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Thursday, March 13, 2025



Throwback Thrusday

Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are chocked full lately -- mostly with little things but a hella lot of dialog. 

Have a good one and I hope spring is coming your way! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!! 

OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY AF-- lord. NOT an ACTOR Either. Poor Cynthia. He's a nature journalist that Crimson is going to feature. He flirts. She flirts. Thank GOD Ava walks in at one point. He finally leaves. (oy) _-Ava asks Nina for a loan and Nina wonders what took her so long to ask. Then Carly stomps in and Ava leaves. Carly tells Nina they have to step up their plan for Drew. 

Chase and Dante having a steam. They talk about Lulu and stuff. Nothing major but both ARE 1/2 naked. They talk about Rocco too and teenage boys and their girl crushes. Dante says he had one. 

Kristina and Alexis are having coffee in the corner place. Krissy reads The Invaders' article about "Cut-Throat Congressman Drew" to her. Alexis is like: What was he thinking. We have to protect Scout. 

Drew brings flowers to Willow at GH. Hopes the article didn't make her upset. She says no but they should lay low for a bit. He leaves. Krissy comes over an asks if she can send some videos of the kids to Michael. Willow says sure but she can't bad mouth Drew. Krissy says sure. leaves. Carly comes in to talk to Willow and says Wiley will hear about the article. Willow says she'll tell him it's not true. Carly says IT IS TRUE! Then Drew pops out and tells Carly to mind her own business. Carly asks how he can do this when he held her when they had to move Virginia's grave. He's like: NOT THE SAME. Then stupid Willow sticks up for him. Carly's like: FINE, see ya. 

Laura is going to have a press conference and also is glad Curtis flamed Drew in The Invader. She goes to her press conference and then Alexis comes in. Alexis wants Curtis to write a counter-piece on Drew so it's not so bad for Scout--or some such drivel. Curtis says nope. Won't do it. 

Lucky is at Liz' house because she's watching him for 24 hours. Carly drops by with a basket and says "thank you" to the hero. She asks what he is doing next. He's like: Don't know. She leaves. They kiss. Kiss again, then Aiden walks in. He grabs food from the basket. Says he's staying at a friend's house tonight. Lucky and Liz give each other the eye. BOW CHICKA BOW BOW

Portia and Ric. He tells her she could go to jail for tampering with the test results. Obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence and yada yada. She freaks out. He says either you get Drew to believe Curtis didnt' publish the article OR tell Curtis everything. Portia thinks she has a way to save both her marriage and her job. She calls Curtis and leaves a message. Then later, Drew comes in and tells her that he's going to tell everyone. She says she doesn't think Curtis did this because why use the Invader and not Aurora? Then she says if Curtis knew he was blackmailing her there would be hell to pay. 

Ric goes to GH and runs into Kristina. Tells her she can't go on a night out she planned with Avery. Krissy says she has tickets to a show and it's one night. He says TOO BAD, it's Ava's night and we're not switching. He walks away. 

Kristina goes to Ava's apartment and is waiting for her when she comes down the hallway. Ava tells her SHE's taking Avery to the ballet because she knows the theater owner and got front row tickets! ahahaha. Krissy is so mad! 


LAURA is at L&Ls ...they are never getting any 

Sasha and Willow argue about who's the biggest ho

Carly says they have to break into Drew's house to find something that will make Willow not trust him ever again. 

Drew says Portia could do a presser with him about the pediatric sports thing he's doing and then Curtis would HAVE to write a good article about him. Then Curtis walks in. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025



Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol' Edward. That was his last time on the show. 


Sasha turns down Carly's offer to work at The Metro. She has a nest egg now and likes working for them. Carly mentions "the father". Sasha says Jason has been great and will abide by her wishes to be a single parent. 

Brook Lyn confronts her mother about telling Martin about the baby. Ellen Travolta comes in and is like "What in the Bensonhurst is going on here"? Oh, Grandma Travolta KNOWS  about the baby!! She's the one that told Lois to talk to a lawyer! Brook wants to know WHY AFTER ALL THIS TIME is this happening. She also says the closed adoption worked back then but it's not working now. She wants to know where her son is and who adopted him. Grandma says she knows but it's best to keep it a secret. Brook pleads with her because she and Chase are having such trouble having a baby. (Heartbreaking) and she runs out. Lois is upset and tells her mother that she cant' keep this a secret much longer. 

