to the same degree (often followed by `as') "they were equally beautiful","birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly","sang as sweetly as a nightingale","he is every bit as mean as she is" -
a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa -
a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar
A Roman copper coin, originally of a pound weight (12 oz.); but reduced, after the first Punic war, to two ounces; in the second Punic war, to one ounce; and afterwards to half an ounce. -
A Roman weight, answering to the libra or pound, equal to nearly eleven ounces Troy weight. It was divided into twelve ounces. -
An ace. -
As if; as though. "He lies, as he his bliss did know." -
Because; since; it being the case that. "As the population of Scotland had been generally trained to arms . . . they were not indifferently prepared." -
Expressing a wish. "As have," -
Expressing concession. (Often approaching though in meaning). "We wish, however, to avail ourselves of the interest, transient as it may be, which this work has excited." -
For instance; by way of example; thus; -- used to introduce illustrative phrases, sentences, or citations. -
Than. "The king was not more forward to bestow favors on them as they free to deal affronts to others their superiors." -
That, introducing or expressing a result or consequence, after the correlatives so and such. "I can place thee in such abject state, as help shall never find thee." -
While; during or at the same time that; when; as, he trembled as he spoke. "As I return I will fetch off these justices."
The antecedent in the correlation as … so, or as … as: In that degree; to that extent; so far. The correlation as … so is obsolete; as … as is in extremely common use, being, besides like, the regular formula of comparison to express likeness or equality: as, as black as jet, as cold as ice, as wise as Solomon, etc.; the verb in the relative clause, when the same as in the principal clause, being usually omitted: as, it is as cold as ice (sc. is); come as soon as you can (sc. come). -
The relative clause is often omitted, especially in colloquial speech, being inferred from the antecedent: as, this will do as well (sc. as that); I would as lief walk (sc. as ride). -
The consequent in the correlations as … as, so … as, such … as, same … as, etc., expressing quantity, degree, proportion, manner, etc. The relative uses are as exhibited in I. (where see examples). Through ellipsis of the antecedent, it enters into many peculiar idiomatic phrases. -
The antecedent as is often, and so is usually, omitted: as, black as jet; cold as ice; do as you like. -
In parenthetical clauses involving a concession, the relative as (the antecedent being omitted) may be equivalent to though: as, late as it was, we set forth on our journey. -
In parenthetical clauses involving a contrast or negation as to fact with the principal clause, as approaches an adversative sense, being nearly equivalent to but. -
In subordinate clauses involving a supposition, as is conditional, being equivalent to as if, as though, which are the ordinary forms. This use is now rare or only poetical except in the independent phrase as it were. (See phrases below.) -
The clause introduced by as may be reduced by ellipsis of its verb and other elements to one or two important words, leaving as as a quasi-connective: Between an adverb or adverbial phrase in the principal clause and an adverb or adverbial phrase constituting the subordinate clause. -
Between the principal verb or its subject and the subordinate subject or object, which becomes equivalent to a predicate appositive or factitive object after the principal verb, as meaning ‘after the manner of,’ ‘the same as,’ ‘like,’ ‘in the character or capacity of,’ etc.: as, the audience rose as one man; all these things were as nothing to him; he has been nominated as a candidate. Hence in constructions where the appositive clause depends directly upon the noun: as, his career as a soldier was brilliant; his reputation as a scholar stands high: and so in naming phases of a general subject: as, Washington as a general; man as a thinker. The construction as a quasi-predicate appositive or factitive object after a principal verb is usual after verbs of seeming or regarding. -
The subordinate clause introduced by as is often not dependent grammatically upon the principal verb, but serves to restrict or determine the scope of the statement as a whole. Such clauses are parenthetical, and usually elliptical, some of them, as as usual and as a rule, having almost the idiomatical unity of an adverbial phrase. -
In certain emphatic formulas, as (‘even as’) introduces a solemn attestation (‘as truly or surely as’) or adjuration (‘in a manner befitting the fact that’), approaching a causal sense, ‘since, because.’ (See 2, below.) -
Of reason: Since; because; inasmuch as. -
Of time: When; while; during the time that. -
Of purpose or result: The consequent in the correlations so … as, such … as: To such a degree that; in such a manner that: followed by an infinitive or, formerly, by a finite verb (but in the latter construction that has taken the place of as). -
