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(可直接下載 Preview is currently unavailable. You can download the paper by clicking the button below.) In the past, researchers who studied ceramics tended to focus on the imitation of marbled ware in the pattern, or to incorporate it into... more
"Vienna’s Museum für Vökerkunde holds in its collections a rare sixteenth-century Taíno cotton belt from Hispaniola (today’s Dominican Republic/Haiti) – one of only two surviving Taíno cotton artefacts to feature European ‘exotics’,... more
Personal account of US-Soviet relations and press censorship just prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union
In this article it is argued that Odin's discovery of the runes when hanging on the tree, as related in the Icelandic Hávamál, is not an indigenous attribute of that god. Nor should the attribution of the invention of letters to Mercury... more
This volume examines political and diplomatic relations, as well as cultural exchanges between Tuscany and Spain from a new perspective that has overcome traditional approaches and has contributed to the opening of new historiographical... more
Образовательный туризм как форма и инструмент политики культурных обменов в контексте проекта ЕС "Северное измерение" Магистратура «Историческая политология» Научный руководитель д.и.н., проф. Шабаев Ю.П. Институт Гуманитарных Наук,... more
CIGE-2009中艺博国际画廊博览会 China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE), Beijing, China. 2009 Supported by the Ministry of Culture of The People’s Republic of China, the Sixth Edition of the China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE 2009)... more
Mallarmé's Children, published in 1999, explored the links between French symbolism and U.S. pragmatism in the emergence of a new critical culture at the beginning of the 20th century. It is more an interactive than a comparative... more
In 1934 Ramiro de Maeztu, one of the most influential Spanish intellectuals of the time, published Defensa de la Hispanidad. This book was a vindication of Spain’s identity as a Catholic country, and of its history as an attempt to extend... more
This study seeks to investigate and examine the motivations as well as the expectations of higher education exchange students. The motivation of the study is geared at understanding the underlying notion of the so-called... more
In the summer of 1974, the Soviet Union first opened its borders to a large number of climbers from the west. In a special camp in the Soviet Pamir mountains, climbers from ten different Western nations, were to climb and live side by... more
Si l’art des jardins bruxellois a certes connu des apports extérieurs dès le Moyen Âge et l’époque moderne, c’est indéniablement à partir de la fin du XVIIIe, et encore davantage au XIXe siècle, que les influences étrangères se firent... more
TITLE: Attribution of Authorship: Art Critics in the Baltic and St. Petersburg German Periodical Press at the Turn of the 20th Century and Their Contribution to the Promotion of Latvian Art. SUMMARY: A. M., A. R., A. S., -b-, B-l, -c-,... more
This article studies on the images of Nagasaki made in early modern Japan in order to illuminate how the different cultures were perceived and presented in this area. Ever since the early 17th century, Nagasaki was the only city in Japan... more
A Career of Japan is the first study of one of the major photographers and personalities of nineteenth-century Japan. Baron Raimund von Stillfried was the most important foreign-born photographer of the Meiji era and one of the first... more
This essay looks at the social and cultural aspects of the Irish peregrinatio to the Continent. The Irish wanderlust is generally recognised to have witnessed two phases; that of the Irish missions from the late sixth century and that of... more
Comment le passé est-il présent dans nos mémoires collectives? Quels sont nos héros et héroïnes? Quels sont nos mythes, nos «lieux de mémoire»? Cet ouvrage collectif analyse à l’aide de nombreux exemples les usages du passé dans le... more
This article pays tribute to J. R. Mulryne’s cross-national and cross-disciplinary scholarship on festival culture in early modern Europe and seeks to identify and explore avenues for future research on festival occasions in which his... more
Background: UKs engagement in global health through Health Links seems to offer benefits on personal, professional and organizational level. However, the concept of Health Links is only in its infancy and particularly benefits perceived... more
The present thesis investigates the instrumentalization of art as a tool in foreign policy, taking as a case study the organization of art exhibitions in other countries by the Soviet Union during the Cold War period. Full use of archival... more
PhD Thesis, defended on April 7, 2015; Universiteit van Amsterdam; supervisors: prof.dr. Eric Jan Sluijter, dr. Arjan de Koomen; (Title page, Table of contents, Summary: for the entire thesis, contact me).
The vast majority of the world’s poor are women. Two-thirds of the world’s illiterates are female and of the millions of school age children not in school, the majority are girls. Studies show that when women are supported and empowered,... more
Cette publication rassemble les travaux présentés lors du premier colloque international « Medieval Europe in Motion. The Circulation of Artists, Images, Patterns and Ideas from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Coast (6th-15th centuries)... more
The exchange of landscape practice between China and Europe from 1500–1800 is an important chapter in art history. While the material forms of the outcome of this exchange, like jardin anglo-chinois and Européenerie are well documented,... more
When individuals exchange gifts, social bonds are strengthened and reciprocity is created. If the gift and the reciprocation both come from private resources, it is clearly a gift. If what is reciprocated after a gift is given comes from... more
Any historical study of Sámi religions links religion to the history of the language. Here, Proto-Sámi language spread is reviewed and the fundamental (and often implicit) assumption that religion spread with Proto-Sámi language is... more
The initial use of and trade in mineral raw materials, both north and the south of the Alpine divide, clearly shows a communication system based on a network of trading routes established during the Mesolithic period. Archaeometric... more