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Family Systematics

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DISTINCTIVE Resin- production -Pinnately Compound -950 genera & -Papilionaceous Corolla -Consist of trees,
FEATURES ability Leaves 20,000 species -Lament/Lamentum shrubs, lianas, or
Fleshy Fruit -Lanceolate Or -Compact -Zygomorphic Flower rarely herbs
Drought Tolerant Oblong Inflorescences -With diadelphous -Dicot
- Aromatic Wood (heads) androecium (9+1 -Compound leaves
- Fleshy Or Woody -Small modified condition) with glandular
Capsules leaves (bracts) -The ovary is punctate
- Multiple Seeds -Disk or Ray with monocarpellary, -Regular flowers
-Insecticidal the calyx superior, unilocular with usually have five
Properties -Woody and marginal placentation white petals
- Triterpenoid Perennial - Opposite leaves
Limonoids -Alternate and
PRIMITIVE Resin- production 1. Leaves: pinnately simple -Leaves were alternate, -Most have thorns
FEATURES Alternate leaves compound leaves -Lobed, Toothed stipulate, and simple in -Compound leaves
(leaflets are arranged and Pinnately or some species with glandular
along a central axis). Palmately Veined -Hermaphrodite flowers; punctate
Simple leaf structure. -Fringed of Hairs or large and showy - Specialized oil
2. Flower Pappus -Polyandrous cells in leaves
Arrangement: -Anatropous ovule Androecium(in Ormosia,
Panicles or Racemes. -Insect Pollination Baphia, Sophora)
3. Fruit Type: -Anatropous ovules
Capsules or Drupes -Polypetalous Corolla
ADVANCED Resin ducts 1. Leaf Complexity: 1.Plants are herbaceous
FEATURES Compound leaves Bipinnately compound and with annual life
leaves, where the cycle
leaflets themselves 2.Leaves are
are further divided into compound, and in many
smaller leaflets. genera, leaflets are
2. Inflorescence modified into tendrils
Types: Cymes or (Pisum, Lanthyrus)
Umbels. 3.Flowers are
3. Fruit Structures: zygomorphic (bilateral
For example, the symmetry)
mahogany tree 4.Calyx is
(Swietenia) produces gamosepalous (united
large, woody capsules or partly united sepals).
with winged seeds. 5.Corolla is
4. Chemical papilionaceous(butterfly-
Compounds: like)
Produce secondary 6.Stamens are
metabolites such as Diadelphous (stamens
limonoids and united by their filaments)
quassinoids, which 7.Gynoecium is
serve as chemical monocarpellary (single
defenses against gynoecium)
herbivores and pests. 8.Fruits are simple
5. Ecological legume.
Adaptations: ability to 9.Ovules are
tolerate a wider range campylotropous
of environmental 10. Seeds are non-
conditions or to form endospermic
relationships with
mycorrhizal fungi.
MORPHOLOGICAL Trees and LEAVES -Composite Head Leaves- alternate and Vegetative
CHARACTERISTICS Shrubs: -Alternate with individual compound, often with Characters
-Presence of -Exstipulate Florets stipules(small leaf-like 1. Root
resins -Pinnately Compound, -Herbaceous body structures) at the base -Taproot or
-Aromatic bark Rarely Simple -Intricate Petals of the petiole. Fibrous
that is smooth yet -Leaf Margin Serrated -Sturdy stems Leaf arrangements can - Branched
peeling or flaking or Entire -Gather in Clusters be pinnate (with leaflets 2. Stem
-Resins may have -Without Transparent -Achene as the arranged on either side -Erect
an almond like Dots or Glandular Fruit Type of a common axis) or -Woody
smell Dots palmate (with leaflets -Branched
Leaf STEM radiating from a single -Cylindrical
Characteristics: -Woody Bark point) -Gland Dotted
-Alternate, spiral -Smooth Or Rough Inflorescence-Flowers 3. Leaf
leaves, odd -Inner bark may Be are usually arranged in Arrangements
pinnately reddish-brown or pink racemes, spikes, or -Alternate
compound leaves FLOWER heads -Opposite
with opposite -Actinomorphic Flower-Bilateral and -Pinnnately-
leaflets -Bisexual irregular, with five Compound
-Petiolate and Both male and female sepals, five petals(one - Palmately -
Exstipulate reproductive parts banner petal, two lateral Compound
Margins: entire to present wings, and two fused 4. Margin
serrate -Calyx And Corolla keel petals, ten stamens -Entire
Shape: Sometimes United (nine fused into a tube -Serrate
lanceolate, ovate, Inflorecence:Panicle and one separate), and 5. Venation
elliptic, s Or Raceme one pistil. -Unicostate
oblanceolate, -Color Varies Among Root Nodules- contain -Reticulate
obovate or oblong Species nitrogen-fixing bacteria, Floral Characters
Venation:Pinnate -Hypogynous, allowing these plants to 1.Inflorescence
-Trifoliate or Pedicilliate enrich the soil with -Cyme, Axillary,
unifoliate leaves FRUIT nitrogen Terminal Corymb,
-Pulvinus -Seed Winged or with Fruit- is a legume(pod) Racemose or
sometimes Fleshy Aril that dehisces (Splits Solitary
present -Capsule; rarely has open) along two seams (sometimes)
Flower and hard-woody endocarp when manure, releasing 2. Flower
