. With everything going on in the world, maybe it's  a good day for me to be off here for a bit. I hope you weren't in the path of the hurricane. I hope you are all well and safe. 

Today Michael and Nelle fight. Let's see who wins (my money is on Nelle) !! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Saving The Day

 Jason calls Epiphany to come and patch up Taggert in the safe house!! She's a mobular nurse now lol --Oh, she KNEW ABOUT TAGGERT'S FAKE DEATH. !! She helped. She won't tell anyone she saw him. His gunshot wound is thru and thru btw so he'll be ok. She leaves. Jason calls Sonny and says he's handling it. 
Carly then tells Sonny to go help Jason "it must be important". 
Taggert wakes up. 


Brook Lyn wakes up, remembers Nelle talking to her in the dressing room.  She gets all aggitated. Ned gets a doctor. She can't talk, so Sonny tells her to nod about Nelle. She nods yes. They get her a pen. She's too shaky to write. Doctor comes in, everyone has to get out. He tells Brook Lynn not to talk. 

Nina is still at the Qs. Jax comes to the door, looking for her . Jax is trying to console Willow and says Nelle will be found. Olivia calls and tells Willow that Brook confirmed that Nelle took Wiley. 

Sasha's at the PCPD. I guess to be "with" Michael? I don't even know. Michael is trying to get into Nelle's phone but can't get the password right. 
Michael goes to see Brook Lyn. Even tho she shouldn't talk, she tells Michael there's a GPS tracker on Wiley. Michael figures out (with a fake flashback) that the password is the date of Nelle's kidney operation. 

Jogger on the road redux, she gets the Amber Alert. Nelle is driving still, talking to Wiley. The jogger calls the Amber hotline. She says Nelle has been gone about 20 min. Then we see Nelle stop the car and say "We are here"!! 

Nelle is hiding in the Q cabin... in the woods "They'll never look for us here" Oh, not sure it's the "Q Cabin"...someone said it's where Michael took Nelle eons ago? 

Chase is talking to the jogger (That was fast)...she shows him which way Nello went. 
Nelle sees That the Kangaroo was left in the get away bag! She freaks out. 

TOMORROW: Michael fights Nelle! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Runnin' on Empty

HELLO! Here we go! Let's find out if Brook Lynn dies and Nelle escapes! 

Nelle congratulates herself on kidnapping Wiley and "rescuing" him.. 

Brook Lynn comes through the operation but has 'complications". Something Something blood clots.. and they had to stop surgery.  Cyrus talks to them It's dumb. Ned says he has to call Lois. They go to visit her in the room. 

Everyone at the Q's trying to think where Nelle would go. They all leave for the PCPD but Willow. Nina comes in to sit with her. I forgot they were enemies because that was Michelle Stafford. LOL 

Ava and Julian. She says he just should have killed Nelle while he could lol ...he explains the kidnapping to Ava. OMG if you watch nothing else, watch their dialogue today!! TOO FUNNY. They should be running Port Charles. 


Friz argue about Nikolas. Friz argue about who's worse: Ava or Nikolas?? Nikolas is talking to Spencer on the phone. Then Ava gets there and Franco talks to Ava...and Liz talks to Nikolas.  Liz and Franco are playing them to get the truth. Liz realizes what Nikolas is doing. 

Carly figures out that Nelle must have slashed Brook Lynn. They bring Julian into the PCPD.  He says nothing. Ava told him it's better if Nelle leaves and is never found. Then he won't get in trouble. 

NELLE IS LOST..She doesn't have GPS on her burner phone. Some rando chick jogs by and asks her if she needs help. LOL She gives Nelle directions. Then she notices Wiley in the 
backseat. She tells Nelle where to go..Nelle leaves. 3 seconds later Jogger lady got an amber alert and recognizes Nelle. 

Doc doesn't think Brook will talk again

Willow freaks out. 

Monday, August 24, 2020



MONDAY AGAIN! a HOT one here!! 90 something... but it's August so there you go. Virgo season has started. That means watch yourself LOL 

I've had a rough day, not sure why just blah. Going to start work in 2 weeks and still unsettled. 

Turning Woods calls Sonny. Mike watched a video of an old Nurses Ball when he and Sonny sang together. He smiled. 

JaSam at the hospital. PCPD says the stablizer on his motorcycle was tampered with. 

