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What’s changing 
Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta, providing admins with enhanced visibility into the state of their data assets. By exporting this data into BigQuery, admins can gain a holistic view of how their data is classified, who can access it, and how it’s being used. Analyzing this data at scale helps admins address the challenge of understanding the full scope of their data assets, especially as it pertains to sensitive information and compliance with data policies.

Who’s impacted

Why it’s important
Compared to using APIs, Drive inventory reporting is a more efficient alternative to piecing together a full representation of Drive items from audit events and various other surfaces. The comprehensive view of the file corpus—including classifications, sizes, and locations—allows administrators to identify security risks, such as unauthorized access or oversharing. It also aids in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, like those for data retention and destruction. 

Getting started

  • Admins: Eligible Admins can enable this feature in the Admin console by going to Reporting > Data Integrations and enabling Drive Inventory Export. Visit the Help Center to learn more about Drive inventory reporting. Admins interested in providing feedback to the product team during the open beta can fill out this form.
  • End users: There is no end user impact or action required.

Rollout pace
  • This feature is available now for all eligible users.

Available for Google Workspace:

  • Enterprise Standard and Plus
  • Education Standard and Plus
  • Enterprise Essentials Plus
  • Frontline Standard


2 New updates

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

All new appointments need to be booked through appointment schedules in Google Calendar 
Earlier this year, we announced that the appointment slots feature will be replaced by appointment schedules in Google Calendar. Starting this week, only appointment schedules can be created. In a couple of weeks, the appointment slots booking pages will no longer be available. At that time, all new appointments will need to be booked through appointment schedules. | Appointment schedules are available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade, Nonprofits, Google Workspace Individual customers and Google One Premium users. | Visit the Help Center for detailed information about appointment schedules. 

Available in beta: migrate sensitive files to Google Drive with client-side encryption 
We are making it easier to programmatically import sensitive files to Google Drive with client-side encryption by providing code samples on Github. Eligible admins can apply for beta access to this Drive API feature using this form. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus; Education Standard and Education Plus.

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Google Classroom now supports exporting grades and importing rosters and grade settings with PowerSchool SIS 
Google Classroom teachers can now export and import select information via the new integration with PowerSchool SIS. | Learn more about the integration with Classroom and PowerSchool SIS. 

Teachers will soon be able to create a new class in Google Classroom using Student Information System (SIS) data 
In the coming weeks, we will be introducing a new feature that allows teachers to set up a Google Classroom class using information directly imported from an SIS, including co-teachers, student rosters and class lists, grading categories and grading periods. Please note this feature is only available with our current SIS partners. | Learn more about creating new classes in Classroom using SIS data. 

Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are now available in open beta for Gemini ( 
We’re pleased to announce Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are available for Gemini ( When enabled, Gemini will be able to cross reference these apps as data sources to better inform its responses. | Learn more about the beta for Gemini ( 

Import and export Markdown in Google Docs 
We’re introducing highly-requested features that enhance Docs' interoperability with other Markdown supporting tools. | Learn more about markdown in Docs

Clearer re-enrollment for Google Meet hardware devices 
We're updating the way Google Meet hardware devices are re-enrolled to provide a more intuitive experience for administrators. | Learn more about re-enrollment for Meet hardware devices. 

Available in beta: Policy Visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive 
Users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or trust rules, will now be proactively informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. | Learn more about policy visualization.

Enable guardians to preview assigned classwork within Google Classroom
Guardian email summaries will now include links that let guardians preview their student's Classwork pages, including assigned work and attachments provided by the teacher. | Learn more about guardians and Classroom.

Completed rollouts

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).  

What’s changing 
Currently, when there are security policies applied to documents, spreadsheets, presentations or files, users are given no central explanation of which actions, like downloading, making a copy, or external sharing are restricted. 

To improve upon this experience, users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or trust rules, will now be proactively informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. 

For example, if a user is interacting with a document affected by DLP-enforced information rights management (IRM) and a Trust Rule, they will see a shield icon, banner, and side panel that informs them of the restricted actions.
Policy Visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive

Who’s impacted 
End users 

Why it matters 
With this update, users will be made aware of which actions they are taking that are disabled on a document, spreadsheet, slide or file due to data protection controls.

