promoting or enhancing well-being "an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries","the beneficial effects of a temperate climate","the experience was good for her" -
having the normally expected amount "gives full measure","gives good measure","a good mile from here" -
with or in a close or intimate relationship "a good friend","my sisters and brothers are near and dear" -
thorough "had a good workout","gave the house a good cleaning" -
generally admired "good taste" -
exerting force or influence "the law is effective immediately","a warranty good for two years","the law is already in effect (or in force)" -
resulting favorably "it's a good thing that I wasn't there","it is good that you stayed","it is well that no one saw you","all's well that ends well" -
not left to spoil "the meat is still good" -
not forged "a good dollar bill" -
having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified "good news from the hospital","a good report card","when she was good she was very very good","a good knife is one good for cutting","this stump will make a good picnic table","a good check","a good joke","a good exterior paint","a good secretary","a good dress for the office" -
morally admirable -
tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health "beneficial effects of a balanced diet","a good night's sleep","the salutary influence of pure air" -
in excellent physical condition "good teeth","I still have one good leg","a sound mind in a sound body" -
appealing to the mind "good music","a serious book" -
agreeable or pleasing "we all had a good time","good manners" -
most suitable or right for a particular purpose "a good time to plant tomatoes","the right time to act","the time is ripe for great sociological changes" -
capable of pleasing "good looks" -
deserving of esteem and respect "all respectable companies give guarantees","ruined the family's good name" -
of moral excellence "a genuinely good person","a just cause","an upright and respectable man" -
having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude "adept in handicrafts","an adept juggler","an expert job","a good mechanic","a practiced marksman","a proficient engineer","a lesser-known but no less skillful composer","the effect was achieved by skillful retouching" -
financially sound "a good investment","a secure investment" -
(often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well') "the children behaved well","a task well done","the party went well","he slept well","a well-argued thesis","a well-seasoned dish","a well-planned party","the baby can walk pretty good" -
completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly') "he was soundly defeated","we beat him good" -
articles of commerce -
moral excellence or admirableness "there is much good to be found in people" -
that which is pleasing or valuable or useful "weigh the good against the bad","among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization" -
benefit "for your own good","what's the good of worrying?"
Adequate; sufficient; competent; sound; not fallacious; valid; in a commercial sense, to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; having pecuniary ability; of unimpaired credit. "My reasons are both good and weighty.", "My meaning in saying he is a good man is . . . that he is sufficient . . . I think I may take his bond." -
Advancement of interest or happiness; welfare; prosperity; advantage; benefit; -- opposed to harm, etc. "The good of the whole community can be promoted only by advancing the good of each of the members composing it." -
Clever; skillful; dexterous; ready; handy; -- followed especially by at. "He . . . is a good workman; a very good tailor.", "Those are generally good at flattering who are good for nothing else." -
Kind; benevolent; humane; merciful; gracious; polite; propitious; friendly; well-disposed; -- often followed by to or toward, also formerly by unto. "The men were very good unto us." -
Not lacking or deficient; full; complete. "Good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over." -
Possessing desirable qualities; adapted to answer the end designed; promoting success, welfare, or happiness; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; admirable; commendable; not bad, corrupt, evil, noxious, offensive, or troublesome, etc. "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good .", "Good company, good wine, good welcome." -
Possessing moral excellence or virtue; virtuous; pious; religious; -- said of persons or actions. "In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works." -
Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth. "Love no man in good earnest." -
Serviceable; suited; adapted; suitable; of use; to be relied upon; -- followed especially by for. "All quality that is good for anything is founded originally in merit." -
That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.; -- opposed to evil. "There be many that say, Who will show us any good ?" -
To make good; to turn to good. -
To manure; to improve. -
Well, -- especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied; equally well with as much advantage or as little harm as possible. "As good almost kill a man as kill a good book.", "They who counsel ye to such a suppressing, do as good as bid ye suppress yourselves."
