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Monday, February 28, 2011


Did anyone see Amber Tamblyn at the Oscars? Here she is at the Independent Spirit Awards. Since 127 Hours was up for Best Picture, she should have been there. Hmmm. This dress is so casual! I'd wear it in the summer!! LOL 

OLTL: I can't stand JOEY!! Not this actor...My hamster's name was Joey when I was a kid. He kinda reminds me of this Joey #344.

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Luke said the limo was "Bomb Proofed"...whatever.  How stupid. He and Edward looked like two old men sitting on the bench, I was expecting pigeons. I love them though. I wonder if they are going with the dementia story for Edward. I so hope would be perfect. Tracy asked Luke to stay. Awww.

I also still can't believe Carly wouldn't at least CHECK on Morgan..traumatized by the BOMB. WHERE IS JOSSLYN!!?? When Morgan calls someone to get him, he calls Michael, not Carly or Jax? Okay...

Sam's in the hospital and Jason looks so sad  --Olivia is worried about Dante. 

The whole Balkan thing is really written poorly. Episodes of Batman were written better in the '60's. OR at least made more sense! The Theo/Suzanne thing? Stupid. We're supposed to believe Suzanne couldn't get Brenda for Theo all those years? All that stuff in Rome?? What was that?!! waste of time!! We watched her trying to get grabbed in Rome for weeks and weeks. WASTE!

I noticed that Suzanne and Dante have the same hairstyle. 

And Dante realizes that they used the Catering truck as a red herring. A CATERING TRUCK at a wedding with NO Food. LMAO Catering truck. Ha!!
Franco asked Jason about botox and posing nude!! Nice one!!

I have to mention Charlie Sheen.  Good God, either he's got a drug in him they can't test for or he's completely manic or brain injured. Or both?? Now he has no publicist (Surprise!?) I think Michael Lohan could do that job. damn sad to watch!! 


 "That guy from General Hospital" Said Morgan Freeman! woot! Nice shout out to US!! I thought poor James was a bit nervous to start with--stiff almost. Some said  high! LOL, I ALWAYS think he looks a bit lit.

Most Fun Moment: "I just saw Marky Mark!" -- James Franco's Grandma #Oscar--

I really liked the opening with the movies and Alec Baldwin.  Back to the Future!!

Melissa Leo was Linda Warner on All  My Children, Cliff's sister..MORE DAYTIME TV LOVE!!

James: Thank YOU to Port Charles for watching....Watch HERE!  

I thought Social Network should have won best was just the best there was, imo. 

I'd pay huge money to see Franco come on GH like this!! LOL 

Anne Sweeny was on...many of you emailed her about Becky!! She is head of ABC... 

I am so happy Trent Reznor won best score. That score for TSN made the MOVIE!! It was so good!! 

Oprah looked amazing in that dress. Wow...good to see her, she's an awesome speaker. Everyone just stopped and watched her.. I'd say best dressed to a presenter!! YOU WIN AN OSCAR! AND YOU WIN AN OSCAR!! 

I was so happy to see Billy Crystal. 
Natalie Portman is a starlet that totally kept her nose clean, went to school and is so respected. GOOD For her!!!  There are many of her generation who didn't. 

Colin Firth's win was good.  That movie means a lot to me because of the speech pathology nod. He did a great job with his stuttering. It's not easy to replicate. I thought that James Franco's clip  fir 127 hours was really moving. 

Boy, they were boring this year, more than usual imo. My fave parts were: Morgan Freeman mentioning GH, James Franco as Marilyn, The Modern Family shout out and SANDY BULLOCK mentioning General Hospital!!

Well, it was a strange Oscars --not sure if Franco meant to be that spacey--but he was.  Maybe he was trying to play a "Straight Man"?? His commercials were way better. 

See you at 3 for GH! THANK YOU to all the Twubbers that were on Twitter last night! We had #GHOscars just humming away! Lots of fun...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Franco's BIG Oscar Night!!

 Make Up for GH:

You know he thinks GH is way more glam than the Oscars, but we won't tell, will we?? How fun to watch and know he'll be chasing "our Stone Cold" on Monday!! Here are some fun things from the WUBBAH Red Carpet:
 Here's the premiere of FRONKEY at the red carpet--all Glammed up to be on Franco's arm. Nice or what? I think those are some of Lila's pearls. Brooke Lyn loaned her the dress. 

Here's the WUBQUEEN ensam for the big event! This is Cassadine Couture!! Made with real goat hair in the monkey's faces. Stunning or what? I thought it was a bit Marilyn Monroe.

So, what pic do you think will take the big prize??? I actually saw 5 of the 10 movies, which is pretty good for me. I did like "The King's Speech" but in a way, thought "The Social Network" was much more outside the box -- making a boring subject exciting. I just want to see Trent Reznor take a statue!! The music was really part of that film. 

