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Flora of The Houston Area

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Brown Spring Branch Science Center Herbarium (SBSC) 8856 W estview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 2009 This is a checklist of the vascular plants of Harris and adjacent counties including Liberty, Chambers, Galveston, Brazoria, Fort Bend, W aller, and Montgomery. Included, also, is a small wedge of San Jacinto County along highway 105 between Conroe and Cleveland. The checklist is based upon published records in books, monographs, papers, and from an examination of collections at the Spring Branch Science Center Herbarium (SBSC). If time and finances are sufficient, visits to TEX, BRIT, and TAES will be made to search for other taxa from our area that may be in the collections of those herbaria. Citation of a herbarium collection, if possible, will be given for each species. All cited collections are at SBSC, unless otherwise indicated. Liberty (LU) and Liberty (MC) refers to collections from the Loblolly and Menard Creek Units of the Big Thicket National Preserve. Vouchers of those collections are at TAES. This is the first step towards the completion of a flora of the Houston area. The author encourages criticism and additional information from interested individuals. ACANTHACEAE DICLIPTERA D. brachiata (Pursh) Spreng. Brazoria and Harris cos. in W asshausen (1966). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15051 DYSCHORISTE D. linearis (Torr.& A. Gray) Kuntze Wasshausen (1966) reported the collection, Shinners 16469 , from Fort Bend Co. specimens from our area at SBSC.

There are no

HYGROPHILA H. lacustris (Schlecht. & Cham.) Nees W asshausen (1966) reported collections from Brazoria, Chambers, and Fort Bend cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18715 JUSTICIA J. ovata (W alter) Lindau var. lanceolata (Chapm.) Long LANCE-LEAVED W ATER W ILLOW Chambers, Harris, and Montgomery cos. in W asshausen (1966). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7554 RUELLIA R. caroliniensis (J.G. Gmel.) Steud. W ILD PETUNIA W asshausen (1966) and Turner (1991) report collections from Harris and Liberty cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6175 R. humilis Nutt. var. depauperata Tharp & Barkley Turner (1991) reported collections from all of our counties except from W aller. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14757 R. humilis Nutt. var. humilis LOW RUELLIA Turner (1991) reported specimens of this variety from northern Montgomery and eastern Liberty cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Montgomery Co. Schultz s.n. R. nudiflora (Engelm. & A. Gray) Urb. var. nudiflora Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. in Wasshausen (1966). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11381 R. pedunculata Torr. ex A. Gray Mapped in Harris Co. by Turner (1991). W asshausen (1966) apparently calls this single collection, R. pinetorum Fernald , E. Hall 425 ,. Turner believes all Texas collections referable to R. pinetorum to be hybrid derivatives of R. pedunculata and R. humilis . Our only collection is from Liberty Co. (Menard Creek) Paul Rolling s.n. R. strepens L. var. strepens W asshausen (1966) reports collections from Fort Bend, Liberty, and W aller cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown and Liggio 17829 R. strepens L. var. cleistantha A. Gray Brazoria Co. in W asshausen (1966). Turner (1991) does not recognize this variety R. tweediana Griseb. W underland (1998) indicated this name replaces R. brittoniana Leonard Both W asshausen (1966) and Turner (1991) report specimens from Harris Co. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris and Montgomery cos. Peterson 1614


ACERACEAE ACER A. negundo L. BOX-ELDER Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. A. rubrum L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7271 AGAVACEAE MANFREDA M. virginica (L.) Salisb. ex Rose

Brown 16883

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 3684

YUCCA Y. aloifolia L. Brazoria Co.(Peach Point W ildlife Management Area) and Galveston cos. Y. arkansana Trel. Liberty Co. Brown 28029 Y. louisianensis Trel. Harris and W aller cos. Brown 7277 AIZOACEAE SESUVIUM S. maritimum (W alter) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. S. portulacastrum (L.) L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 6228 TRIANTHEMA T. portulacastrum L. Galveston and Harris cos.

Brown 27918

Brown 16024


ECHINODORUS E. berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett var. berteroi [ E. rostratus (Nutt.) A. Gray] Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos Brown 8062 E. berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett var. lanceolatus ( S. W atson & J. M. Coult.) Fassett Brazoria Co. Brown 11305 E. cordifolius (L.) Griseb. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11393 SAGITTARIA S. graminea Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6897 S. lancifolia L. Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 8946 S. latifolia W illd. Harris, Liberty (M C), Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 8083 S. longiloba Engelm. ex J.G. Smith Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 11318 S. montevidensis Cham. & Schltdl. subsp. calycina (Engelm.) Bogin Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6524 S. papillosa Buchenau Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14305 S. platyphylla (Engelm.) J.G. Smith Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 6269 ALLIACEAE ALLIUM A. ampeloprasum L. Harris Co. Brown 16101 A. canadense L. var. canadense Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. McFarlane s.n . A. canadense L. var. mobilense (Regel.) M. Ownbey Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7057 A. drummondii Regel Harris Co. Brown 7065 NOTHOSCORDUM N. bivalve (L.) Britton Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. McFarlane 04 N. gracile (Aiton) Stearn Harris Co. On sandy soil along Greens Bayou on land owned by the Houston Parks Department. Harris Co. Key Map 496 block H. Brown 35177 with Eric Ruckstuhl. AMARANTHACEAE ALTERNANTHERA A. caracasana Kunth Reed (1969) saw a collection from Harris Co. Add the collection, Brown 13170 , from Brookshire, W aller Co.


A. philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. ALLIGATOR-W EED Chambers and Harris cos. (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 1616 A. pungens Kunth The collection, Brown 13170b , is from Brookshire in W aller Co. A. sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. Brazoria and Liberty cos. Brown & Marcus (1998) reported the Liberty Co. collection new to the state. This collection, Brown 18040, is from the flood plain of the Trinity River in the Davis Hill State Natural Area. AMARANTHUS A. albus L. TUMBLE PIGW EED Galveston Co. in Reed (1969). Harris Co. at SBSC Brown 16531 A. arenicola I. M. Johnston Galveston Co. in Reed (1969). No collections from our area at SBSC. A. australis (A. Gray) Sauer = Acnida cuspidata Spreng. Chambers and Harris cos. in Reed (1969). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 7975 A. blitoides S. W atson PROSTRATE AMARANTH Harris Co. at SBSC Brown 16711 A. greggii S. W atson Galveston Co. in Reed (1969). Brazoria and Galveston cos. at SBSC Brown 15777 A. hybridus L. Montgomery Co. in Reed (1969). One collection at SBSC is from Harris Co. Brown 8099 A. palmeri S. W atson Harris Co. in Reed (1969). Harris and Montgomery cos. at SBSC Brown 8358 A. polygonoides L. [including A. berlandieri (M oq.) Uline & Bray] Harris, Brazoria, and Fort Bend cos. Brown 19696 A. retroflexus L. Galveston and Harris cos. in Reed (1969). Harris Co. at SBSC Brown 16723 A. spinosus L. SPINY AMARANTH Galveston Co. in Reed (1969). Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Waller cos. at SBSC Brown 11588 A. tuberculatus (Moq. ex DC)J.D. Sauer (including A. rudis J.D. Sauer). Brazoria and Galveston cos. in Reed (1969). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6854 A. viridis L. Galveston and Harris cos. in Reed (1969). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6854 BLUTAPARON B. vermiculare (L.) Mears Chambers Co. This species is listed for our area based upon a sterile specimen at the environmental company Turner, Collie, and Braden. This specimen, no collector given, is dated June 16, 1994 and is from a spoil bank island in Galveston Bay. FROELICHIA F. floridana (Nutt.) M oq. Montgomery Co. (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14781 F. gracilis (Hook.) Moq. W aller Co. Also on deep sands along the Brazos River on the west side of the Interstate 10 bridge in Austin Co. Brown 32358 GOMPHRENA G. serrata L. Reported as G. dispersa Standl by Fleetwood (undated). Tig Ranch, 3.5 mi W of W est Columbia in Brazoria Co. Fleetwood 9807 (TEX). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 22533 GOSSYPIANTHUS G. lanuginosus (Poir.) M oq. var. tenuiflorus (Hook.) Henrickson

Harris Co.

Brown 14778

IRESINE I. diffusa Humb. & Bonpl. ex W illd. = I. celosia L. Galveston Co. in Reed (1969). There are no collections at SBSC. I. rhizomatosa Standl. Harris Co. in Reed (1969). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend and Harris cos. and from Montgomery Co at ASTC . Also from Liberty Co. (MC) at TAES . Lewis s.n. TIDESTROMIA T. lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl. Brown 15782

Chambers and Galveston cos. (Reed 1969). At SBSC there are three collections from Brazoria Co.

AMARYLLIDACEAE CRINUM C. americanum L. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 13238 C. bulbispermum (Burm. f.) Milne-Redhead & Schweickerdt Harris and Liberty cos. HABRANTHUS H. tubispathus (L'Her.) Traub Harris and Liberty cos.

Brown 15817

Brown 10638


HYMENOCALLIS H. liriosome (Raf.) Shinners Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. LEUCOJUM L. aestivum L.

Brown 10496

Harris Co.

Brown 8490

LYCORUS A. radiata (L'Her.) Herb. Escaping and persisting in our area . Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos.

Brown 19718

NARCISSUS N. papyraceus Ker-Gawl. Harris Co. A cultivated plant persisting around some old home sites in Houston. Paul Rolling s.n. N. tazetta L. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. In Harris County, appearing in a field near the intersection of Beltway 8 and I-10. The Liberty County collection at TAES. Brown 31037 ZEPHYRANTHES Z. candida (Lindl.) Herbert Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17500 Z. chlorosolen (Herbert) D. Dietrich ( Cooperia drummondii Herbert) Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Jeff Schultz 512 Z. drummondii D. Don ( Cooperia pedunculata Herbert) Harris Co. S. Stock s.n. Z. grandiflora Lindley Harris County Paul Rolling s.n. Z. pulchella . This is a yellow-flowered species that is weedy in the Houston area. It is present at a small number of sandy soil sites in Harris Co. It usually appears during the summer months following heavy rains. Brown 28791 Z. traubii (Hayward) Moldenke ( Cooperia traubii Hayward) Reported by Correll and Johnston (1970) from Brazoria Co. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Gregg & Lewis s.n. ANACARDIACEAE RHUS R. aromatica Aiton Montgomery Co. S. R. Warner s.n. (Barkley 1943). Five collections at SBSC are from Montgomery Co. Brown 15938 R. aromatica Aiton var. flabelliformis Shinners There is a collection from Harris Co. at SHST Kessler 13 R. copallinum L. W INGED-LEAVED SUMAC Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. (Barkley 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 20711 R. glabra L. Montgomery Co. (Barkley 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. and from Montgomery Co. at TAES Brown 15160 . SCHINUS S. terebinthifolius Raddi

Galveston Co.

D. J. Rosen 3003 & J. Schubert

TOXICODENDRON T. pubescens Mill. [ T. toxicarium (Salisb.) Gillis] POISON OAK Montgomery and W aller cos.(Barkley 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7228 T. radicans (L.) Kuntze POISON IVY Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. (Barkley 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7731 ANNONACEAE ASIMINA A. parviflora (Michx.) Dunal In Liberty County, this shrub is somewhat frequent in and near the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve. Also collected in Chambers County from sandy soil along hwy 562 east of Smith Point and somewhat frequent in M ontgomery Co. east of Wills. Brown 18166 APIACEAE AMMI A. majus L. Galveston and Harris cos.

Brown 13486

AMMOSELINUM A. butleri (S. W atson) J.M. Coult. & Rose Brazoria and Harris cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 20173


BIFORA B. americana Benth. & Hook. f. ex S. W atson Brazoria and Harris cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. and from W aller Co. at SHST Brown 20291 BOW LESIA B. incana Ruiz. & Pav. Brazoria and Chambers cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 6884 CENTELLA C. erecta (L. f.) Fernald. [ C . asiatica (L.) Urban misapplied] Galveston and Harris cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14136b CHAEROPHYLLUM C. tainturieri Hook. Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2025 0l CICUTA C. maculata L. var. maculata (including C. mexicana J.M. Coult.& Rose) Collections at SBSC are from Liberty and W aller cos. Brown 15413 CONIUM C. maculatum L.

Galveston, and W aller cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951).

Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). There are no collections from our area at SBSC.

CORIANDRUM C. sativum L. Mathias & Constance (1951) report a collection from Harris Co. At SBSC the collection, Miller s.n., is from Harris Co CYCLOSPERMUM C. leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & P. W ilson Galveston and Harris cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15262 CYNOSCIADIUM C. digitatum DC. Brazoria and W aller cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16886 DAUCUS D. carota L. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6010 D. pusillus M ichx. Brazoria and Harris cos. (M athias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 8724 ERYNGIUM E. diffusum Torr. Galveston Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. E. hookeri W alp. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 11149 E. integrifolium W alter Mathias & Constance (1951) report a Thurow collection from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. E. leavenworthii Torr.& A. Gray. Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. E. prostratum Nutt. ex DC. Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18616 E. yuccifolium Michx. var. yuccifolium and var. synchaetum are reported from Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 8947 EURYAENIA E. texana . Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. HYDROCOTYLE H. bonariensis Lam. Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 3839 H. ranunculoides L. f. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Liberty cos. Brown 13982 H. umbellata L. W aller Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 7387


H. verticillata Thunb. W aller Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8911 LILAEOPSIS L. chinensis (L.) Kuntze Chambers Co. The collection, Brown 16926 , came from brackish water at edge of Galveston Bay near Smith Point on 7 May 1993. Reported new to state by Brown and Marcus (1998) LIMNOSCIADIUM L. pinnatum (DC.) Mathias & Constance Galveston and Harris cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14327 L. pumilum (Engelm. & A. Gray) Mathias & Constance Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951) Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria , Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 9942 POLYTAENIA P. nuttallii DC. including P. texana (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Mathias. & Constance Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951) Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria , Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6210 PTILIMNIUM P. capillaceum (Michx.) Raf. Galveston and W aller cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 22456 P. nuttallii Britton W aller Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 17849 SANICULA S. canadensis L. Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17802 S. odorata (Raf.) Pryer & Phillippe (S. gregaria E.P. Bicknell) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17982 SCANDIX S. pecten-veneris L. Brown 17769

Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos.

SPERMOLEPIS S. divaricata (W alter) Raf. Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7178 S. echinata (DC.) Heller Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 12118 S. inermis (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance Harris Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. TAUSCHIA T. texana A. Gray Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and Waller cos. Brown 10852 THASPIUM T. trifoliatum (L.) A. Gray var. flavum S. F. Blake Harris and Liberty cos. More frequent along the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve north of highway 787and east of Rye in northeast portion of Liberty County. Brown 18477 TORILIS T. arvensis (Huds.) Link Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 9930 T. nodosa (L.) Gaertn. Galveston Co. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 17710 TREPOCARPUS T. aethusae Nutt. ex DC. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. (Mathias & Constance 1951). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16880


ZIZIA Z. aurea (L.) Koch

Harris and Montgomery cos.


AMSONIA A. tabernaemontana W alter var. repens (Shinners) J. K. W illiams (ined). Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17722 APOCYNUM A. cannabinum L.

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort

Brazoria and Harris cos.

Brown 7222

CATHARANTHUS C. roseus (L.) G. Don = Vinca rosea L. Harris Co.

Brown 14766


Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. AQUIFOLIACEAE

Brown 10013

ILEX I. ambigua (M ichx.) Torr. Montgomery Co. Tharp s.n. (Lundell 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Montgomery, and Liberty Co. The Liberty Co. collection is from the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket National Preserve at the Hardin Co. Line Brown 27602 I. cassine L. Lundell (1943) believes that the collection, Drummond 16, is from Brazoria Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. I. coriacea (Pursh) Chapm. Montgomery Co. (Lundell 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 14011 I. decidua W alter DECIDUOUS-LEAVED HOLLY Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. (Lundell 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Vines s.n. I. longipes Chapm. ex Trel. Harris and Montgomery Co. S. R. Warner s.n. (Lundell 1943). At SBSC there is one collection from Montgomery Co and at TAES 4 collection from Liberty Co. (MC). D. Cabiness s.n. and Brown 25179 I. myrtifolia W alter Lundell (1943) believes that the collections, Drummond 17 and 18 , were from Brazoria Co. near the mouth of the Brazos River. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. I. opaca Aiton AM ERICAN HOLLY Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and M ontgomery cos. (Lundell 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Vines s.n . I. vomitoria Sol. in Aiton YAUPON Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. (Lundell 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 10530 ARACEAE ARISAEM A A. dracontium (L.) Schott GREEN DRAGON Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. A. triphyllum (L.) Schott subsp. triphyllum Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 18525 COLOCASIA C. esculenta (L.) Schott PISTIA P. stratiotes L.

Brown 20532

Harris Co. Brown 14758

Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos.

Brown 17533

SYNGONIUM S. podophyllum Schott cultivation.

Harris Co.

S. Elsik and W. Pruess 4667. Vouchers at Rice University and at SBSC are escapes from

XANTHOSOMA X. sagittifolium (L.) Schott.

Harris Co.

Brown 23851



Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 16548

Harris Co.


ASPARAGUS A. officinalis L.

Harris Co. Decker s.n. and Brown 26400 ARECACEAE

SABAL S. minor (Jacq.) Pers. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 15469 S. x texensis ined. A hybrid palm population along highway 35 in Brazoria Co. (Landon Lockett, pers. comm. 1991). There are no collections at SBSC. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE ARISTOLOCHIA A. erecta L. ( A. longiflora Engelm. & A. Gray) At US the collection, Thurow 8 , is from W aller County. (Pfeifer 1970). There is one W aller Co. collection at SBSC from Holik Road across from the Harper Cemetery west of Monoville which is south of Hempstead. Also found on deep sands on the Austin County side of the Interstate 10 bridge over the Brazos River. Brown 31096 A. reticulata Jacq. Pfeifer (1966) reported specimens from Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. At SBSC there are collections from the Sam Houston National Forest in Montgomery Co. Brown 16395 A. serpentaria L. Pfeifer (1966) reported a collection from Liberty Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15950 A. tomentosa Sims Although not reported for our area by Pfeifer (1966), this vine is infrequent in bottom land woods in Harris Co. Brown 8845 . Also found recently in Montgomery Co. D. J. Rosen 2868 ASCLEPIADACEAE ASCLEPIAS A. amplexicaulis Michx. Montgomery Co. (W oodson 1954). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8719 A. curassavica L. Harris Co. Brown 22981 A. lanceolata W alter Harris Co. (W oodson 1954). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Galveston cos. Brown & Neville 18696 A. linearis Scheele W oodson (1954) did not list this species for our area. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9472 A. longifolia Michx. var. hirtella (Pennell) B.L. Turner Not listed for Texas by W oodson (1954). Our plants become a variety. See Farmer and Bell (1985) and B.L. Turner (2009). Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10628 . Also mapped in Galveston Co. (Turner 2009) A. obovata Elliott Not listed for our area by W oodson (1954). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 6486 A. oenotheroides Cham. & Schltdl.. Galveston Co. (Woodson 1954). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 18350 A. perennis W alter Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. (W oodson 1954). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 9979 A. tomentosa Elliott W oodson (1954) lists this species in Polk Co. only. However, he mapped seven Texas collections including what appears to be one from Galveston Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. A. tuberosa L. BUTTERFLY MILKW EED W oodson (1954) reports subsp. interior W oodson from Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown & Fleming 12194. A. variegata L. Not reported for our area by W oodson (1954). The collection, Brown 17844 , is from Liberty Co. A. verticillata L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. (W oodson 1954). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15390


A. viridiflora Raf. Fort Bend Co. (Woodson 1954). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. and from Galveston Co. at TAES Brown 16404 A. viridis W alter ANTELOPEHORN MILKW EED Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 16606 CYNANCHUM C. angustifolium C.P. Pers. Galveston Co. (Shinners 1962b). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 23191 C. laeve (M ichx.) C.P. Pers. Harris Co. In the Houston Arboretum. Frank Gregg s.n. C. racemosum (Jacq.) Jacq. var. unifarium (Scheele) Sundell Turner et al. mapped it in Galveston County. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. GONOLOBUS G.. gonocarpos (W alter) Perry MILKVINE Brown 16093

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

MATELEA M. cynanchoides (Engelm.) W oodson Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 8668 M. decipens (Alexander) W oodson Montgomery Co. near W illis. S. R. Warner s.n. (SHST) ASPLENIACEAE ASPLENIUM A. platyneuron (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Correll 1956). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Young 317 ASTERACEAE ACHILLEA A. millefolium L.

Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 6115

ACM ELLA A. repens (W alter) Richard Jansen (1985) mapped specimens for all counties of our area except W aller and Montgomery . Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16892 AGERATINA A. altissima (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob.

( Eupatorium rugosum Houtt.) Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 6849

AMBROSIA A. artemisiifolia L. RAGW EED Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14792 A. psilostachya DC. W ESTERN RAGW EED See Rodriguez & Gomez-Pompa (1976) for a different name for our species. Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. Brown 14792 A. trifida L. GIANT RAGW EED Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. Brown 6861 AMPHIACHYRIS A. dracunculoides (DC.) Nutt.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 10736

ANTENNARIA A. parlinii Fernald. subsp. parlinii Montgomery Co. collection from Conroe in Montgomery Co. ANTHEMIS A. cotula L.

Brown 26939. In the herbarium of the Mercer Arboretum, there is a additional

Harris Co. Brown 6057

APHANOSTEPHUS A. skirrhobasis (DC.) Trel. var. thalassius Skinners On coastal sands in Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. A. skirrhobasis (DC.) Trel var. skirrhobasis Inland sandy soil in Harris and W aller cos. Brown 8974

Brown 25221


ARNOGLOSSUM A. ovatum (Walter) H.Rob.. var. lanceolatum (Nutt.) Pippen ( Cacalia ovata W alter) INDIAN PLANTAIN Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 3678 A. plantagineum Raf. [ Cacalia plantagine a (Raf.)Shinners] Brazoria, Fort Bend, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14193 ARTEMISIA A. ludoviciana Nutt.

Chambers, Galveston, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Blakeman s.n.

ASTRANTHIUM A. ciliatum (Raf.) G.L. Nesom. Reported by DeJong (1965) (as A. integrifolium subsp. ciliatum ) from all counties except Montgomery. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 9890 BACCHARIS B. halimifolia L. SEA-MYRTLE

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Fisher s.n.

BERLANDIERA B. pumila (M ichx.) Nutt. var. pumila (1998)

Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 8504. For new variety see Nesom and Turner

BIDENS B. alba (L.) DC. var. radiata (Sch. Bip.) Ballard ex Melchert Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16084. This name follows Ballard (1986). B. aristosa (Michx.) Britton (including B. polylepis Blake). BEGGAR'S TICKS Lipscomb & Smith (1977) presented evidence supporting the submergence of B. polylepis under B. aristosa . Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14815 B. bipinnata L. SPANISH NEEDLES Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9475 B. discoidea (Torr. & A. Gray) Britton Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18337 B. frondosa L. Fort Bend and Liberty cos. Brown 18796 B. laevis (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Brazoria, Chambers, and Fort Bend cos. Brown 15774. BIGELOW IA B. nuttallii L. C. Anderson RAYLESS GOLDENROD Brazoria and Harris cos. BOLTONIA B. diffusa Elliott SMALLHEAD BOLTONIA Brown 9513 BORRICHIA B. frutescens (L.) DC.

Brown 8361

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Chambers, Brazoria, and Galveston cos.

Brown 7359

BRADBURIA B. hirtella Torr. & A. Gray ( Chrysopsis texana G.L. Nesom) Semple & Chinnappa (1984) map a collection from Chambers Co. Collections at SBSC are from W aller Co. Brown 17847 B. pilosa (Nutt.) Semple [Heterotheca pilosa (Nutt.) Shinners; Chrysopsis pilosa Nutt ] GOLDENASTER. Semple (1981) mapped specimens from Brazoria , Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. BRICKELLIA B. eupatorioides (L.) Shinners var. eupatorioides ( Kuhnia eupatorioides L.) Turner (1989) mapped and discussed this complex. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 19175 CALYPTOCARPUS C. vialis Less. STAGGER DAISY

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 24777

CENTAUREA C. cyanus L. CORNFLOW ER Harris Co. Brown 18660 C. melitensis L. Harris Co. D. P. Johnson 918


CHAETOPAPPA C. asteroides Nutt. ex DC. COMMON LEASTDAISY Shinners (1946) lists collections from Montgomery and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15911 CHLORACANTHA C. spinosa (Benth.) G.L. Nesom var. spinosa ( Aster spinosus Benth.) For details of this new genus see Nesom et al (1991) and Sundberg (1991). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6798. Mapped in Chambers Co. in Turner (2003) CHROMOLAENA C. ivifolia (L.) R. M. King & H. Rob.. ( Eupatorium ivifolium L) CHRYSOPSIS C. mariana (L.) Elliott [ Heterotheca mariana (L.) Shinners] from two sites in Liberty Co. Brown 17624 CICHORIUM C. intybus L. Galveston and Harris cos.

Harris and Liberty cos.

Brown 3947

Not mapped in our area by Semple (1981) but specimens at SBSC are

Snell s.n.

CIRSIUM C. altissimum (L.) Hill Liberty Co. in the Davis Hill State Natural Area. Brown 18026 C. horridulum Michx. BULL THISTLE Galveston and Harris cos at SBSC. Brown 7044 C. texanum Buckley TEXAS THISTLE Brazoria, Galveston, and W aller cos. Brown 7368 CONOCLINIUM C. coelestinum (L.) DC. ( Eupatorium coelestinum L.)

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Kessler 7403

CONYZA C. bonariensis (L.) Cronquist Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 7963 C. canadensis (L.) Cronquist HORSEW EED Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 11585

COREOPSIS C. basalis ( A. Dietr.) Blake All counties except Montgomery (Smith 1976). Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 12029 C. grandiflora Hogg ex Sweet var. longipes (Hook.) . Harris Co. in Smith (1976). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. C. intermedia Sherff Harris Co. A state endangered plant, known from one site that is subject to development. Brown 6102 C. lanceolata L. Galveston, Harris, & W aller cos. (Smith 1976). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 12029 C. nuecensis Heller Harris Co. Escaping from cultivation in Jesse Jones County Park Brown 29274 C. nuecensoides E.B.Smith Harris Co. (Smith 1976). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. C. tinctoria Nutt. var. tinctoria GOLDENW AVE All counties except W aller and Montgomery (Smith 1976). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 8727 COSMOS C. bipinnatus Cav.

Harris Co.

Brown 14315

CROPTILON C. divaricatum (Nutt.) Raf. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 30739 C. rigidifolium (E. B. Sm.) E. B. Sm. Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 19734 DIAPERIA P. candida (Torr. & A. Gray.) Benth. & Hook. f [ Evax candida (Torr. & A. Gray.) A. Gray] Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14253 P. verna (Raf.) ( Evax verna Raf. and E. multicaulis DC.) Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 9926 DYSSODIA D. tenuiloba (DC.) B. Robinson var. tenuiloba

Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 14345


ECHINACEA E. atrorubens Nutt. var. atrorubens Mapped in Galveston Co. by McGregor (1968). At SBSC, the collection, Brown 16900 , is from W aller Co. Binns et al.(2002) report a collection from Brazoria Co. E. sanguinea Nutt. Chambers, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 11118 ECLIPTA E. prostrata (L.) L. YERBA DE TAGO

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 18856

ELEPHANTOPUS E. carolinianus Raeusch. ELEPHANTFOOT Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14795 E. tomentosus L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18726 EM ILA E. fosbergii Nicolson

Harris Co.

Brown 14320

ENGELM ANNIA E. peristenia (Raf.) Goodman & Lawson ( E. pinnatifida A. Gray ex Nutt.) ERECHTITES E. hieraciifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. BURNW EED

Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 8731

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Freeborg s.n.

