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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Streaming Tuesday


Advice needed.

I currently have been watching GH at night through Youtube.  Mainly Dailymotion. It has been spotty at best. Closeups galore and then they repeat the first 15 minutes at the last 15 minutes. Not good. 

I have a smartTV and a firestick. No cable. I cut the cord about 5 years ago. I dont pay for services, like Hulu or Disney+. I have a smartTV which overall has served its purpose nicely. is only free if you have a cable service provider. How, exactly is that free? Cable is over 100.00 per month. That's not very free.

So where can I stream a good quality of GH for free the same night? Any suggestions?

Oh, and by the way, Tuesday blog and all that jazz. 


  1. Over 100 a month for basic cable. Yikes. We pay alot but it's basic cable, phone line and internet. I watch sometimes on YouTube that way too. Doesn't work so well. I hope too that someone has a good suggestion. I don't have one myself.

    1. I pay over $250. for that bundle and they still want us to now pay to stream any new programs they put out. All the networks seem to be jmping on board that band wagon.

      And my tv is fairly stupid, Dave but I still manage to get most shows I want, clearly. I bring up my streaming sites on it from non cable sources.

      Power's back on most places. Water has been off since yesterday morning.

      Grumpy Di

    2. My heat is out. No oil. For 11.5 years they have automatically delivered our oil and propane. This time they decided not to. Not sure if it's because they have shortage of workers, sold out to big company or what.

    3. "Di says, And my tv is fairly stupid,"

      ROFL! That isn't very nice.. The poor tv!

      "Power's back on most places. Water has been off since yesterday morning.

      Grumpy Di"

      Awww poor Di.. Okay the tv forgives you for being grumpy and calling it stupid. :)


    1. Hey! We think alike Holly! :)

    2. My recording screws up quite often so I watch here. All the soaps are on this blogspot. I love GH no matter what, Y & R 2nd and B & B last place. I live in PA about 100 miles south of Buffalo and Rochester and read this blot or Karen's every day, I just don't post. I frown on the negativity here and there, I'm a Steelers and Bills fan and stay loyal no matter what, same with GH!!!!

  3. Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday; why would the hospital or whoever call Carly about Dante and not Sonny initially. They wouldn't do that. Plus, he threw the phone in the water. Of course, this was all for he and Neener. OK. Sorry; don't like the three of them right now.

    1. Like the writers even less. I read a headline this morning that said "SHOCKING" hook up. Had my first good laugh of the week. Even the freaking fish weren't surprised at that script!!!

    2. Exactly. Don't like the writers at all. The headlines are lame. Wonder if the actors complain, or get a good laugh, or what??? Or, just be happy and do their job. IDK

  4. Yeah I hate the close ups.. GO HERE GO HERE! This person doesn't do close ups..

  5. watched it live today
    Today was the first day I hated Sonny-blaming JASON was ridiculous - and his sarcasm and laugh seemed unlike him with Carly----then he begged again and he made a mistake and forget what happened..----I enjoyed Carly's rant----especially when she said "you can't choose so I will make that choice - I choose ME"....
    Laughed that Nina got off the boat and no one saw her - still can't stand her-
    the TWIST today with Charlotte I didn't see coming------
    so for 2 DAYS Valentin hasn't been in contact with anyone and Anna hasn't been frantic?
    That is unrealistic......when Kevin left, I knew Peter would get Charlotte.
    I like CM as Drew ------ I just don't have enough invested in Sam and Dante to care about them...
    Ned was SO great with Brook Lynn....
    It's happening - 4 people yesterday and 3 more today threatened to kill Peter (even Drew)- I FEEL it is about to happen!!!!!!
    not feeling Anna has the passion to get the baby and Peter - is that just my impression? She was 'let's go to the hospital and chat more." I dunno

  6. Happy Anniversary Genie Francis. 45 years today.Lots of pics online.

  7. I watch on hulu, new episodes air after 8 pm same day and are on there for 2 weeks.

  8. OHHHHHHHHHHHH! Flashbacks today! :) John J York and his awful fake accent! Hahahahahaha. I remember it so well. :)

    The haunted star:

    Sonny's room:

    Sonny, Nina, and Carly: They reshowed it again.. What is Sonny thinking?

