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Equestrian portrait of Willem II and Maria Henrietta. They drive out with their entourage. In the bottom margin two columns, each with four lines of Dutch text.
Equestrian portrait of Willem II and Maria Henrietta. They drive out with their entourage. In the bottom margin two columns, each with four lines of Dutch text.
  1. (v) drive
    move into a desired direction of discourse "What are you driving at?"
  2. (v) drive
    hunting: chase from cover into more open ground "drive the game"
  3. (v) drive
    hunting: search for game "drive the forest"
  4. (v) drive
    cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling "The amplifier drives the tube","steam drives the engines","this device drives the disks for the computer"
  5. (v) drive
    excavate horizontally "drive a tunnel"
  6. (v) drive
    hit very hard, as by swinging a bat horizontally "drive a ball"
  7. (v) drive
    strike with a driver, as in teeing off "drive a golf ball"
  8. (v) drive
    cause to move back by force or influence "repel the enemy","push back the urge to smoke","beat back the invaders"
  9. (v) drive
    cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force "drive the ball far out into the field"
  10. (v) drive
    push, propel, or press with force "Drive a nail into the wall"
  11. (v) drive
    force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically "She rammed her mind into focus","He drives me mad"
  12. (v) drive
    compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment "She finally drove him to change jobs"
  13. (v) drive
    travel or be transported in a vehicle "We drove to the university every morning","They motored to London for the theater"
  14. (v) drive
    proceed along in a vehicle "We drive the turnpike to work"
  15. (v) drive
    operate or control a vehicle "drive a car or bus","Can you drive this four-wheel truck?"
  16. (v) drive
    urge forward "drive the cows into the barn"
  17. (v) drive
    cause someone or something to move by driving "She drove me to school every day","We drove the car to the garage"
  18. (v) drive
    move by being propelled by a force "The car drove around the corner"
  19. (v) drive
    strive and make an effort to reach a goal "She tugged for years to make a decent living","We have to push a little to make the deadline!","She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
  20. (v) drive
    work as a driver "He drives a bread truck","She drives for the taxi company in Newark"
  21. (v) drive
    to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly "She is driven by her passion"
  22. (v) drive
    have certain properties when driven "This car rides smoothly","My new truck drives well"
  23. (n) drive
    the act of applying force to propel something "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off"
  24. (n) drive
    a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile) "he took the family for a drive in his new car"
  25. (n) drive
    the act of driving a herd of animals overland
  26. (n) drive
    (sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)
  27. (n) drive
    hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver "he sliced his drive out of bounds"
  28. (n) drive
    a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end "he supported populist campaigns","they worked in the cause of world peace","the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant","the movement to end slavery","contributed to the war effort"
  29. (n) drive
    a wide scenic road planted with trees "the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views"
  30. (n) drive
    a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine "a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds"
  31. (n) drive
    (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium
  32. (n) drive
    a road leading up to a private house "they parked in the driveway"
  33. (n) drive
    the trait of being highly motivated "his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers"
  34. (n) drive
    a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
A woman drives a herd of animals along a path through the forest. In the background left, a view of a village between the meadows.
A woman drives a herd of animals along a path through the forest. In the background left, a view of a village between the meadows.
Neptune and Thetis drive through the water in a chariot. The carriage is pulled by two horses and surrounded by various sea creatures. Thetis is holding a shield with a motto in her hand: Citivs ventos nvbila pellit. Part of a large sailing ship can be seen on the left.
Neptune and Thetis drive through the water in a chariot. The carriage is pulled by two horses and surrounded by various sea creatures. Thetis is holding a shield with a motto in her hand: Citivs ventos nvbila pellit. Part of a large sailing ship can be seen on the left.
Two beekeepers drive a swarm of bees towards the beehive. Two other beekeepers open another beehive to swarm the bees. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series of 54 prints.
Two beekeepers drive a swarm of bees towards the beehive. Two other beekeepers open another beehive to swarm the bees. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series of 54 prints.
Color drawing of riders and carriages driving up a steep (coastal) road in rolling Southern English countryside. With inscription. Part of Jan Brandes' sketchbook, vol. 2 (1808), p. 65 and see Part 2, p. 81-82.