Jax and Nina talking about the Ball at the Metro. Nothing really. 

Q House, they realize Wiley is gone and someone took him. Julian dropped the rag with the chloroform on it. 

Olivia and Ned at the hospital. Chase wonders who would hate Brook enough to do it.  They tell him about her former manager.  Brook is in surgery 'barely alive".  Ned is feeling guilty and terrible. 

Julian threatens Nelle on the docks. Nelle reminds him that Martin Gray has the document telling everyone about Wiley and Julian's part in all that in case something happens to her.  He goes to shoot her and TAGGERT SAVES HER. He and Julian fight ... Julian knocks out Taggert then throws the gun in the river. Nelle is gone. 

Julian goes to the bar.. Sonny comes in and says "Where you going"?? He asks about Nelle. Julian says she's crazy. Sonny says he knows he helped Nelle get away. 

Nelle is driving away in the van. Wiley is in the backseat. Cop car comes up on them. 


Jason finds Taggert. Yes, he's out of the hospital LOL  Taggert: "Anger Boy" 

Nelle bought a used car so no one can find her.. she drives off into the night 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Phone Banks


It was the week of the Nurses Ball! Usually a fun week, filled with thrills and sometimes chills. Of course, due to the PANDEMIC things were different this year. What worked? What didn't? What left Wubsy going What the What? 

Grab some donuts from the Nurses Station and let's jump right in! (It's a long one so take 2)

Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday Day!


First 5 min is recap of yesterday.

Brook Lynn is down! Liz overhears Ava and Nina about the whole clause thing. Franco is eating something (my fave). Julian snuffs out Monica! 

People just wandering around talking. Nothing really. Val/Anna... Lucy freaks out to Amy about not finding Brook. 

Ava says something to Nina like Even tho LIz looks Innocent, she's a serial cheater LOL. Nina calls out Ava falling for Nik. Ava calls out Nina for still liking Valentin.  Liz should have run and told Franco right away. She finally tells him but Franco says it's Nikolas ' fault and she says it's Ava's. 

WE keep seeing Brook Lynn laying there. Monica laying there. 

Olivia tells Ned he's turning into his grandfather by the day. 

Chillow --they go to the Q house to "check on Wiley" 

Julian takes Wiley.. he drops the rag in his pocket. 

2:30 Still no musical number. 

Robert tells Olivia she can go see Dante!! Olivia is overjoyed!! She's so happy!! She HUGS HIM! Ned sees it LOL Oh, Robert has to go with her because civilians can't go alone. Ned talks to her later says YEAH! He'll go too. She says NO, he can't just she and Robert. 

Michael and Willow find Monica, can't wake her up.  She's not sure what happened. Willow goes upstairs. She comes down, "Wiley's gone".... Um, most basic white girl reaction GEESH!! LOL 

Dustin and Lulu find Brook Lynn. Lulu is like @@ and goes to call 911. She finds Ned and Olivia and tells them to come. Brook is taken out on a stretcher. 

Julian has Wiley at the docks. He thinks back to Ava telling him to just kill Nelle... he's like hmmm....Nelle comes out, asks why Wiley isn't in her car yet.  Jules just stares at her.  TELLS her someone has to stop her. Pulls out a gun. 

Last Number for the Nurses Ball.. they all sing.  Montage

LYNN HERRING IS gorgeous in her jeans and tshirt!!! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Live Wire


Ok, day 2 of the Ball! 

Brook has stage fright? Since when? OH! I get it, Dustin supposedly helped her with her "Stage Fright" long ago and will do it now too. They hold hands. Brook kisses him and Lulu walks in. Dustin tells Brook Lynn to buzz off. 

People talking about a bunch of stuff...nothing really huge.

Spin wants to out Peter tonight. 


SO, Maxie puts her mic on backstage and leaves it on and says she's pregnant and everyone hears it. Mac, Spin, Peter Anna.. yada yada Peter finds her. Says he'll help with the baby and even sell the paper and stay home 24-7 with it. She says she loves him. blah

Anna and Mac come in. They are happy! Mac hugs Maxie says lets go call your Mama. Anna and Peter hug. Peter leaves. Anna flashes back to Robert saying Peter could be Alex's. 

Cam, Joss and Trina sing a song. Campfire one. They are cute. 