Serving as a means to a desired end or a purpose; suited to need or requirement; fit; suitable; serviceable; advantageous; beneficial; profitable. -
Satisfactory in kind, quantity, quality, or degree Of a kind to give satisfaction or pleasure; possessing valuable or desirable qualities; gratifying to the mind or the senses: as, a good book; good looks; good food; to have a good time; a good deliverance. -
Adequate; sufficient; without shortcoming or defect; thorough: as, to give good security; to take good heed. -
Suitable in state or condition; sufficient in character or capacity; competent; qualified; fit: as, he is good, or his credit is good, for the sum required; a horse good for five years' service. -
Of full measure or amount; reckoned to the utmost limit; without abatement; full; complete: as, a good bushel; it is a good day's journey from here. -
Considerable; more than a little; rather large, great, long, or the like: as, a good way off; a good deal. -
Not a counterfeit or imitation; real; genuine; hence, actual; serious: as, a good dollar; in good earnest. -
Competent; skilful; dexterous; handy; clever; apt: as, a good lawyer; a good workman; a good oarsman; to be good at riming. -
Possessing or characterized by moral excellence; free from evil or wickedness; virtuous; righteous; pure: applied to persons, or to their nature, conduct, thoughts, etc.: as, a good man; good conduct; good thoughts. -
Kind; friendly; gracious; hence, humane; merciful; benevolent; as, a good old soul; to do one a good turn; good nature. -
Fair; untarnished; honorable; becoming a virtuous person; as, a good nature. -
Worthy: used in complimentary speech or address, as in good sir, good madam, my good man, etc. -
Practically the same as; on the verge of being or becoming, or in an equivalent state to being. -
In effect; by clear implication: practically: as, he as good as promised it to me. -
Considerable rapidity: used elliptically as an adverb. -
To confirm or establish; prove; verify: as, to make good a charge or an accusation. -
To provide or supply; make up: as, I will make good what is wanting. -
To supply an equivalent for; make up for: as, if you suffer loss, I will make it good to you. -
To maintain; defend; preserve intact. -
To carry into effect; succeed in making; or effecting; as, to make good a retreat. -
That which is desirable, or is an object of desire. -
That which has worth or desirable qualities, and is or may be made advantageous or beneficial; whatever is adapted and conduces to happiness, advantage, benefit, or profit; that which contributes to pleasure, or is a source of satisfaction; a good thing, state, or condition. -
Advantage: benefit; profit; satisfaction: opposed to evil, harm, etc.: as, it does me good to hear you laugh; it will do no good; hence, welfare; well-being; advancement of interest or happiness: as, to labor for the common good. -
A personal possession; a thing, or things collectively, belonging to one. -
plural Movable effects or personal chattels; articles of portable property, as distinguished from money, lands, buildings, ships, rights in action, etc.: as, household goods. -
Specifically plural Articles of trade; commodities; wares; merchandise. -
A piece of dry-goods; a textile fabric; cloth of any kind: as, will these goods (that is, this piece of goods) wash ? -
A full ending or conclusion; a closing act; a finality: only in the phrase for good, or for good and all. -
Well. -
That is good: an elliptical exclamation of satisfaction or commendation. -
To make good. -
To manure.
good having qualities, whether physical or moral, desirable or suitable to the end proposed: promoting success, welfare, or happiness: virtuous: pious: kind: benevolent: proper: fit: competent: satisfactory: sufficient: valid: sound: serviceable: beneficial: real: serious, as in 'good earnest:' not small, considerable, as in 'good deal:' full, complete, as in 'good measure:' unblemished, honourable, as in 'good name:'—comp. bett′er; superl. best -
that which promotes happiness, success, &c.—opp. to Evil: prosperity: welfare: advantage, temporal or spiritual: moral qualities: virtue: : -
well! right!—adv. well -
an idle person -
good-like: good-looking: fine: excellent:—comp. Good′lier; superl. Good′liest -
a sweetmeat -
(B.) possessions -
(pl.) household furniture: movable property: merchandise (in composition, the equivalent of U.S. freight)
As good as new - If something has been used but is still in extremely good condition, it is as good as new.
Deliver the goods - Do what is required, come up to expectations. For example, Kate delivered the goods and got us the five votes we needed. This phrase alludes to delivering an order of groceries or other items. [Colloquial; second half of 1800s]
Give as good as you get - If you give as good as you get, you are prepared to treat people as badly as they treat you and to fight for what you believe.
