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Et ils (les oppresseurs) pensaient que leurs forteresses les protégeraient d'Allah, mais le commandement d'Allah les atteignit de là où ils ne s'y attendaient pas, et Il jeta la terreur dans leurs coeurs." [Coran 59:2]
The similarities, primarily related to colonialism and the concept of identity and territory, seem obvious. But to report a uniform opinion on the most debated issue, particularly since last 7 October, is difficult: some support the... more
The objective of this article is to set out lines of international complicity in Israel's war on Gaza towards establishing not merely a refreshed agenda for research but also strategic sites of accountability and intervention. The article... more
A critical anlysis of the stark discrepancy between US and other western states' policies on limiting and/or conditioning supplies of armaments to Israel and Ukraine.
A discussion of responses to the student protests at Columbia University and elsewhere over the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
Explores the similarities and differences between Hamas and the Jewish Zealots at the time of the destruction of the Second Temple.
Les événements qui se déroulent au Moyen-Orient au cours des deux dernières décennies ont laissé les savants et les croyants réfléchir à la signification de ces temps. Assistons-nous aux signes des grandes épreuves (al-Fitan, pluriel de... more
I would like all the People of Earth to step out of their Box and spend some time on Reflection. Starting with Theodore's Manifesto of 1895, European Zionists Landing in Palestine, the buying of Palestinian Land by the Rothschild... more
Once more I write that Zionist Apartheid Israel, the United States of America, the United Palestinian Resistance, the UNO and all of Earth already have the solution of ending the conflict, a permanent ceasefire, withdrawal, agreeing to a... more
I do not know the answers. But I do know that any lasting solution will require a nuanced approach that recognizes that the confluence of historical, religious, and social factors, makes the issues multifaceted and extremely complicated.... more
It seems to me that behind the current bleak scenario of the continuing massacre of the Palestinian population and the destruction of Gaza as a reaction to the pogrom against the Israeli population on Oct. 7, two genocidal impulses brood,... more
Allāh a acheté des croyants, leurs vies et leurs biens en échange du Paradis qui leur appartient. Ils combattent sur le chemin d'Allāh, ils tuent et sont tués. C'est une promesse en vérité, contraignante pour Lui dans la Torah, l'Évangile... more
We write as members of California Scholars for Academic Freedom.* We condemn the treatment of five faculty who were given notice of violating Time Place and Manner Policies (TPM) under your administration and on your campus for amplified... more
Living in a country that maintains diplomatic relations with an apartheid, settler-colonial state weighs heavily on the spirit. However, having ties with a nation committing one of the most widely broadcast genocides in history is... more
The article explores the harrowing consequences of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, where the relentless war has devastated communities and left residents grappling with the reality of displacement and destruction. The article details the... more
Pour une annexion de la Cis-Jordanie et de Gaza par Israël - Sami Aldeeb
Vers une solution à Un Seul État en Palestine/Israël - Sami Aldeeb
War and terror have been a constant in the territory between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea since the League of Nations´ mandate (1920) to create a homeland for Jews and non-Jews in Palestine. The confrontation between the... more
War and terror have been a constant in the territory between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea since the League of Nations´ mandate (1920) to create a homeland for Jews and non-Jews in Palestine. The confrontation between the... more
The Book is in Arabic. Operation al-Aqsa Flood on 7/10/2023, marked a historic strategic shift and a significant advancement in the struggle against Israeli occupation. It shattered Israel's security framework, underscored the pivotal... more
This paper explores the psychoanalytic dimensions of Gaza Writes Back through Dominick LaCapra's concepts of "acting out" and "working through," focusing on themes of trauma, memory, and resistance. "Acting out" refers to the compulsive... more
Ils veulent éteindre la lumière d'Allah avec leurs bouches, mais Allah ne permettra pas qu'elle s'éteigne, et Il fera briller Sa lumière pleinement, même si les mécréants la détestent" [Coran 9:32].
Dear California State University Chancellor Mildred Garcia, We write as members of California Scholars for Academic Freedom.* We want to express our deep alarm over the new Time, Place and Manner (TPM) directives recently imposed... more
Israel is making use of artificial intelligence to further its genocidal agenda in Gaza.
The paper "THE AXIS OF RESISTANCE AND ITS HISTORICAL PRESENCE" is an overall view of the politcal and millitary organization. Through bringing in many different references to the miltant Iranian organization, I hope to add some different... more
Commander in-Chief Joe Biden says Netanyahu is not doing enough to get a Ceasefire. Yes, the President of the United States continues to repeat that it is not his fault that 40000 Civilians have died. Yes, this is the President and... more
States, international organizations, and non-state actors profess commitments to legal principles, such as accountability, human rights, or sovereign equality, yet act in ways that contradict these ideals. In response to the perception... more
Here's a whistle-stop interview with Palestinian compañero Hakam Soufan after the 7 July 2024 Palestine demonstration in Sydney: It's had 32,000 views at 11 September 2024: see... more
These are the officers and commanders responsible for executing Israel’s war in Gaza. The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity. Here are the prime suspects. DAWN submitted... more
Israel hasn’t just lost the battle for hearts and minds in much of the world, including significant constituencies in Western countries. It has scored a significant own goal that has rendered it all but impossible to achieve a key... more
It’s true that caring about that Palestinian child, in and of itself, will yield you no personal material gain. But being the sort of person who would care about that Palestinian child will help pave the way from hell on earth to... more
Relatório, baseado em entrevistas com 55 sobreviventes, revela casos de estupro e tortura, além da privação de sono, comida e tratamento médico contra palestinos. Dos quase 10 mil palestinos sob cativeiro do regime genocida israelense,... more
Rehinelerin kurtarılması için sokaklara dökülerek hükümetten en kısa sürede bir ateşkes ve rehine takası anlaşmasını talep eden protestocuların, şu an için Netanyahu hükümetinin kararlarını etkileyerek bir ateşkese zorlaması... more
I want to talk about three different things. I want to talk about the 2024 General Election in the UK and the local campaign in Brighton and Hove; the Far Right and their targets; and the United Front, bringing together organised labour... more
AN INTERVIEW WITH ISRAELI HISTORIAN AMOS GOLDBERG: Amos Goldberg has been a leading critic of Israel’s war in Gaza, which he calls genocide. In an interview, he told Jacobin why the term applies — and why the international community needs... more
Allah voulait donner la victoire à Ses serviteurs ; donc, qu’ils aient envoyé 300 000 ou 3 milliards, cela n’aurait fait aucune différence car Allah voulait accorder la victoire à l’Ummah. Par conséquent, si Allah veut un but, s’Il veut... more