Franco is going to star in the Prequel to "The Wizard of Oz" and he beat out Downey and Depp. He's the younger version of them I guess. heh He won The Independent Spirit award last night, and I'm hoping he hides it on set when he comes back this summer to do this thing on GH. He'll direct, so why not? 

Mila Kunis looked awesome. I loved Gwen Paltrow's 60's dress, and Reese Witherspoon. Hated Nicole Kidman's tablecloth!! WTH. 

 THIS? looked like ScarJo has on a sports bra under there!! UGH!! Not a good look-- I like my cupcake PJs much more. WORST dressed for me.



Just loved this look. Reminds me of chic 50's/60s' glam. 


FULL Oscar dish tomorrow!!

Sunday Surgery: Missing Charts, a TON of you loved the show on Friday! All the BOOM and the DRAMAZ going on!! I of course, noticed all the holes drilled into the story--which naturally, drove me insane. I swear the continuity people were on vacation along with the editors. Since they had a WEEK of the wedding, you'd think they could have told the tale in a more detailed, woven way.  We know the actors are's the rest of the sheeze that bothered me. AND YOU KNOW I'm going to dish about it today!! 

Some observations:

1. Most obvious omission: Food and Music at the reception.  They didn't even TRY to pretend. Hell, there wasn't even utensils or plates on the tables. LOL. Carly said "The food is great" and then Michael and Abby sat there tasting air. The silence was deafening as well. Nothing? No background anything? God,  get an ipod dock!

2. Second most obvious omission: Carole the wedding planner. Er...last I looked they were everywhere during a wedding and at the reception.  Surely they could have paid to have her on a few more days. 

3. Missing Persons: Max gets knocked out by Carly-she has time to change, do her hair and go to the entire wedding. Milo was sent out for pizza. Are you telling me neither one made it to the reception? If only to check on things?? Sonny didn't even ask where they were when Carly showed up!

4.  More Missing Persons: Diane comes into the office, dressed for the wedding (which she didn't attend as it was going on when she was in there). Finds out about the Balkan--and is never seen again. Never made it to the party. 

5. Time Warp: Johnny and Lisa were at Jake's when the wedding was happening. They had time to get back to his place, sleep together and then WAKE UP...all while the reception was still going on. It was like a night flew by for them,  but no one else.

6.  Transporter: Carly was an EXCEPTIONAL speed demon-- she leaves the reception and in a split second finds Shawn at the Pine Barrens -- not only that she sees him in the pitch dark, lying on the side of the road. She gets him in the car and takes him home-- all in about the time it took for 3 people to make "toasts" at the wedding.

7. Jason and Sam: First off, they get to the offices of Diane and Alexis in 3.4 seconds.  How Jason knew where they were, no one knows.  Secondly, Jason gets to Carly's house, holds Shawn at gunpoint in about 1.1 seconds. The whole time, Sam is gone, not one person asks about her.  Not Alexis, not her sisters--no one.  I think Carly mentioned in passing. Jason was really not concerned after she was taken by the Balkan as to her whereabouts.

8.  The bomb aftermath: While everyone was standing around-- we only saw the back of ONE fireman's helmet.  That was it. You'd think Mac would have ran in? Ronnie? People were freaking out a bit--but outside? Pretty calm for a bomb going off, imo. It needed to be WAY more dramatic for me. The best part of course, was Jax/Sonny confrontation. Thank goodness that was written in or I would have been major upset.

9. Siobhan and Lucky: Oh, why-why WHY were they stuck in Ireland rescuing Megan? Given the fact that The Balkan really had NO use for Siobhan other than to make us crazy, and the whole "Ireland" rescue took on a level of stupidity not seen for a long time. Making Suzanne the Balkan's wife was clever but it totally negated the Siobhan saga. He didn't need her as a "spy" or anything else. That's why rewrites never make sense. 

10. The little things:  These just bother me. Where were  Steve and Olivia when the bomb went off? I guess they left.  No way Carly wouldn't have gone to the reception site after the bomb blew to see her kids. I don't care who's bleeding on her couch. Edward made it there in his PJs ...but Tracey didn't? Mac or Ronnie should have shown up.  How did Brenda pee in that wedding dress? hee hee..ok, I just threw that in there to see if you were paying attention. 

I really wish people would have had coats on too--it's damn freezing here in the winter. Besides Carly, it was like summer. I am eternally grateful that Brender changed and put on her sweater. 

You know I did love parts of the wedding... I just believe that they could have done SO much better with timelines/continuity and flow.  Sonny acted SO out of character after the reveal,  it was hard to swallow. I am happy for SnBers though-- believe me I know you waited a long time.  Congrats! Now, we get to watch Brenda lay around the Bat Cave for days. *sigh*
She will realize though her baby could still be alive because Suzanne was there-- although how she could have given birth knocked out is a whole 'nother pain in my brain! Check out the SCOOPS for all the action. Hit a sponsor to keep the wub going! Thanks!!