Of mere continuation, introducing a clause in explanation or amplification of a word or statement in the principal clause, especially in giving examples: For example; for instance; to wit; thus. -
In dependent clauses: That. Formerly as was often attached, like that, to the adverbs there, then, where, when, etc., to make them distinctly relative. These forms are now obsolete, except whereas, which remains in a deflected sense. See whereas. From this interchange with that followed the use of as for that, in introducing an object clause after say, know, think, etc., varying with as that and as how: only in dialectal use: as, I don't know as I do', and I don't know as' I do, the sense varying with the accent. -
After comparatives: Than. -
Before certain adverbs and adverbial phrases, including prepositional phrases: Even; just: restricting the application to a particular point: as, as now, as then, as yet, as here, as there, etc. -
Before prepositional phrases as becomes attached in thought to the preposition, making practically a new prepositional unit. See as anent, as concerning, as for, etc., below. -
That; who; which: after such or same, and introducing an attributive clause: as, he did not look for such a result as that; he traveled the same route as I did. -
An obsolete and dialectal or colloquial form of has: in colloquial speech often further reduced to 's: as, who's been here? -
In Norse myth., one of the gods, the inhabitants of Asgard. See Asgard. -
In Latin, an integer; a whole or single thing; especially, a unit divided into twelve parts. Thus, the jugerum was called an as. -
As a unit of weight, 12 ounces (Latin unciœ, twelfths); the libra or pound, equal to 325.8 grams, or 5,023 grains. -
A copper coin, the unit of the early monetary system of Rome. It was first coined in the fourth (according to Mommsen, the fifth) century b. c., and was at first nominally of the weight of a libra or pound, that is, 12 ounces. It was gradually reduced in weight, about 269 b. c. weighing 4 ounces, and about 250 b. c. 2 ounces. In 80 b. c., after having fallen to half an ounce, it ceased to be issued. The smaller copper coins forming the divisions of the as were named semis (half of the as), triens (third), quadrans (fourth), sextans (sixth), and uncia (twelfth). The constant obverse type of the as has the double head of Janus; the reverse, a prow. Its subdivisions bore various devices. Coins struck on the same system (called the libral system) were issued in other parts of Italy from the fourth century b. c. See œs grave, under œs. -
Obsolete form of ace. Chaucer. -
An old Swedish and Dutch unit of weight, equal to 4.8042 centigrams, or about three quarters of a troy grain. See asducat and ass. -
Chemical symbol of arsenic. -
An assimilated form of ad- before s, as in assimilate, assert, assume, etc. -
An erroneously restored form of a-, originally Latin ab-, in assoil, assoilzie, from the Latin absolvere, absolve. -
A variant of es-, Latin ex-, in assart, assay, astonish, obsolete ascape, aschew, assaumple, etc.; now represented also, or only, by es-, as in escape, eschew, or s-, as in scape, sample. See es.
(adv., conj., pron)
az in that degree, so far, as ... as: the consequent in a co-relation expressing quantity, degree, &c., as ... as, such ... as, same ... as: since, because: when, while: expressing merely continuation or expansion, for instance: similarly: for example: while: in like manner: that, who, which (after such, same) -
as in Norse mythology, one of the gods, the inhabitants of Asgard -
as Latin unit of weight, 12 ounces (L. unciæ): a copper coin, the unit of the early monetary system of Rome.
About as useful as a chocolate teapot - Someone or something that is of no practical use is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
As neat as a new pin - This idiom means tidy and clean.
Alike as two peas - If people or things are as alike as two peas, they are identical.
Angry as a bear - If someone is as angry as a bear, they are very angry.('Angry as a bear with a sore foot' is also used.)
Angry as a bull - If someone is as angry as a bull, they are very angry.
As a rule - If you do something as a rule, then you usually do it.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. as, als, alse, also, al swa, AS. eal swā, lit. all so; hence, quite so, quite as: cf. G. als, as, than, also, so, then. See Also
Krissy Schwerin dressed as Ursula, Jay Schwerin as King Triton, August Schwerin as Flounder, Ruby Schwerin as Ariel and Valerie Rios as Chef Louie.
Yes, this does qualify as news, and will continue to as long as 20 million crazed twihards still think it qualifies as news.
ROYAL PAINS — 416 — Pictured: (l-r) Charley Koontz as Owen, Paulo Costanzo as Evan Lawson, Mark Feuerstein as Dr Hank Lawson, Michael B Silver as Ken Keller — (Photo by: Isabella Vosmikova/USA Network).
We also recognize that the new hire might do things differently than us, but we're open to new approaches as long as they are as efficient as what we have in place.
