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The Handbook, which is the main publication that grows out of the COURAGE project, presents the initial findings of the research consortium.
This article examines the use of social media by the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ), which is one of the oldest parties in Europe. The origins of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) date back many years, and its most... more
The aim of this study is to describe the different political and social conditions of opposition activity in Hungary and Poland between 1956 and 1989, and to map the relations between the various opposition groups. It starts from the... more
The opposition in Poland and Hungary (an attempt at comparing and mapping of relations) The aim of the study is to describe the different political and social conditions of opposition activity in Hungary and Poland between 1956 and 1989,... more
The Dutch government had once launched the Ethical Policy in Indonesia, leading to the birth of the national movement. Indonesia implemented the national movement as an effort to build nationalism spirit of the people. The aim of this... more
. The article reveals the role of advocates during the political trials over the Ukrainian dissidents. It shows how the advocates were turned into the state-dependent figures and Rola adwokatów w politycznych procesach sądowych w... more
This article contributes to the growing body of literature on opposition coordination within competitive authoritarian regimes (CARs). Defining oppositional unity as the ability of key opposition parties to select one joint candidate for... more
Elections in Belarus have become “potemkinism” with the sole purpose of reinforcing the authoritarian system. During the 2020 presidential election, however, the electoral process turned from meaningless to meaningful as formerly... more
Este artículo analiza la oposición partidista en Colombia durante el período 2010-2018: los tipos de oposición que se dieron en Colombia durante los dos gobiernos de Juan Manuel Santos, sus características, los factores que explican estos... more
Die Brandanschläge in Hoyerswerda und Rostock-Lichtenhagen haben sich als Horror­szenarien eines neuen Rassismus nach der Wende in unser kollektives Gedächtnis eingebrannt. Umso bemerkenswerter ist es, dass in den zahllosen Wenderomanen... more
Because of their integration in the elaboration of national positions in the European decision-making process, Belgian subnational entities have since the 1990s favoured collaborative paradiplomacy. This has been particularly the case for... more
Modern authoritarian regimes have implemented a relatively large number of referendums in recent decades. These have had important consequences for institutional change. Applying the new Direct Democracy Integrity Index to the Turkish... more
The COURAGE country reports provide nation-specific data in a European frame of reference to categorize and compare the various collections on cultural opposition in the former socialist countries. In principle, each former socialist... more
Despite a growing body of literature on the advancement of autocratic tactics and toolkits in competitive authoritarian regimes (CARs), we lack sufficient knowledge on the strategies that the opposition builds against... more
This essay was occasionated by the death of two outstanding personalities - Helene D'Encausse, member of the French Academy and author of the book "Le Malheur russe" and of a Romanian neurologist, descendant of a former family of local... more
In large cities, clandestine journals in workplaces is a daily bread. It may be similar with us – the „Solidarny” of Wadowice in the years 1984-1990 In the years 1984-1990, in Andrychów, Kęty and Wadowice, an independent periodical... more
Little is known about how legislative actors engage with social movements in framing contests over conflictual policy issues. This article investigates the case of Myanmar and enquires into how such framing activity can play out in a... more
Colombia es uno de los países más desiguales de América Latina, que es a la vez la región más desigual del mundo. Aunque este desalentador panorama no es nuevo, si ha cobrado un lugar relevante en la agenda política nacional, despertando... more
VIIe rencontre internationale du programme La classe dirigeante de la mort de Sylla à la mort de Crassus : les mutations d'une 'culture politique'
avec la première session consacrée au projet Apollon
Les relations franco-allemandes apparaissent en 2022 particulièrement dissonantes en particulier dans les domaines économiques, financiers, militaires et stratégiques alors que les instruments mis à la disposition des gouvernements des... more
This article considers the lifeline of the Anglo-American imaginary in news. It tracks its evolution, consolidation during the Cold War era and centrality in the UK/US coverage of Brexit and Trump in 2016-2017. It argues that not only has... more
Der Beitrag geht der Frage des Verhältnisses des Staates zur Kategorie Geschlecht nach und reflektiert, wie die Kategorie Geschlecht Staat und Gesellschaft strukturiert und hierarchisiert hat. The article explores the question of the... more
Conference 'Spoudógelos. Forme del ridere nel mondo antico' to be held on 11th and 12th May 2023. The talk focusses on the traditional portrayal by the ancient literary sources of the way Claudius tackled three cases of opposition to his... more
V tomto zväzku som sa pokúsil o rozšírenie v štyroch smeroch, počnúc oblasťou zriedenej právnej teórie. V úvodnej kapitole som načrtol niektoré základné črty vývoja stredovekého a novovekého európskeho práva; v ďalších kapitolách - a to... more
This book is dedicated to the history of the struggle for power in the Russian Empire between the secret services, the army command and the political opposition on the eve and during the First World War. The main object of research is the... more
Colombia es uno de los países más desiguales de América Latina, que es a la vez la región más desigual del mundo. Aunque este desalentador panorama no es nuevo, si ha cobrado un lugar relevante en la agenda política nacional, despertando... more
This article compares the dynamics of polarization in the eleven case studies analyzed in this special issue to draw conclusions about antecedents of severe political and societal polarization, the characteristics and mechanisms of such... more
This article argues that a common pattern and set of dynamics characterizes severe political and societal polarization in different contexts around the world, with pernicious consequences for democracy. Moving beyond the conventional... more
The recent global wave of autocratization is characterized by the incremental subversion of democracy from within by elected governments (democratic erosion). This article explains why democratic erosion is hard to reverse for opposition... more
Since 2011, protests in post-communist Romania have changed their goals. Protesters claim to guard fundamental values of democracy such as the rule of law and fair representation and to rise against institutions crippled by corruption. In... more
A Kádár-rendszer ellenzékét a ’80-as évekre kialakult meghatározó szellemi irányzatok köré szerveződött csoportosulások alkották, akik majd egy évtizeddel később meghatározó hatalmi tényezővé váltak. A szellemi körök képviselőire jellemző... more
Nossa proposta neste artigo é analisar o debate teórico sobre o presidencialismo tendo como eixo central o tema da governabilidade e sua relação com a atuação das oposições partidárias na arena legislativa, brasileira e latinoamericana.... more