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Training mediators: the future Call for Abstracts: 28 December, 2018 Call for papers: 1 April, 2019 Submission info at: Cultus 12 will focus on the training of the language and cultural mediator. To what extent are... more
The paper tries to interprete the cultural mediation praxis of Camill Hoffmann (1878-1944), former Attaché at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Berlin, on example of some Czech musicians, /Alois Hába, Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů/ in the... more
Crisis can be considered a context in the modern European narrative, as economy, mass-migrations and environmental factors create a superdiverse, ever shifting social and cultural pavement. Set in Ostia, a suburban area of Rome, under the... more
Παπαγεωργίου, Βασιλική, Νέες τεχνολογίες και διαπολιτισμική επικοινωνία. Διερεύνηση των δυνατοτήτων χρήσης κοινωνικού λογισμικού στην εκπαίδευση διαπολιτισμικών μεσολαβητών: η διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα συνεργατικής μάθησης Sonetor, 17ο... more
En quoi le paysage peut-il être un outil de médiation? Analyse et limites des outils de médiation utilisés par Y. Michelin (appareils photos) et D. Labat (représentations habitantes) pour évaluer des politiques publiques liées au paysage... more
Résumé Cet article cherche à comprendre, à partir d’une étude de réception des publics de l’exposition Rubens (Lille, 2004), la façon dont les visiteurs convoquent et utilisent les savoirs, mais aussi les compétences de l’histoire, de la... more
Quel importance revêt le crowdfunding à l'heure actuelle dans le domaine des arts de la scène ? Comment combiner les impératifs financiers et relationnels du crowdfunding au sein du monde des arts de la scène ? En bref, nous nous sommes... more
Translators should develop visual literacy skills that would enable them to read multimodal texts, interpret the content of non-verbal semiotic elements, and examine their socio-political impact. Translation between non-verbal modes and... more
Le PREAC est piloté par le rectorat de l’académie de Dijon et la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Bourgogne. Il organise depuis 2003 des séminaires destinés aux médiateurs en archéologie et patrimoine, aux enseignants, aux... more
his article grows out of the meeting with various cultural mediators of different nationalities who are working in schools in Genoa. The purpose is to observe their viewpoints on education systems, inclusion and a welcoming school... more
El presente artículo revisa la situación actual y funciones atribuidas a una figura cuya incipiente profesionalización permite todavía hablar de un prometedor yacimiento de empleo: el mediador cultural (también conocido como link-workers,... more
Intercultural Mediators play a key role within the reception system for refugees and asylum seekers. Although they are required to deal with a well-known humanitarian emergency, their status is still weak and not yet fully formalized.... more
This paper analyzes the different perceptions of cultural heritage; in particular, it is focused on the case of the old city of Gjirokaster, which was declared in 2005 a monument of cultural heritage by Unesco. The paper is divided into... more
Cet article fait le bilan des propositions des acteurs de la poesie de langue francaise en Belgique et en France a l’ere du confinement. Il s’agit de mettre en evidence les orientations pragmatiques et documentaires de ces mediations... more
The article aims to present and discuss Cartas de Arquivo, a successful project of cultural mediation in Arquivo Nacional, launched in commemoration of the institution's 180 years in 2018. The iniciative executed, monthly, a... more
This dissertation explores representations of race and gender embodied by Clementina de Jesus (1901-1987), samba singer, and Carolina de Jesus (1915-1977), author of the autobiographical memoir Quarto de Despejo (1960). Both women were... more
La nouvelle interprétation des peintures médiévales de Cruet conservées dans les collections du Musée Savoisien de Chambéry a donné l’impulsion à un projet de médiation culturelle. Le public, par le biais de vêtements pédagogiques à... more
On the occasion of the jubilee of translator, publicist and essayist Pavel/Paul Eisner (1889-1958) is not only his work still insufficient analysed but also some areas of his activities in general (history of German studies in... more ANNOUNCEMENT. - ANUNCI The panels, workshops, roundtables and artistic initiatives are on our website. We are inviting oral communications and posters until 15th September... more
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic in Zambia, church services have stopped. This new situation poses a challenge to pastors all over Zambia. How to mediate the presence of God online, without a congregation? In many African... more
Throughout history, there has been conflict and the clashing of ideas. Although this has assisted in creating political and societal structures, it has also led to civil unrest, cases of severe discord, and war. Political Mediation in... more
This paper deals with cultural journalism (particularly on theatrical and musical life) in the Czech lands published in the Leipzig journal Die Grenzboten and the Viennese newspaper Wiener Zeitung. The author is Ferdinand Břetislav... more
The link between leisure and culture has been confirmed along the history of tourism and museums. In post-modern society, cultural tourism, with the largest growth in global tourism, has carried out the revitalization and redesign of the... more
La presente ricerca vuole provare a proporre un approccio all’accoglienza alternativo e lungimirante, ossia capace cioè di immaginare i benefici reali che un sistema qualitativamente differente può apportare alle persone nel tempo,... more
En el camino hacia una nueva generación mediadora, Magacín de la Asociación Intercultural Midrashic, ene/mar 2017, pp. 6-9.
Communication faisant partie de la journée d'étude organisée par le Réseau des Jeunes Chercheurs en Histoire Culturelle de la Sorbonne Nouvelle
In this paper I introduce what I call the indicative framework as an analytical tool for understanding the shifts of meaning between art, design, and cross-domain objects. This semiotic framework is presented through the case of the solar... more
In 1960s Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian white middle class embraced the samba music written by working-class blacks as a source of authentic national culture. Cultural mediators, or individuals that bridged sociocultural spheres and... more
In this research, the goodwill mission of the UN’s Secretary-General on Cyprus and various resolutions concerned have been analyzed. From this point of view, the purpose is to examine the goodwill mission of the UN Secretary-General,... more
Charla "La Mediación Intercultural: otra manera de resolver tus conflictos. Ventajas y beneficios de la Mediación", en la Agencia AMICS (Ayuntamiento de Villena, Alicante), celebrado el día 19 de febrero de 2016.
Des fiches pratiques à l'intention des professionnels de la culture et des collectivités territoriales pour bien gérer son patrimoine et manager ses projets culturels.
Islam is a way of life that guides the Muslims from all perspectives, and as portion of Islam, it also promotes peace and conciliation in resolving disputes. The Al-Quran provides guidelines in dispute resolution through a third party... more
Conflict, Memory Transfers and the Reshaping of Europe discusses processes of memory construction associated with the realities of war and genocide, totalitarianism, colonialism as well as trans-border dialogues in the overcoming of... more
This article reflects on the place of sociocultural mediation in contemporary publishing, taking as its starting point the case study of a centenarian Portuguese publishing house. This institution has certain features, such as its... more
This article discusses the background, content, mission statements and key contributors of the illustrated magazines Morks’ Magazijn and “Zij”: Maandblad voor de vrouw, both of which sought to make art, science and literature available to... more