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Quick launch summary We’re making some updates to the home page in the Admin console. You may notice: 
  • A new card-based interface which includes more information and links to provide quick access to common tasks. 
  • Expandable (or collapsible) cards for Users, Billing, and Domains, with quick links to common items in those areas. 
  • Reordered items to make it easier to find the most used sections and complete common tasks. 
We hope this design will make it quicker to navigate around the Admin console, easier to find items you need to manage, and simpler to understand how Google Workspace is deployed within your organization. 

The new admin console home page 

The old Admin console home page 

Getting started 
  • Admins: You’ll see the new interface when you log into the Admin console. Visit the Help Center to learn more about using the Admin console
  • End users: No end user impact. 
Rollout pace 
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers 

Quick launch summary
Now you can add these four new citation source types in Google Docs:
  • Film
  • TV Series
  • TV Episode
  • Miscellaneous
This will make writing academic papers easier, since you won’t have to copy citations from other tools. The four new citation source types come in addition to the types you already have available, including books, websites, journal articles, and newspaper articles.

Adding a film as a citation source

Getting started

Rollout pace

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers.


What’s changing
We previously announced Google Workspace Frontline, our newest offering built specifically for frontline employees. Today, we’re excited to announce that Google Workspace Frontline is available for purchase through Sales and resellers, to give frontline workers secure access, on any supported device, to the information they need to be at their best.

Who’s impacted
Admins and end users 

Why you’d use it
Google Workspace Frontline can help open up communication and collaboration channels between frontline workers and corporate teams in a way that’s safe and secure, even from their own personal devices. It’s a custom solution that includes communication and collaboration apps like Gmail, Chat, Meet, Docs, Drive, and more, as well as business-grade support and security features like advanced endpoint management that help keep a company’s data secure.

Additional details
With Google Workspace Frontline, your employees will have access to:
  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Chat
  • Google Meet
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides
  • Google Sites

In addition, you’ll get 2GB Drive storage per user and the ability to view content in shared drives. This offer also includes business-grade support and security features like advanced endpoint management, which enables admins to require strong mobile passcodes, set up work profiles for Android devices, manage apps forAndroid and iOS devices, and wipe devices remotely if needed.

Getting started
  • Admins: To learn more about Google Workspace Frontline, visit the Help Center or contact our Sales team.
  • End users: Users will automatically get access to the features in Google Workspace Frontline after signing up.
Rollout pace
  • This edition is available now.
  • Google Workspace Frontline is available for both new and all existing customers.

What’s changing 
We’ve added more options for notification settings in Google Chat and Chat in Gmail. The new options affect push notifications on desktop and mobile, as well as notification badges on both the Chat and Gmail apps. You can set your notification preferences to:
  • Notify always: You’ll receive a notification for every message and new messages will be badged.
  • Notify less: You’ll receive notifications and badges for direct mentions, @all mentions, and followed threads. Additionally, there is an option to be notified about new threads in threaded rooms.
  • Notifications off: You will receive no notifications, but you’ll see a badge if you’re directly mentioned.

For existing Rooms, the notification setting may default to a state where you receive more notifications. To review and update your notification settings, simply select the three-dot overflow menu in each room.

Who’s impacted 
End users 

Why you’d use it 
These additional notification settings give you more control over the amount of notifications you’ll receive based on your level of engagement or involvement in specific conversations. We hope that by giving the ability you adjust your notifications as needed, you can stay on top of need-to-know conversations without being overwhelmed by notifications.

Getting started 
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the changes outlined in these Help Center articles and let your users know about the changes they can expect: 
  • End users: 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about turning notifications on or off in Gmail and Chat.
    • Make sure your Gmail and Google Chat apps are updated to the latest versions of the respective apps.
Rollout pace
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers


What’s changing
Starting March 24, we’re making some changes to the interface of Google Chat on the web (i.e. and the Progressive Web Application (PWA).

