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Ma. Shiela Andrea T. Canillas Feb. 24, 2020 March 2, 2020: Nam E: Date Performed: Score: Date Submitted

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University of the Philippines Visayas

Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics


Nam Ma. Shiela Andrea T. Date Feb. 24, Score

e: Canillas Performed: 2020 :
Date March 2,
Submitted: 2020

Lab Work 1. External Morphology

1. Study carefully all the fruit specimens and try to match their types with
the list below. Identify the fruit variations and complete Table 8.1.

Table 9.1 Variations in Fruits.

Dehiscent/ Type of
Scientific Name Dry/ Fleshy Type of Edible Part
Indehiscent Placentation
1. Vigna
sesquipedali Dehiscent Dry Legume Marginal Whole fruit
2. Psidium
Indehiscent Fleshy Berry Axile While fruit
3. Fragaria
Dehiscent Fleshy Berry Basal Whole fruit
4. Cucumis
Indehiscent Fleshy Pepo Parietal Whole fruit
5. Citrus
Indehiscent Fleshy Hesperidium Superficial Endocarp
6. Mangifera
Indehiscent Fleshy Drupe Basal Mesocarp
7. Pyrus malus All except
Indehiscent Fleshy Berry Axile
8. Ricinus
Dehiscent Dry Capsule Basal None
9. Tithonia
Indehiscent Dry Achene Basal Seeds
10. Oryza sativa Indehiscent Dry Grain Basal Seeds
11. Cocos
Indehiscent Fleshy Drupe Basal Endocarp
12. Dolichos
Dehiscent Dry Legume Marginal Whole fruit
13. Anona Mesocarp
squamosa Indehiscent Fleshy Aggregate Basal and
14. Ananas Indehiscent Fleshy Multiple Axile All except

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University of the Philippines Visayas
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

comosus exocarp
15. Cucurbita
Indehiscent Fleshy Pepo Parietal Mesocarp
16. Citrus
Indehiscent Fleshy Hesperidium Axile Endocarp
17. Spondias All except
Indehiscent Fleshy Berry Basal
purpurea seeds
18. Hibiscus
Dehiscent Dry Capsule Axile Whole fruit
19. Bixa orellana Dehiscent Dry Multiple Free-basal Seeds
20. Cosmos Dehiscent Dry Achene Basal None
21. Zea mays Indehiscent Dry Caryopsis Basal Kernels
22. Lycopersicon
Indehiscent Fleshy Berry Axile Whole fruit
23. Lansium Mesocarp
parasiticum Indehiscent Fleshy Berry Superficial and
24. Citrus limon Indehiscent Fleshy Hesperidium Axile Endocarp

Lab Work 2. Internal Morphology

1. Cut each of the fruits crosswise and identify all parts; e.g. pericarp,
locules, seeds, etc. determine also the type of placentation
Table 9.2 Types of Placentation
Scientific Name Type of Placentation
1. Vigna sesquipedalis Marginal
2. Psidium guajava Axile
3. Fragaria vesca Basal
4. Cucumis sativus Parietal
5. Citrus microcarpa Superficial
6. Mangifera indica Basal
7. Pyrus malus Axile
8. Ricinus communis Basal
9. Tithonia diversifolia Basal
10. Oryza sativa Basal
11. Cocos nucifera Basal
12. Dolichos lablab Marginal
13. Anona squamosa Basal
14. Ananas comosus Axile
15. Cucurbita moschata Parietal
16. Citrus grandis Axile
17. Spondias purpurea Basal
18. Hibiscus esculentus Axile
19. Bixa Orellana Free-basal
20. Cosmos Basal
21. Zea mays Basal

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University of the Philippines Visayas
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

22. Lycopersicon
23. Lansium parasiticum Superficial
24. Citrus limon Axile

1. In some of the fruits, the fruits are persistent even up to maturity.
Identify these parts. Consider Psidium guajava and Oryza sativa. What
are the structures attached at the upper part of the two fruits?

