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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

GOOD BYE 2014 & WELCOME 2015...

adapted from  :  MyKitchenSnippets ; thanks....
tried & tested :  zaralovebaking ; (delicious & moist)...

Ingredients :

1 1/2  cups  all-purpose flour *
   1/2  tsp  baking soda *
      1  tsp  baking powder *
   1/4  tsp  salt * (* sifted together)
   3/4  cup  caster sugar
      2  eggs  (I use gred A egg)
   1/2  cup  +  2  tbsp  vegetable oil
      4  tbsp  fresh milk
      1  tsp  vanilla extract
      1  cup  dried apricot -  chopped
      1  apple  -  grated
      3  large  bananas  -  mashed

Method :

1.  Line and greased a loaf pan.  Preheat the oven to 350'F/180'C.
2.  In a mixing bowl, combined flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar.  Mix well and set aside.
3.  In another mixing bowl, combined eggs, milk, oil, vanilla extract, grated apples and mashed bananas.
4.  Mix it well with a big spoon.  Add in the dry ingredients into the egg mixture.  Mix until combined.
5.  Lastly add in the chopped dried apricots.  Mix well and pour it into the prepared baking pan.
6.  Bake for 50 minutes or until golden brown.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


adapted from :  Joy of Baking ; (serves :  6)
tried & tested :  zaralovebaking; thanks...

Ingredients :

    7  gm  unflavoured gelatin
  60  ml  cold milk  (1/4 cup)
540  ml  whipping cream (dairy -  2 1/4 cups)
  60  gm  powdered sugar  (1/2 cup)
 1/2  tsp  strawberry extract
Pink food colouring

Method :

     In a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over the cold milk and let sit for about 5-10 minutes until it soften, swell and become spongy.  Meanwhile, combine the cream and powdered sugar in a saucepan and bring it just to a boil, stirring to dissolved the powdered sugar.  Once the cream is very hot, remove the saucepan from the heat/stove and stir in the gelatine mixture.  Stir until the gelatin has completely dissolve.  Stir in the strawberry extract and a few drops of pink food colouring.
     Pour the panna cotta into the dessert cups/ramekins and place in the refrigerator to chill for 2 to 4 hours or until set.  The panna cotta can be made one or two days before serving.
     Can be serve with fresh berries, fruit, chocolate sauce, strawberry compote...

Monday, December 29, 2014


adapted from  :  Christine's Recipe; thanks...
tried & tested  :  zaralovebaking; delicious, smooth & silky...

Ingredients :

    2  tsp  gelatin powder  (about 7 gm)
    3  heaped tsp  coffee powder  (about 6 gm)
250  ml  fresh milk at room temperature
250  ml  whipping cream (dairy)
  60  gm  caster sugar
 1/8  tsp  salt
Milk chocolate bar - shaved, for garnish (optional)
  10  cherries, for garnish (optional)

Method :

1.  Measure out 2 tablespoons of milk from the recipe and mix with the gelatine powder.  Let it sit until softened.  Take out another 3 tablespoons of milk to combine with coffee powder.  Stir and set aside.

2.  Use a saucepan to heat the remaining milk, whipping cream, sugar and salt over medium heat until sugar dissolved.  Stir in the gelatine.  Make sure to dissolve it completely.

3.  Remove from heat.  Pour in the coffee mixture and stir to combine well.  Drain through a fine sieve.  Pour into the cups or jars.  Let them sit for 30 minutes, or until two layers are formed.  Chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight.  Serve with shaved milk chocolate on top with cherries. (I top with blueberry fruit filling)..yummy... 
(yields :  6 pcs in dadih plastic container)


1.  If you don't want two layers, you can transfer the panna cotta into the fridge once they cool down a bit.
2.  The two layers formed themselves after leaving for 30 minutes before chilling.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


adapted from  :  anncoojournal; thanks...
tried & tested  :  zaralovebaking

Ingredients :

