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1 New update

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

Allow dropdown chips to have multiple selections in Google Sheets
Previously, dropdowns could only have one value selected in Google Sheets. Starting this week, we’re introducing the ability to allow for multiple selections within a dropdown. This functionality is useful in scenarios when multiple project milestones, statuses, or teams are applicable for one item. | Rolling out to Rapid Release domains now; launch to Scheduled Release domains planned for August 12, 2024. | Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Learn more about creating an in-cell dropdown list.
Allow dropdown chips to have multiple selections in Google Sheets

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta 
Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta, providing admins with enhanced visibility into the state of their data assets. | Learn more about Drive inventory reporting. 

Reduce live-stream bandwidth consumption to a fraction of the traffic volume with eCDN for Google Meet 
In September 2023, we introduced ultra-low latency livestreaming and since then we’ve introduced several improvements for the overall experience. This week, we’re excited to introduce the latest enhancement for ultra-low latency live streaming: Enterprise Content Delivery Network (eCDN) support for Google Meet. | Learn more about reducing live-stream bandwidth. 

Adding Data Loss Prevention (DLP) to form content in Google Forms 
We’re continually investing in data protection capabilities for Google Forms. We’ve already enabled data loss prevention (DLP) for Google Drive policies that apply to files submitted in external Forms, including Forms from external organizations. To expand on this, we’re announcing that DLP policies for form content in Google Forms is now generally available. | Learn more about DLP with Forms. 

Enable Classification labels on specific Google Workspace applications
To improve granularity in enabling & governing labels, we are replacing and improving the existing “Labels” setting within Apps > Google Workspace > Drive & Docs and adding label-level application toggles to the Label Manager tool. | Learn more about classification labels on Workspace apps. 

Introducing Google Meet LTI™ 
To help improve remote and hybrid learning, we’re introducing Google Meet LTI™ for Canvas by Instructure and PowerSchool Schoology Learning. This builds on the existing Google Workspace Learning Interoperability Tools including Assignments LTI™ and Google Drive LTI™. | Learn more about Meet LTI™ 

Improved collaboration with Google Workspace LTI™ integrations in PowerSchool Schoology Learning 
In order to bring the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education to even more partners, we’re excited to announce updated Google Workspace LTI™ integrations in Schoology. | Learn more about Workspace LTI™ integration in PowerSchool Schoology.

Automatically generated captions for videos in Google Drive 
Starting this week, when you upload a video to Google Drive, captions for the video can be automatically generated. | Learn more about generated captions for Drive videos. 

Label administration is becoming more discoverable and flexible in the Admin console 
We’re introducing several changes to make labels more discoverable and flexible for organizations. | Learn more about labels in the Admin console.

AI Classification in Google Drive is now available for the Gemini Education Premium add-on
We’re expanding the availability of AI Classification in Google Drive to Google Workspace for Education customers with the Gemini Education Premium add-on. | Learn more about AI Classification in Drive.

Enhancing your productivity on Android devices with new features in Gmail and Google Chat apps
We’re introducing numerous improvements across the Gmail and Google Chat apps on Android foldables and tablets in order to enhance your productivity when using these devices. | Learn more about Android features in Gmail and Google Chat apps.

Completed rollouts

The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.

Rapid Release Domains: 

Rapid and Scheduled Release Domains: 

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).  

What’s changing
Admins can create classification labels for users to apply to files in Google Drive. These classification labels are useful for many common workplace scenarios, including records management, classification, structured finding, reporting, auditing, and more. 

To improve granularity in enabling & governing labels, we are replacing and improving the existing “Labels” setting within Apps > Google Workspace > Drive & Docs and adding label-level application toggles to the Label Manager tool. 

Classification labels can be applied to a Workspace application once it's selected during the setup process. A lock icon will be displayed in line with the application toggle when the label is referenced by a policy, such as a DLP rule. To remove all rules that reference a specific label, go to the Data protection section of the Admin console > Security > Access and data control. 

