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On 11 June, DPI hosted an online roundtable meeting entitled ‘Opposition’s Perspective on the Political, Social and Economic Effects of COVID-19 in Turkey’ with Temel Karamollaoğlu, Leader of Felicity (Saadet) Party. During the... more
Ruch Młodej Polski (RMP, the Young Poland Movement) was a countrywide political opposition organization created in 1979 in Poland. Its publications appeared in many places: Trójmiasto,1 Warsaw, Kraków, Łódź, and Słupsk; sometimes they... more
Die militant antikommunistische "Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit" (KgU) wird in der Regel mit ihrem Wirken in die Sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands und DDR verbunden. Der Beitrag zeichnet nach, wie sich die Organisation in... more
„Lengyel, magyar, két jó barát” – tartja az ismert mondás, amelyet 1981-ben még a Kontroll Csoport is megénekelt. Mégis, mára szinte feledésbe merült, hogy a hetvenes évek második felétől kezdve e hagyományos baráti viszonyt a két ország... more
RÉSUMÉ Le Printemps de Prague de 1968 est un événement complexe, ambivalent et multiforme. On y découvre du meilleur et du pire. Il achève une époque où une réforme du communisme paraissait à certains encore possible. Il a marqué non... more
Elections without content are characteristic of electoral authoritarianism. This article illustrates how the “election game” featuring “elections for the sake of elections” can contribute to the consolidation of an authoritarian regime.... more
Examining the relationship between a strengthened Iraqi state under the Baʿth regime and the Assyrians, a Christian ethno-religious group, Alda Benjamen studies the role of minorities in twentieth-century Iraqi political and cultural... more
وقتی در یازدهم اسفند ۱۳۵۳ (دوم مارس ۱۹۷۵میلادی) محمدرضا پهلوی در کاخ نیاوران به مخاطبان خود تولد یک حزب نوظهور را با عنوان رستاخیز نوید می‌داد، هیچ‌کس گمان نمی‌کرد که اپوزیسیون در فردای آن روز با یک تحریف کوچک اما بسیار اثرگذار و ماندگار... more
El presente Volumen XII tiene 1,565 páginas, organizadas por fecha y agrupadas por mes. Abarca el texto completo de las conferencias de prensa matutinas que el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador encabezó, entre el 1 de julio y el 2... more
After toppling the 61-year dominant Barisan Nasional through a historic election victory in May 2018, expectations are high for the new ruling government led by Mahathir Mohamad and the Pakatan Harapan to fulfil their promises for... more
This thesis is a study of the politics of identity of Indonesian university students (mahasiswa) under Suharto’s New Order. It focuses on the period between 1973 and 1988 and on the period between 1989, when Indonesia entered a limited... more
Tato kniha je autorskou adaptací z francouzského originálu, který jsem původně napsal na výzvu jednoho belgického nakladatelství a i když jsem samozřejmě pro naše čtenáře českou verzi upravil, nese přece jen stále ještě stopy... more
Article based on paper presented as part of Panel 24: ‘Looting, Refusing, Negating, Embodying’ ‘Critical Refusals’ Fourth Biennal Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society, University of Pennsylvania, 27-29th October... more
[PL] W 2016 roku ustawodawca wprowadził do polskiego systemu prawnego nieznany wcześniej mechanizm powoływania członków instytucji państwowej „spośród kandydatów zgłoszonych przez kluby parlamentarne lub poselskie tworzone przez... more
"Muhalif" kelimesi Türkçe sözlükte "bir şeyin karşısında olmak" olarak açıklanır. Siyasal anlamıyla Türkçede "muhalif", kökeni üzerinden anlaşıldığı üzere, "bir şeyin hilafında olmak" anlamı taşır. Yunancada "muhalif" kelimesinin siyasal... more
Reinterpretation of the phenomenon of corruption in colonial Spanish America taking into account the studies on creolism, mentalities and bourbon reformism, discussing whether corruption is possible to be interpreted as a form of... more
Parti politik merupakan institusi politik yang menghubungkan masyarakat dan negara. Terdapat pelbagai bentuk kepartian politik di negara-negara membangun dimana kes-kes kepartian ini kerapkali dikaji berlandaskan teoritik dan... more
The use of social media has experienced an extraordinary growth in Morocco, along with the introduction of Internet at the end of the 20th century. The booming of Internet users with the quick spreading of both devices and connectivity... more
"Necrorealist" performance art and cinema movement (Russia) is analyzed in the context of the last decade of Soviet history and Soviet collapse.
"Lessons for Liberalism from the 'Illiberal East'" - Cultural Anthropology, April 2018
In 1969 changes in international politics intended the German Social Party (SPD) to support the Portuguese political opposition. In this framework, six Portuguese students, who participated and went through trial in the 1968 student... more
"Die hier beschriebene Auseinandersetzung ist für die deutsche Zeitgeschichtsforschung inhaltlich relevant. Zu verbessern wäre meines Erachtens der Umgang unter Kollegen, damit junge Wissenschaftler wie Enrico Heitzer unter solchen... more
La derrota del bando republicano y la dureza de la represión dificultaron al máximo la aparición de formas de resistencia organizadas contra el régimen franquista. En la posguerra, la guerrilla se convirtió en la única amenaza real a la... more
The article is devoted to the study of the results of the 2019 Moscow City Duma election campaign and the impact of the “smart voting” strategy proposed by A.Navalny. The authors suggest that a high assessment of this strategy, which is... more
In February 2019 popular protests erupted throughout Algeria. This inclusive and peaceful movement, commonly referred to as Hirak, started the so-called "revolution of smiles" over President Bouteflika's attempt to seek a fifth term in... more
In this paper, we examine the changing nature of an authoritarian regime, which is emerging from the social and political conditions shaped by the unconsolidated democracy in Bangladesh. Drawing on desk-based research combined with... more
Dans un numéro récent d'Africa Spectrum, Andrea Reikat, spécialiste de l'histoire orale chez les Bisa et conseillère technique GTZ, s'est généreusement proposée de faire un compte rendu de l'ouvrage : Révoltes et oppositions dans un... more
Este artículo analiza la oposición partidista en Colombia durante el período 2010-2018: los tipos de oposición que se dieron en Colombia durante los dos gobiernos de Juan Manuel Santos, sus características, los factores que explican estos... more
In an everyday perspective of resistance, there is a tendency to favor hu­man action and agency, both in the exercise of power or in the acts of resistance. The aim of this study is to examine material agency in every­day power-dynamics... more