in match play a side that stands as many holes ahead as there are holes remaining to be played "he was dormie three and still lost the match"
In golf, noting the condition of a player when he is as many holes ahead of his opponent as there remain holes to be played.
dor′mi a term applied to one player at golf, when he is as many holes ahead as there remain holes to be played.
Dormie Club Raises Research Monies.
Dormie Club Raises Research Monies .
Ho Saint Siobe, cap de Gascoigne, ta pla dormy jou, quand aquoest taquain me bingut estee. "Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete." by
It was a very cheerful little party dining that night at the Dormy House Club. "The Kingdom of the Blind" by
We've been down at the Dormy House at Brancaster and he's as right as a trivet now. "The Evil Shepherd" by
It was Dormy Jamais, the man who never slept. "The Battle Of The Strong, Complete A Romance of Two Kingdoms" by
Anstataux kusxi nokte sur lito aux almenaux sur mola tapisxo, li ecx dormis en tiu barelo. "A Complete Grammar of Esperanto" by
Ho Saint Siobe, cap de Gascoigne, ta pla dormy jou, quand aquoest taquain me bingut estee. "Gargantua and Pantagruel, Book III." by
Dormi, dormi, o fantolin. "Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan" by
He suffered just as Dormy does. "Andiron Tales" by
Don't try experimental shots on a new system when your opponent is dormy. "The Complete Golfer [1905]" by
Benedic, Domine, hoc cubiculum, respice, quinon dormis neque dormitas. "Folk-lore of Shakespeare" by
Pe când codrul negru tace;
Dorm si florile-n grãdinã -
Dormi în pace!