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This study examines spoken Arabic language in Harran with examples. It aims to find out the features of this language of this region and the proverbs used by people. The research has indicated that as in other Arabic dialects in Harran,... more
This paper examines the chronological implications for the prolonged use of matchlock muskets by Bedouin during the Ottoman period (1453-1918). Although the technology behind the matchlock ignition system is from the fifteenth century,... more
Thirty-five Bedouin-Arab villages in South Israel are regarded illegal settlements by the state. Consequently, the residents’ homes are subject to demolition. Based on 12 semi-structured multiple-participant interviews, this paper... more
Review by Angela Sutton-Vane, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter; appeared in JOURNAL OF ARABIAN STUDIES; Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea, Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2011 Bedouin Weaving was published by Arabian... more
RD HOBBS reviews "Talking Hands" by Margalit Fox. Fox, M. (2007). Talking hands; What Sign Language Reveals About the Mind. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. A team of researchers descend on a village in southern Israel where a Bedouin... more
After centuries of being a proud, socially bound, nomadic group, the Bedouins are becoming the victims of their own asabiyah. While the Bedouin remain nomadic desert tribes with a centuries old code of behavior involving intermarriage... more
"Islamization of Bedouin judiciary among the tribes of Awlad Aly in Matrouh, Egypt. سعت الحرآة الإسلامية خلال العقدين الماضيين إلى إحداث تغيرات اجتماعية في المجتمع البدوي بصفة عامة.يأتي ذلك في إطار الرغبة نحو تأسيس مجتمع إسلامي جديد،... more
Anyone who has ever watched a movie set in the deserts of the Middle East has probably seen the exotic, but familiar representation of the area’s nomads. These nomads, known as Bedouins, are almost always shown in traditional dress and... more
What Fernand Braudel once said of the Mediterranean sea can be said of the Sahara desert: drawing up boundaries is a difficult task. However, some geographers attempted to do so, and their endeavors were part of what may be termed the... more
The Bedouin of the Middle East have been one of the region's most marginalized groups in modern times. This study assesses the interplay between state policies and the Bedouin in the last 150 years, from a comparative standpoint. We... more
With the establishment of Israel in 1948, military government was imposed on regions inhabited by the Palestinian-Arab majority, including the Palestinian Arab-Bedouin tribes of the Naqab (Negev). The justification was that the Arab... more
This article examines Ottoman imperial and provincial relationships with Bedouin tribes living along the Hijaz Telegraph Line route. Using the construction of the Hijaz Telegraph Line as a case study, it demonstrates how anti-Bedouin... more
During the late Ottoman and British Mandatory periods the cultural and environmental landscape of Palestine changed dramatically. This was reflected in both urban development and rural settlement patterns. In the last decades of Ottoman... more
The Egyptian frontier has been a source of challenge to Ottoman sovereignty since Napoleon's campaign, followed by the campaign of Mehmet Ali in Ottoman Syria, and the opening of the Suez Canal which attracted various European powers'... more
This article examines petitions sent to Istanbul at the end of the nineteenth century by Bedouin groups from the kazas (subdistricts) of Jaffa and Gaza, on Palestine’s central and southern coast. The Bedouins’ use of the petition process... more
The Bedouin of the Negev in southern Israel constitute an indigenous Arab- Muslim ethnic minority within the State of Israel, which carries many of the characteristics of a settler society. In recent history, many of the once semi-nomadic... more
Entre los numerosos mitos y leyendas griegas, existen figuras que, ya en la propia antigüedad, alcanzaron gran importancia. Nos referimos al mito de las amazonas, cuya existencia podemos retrotraer hasta el siglo VIII a.C. o incluso... more
The struggle between Zionists and Palestinian Bedouin over land in the Negev/Naqab has lasted at least a century. Notwithstanding the state’s continuing efforts to concentrate the Bedouin population within a small swath of land, scholars... more
This article addresses the orchestration of domestic lighting as an object of anthropological study. It takes Bedouin domestic architecture in southern Jordan as a starting point in an analysis of how light is used as means of... more
Since 2010 the Brown University Petra Archaeological Project (BUPAP) has been conducting a diachronic regional survey of the landscape north of Petra. In 2013 the authors conducted ethnographic interviews with members of the local... more
The chapter explores travellers' descriptions pf desert dwellers around Saint Anthony's Monastery, Eastern desert of Egypt in order to identify the multiple relationships between nomads and monks; It explores the imagined desolate deserts... more
This article explores the techniques and strategies used by Ottoman authorities to control the Bedouin with a specific focus on the province of Hijaz between 1840 and 1908. Using primary sources from the Ottoman and British archives, it... more
In this chapter, I analyze the cross-border exchanges that have been occurring over the last fifty years between the Bedouin in the Negev and their kin and network members who became refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, and Jordan after 1948.... more
Cet article de recherche correspond à une enquête de terrain en vue d’analyser la place de la population bédouine du Néguev dans la société israélienne. Cette étude, première étape d’un projet de doctorat, introduit des éléments de... more
Traduction de l'article "Südalgerische Studien" de l'arabisant G. Kampffmeyer paru en 1905 dans la revue Mitteilungen d. Seminars f. Oriental. Sprachen.
The papers collected here are the precipitation of a seminar which was held at the Albright institute, Jerusalem, on June 3rd, 2004, bringing together a group of ethnographic and archaeological researchers working in Israel and Jordan.... more
Remote Sensing, archaeological surveying, mapping and GIS studies of Jebel Bishri in central Syria by the Finnish project SYGIS in 1999-2011.
Kenneth Lönnqvist is the second author and other editor of the Volume.