Tracey is at the PCPD for touching the survey guy. Drew's being an ass. She says she's happy Alan never met him. He says all he did was fall in love. She reads him the riot act. Tells him to leave town. He says she's been kicked out of the family many times. Then he goes to talk to Laura. 

Martin called Laura to come down to the station. She talks to Chase. He says a US Congressman is trying to put his wife's grandmother in jail.  Laura says Tracey's just doing what she needs to to protect her family and Martin doesn't get how stubborn she is. When Drew comes out she tells him to "stand down" and drop the charges.  He says he will but this is far from over. 

Emma and Gio watch the Crypt all night together. Emma gets chairs from the Boathouse. They look like that up there. Then Emma has to go to her lab-animal meeting and leaves. 

Brook Lyn comes out and sits with Gio by the crypt. Says her mom and grandmother are not being fair. 

Lulu is at Maxie's. Dante is watching Bailey Lu while they take Georgie and James out for ice cream (because James broke his arm). He says she's such a good mom. She says he's such a good dad. BUT She thinks Rocco is angry with her. 

Charlotte is in the hotel with Anna and Jason. She blames Anna for "Papa running for his life". ALL YOUR FAULT! I hate you! Jason tells her that it was Anna that saved her and Valentin's life. He tells her the WSB would have killed her dad if Anna hadn't intervened. Charlotte goes to bed. Anna tells Jason he should take Char away and she'll come later because the girl can't stand to be near her. Jason says he has never seen Anna run from anything before. 

Portia and Curtis. Portia is all dressed up to go to dinner and they are in his office. She's trying to talk him into making peace with Drew. (the blackmail) She's making progress then Jordan comes in and says Drew has gone over the line now. Tells them about the crypt and what he did. Curtis says the only thing Drew will respond to is public pressure. Portia isn't happy. 


Lulu almost tells Dante but doesn't 

Grandma Travolta (Gloria) tells Lois she'll ruin 3 lives if she tells the truth now

Tracey and Drew vow to destroy each other

Curtis is going to run an expose on Drew 

Monday, March 10, 2025



I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this week in a 1 day cameo. 

I mean...geesh, the runner up guy? How...quaint. 
I can't even. 

Ok, have to drive my guy to the eye doc today, just found out so I won't be watching live. SORRY! 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal


Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly by!!  Friday's pay-off was a good one and there wee quite a few good scenes to be had. Sure, there was a lot of filler as well but I'll give the week a B-.

Let's give it a go!! 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday Finale


FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't pretend everything was ok. BUT--I'm in a better place today (or more resolved at least) so here I am.

HELL, Carly was pretty level-headed yesterday, no??? 


Lulu's in the Q foyer--will she spill her news? No, she doesn't. Dante is tired of being between her and Brook so he leaves to go visit Sonny. Brook goes up to the bedroom and LULU comes up after her!!  She and Brook have words but Lulu says: WELL, YOU HAD Dante's baby and never told him!!! She says she saw "the lawyer's notes" on your SON and it's Dante's. Brook looks stunned. She says "I had a boy... a baby boy". So shattered.  She said she gave birth in San Fran and never saw the baby. Never went to Martin, never looked for him. Lulu says it must have been your mother then...SHE was outside Marty's the other day. Brook figures out that Lulu broke into Martin's room. Lulu doesn't care because Rocco has a HALF-BROTHER and Dante has a Son he knows nothing about!! 

Carly goes to Sonny's new house and Lois is there. He says they are talking about Gio. Oh, will she put 2/2 together? Lois talks about Sonny giving Gio money and family being family yada yada. Sonny says he can't say no to Lois. Lois leaves. Carly tells Sonny Michael called and he's doing better. Then she's gone and Dante comes in. They talk about Gio. 

Lois goes back to the Q's house. She tells Ned about Gio's fund from Sonny. Ned agrees with Tracey. Thinks Gio will be beholden to a gangster. 

Isaiah goes to Jordan's apartment and she answers the door in a face mask. Her lunch order got spilled by the delivery guy so Isaiah is going to make her something. They have pasta. I forgot she had an apartment! OMG they are GOING TO MAKE THE WUB!! Nope, they stop and argue about Sidwell. 

Alexis asks Jenz where he found the dagger. He says downstairs cabinet. She says that's not possible because it's at the bottom of the harbor. She says Helena used it to slit her mother's throat. He gets a drink. She stares at the dagger. He wonders if she saw her mother get her throat slit. She tells him the story. Then she says she can't figure out how he has the dagger. 