Good antennae - Someone with good antennae is good at detecting things.
Good as gold - If children are as good as gold, they behave very well.
Good egg - A person who can be relied on is a good egg. Bad egg is the opposite.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. Gōd, akin to D. goed, OS. gōd, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. gōðr, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth. gōds,; prob. orig., fitting, belonging together, and akin to E. gather,. √29 Cf. Gather
It's a really good time for you to try something a little different -- give yourself the good advice you think you need and all should be just fine.
Janet Good A Good Idea.
But there was good reason for that: Most of the job seekers have been out there in the hunt for a long time, and they knew their prospects weren't particularly good.
Gardening is such a great pasttime, and it's just so, you know, good for, I believe it's good for us emotionally and mentally, and you can eat what you grow or ...
Do good and look good with the Clarins FEED 15 Pouch , on sale today, which contains the brand's iconic Hand and Nail Treatment Cream, Moisture-Rich Body Lotion, and Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector in Rose Shimmer.
He has travelled from Europe to South America to Canada in search of good snow and good trails to shoot.
When someone's life is on the line 'good enough' accuracy may not be good enough.
At Cambridge Primary School , they believe if students understand their basic needs and begin to learn how to get their needs met in a responsible way they will be good learners, good citizens and grow up to be productive members of society.
'Miami Connection' Is So Good It's Good.
Being a Good Quitter Makes You a Good Entrepreneur.
Thriller Rod Lott While the box reads "Good Neighbors," the credits read "Good Neighbours".
Wapakoneta shot a team total of 339, good enough to place 10th out of 19 teams, but not good enough to advance as a team.
There can be awkwardness, complications, or reluctance that lead to many a good love -- and good music too.
Some of these things that we do are good and not good.
But the former PNC Bank at 108th and Western has one good thing going for it: All things considered, it is pretty good piece of architecture.
An open set U is good if it is a good neighborhood of some x ∈ U .
Orbispaces and Orbifolds from the Point of View of the Borel Construction, a new Definition
If [µ] = [λ] ∪ {x} for some good node x we write λ good−−−−→ µ.
The representation theory of the Ariki-Koike and cyclotomic q-Schur algebras
Therefore, conditioned on {Rn , In }, they are independent if P is a product measure, and they possess good mixing properties if P has good mixing properties.
Random walks in random environments
Note that this is a good path since z is good); otherwise, select γ 1 (x, y ).
Convergence to equilibrium for finite Markov processes, with application to the Random Energy Model
We say that an edge e = (x, x′ ) is good, if x and y are good, this will be denoted by e ∈ G , otherwise the edge is bad: e ∈ B.
Convergence to equilibrium for finite Markov processes, with application to the Random Energy Model
We wish to be plainly understood that the matter of good birth and good ancestors is a good thing to have. "Dollars and Sense" by
They who come to them now regard them as playthings, good-time centers for twelve or fourteen weeks. "Fair Harbor" by
Dey gib 'em good houses, good feed, good clothes an' plenty uv fun. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States" by
The supper had been good, the tobacco was good, and the toddy was good. "Orley Farm" by
The promise, made good to so many in all ages, was made good to him. "Janet's Love and Service" by
Scotland is a good country to be born in; and it is a good country to get out of; and at times it may be a good country to go back to. "Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 11 (of 14)" by
The habit burns up good health, good resolutions, good manners, good memories, good faculties, and often honesty and truthfulness as well. "Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners" by
She had a white cape of some soft cotton goods with a satiny finish, warranted to wash as good as new. "A Little Girl in Old New York" by
They're good to boil, and they're good to fry, And they're good to make a clam pot-pie. "A Little Girl of Long Ago" by
May he never lack good courage and good friends. "The History of Sir Richard Calmady" by
They taste good
to her. They taste
good to her
Thy Son is risen this morn.
Good tidings to all mortals.
The born and the unborn!
How's my boy—my boy?'
'What's your boy's name, good wife,
And in what good ship sailed he?'
Besides, we read in the Bible
how the good is harmful
and how misfortune is good.
Thus to kiss and die.
One kiss more.'—'And yet one again.'—
His father's name is Loo Too Sin.
They put no sugar in his tea,
Yet he's as good as good can be.