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Biology - February 2016

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A true fruit (or eucarp) is a ripened ovary.

It consists of a thin or thick pericarp

MORPHOLOGY formed from the wall of ovary and seeds formed from the ovules. A fruit in which
other floral parts (e.g., thalamus, base of sepals, petals, etc.), participate in its

formation is called false fruit (or pseudocarp) e.g., apple and pear. The seeds
within the fruits have reserve food for nourishing the young seedlings till they

become nutritionally independent.
· Some fruits are formed without fertilisation i.e., seedless fruits. They are called as

AND SEEDS parthenocarps (e.g., banana). Fruits are classified into three main categories –
simple fruits, aggregate fruits and composite fruits.

Composite fruits Aggregate fruits

A composite or multiple fruit develops from the whole Aggregate fruits are the groups of fruitlets which
inflorescence. It is of two main types: sorosis and syconus. develop from the multicarpellary, apocarpous
Sorosis : These fruits develop from spike, spadix or catkin ovaries. The individual carpel or pistil develops
fruits inflorescence. Sorosis of pineapple develops from an into a fruitlet and these fruitlets occur as a
Simple fruits develop from intercalary spike of sterile flowers with persistent bracts. clustered unit on a single receptacle, which is
monocarpellary ovary or Sorosis of mulberry develops from a female catkin. referred to as an aggregate fruit or etaerio, e.g.,
multicarpellary syncarpous ovary. etaerio of achenes (Ranunculus, lotus), etaerio of
Syconus : It develops from hypanthodium inflorescence.
Simple fruits may be dry (pericarp is Receptacle becomes fleshy and edible, many achenes follicles (Calotropis), etaerio of berries (Custard
undifferentiated) or succulent develop from pistillate flowers, e.g., Ficus carica. apple), etaerio of drupes (e.g., Rubus idaeus), etc.
(pericarp is differentiated into
epicarp, mesocarp and
Dry fruits
Dry fruits are of
three types – Achenial
(single seeded, indehiscent),
capsular (many seeded, dehiscent) Etaerio Etaerio of berries
and schizocarpic (many seeded, Sorosis of Syconus of of achenes in Custard
after ripening divide into Morus Fig in Lotus Apple
single seeded Seed is a
segments). ripened ovule
which contains an
embryo, adequate reserve food
and a covering for protection against
mechanical injury. A seed may have 1 or 2
coverings called seed coats. Outer is
Succulent fruits testa and inner is called tegmen.
Succulent fruits can be divided into three main types: berry, drupe and pome. Seeds can be endospermic
(i) Berry : In superior or true berry (derived from superior ovary) usually all the three and non-
layers of fleshy pericarp are edible, e.g., grape, tomato. In inferior or false berry endospermic.
(derived from inferior ovary) epicarp is fused with thalamus to form exocarp, e.g.,
banana (parthenocarpic), guava. There are some special berries also such as
balausta (e.g., pomegranate), pepo (e.g., cucumber), and hesperidium (e.g.,
orange). (i) Endospermic or albuminous (ii) Non-endospermic or exalbuminous
(ii) Drupe (or stone fruit) : In this fruit, epicarp forms the rind, mesocarp is fleshy seeds: Endosperm is present and seeds : The endosperm is consumed during
and endocarp is hard and stony, e.g., almond, mango, Zizyphus, etc. food reserve remains in endosperm, seed development and the food is stored in
(iii) Pome : It is a false fruit that develops from the fleshy thalamus of multicarpellary, e.g., most monocots and some dicots cotyledons, e.g., majority of dicot seeds (Cicer
syncarpous, inferior ovary, e.g., apple, pear, etc. (Ricinus communis). arietinum) and in some monocot seeds.

Testa Tegmen
Perisperm Cotyledon

Inferior Berry Embryo
Pome of Apple Berry of Tomato Drupe of Mango Radicle Cotyledon Axis
of Banana
Castor seed (L.S.) Gram seed (split open)

Achenial fruits (Indehiscent fruit) Capsular fruits (Dehiscent fruit) Schizocarpic fruits (Splitting fruits)
Achenial fruits are of five types : Capsular fruits are of five types: Schizocarpic fruits are of five types :
(i) Achene : It develops from monocarpellary, superior, (i) Legume (or pod) : The fruit develops from superior, (i) Cremocarp : It develops from a bicarpellary,
unilocular and uniovuled ovary, pericarp is free from seed monocarpellary, unilocular ovary with marginal placentation. It syncarpous, bilocular, inferior ovary. On maturity, the
except at one point, e.g., Mirabilis jalapa. (ii) Caryopsis (or dehisces by both dorsal and ventral sutures, e.g., members of family fruit splits into two mericarps, each with one seed,
Grain) : It develops from monocarpellary, superior, unilocular Leguminosae. (ii) Follicle : The fruit dehisces by only one suture, e.g., members of family Apiaceae. (ii) Lomentum : The
ovary. Pericarp is completely fused with the testa, e.g., members e.g., Delphinium. (iii) Siliqua : It develops from a bicarpellary, fruit is a modification of legume, which is constricted
of family Poaceae. (iii) Cypsela : It develops from bicarpellary, superior ovary with parietal placentation and a false septum called in between the seeds, e.g., Mimosa, Acacia, etc.
syncarpous, inferior and unilocular ovary. Pappus may be replum. It dehisces by two valves, e.g., members of family (iii) Carcerulus : At maturity, the fruit breaks up into
present for dispersal, e.g., Taraxacum. (iv) Nut: Pericarp becomes Brassicaceae. (iv) Silicula : It is a shortened and flattened siliqua, single seeded indehiscent mericarps, e.g., Althaea.
h a r d , w o o d y o r l e a t h e r y. Fr u i t m a y d e v e l o p f r o m e.g., Capsella bursa-pastoris. (v) Capsule: According to the mode of (iv) Compound samara : At maturity, the fruit splits
monocarpellary, superior ovary (e.g., cashew nut); tricarpellary, dehiscence, capsule may be porocidal capsule (e.g., Papaver), up into single seeded winged mericarps, e.g., Acer.
syncarpous, trilocular ovary (e.g., litchi), etc. (v) Samara : denticidal capsule (e.g., Pink), pyxidium (e.g., Portulaca), (v) Regma : It develops from multicarpellary pistil and
Pericarp becomes flat like wings and thus help in wind dispersal loculicidal capsule (e.g., Gossypium), septicidal capsule on maturity, splits into as many cocci as the number of
e.g., Holoptelea. (e.g., Viola), septifragal capsule (e.g., Datura), etc. carpels, e.g., Geranium.

Cremocarp of Coriandrum

Samara of Cypsela of Taraxacum Legume of pea


Follicle of
Capsule of Delphinium Carcerulus of Lomentaceous pod Regma of
Datura Althaea of Touch-me-not Castor

Caryopsis of
Nut of Litchi
Siliqua of Silicula of
Achene of Mirabilis Mustard Capsella Double samara of Acer

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