The active labels in your Workspace domain will continue to function and will be auto-enabled for Drive & Doc as a result of this update.
  Getting started 
Rollout pace
  • This feature is available now 
Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Business Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Standard, Plus 
  • Essentials Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus 
  • Education Standard, Plus 
  • Frontline Starter, Standard

What’s changing 
Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta, providing admins with enhanced visibility into the state of their data assets. By exporting this data into BigQuery, admins can gain a holistic view of how their data is classified, who can access it, and how it’s being used. Analyzing this data at scale helps admins address the challenge of understanding the full scope of their data assets, especially as it pertains to sensitive information and compliance with data policies.

Who’s impacted

Why it’s important
Compared to using APIs, Drive inventory reporting is a more efficient alternative to piecing together a full representation of Drive items from audit events and various other surfaces. The comprehensive view of the file corpus—including classifications, sizes, and locations—allows administrators to identify security risks, such as unauthorized access or oversharing. It also aids in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, like those for data retention and destruction. 

Getting started

  • Admins: Eligible Admins can enable this feature in the Admin console by going to Reporting > Data Integrations and enabling Drive Inventory Export. Visit the Help Center to learn more about Drive inventory reporting. Admins interested in providing feedback to the product team during the open beta can fill out this form.
  • End users: There is no end user impact or action required.

Rollout pace
  • This feature is available now for all eligible users.

Available for Google Workspace:

  • Enterprise Standard and Plus
  • Education Standard and Plus
  • Enterprise Essentials Plus
  • Frontline Standard


2 New updates

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

All new appointments need to be booked through appointment schedules in Google Calendar 
Earlier this year, we announced that the appointment slots feature will be replaced by appointment schedules in Google Calendar. Starting this week, only appointment schedules can be created. In a couple of weeks, the appointment slots booking pages will no longer be available. At that time, all new appointments will need to be booked through appointment schedules. | Appointment schedules are available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade, Nonprofits, Google Workspace Individual customers and Google One Premium users. | Visit the Help Center for detailed information about appointment schedules. 

Available in beta: migrate sensitive files to Google Drive with client-side encryption 
We are making it easier to programmatically import sensitive files to Google Drive with client-side encryption by providing code samples on Github. Eligible admins can apply for beta access to this Drive API feature using this form. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus; Education Standard and Education Plus.

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Google Classroom now supports exporting grades and importing rosters and grade settings with PowerSchool SIS 
Google Classroom teachers can now export and import select information via the new integration with PowerSchool SIS. | Learn more about the integration with Classroom and PowerSchool SIS. 

Teachers will soon be able to create a new class in Google Classroom using Student Information System (SIS) data 
In the coming weeks, we will be introducing a new feature that allows teachers to set up a Google Classroom class using information directly imported from an SIS, including co-teachers, student rosters and class lists, grading categories and grading periods. Please note this feature is only available with our current SIS partners. | Learn more about creating new classes in Classroom using SIS data. 

Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are now available in open beta for Gemini ( 
We’re pleased to announce Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are available for Gemini ( When enabled, Gemini will be able to cross reference these apps as data sources to better inform its responses. | Learn more about the beta for Gemini ( 

Import and export Markdown in Google Docs 
We’re introducing highly-requested features that enhance Docs' interoperability with other Markdown supporting tools. | Learn more about markdown in Docs

Clearer re-enrollment for Google Meet hardware devices 
We're updating the way Google Meet hardware devices are re-enrolled to provide a more intuitive experience for administrators. | Learn more about re-enrollment for Meet hardware devices. 

Available in beta: Policy Visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive 
Users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or trust rules, will now be proactively informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. | Learn more about policy visualization.

Enable guardians to preview assigned classwork within Google Classroom
Guardian email summaries will now include links that let guardians preview their student's Classwork pages, including assigned work and attachments provided by the teacher. | Learn more about guardians and Classroom.

Completed rollouts

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).  

What’s changing 
Currently, when there are security policies applied to documents, spreadsheets, presentations or files, users are given no central explanation of which actions, like downloading, making a copy, or external sharing are restricted. 

To improve upon this experience, users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or trust rules, will now be proactively informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. 

For example, if a user is interacting with a document affected by DLP-enforced information rights management (IRM) and a Trust Rule, they will see a shield icon, banner, and side panel that informs them of the restricted actions.
Policy Visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive

Who’s impacted 
End users 

Why it matters 
With this update, users will be made aware of which actions they are taking that are disabled on a document, spreadsheet, slide or file due to data protection controls.