    Sonny's thoughts: Want to join us Carly?

    So Carly told Sonny about Dante being hurt and is in the hospital. She left! Nina apologized to Sonny and he apologized to her. They are getting dressed. I wonder if they used protection? Probably not! ;)

    Out on the deck:

    Carson: OH! Great scene!!!! :) Carly turns into Cujo!

    Sonny: Maybe as many times as you wanted to with Jason!

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! PREACH IT SONNY PREACH IT! :) *MIC DROP* Cujo says it's over!!! Oh great then Sonny can go back in the room to be with Nina, but oh wait she isn't there.. She is out! I didn't know there was a secret exit!

    Kevlar's home:

    Doc and Charlie: So V.C. has been gone for 2 days?! Feels like a week or 2. Charlie is worried about her papa! Charlie can be home alone.. Doc let's her and says don't leave this house. Charlie is on the phone with Nina. Talking about her papa.

    Charlie and the "pizza guy": OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! HINEY HAS THE PIZZA!!!! HE HURT THE PIZZA BOY! I hope the pizza boy isn't dead! :( Oh no! HINEY HAS CHARLIE!!! :( What next Hiney? You going to to go to Sam's place and take the Tribbles?!

    The pier:

    Victor and his henchman: Victor has the plan! :) Good!!! Get Hiney Victor! GET HIM!

    Victor, his henchman, and Hiney: Oh a red lazer on Hiney! Oh crap! Victor can't kill Hiney. Hiney has Charlie! :( DAMMIT IT ALL TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brase house: The truth is ALL out! Ned thinks Maxie is not thinking clearly cus of a lot of loss. Blazer Lynn had to say it's true.

    Blazer Lynn and Ned: Awwwwww great scene. Made me tear up! He is disappointed and hurt, but he is proud of her. She is scared. They hug awwwwwwwwwww. :(

    The hospital:

    Nurse, Felicia, and Robert: The nurse couldn't tell them much and then just walked away, but then she came back and said that they can visit Mac, but only 1 at a time.. Robert wins the line of the day again.

    Robert: You do it. He might see me and have a heart attack.


    Drew and Sam: Oh lookie here.. We got the OG Sam back. Okay what's happening here? Drew is all you are my family, but what kind of family? When he was kidnapped all he thought about was his daughter, now he is saying it was his daughter, Monica, and Sam. HUH?! Looks like Sam has feelings for Drew. They were having some eye sex.

    Drew, Sam, and Nina: Sam was telling Nina that she loves Dante.. AWKWARD! I think Nina can see the awkwardness because she walked away. Drew changed to what he wanted to say.

    Drew and Dante: Hmmm. Drew has given up on Sam? Yeah I don't think so.

    Nina trying to call Britch: Yeah she is trying to call her and Dr. O! Leaving Britch a message. Probably wants to tell them she did the mambo dance with Sonny! Oh look Sonny shows up! ROFL!

    Sante: Sam you gonna tell Dante you wuv him? :)

    Mac's room: FLASHBACKS! :)

    Felicia, Maxie, Doc, Mac, and Robert: MAC IS OKAY!!!!!!!!! He is awake and talking! :) YAY!!! Although he didn't gag on the ventilator when he woke up.. :) I think he smiled through the ventilator! ROFL!

    1. The editing was so weird. First it seemed like Macs nurse was freaking out or something and then comes back happy and says they can see Mac. Mac is on vent with everyone in there. Then they are all out and nurse then says he's awake and they can go in. They knew he woke up when they were in there. And Peter kidnapped Charlotte the same time he was on the pier. I was like "what, he has a twin?" Some weird editing. And why the F would Anna and Maxie and Dante go to hospital and not the police station or something to find Louise?? I was wondering what the heck was happening with Charlotte all this time that Valentin is gone. They never showed it. And why the F wasn't Anna putting out an APB on the whereabouts of Valentin. She knows he'd never not speak to her or Charlotte. I was team Carly briefly when she saw them in bed. Had to feel for her. Not now though. You know she and Drew are headed for the bedroom tomorrow. Yuck.

    2. Tried to post earlier but power went off again right after my Genie post. At least the water is back on after 2 days.

      Now Sonja...Poor Nina didn't mean for it to happen. It was an accident. She tripped coming up the gangway and fell on his p****. lol

      Loved the talk between Ned and Brooklyn too.