James Nesbitt as Bofur, Martin Freeman, front, as Bilbo Baggins, Stephen Hunter as Bombur, Graham McTavish as Dwalin, William Kircher as Bifur, and Jed Brophy as Nori in the fantasy adventure.
The Qualia owner and roaster views coffee beans not as a drug for early risers but as a perishable agricultural product that needs to be treated as respectfully as any other gourmet kitchen ingredient.
Crookston School District voters had the power on Election Day to add as many as three new members to the Crookston School Board in 2013, or as few as one new member.
Pumpkins have been looking at me funny every Halloween for as long as I can remember, so as far as I'm concerned, they had this coming.
As far as the imagery is concerned, I was inspired by the events in the rehearsal room and created a large number of textures as well as many background loops relevant to the show.
If it's true that the journey is at least as important as the destination, if the process matters as much as the result, then I can say in all honesty that I am a good fisherman.
These are the life-size words posted throughout Johannesburg, the billboards as frequent as mile markers, displayed on side roads such as Rivonia and highways such as the N1.
Of course, few people were on Earl's level -- as a musician, as a band leader, as a teacher, as an inspiration, as a person who could spread joy throughout a space as easily as he could spread a smile across his face.
As mayor of Saranac Lake, you have accomplished a number of projects that have improved Saranac Lake, not only as a great place to live but as a village that people like to visit as well.
EWEEK Labs takes a look at the areas of synergy--such as database and operating systems--as well as areas of overlap --such as development.
Learning to paddle board is not as easy as it looks as Dustin Voorhees, left, learns to balance as Cove Fylpaa cruises on by on Tuesday afternoon on Lake Bemidji.
During the computation the solver will try to avoid as much as possible backtracking either by postponing goals or by pushing as much as possible of the backtrack points into the CLP-constraint store which is constructed during the derivation.
As in Figure 12, the evolution during the burst is shown by the arrows, firs t the atmosphere spins down as flux increases, then spins back up as burning proceeds, increasing the mean molecular weight, and as the atmosphere cools.
Rotational Evolution During Type I X-Ray Bursts
We have seen that for finite (large enough) number of particles N , S = 0 ground state dominance is expected in the dilute M → ∞ limit, as long as the spin-zero two-body coupling is at least as large as the spin-one coupling, C0 ≥ C1 .
Spin Structure of Many-Body Systems with Two-Body Random Interactions
If the interior three-sphere radius is a ≫ R, giving an interior volume going as a3 , the semiclassical Einstein equations imply that the radiation energy density must go as a−2 in Planck units at the moment of maximum expansion, so the temperature T goes as a−1/2 and the entropy density goes as T 3 or as a−3/2 .
Defining Entropy Bounds
An ob jective in the following is to have hypotheses as weak as possible (chain complexes), and conclusions as strong as possible (2-deformation, which is probably stronger than simple homotopy).
Dual 2-complexes in 4-manifolds
As Philippina was as silent as the tomb and looked at him so tensely, he began to speak. "The Goose Man" by
But, as I said, as soon as I get on, you must come to Brunford to live with me, and then we can work together. "The Day of Judgment" by
And Gluck climbed to the brink of the Golden River and its waves were as clear as crystal, and as brilliant as the sun. "Children's Literature" by
Her hair was a black as a gipsy's, and her face as brown as a berry. "The Manxman A Novel - 1895" by
He is as generous as the sun, and as just as he is generous. "Ralph the Heir" by
A bird as big as a sparrow, or a quadruped as large as a shrew-mouse, could have been seen upon any part of it. "Popular Adventure Tales" by
Dolby is as tender as a woman, and as watchful as a doctor. "The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete" by
As for enlarging it so as to embrace Tanqueray's wife as well as Tanqueray, Jane simply couldn't. "The Creators" by
Is to sail along it, or within sight, as much as possible, or as close as danger will permit. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by
You, of course, have known me as long, and are at any rate as capable of loving as I am. "The Bertrams" by
Moonshine rays,
Rainbow tints together,
As it plays.
As beautiful as Joseph,
As sweet-voiced as David,
As pure as Mary.
When I die,
May as uncomplainingly
Drop aside as now you do,
Write of me, as I of you:--
Have quitted the seas,
And then send as much
And as oft as you please.
As I rode,--
Dark as night and swift as wind,
Towering, he rode behind,
As I rode.
How calm my life had flown!
As cold, as pure and tranquil
As some fair vale unknown;