Brennan gets a call from Colette and he wants "hourly updates"... he goes to Bobbie's. Carly comes in later. Wants to sit with him. Boring talk. She doesn't like his lifestyle. He's like: Oh, okay and gets up and leaves. Carly pouts.

Josslyn is at a training center. Her hot new 'handler" comes in and says it's time to go. Joss has been up for 48 hours and now has to box the Blonde Guy. He wants to know why she's there. She says she's seen people die and wants justice. He says if that's your answer: LEAVE NOW. (this is dumb btw). Talks about idealism and yada yada. Flips her over in combat. No chemistry. 


Lulu tells Brook Lyn to tell Dante or she will 

Sidwell saves Alexis' fingerprints on the Cassadine dagger!! 

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll: 
So, Jason can just go and find Charlotte even though he's 'responsible' for Danny?  Yeah, whatever.  Rocco has on Julian Jerome plaid I see. 

TODAY'S SHOW:  I can only be here a bit but I'll get some stuff in for you. 

James is in #GH for a possible broken arm. Dr Gannon looks at him. 

Ric is seeing Portia about the whole Drew/blackmail thing. 

Alexis sees Sonny's new place.  Wonders why he bought Valentin's place. 

Drew goes to Liz about pediatric sports program. She loves the idea. IT's a tribute to Oscar.  Kai is going to be part of it too. 

At the Q's... Dante, Lois.. Tracey and Brook. Gio comes in and tells Tracey tht someone at the gate is surveying the property. 

Lulu gives Carly the room key back and tells CARLY ABOUT DANTE'S CHILD? Um, okay? 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025



The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. Now, ABC could go back to airing GH in the 3pm timeslot in all east markets again but I'm not holding out hope. 

I did watch the show and really liked it. It has some early teething issues (baby in the elevator scenes weren't that great) but all in all a solid soapy feel for sure. There is also a thrill in joining a show from day one. 

Michelle Val Jean, Bob Guza...Ron Carlivati and Jamey Giddens (who just joined) are writers we know from GH and OLTL.  I have to tape the show and watch after GH since I live Skye. I'd welcome a time change so I could watch both. 

AS YOU MAY HAVE guessed, I'm out today. It's raining cats and dogs and I'm subbing at the UPK during show time. Pray I don't catch anything AGAIN because I'm tired of the damn germs. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Horses and Beers


It's only Tuesday!! Let's see if anything happens today on GH. If you haven't see, be sure to check out the post below this and the new character that's coming. I guess we are going full-on "Joss as WSB". She's even getting a "handler". 

Willow invited Nina and Carly to The Metro to tell them something. She and the kids are moving in with Drew. Carly says it would set Michael back. Nina just stares. Then Carly gets mad. She says it's awful what she's doing to Michael. Nina backs up Willow. Willow leaves. Then Carly and Nina look at each other and say "how do you think that went"?? They were in cahoots. Good cop, Bad cop. 

Anna and Maxie are at a table with Emma. Anna thinks Emma should have an internship at Deception. Anna tries to sell it by saying there's a lot of chemistry in making cosmetics. Maxie says people really want to work there and if Emma isn't thrilled, she's not going anyone any favors.  Anna leaves. \

Curtis and Portia are still yappin' it up at another table. Laura calls him and tells him to get to her place. 

Brad tells Lucas that he made Portia send him to Miami. He says he knows something about Portia and she wanted to keep it quiet. Lucas loses it and yells at Brad about BLACKMAIL and he's not changed. Brad says he loves Lucas. Lucas says he loves Brad but it means two very different things to each of them. Lucas is sick of Brad's lying and they are done. 

Jason makes Sidwell leave the Qs (at gunpoint). Sasha's trying to stop him. Tracey comes in and asks what is wrong. They fight about the damn baby being a Quartermaine. (sick of it). 

Jason takes Sidwell to a foggy spot and wants the truth about Sonny's PH. Did he plant the bomb? Sid says no, Jason seems to believe him. Anna comes walking out of the fog. She's been watching Sidwell and saw him go into the Qs until Jason took him out. Sidwell says BYE and gets on the launch. Anna yells at Jason for taking Sidwell at gunpoint. Jason says he wanted to ask about the PH bomb. He believes Sidwell didn't have anything to do with it. 

Over at the Horse House, Dante, Cody and Gio are all gabbing. Gio leaves to 'lock up the rest of the paddock" Cody gets beers and Dante talks about 'closure' with Sam's death. Then it turns to Lulu...then Brook Lyn. Cody knows Dante loved Brook all those summers ago. 