ERIGERON E. annuus (L.) C.P. Pers. Harris and Liberty cos. Nesom (BRIT) annotated our Harris Co. collection . There is also a recent collection from somewhere in Montgomery Co. Nesom also annotated a Galveston Co. specimen at TAES. Brown 6217 E. geiseri Shinners var. geiseri Nesom (1979) mapped specimens from Galveston and Brazoria cos. At SBSC there are two collection from Brazoria Co. Brown 27911 E. philadelphicus L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6233 E. procumbens (M ill.) G.L. Nesom Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20546 E. strigosus Muhl. ex W illd. Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15054 E. tenuis Torr. & A. Gray. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6172 EUPATORIUM E. capillifolium (Lam.) Small Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty (M C) cos. Brown 14159 E. compositifolium W alter Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15042 E. hyssopifolium L. var. hyssopifolium Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14159 E. hyssopifolium L. var. laciniatum A. Gray Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9451 E. lancifolium (Torr. & A. Gray.) Small Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17568 E. perfoliatum L. Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 8020 E. x pinnatifidium Elliott Harris Co. (Herman Brown Park) Sandra Elsik at Rice University and Harris Co. (Jesse Jones County Park) Paul Rolling s.n. at SBSC. Plants at both sites were collected near water E. rotundifolium L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18079 E. semiserratum DC. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8292 E. serotinum Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty (LU), and Montgomery cos. Brown 9432 EURYBIA E. hemispherica (Alexander) G.L. Nesom ( Aster hemisphericus Alexander) Brown 8061

Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos.

EUTHAMIA E. caroliniana (L.) Greene ex Porter & Britton Reported new to Texas from Chambers Co. Singhurst et al. (2009) E. gymnospermoides Greene (including E. pulverulenta Greene) Taylor (1975) mapped this species in Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 14992 E. leptocephala (Torr. & A. Gray.) Greene Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. at SBSC Brown 14825 EUTROCHIUM E. fistulosum (Barratt) E.E. Lamont ( Eupatorium fistulosum Barratt) San Jacinto Co. Brown 33937

Montgomery Co. in bottomland of Peach Creek at border with


FACELIS F. retusa (Lam.) Sch.-Bip.

Fort Bend (Brazos Bend State Park), Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 16932

FLEISCHMANNIA F. incarnata (W alter) R. M. King & H. Rob. ( Eupatorium incarnatum W alter) Brown 15764

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller Co.

GAILLARDIA G. aestivalis (W alter) Rock var. aestivalis Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. See Turner (1979) for a discussion of the varieties of this taxon. Brown 3621 G. aestivalis (W alter) Rock var. flavovirens (M ohr) Cronquest Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 10715 G. amblyodon Gay Harris and W aller cos. Found on sites of deep sands. One in Harris Co. and two in W aller Co. with one north and the other south of Hempstead. Brown 20436 G. pulchella Foug. var. pulchella This taxon was mapped and discussed by Turner & W halen (1975). Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Vines s.n. GAMOCHAETA Nesom (1990a) presented a key and analyzed the genus Gamochaeta . Cronquist (1980) submerged some of the following Gamochaeta ( Gnaphalium ) taxa under the single species Gnaphalium purpureum L. G. antillana (Urban) Anderberg [ Gamochaeta falcata (Lam) Cabrera misapplied] Harris Co. Brown 7181 G. argyrinea G.L. Nesom Nesom ( 2004) mapped this new species in all of our counties except W aller. At SBSC we have three collections from Harris Co. and one from W aller Co. Brown 7113 G. calviceps (Fernald.) Cabrera [ Gamochaeta falcata (Lam.) Cabrera misapplied] Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 8715 G. coarctata (W illd.) Kerguelen Mapped in Harris Co. (as Gamochaeta. americana ) by Turner et al. 2003). Also mapped in Harris Co. as G. coarctata by Nesom 2004. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty (M C) cos. Brown 30470 G. pensylvanica (W illd.) Cabrera ( Gnaphalium pensylvanicum W illd.) Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 9996 G. purpurea (L.) Cabrera ( Gnaphalium purpureum L) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery, cos . Brown 15912 GRINDELIA G. lanceolata Nutt. var. lanceolata Nesom (1990) mapped collections from Galveston and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 8135 G. microcephala DC. var. adenodonta Steyerm. Not mapped in our area by Nesom (1990) but the collection, Brown 8132 , is from Harris Co. GUTIERREZIA G. texana (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray. var. texana HEDYPNOIS H. cretica (L.) W illd.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 16725

Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 13453

HELENIUM H. amarum (Raf.) H. Rock var. amarum Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Schultz 0457 H. drummondii H. Rock Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16874 H. flexuosum Raf. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11111 H. microcephalium DC. var. microcephalium Bierner (1972) mapped two collections in or near our area. There are no collections at SBSC from our area. It was not mapped in our area by Turner et al (2003) H. quadridentatum Labill. Bierner (1972) mapped collections between Galveston and Matagorda bays. The only collection from our area ( Warren Preuss s.n. ) is from Brazoria Co. Turner et al (2003) mapped this species only in Brazoria Co. HELIANTHUS H. angustifolius L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14842 H. annuus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 22466 H. argophyllus Torr. & A. Gray Harris Co. Anita Tiller s.n. Escaping here and there in the Houston area. H. debilis Nutt. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16598 H. hirsutus Raf. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15468 H. maximiliani Schrad. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. at SBSC Brown 9483 and from Montgomery Co. at SHST


mollis Lam. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. and from Liberty Co. at SHST. Brown 6483 occidentalis Riddell var. plantagineus Torr. & A. Gray Harris and W aller cos. Tweten B-56D pauciflorus Nutt. subsp. pauciflorus [ H. rigidus (Cass) Desf.] Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 8034 praecox Engelm. & A. Gray subsp. praecox Heiser et. al. (1969) reported collections from Galveston Island and adjacent mainland. Apparently restricted to deep sands. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston Co. Brown 28826 H. simulans E. W atson Galveston and Liberty cos. Brown 14842 H. H. H. H. HELIOPSIS H. gracilis Nutt. Correll and Johnston 1970) report collections from Brazoria and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Harris cos. Brown & Neville 13160 HETEROTHECA H. subaxillaris (Lam.) Britton & Rusby ( including H. latifolia Buckley) (Nesom 1990) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 8472 HIERACIUM H. gronovii L.

Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16587

HYMENOPAPPUS H. artemisiifolius DC. H. scabiosaeus L'Her.

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14343 Harris Co. Brown 6178

HYMENOXYS H. texana (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Cockll. PRAIRIE DAW N A federally endangered plant that is currently known from a number of small sites in Harris Co. and from one site in Fort Bend Co. Brown 11046 HYPOCHAERIS H. microcephala (Sch. Bip.) Cabrera Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 13189 H. glabra L. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 22866. Recently reported new for the state by Diggs et al. (1997). IVA I. asperifolia Less. var. angustifolia (Nutt. ex DC) B.L. Turner. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16608 See Turner (2009) for name change in this taxon. I. asperifolia Less. var. latior (Shinners) B. L. Turner. Brazoria Co. Brown 21539 Also mapped in Galveston Co. (Turner 2009). See Turner (2009) for name change in this taxon. I. annua L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty (TAES), and Montgomery cos. Brown 6719 I. frutescens L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 11435 KRIGIA K. cespitosa (Raf.) K.L. Chambers var. cespitosa ( Krigia oppositifolia Raf.) Shinners (1947) reports this taxon from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and M ontgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST Brown 14876a K. cespitosa (Raf.) K.L. Chambers var. gracilis (DC.) K.L. Chambers [ K. gracilis (DC.) Shinners] Data from cp DNA and nrDNA and the existence of intermediate collections support the union of K. gracilis with K. cespitosa (Kim and Turner 1992). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14178 K. dandelion (L.) Nutt. Shinners (1947) sites specimens from Brazoria, Harris and Chambers cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 18518 K. occidentalis Nutt. Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15908 K. virginica (L.) W illd. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14244 K. wrightii (A. Gray) K.L. Chambers ex K.J. Kim (Kim and Turner 1992) Populations referable under this name possess the unique chromosome number of n = 9 The collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Liberty, and W aller cos. McFarlane 20122 LACTUCA L. canadensis L. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 17955 L. floridana (L.) Gaertn. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 185422 L. hirsuta Muhl. ex Nutt. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18641 L. serriola L. Harris Co. where it is a weedy plant in Houston. Brown 15415


LEUCANTHEMUM (CHRYSANTHEM UM ) L. vulgare Lam. ( Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.) Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos. The Montgomery Co. collection is from plants that appear to have been planted by the forest service in the Sam Houston National Forest. Brown 15935 LIATRIS L. acidota Engelm. & A. Gray Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. ( Brown 10681 ) and from Liberty Co. at SHST L. asper M ichx. Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16588 L. bracteata Gaiser Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 15752 L. elegans (W alter) M ichx. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos Brown 8022 L. punctata Hook. var. mexicana Gaiser Harris and W aller cos. Brown 10732 L. punctata Hook. var. mucronata (DC.) B. L. Turner Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 6722 L. pycnostachya Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 2378 L. squarrosa (L.) Michx. var. squarrosa Harris and W aller cos. Brown 7980 LINDHEIMERA L. texana A. Gray & Engelman MACHAERANTHERA Refer to the genus Rayjacksonia . MARSHALLIA M. caespitosa DC. var. caespitosa

Harris and Montgomery cos.

Brown 6180a

Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 8641

MIKANIA M. scandens (L.) W illd. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Gregg & Lewis s.n .

PACKERA P. glabella (Poir.) C. Jeffrey ( Senecio glabellus Poir). Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown & Liggio 18879 P. obovata (Muhl. ex. W illd ) W eber & A. Love ( Senecio obovatus Muhl. ex. W illd.) Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown & Peterson 17688 . P. tampicana (DC.) C. Jeffrey ( Senecio tampicanus DC. including S. imparipinnatus Klatt) Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos Brown 7240 PALAFOXIA P. hookeriana Torr. & A. Gray. var. hookeriana Mapped by Turner & Morris (1976) in Harris and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 10720 . Turner & Morris (1976) give the type locality for var. minor Shinners as Channelview, Harris Co., but they do not map this variety in our area. P. rosea (Bush) Cory var. rosea Mapped by Turner & Morris (1976) for all local counties except Chambers and Liberty. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 10790 PARTHENIUM P. hysterophorus L.

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 8385

PITYOPSIS P. graminifolia (M ichx.) Nutt. Semple & Bowers (1985) map var. latifolia (Fernald.) Semple & Bowers and var. microcephala (Small) Semple for our area. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6732 PLECTOCEPHALUS P. americanus Nutt. ( Centaurea americana Nutt.) BASKETFLOW ER

Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos.

Brown 7407

PLUCHEA P. baccharis (M ill.) Pruski ( P. rosea Godfrey) Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 6470 . For name change see Pruski (2005). P. camphorata (L.) DC. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18133 P. foetida (L.) DC. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14858 P. odorata (L.) Cass. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 17525


PRENANTHES P. barbata (Torr. & A. Gray) M ilstead ex Cronquist

Liberty Co. Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket

Brown & Liggio 32972

PSEUDOGNAPHALIUM P. austrotexanum G.L. Nesom A recently described species that is mapped in Brazoria and Harris cos. There are no collections from our area at SBSC P. luteoalbum (L.) Hillard & B.L. Burtt Liberty Co. Brown 31062 Thanks to Guy Nesom for ths identification . P. obtusifolium (L.) Hilliard & Burt ( Gnaphalium obtusifolium L.) Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 4005 PTEROCAULON P. virgatum (L.) DC.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 19556

PYRRHOPAPPUS P. carolinianus (W alter) DC. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 11380 P. grandiflorus (Nutt.) Nutt. There are no records from our area at SBSC but possibly present especially on deep sands. P. pauciflorus (D. Don) DC. ( P. multicaulis DC.). Turner & Kim (1990) unite our common species with a Mexican species. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 7074 RATIBIDA R. columnifera (Nutt.) W oot. & Standl. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 13912 R. peduncularis (Torr. & A. Gray.) Barnh. A species of deep sands that Richards (1968) reported collections from Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. The collection, Hall 336 (US), is from W aller Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 16027b RAYJACKSONIA Refer to Lane & Hartman (1996) for this new genus. R. aurea (A. Gray) Hartman & Lane Harris Co. Collections are from 12 different sites. Brown 18815 R. phyllocephala (DC.) Hartman & Lane Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 18083 RUDBECKIA R. amplexicaulis Vahl [ Dracopis amplexicaulis (Vahl) Cass.] Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17836 R. grandiflora (Sweet) DC. var. alismifolia (Torr.& A. Gray) Cronquist Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. at SBSC and from Montgomery Co. in herbarium at Mercer Arboretum Brown 8916 R. hirta L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 6210 R. maxima Nutt. Mapped by Cox & Urbatsch (1994) in W aller Co. Our nearest specimen at SBSC is the collection, Brown 17850 , found along hwy 59 in San Jacinto Co. ca 4 mi N of the Liberty Co. line between Cleveland and Shepherd. Also mapped by Cox & Urbatsch (loc. cit.) in San Jacinto Co. At SHST the collection, C. McLeod s.n., is from Liberty Co. 5 miles E of Cleveland along the Dayton Highway. R. missouriensis Boynt. & Beadle Montgomery Co. Brown 23972 R. texana (Perdue) Cox & Urbatsch Cox and Urbatsch (1989) elevate var. texana of R. nitida Nutt to species status. In a later paper (1994), they map collections in all of our counties except Montgomery and W aller. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10784 SCLEROCARPUS S. uniserialis (Benth.) Hemsl. var. uniserialis from our area at SBSC.

Fort Bend Co. (Feddema 1972) and Brazoria Co. (Turner 1988). There are no specimens

SENECIO S. ampullaceus Hook. Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller cos. at SBSC ( Brown 18879 ). and from Chambers Co. at SHST S. vulgaris L. Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. The Harris Co. collections are from four different sites . Brown 11200 SILPHIUM S. asteriscus L. var. asteriscus Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 24223 S. laciniatum L. Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 18695


S. radula Nutt. var. gracile (A. Gray) J. A. Clevinger Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17824 S. radula Nutt. var radula This taxon is especially common to the west and northwest of our area. The collection , Brown 25515 , is from Polk Co. 1 mile north of the Liberty Co. border SMALLANTHUS S. uvedalia (L.) Mack.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6652

SOLIDAGO S. altissima L. Nesom (1989) mapped specimens, as S. altissima var. altissima , from Chambers, Galveston Harris, and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10711 S. auriculata Shuttleworth ex S.F. Blake Mapped in Liberty Co. by Turner et al (2003). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. S. gigantea Aiton Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped collections from Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. in the bottom lands of Cypress Creek, Spring Creek, Greens Bayou, and the San Jacinto River Brown 9506 S. dispersa Small [S. ludoviciana (A. Gray) Small] Not treated as a separate species in Taylor & Taylor (1984) and keys in their treatment to atypical forms of S. salicina . Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14772 . See Nesom (2009) for name change. S. missouriensis Nutt. var. fasciculata Not mapped in our area by Taylor & Taylor (1984) but specimens at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 10661 S. nitida Torr. & A. Gray. Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped specimens from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 10676 S. odora Aiton Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped specimens from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17481 S. radula Nutt. Harris Co. Brown 10705 S. rigida L. Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped specimens from Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 8120 S. rugosa Mill. var. asper (Aiton) Fernald. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18772 S. rugosa Mill. var. celtidifolia (Small) Fernald. Montgomery Co. Peterson 1685 S. sempervirens L. Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped specimens from all counties of our area. Specimens at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 9510 S. speciosa Nutt. Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped a specimen from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 17625 S. stricta Aiton Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped specimens from Liberty and Fort Bend cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 9466 S. tortifolia Elliott Taylor & Taylor (1984) mapped specimens from Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 11608 SOLIVA S. anthemifolia Kunth ( S. mutisii Kunth) BURW EED Harris Co. Brown 17773a S. sessilis Ruiz & Pavon [including S. pterosperma (Juss.) Less.] Harris and Liberty (M C) cos. Brown 72121. According to Ray (1987) there is a continuum of achene morphology between S. sessilis and S. pterosperma . He unites them under the older name. SONCHUS S. asper (L.) Hill Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty cos. Brown 2518 S. oleraceus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8498 SYMPHYOTRICHUM Many of our collections have been annotated by Guy Nesom when he was at BRIT. Symphyotrichum divaricatum (Nutt) G.L. Nesom ( Aster subulatus Michx. var. ligulatus Shinners ) Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6758 Symphyotrichum drummondii (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom ( Aster drummondii Lindl.) Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8271 Symphyotrichum dumosum (L.) G.L. Nesom ( Aster dumosus L.) Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17619 Symphyotrichum ericoides (L.) G.L. Nesom ( Aster ericoides L.) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17556 Symphyotrichum lanceolatus (W illd.) G.L. Nesom ( Aster lanceolatus W illd.) Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 18870


Symphyotrichum lateriflorus (L.) A & D. Love [ Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton] Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty , and Montgomery cos. Brown 15049 Symphyotrichum oolentangiensis (Riddell) G.L. Nesom ( Aster oolentangiensis Riddell including A. azureus Lindl. and A. vernalis Burgess ). Shinners (1950) reported this taxon, as Aster vernalis, from Harris Co. There is one collection at SBSC from a native prairie in Harris Co. Brown 23183 Symphyotrichum patens (Aiton) G.L. Nesom var. patens ( Aster patens Aiton) SPREADING ASTER Galveston, Ft. Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 9457 Symphyotrichum praealtus (Poir.) G.L. Nesom ( Aster praealtus Poir.) Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. and from Brazoria Co. at SHST Brown 8333 Symphyotrichum pratense (Raf.) G.L. Nesom ( Aster pratensis Raf.) Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 11709 Symphyotrichum racemosum (Elliott) G.L. Nesom ( Aster fragilis W illd. misapplied) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 17620 Symphyotrichum squamatum (Spreng.) Nesom. A South American native collected once along streets in the city of Galveston fide Nesom (2005). Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G.L. Nesom Chambers Co. Mapped in Turner et al 2003. There are no collections of this taxon at SBSC Symphyotrichium tenuifolia (L.) G.L. Nesom var. tenuifolium ( Aster tenuifolius L.) Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 15785 TAGETES T. erecta L.

Harris Co. Brown 6864

TARAXACUM T. laevigatum (W illd.) DC. ( T. erythrospermum A. L. Andrz). Harris and Montgomery cos. Paul Rolling s.n. T. officinale W eber ex W igglers Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 30267 TETRAGONOTHECA T. ludoviciana (Torr. & A. Gray.) A. Gray ex Hall Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST where it was collected 4.5 miles E of W illis Brown 7577 TETRANEURIS T. linearifolia (Hook.) Greene var. linearifolia ( Hymenoxys linearifolia Hook.) Harris Co. Three collections in Harris Co., all to the northwest of Houston. There are 2 adjacent to Clay Road (Bear Creek Park and the eastern border of the Addicks Reservoir) and the other from Brittmore Road just south of Clay Road Brown 13444 THELESPERMA T. filifolium (Hook.) A. Gray Reported by Fleetwood (undated) as frequent in the Brazoria National W ildlife Refuge; also pictured from the Houston area by J. & G. Tveten (1993). However, there are no collections from our area at SBSC and I have not seen it growing here. THUROVIA T. triflora Rose [ Gutierrezia triflora (Rose) Lane]

Collections are from Brazoria, Harris, and Fort Bend cos.

Brown 10793

VERBESINA V. encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex A. Gray Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 6768 V. helianthoides Michx. Liberty Co. Brown 19765 V. virginica L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15483 VERNONIA V. baldwinii Torr. Faust (1972) mapped a collection in or near the northwest margin of our area. There are no collections from our area at SBSC . A literature report is Harris Co. V. L. Cory 50731 (U.C ). V. gigantea (W alter) Trel. Turner et al. (2003) mapped a collection from Montgomery County. There are no local collections from our area at SBSC. V. missurica Raf. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. at SBSC and from Montgomery Co. in the herbarium at Mercer Arboretum Nesom & Creacy 021 V. texana (A. Gray) Small Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14749 XANTHISMA X. texanum DC. subsp. texanum var. drummondii (Torr. & A. Gray) Semple

Harris Co. Brown 10441


XANTHIUM X. strumarium L.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 21361

YOUNGIA Y. japonica (L.) DC.

Brazoria, Harris, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 4246


Galveston Co. Brown 11435 AZOLLACEAE

AZOLLA A. caroliniana W illd. Correll (1955) reported collections from Harris and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 6868 BATACEAE BATIS B. maritima L. Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos.

Brown 8469


W ild plants are from Liberty and Montgomery cos.

Brown 21823

Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 14179 BETULACEAE

ALNUS A. serrulata W illd. San Jacinto Co. Present in bottomland of Peach Creek in both Montgomery and San Jacinto cos at the highway 105 bridge between Conroe and Cleveland. A small section of San Jacinto County extends southward between Cleveland and Conroe at the highway 105 Peach Creek Bridge. Brown 19200. Also from Montgomery Co . where the collection, Vines s.n., is from Cut and Shoot. BETULA B. nigra L. RIVER BIRCH

Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6941

CARPINUS C. caroliniana W alter IRONW OOD Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 19278 OSTRYA O. virginiana (M ill.) K. Koch

Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 18160


Chambers, Galveston, Liberty, and San Jacinto cos.

Brown 19780

CAMPSIS C. radicans (L.) Seem. ex Bureau TRUMPET CREEPER

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 24608

CATALPA C. speciosa (W arder) W arder ex Engelm. NORTHERN CATALPA Cultivated in our area and there is one escaped Harris Co. collection in the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens herbarium. C. bignonioides W alter Harris and Montgomery cos. Paul Roling s.n.


MACFADYENA M. unguis-cati (L.) A. Gentry

Fort Bend and Harris cos. Frank Gregg s.n. BLECHNACEAE

W OODW ARDIA W . areolata (L.) T. Moore Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Peterson 1427 W . virginica (L.) J.E.Smith Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 8699 BORAGINACEAE BUGLOSSOIDES B. arvense (L.) I. M. Johnst. Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Interstate 10 bridge over the Brazos River. Brown 29089

Peterson 1454 . Also present on Austin Co. side of the

CRYPTANTHA C. texana (A. DC.) Greene Austin Co. on sandy soil in bottom lands of the Brazos River on west side of Interstate 10 bridge. Johnston (1964) also reported collections from near W allis and Bellville. Brown 5699 CYNOGLOSSUM C. virginianum L. Liberty Co. where it is frequent on slopes and in ravines in the Davis Hill salt dome east of Cleveland. Also present in the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve. Brown & Peterson 17693 EHRETIA E. anacua I.M. Johnst. Harris Co. Harris Co. On sandy soil along Greens Bayou on land owned by the Houston Parks Department. Harris Co. Key Map 496 block H. Brown 35178 with Eric Ruckstuhl. HELIOTROPIUM H. curassavicum L. var. curassavicium Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris, cos. (Johnston 1964)). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18037 H. indicum L. Brazoria, Harris, and Montgomery cos. (Johnston 1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16545 H. procumbens Mill. HELIOTROPE Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. (Johnston 1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 22514 H. tenellum (Nutt.) Torr. Harris and Montgomery cos. (Johnston 1964). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 22504 . LITHOSPERMUM L. caroliniense ( J.F. Gmel.) MacM. Montgomery Co. Brown 15937 L. incisum Lehm. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. (Johnston 1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14346 L. matamorense A. DC. Harris Co. A 1983 collection, Brown 5999 , is from a state highway limestone gravel pile along hwy 149 in Shoreacres. This gravel pile is no longer there and this waif is also gone. L. tuberosum Rugel ex DC. Johnston (1964) reported a 1914 collection, E. J. Palmer 5109 , from Brazoria Co. Our Brazoria Co. collection is from the nature trail at the Brazosport Nature Center & Planetarium in the Lake Jackson area ( W. Pruess 551 ). W e have a few collection from the Davis Hill State Natural Area in Liberty Co ( Peterson 1591 ). Not mapped in Liberty Co. by Orzell & Bridges (1987). MYOSOTIS M. macrosperma Engelm. Johnston (1964) reported collections from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6918 M. verna Nutt. Harris Co. based upon the collection, E. Hall 457 (Johnston 1964). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. ONOSMODIUM O. bejariense A. DC. var. bejariense Johnston (1964) reported this taxon, as O. occidentale Mack from Chambers and Harris cos. Turner (1995) considers our species to be as stated above. He cites collections from Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos, the Chambers and Harris county collections are the same as those reported by Johnston (loc. cit.). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria and Liberty cos. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST. Brown 7349


BRASSICACEAE ARMORACIA C. lacustris (A. Gray) Al-Shehbaz & V. Bates.

Liberty Co. in the Trinity River bottomland.

Brown & Liggio 19172

BRASSICA B. kaber (DC.) W heeler see Sinapsis B. juncea (L.) Czern. Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 9768 B. rapa L. including B. campestris L. Harris and Montgomery cos. CAKILE C. geniculata (B. L. Robins.) Millsp. CAMELINA C. microcarpa DC. Park.

Peterson 1453

Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 15783

Harris Co. A 1984 collection, Brown 7139, is from the verge of Battleground Road adjacent to San Jacinto State

CAPSELLA C. bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller cos. Brown 20107

CARDAMINE C. bulbosa (M uhl.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 8503 C. debilis D. Don Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. This is a weedy species mostly in and around greenhouses and yards. Peterson 459 C. hirsuta L. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 15807 C. parviflora L. var. arenicola (Britton) O. E. Schulz BITTER CRESS Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15821 C. pensylvanica Muhl. ex W illd. Galveston Co. at TEX, and from Harris and Montgomery cos at SBSC. Peterson 1450 CORONOPUS C. didymus (L.) J.E. Smith W ART CRESS

Galveston and Harris cos.

Brown 15827

DESCURAINIA D. pinnata (W alter) Britton Known from two sites in W aller Co. south of Hempstead and also in Austin Co. on deep sands along the Brazos River at the Interstate 10 bridge. Brown 30208 DRABA D. brachycarpa Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray. W aller Co. Brown 15092 D. cuneifolia Nutt. ex Torr.& A. Gray. var. cuneifolia Liberty Co. where it is frequent on sandy soil from a weathered rock outcrop at top of hill in Davis Hill State Natural Area. Brown & Peterson 17703b D. platycarpa Torr. & A. Gray. Harris Co. Peterson s.n . ERYSIMUM E. repandum L.

Harris Co. Brown 6970

IODANTHUS I. pinnatifidus (M ichx.) Steud. Marty Underwood .

Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Usually present in bottomland hardwood forest. D. Rosen 1832 and

LEPIDIUM L. campestre (L.) R. Br. Montgomery Co. Brown 27994 L. densiflorum Schrad. Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 6926 L. virginicum L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6995 LESQUERELLA see Paysonia and Physaria PAYSONA including Lesquerella in part P. grandiflora (Hooker) OKane & Al-Shebhaz. Rollins (1955) and Rollins and Shaw (1973) map a collection, Gentry & Barclay 18529 (GH), (as Lesquerella grandflora ) from Fort Bend Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. The W aller Co. specimens are from deep sands near Hempstead Brown 14247


PHYSARIA including Lesquerella in part P. gracilis (Hooker) OKane & Al-Shebhaz var. gracilis. Rollins & Shaw (1973) cite a collection, Bush 186 (GH), from Brazoria Co. At SBSC the collection, Brown 7063 , is from Harris Co. P. recurvata (Engelmann ex A. Gray) OKane & Al-Shehbaz. Rollins and Shaw (1973) map the collection, Plank 1891 (NY) from Fort Bend Co. and the collection, Hall 1872 (F) from W aller Co. There are no collections at SBSC from our area. RAPHANUS R. sativus L. Fort Bend and Harris cos. Schultz s. n . R. raphanistrum L. Fort Bend and Harris cos. Daniel Johnston s.n. RAPISTRUM R. rugosum (L.) Allioni

Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7062

RORIPPA R. palustris (L.) Bess. var. fernaldiana (Butters & Abbe) R. Stuckey Brazoria and Harris cos. R. sessiliflora (Nutt.) Hitchc. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15177 R. teres (M ichx.) R. Stuckey Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 6783 SIBARA S. virginica (L.) Rollins

Brown 16694

Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos.

Brown 9703

SINAPSIS S. arvensis L. [ Brassica kaber (DC.) W heeler] SISYMBRIUM S. irio L. Harris Co.

Harris Co.

Brown 6956


TILLANDSIA T. recurvata (L.) L. Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 10811 . Observed in Liberty Co. but plants too high to gather. T. usneoides (L.) L. SPANISH MOSS Brazoria, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. (Smith 1944). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Liberty cos. Brown 14184 BUDDLEJACEAE POLYPREMUM P. procumbens L.

Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Waller cos. BURMANNIACEAE

Brown 5863

BURMANNIA B. biflora L. Northeast Liberty Co. N of Rye and E of hwy 146 in the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve. In a wet fern-rich seep at base of a steep slope. Brown 18778 CABOMBACEAE BRASENIA B. schreberi J. F. Gmel. CABOMBA C. caroliniana A. Gray

Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20710

Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Neville s.n

CACTACEAE ESCOBARIA (CORYPHANTHA) E. missouriensis (Sweet) D. R. Hunt var. similis (Engelm.) N.P. Taylor [ Coryphantha missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose var. caespitosa (Engelm.) L. Benson] Not mapped in our area by Benson (1982). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend Co. and observed in Harris Co. but not collected yet. Brown 14174


OPUNTIA O. engelmanii Salm-Dyck var. lindheimeri (Engelmann) Parfitt & Pinkava Chambers and Galveston cos. (Benson 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and W aller cos. Brown 11424 O. humifusa (Raf.) Raf. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. (Benson 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. Brown 12021 O. leptocaulis DC. Austin Co. Found on sandy soil above the Brazos River adjacent to W aller Co. in S. F. Austin State Park at Hwy 1458 bridge over the Brazos River. Brown 33278 O. macrorhiza Engelmann Mapped by Benson (1982) in Harris, W aller, Galveston, and Brazoria cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 27947 O. pusilla (Haw.) Nutt. Mapped by Benson (1982) in Chambers Co. There are no collections at SBSC. O. stricta (Haw.) Haw. [including var. dillenii (Ker-Gawler) L.] Benson (1982) mapped both varieties in Chambers and Galveston cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston Co. Brown 33193 CALLITRICHACEAE CALLITRICHE C. heterophylla Pursh LARGER W ATER-STARW ORT Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8501 C. pedunculosa Nutt. ( C. nuttallii Torr). SAND-STARW ORT Harris Co. Brown 10849 C. peploides Nutt. W ATER-STARW ORT Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 11105 CAMPANULACEAE LOBELIA L. appendiculata A. DC. McVaugh (1951) reported specimens from Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20284 L. cardinalis L. McVaugh (1951) reported specimens from Brazoria and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 11131 L. flaccidifolia Small McVaugh (1951) reported specimens from Harris, and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7437 L. puberula Michx. DOW NY LOBELIA McVaugh (1951) reported specimens from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8275 L. reverchonii B. L. Turner At SBSC there is one collection from Montgomery Co. and one from Harris Co. in the herbarium at Mercer Arboretum Brown 17549 SPHENOCLEA S. zeylanica Gaertn. CHICKENSPIKE McVaugh (1951) cites collections from Chambers and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16629 TRIODANIS T. lamprosperma McVaugh Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Rosen 2016 and Webb T. biflora Ruiz.& Pavon VENUS-LOOKING-GLASS Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7144 T. perfoliata (L.) Nieuwl. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 7116 W AHLENBERGIA W . marginata (Thunb.) A. DC. There are 2 collections at SBSC from Montgomery Co. CANNACEAE CANNA C. indica L. INDIAN SHOT Escaping from cultivation in our area but no collections at SBSC. C. glauca L. Brazoria Co. Brown 11391 CAPRIFOLIACEAE LONICERA L. japonica Thunb. JAPANESE HONEYSUCKLE Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. L. sempervirens L. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15230

D. P. Johnson 1602 ; Brown 33950

Vines s.n.


SAMBUCUS S. nigra L. subsp. canadensis (L.) Bollii Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. and from Harris Co. in the herbarium at Mercer Arboretum Brown 19194 SYMPHORICARPOS S. orbiculatus Moench

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 14874

VIBURNUM V. acerifolium L. Liberty Co. A few shrubs on beech slopes in the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve, east and west of the highway 146 bridge. Brown 18516 V. dentatum L. SOUTHERN ARROW -W OOD Brazoria, Chambers, Liberty, Harris, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 22465 V. nudum L. POSSUM HAW VIBURNUM Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 16557 V. rufidulum Raf. RUSTY BLACK HAW Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14110 CARYOPHYLLACEAE ARENARIA A. drummondii Shinners [ Minuartia drummondii (Shinners) M cNeill] Harris and W aller cos. Brown 15823 A. species. Steyermark (1941) reported a collection, Thurow s. n. (F), of A. patula Michx. forma media Steyerm. from Hockley in Harris Co. As presently understood this collection could be either A. patula Michx. or A . muriculata Maguire. Since A . patula seems to occur only on alkaline soils and A. muriculata , a more robust plant, occurs on sandy soils, this collection should be the latter species. An examination of this collection would seem to be in order. A. serpyllifolia L. Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 5989 CERASTIUM C. brachypodum (A. Gray) B. L. Robins. MOUSE-EARED CHICKW EED Harris and W aller cos. Brown 11993 C. glomeratum Thuill. MOUSE-EARED CHICKW EED Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 15137 LOEFLINGIA L. squarrosa Nutt.

Liberty and Waller cos.

Brown 14249

PARONYCHIA P. drummondii Torr.& A Gray

Harris and W aller cos.

Brown 14250

PETRORHAGIA P. dubia (Raf.) G. Lopez & Romo [ including P. velutina (Guss.) Ball & Hanwood] POLYCARPON P. tetraphyllum (L.) L. Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. SAGINA S. decumbens (Elliott) Torr. & A. Gray PEARLW ORT

Montgomery Co.

D. P. Johnson s.n.

Brown 6000

Harris, Liberty (M C), and W aller cos.

Brown 6921

SILENE S. antirrhina L. SLEEPY CATCHFLY Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery , and W aller cos. Brown 23963 S. gallica L. Brazoria, Harris, Montgomery, and Waller cos. at SBSC Brown 11098 S. subciliata B. L. Robins. Populations on sandy soil along Menard Creek in the Big Thicket National Preserve in extreme northeast Liberty Co. Brown 18162 SPERGULARIA S. echinosperma Celak. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 19113 S. salina J. Presl & C. Presl [ S. marina (L.) Griseb.] Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos.

Brown 25194

STELLARIA S. media (L.) Vill. CHICKW EED Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 1491 S. prostrata Baldw. Collection at SBSC are from Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown & Gregg 18454. A 1936 collection, B. C. Tharp s.n .(TEX), is from Double Bayou in Chambers Co. S. parva Pedersen Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Reported new to the state by Brown and Marcus (1998) . Brown 20104



Montgomery Co. (Lundell 1969). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. CERATOPHYLLACEAE

Brown 21606

CERATOPHYLLUM C. demersum L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 17537

CHENOPODIACEAE ATRIPLEX A. matamorensis A. Nels. Galveston Co. (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 21440 A. pentandra (Jacq.) Standl. (including A. mucronata Raf. , A. arenaria Nutt., and A. texana S. W atson) Brazoria and Galveston cos.(Reed 1969) Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos Brown 10538 . CHENOPODIUM C. album L. (including C. giganteum D. Don) Harris cos. Brown 6855 C. berlandieri Moq. var. berlandieri Reed (1969) reported the collection, Mears 716 , from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria Co. Brown 21538 DYSPHANIS D. ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants ( Chenopodium ambrosioides L.) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14807 D. botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants Turner et al. (2003) mapped it, as Chenopodium botrys , in Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. SALICORNIA S. bigelovii Torr. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 8135 KOCHIA K. scoparia (L.) Schrad. Chambers Co. From salty, compacted dredged material on islands named Mid-Bay beneficial use cells in Galveston Bay . Jamie Schubert s.n. SARCOCORNIA S. utahensis (Tidestrom) A. J. Scott ( Salicornia virginiana misapplied as to type) at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Peterson 342

Galveston Co. (Reed 1969). Collections

SUAEDA S. conferta (Small) I. M. Johnston Brazoria Co. (Reed 1969). There is one collection from our area at SBSC. Harris Co. Brown 30268 S. linearis (Elliott) Moq. Brazoria and Galveston cos. (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos . Brown 10632 CISTACEAE HELIANTHEMUM H. carolinianum (W alter) M ichx. Daoud & W ilbur (1964) cite a collection, Tharp & Barkley 171006 (TEX), from Harris Co. W ilbur (1969) cites additional collections from Chambers and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15856 H. georgianum Chapm. W ilbur (1969) reports collections from Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 4447 H. rosmarinifolium Pursh W ilbur (1969) reports collections from Galveston, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris Co. Brown 6091


LECHEA L. mucronata Raf. Harris, Liberty, and M ontgomery cos. (W ilbur 1969). There is a collection from Galveston Co. at the Mercer Arboretum and collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15485 L. san-sabeana (Buckley) Hodgdon Galveston and W aller cos. (W ilbur 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 8722 L. tenuifolia M ichx. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 8906 CLEOMACEAE CLEOME C. viscosa L. Escaping from cultivation in Jesse Jones County Park. Paul Rolling s.n. CLEOMELLA C. angustifolia Torr.

Brazoria and Harris cos.

Brown 8859

POLANISIA P. dodecandra (L.) DC. subsp. dodecandra Iltis (1958) mapped collections from Harris and Galveston cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Chambers cos. Brown 20577 P. erosa (Nutt.) Iltis subsp.. erosa Iltis (1958) mapped collections from Harris, Liberty, and Waller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16373 COM MELINACEAE COMMELINA C. caroliniana W alter Faden (1993) mapped collections from Brazoria and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 10664 C. communis L. There are no collections yet from our area. C. diffusa Burm. f. SPREADING DAYFLOW ER Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18199 C. erecta L. DAYFLOW ER Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 13978 C. virginica L. VIRGINIA DAYFLOW ER Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18597 GIBASIS G. pellucida (M . Martens & Galeotti) D. R. Hunt Galveston and Harris cos. Rosen 3026 MURDANNIA M. nudiflora (L.) Brenan

Harris and Liberty cos.

Brown 19715

TRADESCANTIA T. fluminensis Vellozo Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 34515 with Paul Roling T. hirsutiflora Bush SPIDERW ORT Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. T. occidentalis (Britton) Smyth Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 13359 T. ohiensis Raf. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6930 T. reverchonii Bush Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 7219 T. subacaulis Bush Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 1517 CONVOLVULACEAE

Brown 7152

CALYSTEGIA C. sepium (L.) R. Br. subsp. limnophila (Greene) Brummitt Galveston and Harris cos. Most frequent in coastal habitats. Brown 16934 C. silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. subsp. fraterniflora (M ack. & Bush) Brummitt Reported by Austin et al. (1997) from Chambers Co. A duplicate, Brown 11155 , is at SBSC. CONVOLVULUS C. arvensis L. Harris Co. where the collection, Brown 19291 , is adjacent to a railroad tract on north side of Interstate 10 near Bingle Road in Houston. C. equitans Benth. Harris Co. Collection from picnic area in Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. Brown 22269


DICHONDRA D. carolinensis Michx.

Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 10833

EVOLVULUS E. sericeus Sw. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Also Turner et al. (2003) mapped it in Montgomery Co.

Brown 9739

IPOMOEA I. alba L. Galveston Co. D. Johnson 1285 I. cordatotriloba Dennst. var. cordatotriloba (I. trichocarpa Elliott) Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6745 I. hederacea Jacq. Harris Co. Brown 7972 I. hederifolia L. Harris Co. Brown 2486 I. indica (Burm. ) Merr. var. acuminatum (Vahl) Fosberg Harris Co. Brown 6005 I. imperati (Vahl) Grisebach [ I. stolonifera (Cyr.) J.G. Gmel.] Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 15776 I. lacunosa L. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14819 I. pandurata (L.) G. Meyer. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7585 I. purpurea (L.) Roth Harris Co. Janis De W itt s.n. I. pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 18366 I. quamoclit L. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. I. sagittata Poir. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Peterson 592 I. wrightii A. Gray Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Gregg s.n . JACQUEMONTIA J. tamnifolia (L.) Griseb. TIE VINE

Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 8106

MERREMIA M. dissecta (Jacq.) Hallier f. ( Ipomoea sinuata Ortega)

Harris and Galveston cos.

Brown 9469

STYLISMA S. aquatica (W alter) Raf. Myint (1966) cites a collection from Waller Co. at US. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 13347 S. humistrata (W alter) Chapm. Mapped by Turner et al. (2003) in Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. S. pickeringii (Torr. ex M. A. Curtis) A. Gray var. pattersonii (Fernald. & Schub.) Myint Myint (1966) cites a collection from Harris Co. ( Traverse 161 SMU). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 20434 S. villosa (Nash) House HAIRY BONAM IA Myint (1966) cites a collection from W aller Co at US. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14653 CORNACEAE CORNUS C. drummondii C. A. Mey. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11182 C. florida L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 21836 C. foemina Mill. Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 22461 NYSSA N. aquatica L. Burckhalter (1992) mapped this tree in Liberty Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 22519 N. biflora W alter Harris and Liberty cos. Liberty Co. in the Damuth Sanctuary of the Audubon Society south of Cleveland. Brown 26083 N. sylvatica Marshall Burckhalter (1992) mapped this tree in Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and M ontgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18518 CRASSULACEAE CRASSULA C. aquatica (L.) Schoenl. ( Tillia aquatica L.) PIGMY-W EED PENTHORUM P. sedoides L.

Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 10829

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10447


CUCURBITACEAE CAYAPONIA C. quinqueloba (Raf.) Shinners Brown 18082

Harris Co. (Jesse Jones County Park) and Liberty Co. (Davis Hill State Natural Area).

CITRULLUS C. lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura & Nakai var. lanatus CUCUMIS C. melo L.

( C . vulgaris Schrad.)

Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15779

Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 16731

CUCURBITA C. pepo L. Harris Co. Brown 26388 A roadside weed near Lake Houston. C. texana A. Gray A plant with large flowers and leaves. The collection, Schultz 488 , from along Beltway 8 in Jersey Village NW of Houston appears to belong to this species. IBERVILLEA I. lindheimeri (A. Gray) Greene Brown 11325 MELOTHRIA M. pendula L.

Chambers, Brazoria, and Galveston cos.

All of our collections come from near salt water

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos.

Brown 20571

CUPRESSACEAE JUNIPERUS J. virginiana L. var. virginiana Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Waller cos. (Correll 1966). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 2549 TAXODIUM T. distichum Rich. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Correll 1966). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown & Lowrey 1323 CUSCUTACEAE CUSCUTA C. compacta Choisy Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 23738. At TEX the collection, Correll 36449 , is from a swamp near Security in Montgomery Co. C. cuspidata Engelm. Brazoria, Chambers, and W aller cos. (Yuncker 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown 22783 C. gronovii W illd. ex Schult. Brazoria Co. Bush 1509 (Yuncker 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 16718 C. indecora Choisy Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris cos. (Yuncker 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18361 C. japonica Choisy Harris Co. Cynthia Heintze s.n. C. obtusiflora Kunth var. glandulosa Engelm. Galveston Co. Cory 20197 (Yuncker 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Liberty Co. Brown 19701 C. pentagona Engelm. var. pentagona (including C. campestris Yuncker) Galveston Co. (Yuncker 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. Brown 6472 C. pentagona Engelm. var. glabrior (Engelm.) Gandhi, Thomas, & Hatch Reported by Yuncker (1943) as C . glabrior from Galveston Co. based upon the collection Joor s.n . There are no collections from our area at SBSC. CYM ODOCEACEAE HALODULE H. beaudettei (den Hartog) den Hartog Brazoria Co. Reported in Christmas Bay by Pulich & W hite (1991). There are no collections from our area at SBSC.


CYPERACEAE BOLBOSCHOENUS B. robustus (Pursh) Sojak [ Scirpus robustus Pursh]

Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos.

Brown 2331

BULBOSTYLIS B. barbata (Rottb.) Clarke Liberty Co. Brown 28808 B. capillaris (L.) C. B. Clarke Kral (1971) mapped a collection from Montgomery Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC B. ciliatifolia (Elliott) Fernald. Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 8010 CAREX This list is based primarily upon annotations by S. Jones (BRCH) and Naczi and Reznick (MICH) of many SBSC collections including most of the recent new additions from the unique Davis Hill State Park in Liberty Co. east of Cleveland. C. abscondita M ack. Harris Co. Jesse Jones County Park west of Humble. Paul Roling s.n. Also Collected by Orzell and Bridges 3 miles N of U.S. 90 at Sheldon (Naczi et al. 2001). At SBSC there is one collection from the west slope of Lindville Bayou in Matagorda Co. Probably also present 100 feet distant on the east slope in Brazoria Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty and Montgomery Co. Rosen 3355 ; Brown 27762 . C. albicans W illd ex Spreng. var. australis (L. Bailey) J. Rettig Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15804 C. albolutescens Schwein. Liberty Co. Brown 8714 C. atlantica L. H. Bailey subsp. capillacea (L. H. Bailey) Reznicek Liberty Co. Two collections from boggy areas adjacent to or near M enard Creek in the section east of Hwy 146. Brown 19023 C. austrina (Small) Mack. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 12107 C. basiantha Steud. ( C. willdenowii Schkuhr.) Bridges & Orzell (1989) report the collection, Orzell & Bridges 5045 (TEX),from just east of Dayton in Liberty Co. Naczi & Bryson (1990) also report the collection ( Hall 728 , 1872) from Houston, Harris Co. Specimen at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17968 C. blanda Dewey Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17801 C. brevior (Dewey) M ack. ex Lunell Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 3212 C. bulbostylis Mack. Naczi (1992) mapped collections in our area to the west of Galveston Bay. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17731a C. bushii Mack. Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 4261 C. caroliniana Schwein. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 10007 C. cephalophora W illd. At SBSC there are two collections from the Davis Hill State Natural Area in Liberty Co. Brown 17748 . C. cherokeensis Schwein. Our most common species. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6971 C. complanata Torr. & Hook. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15930 C. corrugata Fernald. Naczi (1992) mapped collections to the west, north, and east of Galveston Bay. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15887 C. crebriflora W iegand Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 22145 C. crus-corvi Shuttlew. ex Kunze Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15109 C. debilis Michx. var. debilis Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 7138 C. digitalis Schkuhr ex W illd. var. floridana (L.H. Bailey) Naczi & Bryson Houston, Harris Co. Rarenel s. n . (Bryson 1980). At SBSC collections are f rom Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 17817 C. digitalis Schkuhr ex W illd. var. macropoda Fernald Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 27687 C. festucacea Schkuhr ex W illd. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 17734 C. fissa Mack. Jones et al (1990) cite the collection, S. Jones 2718 (TAES), from Pelican Island in Galveston Co. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 15179 C. flaccosperma C. Dewey Naczi (1992) mapped collections from our area. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 3068 C. frankii Kunth Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6129 C. gigantea Rudge Jones & Hatch cite a collection, Boon 224 (TEX), from Harris Co. There is one collection at SBSC from the Trinity River National W ildlife Refuge in Liberty Co. Brown 19324 C. glaucescens Elliott Liberty Co. Brown 8703 C. hyalina Boott Reported by Reznicek & Naczi (1993) from Brazoria and Liberty cos. The collection, Jones & Wipff 2729 at TAES is from Liberty Co. Naczi & Bryson (1990) also report it from Liberty Co. At SBSC collections are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Diggs et al. (2006) also map it in Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 17741 C. hyalinolepis Steud. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty Cos. Brown 3219


C. intumescens Rudge Jones & Hatch (1990) map a collection from Liberty Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 11068 C. joorii Bailey Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 2760 C. kraliana Naczi & Bryson Liberty Co. Arthur Perkins s.n. C. leavenworthii C. Dewey Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 12105 C. leptalea W ahlenb. subsp. harperi (Fernald.) W . Stone Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 19024 C. longii Mack. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 7128 C. louisianica Bailey Jones & Hatch (1990) map specimens from Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8767 C. lupuliformis Sartwell ex C. Dewey Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. S. & G. Jones 7169 C. lupulina Muhl. ex W illd. Jones & Hatch (1990) map specimens from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos Brown 12171 . C. lurida W ahlenb. Montgomery Co. Brown 14014 C. meadii C. Dewey Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 3220 C. microdonta Torr. & Hook. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7064 C. microrhyncha K. Mackenzie Galveston and Montgomery cos. D. Johnson 1575 ; Rosen 2440 et al. C. muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex W illd. var. enervis Boott Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 7404 C. muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex W illd. var. muehlenbergii Montgomery Co. Brown 34493 C. nigromarginata Schwein var. floridana (Schwein) Kukenth. Liberty Co. The collection, Brown 18884 , is from a ravine slope in the Davis Hill State Natural Area C. oxylepis Torr. & Hook. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7132 C. planispicata Naczi Naczi (1992) mapped collections in our area to the west of Galveston Bay. Collections at SBSC are from Liberty Co. Also mapped from Montgomery Co. in Diggs et al. (2006) Brown 17749a C. planostachya Kunze Montgomery Co. E. Keith s.n. C. reniformis (Bailey) Small Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 2133 C. retroflexa Muhl. ex W illd. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6929 C. rosea Schkuhr ex W illd. Mapped in Harris Co. in Diggs et al. (2006). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. C. socialis Mohlenbr. & Schwwegman Harris Co. Paul Rolling s.n. Also mapped in Montgomery Co. in Diggs et al. (2006) C. striatula Michx. Fort Bend and Liberty cos. Brown 17761 C. styloflexa Buckley Houston, Harris Co. Hall s.n. (NY) (Bryson 1980). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. C. tetrastachya G. Scheele ( C. brittoniana Bailey) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7308 C. texensis (Torr. ex L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty Co. Brown 7183 C. triangularis Boeck. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6217 C. tribuloides W ahlenb. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7261 Carex typhina Michx. Liberty Co. in the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Brown 33518 with Sam Harper C. verrucosa Muhl. Orzell & Bridges (1989) report the collection, Orzell & Bridges 5406 (TEX), from Chambers Co. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15086 C. vulpinoidea Michx. Harris Co. Brown 15894 CLADIUM C. mariscus (L.) J. Pohl subsp. jamaicense (Crantz) Kukenthal Mapped in Chambers and Galveston cos. by Orzell & Bridges (1987). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. Brown 20541 CYPERUS C. acuminatus Torr. & Hook. ex Torr. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Grissom 16 C. albostriatus Schrad. Harris County D. J. Rosen 3028 and Brown 34322 C. articulatus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 1598 C. cephalanthus Torr. & Hook. Harris Co. Brown 23076 and reported from Brazoria Co. by Rosen & Christoffersen (2004) These are the first Texas collections since 1835. C. compressus L. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 8097 C. croceus Vahl ( globulosus of auct. not Aubl.) Carter (1984) mapped collections from Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6438 C. difformis L. Harris County Paul Rolling s.n. C. digitatus Roxb. Brazoria, Chambers, and Montgomery cos. Our collections from Brazoria and Chambers cos are from Brazoria and Anahuac National W ildlife Refuges. Brown 17528 C. drummondii Torr. & A. Gray. Brazoria Co. D. J. Rosen 2950 with W. R. Carr, et al. also Brown 30483 with D. J. Rosen C. echinatus (L.) A. W . W ood [ C. ovularis (Michx.) Torr.] Carter (1984) mapped collections from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. SBSC collections are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown & Gregg 18312


C. elegans L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16625 C. entrerianus Bockeler Carter (1990) mapped collections from Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 16625 C. eragrostis Lam. Tucker (1987) reports this Pacific Coast native naturalized in southeast Texas. At SBSC there are 6 sheets from Harris Co. The earliest collection, Brown 6207 , is dated 1983. This will serve as a voucher specimen for the Tucker report. Other collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Montgomery cos. C. erythrorhizos Muhl. Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 5865 C. esculentus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15052 C. flavescens L. Diggs et al. (2006) mapped a collection from Harris Co. There are no specimens from our area at SBSC. C. filiculmis Sw. Mapped by Marcks (1972) in Montgomery Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC C. flavicomus Michx. Diggs et al. (2006) mapped it in Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Montgomery. I believe the Montgomery County specimen, which is at SBSC, was actually collected in W alker Co. Therefore there are no collections from our area at SBSC. C. grayioides Mohlenbr. Waller Co. Brown 20438 C. haspan L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14007 C. hermaphroditus (Jacq.) Standl. see C. thyrsiflorus Jungh. C. involucratus Rottb. Harris Co. Russell Jeffers s.n. C. iria L. Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 14832 C. lupulinus (Spreng.) Marcks subsp. lupulinus Mapped by Marcks (1974) apparently in Harris Co. At TAES the collection, Kessler 4577 , is from W aller Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC C. ochraceus Vahl Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. at SBSC Brown 3021a C. odoratus L. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8027 C. oxylepis Steud. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8118 C. plukenettii Fernald Montgomery Co. D. Johnson s.n. C. polystachyos Rottb. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 5866 C. pseudovegetus Steud. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6517 C. reflexus Vahl var. reflexus Denton (1978) cites collections from Brazoria ( Fleetwood 9278G LL) and Harris ( Traverse 2041 TEX) cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 16089 C. retroflexus Buckley ( uniflorus of Torr. & Hook. non Thunb.) Carter (1984), as C. uniflorus , mapped a collection from Harris Co. ( Neeley s.n . NY). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. ( Brown 14788 ) and from W aller Co. at SHST C. retrorsus Chapm. var, retrorsus [ C. ovularis (M ichx.) Torr. var. cylindricus Torr.] Carter (1984) mapped collections from Harris and Galveston cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14875 C. rotundus L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14797 C. squarrosus L. ( C. aristatus Rottb.) Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11171 C. strigosus L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16364 C. surinamensis Rottb. Denton (1978) cites collections from Chambers and Harris cos and cites the collection, Boon 402 (TEX). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 6789 C. thyrsiflorus Jungh. = C. hermaphroditus auct non (Jacq.) Standl. Tucker (1994) separated C. thyrsiflorus Jungh. from C. hermaphroditus by a number of characters. His key shows our collections are all referable to this species. Kartesz (1994) excludes C. hermaphroditus from the United States but Tucker (loc. cit.) includes Texas in the range of C. hermaphroditus.. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6529 C. virens Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 4034 ELEOCHARIS E. acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult. Brazoria and Harris cos. D. Rosen 2118 & S. Jones E. albida Torr. Coastal saline soils in Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 15424 E. baldwinii (Torr.) Chapm. Harris and Montgomery cos. Peterson 1654 from Montgomery Co. and P. Roling s.n. from Harris Co. E. brittonii Svenson ex Small Montgomery Co. Reported from this county by Diggs et al. ( 2006). Very close to E. microcarpa and perhaps not specifically distinct. There are no collections from our area at SBSC E. cellulosa Torr. Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 6452 E. compressa W . Sullivant var. acutisquamata (S. Buckley) S. G. Smith Brazoria Co. D. J. Rosen 2911 E. engelmannii Steud. Liberty Co. Brown 33668 with Shawn Harper E. equisetoides (Elliott) Torr. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14693 E. flavescens (Poiret) Urban var. olivacea (Torr.) Gleason Brazoria Co. D. Rosen 2384 with S. Jones E. geniculata (L.) Roem. & Schult. [ E. caribaea (Rottb.) Blake] Harris Co. Brown 6635 E. interstincta (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. Brazoria Co. Culbertson s. n . E. microcarpa Torr. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11103 E. montana (Kunth) Roem. & Schult. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6704 E. montevidensis Kunth Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14292 E. mutata (L.) Roem. & Schult. Brazoria and Galveston cos. D. J. Rosen 2998 & B. A. Middleton; D. J. Rosen 2606