Getting started 
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: 
    • Any user will be able to see policy visualization if it's active on a document, but the owner of the document is used to determine if it's turned ON. 
    • A shield icon, banner, and side panel will automatically appear when security controls are present. 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about the policies that enable Policy Visualization: 

Rollout pace 
During the Open Beta period, this feature will be opt-in only. Customers who fill out this form will see the feature enabled in their specified domains within 7 days of sign-up. Customers may submit feedback here or email it to 

Policy visualization is enabled when the document, spreadsheet, slides or file owner belongs to the following Google Workspace editions: 
  • Business Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Essentials Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Essentials Enterprise Plus 
  • Frontline Starter, Standard 
  • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 
  • Workspace Individual Subscribers 

What’s changing
We recently introduced the ability to import data, such as student rosters, co-teachers and grading categories, from your Student Information System (SIS) to Google Classroom. 

In the coming weeks, we will be introducing a new feature that allows teachers to set up a Google Classroom class using information directly imported from an SIS, including co-teachers, student rosters and class lists, grading categories and grading periods. Please note this feature is only available with our current SIS partners

In preparation for the “full class” import feature, we advise admins to connect Classroom to their Student Information System (SIS) as soon as possible. Once the admin establishes a connection between their district SIS and Google Classroom, teachers will be able to use the connection to import data from their SIS to set up new classes or update existing classes when the feature launches later this quarter. 

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • Full class import will be available in the coming weeks. We will provide an update on the Workspace Updates Blog when this feature becomes generally available. 
Available for Google Workspace:

What’s changing
Google Classroom teachers can now export and import select information via the new integration with PowerSchool SIS, a third-party student information system (SIS) that provides innovative K-12 software and cloud-based solutions to improve educational outcomes and simplify school operations. 

Once an admin establishes a connection between PowerSchool SIS and Classroom, teachers will be able to export grades from Classroom to PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook. Teachers can also import useful information, such as student rosters, co-teachers and grading categories, from PowerSchool SIS into Classroom. 
Classroom integration with PowerSchool SIS

Getting started 
Rollout pace 
  • This feature is available now 
Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 

2 New updates

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

Shared drives can now have up to 100 levels of nested folders and 500,000 items 
Prior to this month, a folder in a shared drive could have up to 20 levels of nested folders and could contain a maximum of 400,000 items. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve increased the nested folder limit to 100 levels and the maximum number of items to 500,000. | Rollout to Rapid and Scheduled Release domains is complete. | Available to Google Workspace customers, Google Workspace Individual subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Learn more about shared drive limits in Google Drive. 

eSignature is now available for select Google Workspace customers 
As previously announced, starting July 15, 2024, we will begin rolling out eSignature for Google Docs to end users on select Google Workspace editions. eSignature offers a variety of features to help you streamline requesting and capturing signatures, helping you stay organized and keep your work moving along. Specifically, you can: 
  • Request eSignatures, including signatures from more than one user and from non-Gmail users. 
  • View the status of pending signatures and find completed contracts. 
  • Keep contract templates to initiate multiple eSignature requests. 
  • View an audit trail of completed contracts.
  • Use custom text fields to request additional information from signers, such as job titles, email addresses and more. 
  • Sign contracts from both mobile devices and PCs. 
Rollout to Rapid and Scheduled Release domains starts July 15, 2024 at a gradual pace (up to 15 days for feature visibility). | Available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, and Education Plus customers. | Learn more about sending signature requests & sign documents with eSignature.

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Introducing a new experience for data regions reporting
We’ve introduced several new enhancements to Google Workspace data regions. | Learn more about data regions reporting. 

Access Management is now generally available in the European Union 
Access Management is now also generally available in the European Union — these controls allow customers to select the physical location from which Google support teams can access organizational data during support activities. | Learn more about Access Management. 

Manage your compliance and data controls from a single source in the Admin console 
We’ve centralized relevant features and information into a single location in the admin console: Data. | Learn more about compliance and data controls. 