Old and new Google Chat on the web

Who’s impacted
End users
Why you’d use it
The new interface is similar to that of Chat in Gmail, giving users a consistent and predictable Chat experience no matter where they are. We’ve also added some new integrations to help your users be more productive. See Additional details below for more information.
Additional details
In addition to the visual interface updates, you’ll also see the following changes on Chat on the web:
  • In Chat rooms, you can now access shared files and tasks via tabs at the top of the room
  • We’ve added the quick access side panel on the right side, like in Gmail, to provide access to apps like Calendar, Keep, Tasks, and Maps
  • Search for existing conversations or for people to start new conversations is now under the “+” on the left-side navigation.
  • You can use the search bar at the top to look for content across all rooms and direct messages (DMs). To search for content within each room or direct message, click on the search button at the top right corner of the room/DM first and then proceed to search for content in the search bar.
  • The “Chat” and “Rooms” sections on the left-side navigation bar are static, allowing you to scroll more easily within each section. You can readjust the height of each of the sections based on your preference.
  • Feature to toggle between full screen view and pop-up view for both rooms and DMs, allowing easier multi tasking between conversations.
  • Integration with Google Meet so you can join or start a call directly from Chat
  • Pinned chats and rooms are now at the top of the Chat and Rooms sections instead of in a separate Pinned section. Users can unpin any unused pinned conversations to reduce clutter in these sections.
  • will now redirect to However, users can continue to use to access Chat.

Note that these changes will only impact domains with the Gmail service turned on. We’ll launch these changes to domains with Gmail turned off in the coming months.
Getting started
  • Admins: There is no admin control for these changes.
  • End users: These changes will take place automatically at and in the Chat PWA.
Rollout pace
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers

What’s changing
We’re updating how some search operators work in Google Drive to make finding shared files easier. This includes adding new search operators and changing the behavior of some existing search operators. You’ll still be able to perform all the same searches, just the operators you’ll use for them may change. The specific changes are:
  • “from:” will now return files shared with you by the specified email address. Previously, it would have returned files owned by that email address.
  • “to:” will now return files that you have shared with the specified email address. Previously, it would have returned all files that the email address had permissions to view, comment, or edit.
  • “sharedwith:” is a new search operator which will return files that the specified email address owns or has permission to view, comment or edit.
  • “owner:” returns files owned by the specified email address. There is no change to this operator, but you can use it to return the results you would previously have used the “from:” operator for.

Who’s impacted
End users, and developers

Why you’d use it
We’ve heard that finding files in Google Drive can be difficult because there are so many ways to remember a file: by its type, by its title, by who owns it, and more. We’ve added a number of features to help finding files, including an intelligent search box for Google Drive on the web, mobile search improvements, file suggestions in Chrome, and much more.

In addition, we know how important it is to be able to easily find files shared with others while collaborating in Google Workspace. Our user research suggests that this is actually one of the most memorable aspects to use when finding a file. These updates to our search operators will enable more specific searches to find files shared with you and by you, and will help you find those files more quickly using more memorable details about the file.

Additional details
  • Searches for from: and to: will not return files that were shared prior to February 2021.
  • Vault admins have been notified separately about their changes.

Getting started
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
  • End users: The updates to search operator behavior will take place by default. Visit the Help Center to learn more about advanced search features in Google Drive.

Rollout pace
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, and G Suite Basic and Business customers.

Quick launch summary
We’ve updated Google Drive Search operators to enable better results when searching for files in Google Vault. This includes changes to the behavior of the to: and from: operators, and a new sharedwith: operator.

Starting April 27, 2021, to: and from: won't match files shared before March 2021, but will better reflect actual sharing actions compared to the current logic. See this Help Center article for more information.

Before April 27, 2021, please check your saved Drive search queries in Google Vault and, if needed, make updates to ensure you get the results you expect:
  • If you search for files in Vault using the to: or from: Drive search operators, you might want to change to: to sharedwith: and from: to owner: to keep the current search behavior.
  • If you do not search for files in Vault using the to: or from: Drive search operators, no action is required.

