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Ethno Botanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in Khammamdistrict Andhra Pradesh India PDF

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Volume: 2: Issue-4: Oct - Dec -2011 ISSN 0976-4550

Review Article



M. Bala krishna*, S.Mythili, K.sravan Kumar,B.Ravinder,T.murali, T.Mahender,

*Department of Pharmacology ,Dhanavanthari institute of pharmaceutical sciences ,sujatha

nagar, Khammam-AP, India, 507120.

ABSTRACT : Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted in four different indigenous groups in Khammam
District of Andhra Pradesh. The herbal practitioners in the study area were interviewed and information
on medicinal plants was collected from the traditional healers called Vaidyars. This survey covers 96
medicinal plants belonging to 44 families that are used for the treatment of various diseases in a
traditional way. Traditional approach was evaluated scientifically with some selected plant extracts to
cure many diseases. Several plant extracts like Gymnema sylvestre, Syzygium cumini, Tephrosia purpurea
have proved their efficiency in treating many diseases like Diabetes mellitus and skin diseases. The
present survey provides the information about various medicinal plants which were not recognized for
their medicinal value. These plants are the natural remedies for treating many of the diseases This survey
provided information about 96 plants with medicinal properties. This survey had been performed on the
plants commonly used by the indigenous people for treating various diseases they had been encountering.
All the information gathered from the indigenous people and the herbal practitioners helped to bring
several medicinal plants to limelight which on further proceedings proves their therapeutic properties.
Keywords: Medicinal plants.traditional uses.Ethinic group.Herbal medicins
Since the origin of life on earth man has been in hormony with the nature. The nature provides a lot of
knowledge about plant wealth. Traditionally this information has been passed from generation to
generation which has being practiced by the
Indigenous group of people of different areas. These group of people possess the distinct food habits,
culture, which reflects the traditional medicine. Even today, this herbal medicine is in practice to cure
variety of diseases. Hence research on these plants is of utmost importance to detect more number of
properties about these plants. This herbal medicine has been practicing in rural areas for different
diseases. Implication of the knowledge of those indigenous people into practice helped the researchers to
develop the present formulation into a better approach with more therapeutic effect. This survey is
conducted to make a place for many unrecognized medicinal plants in clinical trials. Many studies have
been conducted on these plants in different areas inorder to evaluate their properties. About 72 plants
were discovered which are very useful to treat various snake bites. This research led us to work on more
plants which play a key role in treating various diseases. The plants like Dridilla retusa (nara mamidi)
used to treat fractured bones and Seme carpus (nallajilledu chettu) used to treat skin diseases and Cissus
quandragularis ( Nalleru teega) used to treat dog bite. The present study reveals many plants with their
medicinal properties. Some of the plant extracts like Gymnema, Tephrosia from the above survey were
taken and their interactions has been studied. Further proceedings on these plants may probably reveal
many properties that can cure various diseases. These plants are the basics for the traditional Ayurvedic
system which does not show more side effects.
Collection of Medicinal plants
The present investigation was conducted using questionnaire in rural areas situated around
Bhadrachalam, Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh. The study areas are situated in the
western parts of Andhra Pradesh. The main aim of this study is to collect the oral information
about the medicinal plants from the natives who were being practicing from generations
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Identification of plants
The information recorded was further ascertained or cross checked by consulting the beneficiaries
villagers and other traditional physicians. The plant specimens were also identified according to different
references concerning the medicinal plants of South India . The medicinal information given in this paper
includes botanical term family local name parts used and their therapeutic use. No monetary
compensation has been given to the traditional healers for providing the medicinal information.
List of Medicinal plants in India and the sources of ethanopharmacological information.
S.No Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
1 Hollarrhena Apocynaceae Ankudu chettu bark Bark paste Holarasine B Body pains, Arthritis
2. Bauhinia vahli Fabaceae Adda teega roots Root paste Astragalin ,beta sitosterol Uterine stimulant
3 Mimosa pudica Fabaceae Atthi patthi Whole plant paste Alkaloid mimosine
4 Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae Amudam leaves Leaves paste - Jaundice
5 Bauhinia ramosa Fabaceae Are Dried flower powder astragalin Gonnerhea
6 Madhuka langifolia Sapotaceae Ippa bark Bark juice Alkaloids, beta carotene Stomach pain
7 Aristolachia indica Aristolachiaceae Eswari root paste Aristinic acid tardolyt Antidote
Skin diseases
8 Achyranthus Amaranthaceae Uttareni Whole plant paste Ecdysterone Antidote tooth ache
Betaine vit c
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
9 Embelica officinalis Phyllanthaceae Usiri Fruits Fruit Pedunculagin Anamia
juice Proline, indigestion
10 Terminalia Arjuna Combretaceae Erumaddi bark Bark juice Chebulic acid Cardiac diseases
11 Ptarocarpus Fabaceae egisa stem stem juice Propterol, marsupian diabetes
12 Terminalia chebula Combretaceae Karaka Dried fruits powder Ellagic, chebulagic Breast cancer
13 Cassia occidentalis Leguminaceae Kasintha paste Anthraquinones, aloe Skin diseases
14 Momordica Cucurbitaceae Kakara leaves Leaves juice Pectin saponins Jaundice
charantia Alcohol withdrawal
15 Pongamia pinnata Leguminaceae Kanuga juice Beta sitosterol Skin diseases
Hirgonic acid
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
16 Sapindus Sapindaceae Kunkudu fruits Fruit Tetracyclic triterpenoids Treating dandruff
17 Holarrehena Apocynaceae Kodisa bark Bark paste Norconessine, isoconessine arthritis
18 Lannea Anacardiaceae Gampena bark bark paste Dihydroflavonoids Wound healing
coromandelica D-galactose
19 Tridax procumbens Asteraceae Gaddi chamanthi leaves Leaves paste Phlobatannins Wound healing
20 Caseiria elliptica - girmudi fruit fruit - Anti helminthic
Stigma sterol, daucosterol
21 Eclipta alba Compositae guntagalagra leaves leaves Beri beri
22 Abrus precatoris Leguminaceae Kundumani roots unknown
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
23 Lawsonia Lyrthraceae Gorinta leaves juice Lawsone gallic acid Skin diseases
24 Euphorbis hipta euphorbiaceae chitrapala leaves juice - Scabies
25 Plumbago zeylanica plumbaginaceae chitramulam Plumbagin,beta sitosterol Leprosy typhoid
26 Colocasia Araceae chamadumpa leaves leaves oxalates For kidney stones
27 Psidium guava Myrtaceae jama leaves leaves Ascorbic acid Mouth freshner
28 Calatropis Apocynaceae jilledu bark powder Sucrose, terpene derivatives syphilis
29 Tectona grandis Lamaceae teku bark juice Hydroxy lapacol dysmennorhea
30 Stercula urens Sterculaceae Tapasi koyila bark powder Galactose, rhamnose
31 Pipervetel piperaceae tamalapaku leaves leaves 4-allyl resorcinol Skin diseases
32 Terminalia bellerica Combretaceae thani Bark seeds Juice of bark Tannins, flavonoids indigestion
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
33 Nelumbo nucifera Nelumbonaceae Thamara chettu leaves leaves Gallic acid, ellagic acid For ringworm
34 Butea superba Fabaceae Teega moduga Root & bark juice Beta sitosterol Piles, stomach pain,
35 Diospysos Ebenaceae tuniki leaves Leaves juice 1,4- naphtoquinones For diarrhoea