  4  egg  yolks  (70 gm) gred 'A'
15  gm  caster sugar
50  gm  corn oil
70  gm  fresh orange juice
Zest of 1 orange
90  gm  plain flour, sifted
10  gm  corn flour, sifted

  4  egg  whites
65  gm  caster sugar

Method :

1.    Preheat oven to 160'C.

2.    Mix sifted plain flour and corn flour in a bowl.  Set aside.

3.    Beat egg yolks and sugar with a hand whisk until slightly pale.  Add oil, orange juice and zest.  Stir as you add.

4.    Sieve the flour the second time into the yolk mixture.  Stir as you add till smooth and egg mixture turn into thick paste.

5.    Beat egg whites until frothy.  Add sugar in 3 separate rounds and whisk until stiff peak forms and glossy-looked.

6.    Fold 1/3 of egg whites into the egg yolk mixture.  Then pour in the remaining egg whites and fold gently until just combined with a rubber spatula.

7.    Divide batter into 2 equal portions, about 250 gm and mix one portion with 1 tablespoon of chocolate paste/emulco.

8.    Scoop half portion of the plain batter into a 20cm/8 inch chiffon pan, then 2nd layer with chocolate batter, remaining plain batter and end with chocolate batter, lift and drop the pan gently to remove air bubbles.

9.    Bake at 2nd lower rack in the oven for about 45 minutes or until done.

10.  Invert immediately once out of the oven and let to cool down completely on a wire rack.  Dust cake with cocoa powder as desire (use stencil if you have).


rujukan dari  :  mamafami; thanks...
tried & tested :  zaralovebaking

Bahan-bahan :

1  paket  puff pastry jenama KAWAN
1  biji  kuning telur  -  untuk glis
Sedikit lada hitam kisar untuk hiasan

Bahan Inti Ayam Lada Hitam :

1  biji  bawang Holland  -  didadu kecil
3  biji  ubi kentang saiz sederhana  -  dikupas & didadu
Isi ayam cincang secukupnya
Lada putih
Lada hitam
Garam secukup rasa
Daun bawang  -  dihiris
Minyak menumis

Cara Memasak Inti :

1.  Rebus ubi kentang sehingga hampir lembut.  Ketepikan.
2.  Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali dan masukkan bawang.
3.  Bila bawang telah layu, masukkan ayam cincang dan kacau rata.
4.  Biarkan ayam sehingga hampir masak, baru dimasukkan kentang yang telah direbus tadi bersama dengan sedikit air rebusan kentang tadi.
5.  Masukkan lada putih, lada hitam dan garam secukupnya.  Kacau rata.
6.  Sebelum tutup api, masukkan daun bawang.  Sejukkan dulu sebelum digunakan.

Cara Penyediaan :

     Untuk pastri, letakkan sedikit inti di atas puff pastri kemudian bentukkan 3 segi.  Sapukan kuning telur di atasnya dan taburkan dengan sedikit lada hitam kisar di atas puff pastry.  Susunkan puff pastry tadi di atas dulang pembakar yang telah digris.  Bakar pada suhu 190'C selama 20-25 minit atau sehingga bahagian permukaan puff pastry keperangan.


oleh  :

Bahan-bahan :

1/2  ekor  ayam
   1  batang  serai  -  ketuk/titik
   2  biji  ubi kentang  -  dikupas kulit & dibelah 4 atau 6
   2  keping  asam keping
Sedikit halba
Sedikit garam
Daun kesum secukupnya
Air secukupnya
Minyak masak untuk menumis

Bahan Kisar Halus :

10  tangkai  cili kering  -  direndam hingga kembang
  2  biji  bawang besar
  1  ulas  bawang putih
  1  inci  kunyit hidup
  4  cm  belacan

Cara Memasak :

