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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Are They ON or OFF?

 I'm at the hair salon today!! BOO on me but that's the only appointment she had! Here is something for you to ponder. Today's show will be yesterday's show that was supposed to air. Let me know if I should watch!! 

I see Robert Scorpio FINALLY returned to GH. What about so many other characters seemingly left in the dust? We know that Felix and Amy get trotted out around Nurses' Ball Week. What about some others?

Aunt Stella: Last I knew she was back to GH, had a mini-stroke on the show, forgot she didn't mail the divorce papers and........annnnnnnnnnnnnndddddd? What. She wasn't even there to say goodbye to Jordan. Weird. She also had that DNA storyline --remember that??! 

Kristina Davis? Um..okay so she was on for a day, did a great job and got the manager's job at Charlie's. Then..? Knock, knock . HELLO!! She's your only bi character AND from a legacy family. 

Molly Davis--ditto. She pops up here and there. TJ seems to be on a bit more but with Jordan gone, who knows. You'd think that a 'domestic partnership' between two late 20 somethings with demanding careers would be worth their own story? 

Greg and Jackie Chase-- Um, where are they? When Son No 2 was in the hospital they were there on and off (mostly off) and then never seen again. Not even really mentioned either!! POOF!! 

Martin Gray. Just when I was loving his character he goes off with Laura to "hide" from Cyrus. I know Genie is on vacation but could you at least show him on the phone? Maybe throwing in with Scotty and Austin? Anything?? 

Mac Scorpio-- No idea. He's now got Jordan's job. Will this mean he's on the show more? :shurg: I sure hope so. We know Felicia is rarely on but not being on with all the baby stuff happening? Weird. 

Phyllis: Ok, believe it or not, it's only been ONE day since Sonny came back to town according to soap-time. BUT.. not a mention of Phyllis who is having to deal with her entire life gone. I wonder if she will end up coming to PC or not. 

Taggert:  Welp. We know he had a stand-in at least 2 times before. I'm not sure about RA health but you'd think that maybe the same replacement was needed to say goodbye to Jordan and to bond more with Trina? If what Portia told Jordan is true and he's NOT her father, um, we need some reason to care. 

Spinelli: He was there for the wedding yes, but Jason has called him several times to help with situations and--? 

All the kids under a certain age. Yes, it's COVID time. But the glaring missing of Jake at the wedding was a biggie. No children present but he doesn't even talk to him about it? The actress playing little Charlotte was in a bad bike accident and broke both arms (ouch) so I get that. Could have a temp fill in to show her getting bonded to little Bailey. Would help in the time of having to 'let her go'. 

Lucas Jones. Um.. where did you go? I know some of us heard Austin say he was taking Lucas' job because he was 'moving'. Moving where? To another position at GH? Mercy? Across the country?? 

On a side note, it wouldn't be a bad time for Lucky to show back up. Lulu and Lucky, huge legacy characters are just gone. Liz could be getting into angst with him again. 

Speaking of, we know Hayden is 'gone' but she's mentioned all the time and-- ? Is she coming back? 

Sasha --HUGELY pregnant the last time we saw her and couldn't make it to the wedding because she's on bedrest.  Maybe the baby should have been born before she left? When will she be back?? Why not have her have the baby then take the break?  You know Brando and Gladys will be MIA until she's back. Which is OKAY by me. 

And YES I complain about GH's giant cast. I just don't understand bringing on characters like Greg and Jackie then having them evaporate. Nope. Don't get it. Plus, there are plenty of others that could go-go. 


  1. They are all off. All except the Three Stooges and Peter. Boo

  2. We got the episode that was supposed to be on yesterday. It just finished and I won't say anything else till others have seen it.

  3. My show from today didn't record :( It's yesterday. Boo

    1. Shoot I was going to post a reminder and I FORGOT!!! dumb dumb dumb.
      If you have a series on auto-record for new eps and something like yesterday happens, and they play a repeat, then today's won't auto-record as the date makes it a repeat. I always recheck my machine after a mixup and just put them on regular record to the week. If we get another repeat it's easier to erase it than to find the new show I missed.

    2. Mine didn't record either, which is strange!

    3. Read my post above you.

  4. Robert is the smart one about Anna. That's all I'll say

    1. I knew it wouldn't take long for Robert to figure things out. Too bad they can't stop Peter. That's the writers fault.

    2. No it's the Peter protector in charge who are at fault. They'd fire the writers before they'd get rid of Peter.

    3. Yup, You are exactly right Di and it is destroying the show and all of our favorite characters in favor of WR and Peter and company

    4. I knew Robert would figure out REALLY quickly about Anna and Val. He knows Anna so well. "How far has it gone?". "You've gotten soft on him".

  5. We KNEW VICTOR was Val's father.

  6. oh and by the way I still think Drew is faking it.

  7. I am not so sure that Victor is Val's father. IDK, seems too convenient. But, who knows. The funny thing is that Constance Towers is almost 90 years old and Charles Shaunnessy/ Victor is 66. Huge age difference. lol She must have had sex with Victor when he was like 10 years old. lol

    1. "lindie says, She must have had sex with Victor when he was like 10 years old. lol"

      HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead! DEAD! You won!!!

    2. Helena liked men. She was never into children and young boys. Charles is 5 years older than what Valentine is supposed to be, 13 years since they hired James PS and aged his character down. He could be his brother maybe. or Victor is playing Valentine.