TAGGERT IS ALIVE which we knew. Jordan yells at him for coming back because it was damn hard making him "dead" . He's back to kill Cyrus. Jordan of course, talks him out of it. 

Jax and Nina do a number ..they dance. 

Um, so even with some surprises on today's was still pretty zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Nurses Ball 2020


Nurses Ball! I'm only here for a bit... I'm getting my hair done at I'm leaving early!! 

It's a telethon this year, people are working the phone banks instead of having dinner and drinks. That money is going "right to frontline workers and giving to HIV directly". So, they are raising money to "make sure our workers have everything they need to keep us safe" --which gets the COVID in there a bit. 

Nelle's going to cause trouble. I hope I'm here to see it. 

SO, everyone is in Tshirts to work the phones. People come in on the red carpet. Very.. uneven dialog and show. It's like it was last minute and just..awkward. BUT!! Whatever. Glad it's here. What did you think? Nina and Lucy looked nice, Carly looked like a matron. I hate Michael's hair.  

Monday, August 17, 2020



OMG ! My old school Franco!! Yes!! CO77x and the monkey face!! FRANCO swears he didn't do it.. Liz yells and thinks Ava did it for publicity. Franco says she's crazy. Liz storms out. Everyone leaves. 

Ava overhears Lulu talking about Nikolas and the fact that he probably did this. 

Metro: Brook Lynn tells Carly that Michael isn't CEO of ELQ anymore, Valentin is. Val comes in and Brook says "you owe me an apology"..the go to sit down. 

Anna, Chase and Finn talk about the wedding and Chase's break up with Sasha. Also he custody stuff. Man, the actor that plays Chase looks really different. No gyms during COVID maybe? Or is it just the missing scruff?? 

Jax and Nina go to the Metro and tell Carly about the painting. 

Liz ran to the Parapet?? Ok.. whatever. She says Ava is going to "destroy whatever good is left in Nikolas" ..OMG how stupid. I HATE THIS direction of the story. HATE. 

Brook Lynn got thrown out of the Q house? LOL

NO one took a pic of that monkey painting... 

OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Ava goes and yells at Nik and they talk about hating each other and ..OMG they almost KISS BUT BECAUSE OF COVID it cut away!!  Then they came back and Ava said "How dare you"!! Nikolas "How dare YOU'!! Ava: you can't manipulate me with sex! And she leaves. 

BUT the seed is planted for NAVA lust!! 

Frank teases new storylines on Daytime Confidential. They sound boring ?

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Deer In Headlights


So as you know, I was on vacation some of the week and needed to speed through Tues-Thursday's shows to catch up. I have to say Wednesday's show was the best...good old "who's voting what" intrigue!! And is it just me or ....are people NOT social distancing? LOL.. I mean, really! I can see it here and there but wow..characters are THISCLOSE! I'm not complaining mind you, but in these times I spend the majority of the show figuring out how they were filming it under the guidelines. This is where we are now in August 2020!! 

I'm quite critical this week so you'll need whatever you enjoy to fortify you this morning. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Move That Curtain!


 Wyndemere--portrait unveiling.... everyone is gathering. Lucy looks great. Maxie looks awful. Lulu's hair?? UGH I hate that style ..Nina looks nice.  

Dr. Terry is on!! Tracy voted with Valentin. Dr. Terry is like WHA? Then Liz talks about Ava, the portrait and how people are celebrating "The Old Franco" and she "that's not who her husband is now". 

Lulu and Maxie talking about Maxie being pregnant. She hasn't told Peter because she's not sure he wants kids because of his Faison genes.  In the next scene, Peter is talking to Dustin about not wanting kids until he met Maxie. 

Finn and Anna planning the wedding and should he invite his dad? 

Franco and Ava in the stables. She's sad because Nik brought up Kiki just to hurt her. 


Nik and Liz go to find Franco and Ava.. they end up on the parapet. Liz tells Nik about Cyrus being head of #GH   LIZ LOOKS FANTASTIC!! 

Liz sees Ava and Franco in the stables talking closely and she's jelly. Ava leaves. Franco says he's glad to see her. 

Liz basically says that Franco painting Ava is bringing him back to his 'bad boy days" . Which is just so weird. It's only to get Liz with Nik or something. 

SO, the portrait was "shocking" but we don't know why, people just gasped at it's unveiling. 

