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Hagar and Ishmael Discrepancies in the Bible Versions

Was Ishmael a highly intelligent Arab scholar of all the Arab wisdom? According to the Torah, YES. Gone are the disparaging remarks of the Bible Version narratives when the texts are investigated. The painful facts are that the Shomron Text of Torah has a different narrative than the Masoretic Text that Bible Versions promote. Investigating the text reveals a cloth sheet for pious reverence (a cloth Torah!) where patriarch Abraham has taught his family the path of faith. The Black Stone from Adam was in the hands of patriarch Abraham and this segment describes that famous Al Hajr AlAswad! Clues for unraveling the wicked deeds of the Roman Ecclesiastical Versions reveals the present truth. The escalating conflict in Gaza in this authors opinion is due to the misreadings of Torah promoted by false Bible Versions that a heavy hand is to be placed upon Ishmael's descendants. Further extensive documentation about this subject is in the article by this author called Caliphate Begins where the reader can comprehend the massive ecclesiastical fraud foisted upon this generation. By understanding the Abrahamic Covenant Vessel, this generation can recognize the foretold King Mahdi and the Khurasaan flags of truth.

Hagar and Ishmael: Discrepancies of the of the Bible Versions That the Descendants of Patriarch Abraham ‫ ﷺ‬to Enjoy Kinship, Companionship and Peace! By R’ Dr. Heidi Crawford-Yellen Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 1 FOREWARD It was 2003 where my friend and I were in a serious season of earnest prayer asking our Creator GOD to cancel the curses of the Biblical Abrahamic family as the Middle East was in our view, in such turmoil. We went over each Bible chapter from the time that the first mention of patriarch Abram and his being renamed Abraham ‫ ﷺ‬and especially regarding the matters of Ishmael and his mother Hagar. It was several hours of reading and asking for each blemish in each of the generations mentioned in the KJV of the Bible to be removed from our generation and the blessings restored. It was a spectacular event that soon happened where an Angelic presence came – warmth yet without our seeing anything yet we were shown how to worship our Creator GOD by kneeling and then prostrate head touching the floor in many bowing movements. Subsequently each day for several hours we were taught how to read the Hebrew and investigate whether the Versions had the story correct. The Angelic Presence would rock us back and forth with the call to prayer and then to study the Bible. We were awestruck to say it mildly. Eventually we learned that removing the curses and restoring the Covenant blessings would be through diligent study of the ancient languages and making documentation of what was necessary to correct the volumes of misreading’s of the Bible Versions. One of the first spectacular discoveries is that the curse to Ishmael does not exist in the original text! The blessings of Ishmael’s table to always have first fruits offerings would be a pattern that every Arab in the world makes sure is carried out – to offer all guests an unlimited choice of beautiful fruits upon each visit. The liar Scribes made sure each topic of Ishmael would be tainted by the versions! This document demonstrates how to search the Shomron Text of Torah to seek for the truths that have been hidden beneath the RUBBISH OF ERROR This is not just an opinion. Unraveling the taint of how readers have misread the text required diligent investigation through scholarly supervision. The halt of this author’s lucrative career to devote time to full time investigating has the award of a M.A. and a Th.D. supervised by the late Dr. William Bean of the Dead Sea Scrolls fame. Fourteen years of full time post doctorate scholarship where personal and family assets were sold to fund this project has not had much appreciation. Many are intimidated by the discovery of an unpleasant matter of falsehoods promoted by their Bible Versions. The loss of professional security to live below the national poverty level was with zeal and determination that the revealed truth would be significant enough to halt the warmongering, to halt the religious hatred and especially halt the religious illiteracy of this generation. The unraveling of the serious misreading’s where the wicked Roman Emperor Constantine edicts since 325CE and the subsequent Roman Catholic Church ecclesiastical powers Imprimatur where the liars have weaved their mythical narrative is the personal testimony of this author. The obfuscation of the topic of the Al-Hajr Al-Aswad from the time of the Garden of Eden and its change from white to black and its designated successor Noah and then to Patriarch Abraham is where the dirty lies of the ancient ecclesiastical powers are now exposed. Further reading of this exhaustive topic is to be located in each article posted by this author and especially encouraged of the illustrated book “The Ark of the Covenant: The Rock that Cries Out.” Solemn scenes are before mankind for not doing the will of GOD. Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 2 Hagar and Ishmael One topic that has many people quite upset is the narrative of the Bible Versions where Sarah demands that Hagar is sent away with a wailing child. Most people forget that by the time Sarah delivered her son Yitzchack, Ishmael was 14 years of age. The good news is that with the Shomron Text of Torah, the truth can be identified of another narrative that is very comforting. The exhibits in this document concerning the Ishmael and Hagar narrative are where the comparison of the Masoretic Text with its English Version followed with the Shomron text in the interlinear format. To understand the discrepancies that are revealed, the understanding must start with the comprehension of the Hebrew words that unless are conveyed correctly, there is a taint. There are distortions within Bible Versions! The debate is over the topic of the definition of ‫زرع‬/ ‫ זרע‬Zera’a. Why would this issue of VERSION authority to be questioned? The use of the word is also the outstretched arm yet elsewhere it is child offspring seed. Who decided these child definitions when it’s also widely used as plant based seeds for sowing field and garden vegetarian food? What is the authentic definition of this critical word because the following praise is about the actions from Almighty GOD and used 91 times: Exodus Shemot 6:6 Masoretic Psalms 136:12 The message about the Creator’s Covenant Redemption is the seed producing plant cultivated land! Exploring the ancient text to investigate the present truth can bring the most elusive peace to this generation of Abraham’s descendants. As the sages emphasize that “Scholars increase the peace of the Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 3 world,”1 it is important that reading the ancient texts be done with literacy! The ancient Hebrew language also extensively has associated with what also is conveyed with the outstretched arm expression using the ‫زرع‬/ ‫ זרע‬Zera’a wording. It is not violent, it is the practice of vegetarianism and especially consuming sea algaes and sprouted seeds. This definition might be a shock to the modern reader of the Bible Versions that obscure and obfuscate the plant based strength information. Consumption of these plant based foods is well documented for healing the body that has been exposed to a toxic level of radiation2 as was in the Biblical Exodus from ancient Egypt. This is critical matter to understand; that the ancient Covenant from Almighty GOD’s outstretched arm pertains to a seed bearing plant-based diet and the importance of being an heirloom seed collector! Oppositely, there are the heathen practices of making genetic modifications of seedless or sterile plants harms mankind in this generation. There is also an expression of the sages that ask “why is it that there is upon slaughtering an animal that there is a sudden weakness of the arm?”3 The most emphasized witness of the martyrs that perished in the Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Inquisitions is that they were murdered for being strict vegetarians and upholding Covenanter beliefs. It is very important to understand what the Covenant meal was and how patriarch Abraham ‫ ﷺ‬and his family were taught this by Almighty GOD. In review, these are the definitions of this Hebrew and Aramaic and Arabic word ‫زرع‬/ ‫ זרע‬Zera’a that is identified within the text 230 times and 91 times as a plant topic: ‫زرع‬/ ‫ זרע‬Zera’a J. 414 PA. 653 J. 412 PA. 654 1 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 463 3 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1085 2 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 4 The following Bible Version verse is a misreading within the English Version. There is a better message! Masoretic Torah Bereshit Genesis 21:13 The above version is not conveying the ancient text! Let’s look at how the message of the ancient Torah text without the dirty scribe fingers of the Roman Emperor Versions, give its present truths for this generation. This is a revisiting of the Shomron Torah that has a different report than what the Ecclesiastical powers of Rome promote within the Masoretic Torah text. Some versions have slave instead of handmaid. The misreading is critical to understand! Instead of slave or handmaid as the Bible Versions promote, it is a chief of the people, the enjoining of a covenant celebration. First to look at the interlinear definitions as there are two critical words MISSING in the Masoretic necessitating the Shomron Text of Torah (underlined) to be examined as follows: Masoretic Torah and Shomron Torah Bereshit Genesis 21:13 ‫לגוי‬ ‫הזאת‬ ‫האמה هامة‬ ‫בן‬ ‫את‬ ‫וגם‬ For people, nations The sprinkled waters of purification Chief of tribal people enjoined, embrace To build, train, educate sign And is it indeed so to sip J. 220 J. 341 PA. 1381 and 160 J. 74-75 J. 176 J. 132 J. 251 ‫הוא‬ ‫זרעך‬ To produce (pertaining to ground produce) Your strength force plant seed propagation esp. legumes because ‫כי‬ Our guilt offering Great measure J.338 J. 412 – 414 C. Ety. 71 BDBG. 473 J. 129 J. 211 J. 74-75 PA. 1381 and 160 J. 338 J. 341 ‫אשיםנו‬ ‫גדול‬ Interpretation: And is it indeed so to sip, a sign to educate is a chief tribal people enjoined, embraced. The great measure sprinkled waters rite of purification for nations is our guilt offering because to produce is your plant seed propagation force.” Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 5 Ishmael’s Blessings Restored! Have the Bible Versions promoted the truth of what was written by the hand of Moses ‫ ﷺ‬within the Torah concerning the topic of Ishmael? NO. The Covenant was provided as a blessing to the young Hagar and son without any taint as the Versions that have the imprimatur of Rome promote. The Book of Jubilees where the oldest copy, written in Ethiopic, has in the English Versions a very prominent family and Scholarly-Judicial role for Ishmael. The Shomron Text promotes a future of this child to be educated as he is an intelligent young child born into this family dynasty. The Shomron text properly defined below demonstrates the same message. The truth must be told because all of the falsehoods remaining contributes to a horrible affliction on innocent people! Please read all of the entries and share! Introducing this topic is with the Heaven-sent promise that an Angel of Heaven gives to the young Hagar. The Shomron Text has the word variations underlined. Shomron and Masoretic Torah Genesis Bereshit 16:10 ‫ארבה‬ Arab growing boy apprentice Industrious, skilled, expert, intellect, intelligent, wisdom, ‫ארבה‬ Arab growing boy apprentice Industrious, skilled, expert, intellect, intelligent, wisdom, ‫יהוה‬ He Exists, bringing to pass, performer of His promises, Creator Yahuah ‫מלאך‬ Royal messenger ministering angel ‫לה‬ RPA. 52 J. 114, 1442 RPA. 52 J. 114 #3068 J. 786 ‫מרב‬ Numerous official priestly garments ‫יספר‬ Bible teacher, scribe book document writer, counter, trim cutting (specific mention of vegetables) ‫ולא‬ Becoming, to continue without interruption ‫זרעיך‬ My garden plant seed capsules growing rich you ‫את‬ Literacy sign J. 838 J. 1017-1018 J. 374 A. 1288 J. 414 PA. 653 J. 132 To her ‫ויאמר‬ And he read joined knotted cord words J. 78-79 Interpretation: “And he, a royal messenger ministering angel read to her, He exists bringing to pass, performer of His promises. Arab growing boy apprentice, intellect of all Arabs literacy sign is My plant garden seed growing rich you continue without interruption as a Bible teacher book writer scribe, trimmer of counted vegetables (having) numerous official priestly garments.” Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 6 The Hebrew words utilizing the antique Semitic language sources of definition certainly give a wonderful report! The excelling of all excelling apprentice young boys to be the Master Scholar Rabbi is the message of . The duties of the priest were to count the vegetables brought as tithe. Ishmael is the future highly intelligent scribe priestly lineage of the Abrahamic Arab priesthood! The next segment describes where the royal messenger ministering Angel of Heaven gives the name of the boy as Ishmael. This name is an acrostic which indicates multiple definitions. The following segment has one word missing in the Masoretic and a variant spelling (underlined) in the Shomron Text interlinear format: Shomron and Masoretic Torah Genesis Bereshit 16:11 ‫יהוה‬ ‫מלאך‬ Pregnant with child ‫הרה‬ Your being joyful, merry ‫הנך‬ He Exists, bringing to pass, performer of His promises, Creator Yahuah Royal messenger ministering angel H#2030 J. 366 J. 358, RPA 1690 #3068 J. 786 ‫ישמעאל‬ ‫שמו‬ ‫את‬ ‫לה‬ To her ‫ויאמר‬ And he read joined knotted cord praise words J. 78-79 ‫וקראת‬ ‫בן‬ ‫וילדת‬ Ishmael – he listens to obey Covenant Vessel /his title name yoke of Divine government obligations of the law his title name Literacy sign And biblical scholar recitation offspring buildeducate-train and birthed boy J. 1034 to 1050 PA.193 A.22 J. 1599-1600 A. 501-502 J. 1590 J. 132 J. 1409 J. 176 J. 578 ‫אל‬ ‫יהוה‬ ‫שמע‬ My prayers are answered, granted to you ‫ענייך‬ vessel covenant He Exists, bringing to pass, performer of His promises, Creator Yahuah Ear witness listening, pay attention report, evidence decision Because ‫כי‬ J. 1093 PA.193 A.22 #3068 J. 1599-1600 A. 501-502 BDBG 473 Interpretation: “And he, a ministering royal messenger Angel, read to her He exists bringing to pass, performer of His promises, your being joyful pregnant with child and a birthed boy to be offspringbuilder-educated-trained and Biblical scholar literacy sign. His Title Name is Ishmael – he listens to obey covenant vessel/his title name yoke of Divine government obligations of the law. Because listening, to pay attention to report, he exists bringing to pass performer of His promises is a Covenant Vessel. My prayers are answered, granted to you.” Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 7 Notice that within this segment (below) of Torah, where the Bible Versions describe Ishmael in a very disparaging way, there are evidences of adding words where there are not, thus promoting a negative view. Example of has two added words (against & man) instead of what the word is indicating in all agree, every, unanimous and in this location where there are NO citations of scholarly authority for the definition . The Shomron Text has the underlined Hebrew word that indicates ‘to be fruitful.’ The Bible Versions have the word widely promoted as the following which is WRONG. The Shomron Torah text has the Hebrew word fruitful as well as good nature! . Masoretic and Shomron Torah Genesis Bereshit 16:12 ‫ידו‬ Hand of liberality, power authority his ‫אדם‬ mankind ‫פרה‬ fruitful, good nature, excellent constitution ‫יהיה‬ He shall become J. 563 J. 17 RPA. 45 J. 1216 RPA. 1087 H#1961 J.338 ‫ועל‬ And a higher plan to heal up ‫בו‬ Place of home ‫כל‬ All agree, unanimous ‫ויד‬ And hand of power, authority liberality ‫בכל‬ Mixture dish of flour, new wine juice, oil while dressed nicely J. 1080 J. 158 J. 638 J. 563 RP 284 J. 1575 J. 40 J. 638 J. 1189 ‫ישכן‬ His holy inspiration, prosperous, established, neighborly dwelling ‫אחיו‬ His uniting together , to grow together, brotherhood ‫כל‬ All agree ‫והוא‬ And to produce (pertaining to ground produce) ‫פני‬ To make free, special business of text interpretation Interpretation: “And to produce (plant-based) he shall become fruitful, excellent constitution of good nature mankind. A hand of liberality power is his mixture dish of flour, new wine juice, oil while dressed nicely. And a hand of liberality all agree is place of home and a higher plan to heal up to make free special business of text interpretation. All agree his uniting together to grow together brotherhood is his holy inspiration, prosperous, established neighborly dwelling. “ ‫בכל‬ Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 8 RPA. 282, 284 The hand of liberality to offer first fruits (fresh) in the home is a blessing repeated in every Arab household worldwide. Ishmael’s blessing has been preserved! The very unique description of a special dish of specific ingredients has been preserved in the antique dictionaries concerning the ‫ بكل‬/‫בכל‬ Semitic word that is highly significant for the covenant meal where the flour, new wine (never fermented grape juice), oil ingredients are combined to be baked as the meal for kinship and brotherhood while being dressed in one’s finest attire. This Semitic word has that critical overlooked definition and fits perfectly with the entire narrative of these texts! In case one doubts the Covenant meal, the following story is pertinent. Our research regarding the covenant meal of unleavened bread-cake dipped into grape molasses as well as the critical covenant of salt was confirmed with this discovered story: " A Bedouin sheik as host dipped a bit of bread in some grape molasses and gave it to the missionary (Dr. Thomson working in Syria) for him to eat. Then he said to him, "We are now brethren. There is bread and salt between us. We are brothers and allies." This is the ancient ratification of the Covenant, a specific stipulated ceremony of peace-making. Patriarch Abraham ‫ ﷺ‬taught the Covenant Vessel To Hagar and Ishmael The besmirching of the character of Ishmael has brought many generations significant grief. The prophetic honor of Ishmael must be restored! The Bible Versions have promoted a false narrative that has brought great harm to innocent peoples. Misguided religious justifications for certain nations having a harsh manner of bulldozing, placing blockades, physical harm and using a heavy military presence upon those people groups that claim to be descendants of Ishmael are now exposed to be based upon a fraudulent Bible Version. Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 9 Happily Confirming the Family Narrative The following has the Masoretic with English version followed by the Shomron Text of Torah. Note the differences of critical words missing designated by the marker …………….. within the Masoretic! Masoretic Genesis Bereshit 21:9-10-11 Shomron Genesis Bereshit 21:9-10-11 This is a critical matter of what is written and what has been tainted by the version: Genesis Bereshit 21: 9 ‫בן‬ ‫את‬ The convert proselyte to monotheism ‘Hagar’ ‫הגר‬ Build, educate, train A letter sign literacy Princess Sarah And a searcher J. 263 J. 176 J. 1332 J. 1628 K. Ety. 716 ‫מצחק‬ ‫לאברהם‬ ‫שרה‬ ‫ילדה‬ ‫ותרא‬ ‫אשר‬ ‫המצרית‬ Funny entertainer making one have laughter for Abraham A young woman Happily confirming, verifying, substantiating The defining boundaries narrow path stone-like split earthenware ‘egyptian’ K. Ety 374-375 K. Ety. 291 K. Ety. 259 J. 130 J. 828 1300-1301 K. Ety. 259 K. Ety. 716 J. 588 K. Ety. 374-375 Interpretation: And Princess Sarah, a literacy sign searcher to train, to educate the convert (Hagar). The defined boundaries narrow path stone-like split earthenware happily substantiating is for Abraham a young woman making one laugh.” Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 10 The same word for making one laugh, an entertainer ‫ מצחק‬is the root letters of ‫ יצחק‬Isaac (Yitzach). There is a hidden meaning that the readers must understand! It is especially important to understand that the first mention of Hagar is where Sarah is looking to adopt a daughter (Shomron Text of Genesis 16:6) where they call her Hagar. Is the following Bible Version message about Sarah demanding that Abraham send away a child and their adopted daughter Hagar? These authors will argue that the Shomron Text reveals instead of discord, a united family celebration of the Covenant Meal. These authors argue that the festival party required the singing of prayers over the action of pounding of grains (grits) specifically of the mandated Torah recipe of the Covenant meal. The importance of the preparation of the Covenant barley meal is lost with serious misreading of the ancient text. The Masoretic text added the marks that tainted the message as well as the Bible Versions ADDING Sarah’s name into the VERSION narrative! Missing from the Hebrew text is any mention of Sarah! Genesis Bereshit 21: 10 ‫הזאת‬ ‫האמה هامة‬ ‫את‬ ‫גרש‬ ‫לאברהם‬ ‫ותאמר‬ The sprinkled waters of purification Chief of tribal people enjoined, embrace A sign Pound the grits singing for Abraham And bearing sway, commanding J. 341 PA. 1381 and 160 J. 74-75 J. 1332 PA. 424, J. 273 K. Ety. 291 RPA. 357 To educate, train, build His eagerness, cheerfulness to succeed Only shall because To educate, train, build And a sign literacy letter script J. 176 PA. 1362, J. 598 J 685, H#3809 BDBG. 473 J. 176 J. 132 ‫בן‬ ‫יירש‬ ‫לא‬ ‫יצחק‬ ‫כי‬ ‫בנה‬ ‫עם‬ ‫הזאת‬ ‫ואת‬ ‫האמה هامة‬ Yitzchak/ Isaac his laughter Universal gathering of people The sprinkled waters of purification Chief of tribal people enjoined, embrace J. 588 J. 1086, A. 750 J. 341 PA. 1381 and 160 J. 74-75 Interpretation: And for Abraham’s command, bearing sway, pounding the grits singing? A chief of tribal people embracing sign is the sprinkled waters of purification and a sign of script literacy to educate, train, build because only shall his eagerness to succeed to educate, train, build as chief of tribal people embracing the sprinkled waters of purification is Yitzchack’s gathering.” Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 11 J. 273 PA. 424 PA. 1362 J. 598 RPA. 357 Another Bible Version falsehood exposed where the Shomron text ‫ אדות‬presents further confirmation of the previous verse. What is interesting is that the implications of having a cloth sheet of script to read (Abraham’s Torah) where written upon CLOTH where the command dispensation is about steam cooked, grown plant food! Genesis Bereshit 21:11 ‫בעיני‬ ‫מאד‬ Abundant measure dispensation, strengthening steam cooked, grown plant food ‫הדבר‬ The command ‫וירע‬ And pious reverence tent curtain cloth, Heaven’s sheet of writing J. 721, K. Ety. 308, BDBG 547 J.278 J. 596-597 Within us /teach, educate, build him ‫אדות‬ Occasion, account circumstance Sprinkle for purification J. 176 BDBG #182 J. 16 J. 1082 In My guidepost reflection J. 1071 ‫בנו‬ ‫על‬ higher plan to heal up ‫אברהם‬ Abraham, father of nations Interpretation: “And pious reverence tent-cloth Heaven’s sheet of writing is the command abundant measure dispensation of cooked, grown plant food. Within My guidepost reflection, Abraham is a higher plan to heal up account circumstance sprinkle for purification to teach, educate, build him.” J. 278 J. 596-597 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 12 PA. 1362 K. Ety. 265 The Shomron Text has the variation where the significant different spelling ‫ בקולה‬indicates an ornamental voice bowl. A commentary of the sages is the emissary role where “Abraham converted the men and Sarah converted the women.”4 The Covenant indeed was with Abraham ‫ﷺ‬. Genesis Bereshit 21:12 ‫ירע‬ ‫אל‬ higher plan to heal up ‫על‬ In guidepost reflection your ‫בעיניך‬ His welcoming reconciliation specific to those weak, shaken, sick Covenant Vessel Dual oath And he proclaimed devotion J. 1080 J. 1071 J. 597 to 1485-86 PA. 145, 193, A. 27 J. 66 K. Ety. 28-29 J. 79 ‫תאמר‬ ‫אשר‬ ‫כל‬ ‫אלהים‬ ‫אמתך‬ ‫ויאמר‬ ‫ועל‬ ‫הנער‬ bearing sway, commanding Happily confirming, verifying, substantiating Unanimous, all your faith, reality, truth And a higher plan to heal up The shaking RPA. 357 J. 130 J. 638 J. 79 J. 1080 J. 921 ‫ביצחק‬ ‫כי‬ ‫בקולה‬ ‫שמע‬ ‫שרה‬ ‫אליך‬ Within Yitzchak/ Isaac his laughter because In ornamental voice bowl, Voice of Revelation Listen, intent to obey understanding confession of faith Princess Sarah My vessel covenant you J. 588 BDBG. 473 J. 1327 J. 1599 J. 1628 PA. 145, 193, A. 27 J. 66 ‫זרע‬ strength force plant seed propagation esp. legumes ‫לך‬ For you J. 412–414 C. Ety. 71 ‫יקרא‬ He calls out scriptural verse Bible Scholar J.1409 Interpretation: 4 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1628 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 13 There is no word in the Hebrew Text where the Bible Version has an added word ‘but.’ Masoretic Torah and Shomron Torah Bereshit Genesis 21:13 ‫לגוי‬ ‫הזאת‬ ‫האמה هامة‬ ‫בן‬ ‫את‬ ‫וגם‬ For people, nations The sprinkled waters of purification Chief of tribal people enjoined, embrace To build, train, educate sign And is it indeed so to sip J. 220 J. 341 PA. 1381 and 160 J. 74-75 J. 176 J. 132 J. 251 ‫הוא‬ ‫זרעך‬ ‫כי‬ To produce (pertaining to ground produce) Your strength force plant seed propagation esp. legumes because Our guilt offering Great measure J.338 J. 412– 14 C. Ety. 71 BDBG. 473 J. 129 J. 211 J. 74-75 PA. 1381 and 160 J. 338 J. 341 ‫אשיםנו‬ ‫גדול‬ Interpretation: And is it indeed so to sip, a sign to educate is a chief tribal people enjoined, embraced. The great measure sprinkled waters rite of purification for nations is our guilt offering because to produce is your plant seed propagation force.” The next segment confirms this covenant meal with the bread and the grape juice dipped as in the Seuda Mashiach and Covenant meals of the Middle East where the pita is dipped into grape syrup called Ajoo and Chanini. The apparel for the covenant meal is the Tallit and this text confirms the matter as a shoulder cape present for the first born where he recompense or makes amends to (someone) for loss or harm suffered; compensate. The perpetual covenant vessel was with Patriarch Abraham as seen in this text. The solar baked bread is a ‘green energy’ matter even for that era! Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 14 The text reveals another message that is critical to understand of the Bar Mitzvah of Ishmael where the unleavened showbread and grape juice is brought forth for Hagar. Genesis Bereshit 21:14 ‫בבקר‬ ‫אברהם‬ And solar heating ‫וחמת‬ Showbread battle bread, offering ‫לחם‬ And he took Within inquiring after one’s health Abraham, father of nations And he loaded shoulder cape present of first born J. 476, 480 J. 704 K. Ety. 574 J. 187 K. Ety. 291 J. 1575 ‫על‬ ‫ויקח‬ ‫שם‬ ‫הגר‬ ‫אל‬ ‫וישכם‬ ‫ויתן‬ ‫מים‬ Upon a higher plan to heal up Title name The plastered ink-stone vessel letter of honor Covenant Vessel And perpetual Juice of fruits esp. grape J. 1080 J. 1590 J. 45, 241-42 PA. 145, 193, A. 27 J. 66 K. Ety. 267 J. 775 ‫ותתע‬ ‫ותלך‬ ‫וישלחה‬ ‫הילד‬ ‫ואת‬ ‫שכמה‬ And dipping (bread) And you moisten, saturate And his commissioned emissary it is (F) The born child And sign Shoulder cape garment present of first born PA. 309 J. 710-711 J. 1580 J. 578 J. 132 K. Ety. 658 , J. 1575 ‫שבע‬ ‫באר‬ ‫במדבר‬ administered oath, filled, satisfied Understanding clearly within lead properly managed scribe administrator J. 1515-16 J. 135 J. 731 Interpretation: RPA. 903, K. Ety. 658, J. 1575 K. Ety. 267 PA. 309 PA. 1148 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 15 The following segment has a single word that the scholars ignore the m '‫ ’ם‬that could give another significant understanding. Instead of just ‘one’ there is a highly significant deeper meaning especially when the Semitic root letters describe what the Covenant is – a well-studied protected Covenant chestdish with a rim blackened cauldron bottle potsherd of very specific design. The massive Bible Versions distortion is now a diabolical lie exposed as promoting child abuse! Genesis Bereshit 21:15 ‫ותשלך‬ ‫החמת‬ ‫מן‬ ‫המים‬ ‫ויכלו‬ And causing to pass, cast, walk travel The protected blackened bottle vessel from K. Ety. 720 PA. 339, 662 K. Ety. 221, 223 J. 796 The black stone mixed ground bush cauldron of prostration, bowed heads Uniting covenant Great unique well studied potsherd sword royal throne signet of stone sky stars tablet of writing Divine Decrees chest dish with a rim The originate borne object vessel for holy day /young man son Literacy sign PA. 688 BDBG #7880 J. 1547 PA.32, K. Ety. 17 J. 425 K. Ety. 208 RPA.377 J. 577-78 J. 132 ‫השיחם‬ ‫אחד‬ ‫תחת‬ The juice of fruits esp. grape And his sustaining, enduring J. 775 J. 577 ‫הילד‬ ‫את‬ Interpretation: “And his enduring, sustaining the juice of fruits from the protected chestnut-blackened bottle vessel and causing to pass, cast, walk travel is the young man’s literacy sign a royal thronesignet of stone stars tablet of Divine Decrees chest dish with rim, a uniting covenant well studied sword potsherd is the black stone mixed ground, bush cauldron.” The Throne-traveling chest Jamshid RPA. 377 PA. 688 BDBG #7880 K. Ety. 17 208 PA. 32 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 16 K. Ety. 221, 223 PA. 492 PA. 534 K. Ety. 720 PA. 339, 662 J. 577 As Levites borne the Ark of the Covenant, the reader is urged to notice that the Hebrew word H-yeled word is also defined as having borne the responsibility of the sacred day originate relic. The Persian word Jamshid is an acrostic. The definition is about a Solomonic moon cup altar, a famous Temple Covenant Cup-Bowl. The Sayyed family dynastic symbol, instead of being a lion, it actually is the cauldron of stone. The Al-Hajr al-Aswad and the burning bush (future event) cauldron of Moses ‫ ﷺ‬is the same relic. Prophet Musa ‫ ﷺ‬had the Covenant Vessel Patriarch Abraham ‫ ﷺ‬taught the Covenant Vessel To Hagar and Ishmael Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 17 The Shomron Text of Torah has several different words (underlined) that are important to view which makes the entire Bible Version narrative a falsehood. This author argues that the noun is the definition instead of a verb which reveals the physical description-shape of the Ark of the Covenant as in the custody of patriarch Abraham ‫ﷺ‬: Shomron Text of Genesis Bereshit 21:16 ‫הרחיקה‬ ‫מנגד‬ The best pure grape juice, pure, clear, aromatic Far removed From testified announcement drawn lines judicial ruler vessel PA. 614 J. 1469 J. 871-873 Covenant Vessel proclaimed devotion it (f) PA. 145, 193, A. 27 J. 66 J. 79 ‫אל‬ ‫לה‬ ‫אמרה‬ ‫מנגד‬ ‫ותשב‬ For it (f) ‫כי‬ Because ‫ותשב‬ ‫ותלך‬ And returns to repentance And dip down action J. 1703 J. 711 ‫קשת‬ ‫כמטוי‬ Dispute argument Because inclining ear, apology request favor prayer J. 1430 J. 766 K. Ety. 338 ‫הילד‬ ‫במות‬ ‫אראה‬ From testified announcement drawn lines judicial ruler vessel And return to GOD in repentance The originate borne object vessel for holy day /son Gathering place To treat her J. 871-873 J. 703 J. 577-578 J. 76 J. 113 ‫ותבך‬ ‫קולה‬ ‫את‬ ‫ותשא‬ And your Ark-Chestbook-scroll-without lid having a level bottom ornamental voice bowl, Voice of Revelation Letter sign And you willingly J. 1643 J. 1327 J. 132 PA. 730 K. Ety. 338 The following segment has a significant variance in the message with the Hebrew word Malki ‫מלכי‬ identity of a hereditary orthodoxy royal religion. The Kingly relic is the painted plastered ink-stone letter of honor vessel, a sign for every generation since the time of paradise with Adam ‫ﷺ‬. The calligraphic design of this antique vessel is of knotted joined cords forming words of praise. Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 18 Shomron and Masoretic Torah Genesis Bereshit 21:17 ‫מלאך‬ ‫ויקרא‬ ‫הנער‬ ‫קול‬ ‫את‬ ‫אלהים‬ ‫וישמע‬ Royal messenger ministering angel And he calls out scriptural verse Bible Scholar The shaking ornamental voice bowl, Voice of Revelation Letter sign Dual oath And he heard, paying attention J. 786 J.1409 J. 921 J. 1327 J. 132 K. Ety. 28-29 J. 1599-1600 A. 501-502 ‫לה‬ To her ‫אלהים‬ ‫ויאמר‬ ‫השמים‬ ‫מן‬ ‫הגר‬ ‫אל‬ ‫אלהים‬ And he read joined knotted cord praise words The heaven, GOD from The plastered ink-stone vessel letter of honor Covenant Vessel Dual oath J. 78-79 J. 1595 J. 796 J. 45, 241-42 PA. 145, 193, A. 27 J. 66 K. Ety. 28-29 ‫שמע‬ ‫כי‬ ‫תיראי‬ ‫אל‬ ‫הגר‬ ‫מלכי‬ Dual oath Ear witness listening, pay attention report, evidence decision because You revere me Covenant Vessel The plastered ink-stone vessel letter of honor hereditary royal kingly orthodoxy religion K. Ety. 28-29 J. 1599-1600 A. 501-502 BDBG. 473 J. 593 PA. 145, 193, A. 27 J. 66 J. 45, 241-42 PA. 1245 ‫שם‬ Title name reference J. 1590-91 ‫הוא‬ ‫באשר‬ ‫הנער‬ ‫קול‬ ‫את‬ To produce (pertaining to ground produce) Within happily confirming, verifying, The shaking ornamental voice bowl, Voice of Revelation sign J.338 J. 130 J. 921 J. 1327 J. 132 Interpretation: PA. 1245 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 19 The following Shromron Text of Torah has two variations underlined. The definition of ‫ קומי‬has an expanded definition covering several pages of which the comment is pertinent: “He who maintains (studies and observes) the Law in poverty, shall finally maintain it in wealth.”5 Shomron and Masoretic Genesis Bereshit 21:18 ‫את‬ ‫וחזיקי‬ And to join, take possession, knowing in experience, take courage, to be known for me ‫הנער‬ The shaking ‫את‬ Letter sign ‫שאי‬ To sink down ‫קומי‬ I establish, genuineness, confirm vow of long shoulder length hair, R/T standing grain pillar covenant J. 132 J. 444-445 J. 921 J. 132 J. 1506 to 1561 J. 1330-1332, 1359 ‫אשימנו‬ Our great value name title ‫גדול‬ Distinguished leader, high priest man, Fringes, a table cloth for dishes and vegetables ‫לגוי‬ For people nations ‫כי‬ because ‫בו‬ Place of home ‫ידיך‬ To raise hands to acknowledge, give praise, to point, move you J. 1563 to1535 J. 211-212 J. 220 BDBG. 473 J. 158 J. 564 sign Interpretation: 5 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1330 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 20 Genesis Bereshit 21:19 DRAFT WORK IN PROGRESS Genesis Bereshit 21:20 The next segment is about the Abrahamic Cauldron explained as the Al-Hajr AlAswad followed by a more lengthy discussion about The Shaking. Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 21 Abraham’s ‫ ﷺ‬Dark Cauldron This is what the reader must know about the Abrahamic Vessel: The cauldron of stone from the time of Adam ‫ ﷺ‬instead of the contemporary idolatrous image at the House of Abraham ‫ ﷺ‬in Mecca must be understood! Al-Hajr Al-Aswad ‫الحجر االسود‬ Interpretation: The Hajar Interdiction belt rope enclosure, encircled with red lines, praying boldly, concentrated energy made hard sand-stone-rock dish vessel embraced at bosom Petra wine vessel tablet dish of interpretation is the Aswad most illustrious great master letter draft dominion festive feast yellow tinged wicker basket stone cauldron poured out deposited ashes, darkened surface of mountainside, old beaten footpath, original sin." ‫ אל אשוד‬/ ‫االسود‬ ‫ אל חגר‬/‫الحجر‬ Great master chieftain reign to draft a letter, make a rough draft, covered with writing, to expose, dark colored A. 513 To pour out deposited ashes J. 126 Strong safe chest J.1558 Adjudication, discretionary judgment J. 1529 Most illustrious, powerful, root letters ( ‫ )سيد‬Sayyid, Large cauldron of stone , lion PA. 92 Dominion festive feast yellowish tinge wicker basket, dark stones (having) surface of a mountain-side, drinking water old beaten footpath, original sin PA. 721-722 To place under guardianship, to make hard as stone A. 185 Petra rock-stone, rope enclosure, encircled with red lines, praying boldly J.424 concentrated energy C. Ety 74 belt, apron, armor, girdle, girded with restraining on every side K. Ety. 208 Petra stone J. 425 Petra - Rock of Abraham on which to build and establish the world, a solution, interpretation solving wine vessel tablet dish J. 1162 and 1255-56. Custody, protection, embrace at bosom, an interdiction sand stone PA. 468 The most illustrious chieftain reign original draft The red cord belted encircling the PetraFaithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 22 letter embraced at bosom Princely Dominion basket- interpretation solving wine vessel dish of stone-cauldron covered with writing internal deposit patriarch Abraham ‫ﷺ‬. of ashes This is more fully outlined and discussed in The Ark of the Covenant: The Stone that Cries Out! The Black Stone, al-Ḥajar al-Aswad is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam ‫ﷺ‬. Islamic tradition holds that it came down from the heaven as a guide for Adam to build an altar, which became the first temple on Earth. It is believed that the stone was originally pure and dazzling white, but has since turned black because of the sins of the people who touches it. The Torah describes how Adam’s altar-stone was guarded by prophet Noah ‫ ﷺ‬during the great Flood. The Torah also describes how patriarch Ibrahim ‫ ﷺ‬later inherited Adam’s Black Stone altar during his coronation ceremony. Islamic traditions teach Ibrahim ‫ ﷺ‬understood the black stone when the angel Jibreel ‫ ﷺ‬revealed it to him. Ibrahim ordered his son Ismael ‫ – ﷺ‬to build a new temple, the Kaaba. The Black Stone is a sacred object discussed at great length by all of the Biblical prophets ‫ ﷺ‬as a link between Heavenly realm and earthly. The book of the Al-Quran teaches that Islam is the continued faithful religion spanning many millennial generations. Al-Quran ‫ الشورى‬Al-Sharaa 42:13 The same ordained religion enjoined upon the patriarchs and prophets Noah, ‫ ﷺ‬Abraham, ‫ ﷺ‬Moses, ‫ ﷺ‬and Issa ‫ ﷺ‬was given to the prophet Mohammad ‫ﷺ‬. Yet because of obfuscated details of what the Al-Hajr Al-Aswad-Ark of the Covenant-Stone of Musa ‫ﷺ‬ actually is, everyone is missing the signs! What about those foretold flags of Khorasan? ‫חרש‬/‫ חרסן‬/‫خرسان‬Scraped rough Earthen vessel bed chamber located relic of a rich heir high priest scholar made of fruits and spices of Passover. Artisan scholar earthen vessel