  8. Sadly almost all the missing characters are ones I enjoy. I have always liked Lexie and I know she has great potential. We know from the Mike story how strong Stella's portrayer is too

  9. I hope Phyllis comes to Port Chuckles!!!

    Monoco street: Yes another spin off. :)

    Dante and Sam: Well look at what we have here! Dante telling Sam how he feels and that he wants to go on a date!!! Dante should teach Finchy. :) Sam's bread has been covered.. I repeat! Sam's bread has been covered!!!! Sam feels the same way Dante does! Dante's eyes bug out. Sante do kiss. :) Glad they didn't make the wuv, cus that would have been too fast. They haven't even gone on a first date yet!

    Cryton clark: Or where ever the hell hey are! ROFL!

    Robert and Anna: Robert does NOT like V.C.! ROFL! Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: How far has it gone between you two? Oh bloody hell. You ARE soft on him!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Robert I love you. :) Welcome back!

    Robert, Anna, and lookalike hot Caaaaaaaaarlos: Well, he does look like Caaaaaaaaarlos! :) Anna knew that hot lookalike Carlos was lying! Robert sees the tattoo!!! Oh oh a gunman!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gunman: He is running!!!! OH HE IS DREW! OH CRAP ON A STICK. HE WASN'T FAKING!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh he got shot. Well, I'm glad he didn't bug his eyes out. :)

    V.C. and Victor:

    BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS! Victor is V.C.'s papa! I repeat.. Victor is V.C.'s papa.. That's what Victor said. Now if it's true or a lie, that is another story.

    Port Chuckles:

    Central Perk:

    Brooky and Chase: BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS!!!! THEY ARE EATING!! I REPEAT THEY ARE EATING!!! Oh and Chase gave Brooky good advice about Pawtucket Holtster.

    The hospital:

    Maxie and Dr. Pawtucket Holtser: Pawtucket Holtser thinking Maxie and Brooky are besties.. Wait? Are they?!?!!

    BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! Maxie and Brooky ARE best friends afterall! :) Oh and Maxie brings up BJ's death. :(

    Chase and Maxie: Hmmm can they be friends too?

    Brooky and Pawtucket Holtster: Well, she is calm and listening to him.. That's progress. :)

    Throwback Thursday:

    *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1992* Faison takes Anna hostage* This is the recast Anna. I looked it up. She was there for a month. Then Finola came back. Glad she did.


    Sidenote: There might be a strike.

    1. Your breaking news had me giggling, lol!
      Robert is the man, and yes he wins line of the day. I'm so glad he's back!
      Seriously? Victor is Val's daddy? Not sure how I feel about that little tidbit.
      Don't know if I can handle Drew being PLP's minion. We've been down this road before and I didn't like it the first time. :(

    2. "Julie H says, Your breaking news had me giggling, lol!"

      Hahahaha oh good. :)

      "Robert is the man, and yes he wins line of the day. I'm so glad he's back!"

      He IS the man!!!! I'm so glad he is back too, and I hope he stays!

      "Seriously? Victor is Val's daddy? Not sure how I feel about that little tidbit."

      Well, it IS breaking news. ROFL! :)

      "Don't know if I can handle Drew being PLP's minion. We've been down this road before and I didn't like it the first time. :("

      Yeah UGH! I just want Hiney gone UGH!

  10. Most of those 'missing' characters would be great to see in a story line.
    Only good thing is still Robert. Anna looks fabulous but still acts too ditsy.
    I'm just not feeling any of this right now.

    1. I love that Robert's back. We need more of him. And Anna needs to be written stronger.

  11. Has anyone else noticed that since Britt was diagnosed with the marker for Huntingtons she no longer has any symptoms.

    1. Yes. I did.Another reason why I'm hoping she doesn't have it. They won't write it properly and have continuity.

  12. Not kidding - I need help - I just don't think KM can act - any Sam people please show me what I am she mumbled even with Dante and just nothing.....and go, show and help me......

    1. I FF'd through all their scenes as I can't stand them together.

    2. I say ever since Billy Miller left any fire or passion she had for this show left too. The low-tone mumbling is just awful. The audio guys must go nuts

    3. That's true. What I don't understand is why they put up with her phoning it in for years after that. They shouldn't have renewed her contract. Make her recurring and she'll either shape up or move on.

  13. Ok anyone not ff...please help me, who the Hell was the shooter cause uh...that looked like CM and he's playing Drew yes? So wth is he shooting at Anna and Robert? So confused.....I need a nap 😂

    1. It was Drew who was the shooter. A day or 2 ago, PLP showed him a "tower" tarot card and it "activated" Drew to be a soldier minion and obey PLP. That mind mapping-weird-crap again. Sigh.....

    2. I'm holding out hope that he's faking it and missed them on purpose so he'd get more freedom and escape.

    3. Di, yep, he HAS to be faking it - I refuse to believe anything else.

    4. Oh!!! Ok that's what y'all were talking about! Ok...I must have missed that part where he was programming him. Thanks!

  14. I enjoyed Thursday's episode. It reminded me of 1980s "GH," with a lot of action, Cassadines and spy shenanigans. Seeing Robert in action with Anna was great, aswell as him questioning her judgment.

    I think it makes a lot of sense that Valentin is really Victor's son. Also, the repercussions could open a lot of storylines in the future. I could see Victor and Valentin challenging Nikolas and Spencer for who controls the family, for starters.

    1. Yes, if Victor isn't a felon on the run he could go claim the estate, Valentine would be a Cassadine again and heir to the estate after Victor. Great fun. But Victor may not have been in line for the estate as it was left to a son.

    2. I like Charles S as Victor. I just hope he truly doesn't know about Bailey/Louise cause that would be too creepy that he knows everything.....although I DO think the writers will change and have Britt NOT with Huntington's and he bribed the doctor?

    3. Ooo, I hadn’t thought of that. I think you’re right!


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...