E. obtusa (W illd.) Schult. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7588 E. palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 18039 E. parvula (Roem. & Schult.) Link ex Bluff, Nees & Schauer Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18039 E. quadrangulata (M ichx.) Roem. & Schult. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 4001 E. radicans (A. Dietr.) Kunth Harris Co. Brown 7135 E. ravenelii Britton ( E. austrotexana M. C. Johnst. a later synonym) Brazoria Co. D. Rosen 1797 with S. Jones E. tenuis (W illd.) Schult. var. verrucosa (Svens.) Svens. Liberty Co. Brown 27954 . Also mapped in Montgomery Co. (Diggs et al. 2006) E. tortilis (Link) Schult. Montgomery Co. Brown 16561 . Also mapped in Liberty Co. (Diggs et al. 2006) E. tuberculosa (M ichx.) Roem. & Schult. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 7290 E. wolfii (A. Gray) A. Gray ex Britton Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 30490 with David Rosen FIM BRISTYLIS F. autumnalis (L.) Roem. & Schult. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 16626 F. caroliniana (Lam.) Fernald Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 20660 F. castanea (M ichx.) Vahl Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 11420 F. dichotoma (L.) Vahl I am following W underland (1998) in merging F. annua, F. decipens, and F. tomentosa under the older name. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 21525 F. miliacea (L.) Vahl Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16527 F. puberula (M ichx.) Small & Britton Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 7441 F. vahlii (Lam.) Link Kral (1971) mapped collections from Harris and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16543 FUIRENA F. breviseta (Coville) Coville Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6664 F. bushii Kral The collection, Brown 15506 , is from southern Polk Co. just north of the Liberty Co. line north of Menard Creek in northeast Liberty Co. Mapped in Montgomery Co. (Diggs et al. 2006). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. F. pumila (Torr.) Spreng. Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 18172 F. simplex Vahl var. aristulata (Torr.) Kral Kral (1978) mapped a collection from Brazoria Co. At SHST there is one collection, Kessler 50083 , from Montgomery Co. Mapped in Harris and Montgomery cos. (Diggs et al. 2006). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. F. squarrosa Michx. Montgomery and San Jacinto cos. These two collection are from boggy baygalls. Brown 17554 ISOLEPIS I. cernua (Vail) Roem. & Schult. [ Scirpus cernuus Vahl] Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 4407 I. carinatus Torr [ Scirpus koilolepis (Steud.) Gleason] Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14307 I. pseudosetacea (Daveau) Gandoger [I. molestus (M . C. Johnst.) S. G. Smith; Scirpus molestus M.C. Johnston] Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7159 . At SHST there is a collection from Montgomery Co. KYLLINGA K. brevifolia Rottb. = Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Hassk. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6432 K. odorata Vahl = Cyperus sesquiflorus (Torr.) Mattf. & Kukenth. Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty , and W aller cos. at SBSC ( Brown 15417 ) and from Montgomery Co. at SHST K. pumila Michx. = Cyperus tenuifolius (Steud.) Dandy Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 8017 OXYCARYUM O. cubense (Poepp. & Kunth) Lye ( Scirpus cubensis Poepp. & Kunth) The first state record is from Eagle Nest Lake in Brazoria Co, N. Hotchkiss 7653 (TEX). The second state record is a 1997 collection, Brown 21737, from Elm Lake in Brazos Bend State Park in Fort Bend Co. See Brown & Marcus (1998). Also recently found in Bird Pond a new unit of the San Bernard National W ildlife Refuge in Brazoria Co. RHYNCHOSPORA R. caduca Elliott Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7303 R. chapmanii M.A. Curtis Chambers Co. Rosen 4660, (BRIT, TEX, VDB). Reported new to Texas (Singhurst et al. 2009). R. colorata (L.) Pfeifer [ Dichromena colorata (L.) Hitchc.] Chambers, Galveston, and Liberty cos. Brown 20538 R. corniculata (Lam.) A. Gray Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. at SBSC ( Brown 4381 ) and from Montgomery Co. at SHST


R. debilis Gale Chambers Co. At one site on a moist sandy slope overlooking East Bay in the Abshire W ildlife Management Area at Smith Point. Brown 16932 R. divergens M. A. Curtis Correll & Correll (1975) report a specimen from Montgomery Co. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7971 . There are also collections from Galveston Co. at TEX and SHST R. elliottii D. Dietr. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 4382 R. fascicularis (M ichx.) Vahl Correll and Correll (1975) report a collection from Chambers Co. At SBSC the collection, Brown 19138 , is from Chambers Co. A small number of populations are found on sandy soil along highway 562 between highway 1985 and Smith Point. R. filifolia A. Gray Correll & Correll (1975) report a specimen from Waller Co. At TEX there is one collection from near Fostoria in M ontgomery Co. At SBSC collections are from Liberty Co. Brown 27422 R. globularis (Chapm.) Small var. globularis Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20402 R. glomerata (L.) Vahl Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 14657 and from Brazoria Co. at SHST R. gracilenta A. Gray Gale (1944) reports the collection, Hall 717 (GH) from Hempstead in W aller Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC R. grayi Kunth Correll & Correll (1975) report it in Liberty Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC R. harveyi W . Boott Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Liberty, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 4358 R. inexpansa (M ichx.) Vahl Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 5711 R. indianolensis Small ( R. scutellata Griseb.) Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 27181 R. latifolia (Bald. ex Elliott) Thomas ( Dichronema latifolia Baldwin) Thomas (1981) reports a collection, Boone 228 (GH), from W estfield in Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. R. macrostachya Torr. ex A. Gray Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 9587 R. mixta Britton Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 7542 R. nivea Bockeler [ Dichromena nivea (Bockeler) Britton] Generally considered a species of limestone areas in central Texas. Thomas (1984), however, reports a specimen, Hall 708 (F, GH, US), from Hempstead probably in W aller Co. There is also a collection, Tharp 132 (US), from Huntsville in W alker Co. R. oligantha A. Gray Correll & Correll (1975) report a specimen from W aller Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC R. perplexa Britton ex Small Correll & Correll (1975) report a specimen from W aller Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17246 R. plumosa Elliott Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 16925. Also mapped in Chambers Co. by Orzell & Bridges (1987) R. pusilla M. A. Curtis Chambers, Liberty, and Harris cos. Also collected in Polk Co. (ca 1 mi N of Liberty Co. border) Brown 17237 R. rariflora (Michx.) Elliott Correll & Correll (1975) report specimens from Harris and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 16923 R. recognita (Gale) Kral Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos . Brown 14652 SCHENOPLECTUS S. americanus (Pers.) Schinz & Keller ( Scirpus olneyi A. Gray) Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Brazoria, and Harris cos. Brown 11147. At TEX the collection, Alfred Traverse 815 , is from the Trinity River delta in Chambers Co. S. californicus (Meyer) Sojak [ Scirpus californicus (A. Meyer) Steud. ] Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7344 S. pungens (Vahl) Palla [ Scirpus pungens Vahl ; Scirpus americanus of authors not Pers.] Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 3471 S. tabernaemontani (Gmelin) Palla [S. validus Vahl; Scirpus tabernaemontani Gmelin] Harris and Chambers cos. Brown 11151 SCIRPUS S. cyperinus L. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. S. pendulus Muhl. Montgomery Co. Brown 15916

Brown 5821

SCLERIA S. baldwinii (Torr.) Steud. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 16691 S. ciliata Michx. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10224 S. georgiana Core Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10223 S. distans Poiret ( S. hirtella of auct not Sw.) Fairey (1967) mapped a collection from W aller Co. and Core (1967)cites the collection, Elihu Hall 7249, from W aller Co. which is probably at US. This is apparently the only record for the state. There are no collections from our area at SBSC S. oligantha Michx. Core (1967) lists a collection from W aller Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15263 . S. pauciflora Muhl. ex W illd. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 10442 S. reticularis M ichx. Chambers and Galveston cos. Brown 28915


S. triglomerata Michx. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. at SBSC Brown 7395. Core (1967) cites an additional collection from W aller Co. S. verticillata Muhl. ex W illd. Bridges & Orzell (1989) report a collection, Nixon 15139 (ASTC), from the Marysee Prairie in Liberty Co. At SBSC there are two collection, one from Chambers Co. on sandy soil along Highway 562 near intersection with Highway 1985. and the other from a remnant wet prairie in Galveston Co. Brown 24562. CYRILLACEAE CYRILLA C. racemiflora L.

Liberty Co. from two sites


PTERIDIUM P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. (Correll 1956). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 23984 DIOSCOREACEAE DIOSCOREA D. bulbifera L. Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6859 D. villosa L. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown & Peterson 17695 DROSERACEAE DROSERA D. brevifolia Pursh ( D . annua Reed) Galveston and Harris cos. (Shinners 1962). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15904 D. capillaris Poiret W aller Co. (Shinners 1962). Also mapped in W aller Co. by Orzell & Bridges apparently based upon Shinners (1962). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20551 DRYOPTERIDACEAE ATHYRIUM A. filix-femina (L.) Roth Brown 16555 CYRTOMIUM C. falcatum (L. f.) J. Presl ONOCLEA O. sensibilis L.

Harris and Montgomery cos. (Correll 1956). Collections at SBSC are from Liberty and Montgomery cos.

Harris Co. Brown & Young 11999.

Harris Co. (Correll 1956). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 2678

POLYSTICHUM P. acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and W aller cos. (Correll 1956) Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 17626. W OODSIA W . obtusa (Spreng.) Torr. Correll (1956) cites a collection from W aller Co. At SBSC the collection, Brown 19262, is from the Trinity River National W ildlife Refuge in Liberty Co. EBENACEAE DIOSPYROS D. texana Scheele Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. Brown 15226 D. virginiana L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 20349


ELAEAGNACEAE ELAEAGNUS E. multiflora Thunb. Harris Co. On sandy soil along Greens Bayou on land owned by the Houston Parks Department. Harris Co. Key Map 496 block H. Brown 35176 with Eric Ruckstuhl. ELATINACEAE ELATINE E. brachysperma A. Gray

Harris Co. Three sheets from Prairie Dawn sites in Addicks Reservoir EQUISETACEAE

Brown 11104

EQUISETUM E. hyemale L. Brazoria and Harris cos. (Correll 1955). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos Brown 15146 E. laevigatum A. Br. Harris and W aller cos. Elihu Hall 847 (Correll 1955). There are no collections from our area at SBSC and Turner et al (2003) mapped none near or in our area. ERICACEAE MONOTROPA M. uniflora L.

Liberty Co. One collection from the Davis Hill State Natural area

Brown & Liggio 17823.

RHODODENDRON R. canescens (M ichx.) Sweet Present on sandy banks of Menard Creek in extreme northeast Liberty Co. Brown 18167 R. viscosum (L.) Torr. [including R. oblongifolium (Small) Millais] Liberty Co. Numerous shrubs in a bog on east side of Hwy 146 ca 100 feet south of the Polk County line. Also non-flowering shrubs along Menard Creek in extreme northeast Liberty Co. Brown 24083 VACCINIUM V. arboreum Marshall Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 20428 V. corymbosum L. (including V. amoenum Aiton) Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16559 V. stamineum L. Liberty co in Davis Hill State Natural area.. Brown 18557b ERIOCAULACEAE ERIOCAULON E. decangulare L. W aller Co., E. Hall 635 (M oldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Montgomery Co. LACHNOCAULON L. anceps Morong

Brown 17552

Mapped by Kral (1966b) in Liberty Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC EUPHORBIACEAE

ACALYPHA A. gracilens A. Gray Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. A. monococca (Engelman ex A. Gray) L. Mill. & Gandhi Waller Co. Brown 6815 A. ostryifolia Ridd. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 10800 A. rhomboidea (Raf.) Cooperrider Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17542 A. virginica L. Liberty Co. Brown 19699

Brown 17562

DITAXIS ( ARGYTHAMNIA ) D. humilis (Engelm. & A. Gray) Pax var. humilis Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 18351 . Turner et al. (2003) mapped collections in Montgomery Co. D. mercurialina (Nutt.) J. M. Coult. var. mercurialiana. W aller Co. also from Austin Co. side of the Interstate 10 bridge over the Brazos River. Both collections are from deep sands. Brown 26701 CAPERONIA C. palustris (L.) St. Hil.

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14114


CNIDOSCOLUS C. texanus (Muell. Arg.) Small Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Frequent on sandy soil in our area but seldom collected because of the stinging hairs. Brown 22857 CROTON C. argyranthemus Michx. Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14258 C. capitatus Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11429 C. glandulosus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10717 C. lindheimerianus Scheele var. lindheimerianus Johnston (1958) mapped collections from Harris and Liberty cos. At SBSC there is one collection from Harris Co. Brown 11583 C. michauxii W ebster A nom. nov. for Crotonopsis linearis Michx. (Webster 1992). Specimens at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 20441 C. monanthogynus Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 21179 C. punctatus Jacq. Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 15778 C. texensis (Klotzch) Muell. Arg. On deep sands in Brazos River bottomland at the Interstate-10 bridge on the Austin-W aller Co. line Brown 18352. M. C. Johnst. (1958) mapped a collection from what appears to be the same site. C. willdenowii W ebster A nom. nov. for Crotonopsis elliptica W illd. (W ebster 1992). Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14691 EUPHORBIA E. bicolor Engelm. & A. Gray Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17467 E. bombensis Jacq. Present on dune sands along the coast. The collection, Brown 11326 , is from Brazoria Co. This name replaces E. ammannioides Kunth E. cordifolia Elliott Harris and W aller cos. Brown 6687 E. corollata L. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14738 E. cyathophora Murr. Galveston and Harris Co. The Harris Co. specimen is from flower beds. The Galveston Co . specimen is from a large population on dune sands. Brown s.n. E. dentata Michx. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10739 . Also mapped, as Poinsettia dentata , in Brazoria County (Turner et al. 2003). E. graminea Jacq. Harris Co. A flower bed weed in Jesse Jones County Park P. Rolling s.n. Also weedy at the Houston storefront police station at 3511 Reed Road. E. hexagona Nutt. ex Spreng. Plants are frequent on deep sands along the San Jacinto River in Harris Co. The collection, Brown 6690 , was misidentified as E. missurica until annotated by Mark Mayfield. E. hirta L. Harris Co. Collections from Houston gardens and landscaped areas. Brown 15762 E. humistrata Engelm. Liberty Co. Collections from Trinity River bottomland. Brown & Liggio 18157d E. heterophylla L. Harris Co. Brown 35173 with Texas Native Plant Society E. hypericifolia L. Harris and W aller cos. In Harris Co. a weed in flower beds in Houston. Brown 18191 E. hyssopifolia L. Harris Co. Brown 30137 E. maculata L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 11411a E. nutans Lag. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 16719 E. prostrata Aiton Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 18802 E. serpens Kunth Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 11324 E. spathulata Lam. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20289 E. texana (M illspauch ex Heller) Boiss. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Waller cos. Brown 6991a . These plants are similar to the above species but are in general smaller and lack warts on the capsules. MANIHOT M. grahamii Hook.

Galveston and Harris cos.

D. Johnson 1193

PHYLLANTHUS P. abnormis Baill. var. abnormis Harris and W aller cos. Brown 6846 P. caroliniensis W alter Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14870 P. fraternus W ebster Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 18753 Brown & Marcus (1998) reported it new to the state. Both collections came from shrubs beds planted adjacent to buildings. P. polygonioides Spreng. Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 13452 P. pudens W heeler Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16543 , Collections from our area at TEX are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. P. tenellus Roxb. Reported by M. C. Johnston (1990) in Chambers and Galveston cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14001. P. urinaria L. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8296


RICINUS R. communis L.

Harris Co. Two collections from the Houston area.

Brown 23846

SEBASTIANIA S. fruticosa (W . Bart.) Fernald

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 18485

STILLINGIA S. sylvatica Garden ex L. Sandy fields in Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. All from sandy fields or sandy pimple mounds.. Brown 19154 TRAGIA T. betonicifolia Nutt. Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 6205 . Turner et al. (2003) mapped additional collections in Fort Bend and Galveston cos. T. urticifolia M ichx. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7578 . Turner et al. (2003) mapped additional collections in Galveston Co. TRIADICA T. sebiferum (L.) Small

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 21291

VERNICA V. fordii (Hemsl) Airy-Shaw.

Harris Co. Love s.n. FABACEAE

ACACIA A. angustissima (Mill.) Kuntze var. hirta (Nutt.) B. L. Rob. Turner (1959) mapped collections from Galveston and Harris cos. The collection, Frank Gregg & Botany Group s.n. , is at the Houston Arboretum herbarium. It came from sandy soil adjacent to the railroad tract on the arboretum grounds. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria Co. (Kitty Nash Prairie) Brown 29258. At SHST there is a collection from Montgomery Co. Also Galveston Co. in Turner et al. (2003) A. berlandieri Benth. Isely (1998) mapped a collection from Fort Bend Co. This record is a disjunct from the principal range to the west and could be from cultivated material. At SBSC there are no collections of native plants from our area but there are collections of cultivated plants from the Houston Arboretum A. farnesiana (L.) W illd. Turner (1958) mapped collections from Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Isely (1973) mapped it in Galveston and Harris Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 18690 AESCHYNOMENE A. indica L. (Including A. rudis Benth.) Harris Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18690 A. viscidula Michx. Harris Co. Brown 22826 ALBIZA A. julibrissin Durazzini

Harris and Montgomery cos.

Vines s.n.

ALYSICARPUS A. vaginalis (L.) DC. Liberty Co. Collected along a pipeline R-O-W in the Trinity River National W ildlife Refuge. Brown 19731. See Brown & Marcus (1998). AMORPHA A. canescens Nutt. ex Pursh Mapped by Isely (1998) in Liberty Co. At SBSC there are no collections from our area. A. fruticosa L. W ilbur (1975) mapped specimens in our area. Turner (1959) mapped collections from Fort Bend and Chambers cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10546. A. laevigata Nutt. W ilbur (1975) mapped collections in our area. At SBSC there are one Harris Co. collection ,Brown 34246, tentatively identified as this taxon. Isely (1998) mapped no collections from Texas and Turner et al (2003) mapped one Texas collection in Morris Co. A. paniculata Torr. & A. Gray. W ilbur (1975) mapped specimens in our area. At SBSC there are two collections from Harris Co. and one each from Liberty and Montgomery cos. Peterson 1440 AMPHICARPAEA A. bracteata (L.) Fernald. Turner (1959) mapped specimens from our area. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery Co. Brown 17754


APIOS A. americana M edik. Peterson 1430

Harris, Liberty, and San Jacinto cos. Collections are from low moist swamps and stream banks

ASTRAGALUS A. canadensis L. var. canadensis Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. (Turner 1959). Also mapped in our area (to the W of Galveston Bay) by Barneby (1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown 16854 A. distortus Torr. & A. Gray. var. engelmanni (E. Sheld.) M.E. Jones All counties except Harris and Montgomery (Turner 1959) Also mapped in our area by Barneby (1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 8598. A. leptocarpus Torr. & A. Gray. Galveston and W aller cos. (Turner 1959). Galveston, Liberty, and W aller cos. (Barneby 1964) Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 17804 A. nuttallianus DC. var. trichocarpus T.& G. Turner (1959) mapped collections in Chambers, Fort Bend, and W aller cos. Barneby (1964) mapped the var. trichocarpus in Fort Bend Co. There are two collection at SBSC from sandy soil in Brazoria Co. Brown 19121 BAPTISIA B. lactea (Raf.) Theiret (Also called B. alba (L.) Vent. var. macrophylla (Larisey) Isely and B. leucantha ) Harris and Liberty cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15256. B. leucophaea Nutt. (Also called B. bracteata Elliott Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 10854 B. nuttalliana Small Isley (1981) mapped collections from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7127 B. sphaerocarpa Nutt. Isley (1981) mapped collections from all counties except Montgomery and W aller .Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 11081. CENTROSEMA C. virginianum (L.) Benth. Harris and Montgomery cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. and from Galveston Co. at the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Schultz s. n . CERCIS C. canadensis L. var. canadensis

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 18399.

CHAM AECRISTA C. fasciculata (M ichx.) Greene All counties (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Neaville s.n. C. nictitans (L.) Moench var. nictitans Montgomery Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos Brown 17543. C. spectabilis A. Roth Isely (1998) mapped collections from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC CLITORIA C. mariana L. Harris Co. (Turner 1959). There are two collections at the Houston Arboretum without collection data. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST CROTALARIA C. sagittalis L. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST. Brown 7966. DALEA D. candida W illd. var. candida Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 3615. D. compacta Spreng. var. compacta Galveston and Liberty cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 6222. D. compacta Spreng. var. pubescens (A. Gray) Barneby Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 16403. D. emarginata (Torr. & A. Gray) Shinners Brazoria Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7149. D. enneandra Nutt. Fort Bend Co. (Turner 1959). At Rice University there is a collection from the University of Houston Coastal Center in Hitchcock, Galveston Co. There is also a collection from Galveston Co. at TAES. At SBSC there is one collection from Brazoria Co. on land adjacent to the Brazoria National W ildlife Refuge F. Hannah s.n.


D. multiflora (Nutt.) Shinners Harris Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 14036. D. obovata (Torr. & A. Gray) Shinners On deep sands on the Austin Co. side of the Interstate 10 bridge over the Brazos River. Brown 23019 D. phleoides (Torr. & A. Gray) Shinners var. microphylla (Torr. & A. Gray) Barneby Harris Co. (Turner 1959). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. D. phleoides (Torr. & A. Gray) Shinners var. phleoides Harris Co. (Turner 1959). There is a collection, Kobb s.n., from Montgomery Co. in the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 22506 D. villosa (Nutt.) K. Spreng. var. grisea (Torr. & A. Gray) Barneby Isely (1998) mapped a collection on the Harris/Liberty Co. border. There are no collections at SBSC from our area. DESMANTHUS D. acuminatus Benth. Luckow (1993) cites collections from Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. At SBSC there are two collections from Fort Bend Co and one each from W aller and Harris cos.. Brown 18789. D. illinoensis (M ichx.) B. L. Rob. & Fernald. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. (Turner 1959). Luckow (1993) mapped it in all counties except W aller. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 18065. D. leptolobus Torr. & A. Gray. No specimens from our area but Luckow (1993) writes that the type collection is from the Brazos River area between Brazoria and San Felipe. A collection, Tharp s n (TEX), is from W illis in W alker Co. D. virgatus (L.) W illd. [including var. depressus (Humb.& Bonpl. ex W illd.) Turner]. Turner (1959) mapped collections from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Luckow (1993) cites collections from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 18364. D. tatuhyensis Hoehne var. brevipes (B. L. Turner) Luckow Luckow (1993) unites D. brevipes with a South American species and she cites collections from Galveston Co. Waller 2973 (TEX). Turner (1950) cites a collection, Tharp 2347 (TEX), from Brazoria Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Chamber cos. Brown 18365 DESMODIUM D. canescens (L.) DC. Turner (1959) mapped it in Montgomery Co and Turner et al. (2003) mapped it in Montgomery and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18149 D. ciliare (W illd.) DC. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 3853. Turner et al. (2003) mapped it in Fort Bend and Galveston cos. D. glabellum (M ichx.) DC. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8093. D. glutinosum (W illd.) A. W . Wood Liberty Co. in the Davis Hill State Natural Area. Brown 18029 D. incanum DC. Isely (1998) and Turner et al. (2003) mapped plants in Brazoria Co. One collection growing in a flower pot with other plants at the home of Linda Knowles who indicated she discovered it growing in Houston. Brown 35040 D. laevigatum (Nutt.) DC. Isely (1998) mapped a collection in Fort Bend Co and Turner et al. (2003) mapped collections in Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Our only collection is from a population at the upper edge of a deep ravine in Davis Hill State Park in Liberty Co. Brown 18769 D. lineatum DC. Turner et al. (2003) mapped collections in Liberty Co. There are no specimens from our area at SBSC. D. nudiflorum (L.) DC. Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 16576 This species is reported to lack stipels but these are present on our plants. D. paniculatum (L.) DC. Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos.(Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos . Brown 4596. D. pauciflorum (Nutt.) DC. Liberty Co. in the Davis Hill State Natural Area and Menard Creek Unit BTBP Brown 17959 D. rotundifolium DC. Liberty Co. in the Davis Hill State Natural Area. Brown 17956 D. sessilifolium (Torr.) T.& G. Galveston Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 13994. There is a collection from Galveston Co. at TAES and from Montgomery Co. at SHST. D. strictum (Pursh) DC. Turner (1959) reported a collection from Galveston Co. Correll & Johnston (1970) could find no Texas collections. There are no specimens from Texas at SBSC. Lasseigne (1973) found it present in four parishes from central to southeast Louisiana. At SBSC are there are two Louisiana collections, one of which is from central Calcasieu Parish. D. viridiflora (L.) DC. Turner et al. (2003) mapped it in Harris Co. There are no collections for our area at SBSC. ERYTHRINA E. herbacea L. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown & Lowrey 13237 .


EYSENHARDTIA E. texana Scheele Isely (1998) mapped plants from Montgomery Co. This record is probably from cultivated shrubs as it is cultivated in the Houston area. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. GALACTIA G. canescens Benth. Isely (1998) mapped plants at the W aller/Austin Co. line. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria Co. at Bryan Beach Brown, Peterson, & Blakeman 21531 G. marginalis Benth. Isely (1998) mapped a collection from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown 23739 G. regularis (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. sensu W. Duncan (1979) and W ard and Hall (2004). Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16307. GLEDITSIA G. aquatica Marshall Galveston and Chambers cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 17232 G. triacanthos L. Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18032 GLOTTIDIUM G. vesicarium (Jacq.) Harper [ Sesbania vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott] Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. (Turner l959). Specimens at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Cabiness s.n. INDIGOFERA I. miniata Ort. W aller Co. (Turner 1959). Isely (1998) mapped specimens in all of our coastal counties and inland from Montgomery and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris and M ontgomery cos. and from Galveston Co. in the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Brown 15391. I. hirsuta L. Harris Co., Houston near intersection of South W ayside Drive with W heeler Avenue. Jed Aplaca s.n. I. suffruticosa Mill. Isely (1998) mapped plants from Liberty Co. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 5898. KUMMEROW IA K. striata (Thunb. ex Murray) Schindl. Harris and Liberty cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 19326. LATHYRUS L. hirsutus L. Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15403 L. pusillus Elliott Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Galveston cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 6903 LESPEDEZA L. capitata Michx. Chambers Co. at SBSC ( Brown 24698 ) and from Galveston Co. at TAES ( Waller & Bauml 3202 ) L. cuneata (Dumont) G. Don Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 25087 L. hirta (L.) Hornem. var. hirta Clewell (1966) mapped specimens in or near our area. Two collection at SBSC are from Montgomery Co. Blakeman s.n.; Brown 33967 L. procumbens Michx. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 26747 L. repens (L.) Barton Specimens from Harris Co. are at the Houston Arboretum herbarium and from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. at SBSC. Brown 15408. L. virginica (L.) Britton Clewell (1966) mapped specimens in or near our area. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16607. LEUCAENA L. leucocephala (Lamark) de W it Not mapped in our area by Turner (1959) or by Isely (1973). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and Harris cos. More common on Galveston Island where some plants are large shrubs and trees on coastal sands at the extreme east side of the Island. Brown 17644 LOTUS L. unifoliolatus (Hook.) Benth. var. helleri (Britton) Kartesz & Gandhi = L. purshianus (Benth.) Clements &Clements ex Ottley var. helleri (Britton) Isely Isley (1981) mapped collections from our area and Turner (1959) mapped specimens from Galveston Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC but at TEX there is an A. J. Nelson specimen collected in May 1942 from Galveston Co.


LUPINUS L. subcarnosus Hook. Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14252 L. texensis Hook. Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Anderson s.n. MEDICAGO M. arabica (L.) Hudson Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 15161 M. lupulina L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 5611 M. minima (L.) L. On lose sandy soil in Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 31131 M. polymorpha L. Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 9747 M. sativa L. Harris Co. Brown 8642 MELILOTUS M. albus Medik. Galveston Co. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6099 M. indicus (L.) All. All counties except Chambers (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7039 MIMOSA M. hystricina (Small) B. L. Turner Turner (1994c) mapped our taxon in Brazoria, Harris, and Galveston cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8871 M. latidens (Small) B. L. Turner Turner (1994c) mapped our taxon in Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Peterson 302 M. nuttallii (DC.) B. L. Turner Turner (1994c) did not show this taxon in our area but there are specimens at SBSC from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 10563 M. strigillosa Torr. & A. Gray. Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 9980 NEPTUNIA N. lutea (Leavenw.) Benth. Mapped in Galveston and W aller cos. by Isley (1973). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16542 N. pubescens Benth. Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. (Turner 1959) Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 11382 ORBEXILUM O. pedunculatum (M ill.) Rydb. [ Psoralea psoralioides (W alter) Cory var. eglandulosum (Elliott) F. L. Freeman] Mapped by both Turner (1959) and Grimes (1990) in Harris Co. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris Co. Brown 5683 . Turner later (2008) mapped an additional collection in Montgomery Co. O. simplex (Torr.& A.Gray) Rydb. ( Psoralea simplex Nutt. ex T.& G.) Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. (Grimes 1990). The collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 14349 . In our area, Turner (2008) mapped specimens only in the two counties represented at SBSC. PARKINSONIA P. aculeata L. Brown 10565

Galveston and Harris cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris and W aller cos.