OSCARS tonight! I'm on #GHOscars timeline if you want to play!!

GH's James Franco wins Actor Award at Independent Spirit Awards!

Last night, Mr. Franco took home "Best Actor" in the indy awards, one night before he's due to host the Oscars. Doesn't that statue look like a cool bat? Heh..perfect!!

In the press room, he discussed acting in General Hosptial excerpt:

“Because the writing is different, because the way they shoot it is different, the lighting is different and all the dynamics are different, you change,” Franco said. “But the acting, at its core is the same, whether you’re on a soap opera or an independent film or on a super large budget film. It’s just that the world and the context around you changes. Each project has its own reality, but the basics of it are the same.”

He does credit GH for "leading him the the 127 Hour Project" because of the massive amounts of dialog he needed to memorize for the show. Full Article on SpeakEasy. 

OSCARS tonight..I will be tweeting live..using #GHOscars as a hashtag... supporting Franco and also creating a timeline we can follow together---the #Oscar one will be clogged, I can't follow them when they are that fast!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Some Saturday Soap Notices!!

Did you miss Kimberly McCollough's chat she had with fans during the show on Friday?? Here's a transcript provided by Scorpio0098: Tripod Text She dishes about the wedding, what her least challenging storyline was (You'll be surprised) and who the girlies are obsessed with on the show!!

On another note, if you are in the LA area and LOVE books, think about attending the RT Book Fair. Two GHers will be there: Carolyn Hennesy and Jackie Zeman! Check out the other soap divas that will be there. has all the details.

Don't forget that AmTam is also in 127 Hours!! Wonder if she'll be at the Oscars?? I think the cast gets an invite. I hope we see her!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

General Hospital: IT's FRANCO FRIDAY!

IHere's the cake  Franco sent to the happy couple yesterday!! What do you think? I love it.

Too bad it blew up -- heh. So what did you think of the REPEAT Limo=Click BOOM?  You know how I feel. I would like to have Theo explain the whole operation and switch. I'm thinking it involved cutting a huge hole in the pavement with a lift.


By the way, looking at the pre-noms, I am floored that Florencia Lozano from #OLTL isn't nominated. She blew me away last year--and really REALLY deserved a nod. The whole thing is crazy if you ask me. 

TODAY'S SHOW: They replayed the whole clink BOOM!! 
Jax and Alexis were so cute "We're losers"!! 

Morgan was losing it...Molly was just numb.  " I wonder what it felt like inside that limo when the bomb went off"!!! Sniff. Anyone else think Molly will be a depressive teen with an eating disorder?? LOVED Ethan reciting Tennyson!! That was in Four Weddings and a Funeral.

I guess all the EMTs and cops and those people were with the A Twubber caught the fact that during the Scrubs scene, the wedding cake was totally untouched. Heh..there's that continuity again! 

Sonny clinging to Dante was pretty powerful. Nice long SaSon hug!! 

Jax tells Sonny to shoot himself in the head. I'm sure Ingo and Mo were like here we go again dude.'s the "BRENDA DANCE"!! 
Edward broke my heart:  "dont' you be like that" he says to Michael.

Sharly--- what did you think? He's some handsome! Doing well for a gunshot wound. 

FRANCO was great...much more relaxed this time around. Love the M&Ms... I know some of you can't deal with him 'interrupting' GH but he is HUGE right now. He so didn't have to do this right in the middle of Oscars. Did you hear his reference? "I have a big event coming up...BIG"!! Heh. HE also found himself "Inbetween a rock and a hard place"...get it??!!! He should have said "I hate to cut this short"..brahahahaa. 

Sonny pulls back the hair on the body and it's Sam.  Who was obviously switched after the explosion. She looks too good to have lived thru that!!

PROMO: Sonny throws barware at Bob the Badger in his office.  LOL 

C U for Sunday Surgery!!

Daytime Emmy PRE NOMS are out!

Here are the people from  General  Hospital that are ELIGIBLE for EMMY NOMINATIONS. Yes, you have to get a pre-nom nomination to get to the big show!

Lead Actress: Kelly Monaco and Laura Wright

Lead Actor: Maurice Benard and Steve Burton

Supporting Actress: Nancy Lee Grahn and Julie Marie Berman

Supporting Actor: Jonathan Jackson and Jason Thompson

Younger Actress: Lexi Ainsworth and Haley Pullos

Younger Actor: Chad Duell and Nathan Parsons

The Awards show is in June. I will post the official nominations when they come out!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


He's back tomorrow!! And OSCARS on Sunday!! It's out very own FRANCO!! I think we can take credit for his huge success this last year, no?? 