1.  Tumiskan halba, bawang besar dan bawang putih sehingga naik bau.
2.  Masukkan cili kering, kunyit, belacan dan serai.  Tumiskan sehingga pecah minyak.
3.  Tuangkan sedikit air dan masukkan asam keping.  Kacau perlahan-lahan.
4.  Masukkan ayam dan kentang dan masak sehingga ayam dan kentang empuk.
5.  Setelah ayam dan kentang empuk barulah masukkan daun kesum dan garam secukup rasa.
6.   Biarkan seketika dan kecilkan api.  Apabila sudah mendidih, tutupkan apinya.


oleh  :

Bahan-bahan :

   9  biji  buah strawberry  (sederhana besar)
   2  biji  pisang berangan
1/3  cawan  plain yogurt
1/3  cawan  susu segar
   1  sudu teh  gula pasir/madu

Cara Penyediaan :

     Campurkan kesemuanya ke dalam mesin pengisar dan kisar sehingga halus.  Tuangkan ke dalam gelas.  Sejukkan dahulu sebelum dihidangkan.  (Kepekatan smoothie ikut citarasa).

Saturday, December 27, 2014


 Tempahan Apam B Solo (100 biji berinti kelapa & 50 biji berinti kacang merah)
dari Puan Hayati, terima kasih...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


cookbook  :   lovely butter cakes by :  amy wong & k.s.lee
tried & tested :  zaralovebaking;..

Ingredients :

180  gm  butter
120  gm  margarine
180  gm  caster sugar
    3  eggs  A/B
    2  egg yolks  A/B
300  gm  self-raising flour
    1  tsp  strawberry essence
100  gm  strawberry jam
    4  tbsp  melted chocolate
    1  tbsp  chocolate essence

Method :

1.  Beat butter, margarine and sugar until fluffy.  Add eggs and egg yolks one at a time, beat well.  Add self-raising flour and mix well.

2.  Divide the mixture into 3 portions, the first portion remains white.  Mix the second portion with melted chocolate and chocolate essence.  While mix the last portion with strawberry jam and strawberry essence.

3.  Pour the 3 mixtures alternately into 9 inch square baking tin/pan greased and lined with baking paper.

4.  Bake in preheated oven at 175'C for 50-60 minutes until cooked.


adapted from  :  ZaTaYaYummy/youtube; thanks...
tried & tested  :  zaralovebaking ; delicious & yummy...

Crust : 

115  gm  digestive or graham crackers
  50  gm  unsalted butter  -  melted
 1/8  tsp  salt

Cheesecake :

350  gm  cream cheese, soften to room temperature
  80  gm  caster sugar
    1  tbsp  plain flour
    2  eggs  at room temperature  -  lightly beaten
  50  gm  melted unsalted butter
    1  tsp  vanilla extract

Topping :

50  gm  chocolate chip  -  melted
Strawberries, halves

Method :

     To Make The Crust :  In a food processor, blitz all ingredients together until it turns into a wet sandy texture.  Prepare 12 cupcake pan with liners.  Divide them into 12, one tablespoon each.  Press them firmly with the back of the spoon.  Set aside while we make the cheesecake mixture.
     Preheat oven to 150'C.
     To Make Cheesecake Mixture :  Beat cream cheese until smooth.  Add in sugar and mix until combined.  Add in vanilla extract and beaten egg and mix until well blended.  Add in melted butter and plain flour.  Mix until well combined.  (Use medium speed : the reason why we don't use high speed for cheesecake is that we do not want rising and result in cracking).
     Transfer/scoop cheesecake mixture into cupcake pan with the biscuit base.  Drop the pan a few times to release air bubbles.
     Bake for about 18 to 22 minutes.  Let it cool completely and put in the refrigerator for further cooling.  To serve :  remove the paperliners and drizzle melted chocolate chip on top of cheesecake and top up with half strawberry.  (yields :  12 pcs)


sumber  :  bidanbersalin; thanks...