Getting started 
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: 
    • Any user will be able to see policy visualization if it's active on a document, but the owner of the document is used to determine if it's turned ON. 
    • A shield icon, banner, and side panel will automatically appear when security controls are present. 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about the policies that enable Policy Visualization: 

Rollout pace 
During the Open Beta period, this feature will be opt-in only. Customers who fill out this form will see the feature enabled in their specified domains within 7 days of sign-up. Customers may submit feedback here or email it to 

Policy visualization is enabled when the document, spreadsheet, slides or file owner belongs to the following Google Workspace editions: 
  • Business Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Essentials Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Essentials Enterprise Plus 
  • Frontline Starter, Standard 
  • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 
  • Workspace Individual Subscribers 

What’s changing 
We’re pleased to announce Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are available for Gemini ( When enabled, Gemini will be able to cross reference these apps as data sources to better inform its responses.

View of Google Workspace extensions from the Gemini Extensions page

This feature is available in open beta for Google Workspace customers with the Gemini Business, Enterprise, Education, and Education Premium add-ons — no additional sign-up is required.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

Google Workspace extensions enhance Gemini's capabilities by allowing it to access information from your Gmail, Docs, and Drive. This enables Gemini to locate, reference and incorporate this additional data, leading to even more informed and relevant responses. This deeper integration helps bring Gemini’s capabilities more seamlessly into your daily workflows, helping enhance productivity. For example, referencing a Doc that outlines your target audiences while performing customer research in Gemini (

Additional details
  • During the open beta period, Context-Aware Access (CAA) for Gmail, Drive and Docs isn’t supported with Google Workspace extensions. Context-Aware Access gives you control over which apps a user can access based on their context, such as whether their device complies with your IT policy. Learn more about Context-Aware Access.
  • Google Workspace extensions honors access control settings for files within Drive, meaning users can only access files that they own or have been shared with them (excluding files shared via Shared Drive).
  • Google Workspace extensions is not available to Google Workspace users accessing Gemini as an additional Google service.
  • Note that Google Workspace personal content that Gemini Apps get from extensions is not reviewed by anyone to improve AI models, not used to train AI models, and not shared with other users or institutions. Visit the Help Center for more information.
Getting started
  • Admins: 
    • This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the OU or Group level. During the open beta period, Drive, Gmail and Docs must be enabled to use Google Workspace extensions.

Rollout pace

Available for Google Workspace customers with the:
  • Gemini Business, Enterprise, Education, or Education Premium add-on


What’s changing
We’re pleased to introduce an improved email notification experience for those who are using third-party calendar services—like Outlook—to collaborate with Google Calendar users. Specifically, this update improves the accuracy of Google Calendar event syncing across calendar services, while helping cut down on the amount of email noise caused by calendar sync notifications. 

  • Email notifications that are purely intended to sync information will now be marked as such in the body of the email and sent from a distinct, identifiable email address. The body of the email includes instructions for end users on how to implement inbox filters to avoid this type of email cluttering their inbox. 
  • At scale, Outlook system administrators can use Microsoft’s Powershell to implement an email filter rule for these messages for all users. 
Google Workspace customers can use this form to sign-up for the beta.
Improved syncing experience between Google Calendar and third-party calendars

Who’s impacted 
Admins and end users 

Why it matters
We’ve heard from our customers that the syncing experience from Google Calendar to third-party calendars was not consistently reliable. Additionally, users lacked an effective way to filter out Calendar emails which cluttered their inbox. This update will help improve the overall experience for users collaborating with Google Calendar users. 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 
  • Beta sign-ups are available now using this form until July 10, 2024. We will be accepting beta applications and allowlisting customers over the next several weeks. 

  • Sign-up for this beta is available for all Google Workspace customers 


This announcement was part of Google Cloud Next ‘24. Visit the Workspace Blog to learn more about the next wave of innovations in Workspace, including enhancements to Gemini for Google Workspace.

What’s changing

AppSheet helps users automate manual workflows by integrating with data sources like Google Drive and Sheets, and today we’re excited to announce its integration with another data collection tool in Workspace: Google Forms.

Many companies rely on the data collected via form submissions when they are performing tasks for ticketing or incident reporting. However, prior to today you could only view information from form submissions via email, spreadsheet, or in the Forms app itself.

With this update, Google Forms submissions can act as event triggers within AppSheet Automations. These automations can then take many different actions, such as sending notifications or approval requests to Gmail or Google Chat, or even calling a custom Apps Script function. 
Build AppSheet automations using Google Forms is now available in beta

Who’s impacted 
Admins, end users and developers 

Why you’d use it 
This integration enables users to receive actionable notifications based on responses to Google Forms.