Color drawing of riders and carriages driving up a steep (coastal) road in rolling Southern English countryside. With inscription. Part of Jan Brandes' sketchbook, vol. 2 (1808), p. 65 and see Part 2, p. 81-82.
Pluto drags Proserpina, Ceres's daughter, onto his chariot and drives towards the flames of the underworld. One of Proserpina's nymphs tries to stop him.
Pluto drags Proserpina, Ceres's daughter, onto his chariot and drives towards the flames of the underworld. One of Proserpina's nymphs tries to stop him.
A caravan of camels drives through a rugged rocky landscape.
The artist Johannes Tavenraat sitting under tall trees while driving in the Klever Reichswald forest. In the foreground is some shot game, a little to the back is a second figure.
The artist Johannes Tavenraat sitting under tall trees while driving in the Klever Reichswald forest. In the foreground is some shot game, a little to the back is a second figure.
The god Saturn with a scythe in hand. He drives a chariot drawn by two dragons. A small child on the cart. Top left constellation Capricorn, right Aquarius. At the bottom a hilly landscape with cities. In the foreground, people are mining and a castle is being built. Below the scene, a tribute in Latin about the influence of the planet Saturn on the mountainous regions of Europe. This print is part of an album.
The god Saturn with a scythe in hand. He drives a chariot drawn by two dragons. A small child on the cart. Top left constellation Capricorn, right Aquarius. At the bottom a hilly landscape with cities. In the foreground, people are mining and a castle is being built. Below the scene, a tribute in Latin about the influence of the planet Saturn on the mountainous regions of Europe. This print is part of an album.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
If your shoes squeak, it simply means that two layers of leather in the sole are rubbing together. Driving a tack through the sole will often remove the squeak.
  1. Drive
    A collection of objects that are driven; a mass of logs to be floated down a river.
  2. Drive
    (Computers) a device for reading or writing data from or to a data storage medium, as a disk drive, a tape drive, a CD drive, etc.
  3. Drive
    A place suitable or agreeable for driving; a road prepared for driving.
  4. Drive
    a private road; a driveway.
  5. Drive
    (Golf) A stroke from the tee, generally a full shot made with a driver; also, the distance covered by such a stroke.
  6. Drive
    a strong psychological motivation to perform some activity.
  7. Drive
    drīv Driven.
  8. Drive
    In type founding and forging, an impression or matrix, formed by a punch drift.
  9. Drive
    In various games, as tennis, cricket, etc., the act of player who drives the ball; the stroke or blow; the flight of the ball, etc., so driven.
  10. Drive
    Specif., in various games, as tennis, baseball, etc., to propel (the ball) swiftly by a direct stroke or forcible throw.
  11. Drive
    The act of driving; a trip or an excursion in a carriage, as for exercise or pleasure; -- distinguished from a ride taken on horseback.
  12. Drive
    (Football) the period during which one team sustains movement of the ball toward the opponent's goal without losing possession of the ball; as, a long drive downfield.
  13. Drive
    To be forced along; to be impelled; to be moved by any physical force or agent; to be driven. "The hull drives on, though mast and sail be torn.", "The chaise drives to Mr. Draper's chambers."
  14. Drive
    To carry or; to keep in motion; to conduct; to prosecute. "The trade of life can not be driven without partners."
  15. Drive
    To clear, by forcing away what is contained. "To drive the country, force the swains away."
  16. Drive
    (Mining) To dig Horizontally; to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel.
  17. Drive
    To distrain for rent.
  18. Drive
    To go by carriage; to pass in a carriage; to proceed by directing or urging on a vehicle or the animals that draw it; as, the coachman drove to my door.
  19. Drive
    to go from one place to another in a vehicle, serving as the operator of the vehicle; to drive{9} a vehicle from one location to another.
  20. Drive
    (Golf) To make a drive, or stroke from the tee.
  21. Drive
    to operate (a vehicle) while it is on motion, by manipulating the controls, such as the steering, propulsion, and braking mechanisms.
  22. Drive
    To pass away; -- said of time.
  23. Drive
    To press forward; to aim, or tend, to a point; to make an effort; to strive; -- usually with at. "Let them therefore declare what carnal or secular interest he drove at."
  24. Drive
    To urge, impel, or hurry forward; to force; to constrain; to urge, press, or bring to a point or state; as, to drive a person by necessity, by persuasion, by force of circumstances, by argument, and the like. "Enough to drive one mad.", "He, driven to dismount, threatened, if I did not do the like, to do as much for my horse as fortune had done for his."
  25. Drive
    Violent or rapid motion; a rushing onward or away; esp., a forced or hurried dispatch of business. "The Murdstonian drive in business."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
It would take more than 150 years to drive a car to the sun.
  1. drive
    To compel or urge to move; impel or constrain to go in some direction or manner. To compel (an animal or a human being, and, by figurative extension, inanimate things), by commands, cries, or threats, or by gestures, blows, or other physical means, to move in a desired direction: as, to drive a flock of sheep; to drive slaves; to drive away a fear.