Gio is outside and Emma comes up and tells him about Anna's Deception idea. He thinks it's great because there's SO MUCH CHEMISTRY with cosmetics and she's so good at it. 

Lulu goes into her mom's place to find Martin there. Laura invites her to dinner but she lies and says she's going out with Maxie. Martin apologizes about thinking Cyrus was an ok guy. Laura gets a call from congress about the project on the docks. When Curtis comes in she tells him they got the grant for the first project by Aurora. She wants to know how he pulled it off. He tells her about Aunt Stella and calling in a favor. She's happy but wonders what Drew will do. He says not much he CAN DO. (dun dun dun)

Portia left The Metro and now is in GH. Drew finds her in her office. He blocks her way out and says only she can help him get Curtis back on his side. She says no way. Then he springs the Heather Webber info on her. 

Lulu breaks into Marty's MC room dressed as a maid. Maxie catches her. Lulu tells her it's Marty's room and she's trying to get info on Charlotte. Maxie is going to be the look out. Lulu finds papers and then drops the entire briefcase. Just then, Martin sees Maxie and tells her she must have the wrong room. 


Drew shows Portia the test results and says she'll lose her medical license

Nina and Carly vow to get rid of Drew

Brad and Lucas part

Cody wonders what Dante would do if it wasn't over between him and Brook Lyn back then (and GIO walks in)

Lulu finds Marty's notes about Dante Falconeri being a father 

Sasha calls Jenz Sidwell and accepts the money



Here's Josslyn's WSB "handler"!! His name is going to be Vaughn, just like the guy in Alias. His name is Bryce Dufree and he will be seen March 7th. As of today, he's on recurring status. Full story on: Soap Opera Network 

Monday, March 3, 2025

House Hunting


So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun went off at a wedding!!) THEN I'll tune into GH. Don't despair. I'm still here!! 


Lulu is trying to talk Spinelli into helping her with CHARLOTTE while Dante looks on. Then Lulu and Spinelli break into Valentin's old house.  I think that's where Marty lives now--? I don't know. THEN Lucy comes with Sonny to have him look at the house to buy.  He looks around then Kristina WALKS IN AND says "Why are you looking at this house"? I HATE HER. He didn't know it was Valetin's. Lucy says Martin Gray is selling it and is in contact with him. (Lulu and Spinelli hear that).  Krissy says it IS a nice house so he's going to tour it. BTW, it has 4 bedrooms and a pool. 

Drew finds out Curtis talked to the senator from Baltimore and is mad. Curtis is like: TOO BAD! Drew threatens Curtis and Portia tells him to back off. He leaves. Curtis tells Portia Drew won't find anything on him. 

Cut to Drew going to Selina Wu who DOES have something on Portia. 

Gio and Dante talk at Bobbie's about Gio's 'Place at the Q house" HAHHHAA. OMG. It's dumb and designed to get Gio and Dante together. Tracey calls Dante. 

Alexis is helping Tracey go through the paperwork about the land survey. Lois doesn't see why Drew calling himself a Q is a big deal. Then Marty walks in! They bicker and Tracey says she'll sue the city and fight because she has so much money, they'll be bankrupt. Alexis asks if she wants Edward and Lila to have to move and she says no, I'll drop it. (that was fast). Martin says he'll go after her anyway !!! Then Alexis stops that and wants him to sign a NDA. He says no. THEN Tracey says WELP, I change my mind. Good LORD. Dante comes in, Tracey wants Marty arrested. Dante's like, um no. Then GIO chimes in and says his mom had a  "555" rule. Will you care about this in 5 min? 5 months? 5 years? And Tracey is so happy because Lila said something similar--THANK YOU SO MUCH GIO!! 

Sasha is being a bitch to Jason about money. He walks out of the kitchen, then Sidwell walks in. He is offering Sasha money to change her story to Deception about her kidnapping. 250K.. Tell them he only did it to get his diamonds back. 

LUCAS AND BRAD in Miami...they end up kissing. Of course they do because Brad gave up the info on Portia to Auntie LOL. Oh GH, you just keep pissing me off. They get to the room and get hot and heavy but Brad stops to tell Lucas something.


Jason comes into the kitchen and tells Sidwell to get away from Sasha (ugh)

Tracey is going to file with cease and desist and then have a survey done that will match what she wants.

Sonny is going to buy the house. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One light: Olivia and Ned and Tracey and Martin. The fight in Bobbie's was a goodie. 

Other than that, you could catch up in about 10 minutes! this and you'll be set! 


  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...