Lucy says the Nurses' Ball is TOMORROW??????? What. 


Thursday, August 13, 2020


Thirsty Thursday
First off, no one is named Thursday. Who would do that to a child?

I tried to find some photos of people with drinks in their hand from Mac's Outback. I wanted to go old school and find something like that. Instead, as I was doing a search, this lovely, exquisite woman appeared and how could I resist?

Anna Lee was a gem. I am sure some of you know that she was one of the nuns in the Sound of Music movie. So respected and loved.

This brings me to my Question of the Day.

There really isnt a patriarch or matriarch on the show anymore. And by that I mean a senior member of the family that presides over the shenanigans of the group. I always loved David Lewis' diabolical side. He was as sweet as could be with Lila and put her on a pedestal and then behind the board room doors he was conniving and underhanded. John Ingle had a different take on the character. He was less business man and more family. But still, he was Edward Q. Both of them nailed the roles in different ways.

Most soaps have had a matriarch/patriarch on their show at one time. I remember on Loving there was the Aldans, Cabot and Isabella. And of course on Dallas we had Jock and Ellie Ewing.

In the comments, please mention your favorite patriarch/matriarch (either one or both) and what soap they were from. And do you think anyone on GH qualifies for that title now?


Based on sonya’s recap, I was compelled to watch yesterdays show. It was pretty good. Of course, I have issues so I am going to try to channel my inner Karen and make a few comments and observations. 

My father died of dementia in 2014. There was a day close to the end where he told me and my brother that he was ready to go. GH doesnt always get it right, but they did with this storyline. And Max just nails it. Why can’t all their stories be this good?

Are we referring to the woman with Jason as “FakeJan”? If not, then could we? Those of you “of a certain age” will understand the reference.

I think ELQ stocks is a tired storyline. It has been done many times, and frankly, it does not work without Tracy. And where is Monica? (I know… COVID. I get it) I am intrigued tho. This will give Wally some more screen time and hopefully also Lynn. I hope this segways into something bigger with better storylines. Will this have a direct effect on the Nurse’s Ball?

NuBrooke looks a lot like Idina Menzel. Is it just me? Anyone else?

The makeup on Ingo is so wrong on many levels.

Is Nina still searching for her daughter? Oh, move on already.

Gee…. you think Nelle is going to kidnap Wiley? You think? You should see the shocked look on my face.

Man, I hope Mike has a twin brother. 

Tad was fired. I am sure he wont be gone for long. He’s a fan favorite, no matter what soap he is on.

Carly was reserved. I have to say, I really like her when she is like that and not acting over the top. 

Jason was… human.

Wednesday was a good show. Very soapy. Karen would have liked it if she wasn’t sitting on a beach somewhere. I’m glad I watched.

But now it is on to Thursday. You’ll be happy to know it is my last day filling in for Karen. Talk about Thursday’s show and welcome Karen back from her mini-vacation tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


As stated yesterday, I am not watching the show. I guess that makes me the last person to be writing this blog while Karen is gone, right? I have been reading the blog every day and I have also read the comments. To a degree, I am keeping up with it. I think I have been like this for years. The show just doesnt have the spark for me like it used to, but I keep trudging along and keep hoping it will be must-see-TV. Wait, That's NBC. I got that one wrong. Anyway, when Karen tells me that I should definitely watch, I do watch the show. Its just been pretty sparse lately.

I do have 4 questions for all of you. Feel free to answer one or all four or none. And be creative. Please, think outside the box. I am wondering how these 4 topics might shake up the show.

1. When Jason comes out of the coma, will he be the same? Different personality? Different person? There has to be some reason for the writers to bring up the living will / directive thing and to have this happen literally a day later, If you ask me, it is lazy writing to go through all of this just for a proxy. Could he be Jason Quartermaine? Drew Cain?

2. Speaking of Drew Cain, there is a far fetched scenario out there that Drew and Holly Sutton are both alive and are off camera together somewhere courtesy of Peter. I always thought of her as a cougar, so this could be interesting. Is there any scenario where Billy Miller would return to the show?

