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This article traces the historical background of the term 'belly dance', the English-language name for a complex of solo, improvised dance styles of Middle Eastern and North African origin whose movements are based on articulations of the... more
The essay is basically a review work based upon the book 'UNFINISHED GESTURES: DEVADASIS, MEMORY AND MODERNITY IN SOUTH INDIA' by Davesh Soneji which showcases the heterogeneity of the devadasi community in 19th and 20th century India.
In this paper, I discuss how dance can operate as a method in the collaborative performance ethnography to explore the sensory and emo- tional dimensions of the embodiment of young womanhood. Drawing on one dance workshop where we... more
Ce mémoire de recherche expose un regard sur les pratiques chorégraphiques nommées ici interdisciplinaires. À partir du questionnement des étiquettes posées sur ces pratiques, la réflexion s’est naturellement dirigée vers le faire... more
« Andreï Tarkovski : nouvelles perspectives comparatives », co-dirigé par Macha Ovtchinnikova et Marie Gueden , Tétrade n°7, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, 2021 Dans ce numéro, il s’agit d’explorer de nouvelles perspectives... more
This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
" Bharatanatyam " is the most revered classical dance forms of India. It is one of the most studied, respected, depicted, researched, performed and practiced Art today. It has reached it " s peak form, with great masters, performers and... more
O tema geral do Congresso centrou-se nas artes e na criatividade, questionando os processos através dos quais, num mundo cada vez mais global, aberto, diferente e multicultural a criatividade artística é (re)definida, promovida, avaliada... more
This article reports the findings of a study exploring the effects of using videoconferencing (VC) to deliver dance instruction to rural communities. The context of the study is a university community partnership run through blended live... more
The P.H.D. Thesis of the dissertation in Russian
Автореферат Диссертационного исследования, кандидатской работы
Time and Performer Training addresses the importance and centrality of time and temporality to the practices, processes and conceptual thinking of performer training. Notions of time are embedded in almost every aspect of performer... more
Resumen El presente artículo parte del trabajo de investigación "Estudio sobre la presencia del baile en la programación teatral de la ciudad de Valencia entre los años 1761 y 1808 partiendo de los datos recopilados de la Hemeroteca... more
Although recreational dancing is associated with increased physical and psychological well-being, little is known about the harmful effects of excessive dancing. The aim of the present study was to explore the psychopathological factors... more
Keeping abreast of political and policy changes can be difficult at present, due to the seemingly endless educational reforms that are being spearheaded by our new coalition government. This article offers an insight into the Tickell... more
[The phenomenological and performative aspects of modern and postmodern dance]. The article covers the problem of gestural expression and the role of the body in the aesthetic experience analysed in the Maurice Merleau-Ponty's... more
Resumo: Esta comunicação apresenta um sistema de notação coreográfica para câmera-na-mão, inspirado pelo estilo de trabalho do diretor de fotografia Dib Lutfi. Palavras-chave: Cinema, cinegrafia, coreografia, videodança, videodançarino... more
Статья посвящена анализу танцев, являвшихся в XVIII веке эталоном при обучении
ABSTRACT Yoko Ando in Human Writes. Photo: Dominik Mentzos. The following is a transcription of the presentation by Kendall Thomas, co-creator with William Forsythe of the performance installation Human Writes, followed by a discussion... more
This article introduces the practice of walking-as-dancing. In this article, the terms walk and walking are often considered as synonymous with wandering since the practice of walking-as-dancing that I will describe does not have a set... more
I want to start with a confession: I want to write 'about dance' - almost as though, firstly, you and I were already in agreement as to what the latter means, or might mean; and secondly, as though I can 'write about dance', even if it... more
Written whilst a Research Fellow at ResCen, Centre for Creation Processes in the Performing Arts, Middlesex University, London, Autumn 2000 This paper was written 10 years into my work on virtual presence, just after directing 2... more
How is Indian classical dance viewed abroad? The place and impact of India’s dance traditions throughout the world is obviously a vast subject covering space and time. It has perhaps almost as many perspectives as there are artists and... more