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What’s changing 
Currently, a teacher or school administrator can invite a guardian, typically a parent, to receive email summaries about their student’s work in class. These email summaries include a rundown of missing work, upcoming work and class activities, such as recently posted announcements or assignments in Google Classroom. 

Going forward, guardian email summaries will now include links that let guardians preview their student's Classwork pages, including assigned work and attachments provided by the teacher. With this update, guardians can stay up-to-date with what their students are learning. Guardians will not be able to see their student’s grades or submissions, class communication, or other students’ work. Guardians can easily access this page directly from the Classroom email summaries or from the link shared by teachers. 

Enable guardians to preview assigned classwork within Google Classroom

Who’s impacted 
Admins and end users 

Why it matters 
This feature keeps guardians informed about their student’s assignments in class. 

Additional details 
Teachers with the Google Workspace Education Plus edition who already send guardian email summaries will notice those emails automatically start including guardian previewing links. No action is needed to get started. 

Getting started 
  • Admins: Admins can turn Guardian Access ON or OFF for their domain and determine whether only admins, or admins and verified teachers, can control guardians accounts and per-class access. If admins choose the latter, verified teachers are able to add or remove guardian accounts for students in their class and determine whether each class will be available for guardian access. Visit the Help Center to learn more about managing guardians in your domain
  • End users: In classes where you have guardian summaries turned ON, guardians can now preview your classwork page and any classwork assigned to their student(s). You can turn this setting OFF at any time in your Class Settings page.
  • Guardians: You have guardian preview capabilities to your student’s Classwork page through direct links in the email summary. Visit the Help Cenet to learn more about guardian email summaries
Rollout pace 
Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Education Plus 

What’s changing
We recently introduced the ability to import data, such as student rosters, co-teachers and grading categories, from your Student Information System (SIS) to Google Classroom. 

In the coming weeks, we will be introducing a new feature that allows teachers to set up a Google Classroom class using information directly imported from an SIS, including co-teachers, student rosters and class lists, grading categories and grading periods. Please note this feature is only available with our current SIS partners

In preparation for the “full class” import feature, we advise admins to connect Classroom to their Student Information System (SIS) as soon as possible. Once the admin establishes a connection between their district SIS and Google Classroom, teachers will be able to use the connection to import data from their SIS to set up new classes or update existing classes when the feature launches later this quarter. 

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • Full class import will be available in the coming weeks. We will provide an update on the Workspace Updates Blog when this feature becomes generally available. 
Available for Google Workspace:

What’s changing
Google Classroom teachers can now export and import select information via the new integration with PowerSchool SIS, a third-party student information system (SIS) that provides innovative K-12 software and cloud-based solutions to improve educational outcomes and simplify school operations. 

Once an admin establishes a connection between PowerSchool SIS and Classroom, teachers will be able to export grades from Classroom to PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook. Teachers can also import useful information, such as student rosters, co-teachers and grading categories, from PowerSchool SIS into Classroom. 
Classroom integration with PowerSchool SIS

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • This feature is available now 
Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 

What’s changing 
In the last year, we’ve added new features, such as disabling submissions after a due date in Google Classroom and excusing assignments in Google Classroom, in order to give teachers even more flexibility when it comes to grading for assignments and classwork. 

Today, we're improving support for missing assignments in gradebook by giving teachers the ability to manually mark an assignment as ‘missing’ or ‘complete’ and automatically add a default draft score. 

Getting started 
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: 
    • By default, all missing assignments will automatically receive a draft score of ‘0’. However, teachers can adjust the default draft score or turn OFF the automated scoring feature. 
    • Assignments that displayed the ‘missing’ labels prior to this update will be automatically updated and receive the draft score. 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about grading & returning an assignment. 
Rollout pace 
  • Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on July 2, 2024 

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts 


What’s changing
Last year, we introduced grading periods, an option that allows administrators and teachers to define and apply grading periods segmented from the entire school year to their Google Classroom assignments. 

Today, we’re excited to announce grading period endpoints and capabilities in the Classroom API, available through the Google Workspace Developer Preview Program. Specifically, developers can now: 

  • Create, modify, and delete grading periods on courses 
  • Read grading periods on courses 
  • Reference and set/read grading periods on CourseWork resources
  • Apply grading period settings to existing coursework items
Who’s impacted 

Why you’d use it 
The new grading periods endpoints allows developers to create, modify, and read grading periods in Classroom on behalf of administrators and teachers. 