Botanically, a fruit is a mature ovary and its associated parts. It usually

contains seeds, which have developed from the enclosed ovule after
fertilization, although development without fertilization, called parthenocarpy,
is known[ CITATION The191 \l 13321 ]. During fertilization, it stimulates the
ovary wall to undergo development and differentiation into three layers
namely the exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. When the fruit is mature, floral
structures--such as pedicel, calyx, withered stamens, style and stigma, and
even remnants of the corolla—may also be present[ CITATION Tho \l 13321 ].
In some fruits, the fruits are persistent even up to maturity. These parts are
the pericarp which can become hard or fleshy and may be completely or
incompletely contain distinguishable or fused exocarp, mesocarp, or
endocarp. Moreover, a mature fruit contains a persistent seed. In a Psidium
guajava fruit, it contains a crown-like structure which is considered as the
remains of the persistent sepals (calyx lobe). As for the Oryza sativa, there is
a visible spikelet [ CITATION Frund \l 13321 ].

2. Is there an advantage of dry fruits over fleshy fruits? Give reasons.

Fleshy and dry fruits are the two types of simple fruits that develop from the
ripening of a simple or compound ovary of a flower with only one pistil. The
main difference between fleshy and dry fruits is that fleshy fruit contains a
soft, pulpy and fleshy pericarp at maturity. Whereas dry fruits contain a hard,
papery or dry pericarp at maturity. Significantly, the pericarp is hardened and

Fleshy fruits are adapted to the dispersal of seeds by animals while dry fruits
are mainly adapted to the dispersal by the wind, expulsion or by getting
attached to the fur or feathers of animals. Therefore, in terms of seed
dispersal, a dry fruit posits a greater advantage than that of fleshy fruits since
its hard outer layer do not attract animals, so they do not get eaten[ CITATION
Lak19 \l 13321 ].

Also, another advantage of dry fruits over fleshy fruits are its health benefits.
Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, dates, raisins etc. are traditionally known to

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University of the Philippines Visayas
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

be a powerhouse of nutrients. They are said to provide us with a host of

health benefiting properties, if eaten in moderation. Some of its benefits would
include weight management, heart health, blood sugar control, brain food,
fights cancer, good for skin and hair, thyroid control, energy booster, rich in
iron, eases digestion, good for the eyes, antioxidants, healthy skin and bones
and many more[CITATION Vin18 \l 13321 ].

3. Are there differences in morphology between monocot and dicot fruits?

Tabulate these differences (if any).

Table 9.3 Differences in Morphology Between Monocot and Dicot Fruits

Monocot Dicot
Monocots generally have Dicots possess variety
large, fleshy seeds. Fruits when it comes to size and
or seedpods are generally shape of fruits / seedpods /
comprised of three parts. seeds. Generally, they have
greater number of seeds
per seedpod as compared
to monocots.

4. Are there differences in monocot and dicot seeds? Tabulate the

differences (if any) tissues in the root at the primary and secondary
growth. Indicate the forerunner or each.
Monocot Dicot
Dicots possess variety
when it comes to size and
shape of seeds. Generally,
Monocots generally have
Seeds they have greater number
large, fleshy seeds.
of seeds per seedpod as
compared to monocots.

Have two cotyledons i.e.

Have one cotyledon i.e. two leaves inside seed coat
only one embryonic first of a germinating seed.
leaf. This one cotyledon is These two cotyledons are
Seed Germination
thin, as endosperm to feed fat, as they serve as store
the germinating plant is not house for the endosperm,
stored inside this cotyledon. to feed the germinating
Root Pattern Monocots have fibrous / Dicots have branching
adventitious root system. roots with a strong, thick

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University of the Philippines Visayas
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Roots grow out from shoot

tissue near the base. As the
first root emerging from
germinating seed dies,
monocots fail to form
tap root (tap root system).
central, strong tap root
Roots develop from radicle.
system. The radicle aborts
in monocots, and new roots
arise adventitiously from
nodes in the stem.

Germinating monocot seed Germinating dicot seed

Germination and
gives out single embryonic gives out two embryonic
leaf i.e. cotyledon. leaves i.e. cotyledons.
Secondary Growth Absent Often present


Britannica, T. E. (2019, July 18). Fruit. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica:
Fruit. (n.d.). Retrieved from The Agricos:
Lakna. (2019, June 6). What is the Difference Between Fleshy and Dry Fruits.
Retrieved from Pediaa:
Rost, T. L. (n.d.). Seeds and Fruits. Retrieved from UC Davis: http://www-
Vinod, K. C. (2018, June 28). Dry Fruits Benefits: From Heart Health To Thyroid
Control. Retrieved from Food NDTV:

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