impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis
An abbreviation of editor; of edition. -
A prefix now obsolete or occurring unfelt in a few words, meaning ‘again, back, re-,’ as in edgrow, edgrowth, ednew. See eddish, eddy. -
An element in proper names of Anglo-Saxon origin, meaning originally ‘property’ (in Anglo-Saxon, ‘prosperity’ or ‘happiness’), as Edward, Anglo-Saxon Eádweard, protector of property; Edwin, Anglo-Saxon Eádwine, gainer or friend of property. -
The regular formative of the preterit or past tense, and the perfect participle, respectively, of English “weak” verbs: suffixes of different origin (see etymology), but now identical in form and phonetic relations, and so conveniently treated together. Either suffix is attached (with suppression of final silent -e, if any) to the infinitive or first person indicative, and varies in pronunciation and spelling according to the preceding consonant (the final consonant of the infinitive): -ed, pronounceded after t, d, as in heated, loaded, etc., and archaically in other positions, as in hallowed, raised, etc., and usually in some perfect participles used adjectively, as in blessed, crooked, winged, etc., parallel to blest, crooked (pronounced krukt), winged (pronounced wingd), etc. -ed, pronounced (with suppression of the vowel) d, after a sonant, namely, b, g “hard,” g “soft” (-ge = dzh or zh), j (written -ge, as preceding), s(-se = z), th (= dh), v, z, l, m, n, ng, r, as in robed, robbed, lagged, raged, engaged, rouged, hedged, raised, posed, smoothed, breathed, lived, buzzed, boiled, felled, beamed, dreamed, stoned, leaned, hanged, barred, abhorred, etc. (but after the liquids l, m, n, r, in some words also or only -t: see below), or after a vowel, or a vowel before h or w, as in hoed, rued, brayed, towed, awed, hurrahed, etc.—most words of this class being formerly written without the vowel, which subsequently came to be indicated, pedantically, by an apostrophe, as in rais'd, breath'd, liv'd, etc. (this device being still retained by some, for its apparent metrical value, in verse, but otherwise little used in verbs, though it is the rule in the analogous instance of the possessive case of nouns, as in man's, boy's, etc.), except in a few words which have preserved the simple form, namely, -d, pronounced d (the vowel being suppressed in both pronunciation and spelling), as in laid, paid, staid, shod, heard, sold, told, and (with loss of the final consonant of the infinitive) clad, had, and made (so spelled to preserve the “long” vowel), and, in preterit only, could, should, would—these forms being “irregular” in spelling only (laid, paid, staid), or in spelling and pronunciation, as compared with the forms having the usual -ed. -ed, pronounced t (the vowel being suppressed and the d assimilated to the preceding consonant) after a surd, namely, c “soft” (= s), ch (= tsh), f, k, p, qu (= k), s surd, sh, th surd, x (= ks), as in faced, enticed, matched, cuffed, coughed (pronounced koft), looked, lacked, tipped, piqued, pressed, classed, clashed, toothed, earthed, mixed, etc., such words being formerly, as a rule, and still optionally (in verse, as preferred by Tennyson and other modern poets, or in restored or reformed spelling), spelled as pronounced, with t, as lookt, lackt, tipt, prest, mixt, fixt, etc.; in some words, where -ed after a liquid, l, m, n, r, or a vowel, is pronounced t instead of, as regularly, d, and in some words after p, the spelling -t prevails, either exclusively (and then accompanied by a change of the radical vowel), as in dealt, felt, bought, caught, thought, wrought, brought, sought, taught, slept, swept, wept, etc., or with a parallel form in -ed pronounced d, as in spelt, spilt, spoilt, dreamt, leant, pent, burnt, etc. (the t in some cases absorbing the final -d of the infinitive, as in bent, blent, built, girt, etc.), with parallel forms spelled, spilled, etc. (bended, girded, etc.). In some monosyllables the suffix -ed, reduced to -d or -t, as above, has blended with the final -d or -t of the infinitive, forming, in earlier spelling, a double consonant, dd or tt, which has since been simplified, as in shed, shred, hit, split, etc., all trace of the suffix being thus effaced, and such preterits and past participles being assimilated to the infinitive; an original long vowel in the infinitive becoming short in the preterit and past participle, as in read, preterit and past participle read (red), lead, preterit and past participle led (where the change is recognized in the spelling), and hence, rarely, in the infinitive, as in spread, preterit and past participle spread. Some words ending in -ed (participles used as adjectives) may, with the definite article, or other definitive word, preceding, come to be used as nouns, having as such a possessive case (in 's) and a plural (in -s): as, the police took charge of the deceased's effects; at this the accused's countenance changed. This is found chiefly in newspaper language; but the plural, as “their beloveds,” is not uncommon in recent poetry. See -d, -d, -t, -t.