      Thank heaven Mac woke up. The way these writers have been going lately I expected them to kill him off.

      Well there is no longer anyone in P.C. who doesn't want Peter dead. And if Valentine gets out of that darn trunk he'll be added to the list.

      Still in full storm mode here so hopefully I won't be left wondering tin thedark again tomorrow.

    3. I am sorry about your power and water. I lost my heat. We have had the same oil company for 11.5 years and no problems. Now due to COVID and short staffed they never showed and we ran out of oil. For 11.5 years they have been delivering with no issues automatically. We woke up to freezing house. My college age kids took a cold shower at like 1030 p.m. Guess it was out all night.

    4. I am just sick of Nina, Sonny and Carly. They all three piss me off. lol. No Nina didn't mean for it to happen; cough cough. Neither did Sonny. Yes, Ned and Brooklyn were excellent.
      If they killed Mac off I would be done with GH. That would be just wrong. Poor Robert. He forgot to mention Holly when he mentioned that Luke and Sean died.

      When Valentin finds out that his two "daughters" were taken by Peter, oh boy I wouldn't want to be Peter at that point.

      The one time we see Kevin recently he leaves Charlotte alone. The writers are so dumb.

    5. Of course out of all the ladies, the writers let LW's character get to Drew first.
      There are plenty of others. I know its soap 101 to even the score when people "cheat", but Dang I just want Carly to feel alone. And stay off Robin's bridge!

    6. "lindie says, The editing was so weird."

      It was!!!!!!

      "And Peter kidnapped Charlotte the same time he was on the pier. I was like "what, he has a twin?"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! I noticed that too!!!! He was quick! :) Hiney has a twin named Hiney Jr! :)

      "And why the F would Anna and Maxie and Dante go to hospital and not the police station or something to find Louise??"

      Because they wanted to see how Mac was doing first!!

      "You know she and Drew are headed for the bedroom tomorrow. Yuck."

      Well duhhhhhhhhhhh! :) She is going to want revenge sex.

      "Di says, Tried to post earlier but power went off again right after my Genie post. At least the water is back on after 2 days."

      Oh man!!! Well, I'm glad the water is back at least.

      "Now Sonja...Poor Nina didn't mean for it to happen."

      No of course not!!!

      "She tripped coming"

      Sonny came too! ROFL!

      "up the gangway and fell on his p****. lol"


      "Loved the talk between Ned and Brooklyn too."

      So heartfelt!!!

      "Thank heaven Mac woke up. The way these writers have been going lately I expected them to kill him off."

      Yeah I thought they were going to kill him off too! Whew!

      "Well there is no longer anyone in P.C. who doesn't want Peter dead. And if Valentine gets out of that darn trunk he'll be added to the list."

      The list is getting longer!!!! We are all on that list too! :)

      "Still in full storm mode here so hopefully I won't be left wondering tin thedark again tomorrow."

      Don't bump and TRIP into anything!!! You know, like Nina did. ;)

    7. My, such great comments! You all had me agreeing, laughing and smiling! (especially Nina tripping and falling, hahahaha!)

      I so enjoyed yesterday. Ned and BLQ were awesome and I was pleasantly surprised that Ned was so forgiving and proud. I never know what nonsense the writer's will have our characters say.

      Watching Snarls/Smike was a pleasure. Never thought I would say that, but I enjoyed her hurt and anger (yep, I'm a bad person) and Sonny sounded like an idiot. But hooking her up with Drew? Ewwwwww! Not happy about that.

      Missed our temp Sam. Sigh....

      I too was surprised that PLP snatched Charlotte. Great twist there. But again, Petra must die.

      I remembered those Mac flashbacks, and his "accent" then and now didn't bother me at all, lol! And yes, the scenes/editing were awkward with the nurse, who is a cutie, and I can't remember her name!

      Sonya, Robert has had the best lines these past 2 days. I "heart" him so. :)

      Di and Lindie, stay warm and I hope your issues are soon resolved! :)

    8. "Julie H says,You all had me laughing and smiling! (especially Nina tripping and falling, hahahaha!)"

      Hahahaha. ;)

      "I never know what nonsense the writer's will have our characters say."