rough scraped of Levites. Armored concrete. Sources: A. 272 J. 500, 504 and 507 BDBG #2789 p. 360 and K. Ety. 234 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 23 Stone Kettle Connection to the famous sign of Khurasan stone vessel kettle-cauldron of thorny shrub (Pomegranate bushes have thorns). Bronze Age Vessel Outline of sacred name expressed ‫ ياهللا‬Ya Allah Without the outline. Note the yellowish-red ink of scientifically certified pomegranate and cedar wood paint The Pomegranate Earthen- Stone Vessel was brought down from Sinai by the hand of Moses ‫ﷺ‬. What the prophet Musa ‫ ﷺ‬brought down from Mount Sinai Start here ▼ ‫ ابنيم‬/‫אבנים‬ ‫ لوح‬/‫לוחות‬ ‫ شنة‬/‫ושני‬ ‫ ورد‬/‫הוריד‬ The earthen vessel appointed administrator of the Divine Presence / Red blossom watering place Potter's instrument stone, especially black stone, a dual builder stone of waters /Celebration, praises commemoration of time, embracing offspring Hook, tablet surfaces / Picture writing painting tablet Is it indeed Jacob's strong stone Sinai peaks, scarlet cord teeth, water basket without handles, old dried up bottle, dripping water J. 594 A. 1060-61 J. 7 A. 2 and 76 J. 696 A 882 J. 1603 A. 569 PA. 91 The red blossom Pomegranate style is the The water basket handles is its design without Mount Sinai peaks with the darkened areas are painted in a 360 degree view on the Bronze Age vessel of the Exodus. Interpretation: "Is it indeed so Mount Sinai peaks scarlet cord water basket stone without handles picture writing tablet dual builder stone of waters is the red blossom earthen vessel appointed of the Divine presence" Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 24 The following of the same Hadith is now to be understood NOT as an eastern Afghanistan town black flags during the winter but as a specific clue about the SIGN of the appointed messenger most everyone has missed. "If you see the Black Banners coming from Khurasan go to them immediately, even if you must crawl over ice"; no power will be able to stop them.'” Instead of excusing as making a mistake the Levite-Cohen-Gadol prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and his family dynasty of King David ‫ ﷺ‬for the King Mahdi coming within 1430AH, it is time to recognize the real message and give honor and glory and reverence to Almighty GOD ‫ ﷲ‬for honoring HIS prophetic WORD.6 The following Ahadith matches the famous "Elijah Texts" within Judaism. The Elijah Text's Seven Miracle Sign is very detailed in its outline of what to look for and those details if properly interpreted match the Ahadith. The Elijah Texts have documented the Seven Miracle Sign of the ancient Vessel of Moses.7 The antique Vessel of Moses ‫ ﷺ‬of the Exodus fulfils all of the stipulated signs yet without idolatry. The man-made coloring of black, the symbol of death, witchcraft and Roman idolatry was a color called confusion8 and was disdained by the prophets. With this above study in mind, the reader can now comprehend the matter of the following Hadith source below 9 exposes popular traditions where Roman-Edom-Islamists proclaim terrorism with “Black Flags” instead of its true message. ‫من‬ ‫מן‬ from ‫اقبلت‬ ‫אקבלת‬ Tribal surety get together Contract agreement unconditional surety vessel welcoming reception of the Shabbath a obligation ‫سوداء‬ ‫שודא‬ Covered with writing master rough draft darkened black / white washed plaster, cauldron governing rule adjudication ‫برايات‬ ‫בראיות‬ Within an “Apocalypse” flags bannerflag to judge, seeing, observing /seeing evidences proofs predestined Saheeh Trimdi J2, p. 56 ‫سمعتم‬ ‫اذا‬ ‫שמעתם‬ ‫אדא‬ Ear witness Consequently, listening, pay wherefore attention /this, the same report, evidence decision them new moon contract vessel that greets the Divine presence, receiving traditional law of Moses 6 Press Release Monday, January 26, 2009, 29 MuHarram - safar 1430 A.H. HRH Crown Prince Eliyahu Declares 'Elijah's Divine Countdown for the Holy Lands' 7 8 Achan's Babylonish garment was black 9 Saheeh Trimdi J2, p. 56 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 25 J.796 A.739-741 J. 1309-10 A. 440 J. 1529 K. Ety. p. 644 to 654 ‫الثلج‬ ‫תלג‬ The ice snow, chill, steeping in water, washed wheat rejoicing white stone ‫على‬ ‫עלא‬ /To heal up, to be esteemed, prize, higher plan to offer upon the altar J.1670 PA. 408 A.105-6 J. 1081-82 A.319-320 J. 1435-36 J. 1599-1600 A. 501-502 A.11 J. 45 ‫حبوا‬ ‫ولو‬ ‫חבוא‬ ‫ולו‬ Guarding, Even in the case that defending hidden for becoming Divine protection, obligation beloved esteemed gift vegetables, potherbs arched ribbed earthen wine jug receptacle sacred stored grain cakes of head of priestly family, High Priest Nazarite's obligatory sacrifice ‫فاتوها‬ ‫פאתוהא‬ Then immediately come quickly Formal legal opinion wide earthen vessel pot having braided vines it ‫خراسان‬ ‫חרשן‬ Armor concrete Khurasaan /cemented Passover wine drinking jar vessel earthen rough scraped potsherd artisan weapon vessel J. 416, 419 PA. 465 BDBG 285 K. Ety. 205- 207 Systranet A. 98 J. 1649 A. 696 J. 1253,1130 A. 234 K. Ety. p. 234, J. 500, 507, 504 PA. 516 A.1225 J. 374 Corrected Reformation: Consequently you will hear an announcement to understand within Apocalyptic vision flags, a Master rough draft adjudication is a greater Tribal contract cauldron vessel from a cemented armor Passover earthen vessel. A formal legal opinion is a wide earthen vessel pot having braided vines on it and for honor a Nazarites obligatory snowy white stone. Interpretation: Consequently, their paying attention, listening of report evidences within Apocalypse flags within white washed-darkened Master rough draft covered with writing adjudication Tribal Surety Obligation Law Vessel from Armored Cemented Wine Artisan Vessel, then immediately come quickly formal legal opinion (wide earthen vessel pot having braided vines) it. Even in the case that becoming guarding an esteemed gift vegetables, potherbs arched ribbed earthen wine jug receptacle of priestly family, an esteemed healing up prize is the rejoicing white washed stone of snow. Commentary: Adjudication defined indicates a formal judgment on a disputed matter. The famous Urim and Thummim of the Biblical record gave the Heavenly Courts Verdict and this Ahadith indicates the same witness. Instead of just "black stone" the verdict could be black or white depending on the guilt or innocence of the matter. The Khorasaan Vessel is the wide earthen vessel pottery having the braided vines that has the Immediate. Come. Quickly. instructions for those that would give an alliance. The Etymological Semitic Language has given the surface as well as the deeper elements of truth within the single word thus the extensive listing of definitions to comprehend the larger word picture intended Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 26 by the ancient prophecy given so long ago. This Hadith has the same consistent message of the Peshitta book of Revelation where details are describing in very minute details the cement stone-Vessel of Moses with its vineyard trellis design as the Master draft original. The ceremony of the earthen vessel in Torah describes where the white washed portion is shown upon rolling the other direction opposite of the darkened segment giving a validated Nazarite obligation. This is important for the reader to grasp, the Biblical required Covenant Ceremony of healing of the nations and persons requires that there be a white linen covering over the washed wheat sprouts for the battle bread ‫לחם‬/‫لحم‬. The gift to offer before Almighty GOD upon the altar is a washed wheat that is covered with a white linen banner: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD ‫ יהוה‬GOD: though your sin offering of spelt wheat sprouts be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be earthen red, clothed in scarlet, they shall be pressed thick, warm."10 This is a description of the grape juice infused sprouted wheat sprouts that have been baked and then wrapped with the necessary scarlet cords to designate the offering as tithe. One must keep the wheat regularly washed for sprouting chilled (not left where it will spoil). In addition, The winter cold season of ice may also be the hidden time table of Almighty GOD ‫ هللا‬to bring the alliance to reality. Could it be that peace-making could be realized within this generation in this season? What about the foretold Caliphate, where the messenger is a royal and comes with specific signs? Part of the important sign is that the Vessel of Manna or Vegetarianism is the plant growing successor that has a knife formed of bread instead of a blade of murder. Because all three of the world’s major religions cherish the same expectation of a specially assigned appointed human messenger to come; is it possible that such an individual having the foretold Anointing of Heaven, could potentially facilitate a Heaven-sent peace within our generation? Let us consider this possibility. The fact is, our gracious GOD confirms His message and His chosen messenger with very specific long-anticipated signs. ‫وسلم‬ ‫ושלם‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫עליה‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫אלהא‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫סלא‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫אלהא‬ ‫رسول‬ ‫רשול‬ Hadith of Khalifa Mahdi start here ▼ ‫قال‬ ‫قال‬ ‫ثوبان‬ ‫عن‬ ‫קל‬ ‫קל‬ ‫תובון‬ ‫ען‬ And peace offering, health, peace, perfection /exalted Majestic GOD Allah /a basket despised rejected, thrown away Majestic GOD /Relaxed within hanging down priestly garments spoke/Divin e voice of Revelation, round clod stone, wedding ornament bowl, Para ashes vessel spoke/Divin e voice of Revelation, round clod stone, wedding ornament bowl, Para ashes vessel /Satisfy filled appetite sanitary rule, no animal meats J. 1586 J. 1082 J. 66 J. 993 J. 994 J. 66 J. 1500 J. 1327, 1371, 1377 J. 1327, 1371, 1377 J. 1663 ‫ثالثة‬ ‫תלתה‬ ‫كنزكم‬ ‫כנז כם‬ ‫الى‬ ‫אלא‬ /buttress club 10 ‫اليصير‬ ‫לאיסיר‬ ‫ثم‬ ‫תם‬ ‫خليفة‬ ‫חליפה‬ To become /a thorn furthermor e Khalifa successor ‫ابن‬ ‫אבן‬ /greater builder ‫كنهم‬ ‫כנהם‬ /resting base stand Triangular decorative Your treasure/ ‫عند‬ ‫ענד‬ With On authority of /to respond, deliver opinion sworn allegiance A.647 J. 1093 ‫يقتل‬ ‫יקתל‬ His cathol study to Isaiah 1:18 KJV and direct translation of the text Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 27 weapon pot, to tie, bind determinin g a leavened condition of immorality J. 66 J. 986, 582, 974,53 ‫فيقتلونكم‬ ‫קתלונכם‬ Cathol Wall of study to master a subject thoroughl y them / simplicity darkness A.106 J. 1674, ‫المشرق‬ ‫משרק‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫קבל‬ East /the place of Painted smeared red/yellow clay plastered vessel from where water slides out Before, prior, submit respect to commands, hospitality/ Obligation, contract, reception, pay respect to, to be received in a vessel, Mosaic scriptures A. 739-40 J. 1309-10 K. Ety.599 J. 1634 estate legacy, Plant growth, successor kingship, substitut e instead of blood using wine juice, a Temple plant sprouts knife A. 257-58 J. 471, 469 Potter's black foundatio n stone chamber pottery of them J. 7 J. 647 ‫السود‬ ‫שוד‬ ‫الرايات‬ ‫ראיות‬ ‫تطلع‬ ‫תטלע‬ ‫ثم‬ ‫תם‬ from Master dominion rule, rough draft, darkened black / white washed plaster, governing rule of The banner-flag to judge, seeing, observing /seeing evidences proofs predestine d Arise sprout being informed furthermore / simplicity darkness A.319 J. 1435-36 A.564 J. A.106 J. 1674, ‫من‬ ‫מן‬ calligraphic art three parts because breast-plate shaking dripping sprinkling vessel A. J. 1674 A. 987 /J. 890 master a subject thoroughl y J. 1092 ‫منهم‬ ‫מנהם‬ From them ‫واحد‬ ‫ואחד‬ / and one, to join united adjudication J. 796 A. 440 K. Ety. p. 644 to 654 J. 1529 J. 38 ‫فقال‬ ‫קל‬ ‫اخفظه‬ ‫אחפצה‬ ‫ال‬ ‫לא‬ ‫شيءا‬ ‫שיא‬ ‫ذكر‬ ‫דכר‬ ‫ثم‬ ‫תם‬ ‫قوم‬ ‫קום‬ ‫يقتله‬ ‫יקתלה‬ ‫لم‬ ‫לם‬ ‫قتال‬ ‫קתל‬ /voice of Revelation , round clod stone, wedding ornament bowl, vessel of ashes of para Greater sacred object held in hand at the delivery of oath /not only is Offering, gift tribute to sink down /to remember furthermor e / simplicity darkness (of Ephod Thummim) /rise, exist, identify, fulfilled, realized His Cathol it Study to master a subject thoroughly /wherefor e Cathol study to master a subject thoroughl y J. 1327, 1371, 1377 J. 492 J. 1556, 1561 J. 307 ‫هللا‬ ‫אלהא‬ ‫خليفة‬ ‫חליפה‬ ‫فإنه‬ ‫אנה‬ Majestic GOD Khalifa successor, estate legacy, Where it A.106 J. 1674, J. 1330 ‫الثلج‬ ‫תלג‬ ‫على‬ ‫עלא‬ ‫حبوا‬ ‫חבו‬ ‫ولو‬ ‫ולו‬ ‫فبايعوه‬ ‫ביעוה‬ ‫رأيتمو‬ ‫ראיתמו‬ ‫اذا‬ ‫אידא‬ /Whiten, washed wheat, snow, /Pilgrimag e to heal up, lift up Obligatory duty, honor, esteem, Even in case that Pledge of allegiance, contract, church, /evidence proofs Wherefor e /this, the same Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 28 Plant growth, /successor kingship, substitute instead of blood using wine juice, a Temple slaughterin g knife, of plant sprouts, J. 66 A. 257-58 J. 471, 469 chill, *to make the white linen covered sprouted "knife," of washed wheat keep it cold so that it does not spoil love synagogue /rejoicing where one searches, inquires, asks questions, prays A. 1044 J. 80 J. 1670 J. 1081-82 J. 429, 416 A. 86-87 J. 164, 181 J. 1478 A.11 J. 45 ‫المهدي‬ ‫מהדי‬ Mahdi Rightly guided /in whom there is this wisdom, dream interpreter J. 332-3 to 275 The next segment covers the definition of “The Shaking” and how this relates to the message from the Torah concerning the Abrahamic family narrative. Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 29 The Shaking The choice for the definition of ‫‘ הנער‬the shaking’ is because this is a witnessed phenomenon of those that approach the Covenant Vessel, where some of the individuals appear to shake back and forth by an unseen hand on their shoulders. The individuals that we have observed that would have this particular phenomenon were those that had known the path of faith yet had drifted off in rebellion to embrace idols of Asia. There’s another clue for this ‘shaking.’ One statement is as follows: "There the believers were tested and shaken with a severe shaking." Ahzab 33:11 The word that is defined as "shaking" is ‫ זלזלוא‬which also has a much more profound definition missed by just the word "shaking." The definition is about "reckless spending and eating of corpse meat, despicable squandering in excessive sensual enjoyments and a meat glutton, a rebel son."11 This Semitic word is also defined as "to stumble, to waver, tremble, convulsion, shock, as well as a seismic earthquake."12 The Shaking as described within the Testimonies is also associated with an earthquake yet it also is with the people of GOD that are agonizing over a discovery that shocks them to their core as the straight testimony to a mystical term: Laodicea. Why is it that the word in the Gospels called Laodiceans is a transliterated word and not a translated word? What hidden truths would be hidden beneath the version and when translated would reveal profound truths? How would the better understood book of Revelation give when understood the believers an entirely different religious experience? The good news is that the Arabs have preserved the definition of Laodicea and it is highly significant! This will help the modern reader understand why Adventism has a unique clue for the unfolding events ahead: What is the true witness to the Laodiceans? What is the straight testimony called forth? The Arabic language has preserved the Laodicea definition! As an acrostic, there are many levels of understanding of this encoded word. The term Laodicea properly defined is: a delightful gourmet dark and white washed water pot that is preserved which by now the reader will recognize as the Abrahamic Vessel! 11 12 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 401 to 386 Hans Wehr Dictionary, p. 442 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 30 Judeo-Greek Yevanic Received Text Λαοδικείᾳ Peshitta Aramaic Text ‫דבלאודיקיא‬ "Laodicea" ‫לאודיקיא‬ Db-"Laodicea" Laodicea PA.1052 Laodicea J. 695 Supplication, request, submission, dark & white washed PA. 1054 Delightful tasting, PA. 601 water pot PA.599 Gourmet good taste in food and literary taste A. 364-365 To observe religiously, religious shelter refuge A.1036 preserver safeguard A.1082 within firebrand purse J.22 yellow circle (ring) of Solomon's basin that spews (vomit) J.1323 within labor J. 686 crushed powder J. 319 is paying special attention to evidences by exact meaning conclusions J. 318 Commentary: The commentary lists Rome’s Laodicea with the spelling ‘Lud’ differentiating the Hebrew understanding of the word pronounced the same but with a clearly different meaning. There is an interesting comment as to the ‘Laodicean sandal,’13 which expresses the SHOE LATCHET shape of the bread of the holy place. The word picture of Laodicea is the same as the Hebrew word and expression "Peter" where the bread and grape juice ceremony of the earthen vessel is at the East Gate. The Peter ceremony has the sandal bread. There is an interesting comment about "Lod" where it states that a convicted robber confessed: "I killed him on his entering into Laodicea." 14 The earthen vessel has the darkened area below the white washed segment of the pottery. What was the intent of the Roman Emperor's position of insisting on the term "Laodicea" instead of properly conveying the message? Why is Laodicea a place where the lukewarm is spewed out of the Mouth? The water illustrations over the millennia of this ceremony show it gushing out. Laodicea: "a delightful gourmet dark and white washed supplication water pot" The Sacred Earthen Vessel that pours forth water also was the Shabbath with the rainbow encircling it. Now that the reader understands the role of the earthen vessel white and dark pottery, there are other witnesses describing that the coming Shaking is of rebellion: The Coming Shaking Caused by Rebellion: "The history of the rebellion of Dathan and Abiram will be repeated till the close of time. Who will be on the Lord's side? Who will be deceived, and in turn become deceivers? Everything is to be shaken that can be shaken, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain."15 The name Dathan in the Hebrew is defined as "Rites" and Abiram is defined as "splitting." Were these men defiant in regards to instituting another rebel priesthood of animal sacrifice when it was NOT of 13 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 693 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 694 15 EGW Letter 15, 1892, pp. 4-6, 9-13. (To S. N. Haskell, June 25, 1892.) p. 37, Para. 2 14 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 31 Torah? The ancient sages of Judaism document that splitting open an animal in a sacrificial rite had dramatic effects upon the priest that was carrying out this ritual. The ancient sages emphasized that the meal offering only of living grape juice and living grains could ever be the sacrifice acceptable to Almighty GOD. The Biblical record tells of the infamous rebel Nimrod was the mighty hunter, a rebel of the animal flesh diets. This pattern of rebellion unfortunately has been overlooked as people accept the Bible VERSIONS of Emperor Constantine to be the Sacred Scriptures. Yet the investigation reveals gems of beautiful truth that have been covered with dirt and grime of traditions. Removing the filth to uphold truth takes diligent study! The warnings are there: • “The sin of bloodshed has the Divine Presence withdrawn.” J. 1082 • “We are to be overcome with weakness, we do not apprehend a sudden weakness of hands in slaughtering.” J. 1085 • The ancient sages wrote regarding this word wrestling with the subject: “is it really so he ate no meat regarding slaughtering?…” J. 374 & 913 There was NO permission to Noah nor Abraham nor any other Biblical period to consume meat of an animal according to the original textual evidences. There are abundant warnings that meat flesh consumption was NEVER instituted by Almighty GOD. The prophet Jeremiah emphasizes that there was NO commanded flesh sacrifices and diet of eating meat flesh of animals: "Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Add your burnt-offerings unto your sacrifices, and eat ye flesh. For I spoke not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt-offerings or sacrifices" JPS Tanach Jeremiah 7:21-22 The prophet Isaiah is more specific in condemnation of the sacrificial cult serious sins of idolatry (abominations), the dietary idolatry that with the Judgment of Almighty GOD cause the destruction and tearing down of the Temple of King Solomon: "He that kills an ox is as if he slew a man; He that sacrifices a lamb, as if he broke a dog's neck; He that offers a meal-offering, as if he offered swine's blood; He that makes a memorial-offering of frankincense, as if he blessed an idol; According as they have chosen their own ways, And their soul delights in their abominations;" Isaiah 66:3 Abomination is defined as any idolatrous acts. Religious rites of slaughtering innocent animals are abominations according to the Bible prophets ‫ﷺ‬. Just in case one wants to make an exception to this statement, here’s proof that the original preaching of the prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to the people was of veganism: Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 32 The final arguments of the earliest known teaching of the prophet Mohammad ‫ ﷺ‬concerning diet is the following. What might be the witness of the Islamic community regarding vegetarianism? The PBS special "The Life of Muhammad" by Rageh Omaar in the portion called "The Seeker" had a guest professor Professor Robert Thomson of Oriental Studies at Oxford University. Prof. Robert Thomson did a word for word direct translation out of the Historian Sebeos about the prophet Mohammad ‫ﷺ‬. "At that time, a certain man whose name was MaHamed, a merchant, as if by the command of GOD, appeared unto them as a preacher. MaHamed gave them laws, namely; not to eat carrion not to drink wine, not to speak falsehood, and not to engage in fornication."16 The definition of carrion from the Latin "caro", meaning "meat" it also indicates the flesh of dead animal. Some definitions are that the carrion indicates decaying animal flesh. Another historical quotation from the Ethiopia Kingdom of a particular Christian King, came from the believers called Sahaba, righteous individuals that fled the persecution in the 4th and 5th year during the time of the prophet Mohammad ‫ ﷺ‬whom they said was preaching and emphasizing teaching of "not to bow down to idols, not to disrespect their parents, not to torture and harm the innocent, not to base their society upon nationalism."17 Further the witness of Jafar ibn Abi Talib ‫ ﷺ‬emphasized that their conviction of the preaching of the prophet Mohammad ‫ ﷺ‬was in past activities of "living an unclean life, being convicted about the depth of ignorance and barbarianism, the worship of idols, the living of an unclean life, the eating of dead meat,18 speaking of abominations, not respecting neighbors, knowing no laws, then Allah raised up a man whose birth, truthfulness and honesty were well known to us. We were called to the oneness of Allah, taught us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trust, to be merciful. To regard the rights of our neighbors and our kith and kin, he forbade us from speaking evil to women and from eating the substances (dead meat) or taking the wealth of the orphan. He ordered us to stay away from evil and abstain from evil in all forms. He taught us to offer prayers, to give charity and to observe fasting. We believed in him and we accepted his teachings. He taught us not to associate partners with Allah and he taught us that we should live a good life. For this we have been tortured and injured and not finding safety amongst our own people. "19 This is the second emphasis from another historical location from the time period of the persecution that also indicates WHAT the persecution was about: the confrontation of the idolatrous activities of animal sacrificial cult at Mecca. The Gospel record is also that the physician Messiah ‫ ﷺ‬confronted the idolatrous activities of the animal sacrificial cult at Jerusalem! 