gratify "feed one's eyes on a gorgeous view" -
partake in a feast or banquet -
provide a feast or banquet for -
something experienced with great delight "a feast for the eyes" -
an elaborate party (often outdoors) -
a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed "a banquet for the graduating seniors","the Thanksgiving feast","they put out quite a spread" -
a ceremonial dinner party for many people
A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or more commonly, a joyous, anniversary. "The seventh day shall be a feast to the Lord.", "Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover." -
A festive or joyous meal; a grand, ceremonious, or sumptuous entertainment, of which many guests partake; a banquet characterized by tempting variety and abundance of food. "Enough is as good as a feast .", "Belshazzar the King made a great feast to a thousand of his lords." -
That which is partaken of, or shared in, with delight; something highly agreeable; entertainment. "The feast of reason, and the flow of soul." -
To be highly gratified or delighted. "With my love's picture then my eye doth feast ." -
To delight; to gratify; as, to feast the soul. "Feast your ears with the music a while." -
To eat sumptuously; to dine or sup on rich provisions, particularly in large companies, and on public festivals. "And his sons went and feasted in their houses." -
To entertain with sumptuous provisions; to treat at the table bountifully; as, he was feasted by the king.
A festival in commemoration of some event, or in honor of some distinguished person; a set time of festivity and rejoicing: opposed to fast. In this sense the word is almost entirely confined to ecclesiastical feasts. In the Jewish church the most important feasts, apart from the sabbath, were those of the Atonement, the Passover, Tabernacles, and Pentecost. To these were subsequently added the feasts of Purim and the Dedication. In the Christian church Christmas and Easter are feasts of almost universal recognition and observance. To these many others have been added, celebrating events in the life of Christ or in the lives of the apostles, saints, and martyrs. Feasts are divided into movable and immovable, according as they occur on a specific day of the week succeeding a certain day of the month or phase of the moon, or at a fixed date. Easter is a movable feast, upon which all other movable feasts depend; Christmas is an immovable feast. In the Roman Catholic Church feasts are further divided into obligatory, and nonobligatory, and again into doubles, semi-doubles, simples, etc., according to the religious offices required to be recited in the church service. -
A sumptuous entertainment or repast of which a number of guests partake; particularly, a rich or splendid public entertainment. -
Any rich, delicious, or abundant repast or meal; hence, something delicious or highly agreeable, or in which some delectable quality abounds. -
Synonyms Feast, Banquet, Festival. The idea of a social meal of unusual richness or abundance, for the purposes of pleasure, may be common to these words. Feast is generic; specifically, it differs from banquet in the fact that at a feast the food is abundant and choice, while at a banquet there is richness or expensiveness, and especially pomp or ceremony. The essential characteristic of a festival is concurrence in the manifestation of joy, the joyous celebration of some event, feasting being a frequent but not necessary part: as, to hold high festival. See carousal. -
To make a feast; have a feast; eat sumptuously or abundantly. -
Figuratively, to dwell with gratification or delight: as, to feast on a poem or a picture. -
To provide with a feast; entertain with sumptuous fare. -
To delight; pamper; gratify luxuriously: as, to feast the soul.