Bahan-bahan :

   1  keping  ikan tenggiri
   4  cm  halia  (dihiris & digoreng)
   2  sudu makan  minyak bijan
1-2  sudu makan  kicap manis
 1/2  sudu teh  serbuk kunyit
 1/2  sudu teh  garam

Cara Memasak :

     Lumurkan ikan dengan sedikit garam dan serbuk kunyit.  Biarkan selama 20 minit.  Panaskan minyak dan goreng ikan hingga garing dan ketepikan.  Tinggalkan sedikit minyak di dalam kuali dan masukkan ikan semula.  Tuangkan kicap dan kacau rata.  Angkat dan letakkan di dalam piring/pinggan.  Taburkan halia goreng tadi di atasnya.  Sedia untuk dinikmati bersama nasi panas.


sumber  :

Bahan-bahan :

1  keping  ikan tenggiri
4  ulas  bawang putih  -  dicincang
1  biji  tomato  -  dibelah 4 atau 6
sedikit minyak bijan
sedikit halia  -  diketuk
sedikit daun sup  -  dihiris
air secukupnya

Cara Memasak :

     Tumis bawang putih dan halia dengan minyak bijan.  Masukkan air secukupnya dan tomato.  Apabila mendidih masukkan ikan dan daun sup.  Biarkan seketika dan tutup api.

Sunday, December 21, 2014


adapted from :
tried & tested :  zaralovebaking...

Ingredients :

180  gm  unsalted butter, at room temperature
225  gm  caster sugar
 3/4  tsp  almond extract
    2  tsp  baking powder
180  gm  plain flour
  75  gm  ground almonds
    3  large  eggs
    2  tbsp  fresh milk
    3  tbsp  cocoa powder mixed with 3 tbsp hot water to make a paste
100  gm  dark chocolate chips
  30  gm  powdered sugar, to dust (optional)

Method :

1.  Heat the oven to 180'C/160'C fan-forced.  Thoroughly brush a 1.5 litre bundt tin with melted butter.  Set aside.

2.  Cream the unsalted butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.  Stir in the almond extract.

3.  Mix together the baking powder, flour and ground almonds.  Beat in egg one at a time, adding a spoonful of the flour mixture in between.  Repeat until all three eggs have been added, then fold in the remaining flour mixture and stir in the milk.

4.  Spoon half of the cake batter into a separate bowl and mix in the chocolate paste.  Add the chocolate chips to the other half of the batter.  Add spoonfuls of each of the batters alternately to the tin/pan and drag the handle of a teaspoon through the mixture to create a marble effect.

5.  Bake for about 40 minutes and then test the cake to see if a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.


sumber  :  Azlita Masam Manis/Sabrina Khan/Nana Aboy ; thanks ....
dicuba :  zaralovebaking...

Bahan-bahan :

2  cawan   tepung gandum *
1  tsp.   baking powder * (* diayak bersama)
4  biji   telur gred A/B
1  cawan   gula halus
1  tsp.   esen vanilla
1  tbsp.   ovallate
4  tbsp.   susu pekat manis
4  tbsp.   minyak jagung
Pewarna dan perisa pilihan

Cara Penyediaan :

1.  Panaskan kukusan terlebih dahulu.

2.  Di dalam bekas besar, satukan telur, gula halus, ovallate dan esen vanilla.  Putar sehingga gebu dan bertukar ke warna putih.  Masukkan susu pekat manis.  Putar lagi sehingga sekata.

3.  Masukkan pula minyak jagung dan putar lagi.  Kemudian masukkan tepung, kaupbalik dengan spatula sehingga adunan rata dan sebati.  Bahagikan kepada 3 atau 4 bahagian dan letakkan pewarna dan perisa pilihan.

4.  Tuangkan adunan ke dalam acuan/loyang bersaiz 8 inci (disapu dengan sedikit minyak) secara berselang-seli sehingga adunan habis.  Kukus selama 40 minit atau sehingga masak sepenuhnya.  Sejukkan dahulu sebelum dikeluarkan dari acuan/loyang.