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Plants Year 5

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Protection from Enemies Exercise:

1. Plants have specific characteristics to protect themselves from 1. The leaves of sugar cane ……………………. hairs which cause
enemies and extreme weather. ……………………… When in contact with our skin.
2. Plants protect themselves from enemies through: 2. Marigold flowers produce a ………………………… to hinder animals
from them.
1 Rafflesia
3. Give one example of a plant that has a similar special characteristics
Bad smell Tobacco plant
Marigold/ Lantana as mimosa plant.
2 Rose, durian, pineapple, mimosa,
Sharp thorns cactus 4. In an investigation , a chilli plant and a cactus plant are left under
the Sun for one week and not watered.
Type of plant Condition of the plant after one week
3 Produce Latex Jackfruit, Yam, Oleander plant,
mango, papaya Chilli plant

4 Fine hairs Bamboo plant, Sugar cane,

lemongrass a) Based on this investigation, which plant can survive in dry

5 Poisonous Poison ivy, mushrooms, Yam, Pong- b) Explain your answer in (a)

Adaptation to Climate Plants Ensure the Survival of its Species

1. The following shows the specific characteristics by plants to adapt 1. Young plants that grow near parent plant need to compete for
themselves to extreme weather. basic needs with the parent plant.
2. Seeds or fruits need to be dispersed to ensure the young plant can
grow healthy .
Region Adaptation Examples
3. Dispersal is the way to carry the seeds or fruits far from the parent
Stem that stores water Cactus, banana plant 4. Seeds or fruits are dispersed through:

Way of dispersal Characteristics Example

Needle-shaped leaves Cactus, pine tree
Dry Wind
Shed its leaves Rubber tree

Long roots Cactus Water

Fold/ Roll its leaves Banana plant, turmeric,

maize plant Animal/ Human
Leaves with waxy Lotus, water lily

Split leaves Coconut, Pine tree Explosive mechanism

Stem that bends easily Coconut, bamboo

Buttress roots

4.2 K€mondirion Spgsies Tumbuhon

@ Menookul kepenlingon pencoron biji benih atou buoh kepada kemondiion spesies tumbuhon
4 Menookul kepentingon pencoron kepodo kemondirion lumbuhon

A 1 Jqwob soolon-soolon gong berikut berdosorkon rojoh.

Answer the following gueslions basd on the diogroms.

+ 1
Sebelum buoh motong Selepos buoh motong Betik mudo Betik mosok
Before fruil ripes After fruil ripes Young popoAo Ripe popdAo

',ll,l.l, :,,,t, Ngotokon pemerholion

Stale lhe observolion
(o) selepos buoh keembung menjodi molong,
ofter lhe bolsom fruil becomes ripe,

(b) selepos buoh betik mosok.

ofter the popoAo becomes ripe

i,.,'.i,.', Ngotokon ciri gong membolehkon biji benih Uong berikut dipencorkon oleh ogen pencoron
State lhe chorocterislics which enoble the following seeds lo be dispersed bg their dispersol ogenls.
(o) Buoh keembung
Bolsam fruit

(b) Buoh betik:

Popoga fruit

Apokoh kepentingon pencoron bogi keduo-duo buoh ini?
Whot is lhe imporionce of lhe dispersol of bofh fruits?

',:il4li l.,,
Romolkon opo Uong berloku sekirongo pencoron tidok berloku. 'ffi}r,;nori,i,
Predict whol hoppens if lhe dispersol does nol occur.

Menguosoi Tondolongon Guru: Torikh:

3 Uloson Guru:
2 3

sses o{ Plants

4 Rojoh di bowoh menunjukkon sejenis tumbuhon gong ditonom oleh puon Aminoh untuk
mengholou ngomuk dewoso dori rumohngo.
The diagrom below shows o lgpe of plont thot is planted bg Puon Aminah to keep odult mosquitoes
owog from her house.

3 F
(o) Podo pendopot komu, opokoh ciri khos gong odo podo fumbuhon itu gong dopot 7
mengholou ngomuk? @tr Mensonorisis
In gour opinion, whol is lhe speciol choraclerisfic of fhe ptonl lo keep mosquiloes awag?

ll markahlmorkl
(b) (i) Coro monokoh gong lebih boik untuk mengholou ngomuk, menggunokon tumbuhon
itu otou ubot ngomuk?
Which melhod is belterto keep mosquitoes awag, bg using fhat ptant or a mosquito repeltenf?

ll morkoh/markl
(ii) Beri qloson komu.'{ffi!f,.iq"1961'r,ri'i'
Give gour reolson.

ll morkohlmorkl

52 Rojoh di bowoh menunjukkon sejenis tumbuhon gong hidup di kowoson gong kening.
The diogrom below shows o tgpe of plont that grows in o drg region.


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