  2. drive
    Specifically— To impel to motion and quicken: applied to draft-animals, as a horse or an ox; also, by extension, to the vehicle drawn, and in recent figurative use to a locomotive or other engine.
  3. drive
    To chase (game); hunt; especially, to chase (game) into a snare or corral, or toward a hunter.
  4. drive
    To cause to move by the direct application of a physical force: as, clouds or a ship driven by the wind; to drive a nail with a hammer.
  5. drive
    In base-ball, also in lawn-tennis, etc., to knock or throw (the ball) very swiftly.
  6. drive
    To cause to pass; pass away:said of time.
  7. drive
    To compel or incite to action of any kind;lead or impel to a certain course or result:used in a variety of figurative senses: as, the smoke drove the firemen from the building;despair drove him to suicide; oppression drove them into open rebellion.
  8. drive
    To urge; press; carry forward or effect by urgency or the presentation of motives: as, to drive home an argument; to drive business; to drive a bargain.
  9. drive
    To force, in general; push vigorously, in a figurative sense.
  10. drive
    To convey in a carriage or other vehicle:as, to drive a friend in tho park.
  11. drive
    To overrun and devastate; harry.
  12. drive
    In mining, to excavate in a nearly horizontal direction. See drift and level.
  13. drive
    To endure.
  14. drive
    Synonyms and See thrust.
  15. drive
    To go along before an impelling force; be impelled; be moved by any physical force or agent: as, the ship drove before the wind.
  16. drive
    To act or move with force, violence, or impetuosity: as, the storm drove against the house; he drove at the work night and day.
  17. drive
    To ride on horseback.
  18. drive
    To be conveyed in a carriage; travel in a vehicle drawn by one or more horses or other animals.
  19. drive
    To aim or tend; make an effort to reach or obtain: with at: as, the end he was driving at.
  20. drive
    To aim a blow; strike with force: with at.
  21. drive
    To work with energy; labor actively: often with away.
  22. drive
    To take the property of another; distrain for rent; drive cattle into a pound as security for rent.
  23. (n) drive
    The act or result of driving; something done by means of driving. An urging or impelling forward of an assemblage of animals, of a collection of logs in a stream, etc.: as, a drive of cattle on the plains for the purpose of branding or sorting them; a drive of game for the convenience of sportsmen.
  24. (n) drive
    A strong or sweeping blow or impulsion
  25. (n) drive
    In type-founding, the deep impress of the steel punch or model-letter in a bar of copper. Also known as a strike or unjustified matrix. It is usually made by a quick and strong blow in cold-rolled copper. The drive, when fitted to the mold, is called a justified matrix.
  26. (n) drive
    In base-ball, also in lawn-tennis, etc., the knocking or throwing of a ball very swiftly.
  27. (n) drive
    Conveyance in a vehicle; an excursion or airing in a carriage: as, to take a drive.
  28. (n) drive
    That which is driven; cattle, game, etc., driven together or alone.
  29. (n) drive
    The state of being driven or hurried; extreme haste or pressure: as, a drive of business.
  30. (n) drive
    A course upon which carriages are driven; a road prepared for driving: as, the drives in a park.
  31. (n) drive
    The course or country over which game is driven.
  32. (n) drive
    The selling of a particular kind of goods, as gloves, below the usual price, in order to draw customers.
  33. (n) drive
    A jest or satirical remark directed at a person or thing.
  34. (n) drive
    A driving mechanism, as of a motor-cycle or motor-carriage: used with some qualifying term, as a flexible drive, a gear-drive, etc.
  35. (n) drive
    In lumbering: A body of logs or timbers in process of being floated from the forest to the mill or shipping-point.
  36. (n) drive
    That part of logging which consists in floating logs or timbers.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Gene Sarazen, a golfer from several generations ago, set the record for the fastest golf drive: 120 mph.
  1. (v.t) Drive
    drīv to force along: to hurry one on: to guide, as horses drawing a carriage: to convey or carry in a carriage: to force in, as nails with a hammer: to push briskly: to urge, as a point of argument, a bargain, &c.: to compel: to send away with force, as a ball in cricket, golf, tennis: to chase game towards sportsmen
  2. (v.i) Drive
    to press forward with violence: to be forced along, as a ship before the wind: to go in a carriage: to tend towards a point: to strike at with a sword, the fist, &c.:—pr.p. drīv′ing; pa.t. drōve; pa.p. driv′en
  3. (n) Drive
    an excursion in a carriage: a road for driving on: the propelling of a ball in cricket, &c.: the chasing of game towards the shooters, or the sport so obtained, or the ground over which the game is driven: urgent pressure: pushing the sale of a special article by reduction of prices
Benjamin Franklin
If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
Drive thy business or it will drive thee.
Benjamin Franklin
The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.
Roger Bannister
Drive slow and enjoy the scenery -- drive fast and join the scenery.
Doug Horton
Louisa May Alcott
Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it.
Louisa May Alcott
You can't drive straight on a twisting lane.
Russian Proverb