Getting started 
  • Admins: 
    • AppSheet admins can use AppSheet’s Policy Engine to control access to this feature by App Creators in their organization. Visit the Help Center to learn more about policy enforcement in AppSheet policies and specific guidance on preventing app creators from using Google Forms
    • This feature is available as an open beta, which means AppSheet app creators can use it without enrolling in a specific beta program. 
  • Developers and end users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about building automations using Google Forms. 

Rollout pace 

Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Business Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Essentials Plus 
  • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 
  • Frontline Starter, Standard 
  • AppSheet Starter, Core, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus 

What’s changing 
Launching first to beta, we’re introducing data loss prevention rules for Gmail. Data protection rules help admins and security experts build a stronger framework around sensitive data to prevent personal or proprietary information from ending up in the wrong hands. This functionality is already available in Google Chat and Google Drive, and in Gmail you’ll be able to create, implement, and investigate rules in the same manner. 

Admins can create data protection rules to flag sensitive information from leaving your organization. These rules are applied to outgoing messages sent internally or externally and admins can choose whether all content (including attached files and images), the body of the email, email headers, or subject lines should be scanned. You can configure your rules to look for sensitive text strings, custom detectors, or select predefined detectors. If a message violates a rule, admins can choose to:

  • Block message — the sender will receive a notification about message delivery failure and more information about the policy they violated.
  • Quarantine message — the message will require review and approval by an admin before delivery. If the message is rejected by an admin, the user may receive a notification about it.
  • Audit only — the message is delivered, but it is captured in rule log events for further analysis. This is particularly advantageous because it allows admins to assess the impact of rules before introducing them to your end users.

Data loss prevention for Gmail are available for select Google Workspace customers (see the “Availability” section below) — no additional sign-up is required to use the feature. 

Create data protection policies for Gmail alongside Drive and Chat

Build flexible conditions with selection of predefined and custom detectors of sensitive information

Set up a rule with Audit Only action applied to messages sent outside of organization. The severity level for event logging is set up to ‘Medium’ and alerting via Alert Center is turned on 

Detailed information about the event in the Alert Center

Overview of DLP incidents in the Security Dashboard with further option to investigate audit logs in detail

Who’s impacted
Admins and end users

Why it’s important

In addition to detecting sensitive content, DLP in Gmail offers additional benefits such as:

  • Simplified deployment and data protection policies management with rules for Gmail, Drive and Google Chat unified into the same area and workflow.
  • Advanced detection policies with flexible conditions, wide selection of predefined detectors for global and regional information types, custom detectors (Regular Expressions and word lists), targeting on specific parts of a message (header, subject, body). 
  • Granular configuration of policies scope, defining sender audiences (at domain, OU, and group levels) and recipient audiences (internal, external, both).
  • Actions with various levels of restriction such as block delivery of message (Block), quarantine message for review (Quarantine), and log event for future audit (Audit only).
  • Tools for incident management and investigation such as the Alert Center, Security Dashboard and Security Investigation Tool.

Additional details
How does DLP in Gmail compare to Content Compliance rules?
Content compliance in Gmail does offer similar functionality in that you can create rules to prevent messages that contain specific content from being sent. However, unlike DLP in Gmail, admins have no way to preview the impact of these rules before deploying them broadly.

Further, content compliance offers a variety of features that are better suited for filtering content. For example, you can:
  • Set up a metadata match on a range of IP addresses, and quarantine messages from IP addresses outside of the range.
  • Route messages with content that matches specific text strings or patterns to a specific department, suited the best to process information.

Getting started
  • Admins: 
    • Data loss prevention rules can be configured at the domain, OU, or group level. DLP rules can be enabled in Gmail in the Admin console under Security > Access and data control > Data protection. Visit the Help Center to learn more about controlling sensitive data shared in Gmail.
      • Note that you can modify existing DLP rules for Drive and Chat to also apply to Gmail. 
    • DLP events can be reviewed in the Security Investigation Tool or Security > Alert Center, if alerts are configured in rules.

    • We recommend selecting “Audit only” when you’re setting up a rule. When selected, messages that match the conditions of a rule will be delivered with the detection being logged. This allows you to rest new rules and monitor their performance, or to passively monitor the  environment without interrupting email flow for your users.

