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Friday, September 9, 2016

Shoe Shots

Franco tells Hayden she and Liz have a rare blood type. Hayden can't believe it. HUH? She's like "no one has that blood type"!

Robert and Lante sit and talk about Daphne on the Island. You know she's got a little Spencer-Dine running around via Stavvy/Lulu's egg.  WSB Says Daphne never lived on the island in that house. After Robert leaves, Lulu says she's going to find Daphne. 

Hammy Finn and Curtis go to see Jordan. 
They have a photo of the feet at the top of the stairs. It's Liz' phone and they used Geo-Tracking to figure out it was at the top of the stairs. Paul goes crazy. Says they can't drop the charges! IT's not true yada yada. 

Morgan's getting more manic. Darby's due back so..  UGH 

Carly asks Nellie to work for her. Nellie and Morgan are sitting CLOSE on that couch! LOL She talks about teaching and Morgan's mania takes over and now HE wants to go into marketing. Later he is online signing up for full time classes at college. Carly is all: HUH??!! He's very manic. 

Griffin and Sonny? They are talking about Alexis' drinking. Griffin saw the picture of her 'roughing up' Kristina (Grabbing her) It's basically a summary of Julian's crimes.  Robert is there later and Sonny introduces him to Griffin.
oh! NOW Robert loves Sonny! He's so happy he helped Anna, they have a BEER TOGETHER!!!

OMG. Such sacrilege. 

Hayden goes to GH and Asks Franco about how he figured out she was a match to Liz.  They get interrupted --and her charges are dropped. She says she won't give Liz her blood until Franco gets her something. 


  1. Central Perk: So basically,

    Lulu: We gotta go!!!! Let's go back!

    Dante: No we can't go! It's a trap!


    Robert: It's not a good idea Lulu.

    Lulu: Yes it is! Come on let's go! Let's go!!!

    She wants to go, and she wants to go NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! :)

    The hospital:

    Finny and Curtis: Great scene!!! I laughed when Curtis scared Finny! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Police station:

    Curtis, Finny and Jordan: YES!!! Now Jordan has the boots picture! :) But it was funny that Curtis and Finny were LATE hahahahaha! It was a lot of traffic!!! BAHAHAHAHA!

    Finny: You know how this guy drives?

    HAHHAHAHAH! I love these two together! I love how Curtis calls him Doc Finn! :) I will call them Furtis! :)

    Interrogation room:

    Paul: Okay everybody! Stop!

    Oh Paul is getting nervous!!!! :) Walls closing in on you eh Paul?! :)

    The hospital part 2:

    RayRay and BobTodd: BobTodd is so hyper!!!! Love that BobTodd is worried about Liz. :) BobTodd wins the line of the day!

    BobTodd:: You have a pair of men's trousers and shoes in the trunk at home?

    ROFL! I wonder if that was adlibbed! :)

    Finny, RayRay and BobTodd: Love that when RayRay sees Finny, she smiles. :) Oh RayRay's charges dropped! YAY!!!!! :)

    The floating rib:

    Griffy and Sonny's table: I like the scene. Sonny KNOWS Alexis drinks a lot!!! Glad Sonny notices. Sonny when is your guy going to beat the snot out of Julian?!!?! Oh Griffy is pissed off!!! Yes Sonny! Griffy is the one who talks about forgiveness!!! Nobody is perfect. :)

    Robert, Griffy, and Sonny: Love that Griffy and Robert meet! :) Robert and Sonny have a beer together! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Robert: I love you Sonny!

    Sonny: I love you too Robert!

    Carson home:

    Carly and Morgan: So basically,

    Carly: Hey you are late for work!

    Morgan: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Carly: Come on get up!

    Morgan: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

    *Morgan gets up and realizes he is a half hour late for work.*

    I'm just mad about Saffron
    Saffron's mad about me
    I'm just mad about Saffron
    She's just mad about me
    They call me mellow yellow
    (Quite rightly)
    They call me mellow yellow
    (Quite rightly)
    They call me mellow yellow

    Morgan and Nelle: Oh that's cute! Nelle is pretending to be so conflicted on what to do about a job!

    Carly and Nelle: Oh that is so cute! Nelle is pretending that she doesn't want the assistant job! :) Oh she changed her mind! Awww and they hug. And the look on Nelle's face when they hug hahahah!! She looks like she wants to stab Carly with a meat cleaver!!!