Note, you’ll know when the new behavior is applied to your to: or from: Drive searches within Vault as you’ll see the below notification near the Terms field:

Getting started
Rollout pace
  • Available to Google Workspace Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, and Education Plus, as well as G Suite Business customers and customers with the Vault add-on license
  • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, and Business Standard customers, or G Suite Basic customers

What’s changing 
We’re launching a new way to create Google Workspace Add-ons. With alternative runtimes, developers can write Add-ons in any language and on any infrastructure, and then publish them to the Google Workspace Marketplace. Alternate runtimes was previously available in beta. 

Who’s impacted 
Admins and developers 

Why it’s important 
Google Workspace Add-ons allow you to use third-party applications within Google Workspace. These integrations between Google Workspace and other productivity applications allow work to happen more seamlessly across platforms, helping you get work done faster without switching from one app to another. 

Previously, developers had to write Add-ons in Apps Script. With this launch, developers can write them in whatever language, and on whatever infrastructure, they want. This change enables developers to use the tools and systems they’re used to, making it quicker and easier to create and publish high-quality Add-ons. 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 
  • This feature is available now for all users. 

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers  


Quick launch summary
We’ll now notify you when someone subscribes to updates made to your Google Calendar.

When you share your calendar with others, they have the option to subscribe to changes you make on your calendar. In order to increase transparency to calendar owners on who can access this information, we'll inform them via email if someone subscribes to be proactively notified about upcoming events or any changes to existing and new events on their calendar.

We'll let you know when someone subscribes to any of these notifications about your calendar

Getting started
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
  • End users: There is no end user setting for this feature. Visit the Help Center to learn more about sharing Calendar permissions.
Rollout pace
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers

Quick launch summary 
Users in APAC and Europe can now enable live captions in the following languages in Google Meet on mobile devices: 
  • French 
  • German 
  • Portuguese 
  • Spanish (Spain and Latin America) 
Live captions can help users easily participate in meetings who may speak a different primary language, are in loud noisy environments, are deaf or hard of hearing, or have other disabilities that make listening difficult.

Getting started
  • Admins: No action required
  • End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about using captions in Meet. Note: your language preference will be saved for future meetings.
Rollout pace

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers. 
  • Available to users with personal Google Accounts

What’s changing
We’re adding a User Invitation API to the Cloud Identity API. This new API allows you to identify and manage unmanaged accounts

Unmanaged accounts are users with consumer Google accounts that share your organization's email address. The API will enable you to manage these accounts at scale, and automate sending of invites to these users to transfer their account to a managed state. to a managed state. 

The User Invitation API is initially available as an open beta, which means you can use it without enrolling in a specific beta program. See our documentation to learn more about how to use the API

Who’s impacted 

Why you’d use it 
Unmanaged accounts occur when a user registers for a personal Google account using an email address that matches your domain. These accounts generally exist because a user has previously signed up for a personal Google Account using their work or educational email address. 

If your organization then signs up for Google Workspace or Cloud Identity and attempts to provision a managed account with the same primary email address, the conflict needs to be resolved. 

Previously, you could only manage these existing accounts via the Admin console. The User Invitation API provides another option which can help automate resolution of these conflicts, and can make it easier to manage these conflicts at scale. 

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • This feature is available now for all users in beta. 
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, G Suite Basic and Business customers, and Cloud Identity customers 

What’s changing 
We’ve consolidated all login related audit events to a single location within the Workspace Admin Console under Reports > Audit Log > Login. Here, you can find information on the following events: 
  • Two step verification enrollment or disablement, 
  • Advanced protection enrollment or disablement, 
  • Password changes, 
  • Recovery question changes, 
  • Recovery phone changes, 
  • Recovery email changes, 
  • Out of domain email forwarding enablement.

Who’s impacted 

Why it’s important 
We hope that by displaying this information in a single location, Admins will have greater visibility into critical actions carried out by their users on their own accounts, without having to switch between multiple places in the Admin console. 