Loved Wendy Malick on AMC today--I was a HUGE "Just Shoot Me Fan"!! She's a comic genius. I love her even more knowing she lives on a farm and loves animals. heh..she and Susan Lucci? Priceless. Having her be the 'cleaning lady'? ahahahaa. NICE. Susan Lucci was on Hot In Cleveland last evening. Nice Crossovers!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: SO, Carly said "The food is Great"..what FOOD? I saw AIR, not even a damn fork!! LOL....Edward and Molly were cute dancing.

Stupid shoot out scene with the "rocks" and "Snow" ahahhahha. 

Robin's speech was nice. She compared SnB to "Lady and the Tramp"!! The kid's toasts were so cute and they acted just like kids!! loved that!! 

OH MY GOD, Carly finds Shawn stuck in the snow after just being at the wedding 8 seconds earlier!!!!!!  I don't know who edits at that damn place but it's been HORRIBLE this entire wedding. That was just plain BAD. Did you like "Sharley"?? Carly/Shawn??
Jason didn't know Shawn was shot? 

Luke to Alexis: Take your Tah-Tahs in the Toss Line!!! ahahah best part of the whole wedding!! That fun between Alexis/Olivia was probably all improvised.  NLG said some stuff was in her tweets. 
Luke and likey!! He gave her his number in case it "didn't work out"!! 


and BOOM!! They had way enough time to switch bodies -- 

I need a mint. C U!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wedding Wednesday Whootin'

  I think Jax looks like he's texting back there! LOL

I won't be here tomorrow, so let's make this a good one!! I should be here Friday--for the BOOM! 

Tyler Christopher (@Tyler2929)  tweeted this today:
Come on guys. Neither Kelly or I said anything about what is coming up on gh. Please stop saying we did because we didn't.
The only rumors that came up were from a few of u and not confirmed from us in any way.OMG--wow.... I guess he was sick  of people saying stuff about the event! I tell you one thing, fans need to keep a lid on stuff or stars won't DO EVENTS ANYMORE! lol  ESPECIALLY if they read things into what they say and start rumors! 

A Nancy Lee Grahn event to check out!  

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Loved Brenda and Sonny walking back down the aisle.

Olivia said Brenda took advantage of Dante!! LOL... It was weird how people just talked about stuff in spits and spurts. 
Brenda told Brooke to text Lois photos. Uh, last I looked, Rena Sofer wasn't doing anything, she could have come on just for this!!  
Spinelli was fun doing his quotes...
They are so getting into Kristina and Ethan or what!!? AH, I remember the '70's when a girl was over 16, nothing was off limits.  LOL
Liked seeing Scrubs. They talked about their own wedding. 

Carly and Sonny, interesting. Carly was just a personality change today. Her sarcasm was over-wrought. 

The reception was very empty, btw... there were so many people missing and I didn't see any extras?! Hmmmm. Very boring for a reception, I do hope they have music or food soon. Geesh. Finally they got their dance.  Everyone dancing was nice Still, over all,   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Where did Diane go yesterday? She was in the office, then..poof!! Weird. 

Lulu smack down of Dante! I guess she's mad he lied to  her?   

SIDE NOTE: Sam's shoes were FEROCIOUS! 

My Twitter feed messed up doesn't like me. I even tried not to tweet so much! LOL 

Steve Burton said this on the GH Chat today: Dante's mom looks about two years older than him. How does that work?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

General Hospital Soap Star Tweets! Congrats to Bradford !!

People were tweetin' up a STORM tonight! 

** BRADFORD ANDERSON  (Spinelli) shared this:
I am the luckiest guy alive. Not only do I have the most bestest wife, she is carrying our little girl...due to arrive this July. AMAZING.
 CONGRATS to he and his wife Kiera!! 

Michael Sausedo, Becky's hubby tweeted: 
I think there are a whole of people that need to be THANKED for not failing to ex-press .... thank you!

Andrea Bogart (Abby) tweeted this: 
@MauriceBenardMB -what a tremendous pleasure to be on a show with such talents! Was there a dry eye during Sonny's speech to Brenda 2day? Not4me

Kelly Monaco: At the most amazing Italian restaurant in NYC, Il Mulino with @heathfreeman. Cheers!

Kirsten Storms was dishing about Jennifer Aniston's haircut. I told her I thought it was going to be shorter. She wrote back to me:
@Wubsnet: anymore would've been too me I know that feeling :)

Carolyn Hennesy: When you're sick and don't feel like cooking...what's better than the hubs getting a couple of pizzas? THAT will cure me!!!!

Steve Burton: Rehearsing with Scott. Can't get through it. Too much laughing, our show might be a rehearsal. Please help me!!

