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Muhammad Fachri Anwar - Tugas 6 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi

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FIELD COST NPM : 202310325312

Year 0 - Cleaning and Planting Year (Establishment) 0-12 months

(9 months of preparation then planted) Plams 3 months old at end of period

SPH / Mtr
Sub Activiy Code Mandays per Round

Land Clearing - Underburshing LACLUNDE -
Land Clearing - Felling LACLFELL -
Land Clearing - Disposal LACLDISP -
Land Clearing - Windrowing LACLWIND -
Land Clearing - Primary Lining LACLPRLI 2.00

Total task - 00 2.00

Soil Conservation - Planting LCC SOCOPLCC 0.60

Soil Conservation - Planting LCC SOCOPLCC 0.60
Soil Conservation - Planting LCC SOCOPLCC 0.60
Soil Conservation - Planting LCC SOCOPLCC 0.60
Soil Conservation - Planting LCC SOCOPLCC 0.60
Soil Conservation - Tracing SOSOTERA -
Soil Coservation - Platfrom SOCOPLAT -
Soil Conservation - Trerrace Lining SOCOTELI 0.30

Total Task - 10 3.30

Planting and supply - Lining Planting hole PLSULIPL 2.00

Planting and Supply - Holing PLSUHOLI 1.50
Planting and Supply - Seedling handling es nursery PLSUSEHA 3.00
Planting and supply - Planting & Infield handling PLSUPLAN -
Planting and supply - Planting & Infield handling PLSUPLAN 143 2.00
Planting and Supply - Supplying PLSUSUPP 0.33
Planting and Supply - Supplying PLSUSUPP 3.6 0.33
Planting and Supply - Supplying PLSUSUPP 0.25
Planting and Supply - Cnsuldating PLSUCONS

TotaTask - 20 9.75

Weeding - Preplanting-Manual WEEDPRMA -

Weeding -Lalang Chemical WEEDLACH 0.50
weeding - preplanting - Chemical WEEDPRCH 0.75
weeding - preplanting - Chemical WEEDPRCH 0.75
weeding - Selective/Avenue-Chemical WEEDSACH 0.20
weeding _ Selective/Avenue-Chemical WEEDSACH
Weeding - Circle Manual WEEDCIMA 1.00
Weeding - Circle Chemical WEEDCICH 1.00

Total - 30 4.2

Description Calc Unit Quan Unit Price Cost Rp

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Lining eges etc. 16 Each 45 720

Puraria Javanica (PJ) Nil Nil 4 Kg 220,000 880,000

Colopoginium Mocunoides (CM) Nil Nil 2 Kg 60,000 120,000
Mucuna Bracteata Nil Nil 0 Kg 650,000 52,000
Mucuna Conchinchinensis (MC) Nil Nil 0 Kg - -
Fertiliser - Rock Phosphate Nil Nil 5 Kg 2,300 11,906
Nil Nil Nil Nil Mtr 13,500 -
Nil Nil Nil Nil EA 8,000 -
Lining pegs etc. Nil Nil 50 EA 45 2,250

Lining pegs etc. 143.00 Each 45 6,435

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Fertiliser - Rock Phoshate 600.00 gm 85.80 kg 2,300 197,340
Seed - Seeding (Bibit) 143.00 Each 14,200 2,030,600

Seed - Seeding (Bibit) - % 3.58 Each 14,200 50,765

Fertilizer - Sumicoat 600.00 gm 0.00 kg - -
Fertilizser - Rock Phoshate gm 2.15 Each 2,300 4,934
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

NIL Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

HERBICIDE-AMIPHOSATE Nil Nil 2.50 Lt 35,000 87,500
HERBICIDE-TRENDY 47.00 gm 0.047 Kg 160,000 7,520
HERBICIDE-AMIPHOSATE Nil Nil 1.5 Lt 35,000 52,500
HERBICIDE-TRENDY 13.00 gm 0.013 Kg 160,000 2,080
HERBICIDE-AMIPHOSATE Nil Nil 0.4 Lt 35,000 14,000
Nil Nil Nil Nil -
HERBICIDE-AMIPHOSATE Nil Nil 1.2 Lt 35,000 43,680
Other Materials Others Total
Descriptions Unit Quan Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp

Contract Ha 1.00 190.700 - - - 190.700

Contract Ha 1.00 - - - 750 750.000
Contract Ha 1.00 - - - 1,300,000 1,300,000
Contract Ha 1.00 - - - 1,150,000 1,150,000
Contract Hr 1.00 - - - 4,600,000 4,600,000
Nil Ha Nil 381,400.000 - 720 - 382,120

Nil Ha Nil 114,420 - 880,000 - 994,420

Nil Ha Nil 114,420 - 120,000 - 234,420
Nil Ha Nil 114,420 - 52,000 - 166,420
Nil Ha Nil - - - - -
Nil Ha Nil 114,420 - 11,906 - 126,326
Contract Mt 300.00 - - - 4,050,000 4,050,000
Contract EA 7.00 - - - 56,000 56,000
Nil Ha 57,210 - 2,250 - 59,460

Nil Ha Nil 381,400 - 6,435 - 387,835

Nil Ha Nil 286,050 - - - 286,050
Nil Ha Nil 572,100 - 197,340 - 769,440
Nil Ha Nil - - 2,030,600 - 2,030,600
381,400 - - - 381,400
Nil Ha Nil 63,567 - 50,765 - 114,332
Nil Ha Nil 63,567 - - - 63,567
Nil Nil 63,567 - 4,934 - 68,501
Nil Ha Nil 47,675 - - - 47,675

Nil Ha Nil - - - - -
Nil Ha Nil - 69,950 87,500 4,250 157,450
Nil Ha Nil - 97,425 7,520 6,375 104,945
Nil Nil - 97,425 52,500 6,375 149,925
Nil Ha Nil - 25,980 2,080 1,700 28,060
Nil Nil - - 14,000 - 14,000
Nil Ha Nil - 129,900 - 8,500 129,900
Nil Ha Nil - 129,900 43,680 8,500 173,580
Rounds Cost/Ha %applied Std. Cost
000 000 000

1 191 100% 190.700

1 750 100% 750
1 1,300 100% 1,300,000
1 1,150 100% 1,150,000
1 4,600 100% 4,600,000
1 382 100% 382,120

8,373 100% 7,433,061

1 994 100% 994,420

1 234 100% 234,420
1 166 100% 166,420
1 - 100% -
1 126 100% 126,326
1 4,050 100% 4,050,000
1 56 100% 56,000
1 59 100% 59,460

5,685 100% 5,687,046

1 388 100% 387,835

1 286 100% 286,050
1 769 100% 769,440
1 2,031 100% 2,030,600
1 381 100% 381,400
1 114 100% 114,332
1 64 100% 63,567
1 69 100% 68,501
1 47 100% 47,675

4,149 100% 4,149,400

1 - 100% -
1 157 100% 157,450
1 111 100% 104,945
1 156 100% 149,925
1 175 100% 28,060
1 - 100% 14,000
1 277 100% 129,900
1 364 100% 173,580

1,240 100% 757,860

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