Enhancing the Google Calendar appointment scheduling experience with additional feature
We’re updating appointment schedules by adding new features to enhance the overall experience. | Learn more about appointment scheduling updates. 

Pre-configure meeting notes, recordings, and transcripts from the Calendar invite 
Meeting hosts can now pre-configure meeting notes, meeting recordings, and meeting transcripts from the Calendar invite. | Learn more about meeting host capabilities. 

Use the Apple Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) to distribute apps for device enrollment and company owned devices 
In November 2023, we announced the ability to purchase and distribute iOS apps to user-enrolled devices through Apple’s Volume Purchase Program. Beginning this week, we’re expanding this functionality to include device enrollment and company-owned iOS devices. | Learn more about the Apple Volume Purchasing Program. 

Google Meet and Zoom interoperability now includes presented content via a wired HDMI connection 
We’re expanding the interoperability between Google Meet and Zoom to include the ability to present content via a wired HDMI connection. | Learn more about Google Meet and Zoom interoperability.

Rollout Update: setting the default camera framing option for Google Meet hardware devices
We recently announced several updates related to framing options on Google Hardware devices. This included the ability for admins to configure the default camera framing option for their hardware devices. After pausing rollout to optimize performance, we are pleased to announce that this feature is now fully available. | Learn more about default camera framing options for Meet hardware devices.

Access Google Meet artifacts with a new Google Drive API scope
We’re introducing a new OAuth scope for the Drive API: The new scope grants app access to read and download files from a user’s drive that were created or edited by Google Meet — this includes meeting transcripts, notes, recordings, and more. | Learn more about accessing Meet artifacts.

Completed rollouts

The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.

Scheduled Release Domains: 
Rapid and Scheduled Release Domains: 

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).  

What’s changing 
To ensure organizations’ continued access to services, we're changing the way Early Access apps transition to Additional Google Services:

Currently, when an Early Access app becomes an Additional Google Service, it is turned on or off by default based on your new services preference in the Admin console. This occurs even if the Early Access apps service status is set to On for everyone

Starting July 30, 2024, if you have an Early Access app service set to On, you won’t lose access to the app when it transitions to an additional service, regardless of your new service preferences. These apps will only be turned off if both settings are set to Off.

Additional details
Google AI Studio will transition from an Early Access app to an Additional Google Service on July 30, 2024. Access to AI Studio will be based on the information outlined above. We recommend that you double-check your settings ahead of time to ensure access to AI Studio is configured as you see fit.

Getting started

Rollout pace
  • The updated policy will take effect for all Google Workspace customers on July 30, 2024. 

  • This update impacts all Google Workspace customers.


3 New updates

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

Your users can now express interest in Gemini for Google Workspace 
We’re introducing a simple way for Workspace end users to request a Gemini license from their admins on the Gemini for Google Workspace homepage. To send this request, Workspace end users simply select ‘Get Started’ from the Gemini for Google Workspace marketing page, then click on ‘Ask my admin’ and complete the request form. Super admins will receive this request by email, and from there they can choose to purchase a Gemini license in the Admin console.

Admins will have the option to disable these requests prior to this update. Admins can do so in the Admin console by going to Account > Account Settings > Gemini for Google Workspace, and deselecting the ‘User-requested upgrades’ setting— use this article in our Help Center for more information. | Rolling out now to Rapid Release domains and Scheduled Release domains. | Learn more about Gemini for Workspace, including our recent Gemini for Workspace announcements.

Multi-account support now available for Google Keep on large screen Android devices
Last year, we introduced multi-instance support for Google Keep on large screen Android devices. To take this a step further, we’re now allowing multiple accounts to be used at the same time on the same device in Keep. Having two windows open side-by-side enables better insight into your notes and gives you more ways to work with, display, and organize your content across multiple accounts. | Rolling out now to Rapid Release domains and Scheduled Release domains. | Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. 
Multi-account support now available for Google Keep on large screen Android devices

