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Forma parte del dossier “Panamericanismo, hispanoamericanismo y nacionalismo en los festejos identitarios de América Latina, 1880´-1920´. Performances y encrucijadas de diplomáticos e intelectuales”, coordinado por Pablo Ortemberg, en... more
El ensayo nace como parte de una investigación mayor que se publicará sobre la inserción profesional docente en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Su finalidad en la investigación en curso es la de explorar los aportes de los estudios sobre... more
The presence in the classrooms of students from different cultural and religious traditions has been an important challenge for the Spanish educational system. With the aim of analysing how cultural diversity is taken care of and... more
La presente obra aborda la formación en comercio exterior desde una perspectiva novedosa, por cuanto, además de los conceptos temáticos desarrollados, presta especial atención a la mediación lingüística y cultural e incluye actividades... more
The availability of language services for patients with limited English proficiency has become a standard of care in the United States. Finding the resources to pay for language programs is challenging for providers, payers, and... more
RESUMO: O presente artigo se coloca como uma investigação dos processos de educação realizados em espaços expositivos e centros culturais voltados para arte. Em vista disso, se abordará a mediação nos espaços expositivos, falando de como... more
Language interpreting serves communicative purposes. Who does it serve, how and why? At the other end of interpreting service provision, contractors, public regulators and end users have a key role in the development of interpreting as a... more
Cours à la Association Nationale des Méditeurs 9/10 Mars 2017 - Paris (France) L'arrivée d´un très important nombre de migrants dans cette période de l'histoire de l'Europe est devenue l'un des plus importants défis sociétaux. La demande... more
Est-ce qu’un linguiste envisage la médiation de la même façon qu’un juriste ou un didacticien ? Est-ce que la médiation cognitive a quelque chose à voir avec la médiation interculturelle et la médiation institutionnelle ? Est-ce que le... more
By ratifying the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in June 2013, Morocco reiterates its determination as to enter the era of the democratization of culture by promoting and... more
Aggressive conduct by parties can quickly derail a mediation. It needs to be dealt with effectively.
The intermediate nature of mediation in the dispute resolution process gained prominent position in the context of increasingly institutionalized relationships between individuals, between individuals and organizations, between... more
Περίληψη Σημαντική θέση στην καθημερινή επικοινωνία καταλαμβάνει η διαγλωσσική διαμεσολάβηση (cross-language mediation) –μια λειτουργία που απαιτεί την παράλληλη χρήση δύο ή περισσοτέρων γλωσσών, η επιτυχία της οποίας εξασφαλίζει την... more
Cette recherche est destinée à identifier et à analyser la médiation culturelle à l’égard des aveugles dans deux des plus grandes institutions d’art de France : le Centre Georges Pompidou et le Petit Palais. Comment la médiation... more
The explanation texts were adopted as fundamental elements of the exhibition's museography in the 18 th century. With the emergence of the contemporary art movements in the 1920s, an important transformation took place. Following the... more
Nada sucede porque sí. Detrás de cada acción siempre hay alguien ocupándose de los detalles. Y todos hemos estado en ambos lados de esa ecuación que conecta a quien (se) dona con quien recibe: una veces somos beneficiarios netos y en... more
Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska (1881–1943) – a historian of literature and philosophy, poet, publicist, social and educational activist, as well as a translator of fiction and scientific literature from many languages – is still an... more
Avec "Mon cahier d'archéologie dès8 ans", les enfants et les pré-ado de 8 à 16 ans vont entrer dans le monde de l'archéologie de façon pédagogique et ludique. En suivant Augustin, leur ami curieux et intrépide, ils accompagneront Alex et... more
This publication was created as part of the → Arts and Audiences Programme of Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council. This programme, which ran from 2009 to 2012, sought to strengthen the practice of cultural mediation in Switzerland and... more
The training programme used in the context of the ROMED Programme, a joint programme of the Council of Europe and of the European Commission for intercultural mediators working in Roma communities
Résumé Pour étudier la médiation comme projet, procédure et processus, l’article se propose d’étudier les effets de l’action déployée par les médiateurs en fondant l’analyse sur une référence empirique : celle des correspondants de... more
El propósito de este artículo es presentar un estado del arte de la noción de mediación artística. Por medio de una revisión histórica y bibliográfica del concepto de mediación se abordan las principales dimensiones teóricas y... more
Derived from conversations between the education & learning team of the thirteenth edition of the European nomadic biennial Manifesta in Marseille, the team of the Atelier de l’Observatoire in Casablanca, and the team of L’Art Rue in... more
Intercultural mediation (IM) is a form of translatorial intervention which takes account of the impact of cultural distance when translating or interpreting. The aim is to improve access through recontextualisation, and involves... more
L’analyse contenue dans ce mémoire sur quatre expositions qui ont eu lieu en Angleterre est très chère pour la construction de l’histoire des expositions. Les informations liées à ces événements sont restées plusieurs décennies... more
...La médiation doit s'inscrire dans une conception holistique de la démarche archéologique, où elle participe aux fonctions heuristiques. Ceci répond à une spécificité de l'archéologie, qui est une entreprise de connaissance détruisant... more
This article uses multiple examples from the Czech lands? Jewish community (S. Kapper, F. Adler, A./E. Kraus, C. Hoffmann, O. Pick, P. Eisner, A. Auředníčková, G./L. Reiner(ová)) to outline the special traits of the cultural environments... more
The present paper outlines the public policy approach and reflections around an art pedagogy program for public venues exhibiting contemporary art. The program assembled a multidisciplinary group of researchers and educators in a fourth... more
It is without doubt that land disputes are the order of the day in Uganda. From litigants to mediators, cases involving hostilities ranging from strangers and neighbours to family relations and friends keep surfacing up before all sorts... more
In light of contemporary Chinese political discourse on the function and role of the media in the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and public opinion, this study will describe a few relevant characteristics of the Chinese... more
Como possibilitar encontros com a arte que possam envolver outros no abraço estésico? Como desconstruir mitos e predisposições que mantiveram por muito tempo a arte em um universo elitizado reservado para poucos, como aqueles abençoados... more
Traduction française inédite de Comunicación y mediaciones en la era digital, 2016, Santiago du Chili, Universidad de Chile, ISBN 978-956-19-0963-2
Toutes améliorations de la traduction acceptées avec plaisir
O artigo analisa criticamente a institucionalização das vias de resolução de conflito alternativas à tradicional via do processo judicial no Brasil. O iter argumentativo se inicia na apresentação do movimento Alternative Dispute... more
Manual for Intercultural Mediation, with the contributions and experiences of official interpreters and translators of indigenous languages. Peru.
An Ottoman Armenian dragoman (interpreter) active in Constantinople, Mouradgea d’Ohsson (1740–1807) traveled to Paris in 1784 to publish a historical overview of the Ottoman Empire. Writing in a fraught political context following the... more
This paper analyses the representation of the invocation of Darius in Aeschylus’s Persians. Taking into consideration the language used by the poet and some aspects concerning the performance of the ritual of invocation, it is evident... more
Adopting a transcultural perspective, the present paper explores the cultural mediation processes involved in the practice of self-translation among those bilingual authors who write in translingual mode-that is, who write in a language... more
Roman müzisyenlerin, ‘göçebelik’ ya da ‘gezginlik’ ile açıklanabilecek özelliklerine de bağlı olarak, bir müziğin yer değiştirmesinde; farklı müziksel bağlamlara uyarlanacak biçimde dönüştürülmesinde; yeni biçim ve biçemlerinin ortaya... more
Mémoire de synthèse d'habilitation à diriger des recherches