Additional details 
You can also use the Reports API to view information on login events. Use the Google Workspace Developer Guide to learn more about getting started with the Reports API and using the Login Activity Report

Enterprise plus and Education Plus Super Admins can also use the security investigation tool (Admin console > Security > Investigation Tool > User Log Events) to view more detailed information and take action on suspicious login activity.

Getting started 

Rollout pace 

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers


Quick launch summary
You can now snooze Google Calendar desktop notifications directly from the notification itself. A top user request, this should make it less likely that you miss meetings or show up late. By default, snoozed notifications will reappear one minute before the scheduled meeting; you can change this timing in your Calendar settings. You can also “re-snooze” a notification for an additional five minutes as many times you’d like, until the meeting ends.

You can now snooze Google Calendar desktop notifications—directly from this notification.

A few things to keep in mind:
  • You must have desktop notifications enabled and Calendar open in a tab to see notifications on your desktop.
  • You can only snooze notifications on Chrome browsers.
  • Users with desktop notifications enabled may see the promo below in the coming weeks.
Users with Calendar desktop notifications enabled may see this one-time promo in the coming weeks.

Getting started
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
  • End users: This feature will be ON by default if you have desktop notifications enabled. You cannot remove the option to snooze notifications, but you can change the timing of snoozed notifications. Visit the Help Center to learn more about changing and turning off Calendar notifications.
You can change the timing of snoozed notifications in your Calendar notifications settings menu.

Rollout pace
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers

What’s changing 
We’re introducing a new way to view and manage notifications in the Google Drive mobile app for Android. The new update lets you view your most important tasks -- all from within Drive. With this update you can: 
  • See all your notifications in one place, even without device notifications enabled 
  • Choose filters to control the types of notifications you get 
  • Delete and dismiss notifications you don’t want 
  • Take actions like share files directly from notifications 
  • Show more file information directly from the notification 

Who’s impacted 
End users 

Why it’s important 
Today, many people rely on email to keep track of important activity on their files in Google Workspace. At times, this may include searching your inbox, setting up filters, or addressing unrelated and urgent emails. The Drive notifications center saves time finding your most important notifications and makes it easier to keep track of things to do from within Google Drive. 

The updated notifications center can be accessed by going to Priority or Home 

Getting started 
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: Open the Google Drive app, navigate to “Priority” (or “Home” if you’re not a Google Workspace customer) and find the “Notifications” tab on the top part of the screen. All available notifications will be here, even if you don’t opt-in to device notifications. Use our Help Center to learn more about Google Drive notifications
Rollout pace 
  • Available to all users with Google Drive Android v.2021.08 or newer. 

What’s changing 
To help our customers more easily implement security controls, we will start providing recommended data loss prevention (DLP) rules personalized for your organization. These recommendations are based on the results of your data protection insights report and any rules you’ve already implemented, and will be surfaced in the admin console. 

Each rule that DLP recommends is a fully realized, ready-to-use rule that is preconfigured to warn users on sharing sensitive data. You can use the rules as they are, or edit the rules to customize them for your organization. The rules will only be enforced when you choose to activate them. 

Who’s impacted 

Why it’s important 
Protecting your company’s confidential data is critical. DLP rules can give you control over what users can share, and helps prevent the unintended exposure of sensitive information. Your data protection insights report can help identify priority areas to address, but creating, testing, and implementing rules can be time consuming. 

By generating fully realized, ready-to-use rules recommended based on your organization’s specific situation, we aim to make it easier to add controls and help protect sensitive information within your organization. 

The DLP rule performance charts can help you understand rule performance so you can make any necessary adjustments, and help identify where additional investigation is needed, with one-click integration to the investigation tool where available. 