Joan Ungar and Ed Simon. startribune.com
Facilitators and renowned experts Joeel Rivera M.Ed. additudemag.com
In fact, the 21-year-old Harry Potter star says none of her fellow co-eds cared much about her professional life. usmagazine.com
Ed Bacon talks with Buddhist and author Stephen Asma about enlightenment and about how to be present at all times. oprah.com
My father, Ed O'Connell, of Rome, is 86. blog.syracuse.com
Ed Westwick made out with some random chick at Lit. nymag.com
The fMRI scan above shows my brain* reading a truly horrific NY Times Op-Ed piece. ired.com
Mahncke Park bungalow gets Feng Shui-ed. blog.mysanantonio.com
Ed Bunting , 80, died March 12, 2007, at his home. standard-democrat.com
My purpose in writing concerns the fact that my former colleague in law enforcement, Ed Boober, has filed as a candidate for Sheriff of Jefferson County. shepherdstownchronicle.com
American Water's Ed Vallejo Selected For 2012 Minority Business Leader Award. dmag.com
Longtime Cañon City resident and businessman Ed Tezak died Wednesday evening after a fatal automobile crash in Pueblo West. canoncitydailyrecord.com
Ed Murray/The Star-Ledger A singer accused of injecting a 20-year-old woman from London with silicone has been charged with murder. nj.com
( Ed Andrieski, The Associated Press ). canoncitydailyrecord.com
But at this time of year, when it's too hot even for most locals, Ed Kociela talks about the wonderful alone time he and his wife had when everyone else was gone. upr.org
Higher order approximations given by the modified hierarchy of m-free products (the case with non-identified units of the usual hierarchy of freeness of ) can also be obtained from the filtered product.
Filtered random variables, bialgebras and convolutions
Holick´y, P., Zahradn´ık, M.: Stratified low temperature phases of stratified spin models: a general Pirogov–Sinai approach.
Rigidity of the interface for percolation and random-cluster models
The predictions of unified electroweak theory have been confirmed in a large number of experiments, and the intermediate gauge bosons W ± and Z 0 which are predicted by unified electroweak model are also found in experiments.
Gauge Theory of Gravity
Again, the specified FH interaction parameters will be used for T = 1, and they will be modified when the temperature differs from this value.
Coil-Globule Transition for Regular, Random and Specially Designed Copolymers: Monte Carlo Simulation and Self-Consistent Field Theory
In this situation the vector ξ is identified with the generator of time flow, meaning that the parameter ”t” generating the flow of ξ itself is identified with time.
The First Law of Isolated Horizons via Noether Theorem
ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, Lettere, ed Arti de' Zelanti di AciReale: Rendiconti e Memorie. "The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College Cambridge" by
Trasportato dalla Napolitana all' Italiana favella, ed adornato di bellissime Figure. "Italian Popular Tales" by
Now, you know I'm a big draw, Ed. "Charley de Milo" by
Fer she 'lowed she'd been a-scrimpin' an' a-scrapin' all her life, An' she meant fer once to have things good as Cousin Ed'ard's wife. "The Book of Humorous Verse" by
Constantinople became the Mecca of all the fanatics and anti-Western agitators like Djemal-ed-Din. "The New World of Islam" by
His real name was not Campbell, but Ed Richardson. "The Story of the Outlaw" by
Nearing sixty, Ed was not a sound sleeper, even when he had nothing on his mind. "Cat and Mouse" by
There's more'n a hund'ed on 'em not more'n a two hours' tramp up the Little Fish, and there's goin' to be more trouble. "Field and Forest" by
Soon after, piloted by Ed, I ventured $50 on a margin in gold. "Bidwell's Travels, from Wall Street to London Prison" by
HISTORY OF THE PERSIAN WARS, Herodotus, ed. "A History of Sea Power" by
"Forsooth as I thee say;
He is not yet three mil-es
Pass-ed on your way."
They walk-ed in the street,
And with the proud sheriff, i-wis,
Soon-e gan they meet.
With many a grievous groan,
And aye he tirl-ed at the pin;
But answer made she none.
God's etching shows divinely bought
Soul stenciled by the spirit taught—
She's fix-ed.
"Passan senza splendori!
"Oh, quante notti fra i bicchier perdei!
"E quante fra gli amori!"
"And in faith I will thee bring
Where thou shalt high advanc-ed be
By James our Scottish king;