    • Note on asynchronous and synchronous scanning: With DLP for Gmail, data protection rules are scanned asynchronously, which means that the message is blocked or quarantined after it leaves the sender’s mailbox and before being dispatched to the recipient. We’re working on the ability to scan data protection rules synchronously when a user hits “Send” in order to notify users about sensitive content before the message leaves their mailbox. 

    • Please share your feedback on this feature with us — this will help us continue to improve the experience as we move through beta and toward general availability. You can share your feedback by selecting the “Send feedback” button located in the bottom left corner of your screen of any data protection related page in the Admin console.

  • End users: When configured by your admins, you’ll be notified if your message contains information that violates a DLP rule

Rollout pace
Available to Google Workspace:
  • Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus
  • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade
  • Frontline Standard
  • Cloud Identity Premium customers

[Update - June 24, 2024]: This beta is now closed and will no longer be accepting new applicants.What’s changing 
Launching in beta, we’re introducing an integration between Google Voice and Salesforce that makes it easier to track details of calls made in Voice. When enabled: 

  • Salesforce contacts will be displayed in Google Voice. 
  • Google Voice calls will now be logged to any matching Salesforce contact.

Salesforce contacts are denoted with the Salesforce logo. 

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

This integration helps improve visibility across the various stakeholders that rely on Salesforce as a key tool in their workflow. When enabled, Google Voice calls will be automatically logged in Salesforce, ensuring that there is a record of that interaction for all to see. Additionally, you can jump from Google Voice to the Salesforce call log to add notes and more context. This helps eliminate the need for users to switch between multiple applications and manual record keeping, and make it easier for other team members to see the latest activity in Salesforce.

Getting started

  • Admins: 
    • This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the Organizational Unit (OU) level. Visit the Help Center to learn more about integrating CRM with Salesforce.

To turn on the Google Voice and Salesforce integration, navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Google Voice > Policies > Salesforce integration

You’ll then be directed to the Google Voice and Salesforce connection page to complete the set-up.

  • End users: You’ll see banners in Google Voice on web and mobile when this integration is enabled by your admin. 
Banners inside the Voice app will indicate when Salesforce has been integrated.

After you make a Voice Call to a Salesforce contact from either our web or mobile app, you will be notified that the call is logged to Salesforce in the call log.

You’ll see when a call has been logged to Salesforce — you can click on this notification to open Salesforce.

Logged calls within the Salesforce UI.

To make the most out of the integration, we recommend that you install the Google Voice Chrome Extension.

Rollout pace
  • This beta is now closed and is no longer accepting new applicants.

  • Available to Google Workspace customers with Voice Standard or Premier and Salesforce Enterprise, Unlimited, or Lightning versions


What’s changing

Beginning today, a new data migration experience is available: you can migrate your users’ email data from one Google Workspace account to another in a more reliable and efficient manner. You can configure your data migration for up to 100 users at a time and also run delta migrations, which smartly brings over any newly generated data from the source without duplicating previously migrated content.

This feature is available as an open beta, which means admins can use it without enrolling in a specific beta program.

Additional details
You can find more information in our Help Center about migrating other forms of data from different types of source accounts.

Getting started
  • Admins: Visit The Help Center to learn more about the new data migration service and migrating email.
  • End users: There is no end user action required

Rollout pace
  • This feature is available now in open beta.

    • Available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Business Standard, and Business Plus; Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Plus; Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Education Plus; Essentials Starter, Essentials, Enterprise Essentials, and Enterprise Essentials Plus, and Nonprofits customers


        What’s changing

        The Groups Admin role can now be assigned for security groups or non-security groups. Previously, those with the Groups Admin role had access to all groups within an organization. This change gives administrators more granular delegation of group admin responsibilities, helping limit access to the most sensitive groups to only those who absolutely need it. 

        This feature is available in open beta, which means no additional sign-up is required to use the feature.

        Getting started

        What’s changing

        We’re giving admins more granular control over how mobile device management privileges are delegated. Specifically, admins can be assigned privileges for specific organizational units (OUs). This adds yet another layer of security by ensuring that access is scoped to the necessary OUs only. This feature is available as an open beta, which means you can use it without enrolling in a specific beta program.

        Creating a custom role, which is assignable at the OU level.