See recommended rules at Admin console > Security > Data protection 

Getting started 
  • Admins: 
    • To see the recommended rules, go to Admin Console > Security > Data Protection. To view the data protection insights report you must be a DLP admin or an admin that received an email invitation to view the report. 
    • Rule suggestions will be enabled by default for all organizations with data protection insights report, but rules will not be enforced unless you choose to activate them. Recommended rules will not be available if data protection insights reports are turned off. 
    • Visit our Help Center to learn more about how to prevent data leaks with DLP recommended rules
  • End users: No end user impact. 
Rollout pace 
  • Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Plus customers. 
  • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Education Fundamentals, Education Plus, and Nonprofits, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers 

Quick launch summary 
In Google Chat, you’ll now see suggested 1:1 chats based on current meetings on your Google Calendar. You’ll see the suggested conversation shortcut at the top of the Chat section in Gmail on mobile and web and in Google Chat on mobile. Suggested chats will appear at the top of the Chat section in Gmail on mobile. 

The chat will be visible ten minutes prior to the 1:1 meeting and ten minutes after the meeting ends. We hope this feature makes it easier to share information and files before a meeting begins, let meeting attendees know you’re running late, or share quick follow-ups once a meeting has concluded. 

Getting started 
Suggested chats will appear at the top of the Chat section in Gmail on mobile.

Rollout pace 

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers
  • Not available to consumers with personal Google Accounts 


Quick launch summary 
We’re updating the presenter toolbar in Google Slides to feature the controls you need while presenting, ensuring a better, less intrusive experience for presenters and presentation viewers. 

When presenting, now you’ll see options for: 
  • Selecting the previous or next slide, 
  • Select any slide from the picker, 
  • The three-dot overflow menu, which will open options for opening speaker notes, auto play, caption preferences, and more. 

Additionally, we’ve reduced the size of the trigger zone for the presenter bar in order to minimize distractions or obstruction of your content. 

We heard from our customers that the old presenter toolbar in Google Slides was getting in the way of content and creating a distraction for presenters and their audience. As a result, we have condensed the presenter toolbar down to the controls you need most so that now you can present with confidence, We hope these improvements help you present and engage with your audience more confidently, without worrying about potential disruptions. 

Getting started 
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: There is no end user setting for this feature. Visit the Help Center to learn more about presenting in Google Slides. 

Rollout pace 

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers 
  • Available to users with personal Google Accounts 


Quick launch summary
We’re expanding tile view layouts for Google Meet on iOS and Android to deliver a consistent user experience across platforms. Gradual rollout is in progress now for iOS, with rollout to Android to begin around the end of March. With this update, you can now:
  • Get an identical user experience whether you’re using Google Meet in Gmail or the Google Meet standalone app.
  • See up to 8 video feeds on phones.
  • See up to 48 video feeds on selected iPads.

See 8 video feeds on phones

See up to 48 video feeds on selected iPads

Getting started

Rollout pace

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and G Suite Business customers. Also available if you're using Google Meet with a personal Google account.



Quick launch summary 
When using Jamboard on the web, you can now: 
  • See the version history of a Jam file 
  • Create named versions of a Jam file 
  • Restore a previous version of a Jam file 

This is the same behavior you’re familiar with from other Google Workspace products, like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Version history makes it easy to see changes to a Jam and who made them. This is particularly useful in education settings, allowing teachers to view and track student changes to Jam files. Additionally, you can name different versions of your Jam files, so you can quickly revert to them when needed. 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 
  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers 

What's changing
As previously announced, we plan to switch users from the old electron-based Google Chat app to the new Chat standalone app in March 2021. If you or your users are still using the old version of desktop Google Chat, you should upgrade to the new desktop Chat app before March 30 to minimize any potential disruption. 

Who’s impacted 
Admins and end users 

Why it matters 
Last year, we introduced a new Google Chat standalone app. The app is a Progressive Web Application (PWA), which provides a fast, reliable, and engaging way to use Chat on any desktop device with the Google Chrome web browser. 

In February, users of the old app started seeing banners prompting them to install the new desktop Chat. Clicking on the banner takes them to, where they see a pop-up nudge asking them to install the new Chat app

Regardless of whether the new Chat app is installed, users will be able to use Chat on the web at or within Gmail, if permitted by their admin

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • The new Google Chat app is available now to all users. 