fēst a day of unusual solemnity or joy: a festival in commemoration of some event—movable, such as occurs on a specific day of the week succeeding a certain day of the month, as Easter; immovable, at a fixed date, as Christmas: a rich and abundant repast: rich enjoyment for the mind or heart -
to hold a feast: to eat sumptuously: to receive intense delight -
to entertain sumptuously
Feast today, famine tomorrow - If you indulge yourself with all that you have today, you may have to go without tomorrow.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. feste, festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste, festival, F. fête, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus, joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. Fair (n.) Festal Fête
Feasting , New England-Style. yankeemagazine.com
Foodie & The Feastly : It's My First Time Dining With Strangers Via The Internet. ashingtoncitypaper.com
Last weekend, I ended my boycott of Adams Morgan and attended my first meal organized by Feastly , the DC start-up that uses an internet platform to connect willing cooks and hungry foodies for dinner parties in private residences. ashingtoncitypaper.com
It wasn't the first Thanksgiving feast, but it was certainly the cutest as Lakeville Elementary kindergartners broke bread together Nov 21. oxfordleader.com
A movable feast rolls into Hudson. clevescene.com
San Francisco's Chinatown a Feast for Five Senses . theintelligencer.net
Eating Verlander's Taco Bell feast. espn.go.com
Growing up on Cousins Island in Yarmouth, I don't remember a summer season passing without the ritualistic day-long feast. downeast.com
CARNEYS POINT – Thanksgiving is upon us – a time to share with family, watch our favorite teams, and have a feast together. nj.com
Members of the Clube Portugues perform during the Folklore Festival at the 26th annual Great Feast of the Holy Ghost of New England on Saturday. heraldnews.com
Dancers liven up Great Feast of the Holy Ghost. heraldnews.com
Feast Of All Souls At Vineyard Food Company . mauitime.com
And even if multiple people ordered the same dish, her voice is such that it speaks to you and only you, so that only you get up when it's your time to feast upon the best food-court Italian in the county. ocweekly.com
Gulf Floor Fouled by Bacterial Oil Feast. usnews.com
Francis Bacon offers a strange feast for the eye. artinamericamagazine.com
Cepheid distances to the MC are traditionally found by comparing PL (period luminosity) or PLC (period luminosity color) relation zeropoints between the MC and our galaxy (Feast & Walker 1987, Laney & Stobie 1994).
The Distances of the Magellanic Clouds
Infrared PL relations with small scatter have been found for Mira variables in the MC (Feast et al. 1989, Groenewegen & Whitelock 1996).
The Distances of the Magellanic Clouds
The slope may be estimated in a number of ways, none of which give significantly different values (see Feast 1999 for a discussion of this point and for a more detailed discussion of many of the points mentioned in the present paper).
Local Distance Indicators
Both the proper motions (Feast & Whitelock 1997) and the radial velocities (e.g.
Local Distance Indicators
Feast 1999, van Leeuwen 2000, Robichon et al. 2000) that these problems arise though a combination of photometric errors, errors in adopted reddenings and errors in assumed metallicity, all of which can have a significant effect because of the steepness of the main sequence.
Local Distance Indicators
At Christmas they always shared in our feasting. "Sketches of Our Life at Sarawak" by
No natives came next day; they were all busy preparing the feast. "Two Years with the Natives in the Western Pacific" by
Only the young Franciscan, silent and motionless just now at the feast, awake still. "An Eagle Flight" by
For this reason it was usual to make an expedition into the enemy's country before the marriage feast of any great chief. "Children of Borneo" by
A remarkable painting, discovered at Pompeii, gives a curious idea of a complete feast. "Museum of Antiquity" by
I'd give him a piece of my mind to feast upon, and I hope he'd have a good appetite for it. "A Budget of Christmas Tales by Charles Dickens and Others" by
Lay out a royal feast and kill one of the fattest bucks. "Robin Hood" by
Thereupon they repaired to the tent, where the fair Tsarevna was waiting for them; and they all rejoiced and feasted together. "The Russian Garland" by
They drink, feast, and dance freely; and, in their matrimonial forms, much resemble the Bodo. "The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies" by
To celebrate each noted event a feast and dance would be given. "Geronimo's Story of His Life" by
Friend and Saviour! and thy feast
Of all services shall be
Holiest and welcomest.
To grace a marriage feast:
O Lord, we ask thy presence here
To make a wedding guest.
Can please my soul so well,
As when thy richer grace I taste,
And in thy presence dwell.
And gave us of his best;
And vanished, while the mirth increased,
To be Another’s guest.
Hither I come this night,
Nor to what lodging with the stars
From hence I take my flight.
With any sweet surprise,
But gain the heart by slow degrees
Until they feast the eyes;