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The acts of war and violence are increasingly prevalent in contemporary society. Within the last decade, the use of weapons has become more efficient and powerful resulting in devastation and loss of human life. Globally, people in... more
The latest publication of Strategic Studies appears in the series Changing Perspectives on Human Rights. The volume Can human rights bring social justice focuses on conceptual and strategic differences and similarities between social... more
La presente publicación es la excitante bitácora de doce años de viaje argonauta. El pensamiento crítico e histórico más contemporáneo dialoga desde las humanidades y las ciencias sociales con el Diseño Gráfico, el arte, la historia, la... more
Solidarität und Menschenrechte: Amnesty International, die Westdeutsche Linke und die argentinische Militärjunta, 1975–1983 [English title: Solidarity and Human Rights: Amnesty International, the West German Left and the Argentinean... more
On behalf of the Amnesty International's School Outreach Network Team, this presentation was delivered to Year 9 students from Mount Lawley Senior High School in 2014. This workshop outlines the fundamentals of human rights and advocates... more
Neve Gordon lauds Norman Finkelstein's forensic examination of the Palestinian territory and its 2 million inhabitants
Ky shkrim bëhet si reagim ndaj pretendimeve të pabaza dhe të papërgjegjshme të Milaim Zekës se unë, siç shprehet publikisht ai, e paskam kapur gazetën " Kosova Sot. " Reagimi bëhet publikisht edhe për gazetën që ta kuptoj opinioni se si e... more
In the run-up to the 1978 World Cup, the West German section of Amnesty International launched a campaign called ‘Yes to Football, No to Torture!’ which sought to raise awareness of human rights violations in Argentina by taking advantage... more
2011 yılında Suriye Arap Cumhuriyeti’nde ortaya çıkan iç savaşa bağlı olarak kitleler halinde sınır ülkelere doğru bir göç akımı başlamış ve bu göçlerin artması ile mülteci krizi patlak vermiştir. Aynı yıl Türkiye’ye sınır illerden... more
Five theoretical postulates on the relationship between the practice of torture and: 1) representation; 2) voice; 3) narrative; 4) sexual difference; 5) truth.
On the night of 2 March 1962, twenty-two people attended a meeting at the Owen Dixon Chambers on Melbourne's William Street that established Australia's first 'section' of what is now the world's best-known human rights organisation:... more
This research assesses the extent to which Canadian economic and political self-interest can be seen to have motivated the complicity of successive Canadian governments in the East Timor near-genocide perpetrated by the government of... more
Amnesty International estimated in 1977 that between 600,000 and 750,000 Indonesians had been or were still imprisoned as a result of the Army-led anti-communist violence in Indonesia in the mid-1960s. This article charts the relationship... more
This genealogy of the “right to truth” explores the ambivalence of this new concept in international legal discourse. It argues that although various distinct mobilizations have coalesced around the idea of a “right to truth” as a... more
It is one thing to consider what human rights have been and another to inquire into what they could be. In this essay, I present a history of human rights vis-à-vis decolonization. I follow the scholarship of Samuel Moyn to suggest that... more
On April, 17 th 2019 the EU parliament decided to expand the resources of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, the so called Frontex, up to 10.000 permanent corps until 2027. Together with this increase in human resources, they... more
Amnistía Internacional (AI) ha pasado de limitarse a defender a ciertas personas de la violencia a proponer nuevas leyes que ayudan a defender de la violencia a unas personas pero implican solicitar violencia (legal) para otras. AI a... more
A common complaint about pacifism says that it is utopian, in a pejorative sense. The worry can take various forms and directions, but when it is couched in terms of Just War theory it usually includes accusations of pacifism’s... more
Why does the media and Amnesty International focus more on some issues than others? Policy relevance is a big factor.
La capacidad de discriminación y la discriminación son hechos universales en la biosfera, tanto a lo largo y ancho de la diversidad de especies y de la superficie del planeta como a lo largo de la evolución y la historia humana. Sin... more
In the early 1980s, when Amnesty International began addressing new human rights violations in El Salvador, the organization naturally turned to the issue of US arms to the Salvadoran junta. Like other human rights NGOs, AI maintained... more
En este ensayo presento un caso de justificación engañosa de violencia (legal), por medio de la justificación engañosa de un artículo de una ley, por el Tribunal Constitucional español. También informo de la sorprendente conducta de AI... more
Will the amnesty not amount to injustice on the side of those whose loves ones have been killed and whose lives have been wrecked by the insurgency? In war there are casualties and it is the job of government to ensure that appropriate... more
El artículo 27 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y muchos otros pactos y normas internacionales, consagran el derecho de todos los seres humanos a gozar de los beneficios del progreso científico
A series of articles have appeared recently in several media outlets about the lack of representation from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) in the Indian Institutes of Management. This is surely not an isolated occurrence... more
Includes essay by Esther Duflo, who won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics! -Essays by major names in Rousseau studies: Christie McDonald, Chris Kelly, Philip Stewart, Serge Margel -Essays by rising stars--Andrew Billing, Fayçal... more
The incarceration of leftists in Indonesia under the army-dominated Suharto regime from 1965 to the late 1990s led to advocacy campaigns on their behalf by Amnesty International and the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Campaigns... more
Since December 2007, seven resolutions in favour of a universal moratorium on death penalty executions have been adopted by the UN General Assembly. In an earlier paper (Pascoe and Bae 2020) we examined UN member states' voting patterns... more
The archive of Amnesty International Italia. The opening in occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Association
The experience of war and violence have often resulted in various cascade of negative life events including loss of loved ones, displacement, lack of educational structure, and drastic changes in daily routine and community values.... more
Come sostiene il poeta ceco Vaclav Havel "il rispetto per i diritti umani è la condizione fondamentale e la sola, genuina garanzia della vera pace". Questo legame storicamente discontinuo verrà qui indagato a partire dal secondo... more
“La revolución de los derechos humanos” o “la última utopía” son algunos de los términos con los que la historiografía reciente se ha referido al boom de los derechos humanos que se produjo en los años setenta. Tal boom estuvo vinculado a... more