  • Applicable to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers 

Quick launch summary We’re adding a new setting for Google Workspace for Education Plus (formerly G Suite for Education) admins that will enable Google Meet recording capabilities for users with Education Plus student licenses. Student licenses are available to customers who purchased Education Plus for their staff. 

When turned on, students can record meetings the same way other users can today. This can be helpful for students who want to review a lesson or class presentation later on. Once turned on, meeting recordings will be automatically saved to the student’s Google Workspace for Education Drive account. 

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • Available to Google Workspace Education Plus (formerly G Suite Enterprise for Education) Customers 
  • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals and Nonprofits, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers 


Quick launch summary
You can now set up Google Meet breakout rooms in advance on Google Calendar. This makes it easier for teachers and meeting facilitators to prepare for differentiated learning, be thoughtful about group dynamics and avoid losing valuable time setting up breakout rooms during the call.

We previously announced this feature at Learning with Google, and it is now rolling out to customers.

Add breakout rooms to Google Meet from Calendar

Getting started
Rollout pace
  • Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Nonprofits and Education Plus as well as G Suite Business customers, Teaching and Learning upgrade (launching in April)
  • Not available to Google Workspace Business Starter and Education Fundamentals, as well as G Suite Basic customers

What’s changing
We’re introducing a new Google Meet Global Dialing subscription, which will:
  • Enable users to dial out to more than 100 countries directly from a Meet call. This is currently only available to 2 countries.
  • Increase the number of countries users can dial in from to over 80, with more countries coming soon.
  • Make it easy for admins to monitor and audit call usage with the Google Voice audit log.

There is no subscription fee; you only pay for the calls your organization makes at the per-minute rate.
Who’s impacted
Admins and end users
Why you’d use it
This new add-on subscription will help improve access to video calls by enabling outbound calls to global destinations and dial-in to meetings from more countries.

Once enabled, your users will be able to:
  • Quickly add a phone to a meeting by calling someone, or use the “Call Me” feature to use your phone for audio, now available in more than 100 countries.
  • Easily dial in to join a Meet call when you don’t have an internet connection, have limited bandwidth, or are joining from the road, in more than 80 countries.
In addition, the Google Voice audit log will make it easy for admins to see a breakdown of all your call costs across Meet and Voice in a single place.
Additional details
The Meet Global Dialing subscription is currently available to customers based in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Belgium.

Note that, if you purchase Google Workspace through a reseller, your reseller must also be based in one of those countries to be eligible for the subscription.
Getting started
Rollout pace
  • This feature is available now.
  • Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Nonprofits, Education Fundamentals, and Education Plus, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers

New updates
Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are fully launched or in the process of rolling out (rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete), launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time (if not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete), and available to all Google Workspace and G Suite customers.

Admin control for AppSheet now fully available
In December 2020, we announced the availability of an admin control for AppSheet in the Additional services section of the Admin console. The rollout of this control is now complete. | Learn more.

Anchor image backgrounds in Google Sites
You'll now see an anchor icon in Google Sites when editing a section that includes a background image. When selected, you can choose what point to anchor the image on or if the image should be centered. | Rolling out to Rapid Release now; launch to Scheduled Release planned for March 17, 2021.

Previous announcements
The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Adding Google Chat, Google Calendar, and Jamboard to Google Workspace Essentials
We’re giving teams and organizations more ways to connect and collaborate by adding Google Chat, Google Calendar, and Jamboard to Google Workspace Essentials, all included at no additional cost. | Learn more.

Access to Google Workspace core services from Google Assistant
Over the next few weeks, we’ll begin making access to Google Workspace services from Google Assistant generally available to any customers with the “Search and Assistant” additional service enabled. This was previously available in beta. | Learn more.

Expanding data regions coverage to Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides user indices
Data regions for Google Workspace allows customers to choose a specific geographic location—in the U.S., in Europe, or globally distributed—for their covered data at rest to help meet organizational or compliance needs. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus and Education Plus customers only. | Learn more.