PEDIOMELUM P. digitatum (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Grimes ( Psoralea digitata Nutt. ex T.& G.) Harris Co. (Grimes 1990). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. P. hypogaeum (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Rydb. var. subulatum (Bush) Grimes Ockendon (1965) mapped it (as Psoralea subulata Bush) in Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Grimes (1990) mapped it to the edge of our area in Colorado and Grimes cos. Isely (1998) mapped it from W aller Co. Turner et al (2003) mapped it in Montgomery and W aller cos. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. P. rhombifolium (Torr. & A. Gray) Rydb. ( Psoralea rhombifolia Torr. & A. Gray) Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. (Ockendon 1965). Grimes (1990) mapped it throughout our area.. Isely (1998) mapped plants from Chambers and Galveston cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7362 PHASEOLUS P. polystachios (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Liberty Co. One sterile specimen from the salt dome in Davis Hill State Natural Area. Brown 17822. This is perhaps the third collection for the state.


PISUM P. sativum L.

Montgomery Co.

One collection from a roadside.

D. P. Johnson s.n.

PROSOPIS P. glandulosa Torr. var. glandulosa Chambers Co. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 14273 . Also mapped in Chambers and Galveston cos. (Turner et al. 2003) PSORALDIUM P. tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydb. ( Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh) Harris Co. (Turner 1959). Grimes (1990) mapped it in our area to the west of Galveston Bay. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria Co. where it is frequent along roadsides on the Damon Salt Dome. Brown 12211 PUERARIA P. montana (Lour.) M errill var. lobata (W illd.) Van der M aesen & Almeida cos. Brown 15515

Specimens at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Liberty

RHYNCHOSIA R. americana (M ill.) C. Metz Galveston and Harris cos. (Grear 1978) and mapped in Chambers and Fort Bend cos. (Turner et al. 2003). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 7276. R. difformis (Elliott) DC. Grear (1978) cites a collection, Turner 3916 (TEX), from Montgomery Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 3623. R. latifolia Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray. Brazoria, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos.(Grear 1978). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 17958. R. minima (L.) DC. Harris and Fort Bend cos. (Grear 1978). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 17487. R. senna Gillies ex Hook. var. texana (Torr. & A. Gray) M.C. Johnst. Mapped in Brazoria Co. (Turner et al. 2003). No specimens from our area at SBSC. ROBINIA R. pseudoacacia L. 17752

Harris Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown

SCHRANKIA see Mimosa where Barneby (1991) treated our taxa as varieties of the single species M. quadrivalvis L. Turner (1994) transferred our taxa to Mimosa as separate species. SENNA S. alata (L.) Roxb. Brazoria Co. W. Pruess 507 S. corymbosa (Lam.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Harris Co. P.V. Roling s.n. S. lindheimeriana (Scheele) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Harris Co. Brown 8104 and 9455. A population of a few plants persisted for about 2 years along a roadside in Deer Park. . S. marilandica (L.) Link Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18206. S. obtusifolia (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Montgomery Co. (Turner 1959.). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14830. S. occidentalis (L.) Link Montgomery Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16527 . SESBANIA S. drummondii (Rydb.) Cory All counties except Harris (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. McFarlane 93 S. herbacea (Mill.) McVaugh ( S. exaltata (Raf.) Cory and S. macrocarpa Muhl.) Chambers and Harris cos. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18189 S. punicea (Cav.) Benth. Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. Brown 3714 SOPHORA S. affinis Torr. & A. Gray. Isley (1981) mapped specimens from Liberty and W aller cos. There are three Liberty Co. collections at SBSC. One from the alluvial banks of Davis Bayou in Davis Hill State Park, one from the edge of the Trinity River in the Trinity River National W ildlife Refuge, and the third collection from the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket National Preserve. Brown & Peterson 18212 S. secundiflora (Ortega) DC. Isley (1981) mapped collections, which he considers native, from Galveston and Harris cos. I doubt native plants in our area.


STROPHOSTYLES S. helvula (L.) Elliott Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10723 S. leiosperma (Torr. & A. Gray.) Piper Chambers, Galveston, and Montgomery cos. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16381 S. umbellata (W illd.) Britton Montgomery Co. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6541 STYLOSANTHES S. biflora (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb.

Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 2501

TEPHROSIA T. lindheimeri A. Gray W ood (1949) cites a collection, Small & Wherry 11805 (NY), near the San Jacinto River E of Houston. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. T. onobrychoides Nutt. All counties except Fort Bend and Liberty (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 8765 T. virginiana (L.) Pers. At SBSC there are two collections, McClure 779 , from W aller Co and Brown 33697 from Harris Co. TRIFOLIUM T. amphianthum T.& G. Hennen (1950) mapped specimens from Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. T. bejariense Moric. Hennen (1950) mapped specimens from Harris Co. At SBSC there is one collection from Harris Co. Brown 27942 T. campestre Schreb. Harris Co. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9947 T. carolinianum M ichx. Mapped by Hennen (1950) in Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 18470 T. dubium Sibth. Brazoria Co. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris and W aller cos. Brown 15824 T. incarnatum L. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15540. T. lappaceum L. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17780 T. pratense L. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 20147 T. reflexum L. Mapped by Hennen (1950) in Galveston and Harris cos. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. T. repens L. Brazoria, Galveston, and Liberty cos. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 16740 T. resupinatum L. Brazoria and Galveston cos. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 14182 T. vesiculosum Savi Montgomery and W aller cos. Brown & Fleming 12196 VICIA V. ludoviciana Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray. subsp. leavenworthii (Torr. & A. Gray) Lassetter & Gunn Brazoria Co. (Turner 1959). Specimens of this subspecies at SBSC are from Brazoria and Liberty cos. Brown 21856 V. ludoviciana Nutt ex Torr. & A. Gray.. subsp. ludoviciana All counties except Montgomery (Turner 1959). Specimens of this subspecies at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Fort Bend cos. Brown 15113 V. minutiflora A. Dietr. Chambers and Harris cos. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6913 V. sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrhart (including V. angustifolia L.) Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty and W aller cos. Brown 14296 V. tetrasperma (L.) Schreber Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17770 V. villosa Roth. (Including V. dasycarpa Tenors) Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 6013 VIGNA V. luteola (Jacq.) Benth. Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Chambers, Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 8389. W ISTERIA W . frutescens (L.) Poiret (including W. macrostachya (Torr. & A. Gray) Robinson & Fernald.) Liberty Co. (Turner 1959). Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8389 W . sinensis (Sims) DC. At SBSC collections of wild-growing plants are from Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 15818


ZORNIA Z. bracteata J. F. Gmel.

Harris Co. (Turner 1959). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. FAGACEAE

Brown 16377

CASTANEA C. pumila (L.) Mill. var. pumila (including C. alnifolia Nutt.) Johnson (1988) mapped specimens from Montgomery and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8847 FAGUS F. grandifolia Ehrh. Collections at SBSC are from Liberty Co. where they are somewhat frequent along Menard Creek in the extreme northern portion of the county. These trees are in the Big Thicket National Preserve. Brown 18163 . At SHST, there is a Harris Co. collection ( Kessler 344 ) from heavy woods near Spring Creek. In addition, McLeod (1975) reports a stand of seventy-five trees seven miles west of Conroe in Montgomery Co. QUERCUS Q. alba L. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18640 Q. durandii Buckley Misapplied is Q.sinuata W alter var. sinuata of Texas authors. See D. B. W ard (2007) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18216 Q. falcata Michx. including Q. pagoda Raf. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 20271 The variation in this complex is so great that I am unable to develop a satisfactory key to separate these two entities. Q. hemisphaerica W . Bartram ex W illd. Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Vines s.n. Q. incana W . Bartram Hunt (1990) Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 4310 Q. laurifolia M ichx. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 26781 Q. lyrata W alter Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18203 Q. macrocarpa Michx. Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown 14112 Q. margaretta (Ashe) Ashe Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 26739 Q. marilandica Muench. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16398 Q. michauxii Nutt. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 24432 Q. nigra L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Rosen 2159 Q. phellos L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 24648 Q. shumardii Buckley Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 20514 Q. stellata W angenh. including Q. similis Ashe Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15893 The variation in this complex is so great that I cannot develop a satisfactory key to separate these two entities. Q. texana Buckley ( Q. nuttallii Palmer) K. Nixon & P. Phillips 4063 (TEX) is a neotype collection along highway 105, 1.0 mi W of Romayor in Liberty Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 20241 Q. virginiana Mill. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 22837 Q. velutina Lam. Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 27435 FUMARIACEAE CORYDALIS C. micrantha (Engelman) A. Gray FUMARIA F. densiflora DC.

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 20111

Montgomery Co.

Gudron Opperman s.n. GENTIANACEAE

CENTAURIUM C. pulchellum (Sw.) Druce Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 9879 C. floribundum (Benth.) B.L. Rob. [ C. muhlenbergii of auth. not (Griseb. Piper)] Holmes and W ivagg (1996) report this species (as C . muhlenbergii) new to Texas but mapped no collections from our area. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 20527 C. texense (Griseb.) Fernald. Montgomery Co. Carol Kobb s.n. EUSTOM A E. exaltatum (L.) G. Don

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos.

Brown 11414


E. russelianum (Hook.) G. don [ E. grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinners] According to K.N. Gandhi (pers. comm.) E . russelianum has priority. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6261 SABATIA S. angularis (L.) Pursh The collection, Watson 1152 , from the roadside of Hwy 105 between Batson and Moss Hill in Liberty Co. is at TAES. At SBSC the collection, D. Johnson 1090 , is from Liberty Co. S. arenicola Green. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 19119 S. calycina (Lam.) Heller Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 7956 S. campestris Nutt. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Vines s.n. S. gentianoides Elliott Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. At SHST there is one collection from Montgomery Co. Brown 19284 GERANIACEAE GERANIUM G. carolinianum L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 6962 G. texanum (Trel.) Heller Liberty Co. Liberty Co. E. S. Nixon 4600 GROSSULARIACEAE ITEA I. virginica L.

Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 17502 HALORAGACEAE

MYRIOPHYLLUM M. aquaticum (Vell.) Verd. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16861 M. heterophyllum Michx. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 19307 M. pinnatum (W alter) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. PROSERPINACA P. palustris L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. P. pectinata Lam. Liberty Co. Brown 32496 HAMAMELIDACEAE HAMAMELIS H. virginiana L. LIQUIDAMBAR L. styraciflua L.

Brown 9728.

Brown 6060

Liberty Co.

Brown 18608

Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. HEM EROCALLIDACEAE

Brown 21367

HEMEROCALLIS H. lilioasphodelus L.

There are no collections yet at SBSC HIPPOCASTANACEAE

AESCULUS A. pavia L. var. pavia Wyatt & Lodwick (1981) map specimens from Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown 9478 HYACINTHACEAE SCHOENOLIRION S. wrightii H.L. Sherman

Harris Co.

Brown 34420 with Jason Singhurst HYDROCHARITACEAE

HALOPHILA H. engelmannii Aschers. Brazoria Co. McFarlane s.n.


HYDRILLA H. verticillata (L.f.) Caspary SHST

Specimens at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos.

Brown 16699 and from Montgomery Co. at

LIMNOBIUM L. spongia (Bosc.) L.C. Rich. ex Steud. NAJAS N. guadalupensis (Spreng.) Magnus OTTELIA O. alismoides (L.) Pers. THALASSIA T. testudinum Koenig

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 7371

Chambers and Harris cos.

Brown 17480

There are no collections from our area but may be present somewhere or may appear in the future.

Brazoria and Galveston cos.


HYDROLEA H. ovata Choisy Collections at H. uniflora Raf. Liberty cos.

Davenport (1988) mapped collections from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 19300 Davenport (1988) mapped collections from Liberty and Chambers cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Brown 7593

NAMA N. hispidum A. Gray W aller Co. Bridge. Brown 8735

Brown 29200a . Also found on deep sands in Austin Co. on the west side of the I-10 Brazos River

NEM OPHILA` N. aphylla (L.) Brummitt. Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 5965 N. phacelioides Nutt. Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 6972 PHACELIA P. congesta Hooker Atwood (1975) mapped a collection from near Galveston Bay. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. P. glabra Nutt. Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 7158 P. hirsuta Nutt. Constance (1949) cites a collection, Tharp s.n., (TEX) from Chambers Co. Collections at SBSC are from sandy soil in Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 19015 and Joe Liggio P. patuliflora (Engelm. & A. Gray) A. Gray var. patuliflora. Constance (1949) cites collections of var. patuliflora from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris (a flower bed weed in Houston) and W aller cos. Brown 30325 P. strictiflora (Engelm. & A. Gray) A. Gray Constance (1949) cites a collection, J. E. Brodie 43 , (US) of var. strictiflora from W aller Co. and a collection, Thurow s.n. , (US) of var. connexa Constance from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. HYPERICACEAE (CLUSIACEAE) HYPERICUM H. crux-andreae (L.) Crantz Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17497 H. densiflorum Pursh Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6507 H. drummondii (Grev. & Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray. There is a collection from Galveston Co. at Mercer Arboretum and collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 26176 H. galioides Lam. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18740 H. gentianoides (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14748 H. gymnanthum Engelm. & A. Gray Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17242 H. hypericoides (L.) Crantz Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. McFarlane 100 H. mutilum L. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 18722 H. nudiflorum Michx. ex W illd. Liberty Co. on a steep slope in the Davis Hill State Natural area on the Davis Hill salt dome E of Cleveland Brown & Peterson 17730 TRIADENUM T. tubulosum (W alter) Gleason Brazoria and Liberty cos. Brown 19714 T. walteri (J.G. Gmel.) Gleason Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9496


HYPOXIDACEAE HYPOXIS Herndon (1992) is the current source for recent name changes in this genus. H. curtisii Rose = H. leptocarpa (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16100 H. hirsuta (L.) Coville Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 9767 H. rigida Chapm. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 25178 H. sessilis L. Harris Co. Brown 21446. The specimen is in the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. H. wrightii (Baker) Brackett ( H. micrantha Pollard). Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15972 IRIDACEAE ALOPHIA A. drummondii (Graham) Foster HERBERTIA H. lahue (M olina) Goldblatt

Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 20519

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos.

Brown 13430

IRIS I. brevicaulis Raf. Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown 29141 I. hexagona W alter Fort Bend and Liberty Co. Brown 20453 I. virginica L. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 8587 NEMASTYLIS N. geminiflora Nutt.

Harris Co in Jesse Jones County Park.

Paul Roling s.n.

SISYRINCHIUM S. albidum Raf. Montgomery Co. Brown 16849 S. angustifolium Mill. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 25214 S. atlanticum E.P. Bicknell The collection, Watson 1683 , from Marysee Prairie in Liberty Co is on deposit at Lamar University in Beaumont. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers Co. Brown 30528 S. biforme E.P. Bicknell Frequent on coastal sands. Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 18400 S. campestre E.P. Bicknell Liberty Co. R. Ross s.n. (ASTC). Three miles SE of Cleveland on Hwy 321, 1 mi N on farm road S. ensigerum E. P. Bicknell Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 29191 S. langloisii Greene Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15211 S. minus Engelm. & A. Gray Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery cos. (Shinners 1962a). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 9928 S. pruinosum E. P. Bicknell Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18547 S. rosulatum E.P. Bicknell Hornberger (1991) includes S. exile , the yellow flowered taxon, under this name. Shinners (1962a) saw collections of the yellow-flowered taxon from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. but he saw no collections of the white-flowered taxon, S. rosulatum , from our area. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15901 S. sagittiferum E.P Bicknell. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 7153 ISOETACEAE ISOETES I. melanopoda Gay & Durieu ex Durieu Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. (Correll 1955). At SBSC the collection, Kinser s.n., is from the Sam Houston National Forest W of New W averly near W side of Lake Conroe N of Longstreet Rd along Lone Star Trail. This is on the Montgomery/W alker County boundary. JUGLANDACEAE CARYA C. tomentosa (Lam.) Nutt. Brazoria, Chambers, and Liberty cos. Brown 18564 C. aquatica (M ichx. f.) Nutt. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. C. cordiformis (W angenh.) K. Koch Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 9994 C. glabra (M ill.) Sweet Liberty Co. Brown 27446 C. illinioensis (W angenh.) K. Koch Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty (M C) cos. Brown 15173 C. ovata (M ill.) K. Koch Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 13499 C. texana Buckley Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Peterson 571

Brown 15849


JUGLANS J. nigra L. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Davis Hill salt dome E of Cleveland in Liberty Co.

Peterson 1600 . Most common in the Davis Hill State Natural Area on the

JUNCACEAE JUNCUS J. acuminatus Michx. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16018 J. anthelatus (W iegand) R.E. Brooks Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 2134 J. brachycarpus Engelm. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15993 J. bufonius L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 3240 J. capitatus W eigel Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15861 J. coriaceus Mack. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos at SBSC and from Brazoria Co. at TEX. Brown 7209 J. dichotomus Elliott Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 21976 J. diffusissimus Buckley Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7120 J. effusus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2286 J. elliottii Chapm. Collections at SBSC are f rom Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos Brown 30485 and David Rosen 3623. At TAES there is one collection ( P. Harcombe s.n.), from Liberty Co. in the Marysee Prairie north of Hwy 105 between Batson and Moss Hill. J. interior W ieg. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 2408 J. marginatus Rostk. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8691 J. megacephalus M. A. Curtis Galveston and Brazoria cos. Brown 7356 J. nodatus Coville Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8697 J. polycephalus Michx. Liberty Co. A small population in the Damuth Sanctuary near Cleveland. Nixon et al. 12158 and Brown 26778 J. repens Michx. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7302 J. roemerianus Scheele Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 4408 J. scirpoides Lam. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16690 J. tenuis W illd. var. tenuis Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7055 J. torreyi Coville Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 3480 J. validus Coville Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14649 LUZULA L. bulbosa (A. W . Wood) Smyth & Smyth

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. KRAMERIACEAE

Brown 15105

KRAMERA K. lanceolata Torr. Turner (1959) reported collections from Galveston and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 6138 LAMIACEAE BRAZORIA B. scutellarioides Engelm. & A. Gray = Warnockia scutellarioides (Engelm. & A. Gray) M . L. Turner W aller Co. Brown 13456 Not mapped in our area by M.. Turner (1996). B. truncata (Benth.) Engelm. & A. Gray var. truncata W aller Co. Brown 20437 Not mapped in our area by M..Turner (1996) CALAMINTHA C. arkansana (Nutt.) Shinners CLINOPODIUM C. gracile (Benth.) Kuntze

The collection, Brown 15496, is from Polk Co. at the Liberty Co. boundary line.

Montgomery Co. where it is or was a greenhouse weed.

Lowrey s.n.

HEDEOMA H. drummondii Benth. Harris Co. Brown 6071 H. hispida Pursh Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 8645 H. alata (Raf.) Shinners Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Peterson 1439 H. mutabilis (L. Rich.) Briq. Liberty Co. on Davis Hill salt dome. Brown & Liggio 23169


HYPTIS H. alata (Raf.) Shinners Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery H. mutabilis (L. Rich.) Briq. Liberty co. Brown 23169 LAMIUM L. amplexicaule L.

Peterson 1979

Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 8475

LEONOTIS L. nepetifolia (L.) Aiton f.

Liberty Co.

Brown 27445

LYCOPUS L. rubellus M oench Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15044 L. virginicus L. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 4012 MICROMERIA M. brownei (Sw.) Benth. var. pilosiuscula A. Gray

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6702

MONARDA M. citriodora Cerv. ex Lag. var citriodora Turner (1994) mapped collections from all of our counties. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Schultz s.n. M. clinopodioides A. Gray Turner (1994) mapped a collection from Brazoria Co. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris and W aller cos. The Harris Co. specimens probably originated from seed mixtures that were scattered in the Jesse Jones County Park and along Harris County Flood Control District projects. Brown 5696 M. fistulosa L. Turner (1994) mapped collections from Brazoria, Galveston, and Liberty cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Liberty and Montgomery cos. Peterson 1626 M. lindheimeri A. Gray Turner (1994) mapped collections from Harris and W aller cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 20431 M. punctata L. var. lasiodonta A. Gray Turner (1994) mapped this taxon north of the coast with a collection from Montgomery Co. within our limits. There are no collections at SBSC. M. punctata L. var. punctata Turner (1994) mapped collections in the coastal regions of Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14796 PERILLA P. frutescens (L.) Britton

Harris, Liberty (M C), and Montgomery cos.

Brown 6605

PHYSOSTEGIA P. angustifolia Fernald. Cantino (1982) mapped no specimens from our area. At SBSC there are four roadside collections from Liberty Co. All are along or near Hwy 321 between Dayton and Liberty. Brown 20464 P. correllii (Lundell) Shinners Cantino (1982) reports collections from Galveston and Harris cos. and cites the TEX collection Boon 108. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. P. digitalis Small Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. and from Liberty Co. at SHST Brown 10847 P. intermedia (Nutt.) Engelm. & A. Gray W aller Co. (Cantino 1982). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14285 P. pulchella Lundell Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. (Lundell 1969). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 6556 P. virginiana (L.) Benth. subsp. praemorsa (Shinners) Cantino Liberty Co. (Cantino 1982). Brazoria and Harris cos. (Lundell 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6556 PRUNELLA P. vulgaris L.

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 14342

PYCNANTHEMUM P. albescens Torr. & A. Gray. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15482 P. tenuifolium Schrad. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7446 RHODODON R. ciliatus (Benth.) Epl. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 14248. Turner (1995) mapped a collection from northwest Montgomery Co., probably from sandy soil in the Sam Houston National Forest.


SALVIA S. azurea Lam. var. grandiflora Benth. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. S. coccinea Buchoz ex Etl. Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9474 S. lyrata L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7042

Brown 8946

SCUTELLARIA S. cardiophylla Engelm. & A. Gray Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6245 S. drummondii Benth. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Peterson 787 S. elliptica Muhl. Liberty Co. Brown 18240 S. integrifolia L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 15997 S. ovata Hill Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Frank Gregg s. n . S. parvula Michx. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 15140 S. racemosa Persoon ( including Texas reports of S. minor not Hudson) Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 12113

STACHYS S. crenata Raf. Brazoria, Harris, Fort Bend, and Galveston cos. Brown 6879. Turner (1994) follows Mulligan & Monroe (1989) in using the name S. agraria Cham & Schlecht. for this taxon. S. drummondii Benth. Chambers, Brazoria, and Harris cos. Brown 5911 S. floridana Shuttlew. ex Benth. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 12106 S. tenuifolia W illd. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6430 TEUCRIUM T. canadense L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. T. cubense Jacq. Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 7227

Brown 14675

TRICHOSTEMA T. dichotomum L.

Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 18814 LAURACEAE

CINNAMOMUM C. camphora (L.) J. Presl LINDERA L. benzoin (L.) Blume

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 16924

Mapped in Liberty Co. (Turner et al. 2003). There are no collections from our area at SBSC.

PERSEA P. borbonia (L.) Spreng. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 28033 P. palustris (Raf.) Sarg. Montgomery cos. Brown 27020 SASSAFRAS S. albidum (Nutt.) Nees

Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. LEITNERIACEAE

Brown 6873

LEITNERIA L. floridana Chapm. All known Texas collections are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Jefferson cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown 11762. LEMNACEAE LANDOLTIA L. punctata (G. Mey.) Les & D.J. Crawford. Liberty cos. Brown 7206

[ Spirodela. punctata (Meyer) Thomps.]

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and

LEMNA L. aequinoctialis W elw. Reported by Landolt (1986) as frequent in Texas and mapped by him in our area. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Also a Harris Co. specimen in the herbarium at the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens. Brown 21871


L. minuta Kunth ( L. minima Phil. ex Hegelm.) Landolt (1986) reported a collection from Brazoria Co. There are no collections at SBSC. Not mapped in our area by Diggs et al. (2006). L. obscura (Austin) Daubs Mapped in our area by Landolt (1986). There are no collections at SBSC. Diggs et al. (2006) mapped it in all of counties except for Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller. SPIRODELA S. polyrhiza (L.) Schleid.

Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos.

Brown 11193

W OLFFIA W . braziliensis W eddell Mapped in our area by Landolt (1986). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend Co. Brown 111400 W . columbiana Karsten Mapped in our area by Landolt (1986). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown 111400 W OLFFIELLA W . gladiata (Hegelm.) Hegelm. Landolt (1986) reported this species rather rare in Texas. He saw collections .from 10 counties none of which included our area. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. W here present, these plants are abundant just below the water surface. Brown 31343 W . lingulata (Hegelm.) Hegelm. Landolt (1986) reported a collection from Brazoria Co. There are no collections at SBSC. W . oblonga (Phil.) Hegelm. Landolt (1986) reported a collection from Brazoria Co. There are no collections at SBSC. LENTIBULARIACEAE PINGUICULA P. pumila M ichx.

Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 20400

UTRICULARIA U. cornuta Michx. Austin Co. along highway 36 across the Brazos River from W aller Co. Geyata Ajilvsgi 8790 . Also mapped in Galveston County (Turner et al. 2003). U. foliosa L. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Fort Bend cos. and at TEX there is a collection from Liberty Co. It is frequent in 40 Acre Lake in Brazos Bend State Park in Fort Bend Co. Frank Gregg s.n. Texas collections of this species have been misidentified as U. vulgaris L. Brown and Marcus (1998) reported it new to Texas. U. gibba L. [Taylor (1989) includes U. biflora Lam. in synonymy] Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6698 U. purpurea W alter W etland at border of Liberty County with San Jacinto County along Hwy 105 west of Cleveland Paul Roling s.n. Also mapped in Chambers County (Turner et al. 2003). U. radiata Small Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6983 U. subulata L. Chambers. Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16922 LILIACEAE TULBAGHIA T. violaceae Harv.

Harris Co. A cultivated species found growing along a roadside in LaPorte. Anna Marie Isaac s.n. LINACEAE

LINUM L. alatum (Small) W inkl. Brazoria and Galveston cos. (Rogers 1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria Co. Brown 11327 L. berlandieri Hook. var. berlandieri Harris and W aller cos. (Rogers 1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 20393 L. imbricatum (Raf.) Shinners Rogers (1963) cites collections from Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 9723 L. hudsonioides Planch. Rogers (1963) cites a collection, Hall 63 (F), from W aller Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC L. medium (Planch.) Britton var. texanum (Planch.) Fernald. Reported from all cos. except Brazoria (Rogers 1964). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14746 L. striatum W alter Harris and Liberty cos. (Rogers 1964) Collections from SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 18612 L. sulcatum Riddell Chambers and Harris cos. (Rogers 1964). At SBSC there is one collection from Harris Co. Brown 9437 L. usitatissimum L. Harris Co. Brown 15812


LOGANIACEAE GELSEMIUM G. sempervirens St.-Hil.

Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 10833

MITREOLA M. petiolata (J.F. Gmel.) Torr. & A. Gray. Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14821 M. sessilifolia (J.F. Gmel.) G. Don Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. The Chambers Co. plants are from very sandy soil along road to Smith Point and Harris County plants are from two pimple mounds in prairies. Liberty County plants occur on a sandy roadside and in a wet prairie. Brown 21438 SPIGELIA S. loganioides (Endl. & Fenzl) A. DC. [including S. texana (Torr. & A. Gray) A. DC.] Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown & Peterson 17966. Henrickson (1996) has merged our taxon with the Florida taxon. S. marilandica (L.) L. Liberty Co. in Davis Hill State Natural Area. Brown & Liggio 17811. LYCOPODIACEAE LYCOPODIUM L. appressum (Chapman) Lloyd & Underwood

Chambers Co.

Brown 20559

LYGODIACEAE LYGODIUM L. japonicum (Thunb. ex Murray) Sw.

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. LYTHRACEAE

Brown 24653

The most recent treatment of our species is S. Graham (1975). AMMANNIA A. x coccinea Rottb.

Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller cos.

Brown 10562

CUPHEA C. carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbr. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18081 C. glutinosa Cham. & Schlecht. Liberty, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17946 . Also collections from Austin and San Jacinto cos. not far from our area. C. hyssopifolia Kunth Harris Co. Escaping in Jesse Jones County Park near Humble and along roadsides in Clear Lake City. Brown 29968 LAGERSTROMIA L. indica L. Chambers and Harris cos.

