become aware of not through the senses but instinctively "I sense his hostility","i smell trouble","smell out corruption" -
emit an odor "The soup smells good" -
smell bad "He rarely washes, and he smells" -
inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory sense -
have an element suggestive (of something) "his speeches smacked of racism","this passage smells of plagiarism" -
the act of perceiving the odor of something -
any property detected by the olfactory system -
the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents -
the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form "she loved the smell of roses" -
the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people "the feel of the city excited him","a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting","it had the smell of treason"
The quality of any thing or substance, or emanation therefrom, which affects the olfactory organs; odor; scent; fragrance; perfume; as, the smell of mint. "Breathing the smell of field and grove.", "That which, above all others, yields the sweetest smell in the air, is the violent." -
The sense or faculty by which certain qualities of bodies are perceived through the instrumentally of the olfactory nerves. See Sense. -
To affect the olfactory nerves; to have an odor or scent; -- often followed by of; as, to smell of smoke, or of musk. -
To detect or perceive, as if by the sense of smell; to scent out; -- often with out. "I smell a device.", "Can you smell him out by that?" -
To exercise sagacity. -
To exercise the sense of smell. -
To give heed to. "From that time forward I began to smell the Word of God, and forsook the school doctors." -
To have a particular tincture or smack of any quality; to savor; as, a report smells of calumny. "Praises in an enemy are superfluous, or smell of craft." -
To perceive by the olfactory nerves, or organs of smell; to have a sensation of, excited through the nasal organs when affected by the appropriate materials or qualities; to obtain the scent of; as, to smell a rose; to smell perfumes.
To perceive through the nose, by means of the olfactory nerves; perceive the scent of; scent; nose. -
To perceive as if by smell; perceive in any way; especially, to detect by peculiar sagacity or a sort of instinct; smell out. -
To inhale the smell or odor of; test by the sense of smell: oftener intransitive, with of or at. -
To give out an odor; affect the olfactory sense: as, the rose smells sweet. -
Specifically, to give out an offensive odor: as, how the place smells! -
To have an odor (of a specified kind); be scented with: with of: as, to smell of roses. -
Figuratively, to appear to be of a certain nature or character, as indicated by the smell: generally followed by like or of. -
To inhale a smell or odor as a gratification or as a test of kind or quality, etc.: colloquially with of, formerly sometimes with to or unto. -
To snuff; try to smell something; figuratively, to try to smell out something: generally with about: as, to go smelling about. -
The faculty of perceiving by the nose; senseperception through the olfactory nerves; the olfactory faculty or function; the physiological process or function whereby certain odoriferous qualities of bodies, as scent or effluvium, are perceived and recognized through sensation; olfaction; scent; often with the definite article, as one of the special senses: as, the smell in dogs is keen. The essential organ of smell is located in a special part or lobe of the brain, the rhinencephalon, or olfactory lobe, whence are given off more or fewer olfactory nerves, which pass out of the cranial cavity into the nasal organ, or nose, in the mucous or Schneiderian membrane of the interior of which they ramify, so that air laden with odoriferous particles can affect the nerves when it is drawn into or through the nasal passages. In man the sense of smell is very feeble and imperfect in comparison with that of many animals, especially of the carnivores, which pursue their prey by scent, and ruminants, which escape their enemies by the same means. Smell in the lower animals seems to be the guiding sense in determining their choice of food. -
That quality of anything which is or may be smelled; an odoriferous effluvium; an odor or scent, whether agreeable or offensive; a fragrance, perfume, or stench; aroma: as, the smell of thyme; the smell of bilge-water. -
A faint impression; a subtle suggestion; a hint; a trace: as, the poem has a smell of the woods. -
An act of smelling: as, he took a smell at the bottle. Synonyms Smell, Scent, Odor, Savor Perfume, Fragrance, Aroma, Stench, Stink, Smell and scent express the physical sense, the exercise of the sense, and the thing which appeals to the sense. The others have only the last of these three meanings. Of the nine words the first four may express that which is pleasant or unpleasant, the next three only that which is pleasant, the last two only that which is very unpleasant. Smell is the general word; the others are species under it. Scent is the smell that proceeds naturally from something that has life: as, the scent of game; the scent of the tea-rose. Odor is little more than a Latin substitute for smell; as, the odor of musk, of decaying vegetation; it may be a dainty word, as smell cannot be. Savor is a distinctive smell, suggesting taste or flavor, proceeding especially from some article of food: as, the savor of garlic. Perfume is generally a strong or rich but agreeable smell. Fragrance is best used to express fresh, delicate, and delicious odors especially such as emanate from living things: as, the fragrance of the violet, of new-mown hay, of the breath of an infant. Aroma should be restricted to a somewhat spicy smell; as, the aroma of roasted coffee, or of the musk-rose. Stench and stink are historically the same word, in different degrees of strength, representing a strong, penetrating, and disgusting odor; stink is not for polite use.
smel to affect the nose: to have odour: to use the sense of smell -
to perceive by the nose:—pa.t. and pa.p. smelled or smelt -
the quality of bodies which affects the nose: odour: perfume: the sense which perceives this quality
Come up smelling of roses - (UK) If someone comes up smelling of roses, they emerge from a situation with their reputation undamaged.