      I KNOW!!!!!!!

      "Watching Snarls/Smike was a pleasure. Never thought I would say that, but I enjoyed her hurt and anger (yep, I'm a bad person)"

      ROFL! You are not a bad person. :) This is a soap opera. Where you can feel all kinds of things one minute and feel differently the next. :) You remind me of Karen when she says she is mean. ROFL!

      "and Sonny sounded like an idiot."

      ROFL! True, BUT he was speaking truth about Carly and Jason. :)

      "But hooking her up with Drew? Ewwwwww! Not happy about that."

      It's so obvious that's what's going to happen. She sees them after she sees Sonny and Nina in bed together! :)

      "Missed our temp Sam. Sigh...."

      Me too. :(

      "I too was surprised that PLP snatched Charlotte. Great twist there. But again, Petra must die."

      Yeah I was surprised too!!! And that poor pizza boy! :(

      "I remembered those Mac flashbacks, and his "accent" then and now didn't bother me at all, lol!"


      "And yes, the scenes/editing were awkward with the nurse, who is a cutie, and I can't remember her name!"

      I keep forgetting her name too!!! Damn. I really like her.

      "Sonya, Robert has had the best lines these past 2 days. I "heart" him so. :)"

      He did!!! I "heart" him so too! :)

    9. Sonya, I forgot about about Sonny bringing up Jason, I loved that!! Though he was trying to place blame on Carly. HAHAHAH! Can't believe I forgot! I also forgot to mention how did PLP know Charlotte was at Laura and Kevin's?

    10. "Julie H says, Sonya, I forgot about about Sonny bringing up Jason, I loved that!!"

      Hahaha. It was beautiful. :)

      "Though he was trying to place blame on Carly. HAHAHAH!"

      Hahahaha. Meh. He told the truth about Carly and Jason, so that's all that matters. :)

      "I also forgot to mention how did PLP know Charlotte was at Laura and Kevin's?"

      He has spies everywhere? :)

  9. Replies
    1. Nova Scotia, holy cow. No wonder you keep losing power and having bad weather. Bet it's so nice there though

    2. No wonder your weather
      Good luck

  10. LH plays sam with so much life. KM comes off as so depressed.

    1. 100% YES Witch. Please consider this girl. She is younger than Kemo (or looks to be) but who cares. Man she would look good with CM!

    2. I know. KeMo just needs to find another job. I know that's not nice to say, but she is just phoning it in.

    3. And, I REALLY don't want Carly with Drew. NOT a good pairing. I'd like him with Britt, or the temp Sam

    4. Kelly is 45. Lindsay is 43. Not a big difference.

  11. ot use a free VPN sand change your country to Canada and then go

  12. Absolutely loving the downfall of Carly!! Her constant shrieking would send any partner running into the arms of someone else! She's needed to be knocked off her pedestal for so many years!

    1. I agree with you about carly but you know she will end up with drew. I wanted drew with liz.

  13. Carly should go off with Peter..........can't stand the writing. They're making her out to be a saint, and hook up with Drew? ewwwwwwwwwww

  14. Dang it!

    1. HER exit rumors - I saw it last week I thought it was odd that she answered that viewer - and that she addressed the rumor that she refuses to work with Roger

    2. I hope she doesn't leave.. I have always liked her ever since Loving.. Was so happy when she joined GH.

    3. she clarified she is NOT leaving - rumors that she was

    4. "mufasa says, she clarified she is NOT leaving - rumors that she was"

      Yeah I know. :) I meant I just hope it's the truth and she isn't leaving.

    5. Would love to see her and her boyfriend leave. So sick of her monopolizing the show. And I hope they don't have her with Drew - he deserves better. Nina and Sonny didn't look very sexy in bed together. Loved the flashbacks!

    6. I said dang it cause she said she's staying... I would settle for a mid winter break from Carly.

  15. I am a day late watching this episode but somebody tell me please...HOW THE HECK DID HINEY KNOW WHERE CHARLOTTE WAS? Ridiculous.
    OMG...Carly and Sonny were so tiring.
    As the Bailey/Louise plot unfolds everyone acts like...oh well. No surprise. Like many of the long running stories reveals. Too long. No reactions...even from the characters involved.
    On to today's silliness.


He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...