Brown 21321

LYTHRUM L. alatum Pursh var. lanceolatum (Elliott) A. Gray Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20552 L. lineare L. Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 24399 The Chambers Co. collection from Anahuac National W ildlife Refuge, the Harris Co. collection from saline edge of Taylor Bayou at intersection of Hwy 146 with Port Road ROTALA R. ramosior (L.) Koehne

Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. MAGNOLIACEAE

Brown 19555

MAGNOLIA M. grandiflora L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 15267 M. virginiana L. Collections at SBSC are from two sites in Liberty County, and sites in Montgomery and in San Jacinto cos. along Peach Creek north of the Highway 105 bridge. Brown 19197


MALVACEAE ABUTILON A. theophrasti Medik. Harris Co. Observed and collected once at Armand Bayou Nature Park with a recent collection from Jesse Jones County Park. Brown 7974 and Paul Rolling s.n. CALLIRHOE C. alcaeoides (M ichx.) A. Gray Dorr (1990) reported the collection, Schneck s.n. (F), from Galveston in Galveston Co. There are no local collections at SBSC C. involucrata (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray var. lineariloba (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray Door (1990) cites collections from Brazoria and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15988 C. leiocarpa Martin Harris County Escaping from cultivation in Jesse Jones County Park. Paul Rolling s.n. C. papaver A. Gray Door (1990) cites specimens from Brazoria, Galveston, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11119 HIBISCUS H. coccineus W alter Galveston and Harris cos. Escaping from cultivation in our area. Brown 32867 H. laevis All. ( H. militaris Cav.) Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 10539 H. moscheutos L. subsp. lasiocarpos (Cav.) O. J. Blanchard Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7551 KOSTELETZKYA K. virginica (L.) A. Gray MALACHRA M. capitata (L.) L. MALVA M. parviflora L.

Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 17474

Brazoria and Fort Bend cos.

Brown 14878

Harris Co.

Brown 16430

MALVASTRUM M. aurantiacum (Scheele) W alp. Harris Co. D. Johnson s.n. M. coromandelianum (L.) Garcke Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 13495 MALVAVISCUS M. arboreus Cav. var. drummondii (Torr. & A. Gray.) Schery Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14782 MODIOLA M. caroliniana (L.) G. Don

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

McFarlane 03

PAVONIA P. hastata Cav. Harris Co. Growing wild along S. Mayde Creek at the Fry Road bridge. Key Map 446 T. Brown 31921 SIDA S. S. S. S. S.

abutifolia M ill. Harris Co. Brown 21528 ciliaris L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6110 lindheimeri Engelm. & A. Gray Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17821 rhombifolia L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9418 spinosa L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10003

SPHAERALCEA S. angustifolia (Cav.) G. Don At SHST, the collection ( J. Peterson ) is from Montgomery Co. MARANTACEAE THALIA T. dealbata Fraser ex Roscoe

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos.

Brown 9476


MARSILEACEAE MARSILEA M. macropoda Engelm. ex A. Br. A recent collection, Brown 18750 , is from a vacant lot in downtown Houston. Johnson (1986) considers records from vacant lots in urban areas in New Orleans, Louisiana and Mobile, Alabama to represent introductions. Our plants are probably escapes from a yard planting. M. vestita Hook. & Grev. Johnson (1986) cites a collection, Bush 173 (MO), from Brazoria Co. Correll (1956) also reports a collection, as M. mucronata A. Br., from Galveston Co. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15163 MELANTHIACEAE STENANTHIUM S. gramineum (Ker-Gawl.) Morong

Liberty Co.


RHEXIA R. lutea W alter

Mapped in Chambers Co. (Turner et al 2003). No specimens from our area at SBSC.

R. mariana L. All cos. except Fort Bend and W aller (Kral & Bostick 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18677 MELIACEAE MELIA M. azedarach L.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos.

Vines s.n.


Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 22520

MENYANTHACEAE NYM PHOIDES N. aquatica (J.G. Gmel.) Kuntze Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 8280

MOLLUGINACEAE GLINUS G. lotoides L. Dike across Gatornest Rd in Brazoria National W ildlife Refuge, Brazoria Co. The collection, Fleetwood 9144 , is at TEX There are no collections at SBSC. G. radiatus (Ruiz & Pav.) Rohrb. Liberty Co. from dried-up depression in the Trinity River bottomland. Brown 18324 MOLLUGO M. verticillata L. CARPETW EED

Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. MORACEAE

Brown 19537

BROUSSONETIA B. papyrifera (L.) Vent. from Fort Bend Co. FATOUA F. villosa (Thunb.) Nakai FICUS F. pumila L.

Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos.

Brown 23141. At ASTC there is one collection

Harris Co.

Brown 8949

Harris Co. Escaping in the Houston area.

Brown 23152


MACLURA M. pomifera (Raf.) Schneid.

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Marcus s.n.

MORUS M. alba L. Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 15808 M. rubra L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty (M C) and Montgomery cos. MYRICACEAE

Brown 15952

Morella M. cerifera (L.) Small ( Myrica cerifera L .including Myrica pusilla Raf.) Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, and W aller cos. Brown 17544 M. caroliniensis Mill. ( Myrica. heterophylla Raf.) Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. All collections are from acidic sites. Brown & Liggio 19774 MYRTACEAE MYRTUS M. communis L.

Brazoria Co. Shrubs scattered across the Hoskins Mound salt dome. NARTHECIACEAE

Brown 24588

ALETRIS A. aurea W alter

Harris Co.


NELUMBO N. lutea (W illd.) Pers.

Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 11202

NYCTAGINACEAE ACLEISANTHES A. longiflora A. Gray J. M. Smith (1976) cites a collection, W.L. Bray 34 (TEX), from Virginia Point in Brazoria Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. A. obtusa (Choisy) Standl. J. M. Smith (1976) cites a collection, Parks & Cory 17148 (TAES), from Loma Alto in Galveston Co. Since the town in Galveston Co. is Alto Loma and towns named Loma Alto are in Val Verde and M cMullen cos., it is almost certain that this collection came from one of those more western counties. BOERHAVIA B. diffusa L. (includes B. coccinea ) Galveston Co. (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 14318 B. erecta L. Galveston and W aller cos. Brown 8923 MIRABILIS M. albida (W alter) Heimerl Harris and W aller cos. (Reed 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 18806 M. austrotexana B.L. Turner. W aller Co. Turner (1993) mapped no specimens from our area but one collection at SBSC is from deep sand along Hwy 1433 near the bridge over Clear Creek east of Hempstead Also on deep sands in Austin Co. at the I-10 bridge over the Brazos River on the Austin-W aller Co. line. Brown 20435 M. gigantea (Standl.) Shinners Turner (1993) mapped no specimens from our area but mapped collections in adjacent W ashington and W alker cos. One collection at SBSC is from one site in W aller Co namely the Tucker Prairie of the Katy Prairie Association adjacent to a pipeline right of way near Snake Creek. Brown 33863 M. jalapa L. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 19294 M. linearis (Pursh) Heimerl. Turner (1993) mapped this species in Fort Bend County; but later, Turner et al. (2003) did not map it near our area. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. M. nyctaginia (M ichx.) MacMill. Turner et al. (2003) mapped it in Harris Co. Brown 15229 is from shell hash E of Baytown.


NYMPHAEACEAE NUPHAR N. advena (Aiton) Aiton

Harris and Montgomery cos.

Brown 15127

NYM PHAEA N. elegans Hook. Brazoria and Chambers cos. Brown 18697 N. mexicana Zucc. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 16939 N. odorata Aiton Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. at SBSC and from Montgomery Co. in the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Brown 7499 OLEACEAE For a recent treatment of this family see Hardin (1974) CHIONANTHUS C. virginica L.

Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 14180

FORESTIERA F. acuminata (Michx.) Poir. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Chambers cos. (Brooks 1977). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown 17747 F. angustifolia Torr. Present on islands in Galveston Bay and associated waters. Found on the mainland at Smith Point in Chambers Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Chambers Co. Brown 16920. Reported by Brooks (1977) from Chambers Co. F. ligustrina (M ichx.) Poir. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. (Brooks 1977). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 2544 FRAXINUS F. berlandieriana A. DC. Harris and Galveston cos. D. Johnson s.n. F. americana L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 19259 F. caroliniana Mill. Liberty Co. Brown, Peterson, & Blakeman 20582 F. pennsylvanica Marshall Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty (LU), Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 20378 JASMINUM J. mesnyi Hance

Persisting around some old home sites in Harris Co.

Brown 23844

LIGUSTRUM L. lucidum Aiton f. Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 15796 L. sinense Lour. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. ONAGRACEAE

Brown 22223

CALYLOPHUS C. berlandieri Spach subsp. berlandieri Towner (1977) reports a collection, Gentry 865 (RM ), from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. C. berlandieri Spach subsp. pinifolius (Engelm. & A. Gray) Towner Towner (1977) reports a collection, Fisher 3481 (F), from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. C. serrulatus (Nutt.) P. H. Raven Reported by Towner (1977) from Galveston, Brazoria, and Montgomery cos. At SBSC there is one collection from Brazoria Co. Brown 7354 GAURA G. brachycarpa Small P. H. Raven & Gregory (1972) report collections from Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 18728 G. drummondii (Spach) Torr. & A. Gray. P. H. Raven & Gregory (1972) report a single collection, Eggert s.n. (M O), from Harris Co There are no collections at SBSC. G. lindheimeri Engelm. & A. Gray P. H. Raven & Gregory (1972) cite collections from all cos. except Montgomery. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 3647 G. longiflora Spach P. H. Raven & Gregory (1972) report collections from all cos. except Montgomery. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7985


G. parviflora Dougl. ex Lehm. Mapped in our area by P. H. Raven & Gregory (1972). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 7348 G. sinuata Ser. P. H. Raven & Gregory (1972) cite collections from Montgomery and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 13436 , Brown 34423 G. suffulta Engelm. ex A. Gray subsp. suffulta P. H. Raven & Gregory (1972) cite the collection, Parks & Cory 32089 (TAES) from Galveston Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. LUDW IGIA L. alternifolia L. Munz (1944) reported a specimen from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto cos, and W aller. Brown 18728 L. decurrens W alter Munz (1944.) reported a specimen from Montgomery Co. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14760 L. glandulosa Walter subsp. glandulosa Peng (1989) reported collections from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7575 L. glandulosa W alter subsp. brachycarpa (Torr. & A Gray.) Peng Peng (1989) reported collections from Harris and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 9992 L. grandiflora (M ichx.) Greuder & Burdet [including subspecies hexapetala (Hook. & Arn.) G.L. Nesom & Kartesz] This name replaces L. urguayensis (Camb.) Hara because it is older, 1803 vs 1929 (Zardini et al. 1991). Nesom and Kartesz (2000) separated specimens with larger leaves, flowers, and sepals as a subspecies hexapetala . However, their data shows an overlap in these measurements with subspecies urguayensis and I am not recognizing the hexapetala subspecies. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers cos. Brown 8047 L. hirtella Raf. Munz (1944) reported a collection from Harris Co. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14697 L. leptocarpa (Nutt.) Hara Munz (1944) reported a specimen from Brazoria Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 8027 L. linearis W alter Munz (1944) reported specimens from Brazoria, Harris, and W aller Cos. Peng (1989)reported collections from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8053 L. microcarpa Michx. Peng (1989) reported no collections from Texas. Collections from our area at SBSC are from Chambers and Harris cos. Other Texas collection at SBSC are from Hardin and Polk cos. There is a rather large population along hwy 562 ca 3 miles east of Smith Point in Chambers Co. Brown & Liggio 19132 L. octovalvis (Jacq.) P. H. Raven Munz (1944) reported specimens from Brazoria and Galveston cos. Collection at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. Brown 11573 L. palustris (L.) Elliott Munz (1944) reported specimens from Brazoria and Chambers cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10666 L. peploides (Kunth) P. H. Raven Munz (1944) reported specimens from Harris and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 8695 L. pilosa W alter Peng (1989) reported collections from Montgomery Co. There is one collection at SBSC from San Jacinto Co. ca 9 miles west of Cleveland on hwy 105 along east side of Peach Creek with Montgomery Co. on the west side of Peach Creek. Nixon & Ward 10617 L. repens Forst. Munz (1944) reported a specimen from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 11314 L. sphaerocarpa Elliott Peng (1989) reported collections from Harris and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 8286. At Texas &M University (TAES) the collection, Watson 2399, is from the Loblolly Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve in Liberty Co. OENOTHERA O. biennis L. Liberty and Montgomery cos. Rare but found on sandy areas. Brown 19695 O. cordata J. W . Loudon Dietrich & W agner (1988) report a collection, Hall 201 , from Hempstead in W aller Co. (BH, F, MO, NY, POM, US). There are no collections at SBSC. O. drummondii Hook. subsp. drummondii Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Galveston cos. (Munz 1944). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 7363 O. elata Kunth subsp. hirsutissima (S. W atson) Dietrich (including subsp. texensis Dietrich & W agner). I am applying this name to the tall large flowered plants that have been collected in Harris and Liberty cos. There are three collections mapped for east Texas in Dietrich et al (1997). Specimens at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty, cos. Gregg s.n. O. falfurriae W . Dietrich & W . L. W agner Harris Co. Traverse 388 (SMU). There are no collections at SBSC. O. grandis (Britton) Smyth W aller Co. Hall s.n. (F). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. O. heterophylla Spach subsp. heterophylla Mapped in Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. by Orzell & Bridges (1987). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 22469 O. jamesii Torr. & A. Gray. Montgomery Co. Gregg s.n.


O. laciniata Hill Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. (Munz 1944). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 8718 O. linifolia Nutt. Mapped throughout area by Straley (1977) Galveston and Harris cos. (Munz 1944). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9889 O. mexicana Spach Dietrich & W agner (1988) Report the collection, Hall 202 , from Hempstead in W aller Co. Collections at SBSC are from deep sands in W aller Co. one north and one south of Hempstead. Brown 14260 O. pilosella Raf. subsp. sessilis (Penell) Straley Straley (1977) lists a collection, Lindheimer s.n. (US), from Galveston Island in Galveston Co. There are no collections at SBSC. O. rhombipetala Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray Montgomery Co. G. L. Fisher 14 (Munz 1944). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. O. spachiana Torr. & A. Gray. Mapped to the W of Galveston Bay by Straley (1977) Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. (Munz 1944). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8670 O. speciosa Nutt. Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and M ontgomery cos. (Munz 1944). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. McFarlane 08 OPHIOGLOSSACEAE BOTRYCHIUM B. biternatum (Sav.) Underw. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14140 B. lunarioides (M ichx.) Sw. W aller Co. Brown 15832. Holmes et al (1996) report collections from many counties in central and east Texas. B. virginianum (L.) Sw. Liberty Co. in the Davis Hill State Natural area on the Davis Hill salt dome E of Cleveland. Brown 17733 OPHIOGLOSSUM O. crotalophoroides W alter Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. . Brown 11994 O. engelmanii Prantl Collections at SBSC are from Galveston Co. in Kemper Park on Galveston Island. Brown 3838. At SHST the collection ( F. W. Thurow s.n. ) is from W aller Co. Also reported from Harris Co. by Correll (1956). O. petiolatum Hook. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17647 ORCHIDACEAE CALOPOGON C. oklahomensis D. H. Goldman A new species reported from drier sites than the next species. Goldman (1995) found herbarium collections of this species misidentified as C. tuberosus or as C. barbatus (W alter) Ames. He (loc. cit.) reports a 1842 Lindheimer collection at K, from Harris Co. C. tuberosus (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Reported as C. pulchellus from Harris Co. F. W. Thurow s.n.(Correll 1944). This collection could be a misidentified specimen of C. oklahomensis . CORALLORHIZA C. wisteriana Conrad Correll (1944) reports a collection, F. W. Thurow s.n.,. from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Liberty Co. and from Harris Co. in the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Brown 18450 . HABENARIA H. repens Nutt.

Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

D. Johnson 1315

HEXALECTRIS H. spicata (W alter) Barnh. SBSC

Correll cites the collection, E. J. Palmer 11944 , from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at

LISTERA L. australis Lindl. Correll (1944) cites a collection, H. W. Ravernel 22 , from Harris Co. The collection, Brown & Liggio 18451 , is from Davis Hill State Natural Area in Liberty Co. MALAXIS M. unifolia M ichx.

Correll (1944) sites the collection, Thurow s.n., from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC

PLATANTHERA P. blephariglottis (W illd.) Lindley collections at SBSC

Correll (1944) cites the only Texas collection, L. R.. Moyer s.n., from Galveston Co. No


P. ciliaris (L.) Lindl. One collection from Montgomery Co. Schultz s. n. P. clavellata (M ichx.) Luer Correll (1944) cites a collection, B. C. Tharp s.n , from Montgomery Co. At SBSC a collection, Brown 19022, is from the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket. in Liberty Co. P. cristata (M ichx.) Lindl. Correll (1944) cites collections from Harris Co., Fisher 225 , and Montgomery Co., R. A. Dixon 459. There are no collections from our area at SBSC P. flava (L.) Lindl. Correll (1944) cites a collection from Harris Co., F. W. Thurow s.n. To this record add a 1994 collection, Brown & Price 7944 , from a tallow-tree depression in a prairie in Pasadena, Harris Co. David Rosen discovered a second population in 2002, It was from a wooded moist depression in a woodland north of the Homestead/610 intersection in Houston. P. nivea (Nutt.) Luer Correll (1944) cites collections from Harris Co., Eifrig s.n., and from W aller Co., E. Hall 625. At SBSC the collection, Peterson 1226 , is from Harris Co. PONTHIEVA P. racemosa (W alter) Mohr

Liberty Co. in the Davis Hill State Natural Area

Peterson 1588

SPIRANTHES S. brevilabris Lindl. var. brevilabris Correll (1944) reported this species as S. gracilis (Bigel.) Beck var. brevilabris (Lindl.) Correll from Galveston Co., Fisher 376 , and from Harris Co., Fisher 377 . There is a herbarium specimen without label data at the Houston Arboretum Herbarium. S. cernua (L.) Rich. Harris Co., G. Engelmann s.n. (Correll 1944). Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15058. S. floridana (W herry) Cory Correll (1944) reported this species as S. gracilis (Bigel.) Beck var. floridana (W herry) Correll from Harris Co., R. A. Dixon 612a . There are no collections from our area at SBSC. S. lacera (Raf.) Raf var. gracilis (Bigelelow) Luer. Correll (1944) reported this species as S. gracilis (Bigel.) Beck var. gracilis from Harris Co., F. W. Thurow I14. Collection at SBSC are from Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 17567. S. odorata (Nutt.) Lindl. Liberty Co. F. C. Werkinhin s.n. (Correll 1944). Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 15041 S. ovalis Lindl. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Liggio s.n. S. praecox (W alter) S. W atson Correll (1944) reports collections from Harris, Liberty and W aller cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15264. S. tuberosa Raf. Correll (1944) cited one collection, Fisher 169 , (as S. beckii Lindl.) from Harris Co., and another collection, Tharp 2220. from Montgomery Co. At BRIT the collection, Amerson s.n. is from Montgomery Co. There is one collection at SBSC from Davis Hill State Natural area in Liberty Co. Brown & Liggio 23176 S. vernalis Engelm. & A. Gray Correll (1944) cited collections from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6138 TIPULARIA T. discolor (Pursh) Nutt. Liberty Co. from Davis Hill State Natural Area and from the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve. Brown & Liggio 17810 ZEUXINE Z. strateumatica (L.) Schlechter Brown & Gandhi (1989) report this orchid new to Texas from Harris Co based upon the collection, Opperman s.n. at SBSC. At SBSC there are three separate collection from Harris Co sites. Brazoria and Galveston cos. collections were made in the spring of 2007. OROBANCHACEAE EPIFAGUS E. virginiana (L.) Bart.

Present under beech trees along Menard Creek in extreme northeast Liberty Co.

Brown 18164

OROBANCHE O. ludoviciana Nutt. subsp. multiflora (Nutt.) Collins Galveston Co. B. Hollingsworth s.n. Collected from a mixture of shell and sand in a beach house yard. O. minor J. Smith Harris Co. Small population on banks of Interstate 10 in Houston. J. Liggio s.n. O. ramosa L. Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 31973 OSMUNDACEAE OSMUNDA O. cinnamomea L. Correll (1955) listed no collections for our area. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 18747


O. regalis L. var. spectabilis (W illd.) A. Gray Harris and Liberty cos. (Correll 1955). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 1857 OXALIDACEAE OXALIS O. articulata Savign. subsp. rubra (A. St.-Hil.) Lourteig Harris Co. D. P. Johnson 936 O. corniculata L. I am following W underland (1998) in merging O. stricta and O. dillenii under the older name. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 21863 O. debilis Kunth var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 22997 O. lyonii F. Pursh ( O. priceae Small) Harris, Liberty (M C), and Montgomery cos. Brown 21833 O. violacea L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 6811 PAPAVERACEAE ARGEMONE A. albiflora Hornem. subsp. texana G. Ownbey Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. (Ownbey 1958). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 8976 A. polysanthemos (Fedde) G. B. Ownbey Ownbey (1958) cites a collection, Dixon s. n . (GH), from Montgomery Co. There are no collections at SBSC. PAPAVER P. rhoeas L.

Brazoria and Harris cos.


PASSIFLORA P. foetida L. At SHST, there is one collection from fill area at One Main St at confluence of W hite and Buffalo Bayous in downtown Houston. McLeod s.n. P. incarnata L. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Clark s.n. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST P. lutea L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14683 PHRYM ACEAE PHRYM A P. leptostachya L. Liberty Co. from the Davis Hill State Natural Area and from the Trinity River National W ildlife Refuge. Peterson 17974 PHYTOLACCACEAE PHYTOLACCA P. americana L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos.

Brown &

Brown 23164

RIVINA R. humilis L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. at SBSC ( M . H. Pritchett s.n.) and from Galveston Co. in the Mercer Arboretum Herbarium. PINACEAE PINUS P. echinata M ill. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. (Correll 19666). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 23167 P. elliottii Engelm. Escaping in Houston area such as along I-45 in Texas City. Galveston Co. Brown 29073 P. taeda L. Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. (Correll 1966). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 19285


PIPERACEAE PEPEROMIA P. pellucida (L.) Kunth. Found on grounds of the Ima Hogg estate in Houston, Harris Co. by Hatch & Clark (1977). Probably transported via nursery stock from the southeastern states. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. PLANTAGINACEAE PLANTAGO P. aristata Michx. Harris and W aller cos. Brown 14255 P. elongata Pursh Harris Co. Brown 9748 P. heterophylla Nutt. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 20173a P. hookeriana Fisch. & C.A. Mey. var. hookeriana Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14254 P. lanceolata L. Brazoria, Harris, and Fort Bend cos. Brown 5691. During the Spring of 1997, this species appeared in many sites in and around Houston and in some abundance along I-10 east at the I-610 intersection. P. major L. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16735 P. rhodosperma Dcne. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 4318 P. rugelii Dcne. Harris Co. in the Jesse Jones County Park Brown 30736 P. virginica L. Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 14314 P. wrightiana Dcne. Chambers and Waller cos. Brown 20426 PLATANACEAE PLATANUS P. occidentalis L.

Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. PLUM BAGINACEAE

Brown 19766

LIMONIUM L. carolinianum (W alter) Britton

Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. POACEAE

Brown 11415

AGROSTIS A. elliottiana Schult. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 5979 A. hyemalis (W alter) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb Brazoria, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 3075 A. perennans (W alter) Tuckerman Liberty Co. where present on sandy soil adjacent to Menard Creek and the Trinity River. 18167 A. scabra W illd. Harris Co. Brown 17948 AIRA A. caryophyllea L. var. capillaris M utel ( A. elegans W illd. ex Kunth) ALOPECURUS A. carolinianus W alter


Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 8685

Harris, Fort Bend, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 15180

ANDROPOGON A. gerardii Vitman Fort Bend, Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 8370 A. glomeratus (W alter) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. var. pumilus Vasey Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10693 A. gyrans Ashe var. gyrans and var. stenophyllus (Hackel) Campbell Galveston Co. Brown 8321 A. ternarius Michx. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 3998 A. virginicus L. var. virginicus and var. glaucus Hackel Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10698 ANTHENANTIA A. texana Kral [ A. rufa (Elliott) Schult. misapplied]

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 9514


ARISTIDA A. dichotoma Michx. Turner et al. (2003) mapped a specimen in Brazoria Co. There is 1 collection from Harris Co. at SBSC. Brown 34117 A. desmantha Trin. & Rupr. At TAES there is a 1934 collection from Galveston Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. Brown 6532 A. lanosa Muhl. ex Elliott Harris Co. Brown 10716 A. longespica Poir. var. geniculata (Raf.) Fernald. (including A. intermedia Scribn.) Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 2752 A. longespica Poir. var. longespica Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 8348 A. oligantha Michx. Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 2463 A. purpurascens Poir. var. purpurascens Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 2600 A. purpurascens Poir. var. virgata (Trin.) Allred Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 17633 A. purpurea Nutt. var. purpurea W aller Co. Brown 10564 ARUNDINARIA A. gigantea (W alter) M uhl. ARUNDO A. donax L.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Gregg s.n.

Harris and Montgomery cos.

Brown 24818

AVENA A. fatua L. Brazoria and Harris cos.. Brown 26587 A. sativa L. Harris Co. Brown 15388 AXONOPUS A. compressus (Sw.) Beauv. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty Co. Brown 32495 . Reported also from Montgomery Co. (Diggs et al. 2006) A. fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm. ( A. affinis Chase) Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16437 A. furcatus (Flugge) A. S. Hitchc. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8277 BOTHRIOCHLOA B. bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Daniel Johnson s.n. B. exaristata (Nash) Henr. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown & Gregg 18313 B. ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Fish.& Mey) Celarier & Harlan Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 6766 B. laguroides (DC.) Herter subsp. torreyana (Steud.) Allred & Gould Harris Co. Brown 23716 B. longipaniculata (Gould) Allred Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9601 BOUTELOUA B. curtipendula (M ichx.) Torr. var. curtipendula Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2503 B. hirsuta Lag. Harris Co. Brown 9599 B. rigidiseta (Steud.) A. S. Hitchc. var. rigidiseta Brazoria, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 2485 BRIZA B. minor L.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos.

Brown 7006

BROMUS B. catharticus Vahl ( B. unioloides Kunth) Kartesz (1994) list this introduced grass under this name with B. unioloides Kunth as a synonym. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 2099 B. diandrus Roth One collection from a roadside in Chambers Co. Brown 19131 B. japonicus Thunb. ex Murray Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15411 B. pubescens Muhl. ex W illd. Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown & Liggio 17826. B. secalinus L. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 9945 BUCHLOE B. dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos.

Brown 17529

CENCHRUS C. echinatus L. Delisle (1963) cites a collection, B. C. Tharp 43178 (TEX), from Galveston Co. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 6617 C. longispinus (Hack.) Fernald. Liberty Co. Brown 19516


C. spinifex Cav. ( C . incertus M. A. Curtis)

Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 4514

CHASMANTHIUM C. latifolium (M ichx.) H.O. Yates Yates (1966) cites collections from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2339 C. laxum (L.) H.O. Yates Yates (1966,) cites collections from Galveston and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 15471 C. sessiliflorum (Poir.) H.O. Yates Yates (1966) cites collections from Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2337 CHLORIS C. canterae Arech. var. canterae Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 2432 C. cucullata Bisch. A collection, Brown 17577 , from Austin Co. is adjacent to W aller Co. C. x subdolichostachya Muell.Hal. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 6622 C. texensis Nash Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 8309 C. virgata Sw. Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 17574 COELORACHIS C. cylindrica (Michx.) Nash [ Mnesithea cylindrica (M ichx.) Koning & Sosef] Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 6065 C. rugosa (Nutt.) Nash [ Mnesithea rugosa (M ichx.) Koning & Sosef] Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17614a . CORTADERIA C. selloana (Schult. & Schult.) Aschers Harris and Galveston cos. P. Rolling s.n. and D. Johnson s.n. CYNODON C. dactylon (L.) Pers. DACTYLIS D. glomerata L.

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 9442

Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST

Brown 2115

DACTYLOCTENIUM D. aegyptium (L.) Beauv.