Smell a rat - If you smell a rat, you know instinctively that something is wrong or that someone is lying to you.
Wake up and smell the coffee - When someone doesn't realise what is really happening or is not paying enough attention to events around them, you can tell them to wake up and smell the coffee.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. smellen, smillen, smullen,; cf. LG. smellen, smelen, smölen, schmelen, to smoke, to reek, D. smeulen, to smolder, and E. smolder,. Cf. Smell (n.)
Old People Smell Different, Not Worse.
Walking into The Dock restaurant at Fair Park early Labor Day morning, you smell nothing but cotton candy, grease and arrhythmia.
She just likes that fresh outdoor smell.
This week Iran revealed a perfume device that its inventor claims hides the smell of gunpowder.
The one who's had the "For Sale" sign on the front lawn for longer than it's comfortable for either of you to discuss -- can practically smell escrow.
Variation in the Smell of Our Sweat Can Convey Fear or Disgust.
Microbes give your house its distinctive smell.
And, boy, did that Cadillac smell by the time he got back.
They're rarities in that most stadiums these days still have that new-stadium smell wafting around.
Now, imagine it smelling terrible—like the-baddest-breath-you've-ever-smelled kind of terrible.
Residents said they smelled gas.
Walking into Scottsdale's Geisha A Go Go, one is overwhelmed with sights and smells.
(CBS News) There may be hope for people who are unable to smell.
You can almost see the lasers and smell the smoke while listening to this cracking live performance from Austin dance-rock duo Ghostland Observatory.
"Dog droppings, it doesn't smell good," said one resident.
This shows the usefulness of such methods to give sharp explicit results, even in situations that do not a priori smell like dependent spin systems and Gibbs-measures.
Universal bounds on the selfaveraging of random diffraction measures
Smell as a computational resource - a lesson we can learn from the ant.
The Cover Time of Deterministic Random Walks
Of course this “smells” like a critical phenomenon, but in order to make contact with the general theory, we need to convert our result to an expression where the symmetry is broken in the bulk, i.e. by a fermion mass term.
The phase transition in the multiflavour Schwinger model
Males with a strong or frequent signal might attract more mates simply because they are noticed more quickly or farther away, or because females are sensitive to the signal because it also occurs in other contexts (like a pheromone with a smell similar to that of food).
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics
Perhaps the most basic is ”how to smell the pasta?”.
Neutron Star Crust and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
And great heaven's, how it did smell. "How Private George W. Peck Put Down The Rebellion or, The Funny Experiences of a Raw Recruit - 1887" by
We were aroused by a horrible smell. "New Treasure Seekers" by
I was just feeling a bit of tired, and then I took a smell of poppy-heads and away went the tiredness to Jericho. "The Manxman A Novel - 1895" by
Now I dare say the Old Squire thinks he smells tramps and wants to bite them. "Last Words" by
As for him, he had smelled them the night before after everybody was asleep. "Frank of Freedom Hill" by
They smelled very romantic. "Fairy Prince and Other Stories" by
Mr. Man up'n ax 'im is he got a bad cole, en Brer Rabbit 'spon' dat he smell sump'n' w'ich it don't smell like ripe peaches. "Nights With Uncle Remus" by
How disagreeably it smells! "Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2" by
They threw themselves on the damp earth which smelled so fresh. "Jewish Children" by
Smelts smell like cucumbers: the green-bone fish and the mackerel smell alike. "More Science From an Easy Chair" by
And the death-smell
All his life's sweetness bled
Into a smile.
‘What a delicious aroma!
It smells as if a town
Was being burnt down.’
To smell, to crumble the dark earth,
While the robin sings over again
Sad songs of Autumn mirth.
O blessed falling glass!
O blessed fan of cold gray cloud!
O blessed smelling grass!
But to the dress I wore
The rose's smell, the thought of you,
Are wed forevermore.
On the spotless hill and dell,
Oh, how beautiful they all are,
And how fragrant too they smell.