@Stuart_Damon Just posted! Actor Stuart Damon Joins Coldwell @
Stuart also has a new TV Show with his son starting soon!

Laura Wright (@lldubs) Great day with the family in Myrtle Beach!

Fans Rally for Faves..."Bring Back Kate" has begun!

After the success of having Rebecca Herbst's firing reversed, many GHers are starting to think about how to help their fan faves. I have long said that a hand-written snail mail goes a long way. This is from the "Bring Back Kate" campaign:

 In an effort to gain more screen time for Megan Ward as Kate Howard, we are focusing our efforts on a three-day phone rally with calls placed to Iger, Sweeney, Frons, the ABC Comment Line and the GH Comment Line, while simultaneously sending comment forms and emails to ABC management.

The rally will be held on:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011

Phone numbers to call:

Robert Iger:  (818) 560-1000

Anne Sweeney:  (818) 569-7700
Brian Frons:  (818) 460-7020
GH Comment Line: (323) 671-4583
ABC Comment Line: (818) 460-7477    Press 2, then 464 for GH

ABC Comment Forms:

Emails to contact:

Robert Iger:
Anne Sweeney:
Brian Frons:
Robert Guza:
Jill Farren Phelps:

I am also saying that ALL fans who love their individual stars should really write them to up their fan mail count.  For example, after seeing Leslie Charleson today, I'm sending her a nice post card! 
The studio address is:

General Hospital @ABC TV
4151 Prospect Ave
Hollywood, CA 90027

If you wish to follow this movement on twitter, please follow @BringBackKate 

Interesting Ingo Tweet

Just tweeted:

Dont expect to c me much on GH. once a week seems to the norm for me if that. I must have peed in the pool and was fresh out of chlorine :-) 
I’ll be on the air for the next week or 2 a bit. But after that a lot less. Sorry guys. I don’t know what to tell u.  It’s not my call.”

Interesting because we know he's not been on a ton--there are rumors many people have taken time/pay cuts  (all over ABC daytime, not just GH) -- and  he may just be cutting back by taking more time in little bits than in great chunks.

Ding Dong The Bells Are Ringing Tuesday!

Bridesmaid's earrings are by Kate Spade.  

Just thought You'd like to know.

TODAY'S SHOW: Monica!! She said Liz's baby looks LIKE LUCKY! heh... I so miss Leslie. Epiphany told Lizzy to get the DNA test if she really thought the baby wasn't Nikolas'. 

HATED Siobhan and not needed to be inserted in there.  "You have a funny accent" he says to her. NO sheeze. I wish they would have shown some real immigration lines/stuff. That's usually crowded and a mess, not some guy saying "oh, by the way, you need a visa" LOL. 

The Wedding was soapy!! Eeeeeeeee! TOLD YOU DANTE wasn't that baby's DADDY!! It was Alesander's baby!!  Although Suzanne knows more than Brenda. Geesh. AND it also begs the question as to why Suzanne just didn't kidnap her ass in Paris! LOL Oh well. I loved Adrienne and Daniel today...they were awesome!!
Sonny was quite mature during the wedding scenes, wasn't he??! He remembered the WIRE in a good historical context.  It was really a pretty ceremony. Dramaz and forgiveness and the Wub..don't forget Da WUB...

Diane is going nuts when she found out about The Balkan!! She was all  dressed for the reception, I guess since she forgot the ceremony time?? LOL. Shawn sure flipped sides easily, didn't he? That was like instant...
Lulu was not a happy camper eh?

In her chat on ABC.COM today, Vanessa said this about  Bradford (Spinelli) and acting with him!
I find myself being an audience member with him - he's just so great. I just stare at him in awe, forgetting I'm supposed to be speaking

She also said she doesn't wear hair extensions, although she's asked all the time about that.  

 Heidi - I'm still starstruck by Maurice and that's 100% true. Maurice can confirm! My palms sweat, and I worry that I'm ​disappoin​ting him!

Haley, who plays Molly, is like a little Lucille Ball!
READ THIS Article on Daytime Confidential about possible changes coming to the ABC Daytime line up in the fall. eek!  

Those of you following me on Twitter may have noticed I was put in twitter JAIL at 3:33 pm. DAMN IT! You can only tweet so much per hour, then you go over and you can't get on anymore. Whoops. I do it TODAY of all DAYS?!! whoops!!

ABC CONFIRMS Rebecca Herbst Staying at GH

 ABC has issued a statement and you can see it on  Soaps  In  Depth .  After the fans kept campaigning for her to stay, the bosses wisely decided to keep her on. How this will effect storylines/scoops I'm not sure yet.

The statement issued says in part, “Rebecca Herbst will continue on as Elizabeth Webber. The show is thrilled she will remain on the canvas to portray the beloved character in many more poignant and emotional stories. Fans will be pleased to see Rebecca continue the role she created.”