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2603

DESM AZERIA D. rigida (L.) Tutin [ Catapodium rigidum (L.) C. E. Hubbard]

Harris and W aller cos. Brown & Day 17771

DICHANTHELIUM D. aciculare (Desv. ex Poiret) Gould & C.A. Clark var. aciculare Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10533 D. aciculare (Desv. ex Poiret) var. angustifolium (Elliott) S. D. Hatch Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 22131 D. acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. acuminatum Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15964 9 D. acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. densiflorum (E. L. Rand & Redfield) Gould & C.A. Clark. Harris Co. Brown 30549 D. acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. lindheimeri (Nash) Gould & C.A. Clark Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 20447 D. acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. longiligulatum (Nash) Gould & C.A. Clark Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 28091 D. boscii (Poiret) Gould & C.A. Clark Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 15478 D. commutatum (Schult.) Gould subsp. commutatum Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 3211 D. commutatum (Schult.) Gould subsp. equilaterale (Scribn.) Freckman & Lelong Harris Co. K. Rowe s.n. D. depauperatum (M uhl.) Gould Montgomery Co. Brown 27999 D. dichotomum (L.) Gould subsp. dichotomum Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 21434 D. dichotomum (L.) Gould subsp. microcarpon (M uhl. ex Elliott) Freckmann & Lelong Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 19276 D. dichotomum (L.) Gould subsp. nitidum (Lam.) Freckmann & Lelong Harris Co. Brown 16933 D. dichotomum (L.) Gould subsp. roanokense (Ashe) Freckmann & Lelong Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 25116 D. laxiflorum (Lam.) Gould Many collections from Harris and Liberty cos and one or two collection from Chambers, Montgomery, and Brazoria cos. Brown 18504 D. oligosanthes (Schult.) Gould Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 3176. Also one from Galveston Co. in the Herbarium of the National W etlands Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana. D. ovale (Elliott) Gould & C.A. Clark subsp. villosissimum (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 15963 D. polyanthes Mohlenb. Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 8701


D. D. D. D. D.

ravenelii (Scribn.& Merr.) Gould Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 15266 scoparium (Lam.) Gould Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 2406 sphaerocarpon (Elliott) Gould Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 9939 tenue (Muhl.) Freckman & Lelong Liberty Co. Brown 25120 wrightianum (Scribn.) Freckman Montgomery Co . Brown 28019

DICHANTHIUM D. annulatum (Forssk.) Stapf Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 6270 D. aristatum (Poir.) C. E. Hubb. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 15772 DIGITARIA D. arenicola (Swallen) Beetle Wipff & Hatch (1994) have demonstrated that the coastal witchgrass deserves species rank in the genus Digitaria . They report three collections from Galveston Island. Hatch 5751 (TAES). The collection, Brown 30859, from the same site as Hatch 5751 , is at SBSC. At TAES there is also a collection from Surfside in Brazoria County. D. bicornis (Lam.) Roem. & Schult. Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 6797 . At TAES there is also a collection from Brazoria County. D. ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 18709 D. cognata (Schult.) Pilger subsp. cognata [ Leptoloma cognatum (Schult.) Chase] W ipff & Hatch (1994) have divided Fall witchgrass into a western and eastern subspecies, ours is the eastern subspecies. Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 4020 . At TAES there is also a collection from Galveston County. D. filiformis (L.) Koeler Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 6714 D. ischaemum (Schreb.) Schreb. ex Muhl. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 9459 D. villosa (W alter) Pers. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18557 D. violascens Link Harris Co. Brown 16707 DISTICHLIS D. spicata (L.) Greene

Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 3674

ECHINOCHLOA E. colonum (L.) Link Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 2250 . See W ard (2005) regarding the spelling of the epithet. E. crusgalli (L.) Beauv. var. crusgalli Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 15983 E. crus-pavonis (Kunth) Schult. var. macer (W iegand) Gould Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 7970 E. frumentacea Link Harris Co. Planted along Buffalo Bayou in Houston for a soil cover. Brown 28835 E. muricata (Beauv.) Fernald. Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 6689 E. polystachya (H.B.K.) Hitchc. Chambers Co. Brown 24547 . Also mapped in Brazoria Co. (Turner et al. 2003). E. walteri (Pursh) Heller Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 19517 ELEUSINE E. indica (L.) Gaertn. Brown 11716

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty (M C), Montgomery, and W aller cos.

ELIONURUS E. tripsacoides Humb.& Bonpl. ex W illd. var. tripsacoides Galveston and Harris cos.

Brown 8365

ELYMUS E. canadensis L. var. canadensis One collection from W aller Co. Brown 22510 E. virginicus L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 3474 ERAGROSTIS E. barrelieri Deveau Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 3932 E. capillaris (L.) Nees Mapped in Harris Co. by Diggs et al. (2006). No collections from our area at SBSC. E. cilianensis (All.) Luted. ex Panchen Harris Co. one weedy plant along a railroad tract at the eastern edge of downtown Houston. Brown 18318 E. curtipedicellata Buckley Galveston Co. Brown 28818 E. curvula (Schrad.) Nees Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8011 E. elliottii S. W atson Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 2119 E. hirsuta (M ichx.) Nees Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16709 E. hypnoides (Lam.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 14845


E. intermedia A. S. Hitchc. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 18661 E. japonica (Thunb.) Trin. [ E. glomerata (W alter) L. H. Dewey of Texas authors] Liberty Co. sandy banks of the Trinity River Brown & Peterson 18329 E. lugens Nees Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 16737 E. pectinacea (M ichx.) Nees ex Steud. var. pectinacea Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 10669 E. pilosa (L.) Beauv. Harris Co. weedy plants in landscaping area at entrance to the Spring Branch Science Center Herbarium and in greenhouse area of the Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. Brown 18348 E. refracta (M uhl. ex Elliott) Scribn. Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14817 E. reptans (M ichx.) Nees Fort Bend and Liberty cos. Frequent in fall on sand exposed by low water levels along the Brazos and Trinity rivers and other smaller draw-down sites. Brown 17632 E. secundiflora J. Presl subsp. oxylepis (Torr.) S. D. Koch Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10739 E. spectabilis (Pursh) Steud. Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9446 EREMOCHLOA E. ophiuroides (M unro) Hack. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 21526

ERIANTHUS W ebster and Shaw (1995) have united this genus with Saccharum. ERIOCHLOA E. contracta A. S. Hitchc. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 18021 E. punctata (L.) Desv. ex Hamilton Brazoria and Chambers cos. Brown 11398 EUSTACHYS E. petraea (Sw.) Desv.

Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 11110

GLYCERIA G. arkansana Fernald. [ G. septentrionalis Hitchc. var. arkansana (Fernald.) Steyerm. & Kucera] 19039 .

Fort Bend and Liberty cos.


GYMNOPOGON G. ambiguus (Michx.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Mapped in Harris and Montgomery cos (Diggs et al. 2006). Collections from our area at SBSC are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 6694 G. brevifolius Trin. At TAES the collection, Waller & Bauml 3221 , is from Galveston Co. This is apparently 1 of only 5 records for the state. HAINARDIA H. cylindrica (W illd.) W. Greuter [ Monerma cylindrica (W illd.) Cross. & Durieu] (1986). At SBSC there is one collection from Harris Co. Brown 16929

Reported from Galveston Co. by Coffey and Valdes

HETEROPOGON H. contortus (L.) Beauv. Harris Co. At TAES a 1984 collection, Susan Schorr 59 , is from Braes Bayou in Houston. H. melanocarpus (Elliott) Benth. W aller Co. At TAES a 1939 collection, Silveus 5059 , is from fields and waste places in Hempstead. HORDEUM H. pusillum Nutt.

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos.

Brown 9881

LEERSIA L. hexandra Sw. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. and from Montgomery Co. in the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Brown 18098 L. lenticularis M ichx. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17507 L. monandra Swartz. Brazoria Co. Two collections from the San Bernard National W ildlife Refuge. One from the Big Pond (Hunt Rich) Unit and the other from the Dance Bayou Unit. Flo Hannah s.n. L. oryzoides (L.) Sw. Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 6801 L. virginica W illd. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18036 LEPTOCHLOA L. dubia (Kunth ) Nees Two collections both from Harris Co. One in Deer Park ( Brown 8100 ) the other from Jesse Jones County Park ( P. Roling s.n.)


L. fusca (L.) Kunth subsp. fascicularis (Lam.) N. Snow Chambers, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 11379 L. fusca (L.) Kunth subsp. uninervia ( J. Presl) N. Snow Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 2809 L. nealleyi Vasey Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 14115 L. panicea (Retz.) Ohwi subsp. brachiata (Steud.) N. Snow [ L. filiformis (Lam.) Beauv.] Brazoria, Harris, Galveston, and W aller cos. Brown 11406. See Snow & Davidse (1993) and N. Snow (1998) L. panicea (Retz) Ohwi subsp. mucronata (Michx.) N. Snow Brown 18800 L. panicoides (J. Presl) A. Hitchc. Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 21322 L. virgata (L.) Beauv. Mapped in Chambers and Galveston cos. (Turner et al. 2003). At SBSC there are no collections from our area. LIMNODEA L. arkansana (Nutt.) L. H. Dewey [ Cinna arkansana (Nutt.) G. Tucker]

Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 3088

LOLIUM L. perenne L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 6997 L. temulentum L. There is one collection at SHST from Liberty Co. F. W. Thurow s.n. MELICA M. mutica W alter

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 1848

MONANTHOCHLOE M. littoralis Engelm.

Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 8472

MUHLENBERGIA M. capillaris (Lam.) Trin. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 3680 M. expansa (Poiret) Trin. C. Reeder in Gould (1975) reported this taxon from Liberty Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. M. schreberi J.G. Gmel. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14123 M. sericea (Michx.) P.M. Peterson Jesse Jones County Park P. Roling s.n. Cultivated in the Houston area especially at the Cy-Fair Campus of the Long Star College. Apparently escaping at Jesse Jones. Gould (1975) reported native plants, as M. filipes in coastal Texas. NASSELLA N. leucotricha (Trin. & Rupr.) Pohl Brown 11082

( S. leucotricha Trin. & Rupr .)

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos.

OPLISMENUS O. hirtellus (L.) P. Beauv. subsp. setarius (Lam.) Mez ex Ekman ORYZA O. sativa L.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 14818

Liberty and W aller cos. Brown 8921b

PANICUM P. amarum Elliott Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 15786 P. anceps Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2336 P. bergii Arechav. ( P. pilocomayense Hack.) Collections at TAES are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 18572 P. brachyanthum Steud. Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 10692 P. capillare L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 10692 P. coloratum L. W aller Co. Brown 33788 P. dichotomiflorum Michx. Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6506 P. diffusum Swartz Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 11184 P. gymnocarpon Elliott Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18785 P. hallii Vasey var. hallii Brazoria Co. Brown 11399 P. hemitomon Schult. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11121 P. hians Elliott Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8296 P. miliaceum L. Harris Co. One plant appearing spontaneously in a Houston yard. D. Johnson s.n. P. repens L. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty (M C), and Montgomery cos. Brown 11143 P. rigidulum Bosc. ex Nees Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 1664 P. tenerum Beyr. ex Trin. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14670


P. verrucosum Muhl. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18849 P. virgatum L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. PARAPHOLIS P. incurva (L.) C. E. Hubb. PASPALIDIUM P. geminatum (Forsk.) Stapf

Brown 4395

Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 169300

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 16898

PASPALUM P. acuminatum Raddi Harris Co. Brown 22748 P. conjugatum P.J. Bergius Brazoria and Liberty cos. Brown 26399a P. dilatatum Poir. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 1701 P. dissectum (L.) L. Harris Co. Greens Bayou Mitigation site of the Harris County Flood Control District. Brown s.n. P. distichum L. Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18700 P. floridanum Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 9954 P. hartwegianum E. Fourn. Brazoria Co. Brown 30904 at SBSC and Fort Bend Co. S. L. Hatch 7555 at TAES P. laeve Michx. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18742 P. langei (E. Fourn.) Nash Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6424 P. lividum Trin. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11386 P. minus E. Fourn. Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 8279 P. monostachyum Vasey Collections at TAES are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9433 P. notatum Flugge Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 2932 P. plicatulum Michx. Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11113 P. praecox W alter Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14144 P. pubiflorum Rupr. ex E. Fourn. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14117 P. repens P.J. Bergius Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown 17512 P. setaceum Michx. Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6213 P. urvillei Steud. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Vines s.n. P. vaginatum Sw. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9477 P. wrightii Hitchc. & Chase Not collected in our area yet. Our only collection is from W harton County ( D . Rosen 2996 ). David Rosen (pers, comm.) indicated that he could get a specimen from our region. PENNISETUM P. glaucum (L.) R. Brown Harris Co. Northrup s.n. P. ciliare (L.) Link ( Cenchrus ciliaris L.) Galveston and Harris cos.

Brown 3950

PHALARIS P. angusta Nees ex Trin. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. P. canariensis L. Harris Co. Vines s.n. P. caroliniana W alter Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7121 PHRAGM ITES P. australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.

Brown 15985

Chambers and Harris cos.

Brown 7121

PHYLLOSTACHYS P. aurea Riv. Borowski et al. (1996) reported a collection of this cultivated bamboo from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 22985 PIPTOCHAETIUM P. avenaceum (L.) Parodi

Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 8664

POA P. annua L. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 18468 P. autumnalis Muhl. ex Elliott Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 18533

POLYPOGON P. monspeliensis (L.) Desf. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. and from Liberty Co. at SHST Brown 3201


ROSTRARIA R. cristata (L.) Tzvelev [ Koeleria gerardii (Vill.) Shinners; Lophochloa cristata (L.) Hyl.] Galveston and Harris Co. Brown 20231 ROTTBOELLIA R. cochinchinensis (Loureira) W . Clayton Harris Co. in Houston and nearby. Known from Armand Bayou Park, Pundt Park, Jesse Jones Park, and W atonga Parkway Park. D. J. Rosen 2639 with W. Schubert from Armand Bayou. P.V. Roling s.n. from other parks. SACCHARUM S. baldwinii Spreng. ( Erianthus strictus Baldw.) W ebster & Shaw (1995) report collections from Harris and Liberty cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Vines s.n. S. coarctatum (Fernald.) R. W ebster Liberty Co., Brown 17618. Diggs et al. (2006) reported a Montgomery Co. collection (TAES). Reported new for state by Brown & Marcus (1998). S. giganteum (W alter) Pers. [ Erianthus giganteum (Walter) P. de Bois.] W ebster & Shaw (1995) reported collections from Brazoria and Galveston cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17616 SACCIOLEPIS S. indica (L.) Chase At TAES, the collection, G. Watson 2324-B , is from Liberty Co. in the Loblolly Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve. The collection is dated September 8, 1974. S. striata (L.) Nash Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6858 SCHEDONARDUS S. paniculatus (Nutt.) Trel.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos.

Brown 14029

SCHEDONORUS S. arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort. [ Festuca arundinacea and Lolium arundinaceum (Screber) Darbyshire] Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7221

Brazoria, Chambers,

SCHIZACHYRIUM S. scoparium (M ichx.) Nash Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty and W aller cos. Brown 2734 S. tenerum Nees Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 10553 SECALE S. cereale L.

Brazoria, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15108

SETARIA S. corrugata (Elliott) Schult Liberty Co. Brown 28807 S. parviflora (Poiret) Kerguelen [ S. geniculata (Lam.) Beauv.] Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 11324 S. italica (L.) Beauv. FOXTAIL MILLET Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 11203 S. magna Griseb. Rominger (1962) cites a collection, Tracy 7747 (M O), from Galveston Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Fort Bend cos. Brown 18363 S. pumila (Poiret) Roem.& Schult. subsp. pumila [S. glauca (L.) Beauv of Texas authors] Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10679 S. viridis (L.) P Beauv. Harris and Montgomery cos. D. Johnson 1926 SORGHASTRUM S. elliottii (Mohr) Nash Harris and Liberty cos. at SBSC Brown 4021. Montgomery cos. in the personal collection of D. Johnson S. nutans (L.) Nash Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 6568 SORGHUM S. bicolor (L.) Moench var. bicolor Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 3870 . Cultivated sorghum also called milo, escaping from cultivation. S. halepense (L.) Pers. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Young 355 SPARTINA S. alterniflora Loisel. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 11434 . Collections at TAES are from the same four counties. S. cynosuroides (L.) Roth Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Harris cos. Brown 11154. Collections at TAES are from Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos.


S. patens (Aiton) M uhl. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Liberty, and Harris cos. Brown 11152 S. pectinata Link Harris Co. A population is present in a prairie swale west of Beltway 8 at the end of Keith Street in Pasadena. A voucher collection, Arey s.n. , was collected in September, 1994 and is on deposit at the U.S. Fish and W ildlife Service office at 17629 El Camino Real in Clear Lake City, Houston. This is probably the most southern location for Prairie Cordgrass in the country. A large population of the rare orchid Platanthera flava (L.) Lindley is also found in this same prairie swale. At SBSC there is a collection from a near by site in Pasadena Taylor s.n. S. spartinae (Trin.) Merr. ex A. S. Hitchc. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 1600 SPHENOPHOLIS S. longiflora (Vasey) Hitchc. [ S. obtusata (M ichx.) Scribn. var. major (Torr.) Erdman in part] Erdman (1965) reported that Nealley, in 1892, collected the type specimen of this taxon from near Houston.. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6981b S. obtusata (M ichx.) Scribn. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6967 SPOROBOLUS S. clandestinus (Biehler) Hitchc. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18202 S. compositus Merr. var. compositus [ S. asper (Beauv.) Kunth] Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 9471 S. compositus (Poiret) Merrill var. macer (Trin.) Kartesz & Gandhi Galveston, and Fort Bend cos. Brown 30828 and Rosen S. cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray Galveston and W aller cos. Brown 16372 S. indicus (L.) R. Br. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 22907 S. junceus (Beauv.) Kunth Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11708 S. pyramidatus (Lam.) A. S. Hitchc. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 6451 S. silveanus Swallen Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 6723 S. vaginiflorus (Torr. ex A. Gray) A.W . Wood var. vaginiflorus Harris Co. Brown 8335 S. virginicus (L.) Kunth Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 8468 S. wrightii Munro ex Scribn. Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 15753 STENOTAPHRUM S. secundatum (W alter) Kuntze TRAGUS T. berteronianus Schultes

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Raines 68b

Mapped in Fort Bend Co. (Turner et al. 2003). There are no collections at SBSC from our area.

TRIDENS T. albescens (Vasey) W oot. & Standl. Harris Co. Along Decker Drive in Baytown. Brown 30701. Also mapped in Chambers Co. (Turner et al. 2003). T. ambiguus (Elliott) Schult. Liberty Co. A rather unusual record from a patch of native prairie in the village of Tarkington Prairie. There is also a rather large population at the rear of the Tarkington Prairie High School. Brown & Liggio 19692 T. congestus (L.H. Dewey) Nash Mapped in Brazoria Co. (Turner et al. 2003). No collections from our area at SBSC. T. flavus (L.) A. S. Hitchc. var. flavus Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2575 T. strictus (Nutt.) Nash Fort Bend, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11595 TRIPLASIS T. purpurea (W alter) Chapm. TRIPSACUM T. dactyloides (L.) L. TRISETUM T. interruptum Buckley TRITICUM T. aestivum L. UNIOLA U. paniculata L.

Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos.

Brown 6696

Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos.

Brown 11115

Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 8661

Harris and W aller cos.

Brown 8649

Galveston Co. at San Luis Pass McFarlane s. n. and Brazoria Co. Brown 18368

UROCHLOA U. ciliatissima (Buckley) R. W ebster

At TAES the collection, Brown 4397 , is from Harris Co.


U. fusca (Sw.) Hansen & W underlin [ U. fasciculata (Sw.) R. W ebster] Collections at TAES are from Galveston Co. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and W aller Co. Brown 16727 U. maxima (Jacq.) R. W ebster Collections at TAES are from Galveston Co. and at SBSC from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 28827 U. platyphylla (M unro ex C. W right) R.D. W ebster Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 17232 U. ramosa (L.) Nguyen Chambers and Montgomery cos. Brown 17488 U. reptans (L.) Stapf Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 9518 U. texana (Buckley) R. W ebster Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 2619 VULPIA V. octoflora (W alter) Rydb. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. V. myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel. var. myuros Harris Co. Brown 22247a V. sciurea (Nutt.) Henr. Harris Co. Brown 4241 W ILLKOMMIA W . texana A. S. Hitchc. var. texana ZIZANIOPSIS Z. miliacea (M ichx.) Dll & Asch. ZOYSIA Z. matrella (L.) Merr.

Brown 3073

Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 8139

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 13989

W aller Co.


IPOMOPSIS I. rubra (L.) Wherry W herry (1966) reported collections from Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. There are no specimens from our area at SBSC. PHLOX P. cuspidata Scheele Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. (W herry 1966). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 5496 P. divaricata L. subsp. laphami (A. W . Wood) W herry Liberty Co, Dolen, Mary S. Young 1699 , (Wherry 1966). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. P. drummondii Hook. subsp. drummondii (including var. peregrina Shinners) W herry (1966) listed collections of both taxa from Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. Brown 14246 P. pilosa L. W herry (1966) listed collections from Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. and from Montgomery Co. at Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Brown 5638 . POLYGALACEAE POLYGALA P. cruciata L. Turner et al. (2003) mapped specimens in Chambers County. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. P. incarnata L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16025 P. leptocaulis Torr. & A. Gray. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14352 P. mariana Mill. Chambers, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18679 P. polygama L. Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 8716 P. ramosa Elliott Liberty Co. at SBSC and reported from Chambers Co. (Turner et al. 2003) Brown 32448 P. verticillata L. Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 6177 POLYGONACEAE BRUNNICHIA B. ovata (W alter) Shinners Brown 10543

Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

ERIOGONUM E. longifolium Nutt. var. longifolium Co.

W aller Co.

Brown 31974

Turner et al (2003) mapped it, as var. plantaginum, in Brazoria


E. multiflorum Benth. Brown 16599

Liberty, Harris, and W aller cos. In W aller County, common on deep sands near Clear Creek east of Hempstead

POLYGONELLA P. americana (Fisch. & Mey.) Small

Harris and W aller cos.

Brown 16397

POLYGONUM P. amphibium L. There are two collections from Fort Bend Co. Brown & Gregg 18346 P. aviculare L. Harris Co. Brown 6755 P. cespitosum Blume var. longisetum (DeBruyn) Stewart Liberty Co. A deep pink flowering taxon present in the Trinity River National W ildlife Refuge. Second collection reported for state. Brown 19732 . There are additional collections from Galveston and Liberty cos. at TAES. P. convolvulus L. Brazoria Co. a garden weed in Angleton. Fleetwood 9768 (TEX.) P. glabrum W illd. ( P. densiflorum Meisn.) Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17478. W ilson (1990) found that North American plants referable to P. densiflorum are not significantly different from the Asian and Pacific P. glabrum. P. hydropiperoides Michx. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10691 P. lapathifolium L. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7170 P. pensylvanicum L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 11577 P. punctatum Elliott Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16703 P. ramosissimum Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15423 P. scandens L. Harris and Liberty Co. Brown 19730 P. setaceum W . Baldwin Brazoria Co. Brown 27905 also Rosen & Liles 2524 P. virginianum L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 6527 RUMEX R. altissimus A. W . W ood Rechinger (1937) cites one collection, Warner s.n. (MO), from W illis in Montgomery Co. There are no collection from our area at SBSC. R. chrysocarpus Moris Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16918 R. crispus L. Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 16903 R. hastatulus Baldw. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 7160 R. paraguayensis Parodi One collection, Neville 274 , from Anahuac National W ildlife Refuge in Chambers Co. This was reported new to state by Brown & Marcus (1998). R. pulcher L. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 15424 and from Montgomery Co. at SHST R. verticillatus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 7217 POLYPODIACEAE PLEOPELTIS (POLYPODIUM ) P. polypodioides (L.) E.B. Andrews & W indham var. michauxianum (W eath.) E.B. Andrews & W indham Brazoria, Harris, Chambers, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. (Correll 1956). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty (M C),and Montgomery cos. Brown 15269. PONTEDERIACEAE EICHHORNIA E. crassipes (M art.) Solms

Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Neaville s.n.

HETERANTHERA H. dubia (Jacq.) MacM . [including H. liebmannii (Magnus) Shinners] Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Brazoria cos. The Brazoria Co. collection, Brown & Culbertson 19127 , is from Buffalo Camp Bayou below highway 332 bridge in Lake Jackson The foliage is submerged in knee-deep water and the yellow flowers are raised above the surface. The Chambers Co. collection is sterile and is from a freshwater area adjacent to Lake Anahuac. One collection from Liberty Co. at ASTC H. limosa (Sw.) W illd. Collections are from Chambers, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 17774 PONTEDERIA P. cordata L.

Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11122


PORTULACACEAE CLAYTONIA C. virginica L. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. at SBSC and from Montgomery Co. in the Mercer Arboretum herbarium. Brown 16737b PHEM ERANTHUS For name change see Kiger 2003 P. parviflorus (Nutt.) Kiger ( Talinum parviflorum Nutt.)

Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos.

Brown 20432

PORTULACA P. oleracea L. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 18019 P. pilosa L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 18019 P. umbraticola Kunth subsp. lanceolata (Engelm.) J.F. Mathews & Ketron Chambers, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 11591 TALINUM T. paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. F. Gregg s.n.

Harris Co.

Planted in the Houston area and sometimes appearing in yards where never planted.

POTAMOGETONACEAE POTAMOGETON P. diversifolius Raf. Ogden (1966) reported collections from Harris and Montgomery cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16385 P. foliosus Raf. Ogden (1966) reported the collection, E. Hall 620, from W aller Co. Difficult to distinguish from P. pusillus without fruits. No collections are at SBSC. P. pulcher Tuckerman Montgomery Co. Brown 26788 P. nodosus Poir. Ogden (1966) reported collections from Harris and Liberty cos. Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Liberty, and Harris cos. Brown 8901 P. pectinatus L. Ogden (1966) reported no collections from our area. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers Co. Neaville s.n. P. pusillus L. Ogden (1966) reported the collection, E. Hall 620. from W aller Co. Specimens at SBSC are from Chambers, Harris, and Fort Bend cos. Lewis s.n. PRIMULACEAE ANAGALLIS A. arvensis L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Vines s.n. A. minima (L.) Krause ( Centunculus minimus L.) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11078 HOTTONIA H. inflata Elliott

Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 3310

LYSIMACHIA L. radicans Hook. Coffey and Jones (1980) mapped a collection in our area slightly NW of Galveston Bay. Collections at SBSC are from Liberty Co. where it is frequent along Davis Bayou in Davis Hill State Park and rare along Menard Creek. Brown 18048 SAMOLUS S. ebracteatus H.B.K. var. alyssoides (Heller) Henrickson Henrickson (1983) mapped collections from all coastal cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 1603 S. valerandi L. subsp. parviflorus (Raf.) Hulten Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 1579 PTERIDACEAE ADIANTUM A. capillus-veneris L. Harris Co. G. L. Fisher s.n. (Correll 1956) There are no collections from our area at SBSC. At SHST, there is one collection from Harris Co. near Cypress Creek between Hardy Rd and Aldine W estfield. Kessler 3451 CHEILANTHES C. horridula Maxon

Chambers Co., Parks & Cory 33677, (Correll 1956) There are no collections from our area at SBSC.


PELLAEA The following two species were collected the same day from the same site. I believe these were collected from a garden and thus not native to our area P. atropurpurea (L.) Link Chambers Co., Parks & Cory 33671, (Correll 1956). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. P. ovata (Desv.) W eatherby Chambers Co., Parks & Cory 33672, (Correll 1956). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. PTERIS P. multifida Poir. Montgomery Co., Eula Whitehouse 17756, (Correll 1956). Harris Co. Under M emorial Parkway bridge over Buffalo Bayou. Jed Aplaca s.n. P. vittata L., Growing wild in Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens. A. Tiller s.n. RANUNCULACEAE ANEMONE A. berlandieri Pritz. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 15816 A. caroliniana W alter Harris and W aller cos. Brown 8473 CLEMATIS C. crispa L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery cos. (Erickson 1943). At SBSC collections are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8979 C. pitcheri Torr. & A. Gray. var. pitcheri Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos (Erickson 1943). At SBSC there are three collections from Harris Co., one from Jesse Jones County Park, one from Goose Creek in Baytown, and one from San Jacinto State Park. Brown 30134 C. reticulata W alter Harris, Liberty and Montgomery cos.(Erickson 1943). Collections at SBSC are from Liberty and Harris cos. Brown 14096 . Also a collection from Montgomery Co. at SHST. C. terniflora DC. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 19512 CONSOLIDA C. ajacis (L.) Schur. ( Delphinium ajacis L.)

