this is why I think she's really dead.. | |
Because she's a ghost. I mean, yes, I know they can mess with us, but I don't know, this really made it final for me. We shall see because they are shocking me left and right! KM is still taping and I think it's because she still 'comes' to people during/around the funeral.
NEW SPOILERS ARE UP! Sonny's arrested...and it looks like it was KATE that shot at AZ! hee hee. (or maybe Connie??!).
I don't know what's up with the new Blogger stuff--especially on the comments. It looks way different. People are also not getting DSS feeds. So not sure what's up. I'll try to find out.
she's back...and in a leather dress? | |
I love TG and Connie!! "What good is victory is you're not around to choke on it"?
OH WOW...Both Cole and Hope exploded!! Holy moly... Don't like that much-- why kill Hope? Cole got it..but another kid? God people are dropping like flies on this show in the past week. LOL
Hells needed to just start shooting, it was SO Batman like with everyone just standing around. JUST SHOOT! I'm glad her henchman didn't hesitate in knocking off Cassie. Holly looked great in her leather and giant hair extensions.
SO, Ethan is a Scorpio...!! He's Robert's ....like many of us suspected. A LOT of people wanted that. Poor Robin never knew she had a sibling. wahhh. I thought of something: Holly and Todd. They could have had a one nighter--lol. He'd be a Manning/Lord!
Sonny and Sam.. I don't know, it was ok. Maurice was good talking about her "like my little sister" FLASHBACKS!
Paddy talks to Robin in the OR. I guess she'll be around as a specter for awhile. OMG it's "A Gifted Man" just like on CBS! Ever see that show? Guy's dead wife talks to him!!!
Maxie finds out about Robin...Jen's eyes are HUGE! I was just wishing Maxie would shut up for about 1/2 the show. hee hee.
Michael carried Starr in the hospital? LMAO. Weird. No gurney at the door? And Mac and Dante just stand around on the road--like no other cars would come. heh.