3. Dante's doctor at the WSB Headquarters. Any chance he could be Jeff Weber?

4. If Brenda returns... and it looks like she does... there has long been speculation that Dev is her son. And that seems like it would be a worst kept secret ever at this point. But a better secret is that Brenda said her son's father was Alexander to keep him safe from Anthony Zaccara and in reality, Sonny is really Dev's father. I just want to see the look on Carly's face when she finds out. Thoughts?

So, there you have it. Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


I know it has been awhile since I was "invited" back to this blog. For those of you who remember me, you should know the routine by now. Karen is away for 3 days, and I work way too many hours in a West Coast time zone (Vegas) to come here to recap. So, I am opening a blank blog for all of you to discuss Tuesday's show. 

Full disclosure. 

I haven't watched the show since it returned. Its not so much the time factor, it is just that I wasn't very enthused with them picking up where they left off. This was the opportune time to reinvent the show. Karen has mentioned fast forward, which I would have loved. Possibly shorter storylines like internet soaps. (3 weeks tops) If I had my way (get ready, you know how crazy my ideas get) I would have had a week of a parallel universe. The characters would be almost completely 180 degrees from their current incarnations, and yet it would intertwine with the current storylines.  

And then on Friday it all comes to an end. Back to regularly scheduled programming the next week. 

If you are interested in hearing my thoughts on this, let me know and I can put something together for Thursday. You know I like GH fantasy and coming up with crazy stuff. In the meantime... it's Tuesday. Make it work people!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday in Port Charles

 Ava tries to find out why Julian and Nelle got married. Julian finally tells her Nelle is blackmailing him. Nelle is sitting there too. Nelle gets up to go to the bar. Ava asks Julian why he just hasn't killed her yet. 

Jason's in the OR. Sam thinks that Brando tampered with his bike. He says no. Sonny says it COULD have been an accident. Sam thinks Brando did it on purpose. She yells at him. He says NO ! I DID NOT! 

Jason has come out of surgery. Stable but not awake. 

Franco comes into GH to talk to Liz. Not about a lot tho. Just the boys. Oh because Jake is Jason's son!! LOL 

Jordan tells Curtis she saw Cyrus. He's mad..thinks she should tell Mac. She says no. Flashback to her calling "a secret someone on the phone" (we know it's Taggert). She hasn't told Curtis he's alive apparently. Anyway, Jordan is going to go to the press to talk up Cyrus :eyeroll: 

Ned and Lulu talk about the whole hospital take over. Cyrus walks up ..snarl. He says he's taking over..blah blah. 

Valentin and Nikolas spar a bit ...not sure what that was about. 


Harmony shows up to the Q house. WHY?? WHY?? She's mad she wasn't invited to the wedding. She warns Willow about Cyrus and tells her to listen to Jason..then they find out Jason was in an accident. 


So Sam is so upset about Jason she calls Valentin to set up the Proxy stuff... maybe Val ran him off the road. Sam wants to take the deal about getting a new parole officer so she can be with Jason in ICU. 

Franco sees Nik holding Liz' hand. :Eyeroll: 

The court has ruled about Wiley. 

Jordan tells the press Cyrus is a great guy. 

HEY!! Support the USPS and our Fave soap! Send a snail mail to your fave actor at: General Hospital @ ABC TV: 4151 Prospect Ave; Hollywood CA 90027 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Returning To Regularly Scheduled Broadcasting


Oh it's been A WEEK PEOPLE!! We are back in business. First of all, it was a good week just in the fact the show was new.  So, I did have a grin on most of the time. 

New Faces, new sets and ... a bunch of stuff I need to talk about. So, belly up to the bar and get ready. 

Friday, August 7, 2020


 I'm here ready to close out the week! 

Image Dr. Navarro's OBGYN office... she's in surgery so Maxie has to wait. BUT, the nurse does the test and Lulu's in there. Maxie tells Lulu she took THREE at home tests and they were positive. GROSS. 
DAMN IT. She and Lulu talk about whether or not Maxie would want another baby. 

Finn and Porita. She's looking at pics of Violet. She talks to him about Trina. She says daughters are hard work. 

Peter whines to Anna at the Metro. He doesn't wanna sit next to Robert at the wedding. wahh. Robert comes in, he's mad about the story Peter wrote about Holly in his paper. Peter leaves. Anna yells at Robert for being mean. 

Sam and Carly talk about how much they hate Peter LOL Sam thinks he framed Dr O . YEAH SAM! 