Getting started 
  • Admins: The Classroom API provides a RESTful interface for you to manage courses and rosters in Google Classroom. Learn more about the Classroom API overview. 
  • Developers: 
    • To use the grading periods API, developers can apply for access through our Google Workspace Developer Preview Program. 
    • Application developers can use the Classroom API to integrate their apps with Classroom. These apps need to use OAuth 2.0 to request permission to view classes and rosters from teachers. Admins can restrict whether teachers and students in their domain can authorize apps to access their Google Classroom data. 
    • All API and Classroom share button integrations should follow the Classroom brand guidelines. 

Rollout pace 
Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Education Plus 


What’s changing
In 2022, we made it easy to seamlessly access popular Education Technology tools directly in Google Classroom. We partnered with 20+ EdTech companies, including Kahoot!, Pear Deck, IXL, ReadWorks, and Nearpod, to build Google Classroom add-ons. These new integrations let educators and students easily find, use, and grade great content in their favorite EdTech tools without having to navigate to external websites and apps. 

Today, we’re excited to make Classroom add-ons generally available to all developers. Now, developers can build an add-on to allow teachers to do the following within Classroom: 

  • Discover and attach content to coursework 
  • Preview content from student perspective 
  • Review student responses to activities 
  • Save time with automatic grading of student responses 

  • Google Classroom add-ons now generally available to Google Workspace developers
    Who’s impacted 
    Admins, end users, and developers 

    Why it’s important 
    Add-ons complement other Classroom API features and let educators and students experience content without having to leave Google Classroom. In addition, Classroom add-ons show up directly in Google Classroom as well on the Google Workspace Marketplace, which is the hub for administrators to manage tools across all of their Google products. 

    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 
    • This feature is now available 
    Available for Google Workspace: 
    • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    Last year, we introduced interactive questions for YouTube videos in Google Classroom. Since then, educators have been able to turn a passive watching experience into an engaging one, while improving students’ understanding of a subject. 

    The current process to create interactive questions requires an educator to manually choose a timestamp, come up with questions, and insert correct answers and distractors. To improve upon this experience and save educators time, we’re introducing AI-suggested questions that educators can easily attach to the video based on its content. 

    Before assigning the interactive video activity, Educators will be able to edit the suggested questions ahead of attaching the YouTube video to the assignment. 

    Who’s impacted 
    Admins and end users 

    Why you’d use it 
    This update helps educators add interactive questions to YouTube videos more quickly and efficiently. 

    Additional details 
    Even when using the suggestions feature, educators can still edit, remove or create their own interactive questions. Note that suggested questions are only available for certain videos in English. 

    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 
    • This feature is available now. 
    Available for Google Workspace: 
    • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    In 2019, we launched Read Along as an Android reading app to help young readers have fun while learning to read. Read Along has an in-app reading buddy who guides readers along as they read aloud, offering assistance when they struggle, and rewarding them with stars when they’re successful. 

    Today, we are excited to introduce Read Along in Google Classroom, a new feature that helps students build their independent reading skills by enabling teachers to assign differentiated reading activities, based on Lexile® measure, grade level, or phonics skills. With this feature, a digital reading buddy, Diya, gives students real-time assistance and pronunciation support, with the help of AI. Read Along offers engaging and inspiring reading assignments, while providing educators with insights on students' reading progress over time, including their accuracy, speed, and comprehension.

    Read Along in Classroom
    Educators can also: 
    • Access 800+ fiction and non-fiction books in the Read Along library within Classroom, including texts from publishers like Heggerty and ReadWorks. Each book is categorized by Lexile® level, grade level, or phonics skills and some have comprehension questions. 
    • Personalize the experience for each learner by assigning books with the right difficulty level based on a student’s reading abilities. 
    • Check for understanding by assigning books with comprehension questions. 
    • Read Along in Classroom will be available globally, so students around the world can practice their reading skills in English. 
    Read Along in Classroom Reporting
    Who’s impacted 

    Admins and end users 

    Why you’d use it 
    Read Along in Classroom provides fun and engaging reading assignments for students, while also enabling educators to track performance and more easily identify students who need extra support. Some key highlights include the ability to: 
    • Help boost reading skills with activities for each student based on their reading level or phonics skills. 
    • Provide instant help for students, with the help of AI-powered reading buddy, Diya to give students in-the-moment assistance on correct pronunciation and more. 
    • Get important insights about your students’ progress including their accuracy, speed, and comprehension. 
    • Support English language learners in building their reading skills, with additional support in Spanish 