Updates for Gemini for Workspace usage reports in the Admin console
Recently, we introduced Gemini for Workspace usage reports in the Admin console. Beginning today, we’re introducing additional updates for these reports: 
  • Usage reports are now available for Gemini Education and Gemini Education Premium customers. 
  • Admins can filter usage reports by OU and Groups. 
Admins can access these reports via Admin console under Menu > Generative AI > Gemini reports. | Also available to Google Workspace customers with the Gemini Enterprise and Gemini Business add-ons. | Rolling out now to Rapid Release domains and Scheduled Release domains. | Learn more about reviewing Gemini usage in your organization.
Updates for Gemini for Workspace usage reports in the Admin console

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Google Classroom add-ons now generally available to Google Workspace developers 
Classroom add-ons generally available to all developers. These complement other Classroom API features and let educators and students experience content without having to leave Google Classroom. | Learn more about Classroom add-ons. 

Manage access to eSignature in Google Workspace 
The admin control for Google Workspace’s eSignature feature is live for select Google Workspace editions. Admins can control users’ ability to request signatures before eSignature rolls out to end users in the coming weeks. | Learn more about eSignature in Google Workspace. 

Gemini in the side panel of Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Drive is rolling out now 
We’re pleased to announce the general availability of Gemini in the side panel of Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive. Learn more about the side panel in Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive and Gmail

Bringing our Learning Interoperability Tools under one umbrella: Google Workspace LTI™ 
Going forward, all Learning Interoperability Tools, including Assignments LTI™, and Google Drive LTI™, will be consolidated into a single category: Google Workspace LTI™. | Learn more about Google Workspace LTI™. 

Introducing Colab Pro and Colab Pro+ for Google Workspace 
Currently, Google Workspace admins can turn Colab on for their users, allowing them to access the free version of Colab. This week, we announced the Colab Pro and Colab Pro+ standalone subscriptions for Google Workspace customers. | Learn more about Colab for Google Workspace. 

Grading periods API for Google Classroom is now available in Developer Preview
Grading period endpoints and capabilities in the Classroom API are now available through the Google Workspace Developer Preview Program. | Learn more about the Grading periods API. 

Additional admin space management capabilities in Google Chat API are now available in Developer Preview Program 
We’re pleased to announce more space management capabilities, such as the ability to look up details about specific space, update space details, and more. | Learn more about admin space management capabilities in Google Chat API. 

Improving calculation speed in Google Sheets 
We recently announced the latest advancements in Sheets, including that we’ve doubled the speed of calculation in Google Sheets on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. This update can improve the speed of actions like formulas, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and more, regardless of your file size. | Learn more about Sheets calculations. 

Add up to 500,000 members to spaces in Google Chat 
To provide greater flexibility and inclusiveness for larger organizations, we’re excited to announce that starting today, spaces can now have up to 500,000 members. | Learn more about large spaces in Chat.

Completed rollouts

The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.

Rapid Release Domains: 
Scheduled Release Domains: 
Rapid and Scheduled Release Domains: 

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).  

What’s changing
We recently announced the latest advancements in Sheets, including that we’ve doubled the speed of calculation in Google Sheets on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. This update can improve the speed of actions like formulas, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and more, regardless of your file size. 

Who’s impacted 
End users 

Why it matter 
Whether you’re a small business owner analyzing revenue, a finance leader managing millions of values, or a brand manager reviewing the latest orders of a product line, seeing changes in your data reflected quickly is important. This update helps to make that possible by improving calculation speed in Sheets on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. 

Getting started 
  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about Google Sheets.
Rollout pace 
  • This feature is available now for all users.

  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts 


What’s changing 
We recently announced several new features for the Google Chat API that enable admins to manage spaces at scale. These features include the ability to audit spaces, delete inactive spaces in bulk, and more. 

Today, we’re pleased to announce more space management capabilities, which include the ability to: 
  • Look up details about specific space.
  • Update space details, including the name of a space, space description, and space guidelines. 
  • Verify user’s membership status in a specific space. 
  • Upgrade a role from space member to space manager. 

These features are available now through our Developer Preview Program — see here for more information on how to enroll in the Developer Preview program

Getting started 
  • Admins and developers: 
    • If you are part of the Google Workspace Developer Preview, you will get these features by default. Otherwise, you must apply for access using this form. 
    • Use our Developer Documentation to learn how to authenticate and authorize using administrator privilege. 
  • End users: There is no end user impact or action required. 