Jordan at Cyrus' ...he wants her to use Nelle's lawsuit somehow to get the hospital to put him on the board? 
Don't get it. I guess because he has money? UGH whatever. We find out later that Cyrus was the one to make Jason have the accident. 

Sonny walks into Brando's garage.  Tells Brando about Mike. Brando relays a story about Mike and a horse and.. having to put it down Designed to make Sonny feel better. 

Jason is still layin' in the road. Curtis finds him. Calls GH...they get him there. 

HOSPITAL: Jason has a TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY lol.. Poor Carly's going to have to decide about the plug probs (but he'll wake up).  Anyway Portia and Finn say he needs surgery. Carly signs consent. He may DIE! OH NO!! lol 

MONDAY: Franco is on 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

NuFace Brook Lynn

Dante in Switzerland...doing push-ups in jail. His doc is handsome. He was on BOSCH S3 as a lawyer. He also played Cain Rogan on OLTL. Anyway, Dante isn't sure he wants to go home. He looks ZEXY as all hello! 

OMG Deception Office is EXACTLY like Crimson's?? I'm disappointed. UGH STUPID. Maxie, Lucy and Sasha and Val walks in. He has the new "VOICE" of Deception. It's Brook Lyn. Played by Briana Lane. Another new face --that's because the other one is PG. 
So, Brook is going by the name "BLQ" now... and she's going to do a signature song for Deception. Lucy thinks it's a good idea (she wanted Gaga but will take BLQ). Maxie (who's hair is HORRIFIC) says: NO WAY. They argue. 

Lulu is at the garage with Brando, getting her flat fixed, Cyrus walks in. Lulu tells Brando all about Cyrus being in jail. 
Um, okay but why? Lulu leaves. Cyrus has a favor for Brando.  We don't really find out what it is but he calls Jordan and tells her to meet him at his "new place".

Jason comes to get his bike from Brando. Brando says he put a new destablizer on it no charge. (Jason bought the part but he put it on). 

Sam thanks Carly for doing Jason's Power of Attorney. Sam said she calmed down and realizes it's the best. They talk..Sam feels badly she went after Shiloh without thinking of her kids first. Wow, she's contrite. 

Jason, Jordan and Chase at the courthouse. Chase his hair is like Michael's used to be? Chase wants to know where Jason was the night of the warehouse fire. Jordan says to back off. Chase leaves. Jordan tells Jason that she can't take much more of being in Cyrus' control. 

Curtis and TJ. Curtis thinks TJ is working too much.  He tells TJ that he needs to have a 'safe space" and to take care of himself. TJ says his Mom is doing the same thing. 

END: DAMN IT.....Maxie goes to her OBGYN.

Jason is down on the road...motorcycle accident. Did Cyrus do that? Brando? 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Are make up colors off? Or is it my TV? Very orange today. Maybe they have to do it themselves?? 


Nelle meets Val and threatens him. Not sure with what but... anyway Valentin tells her NOPE. He has her documents down in the parking garage where she has to get them. 

Sam lays into Neil tells him her mama was disbarred. Neil didn't know..


Alexis and Diane talking about Nelle being thrown under the bus by Nina LOL ...Diane wonders what she's going to do now that she's disbarred. Alexis has no idea. 

Sonny dreams that the feeding tube cured Mike and he was back to his old self. He goes to take Mike to #GH to get the feeding tube. Liz sees them. The Dr wants to talk to Sonny about the procedure and possible complications. 

Felix comes out ...tells Sonny he's working with Yvonne.  Sonny wonders why she's in the hospital. She got a feeding tube and got infected and now is on a ventilator. Sonny wants to see her. I think it's too much for him to bear. Felix says her husband couldn't let her die. She's restrained so she doesn't pull out the feeding tubes. 

Liz then talks to Sonny. REALLY good dialog about letting go. Mary Mae quote even. She tells Sonny Mike won't have any quality of life if he's on a feeding tube. When Jason and Carly show up, he tells them he changed his mind 

Michael and Willow..Michael's hair is def due to the quarantine .. LOL  They are talking about letting Wiley see Nelle if they get custody.  She's due for a court appointed visit. Nelle shows up 1 an hour late, Wiley's taking his nap. She's pissed. 

She puts a tracking device in his Kangaroo animal. She goes out and we see 2 passports. She's going to try to grab him. 

