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During the latter half of the 19th century, the town of Gaza in southern Palestine’s coast was integrated into the global system of maritime trade. The town exported large quantities of the northern Negev barley, a commodity of specified... more
The monograph From Ambivalence to Hostility focuses on writings on Zionism published in the Arabic newspaper Filasṭīn (ʻPalestineʼ) in the pre-WWI period (1911–1914). It covers a broad range of subjects treated by the periodical including... more The policies of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) towards Zionism and Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine have already... more
Russian commemoration book (pomyannik), dated to the early 20th c. discovered in Aceldama, Jerusalem, during the excavations of disturbed burials near the Greek Monastery of St. Onuphrius the Great. The original archaeological context of... more
Reconnaissance flights were performed by Bavarian air squadron number 304 (AF304b) between September 1917 and September 1918 as part of the operations of the German-Turkish Alliance towards the end of WWI. The aerial and ground... more
Yusuf al-‘Isa was an early pioneer of modern journalism in Palestine which began to flourish during the second Ottoman constitutional period. During the years 1911–14 he worked as the editor-in-chief of the Arabic newspaper Filastin... more
עליית תלמידי הגר"א מתוארת בדרך כלל כביכול לפתע פתאום חלה התעוררות לעלייה דווקא בקרב חוג תלמידי הגר"א וההולכים בדרכו, התעוררות פתאומית המצביעה לכאורה על התארגנות העומדת מאחורי התעוררות זו, כשהעלייה עצמה מתוארת כמי שהתחוללה ב-3 שיירות עולים... more
ביארת שניר היא אחת השכונות המוכרות ביותר בלוד לציבור הרחב. יחד עם זאת, עד כה ההיסטוריה החברתית והאדריכלית של השכונה לא זכתה לתשומת לב מחקרית מספקת. במאמרנו זה, השני בסדרת מאמרינו על בתי הפרדס בלוד (ששון 2019), אנו מבקשים לתרום לשיח המחקרי... more
This article focuses on how a group of Sephardic intellectuals, some who identified as Arab Jews, succeeded through their experiences in Cairo, Beirut, and Istanbul, to become influential actors within Ottoman Palestine’s Jewish... more
אם המושבות פתח-תקוה הייתה ידועה בימים עברו גם בשם אומלבס, שיבוש שמו של הכפר הערבי מְלַבֵּס שעל אדמתו היא הוקמה. בעוד שההתיישבות העברית בארץ זכתה לתשומת לב רבה, הרי שמלבס נתפס כ'כפר ערבי קטן ועלוב', שאינו מושא ראוי לבחינה מדעי. ברם,... more
הכפר גִ'נְדַאס, היה הכפר הקרוב ביותר ללוד, והיווה שער לעיר לבאים אליה מצפון. עד לשנת 1948 נותרה העיר לוד חקלאית ברובה. המרחב הכפרי של העיר, המהווה את העורף החקלאי שלה, טרם זכה לתשומת לב מחקרית מספקת. ביקשנו לגשר על הפער הזה בבחינת תולדות... more
Modem Jewish immigration and colonization of Palestine started in the eighth decade of the 19th century. Though it took some time until the Arabs started to formulate their opposition towards these activities. At the turn of the century,... more
İçinde bulunduğumuz 2016 yılı Kudüs’ün Osmanlılar tarafından Fethinin 500 yılıdır. Önümüzdeki 2017 yılı ise Kudüs’ün Osmanlı Türk hâkimiyetinden çıkışının 100. Yılıdır. Sessiz sedasız geçiştirilen fethin yarım binyılı vesilesiyle... more
Review "This excellent study is [...] recommended for academic libraries." Daniel Scheide, Florida Atlantic University, Association of Jewish Libraries Reviews, Volume VII, No. 2... more
עבודת הדוקטורט מתארת ומסבירה את הגורמים האנושיים שחוללו את התמורות בפריסה המרחבית של ההתיישבות הערבית בשרון ובמערב הר שכם (השומרון), ובמאפייניה הגיאוגרפיים, החברתיים והכלכליים, בין השנים 1700 – 1948. המחקר משרטט את תהליכי ההתיישבות במשך... more
The Beilis affair is one of many examples showing the dangerous consequences of fanaticism coupled with hatred and ignorance in conjunction with political interests and manipulation by the media. It also shows how fragile and insecure the... more
נפת לוד (בערבית: נאחית אל-לד) הייתה יחידה מנהלית רחבת-ידיים שהשתרעה בתקופה העות'מאנית מתחומי העיר מודיעין בדרום ועד העיר אלעד בצפון; מאשדות ההרים במזרח, דרך עמק לוד ועד פאתי יפו במערב. במרחב זה התגוררו אלפי תושבים בעשרים כפרים, ולרשותם... more
The following article summarizes our current knowledge of the history of Tell Mulabbis (in modern Petah Tikva). As a key archaeological site in the Yarkon River basin, it was inhabited during the Roman, Byzantine, Early Islamic, Crusader,... more
Rich in historical details and artistic illustrations of the Near East and the Holy Land, the selected accounts of journeys and pilgrimages written by European and American Christians (Catholic and Protestant) provide numerous and broad... more
Özet Simâtü'l-Halîl, Halil İbrahim Sofrası, İbrahim Peygamberin bütün yolcuları ağırlama ve karınlarını doyurma alışkanlığının bir gelenek halini aldığı yüzyıllar boyunca el-Halil kentinde bulunan fakir ve muhtaçlar ile hacılar, sufiler... more
"עליית החסידים" התרחשה בשנת תקל"ז (1777), אז עלתה לא"י אל הגליל, קבוצת חסידים גדולה בראשותו של רבי מנחם מנדל מויטעפסק, בעקבות ההתנגדות לחסידות באירופה. בבואם הם נתקלו בהתנגדות לדרכם, מצד קבוצת 'מתנגדים' אנשי וילנה שעלו מספר שנים קודם לכן.... more
Abstract: The British Department of Antiquities (DOA) in Palestine intentionally constructed historical discontinuities to distance British rule from its Ottoman predecessor and tie it instead to earlier periods in the history of the... more
This paper deals with the defence speech of the owner and managing editor of the Arabic newspaper Filasṭīn c Īsā al-c Īsā which he delivered during the trial against him at the beginning of May 1914 in Jaffa. It describes and analyses the... more
This article explores the evolution of attitudes toward Zionism expressed by the editors of the Jaffa-based newspaper Filastin in the first years of its publication, 1911–1914. During this short time span, the opinions published by the... more
This article offers a localized perspective on early Zionist settlers’ evolving responses to interethnic violence in late Ottoman Palestine. It takes as its subject the first instance of murder in the early Zionist colony of Rishon... more
Artâs, a small village in the heart of a fertile valley near Bethlehem, is the perfect observatory of the early European and American presence in Ottoman Palestine and its memory perduring to this day. Having attracted the attention of... more
Bu çalışmada Mekke, Medine gibi Kudüs'te varlığı görülen mücâvirlerin Osmanlı dönemindeki işlevi üzerinde durulmuş ve günümüzde Mescid-i Aksa'yı savunan murâbıtlar ile bir karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. Geçmişte mücâvirler ile bugünün... more
Translating Late Ottoman Modernity in Palestine is the most comprehensive scholarly book on the late-Ottoman newspaper Filasṭīn. This book demonstrates the potential of newspapers to fill the gaps regarding our knowledge of crucial issues... more
The Paper presents a short summary of my doctoral dissertation on "Das reformatorische Erbe unter den Palaestinensern" and deals with the history of Protestant (mainly German) missionary efforts in Palestine from 1839-1959 including the... more