    Additional details 
    Read Along is now a Workspace Service for Google Workspace for Education customers. Admins will now find this service listed under Workspace Services in Admin Console. Read Along in Classroom will be available to all Google Workspace for Education users with their school issued account and will be governed by the Workspace for Education Terms of Service, with data collection and use being governed by the Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice

    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 
    • This feature is available now. 
    Available for Google Workspace: 
    • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    Since adding practice sets to Google Classroom in 2023, we’ve made numerous improvements such as giving teachers more control over the resources for students in practice sets and adding the option to convert Google Forms into practice sets. 

    Today, we’re excited to introduce a new feature that will enable teachers to visually illustrate concepts being assessed in practice sets. Now, teachers can import images, like graphs, charts or photos, into practice sets using files from Google Drive or directly from their computer. 

    In addition to image editing capabilities within practice sets, this update will be extended to the Forms conversion workflows so if a teacher imports a Form into a practice set any images you have in the Forms will also import. 

    Who’s impacted 
    Admins and end users 

    Why you’d use it 
    Including visuals in practice sets will provide students with more engaging assignments. 

    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 
    Available for Google Workspace: 
    • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade

    What’s changing
    Since last year, educators have been able to easily import students from their student information system (SIS) to Google Classroom using OneRoster. Today, we’re introducing the option for teachers to import their grade categories and co-teachers from their linked SIS. 

    Once an admin establishes a connection between their district SIS and Google Classroom, teachers can manually link new or existing Google Classroom classes to their SIS, then use the connection to export grades, import students rosters, and now, import grading categories or co-teachers. 

    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 

    Available for Google Workspace: 
    • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    Last year, we announced a Google Classroom beta that simplifies lesson planning with shareable class templates and classwork. We’re excited to announce that this is now globally available for Google Workspace for Education Plus customers in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. 

    Curriculum leads and verified teachers can now share links to high-quality classes and class templates so other educators in their organization can preview and import classwork to an existing class or to a new class. This will provide educators with ideas for instructional design and enable them stay up-to-date with the best materials. 
    Shareable class templates and classwork

    Who’s impacted 
    End users 

    Why you’d use it 
    This feature enables curriculum leads and teachers to easily distribute standardized curricula or classroom content to others in their organization. As a result, fellow educators can easily preview, select, and import high-quality classwork into their classes. 
    easily preview, select, and import high-quality classwork into their classes.
    Additional details 
    • Student information, such as assignment submissions, comments, and grades, will not be visible when previewing a shared class. 
    • Imported class materials will be saved in draft mode for the selected class. 

    Getting started 
    • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature, however, Admins should make sure the following is set up for end users: 
      • In order to share classes, educators must have a Google Workspace for Education Plus license assigned to them. 
      • To preview and import classwork from shared classes, educators must be verified teachers
    • End users: 
      • To share a class, click the “Share classwork” button on the Classwork page. 
      • After receiving a class link, open it in your browser. When previewing the shared class, select the classwork items you want to export to a class. 
      • Visit the Help Center to learn more about sharing class templates and classwork. 


    • Available to Education Plus 


    What’s changing
    Last year, we announced a new tool in Google Classroom called practice sets that enables educators to transform new and existing content into engaging and interactive assignments. Students get real-time feedback on answers as they complete practice sets and then teachers receive performance insights and snapshots into student progress. 

    Since launching, we’ve given teachers more control over the resources for students in practice sets and today we’re excited to announce an additional way to save teachers time when creating assignments. We know teachers have already invested a lot of time creating quiz assignments using Google Forms, and with this update, they can simply import a Google Form into practice set questions, and benefit from the assistive features, such as suggested resources and hints, in-the-moment support for students and insights. 
    Convert Google Forms into practice sets in Google Classroom

    Getting started 

    Rollout pace 
    • This feature is now available. 

    • Available to Google Workspace Education Plus and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    Educators can now turn any YouTube video into an interactive lesson by adding questions for their students to answer throughout the video. 

    The interactive questions feature turns a passive watching experience into an engaging one, and improves students’ understanding of a subject by providing them with the space to make mistakes, review incorrect answers and assess correct answers at their own pace. 