    Morgan: I guess he got fired? oh COLLEGE TIME! HUH?!

    Born high forever to fly
    Wind velocity nil
    Wanna high forever to fly
    If you want your cup our fill
    They call me mellow yellow
    (Quite rightly)
    They call me mellow yellow
    (Quite rightly)
    They call me mellow yellow
    (So mellow, he's so yellow)
    Electrical banana
    Is gonna be a sudden craze
    Electrical banana
    Is bound to be the very next phase

    1. I ff thru everything Morgan today so I have no idea what you are talking about Sonya but it flipping hilarious.
      Fortis, haha!
      I love when RoHo ad-libs!

  2. Just can't bring myself to watch this Morgan storyline. As some one who has the bipolar disorder I know how terrifying it can be if your meds are wrong or just stop working over time, to see that used in such a way. I don't know, it just rubs me the wrong way. I mean, he did have to be pulled off a ledge at one point, am I remembering that right?

  3. "lips like sugar said...I mean, he did have to be pulled off a ledge at one point, am I remembering that right?"

    Yup! You remember right!

  4. "Michelle Latta said.I ff thru everything Morgan today so I have no idea what you are talking about Sonya but it flipping hilarious."

    ROFL! Well you gotta go back and watch Morgan! He was just so, 0-0 <-- Mellow.. You gotta see it to understand what I am talking about! :)

    "Fortis, haha!"


    "I love when RoHo ad-libs!"

    Me too!!!!

    1. Haha I meant Furtis. I have stubby fingers and really need to proof. Auto correct sucks. :○)

  5. "Michelle Latta said...Haha I meant Furtis. I have stubby fingers and really need to proof. Auto correct sucks. :○)"

    Hahahaha. I know what you meant. :)

  6. sonya said...


    Robert: It's not a good idea Lulu.

    Lulu: Yes it is! Come on let's go! Let's go!!!

    She's so laser-focused on getting that embryo back, she seems to forget that even if they DO get it back, it's not a guarantee that it will result in her having a successful pregnancy, even IF it's still viable.

    BobTodd:: You have a pair of men's trousers and shoes in the trunk at home?

    ROFL! I wonder if that was adlibbed! :)

    Knowing RH, it's more likely than not, it was!

    Robert, Griffy, and Sonny: Love that Griffy and Robert meet! :) Robert and Sonny have a beer together! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Robert: I love you Sonny!

    Sonny: I love you too Robert!

    Excuse me while I go and throw up now.

    Morgan: I guess he got fired? oh COLLEGE TIME! HUH?!

    Someone get the elephant tranquilizer dart gun!

    Being a real big Donovan fan, I had to chuckle at your use of the lyrics, btw. :)


    1. He got fired? LOL! Even though I ff Morgan I did catch him hugging the crap outta Carly and acting like a hyper 2 yrs old who just got a lollipop and Carly had this look on her face that was priceless!

  7. OK, I had a dream where I was sleeping in bed with BobTodd and then we went on a date. I have NO IDEA where that came from, I AM SO SORRY SONNY, I love only you, I did not mean to cheat, it was only a dream!!

    Sonya, I so noticed when Finny got scared by BobTodd, it was such an amazing bit of acting, don't think I've ever seen that before, that is how people really look when they are startled.

    They BETTER come up with a GREAT motivation for Paul being the SK. He has great history and family ties on the show, so I am so sorry they are choosing to ruin his character. As someone else said here, I think they are just sacrificing him to save Julian . . .

    1. I read somewhere that it's going to be explained why he chooses who he does and that there will be another murder that will be shocking. So we'll see.

  8. I guess between Alexis being portrayed as an unstable drunken alcoholic, and Ava's blackmailing Paul, they really are planning to free Julian. Then will Sonny "take matters into his own hands?" What about Julian's bone marrow? I don't remember if they still need it. . .

    If Ava knows that Paul is the SK (which she does), and she chooses not to tell the police, isn't she complicit if he commits any more murders? And isn't it a crime for her not to tell the police? Using blackmail (like with Ava's Connie confession) seems to be the method of choice for keeping PC's criminals who are popular actors on the canvas. But poor Sean, who is innocent, is moldering away in jail . . .

  9. "helkatmat said...Love the Donovan lyrics."

    Me too. :)

    "She's so laser-focused on getting that embryo back, she seems to forget that even if they DO get it back, it's not a guarantee that it will result in her having a successful pregnancy, even IF it's still viable."