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S.No Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
36 Ocimum sanctum Lamiaceae tulasi leaves Leaves juice Tannins, thymol Skin diseases,
37 Wrighlia tinctoria Apocynaceae Tedlapala Root or bark juice Beta imirine, sitosterol Body pains
38 Acacia Mimosaceae Tella tumma Bark powder Galactose, aravinose Tuberculosis
39 Mucuna prurita Fabaceae Durada gondi leaves powder Isoquinoline alkaloids toothache
40 Pergalaria dumia Apocynaceae Dhushtapu teega leaves powder - Gonerrhea, asthma
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
41 Coccinia grandis Cucurbitaceae dondaku leaves juice - Ear pain
42 Dridilla retusa Annonaceae Nara mamidi Di terpenes Fractured bones
43 Datura metel Solanaceae ummetha Leaves juice Scopolamine, hyoscine Skin diseases
44 Seme carpus Anacardiaceae Nallajeedichettu seeds powder Phenolic compounds Skin diseases
45 Acacia nilotica Fabaceae Nalla tumma bark Bark juice Galactose, aravinose Oralcavity diseases
46 Cissus Vitaceae Nalleru teega plant paste Keto sterol, ascorbic acid Dog bite
47 Hygrophilia Acanthaceae Neeru gochi leaves juice - lucoderma
48 Holoptecia Ulmaceae Nemali chettu bark paste friedelin Piles wounds, Skin
integrefolia diseases
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents Uses
49 Jatropa curcus Euphorbiaceae nepalam bark paste Toxalbumin, trypsin arthritis
50 Schyzygium Myrtaceae nerudu fruits Ripe fruits Gallic acid, ellagic acid Excessive urination.
51 Phyllanthus niruri Phyllanthaceae Nela usiri wholeplant juice Hypo phyllanthin jaundice
52 Solanum suraltense Solanaceae Nela vakudu seeds Smoke of coumarins toothache
53 Androgrophis Acanthaceae Nela vemu leaves powder - Snakebite,
paniculata Skin diseases
54 Dalbergia paniculata Fabaceae Paccha are Bark juice Dalpanitin dysmennorhea
55 Echenocarpus Apocynaceae palateega Root bark juice Benzocosanyl arachidate Asthma
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
56 Areva lanata Amaranthaceae Pindi chettu Leaves juice Aervine, methyl aervine Dissolves kidney
57 Asparagus Asparagaceae Pilla peesara corm juice saponins Menstrual problems
58 Alternanthira sessilis Amaranthaceae Ponnaganti kura Root bark Stigma sterol Toothache
59 Streblus asper Moraceae barinka latex Stem latex Beta sitosterol, salicylic Toothache
60 Ficus hispida Moraceae Brahma medi latex latex Phenols ,tannins tuberculosis
61 Chloroxylon Rutaceae bhilludu - - Coumarin, xanthyletin arthritis
62 Bombax ceiba Bambacaceae buruga bark juice flavonoids Reduces tumors
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
63 Carica papaya Caricaceae boppaya latex latex Retinol Skin diseases