        Assigning permissions at the OU level

        Example experience for an admin with OU level permissions

        Getting started

        Rollout pace

        • Available to all Google Workspace customers


        What’s changing 
        Earlier this year, we introduced eSignature for Docs and Drive in beta. Today, eSignature for Docs and Drive is rolling out in general availability for all Workspace Individual customers. 

        Built directly into Google Docs, eSignature makes it easier for solopreneurs and small businesses to request signatures, keep track of and manage contracts like customer agreements, vendor contracts, stakeholder sign-offs and more. eSignature can be used to: 
        • Request signatures, see the status of pending signatures, and find completed contracts. 
        • Sign official contracts directly within Google Drive, eliminating the need to switch apps or tabs. 
        • Create a copy of any given contract so it can be used as a template to initiate multiple eSignatures requests.

        Since the last announcement, we’ve expanded functionality to include the following features:
        • Audit trail: all completed contracts will automatically contain an audit trail report.
        • Multi-signer: the ability to request a signature from more than one user.
        • Non-Gmail users: the ability to request an eSignature from non-Gmail users.
        • Initiating eSignature on PDF (beta): the ability to initiate an eSignature on PDF files stored in Drive.

        We’ll also be introducing more features for eSignature in the next few months, including:
        • PDF templates: the ability to easily reuse a PDF file as contract templates.
        • Custom text fields: the ability to ask signers to add relevant information (e.g. job titles, email address) to the contract. 

        Additional details
        Select Google Workspace editions (see the “Availability” section below) can apply to beta test eSignature using this form. We will be accepting beta applications until December 18, 2023.

        This feature will be available as part of a larger beta, which includes access to new custom email layouts in Gmail. These new email layouts allow users to customize existing templates, reuse a custom layout in multiple email campaigns, or create a brand new layout from scratch. Once you sign up for the beta you will see the eSignature and new Gmail features in the coming weeks.

        Getting started

        Rollout pace

        • Available to Google Workspace Individual Subscribers 

        • Eligible for beta: Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus and Education Plus


        This announcement was made at Google Cloud Next ‘23. Visit the Workspace Blog to learn more about the next wave of AI innovation in Workspace. 

        What’s changing 
        If your organization uses a mixture of messaging tools, you can now use Mio to enable messaging interoperability between Google Chat and other platforms such as Slack and Teams. This is available now in beta, with general availability expected in early 2024. 

        Who’s impacted 

        Why it matters 
        We know that communication and collaboration happens over multiple channels and tools. This can cause missed messages, silos of communication, and a frustrating experience monitoring multiple chat tools. 

        That’s why we’re partnering with Mio, a leading provider of collaborative interoperability solutions helping customers enhance their productivity by streamlining communication across multiple channels. You can leverage Mio to create a seamless experience between Chat and the various tools you need to get your work done. 

        Getting started 

        Note: In order to leverage Mio’s interoperability capabilities, Mio licenses are required. 
        • Beta Availability: To request beta access, reach out to your account rep or submit this form to contact Mio
        • General Availability: Available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Essentials Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Frontline Starter, Frontline Standard, and Nonprofits customers 


        What’s changing 
        In June 2022, we began alpha testing the ability to request and capture eSignatures in Google Docs. Based on the feedback we received, we’re ready to move this feature to the next level: 
        • eSignature is now available as an open beta for Google Workspace Individual subscribers — no additional sign-up is required to use the feature. 
        • eSignature will be available in beta for select Google Workspace customers — see the “Additional details” section below for more information.
        eSignature in Google Drive

        eSignature in Google Docs

        Who’s impacted
        Admins and end users

        Why you’d use it
        For solopreneurs and small businesses, keeping track of contracts, customer agreements, and other binding documents can be challenging. To help streamline this workflow, we’re natively integrating eSignature in Google Docs, allowing you to request and add Signatures to official contracts, directly in Google Docs. 

        eSignature makes it easier to:
        • Quickly request signatures, see the status of pending signatures, and find completed contracts.
        • Sign an official contract right from Google Drive without having to switch apps or tabs.
        • Create a new copy of the contract for each request so that you can use your document as a template and initiate multiple eSignatures requests. 