On a side note, ABC may be trying to backtrack on this whole thing, blaming the "reporting" of her leaving GH as being "overstated"--what a bunch of sheeze-wacky. They fired her, they saw it was a stupid move and canceled it. To say anything else is pretty laughable at this point. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

General Hospital Nice Day for a Soapy Wedding

     Uh.... anything new Carly?

I have given up on All My Children for now, I actually watched "You're Cut Off" on the DVR instead! hee!! That's a crazy ass show!! I did see Real Andrews (Taggert) was on AMC so I had to turn over for a minute. I still miss that boy on GH!! He played a Fed and was perfection!! 

OLTL was wonderfully soapy again today!! Loved Dorian's hat pin! Roxy was back in all her glory. Such a wonderfully soapy day on the show...ahhhhhhhhh. 
I am also thrilled to see that wardrobe actually put people in turtlenecks, the staple of North East/PA winter clothing.

Haley Pullos (Molly)  will be on HOUSE tonight !!! And since AmTam is on too, we have a whole GH reunion..sorta. lol

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Why WHY WHY didn't Jason call the wedding venue?? Even when he figured it out...he ran there. CELL PHONES! 

I really loved Lulu's look the best. If I were her age, I would totally wear it. TOTALLY.

Today was slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Waiting for the Carly/Brenda smack down took too long, LOL. Brenda said "Didn't you sleep with your mother's husband"!!?? Ah, nice one. Carly was priceless too. Just being Carly. Edward was right, he just doesn't know it yet! BOOM! BOOM! 
I loved when Carly walked in and everyone's face fell and they turned around fast! heh.
I was so mad Siobhan and Lookie were on today! WHY! WHY! zzzzzzzzzzz add to that Lisa and Johnny. ugh.

BEST LINE: "There's not enough scotch on the world to avoid this disaster..we might as well be on the Titanic" #GH Says Eddie Q 
'I told you not to wear your GOOD COAT IN THE CAVE"!!!  says the valet to The Balkan :dead: 


James Franco posted this fun photo you might like!! Laser Kitties-- too fun. I think he'd LOVE to have Alberta Lobster on set with him, don't you?? Just have to get her to him! Sorry, but he IS fun.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Burn Unit On Notice

Chad  Dulley, our "Michael Corinthos Jr" goofing off on Hollywood Blvd. Yesterday, he was twitpicing up a dang storm!! Too bad he didn't wear these to the wedding! LOL's the wedding been going for you?? I have so enjoyed the CLOTHES!! SQUEE! Love how Tracy, Olivia and Alexis are all in shades of blue. I also like the blossoms around the pavilion they look so spring like. It is all a bit choppy--I mean Carly knocked Max out and then did her hair, dress and makeup in 3.4 seconds. LOL. Like I said Thursday, there were a lot of things just thrown around in there last minute. Like the Spinelli "sequence" in black and white. I also can't figure out why Jason and Sam just wouldn't have told everyone at the wedding about Theo, especially since he had access to the whole thing, and had sent Shawn. SMH. I am suspending my disbelief to enjoy the ceremony Monday/Tues however...promise.  Or at least, keep my crabbing to a minimum. 
Why the "burn notice" title?? Well, because of the upcoming BOOM-EFFECTS, naturally!! BOOM! BOOM!  I think I  need to count up all the fires, booms, un-blown bombs and bullets used in Guza's tenure.  I bet it rivals a Miami Vice season. Heh. Sam's going to be found, Sonny is going to think it's Brenda. She's going to lose her hearing temporarily. Go check them Scoops. 
I have BIG SCOOPS up !! Brenda's going to be in A CAVE with the Balkan..A CAVE IN THE WOODS!! HOW Batman like@@@@!! 
By the way, Vanessa said NO Baby in that interview? Well, spoilers say that she realizes that Suzanne MAY have tampered with that outcome.  Ergo, still a possibility!

Of course the HUGE news this week was that Becky Herbst kept her job! That has to give some people cause for celebration. You know, it should give us ALL cause for celebrating because it means TPTB listened to the fans.  Whatever happens budget wise from now on, they'll have to carefully think before pulling a plug. I would love to see all the ABC casts trimmed down to the core people that really matter to the history of the show. Families are the essence of any soap, they need to remember that, imo. 

Best Scene this week: I have to go with Robin, Molly, Kristina and Brenda making the wedding favors. Very cute, very natural and I wish it had gone on longer!! KUDOS to Haley Pullos who I thought shined this week in her scenes. When she was hiding from the Balkan, hearing all that information, she played it perfectly!