    Once students within a class have completed the video activity, educators will have access to a dashboard of key insights based on student engagement levels. 
    Introducing interactive questions for YouTube videos in Google Classroom

    Who’s impacted 
    Admins and end users 

    Why you’d use it 
    While interactive YouTube video assignments will be beneficial to students, it will also help educators identify concepts that need more instruction time, discover students who may need extra support and also shape future lesson plans. Educators are also able to scale individualized support since students will get real-time validation as they answer certain question types in the video activities. 

    Additional details 
    You can now use the “Resources” tab in the Classroom left navigation to find and manage all your video activities and practice sets. 

    Getting started 

    Rollout pace 

    • Available to Education Plus and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade 


    What’s changing 
    Following the expansion of grading systems in Google Classroom, we’re adding an additional feature that gives teachers even more flexibility when it comes to grading for assignments and classwork. 

    Starting today, teachers can mark an assignment for a particular student as “Excused” instead of giving it a 0-100 score. This will exclude that particular assignment from the student’s overall grade. We hope this requested feature addresses various class scenarios, such as wanting to drop a student’s lowest assignment, excusing an assignment when a student is absent, or any other circumstance in which an assignment should not be included in a student’s grade. 
    excuse assignments in Classroom

    Getting started 
    • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
    • End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about excused grading.
    Rollout pace 
    • Available to all Google Workspace customers and users with personal Google Accounts 

    What’s changing
    Educators can now easily import students from their student information system (SIS) to Google Classroom using OneRoster. This integration saves educators time and helps make class setup much quicker. 

    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 

    • Available to Education Plus and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade 


    What’s changing
    We’re introducing analytics in Google Classroom, providing a centralized view of Classroom data and insights for educators and education leaders. 

    Designated education leaders and support staff now have direct visibility into student performance and engagement in the classroom, including if assignments are being completed, how grades are trending, and how Classroom features are being adopted. Education leaders will see a bird’s eye view of insights, with the ability to easily drill down further to identify which students, classes, and schools may need support. 
    class page
    Educators will also be able to see the same type of data for the classes they teach, providing them with a centralized snapshot of how each student in their class is trending. For example, if an educator sees that a student has low assignment completion this month, they can drill down to the list of missing assignments and follow up to see how to best support this student. 
    student view
    Who’s impacted 
    Admins and end users 

    Why it matters 
    This feature provides relevant insights that are immediately actionable, so education leaders and educators can make informed decisions around how to best support student success. 

    Getting started 
    • Admins: Super Admins automatically have access to Classroom analytics and must enable Classroom analytics for designated education leaders to access data on the entire organization or limited to specific organizational units. Educators will automatically be able to see class-level analytics for their classes. 
    • End users: 

    Rollout pace 


    What’s changing
    In June, we introduced updates to the embeddable YouTube player within Google Workspace for Education services. This included a new URL ( for the YouTube player to serve embedded content within Google Workspace for Education services. 

    As a result of this change, if your organization allowed or blocked YouTube videos within Google Workspace for Education services, you were asked to add “” to these allowlists or blocklists. This preserved the way your organization used YouTube videos within Google Workspace for Education services, such as Google Classroom or Slides.

    We are removing this feature while we evaluate performance and quality. As an immediate next step, if you updated your allowlist or blocklist to include "", you’ll need to revert your allowlist/blocklist to include "" as soon as possible to preserve the way your organization uses YouTube videos within Google Workspace for Education services. If you do not revert your allowlist/blocklist to include as soon as possible, this could change your organization’s access to YouTube videos.
    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 
    • This change is now in effect for Classroom services. 
    • This change will be in effect for Slides, Sites and Forms starting on November 7, 2023.
    • This impacts Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    Currently, teachers can set up grading systems in Google Classroom using points, grade categories, or grading periods. These options are numerical-based, meaning they correlate to points or percentages. 

    In order to support other forms of grading, such as letter grades or proficiency ratings (ex. unsatisfactory to excellent), we’re introducing customizable grading scales so that a school’s or teacher’s grading preferences are better reflected in Google Classroom. With this update, teachers will have the option to select from numerical, letter grade, proficiency, four-point grading scales, or set up their own scale. 

    Once the grading scale is selected and personalized (if the teacher chooses to do so), teachers can create assignments right away and any existing assignments will automatically have their newly selected grading scale. When grading assignments, teachers can enter either the grade with the points value or the level from the grading scale and Classroom will automatically display both to teachers and to students once a grade is returned.
    Expanding grading systems in Google Classroom
    Who’s impacted 
    End users 

    Why you’d use it 
    This feature gives teachers more flexibility in deciding which grading scales to use for assignments and classwork. 

