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ערב רב: פנים וחוץ בוויכוח הפרנקיסטי הוא ספר מרתק וחדשני החושף את סיפורה הייחודי של התנועה הפרנקיסטית, תנועה יהודית אפיקורסית שצמחה בפולין והתפשטה במרכז אירופה במחצית השנייה של המאה ה-18. בעיני רוב היהודים פרנק היה 'משיח שקר' ידוע לשמצה.... more
Slovakia’s relations with the states of Eastern Europe not only have a bilateral impact, but contain geopolitical, security and economic dimensions as well. This article analyzes the domestic, bilateral and multilateral aspects of... more
The monograph dedicated to the analysis of the politics of history in Ukraine, 'Eastern Europe', and 'Western Europe' in the 1980s - 2010s. Rich empirical material, detailed analysis of roles and performances of state (President,... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
In February 1948, during the political crisis in Czechoslovakia was established a communist regime. This event completed the formation of the Soviet bloc in Europe. It directly impacted the US containment policy towards the USSR and the... more
This chapter discusses the evolution of minority policies in Poland after 1945 in the context of the processes of ethnic homogenization and nationalization of the Polish state. It analyses the impact of political changes and ethnic... more
Decision making has become slow in the 27-member European Union and the Treaty of Nice distributed power in a somewhat arbitrary way. The Lisbon Treaty makes decision making easier, and streamlines the process by removing the most... more
Мы хотим проверить, возможно ли путём нарративного анализа доказать, что Пелевин пишет один мегатекст, как утверждает, например, Яворник. Нас интересует, насколько Пелевин схематичен в нарративной конструкции своих текстов. Кроме того... more
Although it appears that China's state capitalism model means that it utilises Chinese companies in the service of foreign policy, the reality is more complex. The Beijing government is not always able to control the behaviour of its... more
PRESENTATION L'Europe centrale est un ensemble de pays et de cultures enchevêtrées caractérisé par une « histoire partagée » Les villes multiculturelles en sont l'une des spécificités Vienne Prague Budapest Berlin Varsovie Odessa... more
Public houses-inns, taverns, and alehouses-during the Jagiellonian Dynasty (1385-1572) in Cracow functioned as important establishments in the diplomatic services of kings, city officials, and the nobility. Not only did these locales... more
Wybór Stefana Batorego na tron Rzeczypospolitej utorował drogę do kariery także członkom jego rodziny. Po niespodziewanej śmierci króla jego ambitne plany usiłowało zrealizować czterech bratanków, przede wszystkim zaś Andrzej, uważany za... more
Najobszerniejszy jak dotąd wybór twórczości eseistycznej Krzysztofa Czyżewskiego umiejscawia Europę Środkową w samym środku najważniejszych dla współczesnego świata pytań i problemów: kryzysu wspólnotowości, pogłębiających się podziałów i... more
"The mausolea of communist leaders, a major component of Stalinist symbolic politics, are still shrouded in mystery. Some are destroyed, like Dimitrov’s in Sofia, Gottwald’s in Prague and Neto’s in Luanda. The Lenin mausoleum in Moscow is... more
Márai Sándor sikere a nemzetközi könyvpiacon az ezredforduló éveitől hatásos cáfolatát jelenti az író várakozásainak, hiszen az emigrációban is magyarul alkotó szerző nem hitt saját műveinek fordíthatóságában. A külföldi Márai-olvasás... more
Galicia was called by its 19th-century contemporaries 'an India of Europe' as it was the poorest province of the Habsburg Empire. This paper presents a global history of ideas and people that connects India's colonial experience with... more
This article analyzes Regards from Serbia (2007), a comic strip diary by Aleksandar Zograf, a Serbian underground cartoonist, as an instance of the alternative, anti-nationalist oppositional media space during the Yugoslav War. Drawing on... more
Stjepan II Kotromanic was the first Bosnian ruler that extends his rule to the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The paper treats this important and crucial part of Bos nian medieval history that took place in 1326. In addition to the course of... more
Although the Hours of the Virgin Mary (Horae/Cursus/Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis) usually figured in Latin in books of hours, vernacular translations were also made of the text. The first half of the paper gives a short overview... more
The town of Hradec Králové was tied up by a classicist fortress for a major part of the 19th century. The fortress was abolished and started to be pulled down in the 1870s, thus the vast building sites were created to build a new city.... more
Utjecaj češke na hrvatsku arhitekturu 20. stoljeća izuzetno je velik, djelom zahvaljujući djelovanju čeških arhitekata u Hrvatskoj (na primjer u izgradnji kompleksa Batine tvornice u Borovu), no još više stoga što je cijeli niz... more
Conference proceedings published in the fourth volume of conference series Slovensko v rokoch neslobody 1938 – 1989 deal with various issues concerning relations of Slovakia and Slovaks with their neighbours, other European countries,... more
Articles by: Elliot R. Wolfson, Joseph Dan, Rachel Elior, Ada Rapoport-Albert, Gadi Sagiv, Moshe Hallamish, Dov Schwartz, Wojciech Tworek, Naftali Loewenthal, Israel Bartal, Jonatan Meir, Maya Balakirsky Katz, Alon Dahan, Ariel Roth,... more
In the early twentieth century, three provinces of the Austrian half of the Habsburg Empire enacted national compromises in their legislation that had elements of non-territorial autonomy provisions. Czech and German politicians in... more
Joseph Roth dessine dans La Marche de Radetzky (1932) une carte souterraine que le lecteur est invité à reconstituer, à l’aide d’indications spatiales parfois très précises, parfois au contraire vagues ou tronquées ou encore délibérément... more
Predkladaná publikácia sa zameriava na udalosti spojené so študentskými protestmi na slovenských vysokých školách, najmä v Bratislave, na jar 1956. Využíva prístupy historických a politických vied. Protesty sú analyzované v kontexte... more
The Transformation of Confessional Cultures in a Central European City results from a series of projects about the history of Olomouc, a medium-sized royal city in Moravia in the present-day Czech Republic. Set in its regional as well as... more
“Note tricolori. La storia dell’Italia contemporanea nella popular music”, a cura di P. Carusi e M. Merluzzi, Pisa, Pacini, 2021.
Borbély, Á & Lambert, M. (1995) Hungarian-English Dictionary of Tasks in Conductive Education / Magyar-Angol Konduktív Pedagógiai Feladatsor Szakszótár. Second edition / Második Kiadás. Budapest: MOIRA.
Article is focused on the development of the political philosophy of Milan Šimečka from the critic of the utopian elements in the official ideology of Communist regime to the formulation of the programm of the open society.
The article focuses on the drawings and oleography of Ferdinand Quiquerez titled Crossing the Sava River at Brod (1878/79), a visual metaphor of the Austro-Hungarian occupation (and administration) of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The... more
Das heute in der Westukraine gelegene Brody wurde im Zuge der Ersten Teilung Polens 1772 Teil des Habsburgerreichs und war rund 150 Jahre lang dessen nordöstlichste Grenzstadt. Nach einer anfänglichen Blüte setzte in der zweiten Hälfte... more
What is the relationship between ethnic diversity and sovereign territoriality? Central Europe was a bustling laboratory for this question both before and after the dissolution of the Habsburg Empire. The notion of minority rights... more