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If politics is ultimately about our deepest fears and desires rather than about, say, tax policy or better health care, then what place is there for a Left whose raison d’être will always be tied to improving the economic fortunes of the... more
Future. Il domani narrato dalle voci di oggi, an anthology published in Italy in 2019, comprises writing by 11 self-identified black Italian women. As the book’s title suggests, their work, mostly personal accounts of being black women in... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
(Español) Javier Fernández-Lasquetty incluye en este artículo principios liberales para una política de integración de los inmigrantes y analiza la actual situación de la inmigración y su evolución en España. Y lo hace con abundancia de... more
This qualitative case study seeks to further understand the cultural implantation of Latin Americans in Paris, via the Brazilian and Colombian migrants. Interviewing qualified migrants who have lived in Paris for a large amount of time,... more
Ce livre offre un portrait détaillé des journalistes français et américains en action, alors qu’ils débattent de la façon dont traiter et commenter l’un des sujets les plus importants de notre époque. En s’appuyant sur des interviews avec... more
My paper is focused on the way British newspapers covered Eastern European immigration into Britain from 2004 to 2007, a lapse of time involving the two waves of the fifth EU enlargement. 1 This enlargement resulted in a large influx of... more
This article examines the representation of home among members of the Lebanese diaspora in New York, Montreal and Paris. Lebanese immigrants view home as both a concrete reality that is achieved physically or in relation with others and a... more
Marco Mazzeschi gives a picture of the implementation of the Van der Elst ruling in various EU countires. The ruling established the right and conditions under which a EU company can provide services in other EU States using its own... more
An extensive guide to Italian business immigration laws with summary table of the most important application procedures
Objectives. Scholars of immigrant integration generally agree that the success or failure of the integration of immigrants in the host society is determined by the course followed by the second-generation migrants. This research... more
In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a... more
In the 1980s, another popular Neapolitan vocal music scene emerged that today thrives in a position of ambiguous alterity to the once-dominant “traditional” music industry that thrived in the decades before and after the turn of the 20th... more
Whereas it is necessary for every state to have an immigrant policy that serves its economic and political interests, the current strongly anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe appear to be going against the long history of human migration.... more
Il "decreto Salvini" (o "decreto sicurezza") ha portato in primo piano, nel dibattito politico e nel discorso pubblico, il tema della residenza. Fortemente voluto dall'attuale Ministro dell'interno, il d.l. ha, tra i suoi diversi scopi,... more
English summary: In Europe, immigrant-origin students underperform their native peers, even accounting for differences in family background. In some countries this disadvantage is severe, in others it is mild. This discrepancy leads to... more
The German state permitted about one million refugees to enter Germany in 2015–2016, although many were subsequently denied refugee status. Germany adopted an ‘integration’ and ‘welcome’ politics, an important, if imperfect, model for a... more
Conférence de M. Miquel Pueyo i París,
secrétaire de Politique linguistique de la Generalitat de Catalogne,
prononcée le 12 juin 2007
devant la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelone.
THE EUROPEANIZATION OF MINORITY RIGHTS IN TURKEY: NON-MUSLIM MINORITIES AND THE EU ACCESSION PROCESS ABSTRACT The conventional elements of Turkey’s minority regime are based on the legal framework of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, the... more
TODAY THIS OUGHT TO BE MUCH UPDATED AND SHARPENED 0. Introduction; 1. Changes in Mass Displacements: Are Non-Citizens People?; 2. Criteria and Value-Orientations: A Possible Epistemologico-Political Alternative: 2.1. Epistemology: Images... more
The presence of immigrants from Africa in France began after World War II to rebuild France. Begin in the 1940s, the number of immigrants continued to increase and most of them came from the Maghreb countries. The high number of non-EU... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
This paper addresses two issues. First, it assesses what the recognition of professional qualifications might look like, post-Brexit, between the UK and the EU. Second, and in light of this, the paper considers the current and future role... more
Civil War in Syria created a large scale humanitarian crisis causing a mass human migration up to seven million in total. The largest neighboring country-Turkey has the greatest number of Syrian refugees exceeding 2.7 million. In the... more
To cite: Pachocka M., Wach D., Migracja a integracja (imigrantów) w Unii Europejskiej – w poszukiwaniu rozwiązania, in: Unia Europejska. Istota, szanse, wyzwania, eds. E. Latoszek, M. Proczek, A. Szczerba-Zawada, A. Masłoń-Oracz, K.... more
Integration policy has been shown to have implications beyond acculturation and adaptation of refugees to the host society, extending to social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. While most studies focus on state-centred structural or... more
The title of the thesis in English: The Positive Impacts of Immigration in France Szakdolgozatomban azt a bevándorlás pozitív hozományaiit igyekeztem bemutatni Franciaország példáján keresztül. Munkám első szakaszában végighaladtam a mai... more
Tramountanis, A., 2015, “Women and young muslim immigrant entrepreneurs in Greece: Survey results in Athens area” in Tsiganou, J., Balourdos, D., (eds) “Combating Discrimination in the Field of Entrepreneurship: Women and Young Roma and... more
L’idea di un museo diffuso sul territorio (o ecomuseo) sul tema dell’interculturalità nasce dall’esigenza di trasformare la realtà sociale connessa ai fenomeni migratori all’interno di uno specifico contesto ambientale, trasformando in... more
"The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences explores these competing narratives and the consequences of criminalizing immigration in the United States and abroad. It examines the impact of national, state, and local... more
This study examines the changing literary discourse in German-speaking Switzerland as second generation immigrant authors write compelling narratives and are awarded prestigious literary prizes in Europe. ISBN: 978-0-7734-1571-3 401pp... more
In the last decade, as hip-hop has emerged as a political force among youth,regimes across the world have intervened to promote some sub-styles and sideline others, in an attempt to press-gang the genre to disparate political ends. In... more
This article describes a five-week module on “Switzerland as a multi-ethnic society” intended to counteract the popular image of Switzerland as a homogenous country concerned mostly with tourism, chocolate, and watches. Instead, the... more
Making illegal residence unattractive is a way for Western governments to limit migration from non-Western countries. Focusing on Dutch neighbourhoods with substantial levels of unauthorised migrants, Illegal Residence and Public Safety... more
The paper outlines Italian rules and condtions for non EU citizens to vist Italy on business
Family members and dependents of an EU/EEA national are entitled to obtain an Italian long term Residence Permit based on the EU/EEA spouse/parent living with them.