Tyler Christopher's pilot, "The Lying Game" finally got picked up according to Daytime Confidential.  They weren't sure it was going to be picked up at all... so this is good news for him. Maybe this shall breathe some life into the boy? LOL...I would love to see Nikolas turn evil Cassadine for a time. Just sayin. Sure beats whatever he's doing with Brook  Lyn!

HUGE RUMORS rumbling about the net. Of course, now that Becky's staying there are a lot of stories being floated around. Rumors say Jake is still going to die by car-- and now there's word he may donate his liver to---Josslyn. @@ Okay--- I guess if they go this way it's a total "homage" to BJ/Maxie?? The second part that came in yesterday is that Joss may be SORA'd to 3-4 years old!! That is going to take some suspension of belief on our parts, eh??  

My Man James Franco is now tweeting: @JamesFranco -- which is thrilling and scary for my obsessed brain. I am so hoping he does an account for the Fronkey!!  How WILL I be on twitter and resist the urge to flood his mentions stream? hahahaaa. He'll show up in Port Charles on Friday and Monday...and of COURSE the Oscars this weekend. 

See you monday for wedding fun and frivolity! Hope you checked out the blog below with Brenda's Wedding Rejects! xxoo

Saturday, February 19, 2011

We Wub Brenda's Wedding Rejects!!

Exclusive: Only on the WUBS Network can you see the wedding items that Ms. B almost used for her big day. With so many people providing input, she had to pick and choose just what she'd wear and decorate with. In the interest of fairness, I thought you'd like to see what ALMOST happened.

This was the divine dress that Siobhan sent...she "taught it 'twer der loverly'...

Kate sent this off the Milan runway. The octopus "legs" can be pulled up to reveal machine guns which she knows are so often needed when marrying Sonny Corinthos.

Rejected Cake sent by Anthony Zacchara (made in the prison bakery)
Coleman thought this would be PERFECT...but alas, Brenda didn't have the chestaloons for it.

Molly found this DREAMY and loved the little animals too. She and Krissy would wear
the "Jasmine" and "Belle" bridesmaids dresses.

Jax wanted Brender to wear this number so she hopefully would never be able to remove it.
Diane had every intention of sending these shoes ....but kept them for herself.

Alas, Spinelli's great vision of matrimony could not be realized. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Today is the Sonny and Brenda Nuptual Day!

Today is the big day!! Who's ready!? It's also the day that Dante and Brenda fess up over the bambino that has been kept a secret for so long. Way to get your wedding adrenaline going! We know the vows are exchanged though and everything runs smoothly--for awhile. 

I'M SURE you all saw the post below about Becky staying on GH!! woot! Power to the People! LOL Guess we'll have a lot to talk about. I'm getting changes in my email--Gedstern's on the hunt. I'll write more this weekend for Sunday Surgery. 

So, post away. I will have the show on DVR--tell me thumbs up, down or zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. xxoo 

SID saying Becky Herbst is STAYING on GH... Fishy or Wishy?

Back in January I asked a simple question about the whole Rebecca Herbst firing... Brilliant PR move or just plain stupid? Hit the link and read the whole post. Like I said it was a WIN-WIN no matter what happened. 

If it WAS a PR stunt it worked perfectly-- the show got a TON of mail, phone calls and even a cover about it on SOW. NOW they look like the GOOD GUYS for saving Becky from leaving the show.
If it WASN'T a PR stunt, they still look like the GOOD GUYS for listening to the fans. 

I am so cynical. Heh.... and given the fact people suspected something was up from the get-go, you just gotta wonder.
Either way, CONGRATS to the Becky fans out there, you poured it out and it worked!! Maybe everyone on set reduced budgets across the board? We'll see.
Also, the story arc for Liz will have to be  changed, so spoilers are probably off. 

Check with Soaps In Depth today for full story. 
Update: 10:28am: @lldubs tweeted: I thinks its true Becky is staying! That's Laura Wright, who plays Carly. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

General Hospital Pre-Wedding Jitters!

Today's the day of preparations!! Loved Carole going "Rut-Ro" about Brenda's jitters. Heh. Loved Edward giving Brenda Lila's hankie!!

                                                              Fave scene yesterday!

I think Carly and TG look like they could be related!! Don't they?? 

Max/Milo...I love them, they are not on enough. Sonny tells them "She might even try to knock you out" referring to Carly. 

More Spin B&W shennanigans. Random. Carly went all over town today

Kristina was all flirty with Ethan--it's starting!! The chem test is starting. I LOVED MOLLY'S PURSE!! I want it.

Today's show was so mixed up-- people dressed for the wedding and others standing around like it's the day before. Alexis runs in to get files for "a meeting"--- it just made no sense. LOL I guess they just stuck stuff in there. I swear Molly already told  Shawn that Sonny was marrying "Brenda Barrett" LIKE JUST YESTERDAY--  it was so weird. Today was like they took a bunch of stuff, threw it in a bag and then taped.  