Drive a wedge - If you drive a wedge between people, you exploit an issue so that people start to disagree.

Drive home - The idiomatic expression 'drive home' means 'reinforce' as in 'The company offered unlimited technical support as a way to drive home the message that customer satisfaction was its highest priority.'

Drive someone up the wall - If something or someone drives you up the wall, they do something that irritates you greatly.

Drive you spare - If someone or something drives you spare, it is extremely annoying.

One nail drives out another - A new pain or problem will stop you worrying or feeling bad about something else.

Take for a test drive - If you take something for a test driver, you try something to see if you like it.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. drīfan,; akin to OS. drīban, D. drijven, OHG. trīban, G. treiben, Icel. drīfa, Goth. dreiban,. Cf. Drift Drove

Usage in the news

Police have charged a local woman with driving while intoxicated after she was stopped for erratic driving, authorities said.

Chandler 's presence also makes opponents reluctant to help on drives, as when Jason Kidd was able to drive unguarded to the rim because Tyler Hansbrough, who was staring at Kidd the whole way, did not want to abandon Chandler .

Carbino, 32, of Colton, was charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated and driving while intoxicated with two previous convictions in the past ten years.

Grand Cherokee 's available four-wheel-drive systems are the Quadra-Trac, Quadra-Trac II and the top-of-the-line Quadra-Drive II with electronic limited-slip differential, which is offered only with the V-8 engine.

Watching a quick moving system drive up our temperatures today, and then drive in some thunder.

Longview, TX — Today is the donation drive for the Thanksgiving Community Food Drive.