    Getting started 
    • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
    • End users: 
      • To configure grading scales including accessing grading scale templates, go to Class settings > scroll down to the Grading Scales settings > click Add. From there you can either choose a pre-set grading scale or create your own scale. 
        • Teachers also have the option to copy other classes once they have grading scales set up. 
        • Any new classes created will have the grading scale from the last edited class. 
      • Visit the Help Center to learn more about grading & returning assignments. 
    Rollout pace 
    • Available to Education Plus and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    Earlier this year, practice sets became generally available, allowing educators to transform new and existing content into engaging and interactive assignments. With autograding built in, teachers can receive performance insights and snapshots into student progress, and students get real-time feedback as they complete practice sets. 

    Currently in practice sets, when a teacher selects a skill for a problem, resources are activated for the student. The students see a lightbulb next to that problem and a resource tray for “extra help” appears. 

    To improve upon this experience, we’re excited to announce an update that gives teachers more control over the resources for students in practice sets. Specially, teachers can now: 
    • More easily review the resources before they assign to their students 
    • Add built-in support for their students by removing or adding their own resources 
    • Include text-based hints and YouTube videos that are tailored to their students’ needs 
    • Control the order in which resources are provided to their students (what appears first, second, and third) 
    Who’s impacted 
    Admins and end users 

    Why it matters 
    This update gives teachers more control over student resources and enables teachers to tailor the support their students receive within practice sets.

    Getting started 
    • Admins: Practice sets are enabled by default, but admins need to add teachers to the verified teacher group in order for them to receive a shared practice set from other teachers in their Google Workspace. 
    • End users: 
      • For teachers to access practice sets, go to Google Classroom > Practice sets > Create (or
      • To manage light bulb resources for students in a practice set, navigate to the bottom of the problem > enter a skill or select a suggested skill > select the drop down button for resources on the right > click the "+" symbol and select hint > enter hint > save the hint. 
        • Rearrange the order of the resources by moving the boxes around. 
        • Remove a resource by clicking the “X” in the upper right corner. 
      • To manage extra help resources for students in a practice set, navigate to the top right corner of the page > click on extra help > click to "+" symbol to add resources or rearrange/delete suggested resources that may have been added based on the skills you selected. 
      • For students to access a practice set, they need to be assigned a practice set by a teacher. 
      • Visit the Help Center to learn more about Practice sets. 

    Rollout pace 

    • Available to Google Workspace for Education Plus and Google Workspace for Education Teaching and Learning Upgrade 

    What’s changing
    Previously, curriculum leaders and educators had to add permanent co-teachers in order to share or distribute curricula. This could result in access issues, unnecessary notifications and homepage clutter. 

    To improve this experience, we’re excited to announce a Google Classroom beta that will simplify lesson planning with others and make classroom materials more accessible. Through the beta, curriculum leads and verified teachers can share links to high-quality classes and class templates so other educators in their organization can preview and import classwork to an existing class or to a new class. This will provide educators with ideas for instructional design and enable them stay up-to-date with the best materials. 

    This beta will be globally available for Google Workspace for Education Plus customers in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. Google Workspace admins can use this sign-up form to apply for the beta from now until September 1, 2023. 
    shareable class templates and classwork with new Google Classroom beta

    Who’s impacted 
    End users 

    Why you’d use it 
    This feature enables curriculum leads and teachers to easily distribute standardized curricula or classroom content to others in their organization. As a result, fellow educators can easily preview, select, and import high-quality classwork into their classes. 
    export coursework and share with others

    Additional details 
    • Student information, such as assignment submissions, comments, and grades, will not be visible when previewing a shared class. 
    • Imported class materials will be saved in draft mode for the selected classes. 
    Getting started 
    • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature, however, Admins should make sure the following is set up for end users: 
      • In order to share classes, educators must have a Google Workspace for Education Plus license assigned to them. 
      • To preview and import classwork from shared classes, educators must be verified teachers
      • Use this sign-up form to apply for the beta from now until September 1, 2023. 
    • End users: 
      • To share a class, click the “Share classwork” button on the Classwork page. 
      • After receiving a class link, open it in your browser. When previewing the shared class, select the classwork items you want to export to a class. 
      • Visit the Help Center to learn more about sharing class templates and classwork. 
    • Available to Education Plus 