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Monday, January 20, 2014

MLK Day: In the Name of Love

One of my favorite song tributes to the late, great man!! 

But I have to show you this graphic of me...not giving a damn about the Robin/Sabby/Babby/Paddy sheeze anymore.  Whatever.. . *sigh* ... Just tell me when it's over, m..kay?

I MADE THIS FOR YOU!! Hit the last's a flip o gram!! 


Today's show:

Luke sees Heather, Luke gets gun from Heather..henchmen knock him out. Sigh. Time for a TG vacation

Sexis was on doing some legal work, they were adorable

Robin and Patrick run into Sabby

Franco wants Starr to hide Todd 

Julian tells Lucas Julian is alive (it was weird, trust me) ...Lucas says "I'm Lucas Jones, your son"... 

Tracy and Monica were on too. 

the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT..WHO IS CHIEF OF STAFF??  DID My Dream come true?? YOU KNOW IT DID!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S my Dr. O!!! 


  1. Dr. O as Chief of staff? Please Ron and Frank are turning this show into a cartoon. Is Heather going to be Mayor next? Franco the police commissioner?

  2. I expect that any day now we will hear General Hospital is moving from ABC to the looney tunes channel.

    Vets are ignored or given insultingly dumb storylines (pickle lila, hunting vampires, trapping racoons).

    Legacy characters (Liz, Robin, Sam, etc ) are used to prop up boring, flat newbies (Sabrina, McBain).

    Soon we will have only OLTL imposters or cartoons (Dr.O, Heather, Felix) or stunt casting. Perhaps next they could guest star Willy Wonka or Bugs Bunny or Snooki.

    For a writer and producer who said they would respect GH's history they are proving themselves to be "less then honest".

    Ratings are high now but fans seem to be quickly getting tired of the cheese, dropped and choppy storylines, and bloated cast that is now GH.

  3. I expect that any day now we will hear General Hospital is moving from ABC to the looney tunes channel.

    Vets are ignored or given insultingly dumb storylines (pickle lila, hunting vampires, trapping racoons).

    Legacy characters (Liz, Robin, Sam, etc ) are used to prop up boring, flat newbies (Sabrina, McBain).

    Soon we will have only OLTL imposters or cartoons (Dr.O, Heather, Felix) or stunt casting. Perhaps next they could guest star Willy Wonka or Bugs Bunny or Snooki.

    For a writer and producer who said they would respect GH's history they are proving themselves to be "less then honest".

    Ratings are high now but fans seem to be quickly getting tired of the cheese, dropped and choppy storylines, and bloated cast that is now GH.

  4. Isn't Dr. O wanted for aiding and abetting in the kidnapping of Robin Scorpio? Is GH in the practice of employing an wanted felon as chief of staff? Isn't kidnapping a felony? I guess since this is a soap, realism isn't important. That or we as viewers aren't suppose to be that smart. Also, if KM is leaving again, why did they even bother bringing her character back? The entire storyline is and was ridiculous.

  5. Monica was fired a COS for something her son was accused of doing but Dr.O held a doctor (Robin) hostage and at least two board members (Nicholas and Tracy) know this but Dr.O can be COS and Monica can't.
    Cartini needs to stop insulting us. I will be tuning out of GH for a while.
    I hope the rating drop. Not enough for the show to be cancellled but enough to get Carttini to lose their arrogant, lets stick it to the viewers attitude.
    Signing out till things change...

  6. This could be the ultimate jumping the shark moment on GH. Beside being a psychotic criminal, she isn't licensed to practice medicine in the US. There is something seriously wrong when audience pulling for the villains. Good God, Lesley would be more qualified for COS role.

  7. I also feel that GH has jumped the shark with that appointment.

    And don't get me started on how Liz's new storyline is once again she has overheard a secret. I definitely feel a writing award coming on for that unique plot twist!

  8. I love Dr. O, but this is a stunt pure and simple. Disappointed as they could have found better things to do with her character.

  9. Dr. O as Chief of Staff is like Helena Cassadine as Chief of Police. ;)

    Felix is getting on my last nerve. I guess Brad didn't get through to him at all about minding his own beeswax.

    The whole Britt/Silas thing was completely out of left field. Since when do they even know each other? I thought she was on maternity leave by the time he started working there.

  10. i agree that GH jumped the shark today

  11. Sonny's home: Sonny and Alexis scene! YAY! Alexis and her cleavage visit Sonny. :) Alexis wins the line of the day!

    Alexis: Out of all three completely unsuitable men that got me pregnant, I would have to say, you're not the worst.

    ROFL! I so love their scenes. :)

    Michael and Starki's home: Oh Starki and McSilas bond! :) I love Starki's sweater! I want it!!!!!! Starki talks about how it's Michael's place?!!? Huh?! Starki I thought you moved in?!!? Oh oh Mikey shows up while BobTodd is hiding in the closet!!!! Starki looking at the closet and Mikey notices! OH OH!

    Q home: Tracy is so antsy about the raccoon hahahaha! Love the Tracy and Monica scene!

    Q boathouse: OH LUKE GRABBED THE GUN YESSSS! :) Woah! Heather has got a couple of minions!!!!!!! Poor Luke!!!!!

    The hospital: Sabrina and Felix zzzzzz. Sabrina, Felix, Patrick, and Robin zzzzzzzzzzzz. The meeting for the chief of staff! Interesting! Dr O chief of staff?!!?! Okay that is interesting for now. :) But I want Monica to be chief of staff in the end. Dr O looking all sophisticated ROFL! Oh oh Liz over heard Sabrina and Felix talk about who the father of her baby is!!!

    Kelly's: When I first saw Sam the other day wearing that white sweater, I thought it was Robin's sweater at first. :) OH OH OH LUCAS MEETS HIS DAD!!!! They really look alike. :)

    "Karen says Franco wants Starr to hide Todd"

    ROFL! Was that an accident or did you mean to say it that way? :)

  12. Maybe Dr O had sex with one of the board members and that is how she got the job. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Dr O is the new chief of staff at General Hospital no way but it might work if the actress is playing a different character.

  15. Yes, Andrea, ITA, how ridiculous!

    And now Robin, AJ AND Robert leaving? I am truly depressed.

    And Robin falling for someone else? How can that happen in so short a time period? Not only are they putting a knife in my heart, but they are twisting it . . .

    And I'm STILL waiting for Lucy's spa, and some word from/about Laura . . .


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...