16 17 18 19 Armenian History attributed by Sebeos dated from the 630CE. Abisinnia King interrogating the Shahaba as quoted in at 5:46 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 33 The prophet Jeremiah declares the WORD of the LORD GOD regarding the activities going on at the House that has been robbing lives: “Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers ‫ פָּ ִר ִִ֗צים‬in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD.” Jeremiah 7:11 The definition of the Hebrew word ‫ פ ִָּר ִִ֗צים‬as "violent i.e., a tyrant--destroyer, ravenous, robber. licentious conqueror, reckless sport, lawlessness, J. 1237-38 These words do indicate that the slaughter house activities were exposed and condemned! The movements of faith and those of reformation and revival ALL had a message from several millennial periods of a return to VEGETARIANISM. The Roman Catholic burning at the stake was designated for heretics, they were specific to target vegetarians. Historians document that the Roman emperors targeted people to demand that they sacrifice a chicken, a lamb or cow in the custom of the people (not Rome) and if there was a refusal, the people would be killed. Millions perished. This is important to comprehend. The reformation movements were VEGETARIAN MOVEMENTS. Consider the serious question that meat diet is 100% dangerous, why would the Creator GOD instruct mankind to eat a dangerous DEAD CORPSE? Only the VERSIONS tell readers this! 100% of the cases of meat diet whether Abraham, Noah or Jacob are fictitious! Again, it is very critical that readers view and study this material and understand that our Heavenly Father is consistent about his diet and message and only the heathens made versions that tell us differently. Let’s start right! Clarifying this matter, the tossing of falsehoods is called what the sages describe as the "Shaking." It is with a specific meaning: 1. “Where one is NOT to give up studying what the original writings state.”20 2. "Arguments to shock the brain into alertness regarding the drops of rain,” 21 and 3. “To hear and reply to arguments of the Torah from the original grape juice ink."22 Thus the sages of Torah document an interesting sign of an authentic document having a reddish brown ink from botanical sources (pomegranate and grapes) that the Hebrews used for writing. The sages confirm what was the early and latter “rain” vernacular of the Sacred Scripture is receiving doctrine 20 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 385 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 552 22 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 552 21 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 34 instructions as written in Torah: "My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass."23 The shaking is thus where one throws off the heathen idolatrous priest teachings of the black ink of Edom-Rome and seeks the original message of the entire Sacred Scriptures: the Covenant. The position was that “The Shaking would be the active ‘slaying’ of the prophets of Baal."24 [1] Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, March 19, 1895. [2] Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 332, 1900. This slaying as detailed in I Kings 19 where Elijah the prophet “slayed” ‫ הרג‬meaning “forced alignment”25 while he used the ‫“ חרב‬Horeb” is where one must take action. Knowledge of the ancient words will instruct people to wisely do as the Sacred Scriptures instruct and wisely NOT follow the pattern of the idolatrous Graeco-Romans. The Arabic preserves the Horeb as the mountain projection, as action that is necessary when apostasy is present calling it "degeneracy in religion."26 Certainly at Mount Horeb for the prophet Moses ‫ ﷺ‬and also for the prophet Elijah ‫ ﷺ‬at Mount Carmel was when a degeneracy of religion had a required dramatic response. 23 Devarim (Deuteronomy) 32:2 R. Weiland 25 Etymology of the Biblical Hebrew , M. Clark, p. 61 26 Arabic-Persian-English Dictionary, F. Johnson, p. 514 24 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 35 The Two Opinions of Slaying the Prophets of Baalism Our present message is to understand how the children of Almighty GOD will function under the anointing of Elijah. Widely read versions declare: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."27 The Elijah that is foretold to come in Matti 17:11 must satisfy the Malachi prophecy: “Behold I send to you that of Elijah the Scholar-Prophet before the coming great day of GOD and the illumination. Is it indeed a return of the innermost hearts to the old path of the patriarchs unto the sons to build upon? Is it indeed in the innermost heart of the builder-sons? Ascend unto the foundation of the patriarchs! Eventually he comes in this manner that the land be set apart.” – Malachi 4:5-6 direct translation. Instead of dreading the Day of the LORD GOD, the message is about the return to the path of the patriarchs. How did the prophet Elijah ‫ ﷺ‬get the attention of the people? It was by the Divine manifestations of Almighty GOD. Why is a mantle of a Hanif-Hebrew anointed Elijah ‫ﷺ‬, a Yahudi monotheist, so important in this last days prophecy to bring all of the nations of the world together? “Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the wing of the prayer cover of him that is praising giving prayerful songs of thanksgiving, a Yahudi, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” Zechariah 8:22-23 emphasis added. What sign from Almighty GOD will be given of his anointed messenger? References for the above are Last Day Events, EGW, p. 173, Review and Herald, March 19, 1895 and Vol. 6 Testimonies p. 332 (1900). 27 Malachi 4:5 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 36 How is one in the shaking time? How is it that everything that can be shaken will be shaken? Slaying of the Prophets of Baalism investigated further regarding its spiritual reformation: "With the slaying of the prophets of Baal, the way was opened for carrying forward a mighty spiritual reformation. The judgments of Heaven had been executed; the people had confessed their sins and acknowledged the God of their fathers. Now the curse was to be withdrawn, and the land was to be refreshed with rain. “Get thee up, eat and drink,” Elijah said to Ahab, “for there is a sound of abundance of rain.” Then the prophet went to the top of the mount to pray." Splendor to Shadow p. 82.1 It must be asked: How is there a spiritual reformation when the versions depict a massive murder? Bible Versions do teach the Roman mythic story narrative, (ie. NOT TRUE) and the truth from the Hebrew language reveals healing and restoration. Does that revelation indeed shakeup the readers? Yes. What would the Hebrew words used for "slaying" within the original Sacred Scriptures tell us in clues for a spiritual reformation? Emphasizing that the shaking message will "slay" the modern "prophets of Baal" it is prudent to investigate what ancient Baalism beliefs were and how the Sacred Scriptures defined the term 'Slay.' Was there really a murderous slaying the prophets of Baal? Or was that just the versions mythical fiction? The show down had a gathering ordered by the King by the request of Elijah: "Now order all the people of Israel to meet me at Mount Carmel. Bring along the 450 prophets of Baal..." I Kings 18:19a The Hebrew word ‫ הכרמל‬Carmel properly defined is vineyard, crimson and garden lands. 28 A plentiful29pasture meadow.30 With this in mind that a plentiful area lush with greens, being at the vineyard, the story unfolds. Elijah appears at the heat of the season, a time of lack of rain for a period of time. The challenge was of who was worshipping correctly. The Bible tells of how the idolatrous prophets of Baalism cut themselves, made themselves bloody in desperation to get the attention of their deity: "And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with swords and lances, till the blood gushed out upon them." 31 JPS Tanach 1917 28 A Comprehensive Etymological Hebrew Dictionary for Readers of English, E. Klein, p. 287 Ibid. 347 30 Ibid. p. 285 31 I Kings 18:28 29 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 37 Today there are several religious groups that use bloody rituals in their desperate frenzy to get the attention in their religious expression. Are these the contemporary prophets of Baalism? Roman Catholic rituals of Shia rituals of bloody idolatry bloody idolatry Ancient Aztec rituals of bloody idolatry Elijah makes the urgent order: "And Elijah said unto them: ' ‫ תפשו‬Sieze the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape.' And they took them; and Elijah brought them down to the ‫ נחל‬brook ‫קישון‬ Kishon, and ‫ ישחטם‬slew them there."32 The Hebrew word in the version for 'seize' ‫ תפשו‬is defined as grasp hold, capture. The Hebrew word used in the versions 'slew' is ‫ שחט‬which is also to be defined as focused sharply, 33 and also "to press out, absorb, a Shabbath pressed squeezed fruits designated for juice."34 The Hebrew word for 'slaying' as detailed where Ahab complains to Jezebel in the story of Elijah that the prophet “slayed” ‫ הרג‬harag the prophets35 has a much proper definition as “forced alignment.”36 This is more of getting the attention of the rebels! His actions were for intercession and healing of an apostate! He is NOT ordering their death, he is ordering their RESCUE by restoring the Shabbath ceremonies of the grape juice! There is not a slaughter! This text is describing how Almighty GOD will seize the errant, through a focused sharply event where there is pressed fruits designated for juice for Shabbath. The word ‫ נחל‬is "valley, ravine, wadi" and "inheritance."37 It also is about "something that is no longer sacred."38 Why is kishon not translated and defined for the reader? It holds a KEY to understanding how Elijah would heal the apostate according to the protocols of Torah! He is restoring Vegetarianism! 32 I Kings 18:40 Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew, M. Clark, p. 323 34 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1547 35 I Kings 19:1 36 Etymology of the Biblical Hebrew , M. Clark, p. 61 37 A Comprehensive Etymological Hebrew Dictionary for Readers of English, E. Klein, p. 411 38 Ibid. 33 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 38 nohsiK ‫קישון‬ Drawer, carrier of wine juice to drain the bowl PA. 1010 Wilderness medicine, pulse PA. 1012 Pulses are part of the legume family, but the term “pulse” refers only to the dried seed. Dried peas, edible beans, lentils and chickpeas are the most common varieties of pulses. Pulses are very high in protein and fiber, and are low in fat. Archer-bowman BDBG p. 905-906 Levitical dwelling BDBG#7191 p. 904 Commentary: All of these word pictures depict the Cohen Gadol holding the Vessel of Manna! The ancient grape juice stain is noted in the interior of the side lying vessel! The wilderness medicine is the whole food plant based Manna diet, Manna attire and Manna tools of the Levitical dwelling! The inheritance that is no longer esteemed as sacred is about the wine juice bowl held by the Levitical dweller that upholds the wilderness medicine. Because the Shaking is the active Slaying of the Prophets of Baalism it is prudent to be going back to the "brook Kishon" where the understanding is more clear of WHY Elijah had the idolatrous errant people gathered to a specific remedy, the wilderness medicine, the manna diet, the grape juice vessel. Are these clues of how to deal with an international crisis of zealous individuals that really believe that they must kill people to go to paradise? This is an international crisis of Baalism idolatry present where it should NEVER be! How does a shaking message prompt one to actively slay the prophets of Baal? First to investigate what were the ancient teachings of Baalism. Of course Baalism would be idolatry. What type of idolatry? What was Baal worship according to the witnesses of history and of the Bible? Historians document that the idolatrous Baal movement emphasized mock marriages, sexual images of the gynecological and phallus organs, sexual deviancy, homosexuality, rape, savage torture, dietary licentiousness, animal flesh consumption, bestiality and more.39 All of these licentious practices indeed could be identified within contemporary practices of secular Europe and America. Yet where the religion promotes these practices, the LOUD VOICE of Heaven declares a WARNING command 39 search of ancient Baal movements Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 39 to STOP! Contemporary Quran Versions, a self-evident fact that when you read these versions of Quran, one will see why they behave the wicked way they do. The problem is that Rome has seized the way the contemporary Quran Versions are read and understood, their modus operandi of war has always been to drift and switch the definitions of the language! BaalismHinduism Baalism disguised yet Ancient Baalism fornication idols preserved by preserved in Mecca apostates throughout the world including Mecca Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 40 The Seven Hebrew Stations of Healing The cover up of the original healing program of the ancient Sanctuary where ancient laws ordered an official purposefully mistranslated document still surprises these researchers. Like finding an ancient treasure, the gems of truth that come out are precious glimpses of knowledge. We have attempted to provide evidence of two texts (Received Text and the Peshitta Text) that provide conclusions upon analysis of a consistent entire Holy Scriptures view. The exactness of translation is still a work in progress. The Seven Roman Churches as typically taught within the Christian community was brought into question when we noted that the word for ‘Laodicea’ was not spelled in the Aramaic Peshitta Text as the language required it to mean a town named ‘Laodicea.’ The closer examination of the entire topic of the seven churches revealed a totally new meaning. Why is this finding such? Many forget that the ancient Hebrews wrote clear warnings about an apostate harlot system that was seriously charged in the book of Revelation 17:13 with the crime ‘to change the teaching of Yah.’ The original message declares a sanctuary of healing and this evidence is consistently is revealed in the closer examination of Revelation 1-3. The gate entrance of the wilderness Mishkan Sanctuary was where the earthen vessel ceremony was conducted of healing or dealing with the unfaithful wife of redeeming idolaters. The ancient wilderness instructions are reiterated within this text: Ephesus: The word phrases ‘to the angel of Ephesus’ means ‘To the teacher entering into the gate entrance.’ Smyrna: The next phrase of ‘Smyrna’ means ‘To the teacher to enter the gate with healing medicine singing the song of the vessel.’ Pergamus: The next phrase of ‘Pergamus’ expresses the phrase ‘To the teacher entering into the gate to exchange and redeem idolaters.’ Thyatira: The next phrase ‘Thyatira’ expresses ‘To the teacher entering in with the sign of the brick vessel.’ Sardis: The next phrase of ‘Sardis’ expresses ‘To the teacher of the minyan (ten) at the temple gate with a dish of pounded grain (barley and wheat) with the pot of thorns.’ Philadelphia: The next phrase ‘Philadelphia’ expresses ‘To the teacher entering in the gate entrance dipping into the vessel.’ Laodicea: ‘To the teacher with the court scene and debt of justice regarding the transgression within a "a delightful gourmet dark and white washed supplication water pot" This knowledge has been silenced by traditions! An entirely different religious experience is with knowledge HIDDEN within plain sight yet revealed with the proper tools of interpretation! Start throwing out the prophets of Baal! This is the counsel of the true witness of what Laodicea properly conveys! The healing message is the entire goal of the message from Torah to the Gospels and of the Quran. It will require courage to face the matter that the changing of the teachings of the Sacred Texts for the Contemporary VERSIONS has always been by the apostates and the Roman pattern of alteration has been to foster the lies. The truth will set all of us free! Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 41 The Stone of the Exodus Introducing the subject of ancient commentary, a topic most modern readers would have no idea of what the sages that penned the sentence would have indicated for the season of fasting and prayers: "We had a Vessel kept in reverential retirement and it has been exposed on account of our sins."40 Another curious sentence about the "crown ornament: glorious wisdom in an ugly vessel."41 Another seemingly odd expression: "a stone pillar that floats."42 The hints are about an ancient flaming scroll of Torah that was given to the prophet Moses described as "of white fire, written upon with black fire, sealed with fire and swathed with bands of fire."43 The sages urged the future modern reader to look for with the authentic vessel whose artist and scribe is Mosheh of the Exodus. 44 It is important to alert the modern reader that the ancients wrote that the subject matter of the vessel was "banished by the Roman Government."45 How else was the item described as having been brought down by Moses from Mount Sinai? This is going to be important to comprehend how corrupt ecclesiastical powers have been. The ancient sages wrote "As regard an unanimous opinion ‫ כל‬the water vessel ‫ הכלים‬that Moses made, the anointing gave them their sacred character."46 The Bible Versions have been identified within this research have inserted the term 'broken' where it does NOT fit the criteria of interpretation. For example, did Moses in a fit of anger break the tablets of stone? NO. Were the ancient people involved in dancing? Your version tells you so and especially after having spent a chunk of time in the presence of Almighty GOD that he in a fit of anger broke the tables. Correcting the message is as follows: And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw ‫ העגל‬calf the basin's make haste cake and the ‫ מחלת‬dancing forgiven, pardoned; and Moses‫ויחר אף‬ anger waxed hot long suffering guarantor-successor, and he cast ‫ הלחת‬tables The tablet painting of picture writing out of his hands, and broke ‫ ישבר‬he taught its innovative textual interpretation them beneath the mount.47 The original text says he decoded, he broke the mystery with teaching the instructions of its innovative text. Certainly to explain how two languages (Paleo-Mosaic-Hebrew and Paleo-Arabic) were coherent within the same spaces forming a distinct message within its brilliant and ingenious design was a big task! The mixed multitudes were in this Exodus, the two scripts were intact! 40 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1292 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1131 42 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1268 43 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 715 44 Pirḳe Rabbi Eli'ezer ben Hyrcanus 45 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 247 46 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 1319 47 Exodus 32:19 41 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 42 The time of the prophet Moses up in the mount was about the guarantor-successor48 role of the future of the nation. Instead of anger, the Hebrew word indicates long-suffering countenance.49 The two Hebrew words properly defined according to the sages is without a temper tantrum. The mythical similarities END when one properly defines the narrative. The word picture of the prophet Moses having just spent significant time with the Creator GOD of the Universe has his destiny on his face. The long suffering countenance of a guarantor-successor is a royal commanding visage. The fact that forgiveness and pardon50 is right after the mentioning of unleavened bread matches the prayer of the Messiah! The quantifying of interpretation of the Hebrew word indicating instead of an idolatrous calf, it is a basin's make-haste cake (unleavened) that the sages mention "the LORD showed Abraham the ceremony."51 This is the LORD's SUPPER aka Seuda Mashiach within its finest presentation. The wrong message of any version is out of an evil empire of ancient Rome that through its ecclesiastical empire has wielded power to suppress the most important message. How does one win against the evils of an empire of Rome? Adventist visionary Ellen White writes: "Our happiness and salvation depends upon eating the bread of life; that is, obeying the words and doing the works of Messiah, advancing righteousness and restraining unrighteousness."52 The photo of this quote is also in this book: 53 We were in prayer asking the LORD provide to us proof of why we were shown by Angelic presence to put the red cord in the very unique fashion. The following proof was provided for our immense encouragement: "The very bread we eat has upon it the image and superscription of the cross."54 Superscription properly conveys exactly what is above the bread! This is very critical to understand when ‘breaking, demystifying, decoding the cross of Paleo-Hebrew.’ 48 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M.Jastrow, p. 372 to 40-41 and A Comprehensive Etymological Hebrew Dictionary for Readers of English, E. Klein, p. 18 49 Strong's Hebrew Lexicon, #639 50 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M.Jastrow, p. 761 51 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M.Jastrow, p. 1041 52 Ellen White, Sons and Daughters of GOD p. 194 3rd paragraph 53 Ellen White, Living the Life of Enoch, p. 47-48 54 Ellen White, Our Father Cares, "The Smiles of GOD." April 16 devotional Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 43 The illustration of the square white plate altar with the unleavened bread and pure grape juice. The red cord designates sacred tithes within the ancient Hebrew Economy. The sign of the Covenant cross is upon the bread of communion which is the Paleo-Mosaic Cross. The Paleo-Mosaic Hebrew letter shaped as a cross is defined as: Remember, the definition of superscription is above, it is NOT embedded into the bread. Superscription: "Something written above or outside 55 something else." The Paleo-Hebrew letter formed with the above tav makes the Tet as illustrated indicating crushing the serpent. On a Friday Shabbath celebration of the Kiddush or LORD's Supper, the Spirit of GOD powerfully manifested to direct us to the following quote within the chapter "Calls for Laborers" 56 where the Last Message is emphasized. Pay attention closely! The Finishing Work is with heavy responsibility as it is THE LAST MESSAGE. In review of the above is with emphasis: "Here was shown the nature of the work of the people of GOD. They have a message of such great importance that they are represented as flying in the presentation of it to the world. They are HOLDING IN THEIR HANDS THE BREAD OF LIFE for a famishing world. The love of Messiah constrains them. This is the last message. There are no more to follow, no more invitations of mercy to be given after this message has done its work."57 (emphasis added) Feeding a famishing world is with the actual unleavened sprouted flour bread of life. Who are those that keep the commandments of GOD and the faith of Jesus? This is a COMMANDMENT of Torah and emphasized within the gospels to observe this meal! 55 superscription Testimonies Vol. 5, p. 206-207 57 Ibid. 56 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 44 Consider this matter, that what we have consistently over and over again identified in the original text is the importance of the bread and grape juice ceremony that was ordained by Almighty GOD for the forgiveness of sins. It is emphasized within the LORD's prayer: "Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us."58 Clarifying the investigation of the text reveals a pattern of obfuscation. Coming out of the Roman occupation of Bible Versions requires literacy. The Peshitta Text of the LORD's Prayer where the "Daily Bread" is mentioned has words that are omitted within all versions. Critical words identifying living sprouted grains pounded into flour for bread: ‫יומנא‬ ‫דסונקנן‬ ‫לחמא‬ This day, this life, our day(J. 569) Of whom shines bright (J. 1007/966) entering into a binding obligation by a symbolical action (J. 1391-3) Essential Sacred battle bread (J. 703-4) to be put up and build binding obligations (J. 1393) his dish of pounded grains (J. 315 to 302 to 298) His dish of pounded grains (J. 315 to 302 to 298 ) to be clean (J. 931) fine brittle (J. 865) annual produce tender plant sprout propagation (J. 82/46, 888, 905 BDBG #5215-6) This is the Abrahamic Covenant Meal description making a happy and joyous family unit! The New Testament Bible Versions indeed has the declaration of "I am the bread of life." Investigating of the Judeo-Greek text, the words do not perfectly match the dictionary. What was the intent of the message? What was overlooked or misunderstood? The ancients under much duress wrote an encoded text. This ceremony remains by Roman decrees since Emperor Constantine prohibited the Sacred Text: Start▼John 6:35 Ἐγώ ‫عجو‬/ ‫עגו‬ εἰμι ‫אימי‬ ὁ ἄρτος ‫הרתוס‬ τῆς ‫תהש‬ ζωῆς· ‫זוהס‬ Rounded cake that has been rolled and drawn upon / pastry sweet cake To speak in an oath 'by the life.' Stained sweet bread Its Biblical puzzle for interpretation This stained (of Moses) / hidden concealed establishment of a religious order J. 1040 A. 694 Strong's Greek #1473 J. 580 J. 369 and 374 J. 369 Strong's Greek #1510 conveys "straightforward" Word Origin a prol. form of a prim. and defective verb Strong's Greek #740 Word Origin of uncertain origin Definition bread, a loaf Greek NOT translated J. 381 and 374 A. 450 Original Word: ζωή, ῆς, Strong's Greek #2222 "life" Commentary: The Judeo-Greek text leaves some of these words NOT TRANSLATED, they skip them. This indicates a problem. Note the scholars admit uncertain origin! Putting the Judeo-Greek back into Aramaic, it reveals a Hebrew custom and a Hebrew original word that preserves the knowledge of the stained sweet bread. What does further investigation reveal? The preserved memory of the rounded shoe bread cake of unleavened bread has piercings. There is a vow, an oath sworn upon the bread and that is preserved in this text. The phrase this stained one of Moses fits with what the Scholars are suggesting that the Greek spelling is originally just a zooh which is what the Hebrew-Aramaic confirms. The Semitic language has preserved a word picture that indicates that this 58 Matthew 6:11-12 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 45 ceremony is hidden and concealed. When one dips the bread into the grape juice, it is a living oath. This text evidence verifies the ceremony of a stained hidden establishment of a religious order of Moses is the biblical puzzle bowl. Interpretation: This stained hidden establishment of a religious order of Moses it's a biblical puzzle