        Additional details
        Later this year, we will introduce support for the following new eSignature capabilities:
        • Audit trail: all completed contracts will automatically contain an audit trail report.
        • Multi-signer: the ability to request a signature from more than one user.
        • Non-Gmail users: the ability to request an eSignature from non-Gmail users
        • Initiating eSignature on PDF: the ability to initiate an eSignature on PDF files stored in Drive

        Beta availability for Google Workspace customers
        Select Google Workspace editions (see the “Availability” section below) can apply to beta test eSignature using this form. This feature will be available as part of a larger beta, which includes access to new custom email layouts in Gmail. These new email layouts allow users to customize existing templates, reuse a custom layout in multiple email campaigns, or create a brand new layout from scratch. Once you sign up for the beta you will see the eSignature and new Gmail features in the coming weeks.

        Getting started

        Rollout pace
        • eSignature for Workspace Individual users
          • Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on August 8, 2023
        • eSignature beta for Workspace customers:
          • We will be accepting beta applications and allowlisting customers over the next several weeks.

        • Available to Google Workspace individual subscribers
        • Eligible for beta: Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus and Education Plus


        What’s changing 
        For select Google Workspace editions, admins can import sensitive, encrypted files from third-party storage using Client-side encryption and the Google Drive API, preserving the confidentiality of your data. Eligible admins can apply for beta access using this form

        Who’s impacted 

        Why it’s important 
        Currently, client-side encryption allows for additional encryption by end users within Google Workspace. However, we know it’s critical for our customers and partners to import sensitive content into Google Drive on behalf of their users. With the launch of this beta functionality, admins will be able to easily bulk import files and keep them private with client-side encryption. 

        Google Workspace already uses the latest cryptographic standards to encrypt all data at rest and in transit between our facilities. Client-side encryption helps strengthen the confidentiality of your data while helping to address a broad range of data sovereignty and compliance needs. Client-side encryption is already available for Google Drive, Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, Google Meet, Google Calendar and Gmail. For more information, see our original announcement.

        Getting started 
        • Admins: 
        • End users: There is no end user action required. 

        Rollout pace 
        • We will be accepting beta applications and allowlisting customers over the next several weeks. 

        • Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Standard, and Education Plus customers 


        What’s changing

        Available now in beta through our Developer Preview Program, you can read working location data using the Calendar API and get notified when those working locations change. Previously, we said this functionality would be available through a separate API. However, in order to provide a more streamlined experience, this functionality will be instead available in the Calendar API. 

        Using the API to read a Calendar user’s working location values can help you:

        • Analyze the flow and volume of people through physical campuses, helping you adapt on-site resources to the needs of your employees.
        • Share whereabouts across other internal or third-party surfaces, making it easier to enable tasks such as hot desk booking or schedule in-office or remote working days.

        We anticipate write support for the API to become available in Q3 2023 — we’ll share an update here on the Workspace Updates Blog at that time.

        Getting started

        Admins and Developers: 


        While all developers will be able to use the API, the working location feature is only available for eligible Workspace editions:

        • Available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Plus, Education Standard, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade and Nonprofits customers, as well as legacy G Suite Business customers 
        • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Frontline, G Suite Basic customers 


        What’s changing

        We’re expanding customer access to client-side encryption in Gmail on the web. Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, and Education Standard customers are eligible to apply for the beta until January 20th, 2023.

        Using client-side encryption in Gmail ensures sensitive data in the email body and attachments are indecipherable to Google servers. Customers retain control over encryption keys and the identity service to access those keys.

        Who’s impacted
        Admins and end users

        Why it’s important
        Google Workspace already uses the latest cryptographic standards to encrypt all data at rest and in transit between our facilities. Client-side encryption helps strengthen the confidentiality of your data while helping to address a broad range of data sovereignty and compliance needs. 

        Client-side encryption is already available for Google Drive, Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, Google Meet, and Google Calendar (beta).

        Getting started

        • Admins: 
          • Eligible Workspace customers can apply for the beta after completing a few steps to prepare your account.
          • This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain, OU, and Group levels (Admin console > Security > Access and data control > Client-side encryption). Visit the Help Center to learn more about client side encryption

        • End users: To add client-side encryption to any message, click the lock icon and select additional encryption, and compose your message and add attachments as normal. Visit the Help Center to learn more about using Client-side encryption for Gmail.

        We will be accepting beta applications and allowlisting customers over the next several weeks.

        • Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, and Education Standard customers
        • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Education Fundamentals, Frontline, and Nonprofits, as well as legacy G Suite Basic and Business customers
        • Not available to users with personal Google Accounts
