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During the latter half of the 19th century, the town of Gaza in southern Palestine’s coast was integrated into the global system of maritime trade. The town exported large quantities of the northern Negev barley, a commodity of specified... more
Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor's bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has lasted over a century and has caused massive bloodshed and suffering and death. The following paper examines the subject of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, which has largely become one of the most... more
Twitter is a social news service in which information is selected and distributed by individual members of the tweet audience. While communication literature has studied traditional news media and the propagation of information, to our... more
عرض كتاب (العلاقات البحرينية الفلسطينية) لمؤلفه المؤرخ البحريني راشد الجاسم. "باللغة العربية" (كتب هذا العرض: د. علي فيصل الصديقي) The book (Bahraini-Palestinian Relations) was presented to its author, Bahraini historian Rashid... more
GİRİŞ Batı Şeria ve Gazze Şeridi 1967 yılında İsrail işgal devleri tarafından işgal edilmiştir. İşgal edilmiş bu topraklarda önceden beri süre gelen bir hukuk sistemi ve yönetim mevcut olmasına rağmen işgalin ardından tüm yönetim yapısı... more
Editörden… El Kuddüs olan Rabbimize hamd Fahr-ı alem efendimize salat ile.. Deneme sayımıza gösterdiğiniz yoğun teveccühten aldığımız güç ve cesaret ile birinci sayımızı arz ediyoruz. Uzun ara ile çıkıyor olmanın en talihsiz tarafı,... more
This was the first-ever article to describe and analyze the possibility of a One-State Solution for Palestine/Israel from a Mizrahi positionality both in the Hebrew original and the English translation. Its composition -- like all of... more
Nine kilometers north of Ramallah the first-ever planned Palestinian city is being built. The seemingly intractable conflict between Arab Palestinians and Israelis make Rawabi a complex issue. Some individuals do not want it to succeed,... more
Neve Gordon lauds Norman Finkelstein's forensic examination of the Palestinian territory and its 2 million inhabitants
Open-air prison, Terror, Resistance, Occupation, Siege, Trauma, Bare humanity: irrespective of when, where, and to whom the word is uttered, Gaza immediately evokes an abundance of metaphors. Similarly, a plethora of metaphors also invoke... more
With nationalism then moving across Europe, some Zionist Jews believed that religious and racial ties among Jews were necessary to establish a Jewish “nationality” and bequeathed the so-called “Jewish nation state” with national rights... more
This study analyzes the political reasons that allowed the Islamic State to expand successfully in Syria and Iraq, by enabling to ‘franchise’ worldwide, and the role of the regional governments in this issue. The essay provides a... more
The JVC Palestine Portfolio is an incredibly powerful, heartfelt, heart-wrenching, life-affirming and hopeful polyphony of reminiscences, art works, graphic designs, scholarly texts, critical writings, briefings, visual activism,... more
Little research has been devoted to date to the work and social background of the arzuhalcis, the professional letter and petition writers in the Ottoman Empire, even though they were part of the Ottoman urban landscape of the 19 th... more
What is the relationship between Mizraḥi feminism and Israeli ultra-nationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to Operation Protective Edge (the 2014 Gaza War) and Israel’s foreign policy? Mizraḥi protests dissipate and... more
My complaint to the Jewish Chronicle now with IPSO. It gives a simplified version of my long argument in MuralGaga, namely, that MuralGate was not a "last straw" to which exasperated Jews said "enough is enough" but a calculated plan to... more
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
This chapter explores the values and goals of English language education in the context of the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip, in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, has been subject to siege for over ten years, with significant... more
The Gaza Strip may be the world’s most relentless conflict zone. After decades of destruction and resistance, it is hard to imagine a different reality. But before the Gaza Strip, there was Gaza—a gateway city within an eponymous region... more
Gaza emerged from the Crusading and Ayyubid periods as a small town of minor importance, particularly run down by incessant military activity in the area in the middle decades of the thirteenth century. Under the Mamluk Sultans from 1260... more
Refugees confront fear, distress, devastating despair, and sometimes misleading optimism because of their vulnerability. However, all refugees are entitled to return to the homelands from which they have fled because of persecution or... more
This essay provides a range of ideas and links for introducing students and teachers to the challenge of including the Israel/Palestine conflict, its roots and realities, in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom: within... more
This study aims to investigate the role of freelancing in job creation in Gaza strip. The study examined the freelancer through dividing it into its sub-parts which are: technology, skills, contacts, awareness of job availability and... more
During the late Ottoman period the city of Gaza was caught up in internal political strife. The city's elite families tended to operate within rival factions while trying to draw Istanbul into its internal conflicts. In this context, they... more
This article compares the evacuations of the two port cities of Gaza and Jaffa in southern and central Palestine, respectively, by their civilian population on the orders of Cemal Pasha, the Ottoman commander of the Syrian front, during... more
Was Ishmael a highly intelligent Arab scholar of all the Arab wisdom? According to the Torah, YES. Gone are the disparaging remarks of the Bible Version narratives when the texts are investigated. The painful facts are that the Shomron... more
This article examines petitions sent to Istanbul at the end of the nineteenth century by Bedouin groups from the kazas (subdistricts) of Jaffa and Gaza, on Palestine’s central and southern coast. The Bedouins’ use of the petition process... more
This paper was originally presented at a conference on "The History of , 1099-1250: Conflict and Co-Existence," held at the University of St. Andrews in April 2016. For more on this volume, see:... more
İsrail’in 1948 yılında Filistin topraklarını işgal etmesi sonrası Filistin edebiyatında “işgal” ve “direniş” konulu yüzlerce roman yazılmıştır. İşgalin Filistin halkına maddi ve manevi maliyetlerini konu alan bu romanların önemli bir... more
We assert that almostness simultaneously indexes a condition or thing and its partial lack of that very condition or thing. On that basis, we propose that a non-binary state of Almost Peace/Almost War has become the fluctuating norm in... more
Während das Coronavirus um die Welt geht, Leben bedroht und kostet, wird diese Situation von radikalen Predigern für ideologische Zwecke ausgenutzt: Das Virus wird zum „Soldat Allahs“ erklärt. Gleichzeitig sieht der IS darin seine Chance.
Ruins typically mark the endpoint of historical stories, regarded as objects worthy of attention only for the bygone times they represent. But what might a history reveal if it took ruins as its departure point? How would a history of... more
As in every kinetic military campaign against Hamas and its allies in the Gaza Strip, the cognitive aspect was embedded from the very beginning of Operation Guardian of the Walls, and its importance increased as the campaign progressed.... more
Fikir namusunu koruyabilmiş, ehl-i vicdan bir ses demiştim Norman Finkelstein hakkında yazarken. 30 yılını Filistin davasına adamış, adalet için fırtınayı tek başına göğüsleyebilmiş bu zatı dilim döndüğünce anlatmaya çalışmış ve yazımızın... more
Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians in the West Bank both protested in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza during the 2014 war. They did so with what Charles Tilly would regard as distinct repertoires of contention, though... more
Versión en castellano del artículo de Salman Abu Sitta "Return? to Gaza", sobre su viaje a la Franja de Gaza, en noviembre de 2021, después de cincuenta años de ausencia forzada.
Canadians United Against Hate -- An open letter to MPs and Senators who signed the May 20, 2021 letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about the recent violence in Israel and occupied Palestine. / Canadiens Unis Contre la Haine -- Une... more