64 Hibiscus Malvaceae mandara leaves leaves Suberic acid Wound healing

65 Mangiferus indica Anacardiaceae mamidi bark juice Amino acids, xanthones diarrohea
66 Aegle marmelos Rutaceae maredu juice Marmelosin, marmesin Asthma blood motions
67 Moringa Morigaceae munaga Leaves latex juice proanthocyanidin jeshta
68 Acalypha indica Euphorbiaceae muripinda leaves juice aurantiamide Snake bite
69 Strychnous nux Loganiaceae mushti bark powder Brucine, strychnine Snake bite
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses

70 Ficus racemosa Moraceae medichettu juice ficustriol Burning micturition

71 Argemone mexicana Ppaveraceae rakkisa latex latex sanguinarine Gonerrheaconjuctivitis
72 Bryophyllum Crassulaceae ranapala leaves juice riboflavin Breast tumors
73 Hybanthus Violaceae ratnapurusha Whole plant juice Terpenes, anthroquinones Nerve stimulant
74 Ficus religiosa Moraceae Ravi chettu juice Tannins, alkaloids Obesity decreases
75 Cassia fistula Fabaceae Rela Bark leaves powder Naphthaquinones Jaundice constipation
76 Parthenium Asteraceae Vayyari bhama juice Sesquiterpenes Reduces bleeding

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S.No Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
77 Vitex nigunda Lamiaceae vavili leaves juice Beta pinene, para cymene Goiter, epilepsy
78 Tephrosia purpurea Fabaceae vempali leaves juice Isoflavones, chalcone Scabies, antidote
79 Bamboosa Graminae veduru leaves juice Cellulose, resins Post labor pains
80 Dichrostachys Fabaceae veluturu Bark powder Phenols, tannins Reduces menstrual
cinerea flow
81 Azardirachta indica Meliaceae vepa Leaves bark juice 7-Azardirachtin, sallannin Skin diseases
82 Centella aciatica Mackinlayaceae Saraswati aku Leaves juice Vallerin, Asciasctoside neurosis
83 Annona squamosa Annonaceae seetaphalam leaves paste Sennin, squamosin Wound healing

Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
84 Hemedesmus Apocynaceae Sugandha phala Whole plant juice Coumarin,para methoxy Purifies blood
indicus salicylic aldehyde
85 Adiantum lanulatum Pteridaceae Hamsa padi Leaves juice Astragalin, adiatone Jaundice

86 Athukula teega paste - Bone fractures

87 Kallupongara leaves Smell of - Reduces intoxication
kura leaves
88 Konda jeelakarra root juice - Liver diseases
89 Hollarhena Apocynaceae kodisapala bark powder - amoebiasis
90 Gajurotta Leaves paste - Wound healing
Plant species family Common name Parts used direction Chemical constituents uses
91 gundugorugudu Snake bite
92 Chitapata teega leaves juice antidote
93 parika leaves juice Ringworm infection
94 Puli adugu leaves paste Skin diseases
95 Pydu prathi juice Neuro disorders
96 Bandi gurijaku bark juice diarrhoea
Based on the above observations all the 96 plants have proven to cure at least one disease. These are the
traditionally used plants in rural areas around Khammam district Andhra Pradesh,India. More work has to
be carried out on these plants to evaluate more properties. Some of the above plants are not yet been
recognized. This survey tried to make everybody being known about the natural asserts of our nature.

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