Nov 20, 2012 1:48 pm A 53-year-old Milwaukee woman was arrested for fourth-offense drunken driving while she was out on bail for her third pending drunk driving charge last week.

Rick Springfield has pleaded no contest to reckless driving and will serve probation to end a drunken driving case filed after his arrest last year.

Hundreds of her fellow students took turns on Tuesday driving a texting while driving simulator aimed to steer teens away from the dangerous driving habit.

Officers are focusing on drivers who are speeding and driving recklessly along with those driving under the influence.

Authorities say that witnesses reported seeing Jarosv driving aggressively as his car approached a tractor-trailer that was also driving north.

(AP) — Ryan Crocker , the former US ambassador to Afghanistan, is pleading guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving in connection with a drunken driving accident in Spokane Valley this summer.

In recent years some have shifted into what now are called crossovers , with unit bodies like cars and front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive.

While the PI Utility is available in both front- and all-wheel drive, the CHP requires its vehicles be rear- or all-wheel drive, so CHP cruisers will now be all-wheel drive as well.

Driving a Zamboni has to be a lot like driving the International Harvester 460 propane tractor ($4,100 new in 1963) I drove growing up on the farm to cultivate corn.

Usage in scientific papers

AdS or not, and has N ′ < N .3 In the field theory side this is interpreted as turning on some relevant operators that drive the initial theory to an effective IR theory via RG flow of the couplings.
AdS/CFT Correspondence and Type 0 String Theory

Thus the randomness of the energy landscape drives a second-order transition to a first-order one.
Energy landscapes in random systems, driven interfaces and wetting

The superparamagnetic hypothesis looks OK (see Goodman & Whittet 1996), but the mechanism faces the problem with driving grain rotation.
Physics of Grain Alignment

It is likely that the radiative torques are still required to drive grain rotation.
Physics of Grain Alignment

Our contribution is the addition of a heat equation where the heat conduction is driving the fluid.
Existence and homogenization of the Rayleigh-B\'enard problem

Usage in literature

Just drive up to the lodge, and when the man opens, you say 'His lordship is very late to-night. "The Man Who Drove the Car" by Max Pemberton

Next morning the cowboys straggled in in bunches, each driving part of the stampeded herd. "Valley of Wild Horses" by Zane Grey

Would you be so very kind as to let your chauffeur drive me home at once? "The Lightning Conductor Discovers America" by C. N. (Charles Norris) Williamson and A. M. (Alice Muriel) Williamson

The settlement looked strangely desolate in the driving rain, but the small ugly houses were the last Jim's party would see for long. "Partners of the Out-Trail" by Harold Bindloss

The memory of one of those men had always power to drive her to the verge of madness. "The Golden Woman" by Ridgwell Cullum

The obvious retort of the witless was surging through his veins and driving him. "The Twins of Suffering Creek" by Ridgwell Cullum

The light was driving the white fogs into the north. "Dwellers in the Hills" by Melville Davisson Post

Does driving tire you when it's cool? "Jan and Her Job" by L. Allen Harker

Peter Junior, envying him, still lay convalescing and only able with much difficulty to crawl to the carriage for his daily drive. "The Eye of Dread" by Payne Erskine

In this long and wonderful drive there was but one stop. "Westward with the Prince of Wales" by W. Douglas Newton

Usage in poetry
From the urchin pining
For his father's knee --
From the lattice shining,
Drive him out to sea!
Then open the valves - Drive the fires high,
Your blossoms nurturing.
(Day is at the gates
And a young wind…)
You say that I should smile
And drive the gloom away;
I would, but sun and smiles
Have left my life's dark day.
The waves upon the shingle
They murmur drearily,
And the streamers of the fog-wraith
Drive in from the open sea.
You and I shall travel far,
We'll pass the old earth by,
We'll ride the moon and drive a star
Across the evening sky.
I bear the sins of sinful men
That have no sin of my own,
They drive me forth to Heaven's wrath
Unpastured and alone.