Montgomery Co. One collection from a roadside.

Brown 23977

DELPHINIUM D. carolinianum W alter subsp. vimineum (D. Don) W arnock Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. (W arnock 1981) Specimens at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14167 MYOSURUS M. minimus L. Liberty Co. where four plants were collected on moist soil at edge of Davis Bayou in Davis Hill State Natural Area. Brown & Liggio 18999 RANUNCULUS R. abortivus L. Harris (Jesse Jones County Park) and Liberty (Davis Hill State Natural Area) cos. Brown & Liggio 17732 R. fascicularis Muhl. ex Bigel. Duncan (1980) mapped specimens in our area. Collections at SBSC are from Montgomery and W aller cos. Brown 15128. R. hispidus Michx. var. nitidus (Elliott) Duncan ( R. carolinianus ) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Liberty, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15122 R. laxicaulis (Torr. & A. Gray.) Darby Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 14266 R. marginatus d'Urv. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 16906 R. muricatus L. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9731 R. parviflorus L. Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 20287 R. platensis Spreng. Benson (1954) reported a collection, Shinners 18330 (SMU) from Liberty Co. At SBSC collections are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 5970 R. pusillus Poir. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 10830 and from Chambers Co. at SHST. R. sardous Crantz Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 6072 R. sceleratus L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 9983 R. trilobus Desf. Brazoria Co. Ray Jordan and Warren Pruess s.n. This is the second record for the state. THALICTRUM T. dasycarpum Fisch. & Ave-Lall. Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 15143. T. texanum (A. Gray) Small Collections at SBSC are one from Harris Co., one from Brazoria Co., and two from W aller Co. Brown 8492, Rosen 2701


RHAM NACEAE BERCHEMIA B. scandens Trel. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Montgomery cos. (Johnston 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Vines s.n. CEANOTHUS C. americanus L.

Galveston and Harris cos. A. L. Traverse 96 (Johnston 1969). There are no collections from our area at SBSC

RHAMNUS R. caroliniana W alter Harris, Liberty and W aller cos. (Johnston 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16581 SAGERETIA S. thea (Osbeck) M .C. Johnston ZIZIPHUS Z. zizyphus (L.) H. Karst. cos. Brown 16546

Brazoria and Harris cos.

Brown 13998

Cultivated in the Houston area and escaping. Chambers (Anahuac Refuge) and Harris (Addicks Reservoir)

ROSACEAE AGRIMONIA A. rostellata W allr. Collections at SBSC are from Liberty Co. in the Davis Hill State Natural Area and from Montgomery Co. in the Little Lake Creek W ilderness of the Sam Houston National Forest.. Brown 18072 CRATAEGUS C. brachyacantha Sarg. & Engelm. Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 13164. C. crus-galli L. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 17560. C. glabriuscula Sargent Brazoria Co. Rosen 2256 C. marshallii Egglston Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty (M C),and Montgomery cos. Brown 8496 C. mollis Scheele (including C. texana Buckley) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15110 , M. Enquist 1846 C. opaca Hook. & Arn. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 18441 C. spathulata Michx. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 18148 C. viridis L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 13424 ERIOBOTRYA E. japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. LOQUAT. Escaping from cultivation here and there in the Houston, Harris Co. area. GEUM G. canadense Jacq.

Brown 35041.

Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 22463

POTENTILLA P. indica (Andrews) T. W olf

(See Eriksson et al. 1998)

Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 8675

PRUNUS P. angustifolia M arshall Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 8493 P. caroliniana (M ill.) Aiton. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15104 P. gracilis Engelm. & A. Gray Montgomery and W aller cos. Brown 15835 Mapped only in Galveston Co. by Orzell & Bridges (1987) P. mexicana S. W atson Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Neville s. n. P. persica (L.) Batsch Liberty Co. at an old home site and Brazoria Co. where one shrub was present along a fence line. Brown 23828 P. serotina Ehrhart Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Vines s.n. P. umbellata Elliott Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown and Fleming 12179 PHOTINIA P. pyrifolia (Lam.) Robertson & Phipps

Montgomery Co.

Brown 16850


PYRACANTHA P. koidzumii (Hayata) Rehd. PYRUS P. calleryana Decne.

Harris Co. Brown 15795

Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 20134

ROSA R. bracteata W endl. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 1594 R. carolina L. Montgomery Co. Brown 17570. R. laevigata Michx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. R. multiflora Thunb. ex Murr. Harris and Montgomery cos. Brown 8650

Brown 15834

RUBUS R. argutus Link (including R. louisianus Berger) Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. R. trivialis Michx. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Vines s.n. RUBIACEAE CEPHALANTHUS C. occidentalis L.

Fisher s.n.

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Young & Stahl 414

DIODIA D. teres W alter Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14739 D. virginiana L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. McFarlane 65 GALIUM G. aparine L. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Peterson s n G. circaezans Michx. The collection, Watson 1345 , is on deposit at Lamar University. It is from a seepage bluff at Raske Mill near Rye in Liberty Co. G. obtusum Bigel. var. obtusum Harris and Liberty cos.. Brown 6003 G. pilosum Aiton Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 3633 G. tinctorium (L.) Scop. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6954 G. virgatum Nutt. Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6954 G. texense A. Gray W aller Co. Brown 25068 HOUSTONIA H. micrantha (Shinners) Terrell ( Hedyotis australis Lewis & Moore). Terrell (1996) mapped specimens to the north of our area. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 9687 H. pusilla Schoepf ( Hedyotis crassifolia Raf.). Terrell (1996) mapped specimens from around Galveston Bay. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 5614 H. rosea (Raf.) Terrell ( Hedyotis rosea Raf.). Terrell (1996) mapped specimens from Brazoria and Harris cos. Collections at SBSC are only from Harris Co. Brown 8478 MITCHELLA M. repens L.

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 17565

MITRACARPUS M. hirtus (L.) DC. The collection, Brown 18847 , is from deep sands along Menard Creek in extreme northeastern Liberty Co. adjacent to Hardin Co. The plants were frequent on the deep sands adjacent to a bridge over the creek on an unnamed sandy road OLDENLANDIA Terrell (1990) has provided a key to the United States taxa. O. boscii (DC.) Chapm. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18168 O. corymbosa L. Harris Co. Rare weed in the Houston area. Brown 30791 O. uniflora L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 16603 PAEDERIA P. foetida L.

Harris Co. Brown 14128


PENTODON P. pentandrus (K. Schum.) Vatke

Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 13188

RICHARDIA R. brasiliensis Gomes Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 14806 R. scraba L. Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 2357a, 33957 R. triococca (Torr. & A. Gray.) Standl. Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11185 SHERARDIA S. arvensis L.

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 11996

SPERMACOCE S. glabra M ichx.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown 18074

STENARIA Terrell (2001,1991) has subdivided the Texas bluets species into Stenaria , Houstonia , and Oldenlandia . The following single species is placed into the genus Stenaria . S. nigricans (Lam.) Terrell Brazoria, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 8075 RUPPIACEAE RUPPIA R. maritima L.

Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 10444 RUTACEAE

CITRUS C. limon (L.) Burm. f.

Galveston Co.

Brown 30271

PONCIRUS P. trifoliata (L). Raf. PTELEA P. trifoliata L.

Brazoria, Harris, and W aller cos.

Bernier s.n.

Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 18588

RUTA R. chalapensis L.

Galveston Co. In a waste field on Galveston Island.

Vines s.n.

ZANTHOXYLUM Z. clava-herculis L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 22210 Z. fagara Sarg. Brazoria and Chambers cos. Mostly on shell islands surrounded by salt water in or near Galveston Bay. Mainland locations at Smith Point in Chambers Co. and in Brazoria Co. along Hwy. 2918 ca 2 miles north of the Intercostal W aterway. Also mapped in Galveston Co. (Turner et al. 2003). Brown 17919 SALICACEAE POPULUS P. deltoides Bart. ex Marshall subsp. deltoides Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. (Correll, 1961). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty (M C), and W aller cos. Brown 21913 SALIX S. exigua Nutt. var. sericans (Nees) G.L. Nesom Brazoria Co. Brown 12201 S. nigra Marshall Harris, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Ball 1961). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9776 SALVINIACEAE SALVINIA S. molesta Mitchell

Harris and Montgomery cos.

Brown 23201


S. minima Baker

Harris Co. Eisenhower Park below dam at Lake Houston. SAPINDACEAE

Paul Rolling s.n.

CARDIOSPERMUM C. halicacabum L. Frequent vine in late summer and fall. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 18188 KOELREUTERIA K. paniculata Laxm.

Harris Co.

Escaping from cultivation along Buffalo Bayou in Houston.

Brown 28836

SAPINDUS S. saponaria L. var. drummondii (Hook. & Arn.) L. Benson Brown & Culbertson 19115

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

UNGNADIA U. speciosa Endl. Fort Bend Co. A single isolated tree near the Brazos River in Brazos Bend State Park. Gregg, Jones, Lewis s.n. SAPOTACEAE SIDEROXYLON (BUMELIA) Pennington (1991) indicates that Bumelia , and some other U. S. sapotaceous genera, cannot be separated from the old world genus Sideroxylon by the use of any single consistent character. S. lanuginosum Michx. ( Bumelia lanuginosa (M ichx.) Pers. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 7388 S. lycioides L. [ Bumelia lycioides (L.) Pers]. Clark (1942), as Bumelia smallii Clark, nom. nov., reported this shrub from Columbia in Brazoria Co. and from W hite's Ranch in Chambers Co. The Brazoria Co. collection is at the Missouri Botanical Gardens and the Chambers Co. collection is at the University of Texas. At SBSC collections are from the Trinity River bottomland in Liberty Co. ( Nesom & Creary 39) and from Brazoria Co. (D. Rosen 2523 et al.)


Escaping into a waste area in Montgomery Co.

Blakeman s.n.

Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos.


LEPUROPETALON L. spathulatum Elliott Mapped by W ard & Gholson (1987) in Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 9770 RIBES R. curvatum J. K. Small Sinnott (1985) cites an old collection, without collection data, at MO from W illis in M ontgomery Co. Also collected at Huntsville in W alker Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. SAXIFRAGA S. texana Buckley at SBSC.

Steyermark (1959) cites a collection, Thurow s.n. (US), from Fort Bend Co. There are no collections from our area

SCROPHULARIACEAE AGALINIS A. fasciculata (Elliott) Raf. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. A. heterophylla (Nutt.) Small ex Britton Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 11581. A. maritima (Raf.) Raf. Chambers, Brazoria, and Galveston cos. Peterson 343 A. oligophylla Penn. Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 15751

Brown 11431


A. purpurea (L.) Penn. Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 8133 A. viridis (Small) Penn. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and W aller cos.

Brown 11600

AUREOLARIA A. flava (L.) Farwell Hardin Co. at Liberty Co. line along hwy 789 between Rye and Votow. Brown 18098 A. grandiflora (Benth.) Penn. Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 10547 BACOPA B. caroliniana (W alter) Robins. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17498 B. monnieri (L.) Penn. Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. and from Brazoria Co. at TAES Brown 6098 B. repens (Sw.) W ettst. W aller Co. Brown 10662. Brown & Gandhi (1989) reported this species new to Texas from a rice field between Katy and Brookshire. B. rotundifolia (M ichx.) W ettst. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 10576 BELLARDIA B. trixago (L.) All. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Harris cos. Brown 16905 This old world adventive was first found in Texas (Navarro Co.) in 1980. It was first collected in our area in 1989 (Brown & Gandhi 1989). Since then it has spread to other roadsides in our area. Do et al (1996) reported collections from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. BUCHNERA B. americana L.

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8040

CASTILLEJA C. indivisa Engelm.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Young 294

GRATIOLA G. brevifolia Raf. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7580 G. flava Leavenw. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. and from Montgomery Co. at ASTC. G. neglecta Torr. Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7052 G. pilosa Michx. Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 14699 G. virginiana L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 5636 LEUCOSPORA L. multifida (M ichx.) Nutt. LIMNOPHILA L. sessiliflora (Vahl) Blume

Brown 15831

Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 5636

Harris Co. Brown 6799

LINDERNIA L. dubia (L.) Penn. Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 11374 L. crustacea (L.) F. von Muell. This small blue-flowered Asian native is known from Harris and Liberty cos. Reported new to state by Brown & Marcus (1998). Brown 19703 MAZUS M. pumilus (Burm. f.) Steenis

Harris and Liberty (M C) cos. Brown 5632

MECARDONIA M. acuminata (W alter) Small Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 14753 M. procumbens (M ill.) Small [ M. vandellioides (Kunth) Penn.] Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11574 MICRANTHEMUM M. umbrosum (J.G. Gmel.) Blake MIMULUS M. alatus Aiton

Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 17509

Liberty Co. Brown 17506

NUTTALLANTHUS (LINARIA in part) N. canadensis (L.) D.A. Sutton Harris and W aller cos. Brown 14262


N. texana (Scheele) D.A. Sutton

Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Vines s.n.

PEDICULARIS P. canadensis L. At SBSC there are two collections both from Liberty Co; one from the Davis Hill State Natural Area and the other from along county road 2142 north of Rye. At Texas A&M University (TAES)there is one collection, Geraldine Watson s.n , from the Menard Creek Unit of the Big Thicket Biological Preserve that was collected in either Polk or Liberty County along a roadside E of hwy 146. One voucher at SBSC is Brown 18559 PENSTEMON P. digitalis Nutt. Liberty Co. J. Liggio s.n. P. laxiflorus Pennell Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. P. murayanus Hook. W aller Co. D. Johnson 1515 P. tenuis Small Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17819 SCOPARIA S. dulcis L. VERBASCUM V. thapsus L.

Brown & Ligio 19021

Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6785

Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 17819.

VERONICA V. agrestis L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 13422 V. arvensis L. Brazoria, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 9691 V. peregrina L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 15112 V. persica Poir. Harris Co. Brown 12003 SELAGINELLACEAE SELAGINELLA S. apoda (L.) Spreng. S. riddellii Van Eselt. Brown 14260

Montgomery Co. (Correll 1955). Collections at SBSC are from Harris Co.

Brown 4600

Montgomery and W aller cos. (Correll 1955). Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos.

SIMAROUBACEAE AILANTHUS A. altissima (M ill.) Swingle

Liberty Co. Davis Hill State Natural Area.

Brown 22453

SMILACACEAE SMILAX S. bona-nox L. Brazoria, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 8507 S. glauca Walter Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7390 S. laurifolia L. Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 18746 S. pumila W alter Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 2782 S. rotundifolia L. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 19273a S. smallii Morong Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 17962 S. tamnoides L. Harris and Liberty cos. Brown & Liggio 17832 . SOLANACEAE CALIBRACHOA C. parviflora (Juss) D'Arcy ( Petunia parviflora Juss) D'Arcy makes this new combination in a resurrected genus. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and Harris cos. Brown 13910 CAPSICUM C. annuum L.

Brazoria and Harris cos.

Brown 8051


CESTRUM C. nocturnum L. Escaping from cultivation in the Houston area. LYCIUM L. carolinianum W alter

S. Elsik & W. Pruess 4691

Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos.

Brown 6508

LYCIANTHES L. asarifolia (Kunth & Bouche) Bitter LYCOPERSICON L. esculentum Mill.

Harris Co. where is appearing in yards in the Memorial area of Houston.

Brown s.n.

Flowering and fruiting specimen found one in a weedy parking lot in the Houston area.

Brown 34267

NICOTIANA N. glauca Graham. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and W aller cos. F. Gregg s.n. N. longiflora Cav. Harris Co. where it is escaping in the Houston area. Brown 19290 PETUNIA P. axillaris Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Brown 32359

W aller Co. Escaping from cultivation in the Field Store Community Cemetery

PHYSALIS P. angulata L. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10694 P. cinerascens (Dun.) A. S. Hitchc. var. cinerascens Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 5690 P. cinerascens (Dun.) A. S. Hitchc. var. spathulaefolia (Torr.) Sullivan Brazoria and Galveston cos. Brown 21445 P. cordata Mill. Mapped in Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos (Turner et al. 2003). There is one collection from Harris Co. at SBSC. Paul Roling s.n. P. heterophylla Nees Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 17746 P. longifolia Nutt. = P. virginiana Mill. var. subglabrata (Mackenzie & Bush) W aterfall and P. virginiana Mill. var. sonorae (Torr.) W aterfall. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 13988 P. mollis Nutt. var. mollis Liberty and W aller cos. Brown 24762 P. mollis Nutt. var. variovestita (W aterfall) Sullivan Sullivan (1985) cites a collection, Whitehouse 15780 (SMU), from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from deeps sands in Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6008. P. pubescens L. (including P. tubinata Medik.) Reported in Harris Co. by W aterfall (1958). At SBSC collections are from Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 18349 P. pumila Nutt. Harris and W aller cos. Brown 15876 P. virginiana Mill. No collections from our area are cited by W aterfall (1958) and there are no collections at SBSC but it should be looked for. SOLANUM S. capsicastrum Link ex Schauer Harris Co. (Lemke 1991). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 21343 S. capsicoides All. Reported from Chambers Co. by Lemke (1991). There are no collections at SBSC. S. carolinense L. Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 18340 S. dimidiatum Raf. Collections at SBSC are from Harris and W aller cos. and from Liberty Co. at SHST Brown 12117 S. elaeagnifolium Cav. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos. Brown 7346 S. pseudocapsicum L. Harris Co. where it is volunteering in Houston. Newman s.n. S. ptycanthum Dun. Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18075 S. rostratum Dun. Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. and from Montgomery Co. at SHST Brown 2275 S. triquetrum Cav. Chambers Co at Smith Point and Anahuac National W ildlife Refuge and from Brazoria Co along the Intercostal W aterway at mouth of the San Bernard River. Also collected in Galveston Co. Brown 16917 SPARGANIACEAE SPARGANIUM S. americanum Nutt. Harris Co. The collection, Brown 18812 , is from a bald cypress swamp in a dense woodland Southwest of the intersection of Beltway 8 and Lockwood Drive W of Lake Houston.



Harris Co. Persisting around an old abandoned home site.

Mark W. Mackey s.n. of S&B Infrastructure

MELOCHIA M. corchorifolia L. Chambers and Harris cos., Thurow 14 (US), (Goldberg 1967). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston, Liberty, and Harris cos. Brown 3954 M. pyramidata L. Brazoria and Galveston cos. (Goldberg 1967). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 11138 W ALTHERA W . indica L.

Brazoria Co.

Brown 17527 . STYRACACEAE

HALESIA H. diptera Ellis

Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos.

Brown 8505

STYRAX S. americana Lam. var. americana Liberty Co. (Gonsoulin 1974). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and San Jacinto cos Brown 2186 S. grandifolius Aiton Bridges and Orzell (1989) report a collection, Gonsoulin 1036 (SMU), from Liberty Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC SYMPLOCACEAE SYMPLOCOS S. tinctoria (L.) L'Her.

Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 15799 TAMARICACEAE

TAMARIX T. ramoissima Ledeb.

Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos.

Brown 18718

THELYPTERIDACEAE THELYPTERIS T. dentata (Forsk.) E. St. John Correll (1956) reported this species, as Dryopteris dentata (Forsk.) C. Chr. from Harris Co. based upon the collection Efie Boon s.n. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. T. kunthii (Desv.) Morton Correll (1956) reported this species, as Dryopteris normalis C. Chr. from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 16582 T. hispidula (Dcne.) C. F. Reed var. versicolor ( St. John) Lellinger Smith (1971) reports the collection, B. C. Tharp 4279 , [as T. quadrangularis (Fee) Schelpe] from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC. T. palustris Schott var. pubescens (Lawson) Fernald. Correll (1956) reported this species, as Dryopteris thelypteris (L.) A. Gray var. haleana (Fernald.) W eatherby, from Liberty Co. based upon the collection , Palmer 8554. He also reported a specimen from W aller Co. At SBSC there is one collection from Harris Co. Peterson 1444 TILIACEAE CORCHORUS C. hirtus L.

Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Brown 14879

TILIA T. americana L. var. americana Harris Co. Brown 18560 T. americana L. var. caroliniana (M ill.) Castig Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, and Liberty cos.

Brown 18594


TYPHACEAE TYPHA T. domingensis Pers. Harris and Chambers cos. Brown 11150 T. latifolia L. Fort Bend and Harris cos. Brown 6183 ULMACEAE CELTIS C. laevigata W illd. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. C. tenuifolia Nutt. Brazoria and Montgomery co s. Brown 33969 PLANERA P. aquatica (W alter) J. F. Gmel.

Brown 22225

Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

Brown 6942

ULMUS U. alata Michx. Brazoria and Harris cos. Vines s.n. U. americana L. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 22216 U. crassifolia Nutt. Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Peterson 595 U. parvifolia Jacq. Harris Co. where it is planted in the Houston area and escaping. McClure 674 URTICACEAE BOEHMERIA B. cylindrica (L.) Sw. B. nivea (L.) Gaudich

Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 15056 Harris Co. From a Houston yard. R. Jeffers s.n.

PARIETARIA P. pensylvanica Muhl. ex W illd. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 9777

PILEA P. microphylla (L.) Liebm. Harris Co. Appearing here and there in Houston. It is especially common in the greenhouse area at the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens. Brown 20534 URTICA U. chamaedryoides Pursh W oodland et al (1976) map it in our area to the west of Galveston Bay. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown 11100 U. urens L. Harris, Liberty, and Galveston cos. Brown 10827 VALERIANACEAE VALERIANELLA V. radiata (L.) Dufr. (including f. radiata and f. parviflora (Dyal) Eggers Eggers (1969) listed collections of both from Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos Brown 20254 V. woodsiana (Torr. & A. Gray) W alp. Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, and Liberty cos. (Eggers 1969). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. Brown 8575 VERBENACEAE CALLICARPA C. americana L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and W aller cos. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. GLANDULARIA G. bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. bipinnatifida Turner et a l (2003) mapped collections in Brazoria and Harris cos. Moldenke in Correll & Johnston (1970) reported, as Verbena wrightii, an isolated population in Montgomery Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC.


G. canadensis (L.) Nutt. Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. (Moldenke 1942). Turner (1998) also mapped specimens from the same counties. Specimens at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 8495 G. pulchella (Sweet) Tronscosco (V. tenuisecta Briq.) Chambers Co. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 10002 G. pumila (Rydb.) Umber W aller Co. Brown 30316 LANTANA L. achyranthifolia Desf. ( L. macropoda Torr.) Fort Bend Co. (Moldenke 1942). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. L. camara L. Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 12002 L. montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. Harris Co. Vine like shrub naturalized in woodlands adjacent to the San Jacinto River. Brown 18437. L. urticoides Heyek ( H. horrida of Texas authors non Kunth) Harris and Montgomery cos. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, and Galveston cos. Brown 21540 PHYLA P. lanceolata (Michx.) Greene Brazoria and Liberty cos. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris and Liberty cos. Brown 17472 P. nodiflora (L.) Greene (including P. incisa Small) Chambers, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. (M oldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 11192 VERBENA V. bonariensis L. Liberty Co. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria and Harris cos. Brown 14658 V. brasiliensis Vell. Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 9362 V. canescens Kunth W aller Co. (Moldenke 1942). There are two collections from Harris Co. at SBSC. Brown 3710 V. halei Small Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 19044 V. rigida Spreng. Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. F. Waller 2573 V. scabra Vahl Harris Co. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown 18136 V. stricta Vent. Liberty Co. (Moldenke 1942). There are no collections from our area at SBSC. V. urticifolia L. Moldenke (1941) saw collections from Brazoria, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Liberty cos. Brown 18712 , V. xutha Lehm. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery cos. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 9482 VITEX V. agnus-castus L.

Harris Co. (Moldenke 1942). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston and Harris cos. VIOLACEAE

Brown 18717

HYBANTHUS H. verticillatus (Ortega) Baill.

Brazoria Co.

R. Jordan and W. Pruess s.n.

VIOLA Russell (1965) treated both the stemless and non-stemless violets and McKinney (1992) revised the stemless blue violets. V. lanceolata L. Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. (Russell 1965). Collections at SBSC are from Galveston, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 18436 V. palmata L. [including V. triloba Schwein var. dilatata (Elliott) Brainerd and V. lovelliana Brainerd] Harris Co. (Russell 1965). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Chambers, Harris, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6140 V. pedata L. Liberty Co. A few plants noted in a dry pine-oak woodland in Davis Hill State Natural Area on the Davis Hill salt dome. Brown & Liggio 19006 V. primulifolia L. Harris Co. (Russell 1965). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. and from Harris Co. at Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens. Peterson s. n. V. sagittata Aiton Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris cos. (Russell 1965). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris cos. Brown 5905 V. sororia W illd. var. sororia (including V. langloisii Greene and V. pratincola Greene). Galveston and Liberty cos. (M cKinney 1992). Collections at SBSC are from Fort Bend and Harris cos. Present in bottomland forest. Brown 18456 V. sororia W illd. var. missouriensis (Greene) McKinney Chambers, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. (McKinney 1991). Collections at SBSC are from Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and W aller cos. Brown 6945 V. walteri House Brazoria, Liberty and Montgomery cos. Brown & Liggio 17812 and 18447


VISCACEAE PHORADENDRON P. serotinum (Raf.) M. C. Johnst. subsp. serotinum (= P. leucocarpum (Raf.) Reveal & M.C. Johnston W aller cos. See J. Kuijt (2003) for this name change. Brown 19724b VITACEAE AMPELOPSIS A. arborea (L.) Koehne Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 22449 A. cordata M ichx. Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6619 CAYRATIA C. japonica (Thunb.) Gagnepain Five collections all from Harris Co. Growing wild along White Oak Bayou in Little Thicket Park near 18th Street in Houston and a frequent rampant weed at Mercer Arboretum. Brown 19010. CISSUS C. incisa (Torr. & A. Gray.) Des Moul. PARTHENOCISSUS P. quinquefolia (L.) Planch.

Brazoria, Harris, Liberty, and

Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and W aller cos.

Brown 11384

Brazoria, Harris, Liberty (M C), Montgomery, and W aller cos.

Brown 22477

VITIS V. aestivalis Michx. Brazoria, Harris, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8844 V. cinerea (Engelm.) Engelm. ex. Millardet var. cinerea For current taxonomic treatment see Moore (1991) and for author citation see Gandhi & Brown (1989). Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 8972 V. mustangensis Buckley Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris cos. Young 285 V. palmata Vahl Brazoria, Harris, and Liberty cos. Brown 7114 V. rotundifolia M ichx. Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Young 356 V. vulpina L. Harris County Paul Rolling s.n. XYRIDACEAE XYRIS X. ambigua Kunth Kral (1966) reported specimens from Chambers, Liberty, and W aller cos. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Liberty, and Montgomery cos.

X. difformis Chapm. var. difformis Mapped in Montgomery Co. by Kral (1966). At BRIT the collection, Kessler s.n., is from Jones State Forest in Montgomery Co. Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 7547 X. difformis Chapm. var. curtissii (Malme) Kral Montgomery Co. Brown & Fleming 12183 X. laxifolia M art. var. iridifolia (Chapm) Kral. Harris and Liberty cos. (Kral 1966). Collections at SBSC are from Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and San Jacinto cos. Brown 14744 X. jupicai Rich. Montgomery co. (Kral 1966). Collections at SBSC are from Chambers, Galveston. Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery cos. Brown 6699 X. stricta Chapman var. obscura Karl ( X. louisianica Bridges & Orzell) Bridges & Orzell (1987) list a specimen, Webster & Wilbur 3185 (SMU), from Liberty Co. It was collected 21 miles southeast of Cleveland At SBSC there are collection from Liberty Co where it is fairly common in the Tarkington area. Brown 26084 . Also the collection, Brown 26084 , is from Polk Co. a few miles north of the Liberty Co. line. X. torta J.E. Smith Kral (1966) mapped a collection from Harris Co. Collections at SBSC are from Chambers and Liberty cos. Brown 25400. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE KALLSTROEMIA K. maxima (L.) Hook. & Arn. Harris Co. Brown 8160 K. parviflora Norton Porter (1969) cites a collection, Thurow 4 (US), from Harris Co. There are no collections from our area at SBSC.


TRIBULUS T. terrestris L. Harris and Galveston cos.

Brown 11427


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