Rollout pace 
  • New features for the Google Chat API scoped to admin users are available to participants of Google Workspace Developer Preview Program. 

What’s changing
Last year, we introduced grading periods, an option that allows administrators and teachers to define and apply grading periods segmented from the entire school year to their Google Classroom assignments. 

Today, we’re excited to announce grading period endpoints and capabilities in the Classroom API, available through the Google Workspace Developer Preview Program. Specifically, developers can now: 

  • Create, modify, and delete grading periods on courses 
  • Read grading periods on courses 
  • Reference and set/read grading periods on CourseWork resources
  • Apply grading period settings to existing coursework items
Who’s impacted 

Why you’d use it 
The new grading periods endpoints allows developers to create, modify, and read grading periods in Classroom on behalf of administrators and teachers. 

Getting started 
  • Admins: The Classroom API provides a RESTful interface for you to manage courses and rosters in Google Classroom. Learn more about the Classroom API overview. 
  • Developers: 
    • To use the grading periods API, developers can apply for access through our Google Workspace Developer Preview Program. 
    • Application developers can use the Classroom API to integrate their apps with Classroom. These apps need to use OAuth 2.0 to request permission to view classes and rosters from teachers. Admins can restrict whether teachers and students in their domain can authorize apps to access their Google Classroom data. 
    • All API and Classroom share button integrations should follow the Classroom brand guidelines. 

Rollout pace 
Available for Google Workspace: 
  • Education Plus 


 What’s changing

Currently, Google Workspace admins can turn Colab on for their users, allowing them to access the free version of Colab. Beginning today, we’re pleased to announce the Colab Pro and Colab Pro+ standalone subscriptions for Google Workspace customers:

  • Colab Pro offers 100 compute units that grant access to additional powerful GPUs, memory, features, and productivity enhancements enabled with AI assistance.
  • Colab Pro+ gives you all the benefits of Colab Pro like productivity enhancements enabled with AI assistance, plus an additional 400 compute units for a total of 500 per month that grant access to additional powerful GPUs, along with background execution for our longest-running sessions.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why it’s important

Colab provides access to Google's powerful computational resources, which can be used to train machine learning models and perform other data-intensive tasks — all from your web browser. It can be used for a variety of data science and machine learning tasks, including:

  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Developing with the Gemini API
  • Machine learning model development
  • Natural language processing such as text classification and sentiment analysis
  • Image processing such as object detection and image classification.

We know that many Colab users are also Google Workspace users, especially those within educational institutions. Colab Pro and Colab Pro+ can help enhance their work and research with more compute units, faster GPUs, more memory and more.

Further, these offerings can help admins efficiently subscribe an entire team or organization to Colab, thereby minimizing the friction associated with setting up individual accounts for each user. By managing subscriptions at the group level, organizations can more effectively support collaborative workflows and ensure that all team members have access to the resources they need.

Getting started

  • Admins: 
    • Access to the Admin console is required to initiate purchase. To purchase Workspace Colab Pro or Colab Pro+, go to Billing > Get more services > More products. Visit the Help Center to learn more about how to assign licenses to users after purchase, as well as available Google Workspace subscriptions.
    • For Google Workspace for Education K-12 customers: The access control for Colab is OFF by default and requires Admins to enable this control if they want users in their domain to access Google Colab. Before turning access to Colab ON, Admins are required to obtain parental consent for <18 users because Colab is included as an Additional Service. Consent can be requested with this notice template

  • End users: 
    • Colab is OFF by default and can be enabled by your Admin. 
    • Note that if you have purchased Colab's “Pay As You Go” offering for yourself, you can continue using it in addition with Colab Pro and Pro+. 

What’s changing
In 2022, we made it easy to seamlessly access popular Education Technology tools directly in Google Classroom. We partnered with 20+ EdTech companies, including Kahoot!, Pear Deck, IXL, ReadWorks, and Nearpod, to build Google Classroom add-ons. These new integrations let educators and students easily find, use, and grade great content in their favorite EdTech tools without having to navigate to external websites and apps. 