Guess what...bad news. I will not be here live blogging or tweeting tomorrow!! Can you believe it? Can't be helped! I will watch/tweet/blog when I get back though, later in the evening. I'll leave a comment post so you guys can dish and let me know how the wedding went!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mid-Week Soap Opera Burn Out....JUICER!

How you doing??! It so seems to me that the SnB wedding should have been this week. Not sure why, but it just does. I guess because many of us here in the NE have our winter break next week--when many will be on vacation. Maybe that's good, more people home. I know most of my friends are going away.

There ARE NO WORDS for this SID cover. None.:Dead: HALO. aahahahaaa

The interview I put up below says NO baby for Brenda..does that mean it's true? Hell, they are writing by the seat of their pants, so who knows. Remember when Scrubs said at an event that Theo was NOT the Balkan? Could be a red herring!! 
I also like this part of the interview about the wedding:

Did you have mixed feelings about her return, since you were also enjoying Sonny's romance with Claire?
Maurice Benard: If I'm having a great time, it's hard to drop the ball, but you go onto the next and now, I'm having a blast. The last couple of months, it's been on fire. At the wedding, Vanessa got to a place where she was shaking -- almost to the point where I thought she was having what I have all the time, a panic attack. It was real and deep. When somebody gives you that, what else can you say? 

GH TODAY: I do love Suzanne and Theo...something different for me to focus on. Not having Sonny crush Suzanne when he found out what she did was just not "real".  He throws stuff at people for NO reason let along sabotaging his wedding.
Smoosh names for Suzanne/Balkan I saw on twitter: SuzBalls  Boobkan BallzAnne. Suztho  HEH!
Why did the Balkan need Siobhan to spy for him if Suzanne knew everything?? Write much? we have two OYRISH accents out there or should I say "Accents" not what Megan is found. And that "Irish hay shed" looked like the Q's boathouse.

Nice Sonny and Robin scenes...and I saw Bob the Badger again!!  

Spin got SnB a juicer!! 

Luke and Lulu in Kelly's...I thought there would be a ton of customers and we'd get hilarity!! NO One was there? One cupcake box? Coffee? ugh..stupid. 

Krissy, Molly and Krissy doing the wedding favors were so cute!! I loved it... Loved Carly walking in..heh. Nice touch!!

OLTL today was fun...Tess and her BOOBS....hahhaaa.  She had so many fab one-liners today. Todd seeing Nate/Dani. And how did Natalie think no one would know that wasn't John's kid when it's a shrimp with a tiny nose?! 

A big thank you to all that GET my humor, btw--tweet with me without judgment and just make my afternoons fun.

New General Hosptial Scoops and VM Says "NO" Baby For Brenda!

In an interview with MSN, Vanessa explains there's no living baby on GH for her character, Brenda.

Is there any chance Brenda's baby could still show up in Port Charles?
Vanessa Marcil: Absolutely not. Brenda had a miscarriage. But, who knows moving forward. ... Brenda and Sonny could prove to be very fertile together.

Other highlights include cast takes on the filming of the wedding:

How do you keep stamina up and pass the time during multiday shoots like this wedding?
Kimberly McCullough: We don't get a lot of days like this anymore, where we're here all day together, so there's a lot of talking, gossiping, catching up and showing pictures of kids on iPhones. Everyone's tweeting, but it's still social hour. Talk and tweet!

Vanessa Marcil: Eat every two hours and make sure you work with Maurice. He's so talented scenes feel like music, and so smart and funny he keeps you wildly entertained in between scenes. I'm crazy about him.

Maurice Benard: It goes both ways. I watched her become a butterfly. When Sonny and Brenda were together before, she worked her butt off and I watched her become this great actress. For me, it's like a father and a daughter. I'm proud. She's incredible.

So, Mo thinks of Vanny "like a daughter"!! Interesting!! Hit the link to read the entire interview, it's a good one. 

NEW SPOILERS ARE UP today!!! Please hit a sponsor!! thanks

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

General Hospital Today: Short/Sweet

Just going to write a few observations:

Come on, you had to have seen that HUGE badger behind Sam in Sonny's office. Maybe Franco put it there for a Badger-Cam!! See Badger BOB up there?

Brenda annoyed the hell out of me today. I wanted to flood the pavilion. 

Lulu's coat had better be fake fur. PETA will be on her butt.

Siobhan/Lucky blocked at the "Irish alley/flat" for days and obviously Tony Geary was in The Metro for days.LOL

Sonny should have suspected Claire before Suzanne!! Just sayin' She confessed...LOL what a let down. I wish Suzanne would have pulled his ring out of her cleavage! And yes, Suzanne at the end was good,  although they sent out a MEDIA NET photo of her in his chair last week. LOL


  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...