    Yeah I know.. But there IS another factor! :) She IS a Spencer, and it's in her blood to do adventures! :) So I like that aspect. :)

    "Knowing RH, it's more likely than not, it was!"

    Hahahaha yeah. :)

    "Excuse me while I go and throw up now."

    ROFL! *hands you pepto bismol*

    "Someone get the elephant tranquilizer dart gun!"

    Hahahaha. That will just mellow him out even more!!! :) I think someone should give him 10 cups of coffee! :)

    "Being a real big Donovan fan, I had to chuckle at your use of the lyrics, btw. :)"

    Hahahaha. It was an appropriate song for the scene! ROFL!

    "AntJoan said.. OK, I had a dream where I was sleeping in bed with BobTodd and then we went on a date. I have NO IDEA where that came from, I AM SO SORRY SONNY, I love only you, I did not mean to cheat, it was only a dream!!"

    Hahaha. I am sure Sonny will forgive you!

    "Sonya, I so noticed when Finny got scared by BobTodd, it was such an amazing bit of acting, don't think I've ever seen that before, that is how people really look when they are startled."

    Yeah ME is a great actor!!! And Finny got scared by Curtis. :)

    "Michelle Latta said...He got fired? LOL!"

    I guess so! I mean he was a half hour late at work, he calls his boss and then doesn't even go to work. He tells Nelle then he got chewed out of his job. Then he just jabbers on and on and I have no idea if he was fired or not! Then he doesn't even go to work and goes online to sign up for college courses to go to college full time. I got whiplash! :)

    "I did catch him hugging the crap outta Carly and acting like a hyper 2 yrs old who just got a lollipop and Carly had this look on her face that was priceless!"

    I know!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  10. GH sneak peek for Monday's episode! Small RayRay and BobTodd scene.

  11. "AntJoan said.. OK, I had a dream where I was sleeping in bed with BobTodd and then we went on a date. I have NO IDEA where that came from, I AM SO SORRY SONNY, I love only you, I did not mean to cheat, it was only a dream!!"

    Let us know if you find any animal parts in your bed tonight, cheating ** PMSL

  12. Almost made me cry to see Robert actually sitting down with Sonny willingly.

  13. AntJoan said...

    They BETTER come up with a GREAT motivation for Paul being the SK. He has great history and family ties on the show, so I am so sorry they are choosing to ruin his character. As someone else said here, I think they are just sacrificing him to save Julian .

    I REALLY REALLY hope that's what they're doing. And after thinking about a couple of things I've read: before they showed us that he was the killer, there was a small blurb in SOD's "fall preview" issue, that now sticks out to me. It said that the killer now has to speed up his actions, for some reason or another, they never gave a concrete reason, IIRC. This to me does NOT sound like someone who's actions are those of their full control. (i.e. he's being forced to commit these murders by someone else, so he can help someone he cares about) This makes even more sense after the talk he and Tracy had about Dillon over lunch a week or so ago, where he got VERY defensive and upset saying that he loves his children very much, and would do absolutely ANYTHING for them. The key word being: anything. Not to mention, when Ava discovered things, he definitely didn't come off as a psychotic serial killer, when talking to her. This is just how I see things going, having watched GH for nearly 40 years now.

    sonya said...

    I guess so! I mean he was a half hour late at work, he calls his boss and then doesn't even go to work. He tells Nelle then he got chewed out of his job. Then he just jabbers on and on and I have no idea if he was fired or not! Then he doesn't even go to work and goes online to sign up for college courses to go to college full time. I got whiplash! :)

    Nah, Morgan wasn't fired. He just said Aaron chewed him out when he called, but he didn't fire him. When he told Carly he was signing up for college, I was REALLY hoping it would've been an out of state school!

    nance24 said...

    Almost made me cry to see Robert actually sitting down with Sonny willingly.

    Like I said yesterday, it made me wanna throw up. I'd definitely MUCH rather cry, than that!


  14. "K says Nah, Morgan wasn't fired. He just said Aaron chewed him out when he called, but he didn't fire him."

    Oh okay! Well, since he is going to go to college FULL TIME he is bound to quit his job!

    "When he told Carly he was signing up for college, I was REALLY hoping it would've been an out of state school!"



He's From Bar Harbor!

  Not sure if  I'll make it today!!! I'll try but I'm subbing again and have a client as well, so I might be crawling!  Yesterda...