Today, we’re excited to make Classroom add-ons generally available to all developers. Now, developers can build an add-on to allow teachers to do the following within Classroom: 

  • Discover and attach content to coursework 
  • Preview content from student perspective 
  • Review student responses to activities 
  • Save time with automatic grading of student responses 

  • Google Classroom add-ons now generally available to Google Workspace developers
    Who’s impacted 
    Admins, end users, and developers 

    Why it’s important 
    Add-ons complement other Classroom API features and let educators and students experience content without having to leave Google Classroom. In addition, Classroom add-ons show up directly in Google Classroom as well on the Google Workspace Marketplace, which is the hub for administrators to manage tools across all of their Google products. 

    Getting started 
    Rollout pace 
    • This feature is now available 
    Available for Google Workspace: 
    • Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 

    3 New updates

    Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

    Now generally available: Build AppSheet automations using Google Forms 
    AppSheet helps users automate manual workflows by integrating with data sources like Google Drive, Chat and Sheets, and earlier this year we announced its integration with Google Forms in beta. This week, we’re excited to announce this is now generally available. | Roll out to Rapid Release domains and Scheduled Release domains is complete. | Available to Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Education Standard, Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade, Frontline Starter, Frontline Standard, AppSheet Starter, AppSheet Core, AppSheet Enterprise Standard, and AppSheet Enterprise Plus customers only. | Learn more about AppSheet's integration with Google Forms and building your first app and automation using Google Forms. 

    The ability to add and remove Google Groups as space members using the Google Chat API is now generally available 
    Last year, we announced the ability to create spaces, memberships, group chats, and more using the Google Chat API. This week, we’re excited to introduce the option for developers to add and remove Google Groups as space members using the Google Chat API. | Rolling out now to Rapid Release domains and Scheduled Release domains. | Available to all Google Workspace customers. | Learn more about accessing Chat APIs through the Google Chat API. 

    Comments and action items in client-side encrypted Google Docs is now generally available 
    You can now collaborate with others on client-side encrypted Google Docs to add, edit, reply, filter, or delete comments. You can also assign action items to yourself or others. This functionality was previously available in open beta — see our original announcement for complete details. | Rolling out to Rapid Release domains now; launch to Scheduled Release domains planned for July 2, 2024. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Standard and Education Plus customers only. | Learn more about working with encrypted files in Drive, Docs, Sheets & Slides.

    Previous announcements

    The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

    Insert images into practice sets in Google Classroom 
    Teachers can now import images, like graphs, charts or photos, into practice sets using files from Google Drive or directly from their computer. | Learn more about inserting images into practice sets. 

    Help your students learn to read with Read Along in Classroom 
    We’re introducing Read Along in Google Classroom, a new feature that helps students build their independent reading skills by enabling teachers to assign differentiated reading activities, based on Lexile® measure, grade level, or phonics skills. | Learn more about Read Along in Google Classroom. 

    External users can now securely collaborate on client-side encrypted files 
    We’re expanding visitor sharing, a feature that provides secure, pincode-based collaboration over sensitive data with people, to include client-side encrypted files. This allows users to securely collaborate with external partners on sensitive Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides files, while maintaining the confidentiality of the information with the granular control of encryption keys, identity verification and user permissions. | Learn more about visitor sharing. 

    Create interactive YouTube assignments in Google Classroom more quickly and efficiently, with the help of AI 
    We’re introducing AI-suggested questions that educators can easily attach to a video based on its content when creating interactive YouTube assignments in Google Classroom. | Learn more about YouTube assignments in Classroom.

    Google Meet adds 52 new languages to translated captions and 11 more languages for closed captions 
    For all Google Workspace customers and users with personal accounts, we’ve expanded support for closed captioning. In addition, for Gemini for Google Workspace customers, we are adding 52 languages to translated captions with full language support. | Learn more about translated captions and closed captions. 

    Improved syncing experience between Google Calendar and third-party calendars 
    We’re pleased to introduce an improved email notification experience for those who are using third-party calendar services—like Outlook—to collaborate with Google Calendar users. | Learn more about the improved syncing experience on Calendar.

    Completed rollouts

    The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.

    Rapid Release Domains: 
    Scheduled Release Domains: 
    Rapid and Scheduled Release Domains: 

    For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).