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VL Dhan 207 and VL Dhan 208, The New High Yielding Varieties of Spring Rice For Uttarakhand Hills

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VL Dhan 207 and VL Dhan 208, the new high

yielding varieties of spring rice for Uttarakhand
Ram K. Sharma, Division of Genetics, I.A.R.I., New Delhi 110012; J.C. Bhatt and
H.S. Gupta, Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora 163601,
Uttarakhand, India

Rice plays a distinct role in the food and nutritional security of tribal, backward,
and hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Being the most important crop, it is grown
mainly under two ecosystems viz., direct seeded rainfed upland and irrigated
transplanted conditions. Traditionally, the crop is sown in the terraces, confined
to rainfed upland ecology during the spring season particularly on 2nd
forthnight of March to 1st forthnight of April. It is harvested by the end of
September in the cropping sequence of spring rice-wheat-finger millet-fallow in a
two years rotation. The cultivation of spring rice is peculiar in hills of
Uttarakhand, which is locally known as ‘Chaiti Dhan.’
In hills, rice straw is an important source of fodder. Thus, farmers prefer
varieties having good straw yielding along with grain yield. Therefore, farmers
of this region prefer to grow semi-tall and tall varieties. In order to avoid lodging
in such semi-tall/tall varieties, suitable genotypes should possess sturdy stems.
Major limitations of rice productivity in hills include the biotic stresses (diseases,
insects and weeds) and abiotic stresses (low temperature and inadequate soil
moisture). Leaf and neck-blast, brown leaf spot, false smut among the diseases,
and stem borer, leaf folder, and white grubs among the insects are the most
important problems. Heavy weed infestation ranks only second to moisture
stress in reducing grain yield of rainfed rice in the hills by as much as 42 to 100
per cent. Drastic yield reduction (83.7 to 100%) often results in spring rice, owing
to prolonged growing season and also depending upon the intensity and type of
weed flora. Low temperature affects rice crop at different growth stages from
germination to maturity. The state of Uttarakhand although receiving a good
amount of rainfall (1100 to 2370 mm, annually), suffers from erratic rainfall and
high run off losses due to sloppy fields, limited soil depth and stoniness. Thus,
the rice crop suffers adversely from varied levels of drought, resulting in lower
Keeping these attributes in mind, concerned breeding efforts were made
at VPKAS, Almora to develop suitable genotypes of rice for spring-sown
conditions. These efforts have led to development of two varieties viz., VL Dhan

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Genetic resources

207 and VL Dhan 208 which were released in 2006 by the Uttarakhand State
Varietal Release Committee for cultivation under spring sown conditions.
VL Dhan 207. It was developed using the pedigree method involving VL
Dhan 206 × Annada. Both of these genetically diverse parental lines have been
successfully grown under rainfed condition. VL Dhan 206 is a popular variety of
spring-sown condition, and Annada, is also a popular variety of rainfed rice
cultivation in Orissa. Tested under the designation of VL 97-9729, VL Dhan 207
gave an average grain yield of 1.91 t ha–1 in multilocational State Varietal Trial
conducted during 2001-03 and out yielded the check Majhera 7 by 27.86% and
VL Dhan 206 by 7.88% (Table 1). In multilocational adaptive trials under organic
mode conducted at three locations in Uttarakhand in 2004, VL Dhan 207 had
41.18% and 48.65% yield superiority over Majhera 7 and VL Dhan 206,
respectively. VL Dhan 207 is semi-tall statured (110–115 cm) and requires about
120–125 days to flower. It has strong stem with well-exerted, long, and compact
panicles with medium bold (L/B ratio 2.12), straw coloured, awn less grains
having test weight of 22.5 g per 1,000 seeds. The variety is moderately resistant to
most prevalent diseases of the region like leaf and neck blast, leaf scald, and false
smut. In addition, it showed resistance to pests like stem borer and leaf folder
(Table 3).

Table 1. Grain yield performance of VL Dhan 207 in comparison to checks in

State Varietal Trials, 2001-2003.
Genotype Grain yield (t ha–1) % Grain over
2001 2002 2003 Weighted mean
VL Dhan 207 2.972 1.492 1.493 1.915 –
VL Dhan 206 (C) 2.249 1.665 1.536 1.774 7.98
Majhera 7 (C) 2.198 1.174 1.419 1.571 21.86

Table 2. Grain yield performance of VL Dhan 208 in comparison to checks in

State Varietal Trials, 2002-2004.
Genotype Grain yield (t ha–1) % Grain over
2002 2003 2004 Weighted mean
VL Dhan 208 1.196 1.986 2.059 1.996 –
VL Dhan 206 (C) 1.665 1.536 1.868 1.600 18.1
Majhera 7 (C) 1.174 1.419 1.772 1.490 34.0

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Table 3. Varietal characteristics of VL Dhan 207 and VL Dhan 208.

Character VL Dhan 207 VL Dhan 208
leaf blade pubescence Intermediate Intermediate
Leaf blade color Dark green Dark green
Ligule colour White White
Basel leaf sheath color Dark green Dark green
Flag leaf angle Erect Erect
Aunicle color Pale green Pale green
Panicle type Compact Compact
Panicle axis Droopy Droopy
Apiculus color Straw Straw
Awning Awn less Awn less
Panicle exertion Well-exerted Well-exerted
Panicle thresh ability Easy Easy
1000-grain weight (g) 22.5 22.8
Hulling recovery (%) 79.0 81.0
Milling recovery (%) 67.0 68.0
Kernel length (mm) 5.84 5.94
Kernel breadth 2.33 2.29
L/B ratio 2.50 2.59
Grain shape Medium slender Medium slender
Leaf blasta 4 5
Neck blast 5 3
Brown leaf spot 5 3
Sheath rot 5 3
Leaf scald 5 3
False smut 1 3
Stem borer 1 1
Leaf folder 3 3
aMaximum score recorded over the years.

VL Dhan 208. This variety was developed from the genetically diverse
parents VR 410-19 and VR 212. Both of these elite lines were developed at
VPKAS, Almora through hybridization, aiming to combine tolerance to low
temperature, moisture stress, and blast disease using parents of diverse origin. In
multilocation State Varietal Trials conducted during 2002-04 in Uttarakhand, VL
Dhan 208 (tested as VL 9632) gave an average grain yield of 1.99 t ha–1, which
was 34 and 18.1% higher than those of checks Majhera 7 and VL Dhan 206,
respectively. It has at par for flowering (125–130 days) and maturity (160–165
days) period and plant height (105–110 cm) with the most popular variety of
spring rice VL Dhan 206. Its well-exerted panicles are long (22–26 cm), compact
and with droopy axis. Its awnless grains are medium (L/B ratio 2.59) in shape,

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Genetic resources

straw colored, and weighs 22.8 g/1,000 seeds. The variety exhibited moderate
level of resistance against prevalent diseases of the region like leaf and neck
blast, leaf scald, and false smut. In addition it showed resistance to insect pests
like stem borer and leaf folder (Table 3).
The release and cultivation of these varieties will not only add to varietal
diversification of spring rice but also offer more varietal choice to hill farmers. So
far, they had limited choice in VL Dhan 206 and Majhera 7, which were
developed by pure line selection from local materials. VL Dhan 207 & VL Dhan
208, both were developed through recombination breeding involving diverse
parental lines, will go a long way to fulfill the need of Chaiti Dhan growing
farmers of Uttarkhand. Being semi-tall in stature, these varieties are capable of
producing enough straw yield for the farmers’ cattle.

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