Inflorescence (Drupe) the seeds. Legumes -Presence of
Characteristics: ROOTS can be variously shaped pedicel
Inflorescence: Much Branched Tap - straight, curved, coiled, (pedicellate)
Determinate/ Root or spiraled -Have no bracts
axillary, racemes Seed- often rounded to (ebracteate)
or panicles elliptical, sometimes -Essential parts
Symmetry: flattened or angled, and present
Actinomorphic frequently have a hard (Hermaphrodite or
-Unisexual, seed coat. unisexual)
dioecious Stem-herbaceous, while -Symmetry
Sepals: 4 or 5, others, especially trees (Actinomorphic
faintly connate, and shrubs, have woody and rarely
imbricate stems. zygomorphic)
Petals: equal to -Position of ovary
sepals, imbricate (Hypogynous)
Stamens: 1 or 2 -Parts present
whorls, glabrous (Complete)
filaments -Floral
Anthers: two appendages
locules, (Pentamerous and
longitudinal tetramerous)
dehiscence, 3. Seed
tricolpate pollens -Endospermic or
Gynoecium: exalbuminous
contains 3-5
connate carpels,
1 style, and 1
hypogynous, axile
-Fleshy drupes
-1-5 seeds per
ECONOMIC 1.Food 1.Oil -Source of Oil FOOD SOURCE Food
IMPORTANCE 2.Medicinal Use 2.Medicine -Medicinal Value Soybeans- soy Consumption-
3.Resin 3.Timber -Food Source products, including soy Fruits (Sweet
4.Production 4.Food and Beverage -As Insecticide milk, tofu.Oil is also orange, Loose
5.Essential Oil 5. Ornamental extracted from soya skinned orange,
6.Timber beans and groundnuts Lemon, Fingered
for cooking citron, Bergamot
Beans: including kidney orange, Lime fruit,
beans, black beans, and Bael fruit, Wood
navy beans. apple)
Chickpeas: Used in Source of
dishes like hummus and Medicine
salads Aegle mameoles
Lentils: A staple in many (Part used - fruit
cuisines, rich in protein pulp) used as
and fiber. laxative and in
Peas: Consumed as treatment of
fresh peas or processed Dysentry
into canned and frozen Murraya koenigil
products. (Part used - bark
Peanuts: source of and roots) used in
protein oil for cooking treatment of
and frying intestinal disorders
AGRICULTURE-Green Pilocarpus sp.
Manure, Cover Crops, (Part used –
Nitrogen fixation Various leaves) source of
legumes have abundant drug Pilocarpin
contributions int terms of used to treat
agriculture. Some Glucomma
examples are: Peganum harmala
Red Clover(Trifolium (Part used –
Pratense) : form seeds) give in
symbiotic relationships treatment of
with nitrogen-fixing Asthma
bacteria in its root Cusparia febrifuga
nodules, enhancing soil (Part used – bark)
fertility through nitrogen used in treatment
fixation of Malaria
Vetch (Vicia spp.): Often Zanthoxylum
used as green manure alatum (Part used
cover crops. They have - bark and seeds)
an extensive root used as an
system that helps in aromatic tonic in
preventing soil erosion the treatment of
and improving soil fevers, dyspepsia
structure FORAGE AND and cholera
FODDER Zanthoxylum
Clover: Commonly used piperitum -gives
in pastures for grazing Japan pepper
animals Alfalfa:High Ruta graveolous -
quality forage and for gives French oil of
livestock, especially Rue
cattle Vetch: Used as a Galipea officinalis -
cover crops and forage yields cusparia
Acacia: Used in gum Murraya
Arabic production, a key paniculata (orange
ingredient in various jasmine)
industries Luvunga
Tamarind: Extracts used scandens
in food processing and (climbing luvunga)
beverages Carob:Seeds Ruta gaveolens
and pulp used in food (rue)
additives and cosmetics. Timber: Wood can
Indigo (Indigofera be used for boards
tinctoria): Indigo is a and panelling.
deep blue dye obtained Essential oil:
from its leaves used on Peels, leaves and
fabrics flowers contain
Henna (Lawsonia fine essences of
inermis): Henna is a oils that may be
reddish-brown dye used in
derived from its leaves manufacture of
that is commonly used cosmetics and
for body art and hair medicinal
coloring. applications
Various Trees (e.g.
Acacia, Dalbergia,
Moreton Bay Chestnut)
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza
glabra): Roots used in
traditional medicine and
herbal products.
Wisteria: gardens and
ornamental trees and
shrubs(golden chain
tree, Black Locust,
Honey Locust, Acacia,
Shameplant, and
COMMON 1.Pili 1.Mahogany 1.Aster 1. Acacia 1.Orange
EXAMPLES (Canarium (Swietenia Mahogani) 2.Chrysanthemum (genus Acacia) (Citrus sinensis)
ovatum) 2. Chinaberry 3.Dahlia 2.Mung bean 2.Lemon
2.Frankincense (Melia azedarach) 4.Daisy (Vigna radiata) (Citrus limon)
(Boswellia 3. Santol 5.Dandelion 3.Peanut 3.Grapefruit
carterii) (Sandoricum 6.Lettuce (Arachis hypogaea) (Citrus paradisi)
3.Myrrh Koetjape) 7.Marigold 4.Lime
(Commiphora 4.Lanzones 8.Sunflower (Citrus x
(Pisum sativum)
myrrha) (Lansium aurantifolia)
4.Gumbo-limbo domesticum) 5. Tamarind
(Bursera 5.Cape Ash (Tamarindus indica)
simaruba) (Ekerbergia Capensis)
5.Garuga 6.Neem Tree
(Garuga Pinnata) (Azadirachta indica)

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