Valentin tells Sam he wants to "borrow" Scout and Dany's shares of ELQ.  He'll have proxy vote and it would revert back to them when they are 18. Sams' like NOPE I don't need money. He says; Did I say anything about MONEY? He tells her he can get her to see Jason ..yada yada. 

END: SONNY tells Mike he can let go. Sad..Sonny cries, Mike cries, I cry. Sniff. 


Tuesday, August 4, 2020


I was VERY excited 
So the girl playing Brooklyn is PREGNANT (as you can see) there will be a replacement for a bit maybe? I think?? Yes, someone told me that is true .


NEW DAY for "Sam"!! Lindsey is on! I'm being nice. Let's just say she has energy.  Alexis figures out that Julian must be being blackmailed by Nelle. 

Carly/Jason/Sonny talking about MIKE... Moss is in there too. Sonny leaves.  Jason wants Carly to be in charge of HIS living will and when it's his time. He already told Diane all this. Carly is like, no it should be Sam! 
Man, those two should be having a super secret affair. 

Sonny talks to Donna about Mike. (you can see her). Oh that was taped POST break. You can see his tan and a little quarantine pounds lol 

Nina and Nelle. I was kinda hoping Nina would be gone but..?? 

Southern Fried Tad!! YEAH!! I love he and Valentin. Val wants to go after Sam's shares. 

Jason is meets with Sam to tell her about Mike...I forgot they have to meet secretly. AND BOY did they social distanced. He tells her he gave Carly POA and she is NOT happy! LOL 

END: Nelle quits her job at Crimson 

Sonny's Dad hasn't eaten in 24 hours. Sonny is going to have the feeding tube put in

Monday, August 3, 2020

I'm so SAD

You have no idea how sad I am NOT to be watching live today!! My Dad is ok btw, he's 83 and has a TINY bit of nerve narrowing by his neck. He was having a BIT of pain. (the man doesn't take ONE PILL) So, he's finding out what PT things he can do to help it. Kenny (yes, we have a KENNY AND A KAREN in my fam! LOL) is fit as a fiddle. Doctors never believe how old he is. I'm lucky. BUT, Mom's driving up with him and wants to take a look in some stores (they live in a tiny town) we are masking up and going in for 30 min at the most. Don't worry, I'll protect her with my life. 

I hope GH has some fun with itself. I would love for it to have jumped ahead....we can all be at Peter's funeral for example and tell the story backwards. 
I WILL have my ass here tomorrow however. I'm going to wait to watch on Hulu tonight so no commercials. I'll check for your reactions! 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sunday Surgery: On The Road Again...

It's coming!! Tomorrow is the day!! I think Michael will get custody (how could he not? We need an angry Nelle!!) ...and... um...what else was going on? LOL I didn't get the chance to see it Friday like I thought I would. Whoops. 

GUESS WHAT !!? My Dad is in town for tests tomorrow and I have to pick up my Mom and IT'S AT 1-3 at least!
COME ON DAD... next time check with me, ok??? 


So, that means, I won't be live for the first day back. What were the odds? :sigh: I can't tell my Mom to wait in the parking lot or watch GH while she's here and ignore her. Damn it. I WILL put a blog up so you can post however. Then I'll catch it on Hulu. Tuesday will have to be my official day back. 

You saw the MASK-DRAMA with KeMo right? If not, go a post below. I really want to see how Lindsey does. What if she and Burton have great chem? :giggle:  Her mom says that she will be back next week. I'm trying to figure out what will be different then?? Because you still need to wear a mask when you're not filming? 


I am psyched for Dom to be back as well. It will give us something to look forward to. He never should have left. (it was his choice, remember). I wonder if they'll keep "Dustin"?? Maybe he'll turn out to be a jelly-psycho and want LULU all to himself. 

Turns out that spoilers say the Nurses Ball will be held in August! How will they do that? Hmmm, all the acts are virtual and characters watch on Zoom?? We will have to see! 

If you need recaps of what happened when GH left off go to Soaps IN Depth. They have the goods. 

SO !! We'll be back, kids! I know some people are back to school this month. EESH. WE still have a month and some to go. I'm glad for that. Still not sure what my role will look like yet as far as the little kids go. So many restrictions in place. 

Leave a comment, let me know you're still here and ready to watch! 


  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...