New Assured Controls help support your information governance goals
Assured Controls for Google Workspace Enterprise Plus is an add-on that helps customers control cloud service provider access and attain their information governance goals. | Available as an add-on to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus customers only. | Learn more.

Join Google Meet calls from third-party video conferencing systems more easily
We’re making it easier to join Google Meet calls from third-party video conferencing systems. | Learn more.

Enhanced admin controls for Gmail IMAP
You can now enable Gmail IMAP and Gmail POP separately and enable access via IMAP on a per-app basis in the Admin console. | Available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, and Enterprise Plus, as well as G Suite Basic, Business, Nonprofits, Education, and Enterprise for Education customers only. | Learn more.

New Google Vault interface will become the only experience starting on May 24, 2021
While the new interface is the primary interface at, it is still possible to access the classic interface at Starting on May 24, 2021, the classic interface will redirect to the new interface, with no option to revert back. | Available to Google Workspace Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, and Education Plus, as well as G Suite Business customers and customers with the Vault add-on license only. | Learn more.

Add files owned by suspended accounts to shared drives
Until now, it was often not possible to move files originally created by users whose accounts are suspended, as suspended accounts can’t be added as members of a shared drive. | Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, and Education Plus, as well as G Suite Business and Nonprofits customers only. | Learn more.

Sign in to RSVP via hyperlinks in Google Calendar email invitations
In order to prevent unauthorized users from responding on your behalf to Google Calendar event invitations, you’ll now be required to be logged in to use any of the RSVP hyperlinks in invite emails. | Learn more.

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).

Quick launch summary
In order to prevent unauthorized users from responding on your behalf to Google Calendar event invitations, you’ll now be required to be logged in to use any of the RSVP hyperlinks in invite emails. Previously, organizers or anyone with a specific invitee's invitation copy could respond on behalf of that invitee.
Responding to invitations via email will now require you to be signed in

If a user is not logged in, they will be asked to sign in to their Google Account. Note that this only applies to users with a Google account.

Getting started
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
  • End users: There is no end user setting for this feature. Visit the Help Center to learn more about responding to event invitations.
Rollout pace
  • Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, and Education Plus, as well as G Suite Basic, Business, and Nonprofits customers

Quick launch summary 
Shared drives can be used to store, search, and access files with a team. Admins can choose whether to let file editors in their organization move content from My Drive to shared drives, as long as the file owner is a member of the shared drive. 

However, until now it was often not possible to move files originally created by users whose accounts are suspended, as suspended accounts can’t be added as members of a shared drive. Admins can suspend an account to temporarily block a user's access to your organization's Google services (for example, you may suspend the account of a former employee). 

With this launch, file editors can now add these files to shared drives. As long as admins choose to allow users to migrate files to shared drives, content created by a user whose account is suspended by their organization’s administrator will be eligible to be added to a shared drive. 

Getting started 
  • Admins: This feature is controlled by the more general setting at Admin console > Apps > Google Workspace > Drive and Docs > Migration settings > Allow users to migrate files to shared drives. If this is turned on already, the feature will automatically become available to users when it rolls out. Use our Help Center to learn more about moving content to a shared drive
  • End users: There is no end user setting for this feature. 
Rollout pace 
  • Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, and Education Plus, as well as G Suite Business and Nonprofits customers 
  • Not available to Google Workspace Business Starter and G Suite Basic customers. 

Quick launch summary 
Last year, we announced a new interface for Google Vault. The new interface makes it easier to navigate Vault and includes new productivity features for faster task completion. See our beta blog post for more information on the improvements in the new interface

While the new interface is the primary interface at, it is still possible to access the classic interface at Starting on May 24, 2021, the classic interface will redirect to the new interface, with no option to revert back. The new interface includes all the core functionality from the classic interface, and there will be no impact on your existing Google Vault setup. 

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • Available to Google Workspace Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, and Education Plus, as well as G Suite Business customers and customers with the Vault add-on license 
  • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, and Business Standard customers, or G Suite Basic customers 