for interpretation as a Stained sweet bread is to speak by a living oath is a rounded designed cake." Yochanon 6:35 Peshitta text has double emphasis: ‫דחיא‬ Of health promoting, to heal, to recover, to regain life, ‫לחמא‬ Unleavened cake specifically 2 loaves of shoe bread on the table of the sanctuary, the battle bread offering Leviticus 23:17 J. 454, 450 J. 704 ‫אנא‬ mature Ripe vessel receptacle time bowl K. 38-39 A. 40 Yochanon 6:35 ▼ ‫אנא‬ Ripe mature time vessel bowl receptacle K. 38-39 A. 40 Commentary: The dual emphasis of a word repeated is to say bowl of all bowls in Hebrew. The mature time is about harvest and the ripe colors. Interpretation: "Bowl of all bowls unleavened cakes bread offering of healing, health, regaining life." The occasional reference that are made in the English versions are examined closer from the Greek Received Text such as: we have this treasure in όστρακινις σκεύεσιν an earthen wife vessel (singular) vessels/jar of clay, that the excellency of the power may be of GOD, and not of us.”59 “But Peshitta Text (2 Cor. 4:7) Start here▼ ‫דין‬ ‫לן‬ ‫אית‬ ‫דחצפא‬ ‫במנא‬ ‫הדא‬ ‫שימתא‬ Of whom is undaunted energetic strong, urgency Within manna vessel garment, mantle, plant veggie diet Of which is wisdom rightly guided one Compartment of holy of holies treasure Cylindrical judgment vessel ruling the world with mercy Kept within lodging Existence J. 495-6 J. 796 J. 332, 275 J. 1563 J. 300-301, 315 J. 699 J. 61 Manna vessel’s redemption becoming To be astonished Allah Majestic GOD from Of whom is strong valley service to gather together Of which is a great thing, remarkable office of saturated grape juices J. 801 J. 374 J. 1648 J. 66 J. 775 J. 455 J. 1439-40 ‫מנן‬ 59 ‫ולא‬ ‫תהוא‬ ‫אלהא‬ ‫מין‬ ‫דחילא‬ ‫דרבותא‬ II Cor. 4:7 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 46 Commentary: It is not just any treasure, it is specific, the Manna Vessel is the treasure. Interpretation: "Existence kept within lodging is a cylindrical judgment vessel ruling the world with mercy, a compartment of holies treasure of which is wisdom. Within a Manna vessel of whom is undaunted, energetic of which is a great thing office of saturated grape juices of whom is strong from Majestic GOD to be astonished becoming Manna vessel's redemption." Ellen White is given a vision where she sees the Pot of Manna with its golden cast without mention of seeing the Ten Commandments. This is important; the Samaritan Torah has entire paragraphs that were OMITTED within the Masoretic Text that describe the Ten Commandments AS THE POT OF MANNA. The abundance of fruits within the Ark indicates the healing choices for today where almonds, grapes, pomegranates are a core of the healing program. What is Manna? According to the sages, Manna is the vegetarian diet, it is the vegetarian garments, it is the vegetarian tools, and will have flax as part of its recipes. When the scientific studies were conducted, the most prominent oil of many oils detected was Castor bean oil, the famous "Palma Christi" healing oil. Returning to the Golden Pot of Manna, according to the Torah text, the pot of manna always has been an basket design earthen vessel with a golden cast, its hue of its golden-red letters. The manna, almonds, grapes and pomegranates mentioned together is important. Keep this in mind as you study further. Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 47 ‫צנצנת‬ Earthen vessel bottle of glossy material. J. 1283 Basket J. 1290 Prickly thorn #6796 Commentary: When the Hebrew word is doubled, it emphasizes "earthen thorn basket of all earthen thorn baskets." The INTERNAL segment of the Earthen Vessel is a distinct basket design with its woven clay and is ONLY where the ancient water dried residual is noted. The external segment DOES NOT have any dried water lines. The thorns are within the external design of the ring of thorns. The ancients as shown DID preserve the Moses-Messiah Potsherd Vessel! The book of Hebrews 9:4 where it is 'golden pot' of manna is analyzed more closely: χρυσίῳ yet the text has χρυση στάμνος χρυση = Golden Pot "Golden article" concrete earthen vessel J. 500, 504, A.272 Levite Potsherd stone #2789, #2792 artisan scholar design of ploughs J. 507 Rough scraped earthen potsherd K. Ety 234 στάμνος "pot" Earthen Covenant Pot earthen pot indicating an established covenant. Strong's Greek #4713 from #2476 miraculous flag sign covered vessel connected to showbread for the sick recovery J.1031, 915 If one notes that the golden effect of the red The red flag is at the signature with stylus. letters upon the white clouds is 'golden.' This The entire ceremony at the East "golden" Gate segment shows the "Mosheh" hand with is about healing of the sick for full recovery. stylus signature of Paleo-Mosaic-Hebrew within a flag design. The plough design is with the white triangles where one sees the rows. Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 48 The plant diet is the message of the Covenant Earthen Vessel, the STONE of the Levites. The silver cords connecting to the grapes is further analyzed. Whenever there is a vision and there are KJV wording, these are hints of where to go for answers. The silver cords connected to grapes that are mentioned within the vision are indeed connected to the Sacred golden Manna bowl: Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 60 The manna, almonds, grapes and pomegranates will be part of how one understands the above verse. A closer look at the Hebrew text reveals significant clues that were omitted within the Versions. First for discrepancies, there are three words that the versions chose to insert "broken." This is important because all are wrong. Within the text below, there are many words have added adjectives that are without a valid basis for making that choice. An example the word is with a letter signifying 'the' and it is NOT used. The word instead has 'and' placed that does not have any basis for that choice. Where the vision of EGW is now understood how it can be decoded, the silver wires to the big grapes are indeed connected within the original Hebrew language below. The mentioning of manna, almonds, grapes, pomegranates are within the Bible Version imagery and put together properly within the text to the Vessel of Manna. Her vision verifies the choice of best grape juice. ‫הכסף‬ The bright intellect value /The silver ‫חבל‬ Pledge binding cord ‫ירחק כ‬ His pure clear best wine grape juice a dimension afar because Be loosed ‫לא‬ The Preacher Ecclesiastes 12:6 start here ▼ only ‫אשר‬ Happily verify, strengthened legal attestation not ‫עד‬ Confirming evidence, witness or ever J. 655 J. 420 K. Ety. 206 PA. 614 K. Ety. 614 J. 685 J. 130 J. 1042 ‫על‬ ‫כד‬ ‫ותשבר‬ ‫הזהב‬ Higher plan to heal at High priest breast bowl, rounded water pitcher, flow of religious wisdom Or the And you break innovative textual interpretation The glistening gold-embroidery Or the golden A rolling mantle cupbowl And straight harmony And be broken J. 612 J. 1517 J. 381 J. 221, K. Ety. 102 J. 1702 J. 1080, 1082 60 ‫גלת‬ ‫ותרץ‬ And be broken Ecclesiastes 12:6 KJV Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 49 ‫הבור‬ The Creator's receptacle cistern recovery to health J. 149 and 330 The vessel illustrates the iris, the pupil, the vitreous cavity, the extraocular rectus muscles to pull the pupil all within an artistic style. This would be a prototype of medical models for the levite physician ‫אל‬ Covenant Vessel at ‫הגלגל‬ The rounded mantle exposed tablet stone crown golden cup bowl rolling celestial zodiac wheel sphere of Abraham's Eye-ball of the world ‫הנרץ‬ The future effected atonement peace-maker advocate And broken ‫המבוע‬ The wellspring [of prophecy of Jeremiah] The fountain A. 27 J. 244, 245, 247, 221, C. Ety. 40 K. Ety. 102 J. 1494 J. 725 Jeremiah's wellspringthorn bush pottery painted, powdered color dusty vessel. The thorn bush design This widely depicted along with a artistic rendering of pomegranate floral Jeremiah's seething pot Davidic crown. is not accurate. The Bible version does mention a budding almond branch Commentary: The text affirms the topic is about the high priest golden cup bowl of all golden bowls with its celestial sphere rounded crown and proper innovative interpretation was the discussion giving readers specific details. The vision of EGW has 'two golden rods' and these are located in this terminology only in Bible commentaries. The actual narrative of versions and ancient text does NOT have this phrase. Yet there are singular ones: "The angel who spoke with me had a golden measuring rod to Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 50 measure the city"61 and in the Exodus portion where the discussion of the Table of the Showbread mentions poles.62 The Hebrew word ‫ לבדים‬according to the best of the Hebrew scholarly discussions DOES NOT indicate poles. It is defined as proclaiming as "dually unique, coherent and compact."63 For another variation of its use, the scholars concur that it is the least likely choice to insert 'pole' into the definition. It would instead be "for separated white linens." 64 This is important because the unleavened bread table having its poles in a very awkward illustration is now a beautiful white linen cloth covering the bread on the plate. Being coherent about this message is important too! Traditional table of Show-Bread Actual Table of Show-Bread This imagery is not accurate and is a traditions of man illustration. Square white plate with the unleavened bread-cakes along with the grape juice basin. This antique Judaica white embroidered linen is for the unleavened bread. A white linen tablecloth also covers the main table. Clarifying this matter, one reason why these versions have a different narrative, it has been since 325CE according to Judaic historians, that the Roman Empire had banished the topic of the golden bowl of manna which is in reality the covenant earthen vessel.65 In 2003 we were praying about opening a healing center based upon the counsels of the Testimonies. There were many events but in summary, we were given an Angelic visit where the Divine Voice declared "Purification Vessel: Formed by the LORD, Painted by Moses, Used by Aaron and over 3,300 years." We were also instructed that this was the "White Vessel of Manna of which there was a name no one knew except for the holder." The groups of scientists helping in this research were gratified of positive scientific and geological results. The State of Israel sent their representative and we were to continue our research to collect facts. The summary of 16 years of full time scholarship has revealed that the message of the Angels was indeed true. 61 Revelation 11:1 Exodus 25:27; Exodus 30:4; Exodus 37:27 63 A Comprehensive Etymological Hebrew Dictionary for Readers of English, E. Klein, p. 292 64 The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon, p. 94 65 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M.Jastrow, p. 247 62 Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 51 Adam ‫ ﷺ‬had the Covenant Vessel Noah ‫ ﷺ‬had the Covenant Vessel Patriarch Abraham ‫ﷺ‬ had the Covenant Vessel Patriarch Abraham ‫ﷺ‬ taught the Covenant Vessel Prophet Musa ‫ ﷺ‬had the Covenant Vessel Prophet Musa ‫ﷺ‬ received the ratified Covenant at Sinai Priest Jethro ‫ ﷺ‬of the Arabs had the Covenant Vessel King David ‫ ﷺ‬had the Covenant Vessel Prophet Elias ‫ ﷺ‬had the Covenant Vessel Prophet Jeremiah ‫ﷺ‬ had the Covenant Vessel Issa Messiah ‫ ﷺ‬had the Covenant Vessel Issa Messiah ‫ ﷺ‬taught the Covenant Vessel out of Torah Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬ had the Covenant Vessel King Mahdi ‫ ﷺ‬has the Covenant Vessel King Mahdi ‫ﷺ‬ messenger of the Quran King Mahdi ‫ ﷺ‬on time at the Sliver cresent Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 52 This document has utilized Scholarship sources of the following: Sources of Scholarship utilized within this Document: 1. Arabic-Persian English Dictionary, Francis Johnson, London (C) 1852 "PA" *(based upon the Oriental Thesaurus of Meninski 1680CE) 2. Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, New York (C) 1903 "J" 3. A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English, E. Klein, New York (C) 1987 "K. Ety." 4. Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehrCowan, 4th Ed. (C) 1979 "A" 5. The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon with appendix Aramaic J. Green (C) 1979 "BDBG" 6. Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew, M. Clark, (c) 1999 "C. Ety" 7. Strong's Concise Dictionary of the Hebrew Bible, J. Strong, (C) 1890 "H#" 8. Arabic-English Lexicon, Edward William Lane,© 1862 (based on medieval manuscripts) “Lane” 9. Arabic-Persian English Dictionary, Richardson, (C) 1800 “RPA” Faithful Covenant ©2019 970 W. Valley Parkway #439 Escondido, CA 92025 USA Page 53